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You tried to lock table while opening it

I'm using Access 2007 frontend and SQL Server 2005 backend.
I have been getting this message periodically for a while now...
          "You tried to lock table 'tblMTDaily'while opening it, but the table caonnot be locked because it is  
          currently in use.  Wait a moment, and then try the  operation again."
and I have not been able to figure out why.  tblMTDaily is created by running qryMTDailyQC
Each time the user had the problem I was unable to recreate it so I just keeping trying to find more places to close my table.  
Now I'm finally able to get the same message but only if I run the stripped out code(accde)version.  If I run the full version (accdb) I don't get the error.  No matter what report I select, if I click on the button cmdPrvDaily_Click I get the message.  The users have tried rebooting their pc's but the only way to get rid of the message is to reboot the server. Then they will be fine for awhile.
Please help!
Private Sub cmdPrvDaily_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPrvDaily_Click
    DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptDaily"
    DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptFDT"
    If IsNull(cboQCRptNo) And cboReleaseNo = "" Then
        MsgBox "QC Report Number, Release No or Dates are required."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If IsNull(cboToDate) And Not IsNull(cboFmDate) Then
        MsgBox "Enter a 'To Date' AND a 'From Date' or leave them both blank."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not IsNull(cboToDate) And IsNull(cboFmDate) Then
        MsgBox "Enter a 'To Date' AND a 'From Date' or leave them both blank."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If IsNull(cboQCRptNo) Then
        'ReleaseNo Only
        If IsNull(cboToDate) And IsNull(cboFmDate) Then
            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTDailyWR"
            txtRcdSrc = "SELECT tblMTDaily.*, tblDaily.Description FROM tblMTDaily LEFT JOIN tblDaily ON tblMTDaily.DailyId = tblDaily.DailyId"
            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
            'Date Only
            If IsNull(cboReleaseNo) Then
                DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTDailyDate"
                txtRcdSrc = "SELECT tblMTDaily.*, tblDaily.Description FROM tblMTDaily LEFT JOIN tblDaily ON tblMTDaily.DailyId = tblDaily.DailyId"
                DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                'ReleaseNo & Date
                DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTDailyWRDate"
                txtRcdSrc = "SELECT tblMTDaily.*, tblDaily.Description FROM tblMTDaily LEFT JOIN tblDaily ON tblMTDaily.DailyId = tblDaily.DailyId"
                DoCmd.SetWarnings True
            End If
        End If
        'QCRptNo Only
        If IsNull(cboFmDate) And IsNull(cboToDate) Then
            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTDailyQC"
            txtRcdSrc = "SELECT tblMTDaily.*, tblDaily.Description FROM tblMTDaily LEFT JOIN tblDaily ON tblMTDaily.DailyId = tblDaily.DailyId"
            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        End If
    End If
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    If strNoData = "Y" Then
        MsgBox "Report is Empty."
        Call CalcRoomNo
        Call RoomsByVersion
        DoCmd.OpenReport "rptDaily", acPreview 'displays report
    End If
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Exit Sub
    If Err = 3211 Then
        rs2.Close   'The database engine could not lock table 'tblMTDaily' because it is already in use by another person or process.
    End If
    If Err = 3021 Then
        rs2.Close   'No current Record, then make sure to close db or next run gets error.
    End If
    If Err = 2501 Then  'The open report action was canceled.
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Resume Exit_cmdPrvDaily_Click
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub CalcRoomNo()
On Error GoTo Err_Report_Load
'Each Test Performed can be done on more than 1 room.  The following code cycles through the code
'and saves all room numbers that correspond to a test performed into 1 record, then saves it to a make table.
    strTestDescription = ""
    strTestRoomDesc = ""
    strRoomNo = ""
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    'Date Only
    If IsNull(cboReleaseNo) And IsNull(cboQCRptNo) Then
        Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryTestRoomsDate")
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]
        DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTTestRoomsDaily"
        'QCRptNo Only
        If IsNull(cboReleaseNo) Then
            Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryTestRooms")
            qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo]
