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Convert VB6 "Drawing" code to VB.Net

I need to convert the following VB6 code in VB.Net.   Can someone please help me
Public Sub DrawSheet()
		Dim j As Object
		Dim NewLargeChange As Short
		Dim X, n As Short
		gsy = ClientRectangle.Height / 100
		ChartScrolFactor = 75
		With VScroll1
			.Left = ClientRectangle.Width - .Width
			.Height = ClientRectangle.Height '- 41
			.SmallChange = ChartScrolFactor
			If Int((LastBuf / ChartTimeInc) / 100) > 10 * .SmallChange Then
				NewLargeChange = Int((LastBuf / ChartTimeInc) / 100)
				.Maximum = .Maximum + NewLargeChange - .LargeChange
				.LargeChange = NewLargeChange '* ChartScrolFactor + 1
				NewLargeChange = 10 * .SmallChange
				.Maximum = .Maximum + NewLargeChange - .LargeChange
				.LargeChange = NewLargeChange
			End If
		End With
		RecInd.Left = ClientRectangle.Width - 55 : RecInd.Top = 0
		ChartScreenWidth = ClientRectangle.Width - VScroll1.Width - 50
		X = System.Math.Abs(Int((ChartScaleMin - ChartScaleMax) / ChartScaleMajorInc)) ' + 1
		ChartScreenMajorInc = ChartScreenWidth / X
		ChartScreenMinorInc = ChartScreenMajorInc * (ChartScaleMinorInc / ChartScaleMajorInc)
		ChartScreenFactor = ChartScreenWidth / (ChartScaleMajorInc * X) 'pixels/div
		ChartScreenZero = 1 + (0 - ChartScaleMin) * ChartScreenFactor
		'draw header
		ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(&H0)
		'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object j. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"'
		j = -1
		HeaderHeight = 15
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.AutoRedraw was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
        'Me.AutoRedraw = True
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Cls was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		For n = 1 To ChartScreenWidth Step ChartScreenMajorInc
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Line was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
            Me.Line (n, 1) - (n, HeaderHeight)
			'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object j. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"'
			j = j + 1
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentX was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			CurrentX = n
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentY was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			CurrentY = 2
			'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object j. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"'
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Print was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			Print(Trim(Str(Int(ChartScaleMin + ChartScaleMajorInc * j))))
		Next n
		Call CalChartUpdate()
	End Sub
	'LastBuf: last record number in file buffer array
	'ScrolVal: number of vert divisions to scroll down
	Public Sub CalChartUpdate()
		Dim tStamp As Object
		Dim Failsub As Short
		Dim bX2, aX2, aX1, bX1 As Single
		Dim d, j As Short
		Dim n, k As Integer
		Dim Graphindx As Integer
		Dim CurrentTime As Date
		Dim ScrolVal As Short
		Dim VtInc As Single
		On Error GoTo esub
		ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(&HFFFF80) ' Set foreground color.
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.ScaleMode is not supported. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="8027179A-CB3B-45C0-9863-FAA1AF983B59"'
		ScaleMode = 3 ' Set ScaleMode to pixels.
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawWidth was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		DrawWidth = 1 ' Set DrawWidth.
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawStyle was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		DrawStyle = 0
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.AutoRedraw was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		Me.AutoRedraw = False
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Cls was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		j = UBound(CalData) - (ChartRoll - 1) 'set j
		'init variables
		ScrolVal = (Int(VScroll1.Value)) ' / ChartScrolFactor)) '* ChartTimeInc)
		VtInc = gsy
		'GoTo nogrid
		'draw markers
		If System.Math.Abs(yPos1 - yPos2) < 5 Then
			ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawWidth was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			DrawWidth = 2 : yPos2 = yPos1
		End If
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Line was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		Me.Line (1, yPos1) - (ClientRectangle.Width, yPos2), B
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawWidth was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		DrawWidth = 1 : ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(&HFFFF80)
		'vert grid
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawWidth was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		DrawWidth = 1 : ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(&HFFFF80)
		For n = HeaderHeight To ClientRectangle.Height Step gsy
			If n > yPos1 + 2 Or n < yPos1 - 2 Then
				'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Line was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
				Me.Line (1, n) - (ChartScreenWidth, n)
			End If
		Next n
		'horiz grid
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawStyle was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		DrawStyle = 2
		For n = 1 To ChartScreenWidth Step ChartScreenMinorInc
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Line was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			Me.Line (n, HeaderHeight) - (n, ClientRectangle.Height)
		Next n
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawStyle was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		DrawStyle = 0
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawWidth was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		DrawWidth = 2
		For n = 1 To ChartScreenWidth Step ChartScreenMajorInc
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Line was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			Me.Line (n, HeaderHeight) - (n, ClientRectangle.Height)
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentX was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			CurrentX = n
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentY was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			CurrentY = 5
		Next n
		n = j
		'draw time
		ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(&HC0C000)
		n = j - 2 : d = 0
		Do While d < 300 + ChartRoll
			d = d + 1
			If n > UBound(CalData) Then n = 0
			If Int(Second(CalData(n).RecTime) / 15) = Second(CalData(n).RecTime) / 15 Then
