
Creating and Executing a SQL Pass-thru Query

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Experience Level: Beginner
Familiarize people with the process of retrieving data from SQL Server using an Access pass-thru query. Microsoft Access is a very powerful client/server development tool. One of the ways that you can retrieve data from a SQL Server is by using a pass-thru query. This video covers the basics of creating and working with pass-thru queries.

Video Steps

1. The video first shows the viewer how to create a pass-thru query in Access.

2. The data in the SQL Server table that the pass-thru query will return is displayed in SQL Server Management Studio.

3. We then create the T-SQL string in the pass-thru query and create an ODBC data source that will be used to connect to the SQL Server.

4. Finally, we store the ODBC connection string in the pass-thru query so that the pass-thru query can be run at any time.

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