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTTestRooms"
            'ReleaseNo Only
            If IsNull(cboFmDate) And IsNull(cboToDate) Then
                Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryTestRoomsRel")
                qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![txtReleaseNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![txtReleaseNo]
                DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTTestRoomsRel"
                'ReleaseNo & Date
                Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryTestRoomsRelDate")
                qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![txtReleaseNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![txtReleaseNo]
                qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]
                qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]
                DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTTestRoomsRelDate"
            End If
        End If
    End If
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset
    Set rs2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblMTTestRooms", DB_OPEN_DYNASET)
    With rs
        Do While Not .EOF
        strVersionId = rs!VersionId 'this saves off version
        strTestDescription = rs!TestDescription  'this saves off test description
        strTestDescriptionCur = rs!TestDescription 'this keeps field so when eof code still works
        strRoomNo = strRoomNo & rs!RoomNo & ", "
        strTestDescriptionCur = rs!TestDescription 'this keeps field so when eof code still works
        strVersionIdCur = rs!VersionId
        If strTestDescription <> strTestDescriptionCur Or strVersionId <> strVersionIdCur Then
            With rs2
                !RoomNo = Left$(strRoomNo, Len(strRoomNo) - 2)  'deletes trailing comma
                strRoomNo = ""
            End With
        End If
    End With
    If Err = 3021 Then 'No Current Record"
        With rs2
        !RoomNo = Left$(strRoomNo, Len(strRoomNo) - 2)  'deletes trailing comma
        [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo] = !QCReportNo  'w/o this reports by ReleaseNo & Date don't print correctly
        End With
        MsgBox Err.Description
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub RoomsByVersion()
On Error GoTo Err_RoomsByVersion
    'this code creates one field with all the room numbers from this QC No.
    txtRoomNoAll = ""
    'Date Only
    If IsNull(cboReleaseNo) And IsNull(cboQCRptNo) Then
        Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryQCRoomsDate")
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate] '1st parameter
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate] '2nd parameter
        'QCRptNo Only
        If IsNull([Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboReleaseNo]) Then
                Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryQCRooms")
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo]
            'ReleaseNo & Date
            Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryRoomsRelDate")
            qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboReleaseNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboReleaseNo] '1st parameter
            qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate] '2nd parameter
            qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate] '3rd parameter
        End If
    End If
    Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset
    Set rs2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblMTDaily", DB_OPEN_DYNASET)
    With rs
        strVersionId = Nz(rs2!VersionId)
        Do While Not .EOF
        If strVersionId = rs!VersionId Then
            txtRoomNoAll = txtRoomNoAll & rs!RoomNo & ", "
            With rs2
                !RoomByVrsn = Left$(txtRoomNoAll, Len(txtRoomNoAll) - 2)
            End With
            strVersionId = rs!VersionId
            txtRoomNoAll = "" 'reset value to null for each version Id
        End If
        With rs2
            If txtRoomNoAll = "" Then 'no rooms were entered so skip update
                !RoomByVrsn = Left$(txtRoomNoAll, Len(txtRoomNoAll) - 2)
            End If
        End With
        txtRoomNoAll = ""
    End With
    Exit Sub
    If Err = 0 Then 'if table is empty code jumps here from "Do while Not .eof" so skip message
        'rs2.Close 'with close statement get error "Object invalid or no longer set"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Err = 3021 Then 'No Current Record"
        With rs2
        !RoomNo = Left$(strRoomNo, Len(strRoomNo) - 2)  'deletes trailing comma
        [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo] = !QCReportNo  ''w/o this reports by ReleaseNo & Date don't print correctly
        End With
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Resume Exit_RoomsByVersion
    End If
End Sub