				If Minute(CalData(n).RecTime) + Second(CalData(n).RecTime) <> k Then 'where d= last known hour and minute stamp
					k = Minute(CalData(n).RecTime) + Second(CalData(n).RecTime)
					'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object tStamp. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"'
					tStamp = VB.Right("0" & Trim(Str(Hour(CalData(n).RecTime))), 2) & ":" & VB.Right("0" & Trim(Str(Minute(CalData(n).RecTime))), 2) & ":" & VB.Right("0" & Trim(Str(Second(CalData(n).RecTime))), 2)
					'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentX was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
					CurrentX = ClientRectangle.Width / 2
					'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentY was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
					CurrentY = ((CalData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight
					'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object tStamp. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"'
					'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Print was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
				End If
			End If
			n = n + 1
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentY was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			If CurrentY > ClientRectangle.Height Then
				Exit Do
			End If
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawWidth was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		DrawWidth = 4
		n = j - 2 : d = 0
		Do While d < 300 + ChartRoll
			d = d + 1
			If n > UBound(CalData) Then n = 0
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentY was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			CurrentY = ((CalData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight
			Select Case CalData(n).Mode
				Case 0 ' GC_Sample + CC_TC * 2'vbWhite       &HFFFFFF
					ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(&HC00000) 'vbBlue
				Case 1
					ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(&HC0) 'vbRed
				Case 2
					ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(&HC000) 'vbGreen
				Case 3
					ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(&HC0C0) 'vbYellow
			End Select
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentY was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Line was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			Me.Line (6, CurrentY) - (6, CurrentY + gsy)
			n = n + 1
			'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.CurrentY was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
			If CurrentY > ClientRectangle.Height Then Exit Do
			'If n = j - 2 Then Exit Do
		'draw graphs
		'Exit Sub
		n = j - 2
		Do  'find latest annalog reading channel 1
			If n > UBound(CalData) Then
				n = 0 : Failsub = Failsub + 1
			End If
			If Failsub > 1 Then
				Exit Sub
			End If
			If CalData(n).ChannelID = 1 Then
				aX1 = CalData(n).Value * (ChartScreenFactor / Atten) + ChartScreenZero
				Exit Do
			End If
			n = n + 1
		Loop Until Failsub = 2
		n = j - 2
		Do  'find latest annalog reading channel 5
			If n > UBound(CalData) Then n = 0
			If CalData(n).ChannelID = 8 Then
				bX1 = CalData(n).Value * (ChartScreenFactor) + ChartScreenZero
				Exit Do
			End If
			n = n + 1
			If n > UBound(CalData) Then Exit Do
		n = j : d = 0
		Do While d < 300 + ChartRoll 'draw pen 1 and 2, depth markers, depth labels
			d = d + 1
			If n > UBound(CalData) Then n = 0
			Select Case Val(CStr(CalData(n).ChannelID))
				Case 1 'draw pen 1
					ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(QBColor(1))
					'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawWidth was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
					DrawWidth = 1
					aX2 = CalData(n).Value * (ChartScreenFactor / Atten) + ChartScreenZero
					'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Line was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
					Me.Line (aX1, ((CalData(n).Indx - 1 - ScrolVal) * VtInc) + HeaderHeight) - (aX2, ((CalData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * VtInc) + HeaderHeight)
					aX1 = aX2
				Case 8 'draw pen 2
					ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(QBColor(12))
					'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.DrawWidth was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
					DrawWidth = 1
					bX2 = CalData(n).Value * (ChartScreenFactor) + ChartScreenZero
					'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form method VcrCal.Line was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
					Me.Line (bX1, ((CalData(n).Indx - 1 - ScrolVal) * VtInc) + HeaderHeight) - (bX2, ((CalData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * VtInc) + HeaderHeight)
					bX1 = bX2
			End Select
			n = n + 1
			If (CalData(n - 1).Indx - ScrolVal) * VtInc > ClientRectangle.Height Then
				Exit Do
			End If
		'Debug.Print Err.Number
		'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Form property VcrCal.AutoRedraw was not upgraded. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="CC4C7EC0-C903-48FC-ACCC-81861D12DA4A"'
		Me.AutoRedraw = True
	End Sub

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The original code is used to display gathered data in a graph.  The original programmer did everything in VB6, and is nowhere to be found.  I have been given his software so that I can change and improve some things.  However, I have worked only w/ .Net and never VB6.  I have become quite skilled at what I do in .Net, but I have never done anything that has required be to make use of drawing objects in this manner, so unfortunately I am but a novice in this area.  

I have included to images below.  The first image is what the form looks like at design time and the second, at runtime.  

I greatly appreciate any assistance that anyone can give me on this matter and if possible, any kind of code that would allow me to produce such a graph would be an enormous help as this aspect of the project is the only area that I cannot handle by myself.  As I'm sure you all know, it always takes much longer to become familiar with a new area of coding by yourself than it does to learn from someone else's example.  Also, I am on a tight time frame with this project and it is going to be very hard for me to learn this part of the programming from scratch and still meet my deadline.

Thank you very very much in advance and let me know if there is any more information that I can provide to help you guys out!!! :)
I know it is lengthy, but I decided to go ahead and paste the rest of the code from the form just in case it would make anything easier.  This is the original VB6 code.
Begin VB.Form Vcr1 
   Appearance      =   0  'Flat
   AutoRedraw      =   -1  'True
   BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
   Caption         =   "Chart"
   ClientHeight    =   6816
   ClientLeft      =   60
   ClientTop       =   -2676
   ClientWidth     =   8160
   ControlBox      =   0   'False
   FillColor       =   &H00C0FFFF&
   FillStyle       =   0  'Solid
   FontTransparent =   0   'False
   Icon            =   "vcr.frx":0000
   LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
   MaxButton       =   0   'False
   MinButton       =   0   'False
   NegotiateMenus  =   0   'False
   ScaleHeight     =   568
   ScaleMode       =   3  'Pixel
   ScaleWidth      =   680
   StartUpPosition =   2  'CenterScreen
   Visible         =   0   'False
   Begin VB.Timer DispRefreshTimer 
      Interval        =   999
      Left            =   6960
      Top             =   6120
   Begin VB.VScrollBar VScroll1 
      CausesValidation=   0   'False
      Height          =   6570
      LargeChange     =   50
      Left            =   7800
      TabIndex        =   0
      TabStop         =   0   'False
      Top             =   0
      Width           =   225
   Begin VB.Label RecInd 
      Alignment       =   2  'Center
      BackColor       =   &H000000FF&
      Caption         =   "REC"
      BeginProperty Font 
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   9.6
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      ForeColor       =   &H0080FFFF&
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   7200
      TabIndex        =   1
      Top             =   0
      Visible         =   0   'False
      Width           =   615
   Begin VB.Menu DisplayReal 
      Caption         =   "Run"
      Enabled         =   0   'False
      Begin VB.Menu StartScan 
         Caption         =   "Start"
      Begin VB.Menu StopScan 
         Caption         =   "Stop"
         Enabled         =   0   'False
   Begin VB.Menu CalMode 
      Caption         =   "Calibration"
   Begin VB.Menu DilutionControls 
      Caption         =   "Dilution"
      Begin VB.Menu DilutionValveOpen 
         Caption         =   "On"
         Enabled         =   0   'False
      Begin VB.Menu DilutionValveClosed 
         Caption         =   "Off"
         Enabled         =   0   'False
      Begin VB.Menu SetDilution 
         Caption         =   "Set"
   Begin VB.Menu RecordingOnOff 
      Caption         =   "Record"
      Enabled         =   0   'False
      Begin VB.Menu StartRecording 
         Caption         =   "Start Recording"
      Begin VB.Menu StopRecording 
         Caption         =   "Stop Recording"
         Enabled         =   0   'False
   Begin VB.Menu AddAnnotation 
      Caption         =   "Chart"
      Index           =   0
      Begin VB.Menu ChartdisplaySettings 
         Caption         =   "Chart Settings"
      Begin VB.Menu ChartInput 
         Caption         =   "ChartNotes"
         Begin VB.Menu DepthLagChange 
            Caption         =   "Set Depth Lag"
         Begin VB.Menu DepthChange 
            Caption         =   "Set Depth"
         Begin VB.Menu CallLithogDialog 
            Caption         =   "Add Lithography"
            Enabled         =   0   'False
            Index           =   0
         Begin VB.Menu AddOperatorNote 
            Caption         =   "Operator Note"
            Enabled         =   0   'False
            Index           =   0
   Begin VB.Menu ExportMenu 
      Caption         =   "Export"
      Begin VB.Menu ExportLogPlot 
         Caption         =   "Log Plot"
      Begin VB.Menu ExportText 
         Caption         =   "Text"
         Enabled         =   0   'False
   Begin VB.Menu CloseChartWindow 
      Caption         =   "Close"
Attribute VB_Name = "Vcr1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Public xPos1 As Single, yPos1 As Single, xPos2 As Single, yPos2 As Single, lastWindowState As Integer
Public ChartScaleMajorInc As Single, ChartScaleMinorInc As Single, ChartScaleMin As Single, ChartScaleMax As Single, ChartTimeInc As Single, ChartDepthInc As Single
Dim GraphPeaks(15, 1) As Double