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Avatar of BobRosas


I don't know if it will help but I'm displaying my code again because I  added more error messages.  I just wish I knew why it was having this problem.

Private Sub cmdPrvDaily_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPrvDaily_Click
    DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptDaily"
    DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptFDT"
    If IsNull(cboQCRptNo) And cboReleaseNo = "" Then
        MsgBox "QC Report Number, Release No or Dates are required."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If IsNull(cboToDate) And Not IsNull(cboFmDate) Then
        MsgBox "Enter a 'To Date' AND a 'From Date' or leave them both blank."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not IsNull(cboToDate) And IsNull(cboFmDate) Then
        MsgBox "Enter a 'To Date' AND a 'From Date' or leave them both blank."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If IsNull(cboQCRptNo) Then
        'ReleaseNo Only
        If IsNull(cboToDate) And IsNull(cboFmDate) Then
            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTDailyWR"
            txtRcdSrc = "SELECT tblMTDaily.*, tblDaily.Description FROM tblMTDaily LEFT JOIN tblDaily ON tblMTDaily.DailyId = tblDaily.DailyId"
            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
            'Date Only
            If IsNull(cboReleaseNo) Then
                DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTDailyDate"
                txtRcdSrc = "SELECT tblMTDaily.*, tblDaily.Description FROM tblMTDaily LEFT JOIN tblDaily ON tblMTDaily.DailyId = tblDaily.DailyId"
                DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                'ReleaseNo & Date
                DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTDailyWRDate"
                txtRcdSrc = "SELECT tblMTDaily.*, tblDaily.Description FROM tblMTDaily LEFT JOIN tblDaily ON tblMTDaily.DailyId = tblDaily.DailyId"
                DoCmd.SetWarnings True
            End If
        End If
        'QCRptNo Only
        If IsNull(cboFmDate) And IsNull(cboToDate) Then
            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTDailyQC"
            txtRcdSrc = "SELECT tblMTDaily.*, tblDaily.Description FROM tblMTDaily LEFT JOIN tblDaily ON tblMTDaily.DailyId = tblDaily.DailyId"
            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        End If
    End If
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    If strNoData = "Y" Then
        MsgBox "Report is Empty."
        Call CalcRoomNo
        Call RoomsByVersion
        DoCmd.OpenReport "rptDaily", acPreview 'displays report
    End If
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Exit Sub
    If Err = 3009 Then
        rs2.Close   'You tried to lock table 'tblMTDaily'while opening it, but the table caonnot be locked because it is currently in use.  Wait a moment, and then try the  operation again.
    End If
    If Err = 3211 Then
        rs2.Close   'The database engine could not lock table 'tblMTDaily' because it is already in use by another person or process.
    End If
    If Err = 3021 Then
        rs2.Close   'No current Record, then make sure to close db or next run gets error.
    End If
    If Err = 2501 Then  'The open report action was canceled.
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Resume Exit_cmdPrvDaily_Click
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub CalcRoomNo()
On Error GoTo Err_Report_Load
'Each Test Performed can be done on more than 1 room.  The following code cycles through the code
'and saves all room numbers that correspond to a test performed into 1 record, then saves it to a make table.
    strTestDescription = ""
    strTestRoomDesc = ""
    strRoomNo = ""
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    'Date Only
    If IsNull(cboReleaseNo) And IsNull(cboQCRptNo) Then
        Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryTestRoomsDate")
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]
        DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTTestRoomsDaily"
        'QCRptNo Only
        If IsNull(cboReleaseNo) Then
            Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryTestRooms")
            qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo]
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTTestRooms"
            'ReleaseNo Only
            If IsNull(cboFmDate) And IsNull(cboToDate) Then
                Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryTestRoomsRel")
                qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![txtReleaseNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![txtReleaseNo]
                DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTTestRoomsRel"
                'ReleaseNo & Date
                Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryTestRoomsRelDate")
                qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![txtReleaseNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![txtReleaseNo]
                qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]
                qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]
                DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMTTestRoomsRelDate"
            End If
        End If
    End If
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset
    Set rs2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblMTTestRooms", DB_OPEN_DYNASET)
    With rs
        Do While Not .EOF
        strVersionId = rs!VersionId 'this saves off version
        strTestDescription = rs!TestDescription  'this saves off test description
        strTestDescriptionCur = rs!TestDescription 'this keeps field so when eof code still works
        strRoomNo = strRoomNo & rs!RoomNo & ", "
        strTestDescriptionCur = rs!TestDescription 'this keeps field so when eof code still works
        strVersionIdCur = rs!VersionId
        If strTestDescription <> strTestDescriptionCur Or strVersionId <> strVersionIdCur Then
            With rs2
                !RoomNo = Left$(strRoomNo, Len(strRoomNo) - 2)  'deletes trailing comma
                strRoomNo = ""
            End With
        End If
    End With
    If Err = 0 Then 'if table is empty code jumps here from "Do While Not .eof" so skip message
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Err = 3021 Then 'No Current Record"
        With rs2
        !RoomNo = Left$(strRoomNo, Len(strRoomNo) - 2)  'deletes trailing comma
        [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo] = !QCReportNo  'w/o this reports by ReleaseNo & Date don't print correctly
        End With
        MsgBox Err.Description
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub RoomsByVersion()
On Error GoTo Err_RoomsByVersion
    'this code creates one field with all the room numbers from this QC No.
    txtRoomNoAll = ""
    'Date Only
    If IsNull(cboReleaseNo) And IsNull(cboQCRptNo) Then
        Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryQCRoomsDate")
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate] '1st parameter
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate] '2nd parameter
        'QCRptNo Only
        If IsNull([Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboReleaseNo]) Then
                Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryQCRooms")
        qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo]
            'ReleaseNo & Date
            Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryRoomsRelDate")
            qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboReleaseNo]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboReleaseNo] '1st parameter
            qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboFmDate] '2nd parameter
            qdf.Parameters("[Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate]") = [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboToDate] '3rd parameter
        End If
    End If
    Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset
    Set rs2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblMTDaily", DB_OPEN_DYNASET)
    With rs
        strVersionId = Nz(rs2!VersionId)
        Do While Not .EOF
        If strVersionId = rs!VersionId Then
            txtRoomNoAll = txtRoomNoAll & rs!RoomNo & ", "
            With rs2
                !RoomByVrsn = Left$(txtRoomNoAll, Len(txtRoomNoAll) - 2)
            End With
            strVersionId = rs!VersionId
            txtRoomNoAll = "" 'reset value to null for each version Id
        End If
        With rs2
            If txtRoomNoAll = "" Then 'no rooms were entered so skip update
                !RoomByVrsn = Left$(txtRoomNoAll, Len(txtRoomNoAll) - 2)
            End If
        End With
        txtRoomNoAll = ""
    End With
    Exit Sub
    If Err = 0 Then 'if table is empty code jumps here from "Do while Not .eof" so skip message
        'rs2.Close 'with close statement get error "Object invalid or no longer set"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Err = 3009 Then
        rs2.Close   'You tried to lock table 'tblMTDaily'while opening it, but the table caonnot be locked because it is currently in use.  Wait a moment, and then try the  operation again.
    End If
    If Err = 3021 Then 'No Current Record"
        With rs2
        !RoomNo = Left$(strRoomNo, Len(strRoomNo) - 2)  'deletes trailing comma
        [Forms]![frmPrevDailyDFT]![cboQCRptNo] = !QCReportNo  ''w/o this reports by ReleaseNo & Date don't print correctly
        End With
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Resume Exit_RoomsByVersion
    End If
End Sub