Dim DispData() As RecData
Dim Pens(15, 1) As Double
Dim PenColor(15) As Long
Dim ChartScreenWidth As Single, ChartScreenFactor As Single, ChartScreenZero As Single, ChartScreenMajorInc As Single, ChartScreenMinorInc As Single
Dim ScrollStep As Long, HeaderHeight As Integer, gsy As Single, pageno As Integer
Private Sub AddOperatorNote_Click(Index As Integer)
 diaOperatorNotes.Show 1
End Sub
Private Sub CallLithogDialog_Click(Index As Integer)
 LithographyDialog.Show 1
End Sub
Private Sub CalMode_Click()
 Dim resp As Long
 AnalogIncData.AnalogDataTimer.Enabled = False
 resp = RunPumpCounters(False)
 AnalogIncData.AuxDataTimer.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub ChartdisplaySettings_Click()
 Dim offset As Long
 diaChartSetup.Show 1
 MousePointer = vbHourglass
 offset = LastBuf
 pageno = 0
 Call FillDispArray(offset)
 VScroll1.Value = VScroll1.Min
 MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
Private Sub CloseChartWindow_Click()
 Dim resp As Long
 AnalogIncData.AnalogDataTimer.Enabled = False
 resp = RunPumpCounters(False)
 AnalogIncData.AuxDataTimer.Enabled = False
 pageno = 0
 If REC = True Then Call StopRecording_Click
 If REC = True Then Exit Sub
 Call StopScan_Click
 Call ClearChartData
 Call ClearDashBoard
End Sub
Private Sub cmdReset_Click(Index As Integer)
 AnalogIncData.AnalogDataTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub ChartInput_Click()
 If REC = True Then
  DepthLagChange.Enabled = True
  DepthChange.Enabled = True
  'DepthLagChange.Enabled = False
  'DepthChange.Enabled = False
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub DepthChange_Click()
 diaSetDepth.Show 1
End Sub
Private Sub DepthLagChange_Click()
 diaSetDepthLag.Show 1
End Sub
Private Sub DilutionValveClosed_Click()
 DilutionValveOpen.Enabled = True
 DilutionValveClosed.Enabled = False
 OMUX_Address = 1
 OMUX_Pos(0) = 1
 OMUX_Pos(1) = -1
 OMUX_Cmd = DeactivateDigitalOutputs
 Call OptomuxDriver(SimDat)
 Dilution = 1
 If REC = True Then
  If OMUX_Error = 0 Then
    Call WriteRec(24, 100, &H25, REC)
  End If
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub DilutionValveOpen_Click()
 Dim erc As Integer
 DilutionValveOpen.Enabled = False
 DilutionValveClosed.Enabled = True
 OMUX_Address = 1
 OMUX_Pos(0) = 1
 OMUX_Pos(1) = -1
 OMUX_Cmd = ActivateDigitalOutputs
 Call OptomuxDriver(SimDat)
 Dilution = Abs(Round(Val(diaSetDilution.Text1.Text), 2))
 If REC = True Then
  If OMUX_Error = 0 Then
   Call WriteRec(24, Dilution * 100, &H25, REC)
  End If
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetDilution_Click()
 diaSetDilution.Show 1, Vcr1
 If Val(diaSetDilution.Text1.Text) <> 0 And DilutionValveClosed.Enabled = False Then DilutionValveOpen.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub ExportLogPlot_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Click()
' Call ChartUpdate
End Sub
Private Sub StartScan_Click()
 Dim resp As Long
 If Connected = True Then
  AnalogIncData.AnalogDataTimer.Enabled = True
  resp = RunPumpCounters(True)
  AnalogIncData.AuxDataTimer.Enabled = True
  GC_Sample = -1
  CC_TC = -1
  StopScan.Enabled = True
  StartScan.Enabled = False
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub StopScan_Click()
 Dim resp As Long
  AnalogIncData.AnalogDataTimer.Enabled = False
  resp = RunPumpCounters(False)
  AnalogIncData.AuxDataTimer.Enabled = False
  StopScan.Enabled = False
  StartScan.Enabled = True
  GC_Sample = -1
  CC_TC = -1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
 Dim n As Integer, OpResp As VbMsgBoxResult
 CalValid = True
 If CalibrationDue - Date + Time <= 0 Then
  'prompt for cal
 End If
 For n = 1 To 5
  If CalFactors(n, 1) = 0 Then CalValid = False
 Next n
 For n = 2 To 5
  If CalFactors(n, 3) = 0 Then CalValid = False
 Next n
 For n = 14 To 15
  If CalFactors(n, 1) = 0 Then CalValid = False
 Next n
 If CalValid = False Then
  OpResp = MsgBox("Calibration information missing or invalid !" + vbCrLf + "Calibation must be completed to continue" + vbCrLf + "Press 'OK' to continue with calibration or " + vbCrLf + "Press 'Cancel' to close file and return to main menu", vbOKCancel, "Critical Error")
  If OpResp = vbCancel Then
   'Close #hdlPumpFile
   Close #hdlProjFile
   Close #hdlChartRecFile
   Call ClearChartData
   Call ClearDashBoard
   Call InitScale
  End If
   GoTo esub
 End If
 Call DrawSheet
End Sub
Private Sub Form_GotFocus()
' Call ChartUpdate
End Sub
Private Sub StartRecording_Click()
 Dim resp As Long
 If Connected = False Then Call OptoConnect
 If Omux_Fail = True Then
  Call MsgBox("NO RESPONCE FROM I/O" + vbCrLf + "Recording function failed!" + vbCrLf + "Check Opto22 components", vbCritical)
  RecDate = Date + Time
  hdlProjFile = FreeFile
  Open ActiveFileName + ".adp" For Append As #hdlProjFile
  Print #hdlProjFile, "Recording Failed to start" + Str(RecDate)
  Close hdlProjFile
  Omux_Fail = False
  Exit Sub
 End If
 Call StartScan_Click
 Call GetOutPutFile
 REC = True
 RecInd.Visible = True
 StopRecording.Enabled = True
 StartRecording.Enabled = False
 RecDate = Date + Time
 hdlProjFile = FreeFile
 Open ActiveFileName + ".adp" For Append As #hdlProjFile
 Print #hdlProjFile, "Recording started  " + Str(RecDate)
 Close hdlProjFile
End Sub
Private Sub StopRecording_Click()
 Dim OpResp, hdlProjFile As Long, resp As Long, RecDate As Date
 OpResp = MsgBox("Warning! when recording stops all CC/TC and Hotwire ChartData" + vbCrLf + _
             "will be ignored. Pump stroke counts and Depth markers will" + vbCrLf + _
             "continue to be stored and may be added to ChartData file when" + vbCrLf + _
             "recording is resumed. Are you sure you want to stop recording ?", vbYesNo, "Stop Recording")
 If OpResp <> vbYes Then GoTo moreChart
 REC = False
 RecInd.Visible = False
 StopRecording.Enabled = False
 StartRecording.Enabled = True
 RecDate = Date + Time
 hdlProjFile = FreeFile
 Open ActiveFileName + ".adp" For Append As #hdlProjFile
 Print #hdlProjFile, "Recording stopped  " + Str(RecDate)
 Print #hdlProjFile, "At depth reading " + Str(CurrentDepth) + " feet"
 Close hdlProjFile
 Close hdlRecFile
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
 Call ReloadForm
' With Vcr1
'  .Top = Screen.Height / 25
'  .Left = Screen.Width / 25
'  .Height = Screen.Height - (Screen.Height / 10)
'  .Width = Screen.Width - (Screen.Width / 10)
' End With
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
 xPos1 = X: yPos1 = Y
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
 xPos2 = X: yPos2 = Y
 If Button = 2 Then
  PopupMenu ChartInput
  Call ChartUpdate
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
 'If Vcr1.WindowState = 0 Then Exit Sub
 lastWindowState = Vcr1.WindowState
Call DrawSheet
End Sub
Public Sub DrawSheet()
 Dim X As Integer, n As Integer
 'init variables
 gsy = ScaleHeight / 100
 ChartScreenWidth = ScaleWidth - VScroll1.Width - 50
 With VScroll1
  .Left = ScaleWidth - .Width
  .Height = ScaleHeight '- 41
  .SmallChange = 5
  If Int((LastBuf / ChartTimeInc) / 100) > 10 * .SmallChange Then
   .LargeChange = Int((LastBuf / ChartTimeInc) / 100)
   .LargeChange = 10 * .SmallChange
  End If
 End With
 RecInd.Left = ScaleWidth - 55: RecInd.Top = 0
 X = Abs(Int((ChartScaleMin - ChartScaleMax) / ChartScaleMajorInc)) + 1
 ChartScreenMajorInc = ChartScreenWidth / X
 ChartScreenMinorInc = ChartScreenMajorInc * (ChartScaleMinorInc / ChartScaleMajorInc)
 ChartScreenFactor = ChartScreenWidth / (ChartScaleMajorInc * X)
 ChartScreenZero = 1 + (0 - ChartScaleMin) * ChartScreenFactor
'draw header
 ForeColor = &H0&: j = -1
 HeaderHeight = 15
 Me.AutoRedraw = True
 For n = 1 To ChartScreenWidth Step ChartScreenMajorInc
  Line (n, 1)-(n, HeaderHeight)
  j = j + 1:  CurrentX = n:  CurrentY = 2
  Print Trim(Str(Int(ChartScaleMin + ChartScaleMajorInc * j)))
 Next n
 Call ChartUpdate
End Sub
'LastBuf: last record number in file buffer array
'ScrolVal: number of vert divisions to scroll down
Public Sub ChartUpdate()
 Dim Graphindx As Long, CurrentTime As Date, n As Long, k As Integer, d As Integer, j As Long, t1 As Double, t2 As Double
 Dim ScrolVal As Integer
 Dim Pen As Integer
 'On Error GoTo esub
 On Error Resume Next
  ForeColor = &HFFFF80         ' Set foreground color.
 ScaleMode = 3   ' Set ScaleMode to pixels.
 DrawWidth = 1   ' Set DrawWidth.