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Avatar of Anthony Perkins
Have you considered it might be time to reanalize and redesign your app to take advantage of MS SQL Server?  Unfortunately, coding against SQL Server in much the same way as you did MS Access is going to lead to this type of problem.  Every time you query SQL Server, all you are doing is retrieving all the records to the client and if on top of that you select DB_OPEN_DYNASET you have in effect locked all those rows.  Until you are prepared to use modern coding techniques you may be just better of sticking with MS Access as a backend database.

Sorry for the bad news.
I appreciate your input, even if the news is bad.  Since I'm new to SQL Server this is the new version and my first SQL project.  I just don't know how to make it efficient.  Any specific coding examples on what I should be replacing my existing code with would really help me learn and be able to make changes.
Thanks again..I really do apprecaite it.
You will have to start from scratch and re-analyze your whole app.  You should no longer use DAO, but rather use ADO (if you still want to use MS Access as a front-end).  You should never navigate through the rows at the client level in order to update specific rows, but rather use SQL INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries to do this.  I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.

I hope you find someone who can show you a patch or workaround for your current problem, if not you may have to roll-up your sleaves.

Good luck.
Because of time constraints I will leave this question open for awhlle in hopes someone can at least give me a patch/work around.  Starting from scratch isn't going to help at this point if I don't know ADO and SQL well enough to change my code.  If you know where I can get any coding examples for furture reference that would be great.
Thanks again.
Avatar of Jeffrey Coachman
Jeffrey Coachman
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Thank you so much for your input.  In answer to your questions, this database was created and designed in Access 2007.  
1.  It does compile as an accdb
2.  Under Access Options for Current Database I have Compact/Repair set to run on Close.  I also did it manually before I created an accde.
Do you think having it compile on close is a problem?
3.  I will try importing into a new database and then create a new accde.
4.  I will check to make sure they have the latest Service Packs and Hot Fixes for both Office and Windows.
The last time I thought I fixed the problem it worked fine for a week before they got the error again.  So I will close this question and repost as needed.
If you know where I can find some simple ADO code examples or even an on-line tutorial on converting that would obviously be of great service to me.
Thanks again.

There was no rush to close the question, you could have left it open until you made a determination.

This is so you do not accept a question that did not solve the issue.

FYI, you technically have 21 days to close a question.

21 days...Good to know!