 DrawStyle = 0
 Me.AutoRedraw = False
'init variables
 ScrolVal = (Int(VScroll1.Value))
 For n = 0 To 15
  Pens(n, 0) = -500: Pens(n, 1) = -500
 Next n
 For n = 1 To DataGrid.DataFlexGrid.Rows - 1
  DataGrid.DataFlexGrid.RemoveItem (0)
 Next n
'draw markers
  If Abs(yPos1 - yPos2) < 5 Then
   ForeColor = vbRed: DrawWidth = 2: yPos2 = yPos1
  End If
  Line (1, yPos1)-(ScaleWidth, yPos2), , B
 DrawWidth = 1: ForeColor = &HFFFF80
'vert grid
  DrawWidth = 1: ForeColor = &HFFFF80
  For n = HeaderHeight To ScaleHeight Step gsy
   If n > yPos1 + 2 Or n < yPos1 - 2 Then
    Line (1, n)-(ChartScreenWidth, n)
   End If
  Next n
'horiz grid
 For n = 1 To ChartScreenWidth Step ChartScreenMajorInc
  DrawStyle = 2:  DrawWidth = 1
  For k = 1 To (ChartScaleMajorInc / ChartScaleMinorInc)
   Line (n + k * ChartScreenMinorInc, HeaderHeight)-(n + k * ChartScreenMinorInc, ScaleHeight)
  Next k
  DrawStyle = 0:  DrawWidth = 2
  Line (n, HeaderHeight)-(n, ScaleHeight)
  CurrentX = n
  CurrentY = 5
 Next n
 n = 0
'draw time
 ForeColor = &HC0C000
 Do While n < UBound(DispData)
  If n > UBound(DispData) Then n = 0
   If Minute(DispData(n).RecTime) / 10 = Int(Minute(DispData(n).RecTime) / 10) Then
    If Hour(DispData(n).RecTime) + Minute(DispData(n).RecTime) <> d Then 'where d= last known hour and minute stamp
     d = Hour(DispData(n).RecTime) + Minute(DispData(n).RecTime)
     tStamp = Right("0" + Trim(Str(Hour(DispData(n).RecTime))), 2) + ":" + Right("0" + Trim(Str(Minute(DispData(n).RecTime))), 2)
     CurrentX = ScaleWidth / 2: CurrentY = ((DispData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight
     Vcr1.Print tStamp
    End If
   End If
   n = n + 1
   If CurrentY > ScaleHeight Then Exit Do
'draw graphs
 DrawWidth = 1: n = 0
 Do While n < UBound(DispData)
  Select Case DispData(n).ChannelID
   Case 1 To 5   'draw pens GC
    Pen = DispData(n).ChannelID
    ForeColor = PenColor(Pen)
    Pens(Pen, 1) = Pens(Pen, 0): Pens(Pen, 0) = DispData(n).Value * ChartScreenFactor + ChartScreenZero
    If Pens(Pen, 1) <> -500 Then
     Line (Pens(Pen, 1), ((DispData(n).Indx - 1 - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight)-(Pens(Pen, 0), ((DispData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight)
    End If
   Case 8   'draw pen CC
    Pen = DispData(n).ChannelID
    ForeColor = PenColor(Pen)
    Pens(Pen, 1) = Pens(Pen, 0): Pens(Pen, 0) = DispData(n).Value * 5 * ChartScreenFactor + ChartScreenZero
    If Pens(Pen, 1) <> -500 Then
     Line (Pens(Pen, 1), ((DispData(n).Indx - 1 - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight)-(Pens(Pen, 0), ((DispData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight)
    End If
   Case 9    'draw pen TC
    Pen = DispData(n).ChannelID
    ForeColor = PenColor(Pen)
    Pens(Pen, 1) = Pens(Pen, 0): Pens(Pen, 0) = DispData(n).Value * 10 * ChartScreenFactor + ChartScreenZero
    If Pens(Pen, 1) <> -500 Then
     Line (Pens(Pen, 1), ((DispData(n).Indx - 1 - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight)-(Pens(Pen, 0), ((DispData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight)
    End If
   Case 32  'draw depth markers
    ForeColor = QBColor(12): DrawWidth = 1
    CurrentX = ScaleWidth * 0.95 - 25
    CurrentY = ((DispData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight
    Line (CurrentX, CurrentY)-(ScaleWidth, CurrentY)
    If DispData(n).depth / ChartDepthInc = Int(DispData(n).depth / ChartDepthInc) Then
     CurrentX = ScaleWidth * 0.95 - 50
     CurrentY = CurrentY - 6
     Print DispData(n).depth * -1  'draw depth label
    End If
  End Select
  n = n + 1
  If (DispData(n - 1).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy > ScaleHeight Then Exit Do
'draw lagged depths
 ForeColor = &H0        ' Set foreground color.
  n = 1: j = 0
  Do While j < UBound(DispData)
   j = j + 1
   If DispData(n).DepthLag / ChartTimeInc <= DispData(j).Indx And DispData(j).ChannelID = 32 Then Exit Do
  If j >= UBound(DispData) Then GoTo esub
  Do While n < UBound(DispData)
   t1 = DispData(j).RecTime
   If DispData(n).Indx + DispData(n).DepthLag / ChartTimeInc >= DispData(j).Indx Then Exit Do
   n = n + 1
  CurrentY = ((DispData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight
  Line (0, CurrentY)-(ScaleWidth * 0.02, CurrentY)
  If DispData(j).depth / ChartDepthInc = Int(DispData(j).depth / ChartDepthInc) Then
   CurrentX = ScaleWidth * 0.02
   Print DispData(j).depth
   DataGrid.DepthValue = Int(DispData(j).depth) * -1
'   DataGrid.ROPValue = Trim(Str(Round((t1 - t2) * 1440 / ChartDepthInc, 2)))
   t1 = t2
   k = n
   Do While DispData(k).Indx = DispData(n).Indx
    k = k + 1
   k = k - 1
   Do While DispData(k).Indx = DispData(n).Indx
    Select Case DispData(k).ChannelID
     Case 1 To 5
      DataGrid.GCValues(DispData(k).ChannelID) = Round(DispData(k).Value / 50, 2)
     Case 8
      DataGrid.CCValue = Round(DispData(k).Value * 5, 2)
      DataGrid.TCValue.Text = "-"
     Case 9
      DataGrid.TCValue = Round(DispData(n).Value * 10, 2)
      DataGrid.CCValue.Text = "-"
    End Select
    k = k - 1
   Call DataGrid.AddToList 'send gas values to grid
  End If
 Do While n < UBound(DispData)
  Do While j < UBound(DispData)
   j = j + 1
   If DispData(j).ChannelID = 32 Then Exit Do
  If j >= UBound(DispData) Then GoTo esub
  Do While n < UBound(DispData)
   t2 = DispData(n).RecTime
   If DispData(n).Indx + DispData(n).DepthLag / ChartTimeInc >= DispData(j).Indx Then Exit Do
   n = n + 1
  'Debug.Print n, DispData(n).DepthLag
  CurrentY = ((DispData(n).Indx - ScrolVal) * gsy) + HeaderHeight
  Line (0, CurrentY)-(ScaleWidth * 0.02, CurrentY)
  If DispData(j).depth / ChartDepthInc = Int(DispData(j).depth / ChartDepthInc) Then
   CurrentX = ScaleWidth * 0.02
   Print DispData(j).depth
   DataGrid.DepthValue = Int(DispData(j).depth) * -1
'   DataGrid.ROPValue = Trim(Str(Round((t1 - t2) * 1440 / ChartDepthInc, 2)))
   t1 = t2
   k = n
   Do While DispData(k).Indx = DispData(n).Indx
    k = k + 1
   k = k - 1
   Do While DispData(k).Indx = DispData(n).Indx
    Select Case DispData(k).ChannelID
     Case 1 To 5
      DataGrid.GCValues(DispData(k).ChannelID) = Round(DispData(k).Value / 50, 2)
     Case 8
      DataGrid.CCValue = Round(DispData(k).Value * 5, 2)
      DataGrid.TCValue.Text = "-"
     Case 9
      DataGrid.TCValue = Round(DispData(k).Value * 10, 2)
      DataGrid.CCValue.Text = "-"
    End Select
    k = k - 1
   Call DataGrid.AddToList 'send gas values to grid
  End If
  If CurrentY > ScaleHeight Then Exit Do
  n = n + 1
 DataGrid.DataFlexGrid.RemoveItem (0)
 Me.AutoRedraw = True
End Sub
Public Sub FillDispArray(offset As Long)
 Dim k As Long, d As Long, dLag As Long, omitRec As Boolean
 Dim s As Long, n As Integer, Graphindx As Integer
 Dim IndexTime As Date
 Dim SVnow As Integer, SVwas As Integer
 On Error Resume Next
 ReDim DispData(2 ^ 16)
 CurrentTime = ChartData(offset - 1).RecTime
 CurrentDepth = ChartData(offset).depth '+ 1
 c1done = False: c2done = False
 IndexTime = CurrentTime
 k = 0: Graphindx = 1
' s = offset - 1
 s = 0
 For n = 0 To 15
  GraphPeaks(n, 0) = -5000
  GraphPeaks(n, 1) = -5000
 Next n
Do While s < offset And k < UBound(DispData) 'index display data
'Do While s > 0   'index display data
 IndexTime = ChartData(offset - s).RecTime
 Do While (IndexTime - ChartData(offset - s).RecTime) * 86400 < Vcr1.ChartTimeInc And s < offset 'collect records for each index
'FOR GC  'Check for SV change
  If (ChartData(offset - s).Mode = 0 Or ChartData(offset - s).Mode = 2) Then
   SVnow = 5
  ElseIf (ChartData(offset - s).Mode = 1 Or ChartData(offset - s).Mode = 3) Then
   SVnow = 10
  End If
  If SVnow <> SVwas Then 'new SVnow
   SVwas = SVnow
   If SVnow = 10 Then
    For t = 2 To 5
     GraphPeaks(t, 1) = GraphPeaks(t, 0): GraphPeaks(t, 0) = 0
    Next t
    GraphPeaks(1, 1) = GraphPeaks(1, 0): GraphPeaks(1, 0) = 0
   End If
  End If
   'store peaks if any
  If SVnow = 5 And ChartData(offset - s).ChannelID = 1 Then 'is methane
   If GraphPeaks(1, 0) < ChartData(offset - s).Value Then
    GraphPeaks(1, 0) = ChartData(offset - s).Value
   End If
  ElseIf ChartData(offset - s).ChannelID > 1 And ChartData(offset - s).ChannelID < 8 Then 'is component
   If GraphPeaks(ChartData(offset - s).ChannelID, 0) < ChartData(offset - s).Value And ChartData(offset - s).ChannelID > 1 Then
    GraphPeaks(ChartData(offset - s).ChannelID, 0) = ChartData(offset - s).Value
   End If
  End If
  If ChartData(offset - s).ChannelID = 8 Then
   If GraphPeaks(8, 0) = -5000 Then GraphPeaks(8, 0) = 0: GraphPeaks(8, 1) = 0
   GraphPeaks(8, 0) = GraphPeaks(8, 0) + ChartData(offset - s).Value
   GraphPeaks(8, 1) = GraphPeaks(8, 1) + 1
  ElseIf ChartData(offset - s).ChannelID = 9 Then
   If GraphPeaks(9, 0) = -5000 Then GraphPeaks(9, 0) = 0: GraphPeaks(9, 1) = 0
   GraphPeaks(9, 0) = GraphPeaks(9, 0) + ChartData(offset - s).Value
   GraphPeaks(9, 1) = GraphPeaks(9, 1) + 1
  End If
'depth events
   Select Case ChartData(offset - s).ChannelID
    Case 64
     k = k + 1
     DispData(k).ChannelID = 64
     DispData(k).Indx = Graphindx
     DispData(k).RecTime = IndexTime
     DispData(k).Value = ChartData(offset - s).Value
     DispData(k).depth = ChartData(offset - s).Value
     DispData(k).DepthLag = ChartData(offset - s).DepthLag
     DispData(k).Mode = ChartData(offset - s).Mode
    Case 63
     CurrentDepthLag = ChartData(offset - s).Value
     k = k + 1
     DispData(k).ChannelID = 63
     DispData(k).Indx = Graphindx
     DispData(k).RecTime = IndexTime
     DispData(k).Value = ChartData(offset - s).Value
     DispData(k).depth = ChartData(offset - s).depth
     DispData(k).DepthLag = ChartData(offset - s).DepthLag
     DispData(k).Mode = ChartData(offset - s).Mode
    Case 32
     k = k + 1
     DispData(k).ChannelID = 32
     DispData(k).Indx = Graphindx
     DispData(k).RecTime = IndexTime
     DispData(k).Value = ChartData(offset - s).Value
     DispData(k).depth = ChartData(offset - s).depth
     DispData(k).DepthLag = ChartData(offset - s).DepthLag
     DispData(k).Mode = ChartData(offset - s).Mode
    Case Else
     omitRec = True
   End Select
  s = s + 1
'load GC values to DispData
 For n = 1 To 5
  If GraphPeaks(n, 1) <> -5000 Then
   k = k + 1
   DispData(k).ChannelID = n
   DispData(k).Indx = Graphindx
   DispData(k).RecTime = IndexTime
   DispData(k).Value = GraphPeaks(n, 1) ' peak reading
   DispData(k).depth = CurrentDepth
   DispData(k).DepthLag = ChartData(offset - s).DepthLag
   DispData(k).Mode = ChartData(n).Mode
  'Debug.Print DispData(k).ChannelID, DispData(k).Value, DispData(k).Indx
  End If
 Next n
 'load GC values to DispData
 For n = 8 To 9
  If GraphPeaks(n, 1) <> -5000 Then
   k = k + 1
   DispData(k).ChannelID = n
   DispData(k).Indx = Graphindx
   DispData(k).RecTime = IndexTime
   DispData(k).Value = GraphPeaks(n, 0) / GraphPeaks(n, 1) 'average reading
   DispData(k).depth = CurrentDepth
   DispData(k).DepthLag = ChartData(offset - s).DepthLag
   GraphPeaks(n, 0) = -5000: GraphPeaks(n, 1) = -5000
  End If
 Next n
 IndexTime = ChartData(offset - s).RecTime
 Graphindx = Graphindx + 1
 'offset = offset - s
VScroll1.Max = Graphindx
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub VScroll1_Change()
 Call ChartUpdate
End Sub
Private Sub DrawDispData(Begining As Integer, Ending As Integer, offset As Integer)
 Static charting As Integer
End Sub
Public Sub ReloadForm()
  Dim offset As Long
  If OMUX_Error = 0 And Connected = True Then
   Vcr1.RecordingOnOff.Enabled = True
   Vcr1.DisplayReal.Enabled = True
   Vcr1.CalMode.Enabled = True
  Else: OMUX_Error = 0
  End If
  PenColor(1) = vbBlack
  PenColor(2) = vbGreen
  PenColor(3) = &HC0C000     'vbCyan
  PenColor(4) = vbBlue
  PenColor(5) = vbMagenta
  PenColor(8) = vbRed
  PenColor(9) = &H80FF&  'vbYellow
  PenColor(10) = vbWhite
  ScaleMode = 3   ' Set ScaleMode to pixels.
  lastWindowState = -1
  ChartScaleMajorInc = 50
  ChartScaleMin = -50
  ChartScaleMax = 500
  ChartScaleMinorInc = 10
  ChartTimeInc = 30
  ChartDepthInc = 5
  offset = LastBuf
  Call FillDispArray(offset)
  Call DrawSheet
 DashBoard.Show 0, Vcr1
 DataGrid.Show 0, Vcr1
End Sub

Open in new window

The code you have provided is in-complete, lot of referenced objects are not available:
Where is RecData, what is it for
Thank you rachitkohli for your response.  I do realize that there are a lot of referenced objects not included in my latest post.  However, I simply posted it as a reference to my original post and how those two procedures were being called.

Here is the good news.  I had some free time this morning to actually take a look at what Idle_Mind had suggested.  After using the conversions that he gave me for Print and Line, it was actually quite simple for me to fix the first of my two posted solutions (I haven't looked at the second yet)!  I was expecting it to be much more complicated simply due to my lack of familiarity on that particular subject.  What is actually going to require the most time from me is finding an equivalent drawing style in .Net for the VB6 ones used in drawing the original graph.  However, I will probably use another post for that to see if anyone knows where to find a conversion list.

Thank you two for your feedback