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Calling a Module

HI , I have the code in AFTERDELCONFIRM of the form and the same code goes toe each and every form i have in the AFTERDELCONFIRM event. So instead of pasting the code in each and every form.

Can i create a single module which has this code and can i call that module in the AFTERDELCONFIRM event of every form. Please Help me as soon as possible.
Avatar of Jim Dettman (EE MVE)
Jim Dettman (EE MVE)
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Two ways to do this:
1. In the property sheet, call a function  ie.

You can easily mass update the event property for forms/reports with some code.
2. Write custom classes to sink the events:
ACC2000: How to Sink Form and Report Events to Custom Class Modules
Put his in a vba Module:

Public Function mAfterDelConfirm()

 ' you code here

End Function

Then, on the property sheet of each form ... in the After Del Confirm event put this:


FYI, here's a screen shot of what the first option looks like and what a procedure might look like.

Function StdFormCt(frm As Form, strParam As String, strParam2 As String) As Integer

  Dim rstForm As Recordset
  Dim rstFormClone As Recordset
  Dim strBM As String
  Dim UserName As String
  Dim MachineName As String

  Dim var As Variant        'Hold temp values
  Dim intRet As Integer        'Hold intReturn values
  Dim strFormTitle As String
  Dim varOpenArgs As Variant
  Dim intPage As Integer
  Dim strSQL As String

  Dim varControl As Variant
  ' Note rev 2.0 and up for A97 and up only
  Const Routine = "StdFromCT"
  Const Version = "2.0.0"

  If (fDebug) Then
    Debug.Print frm.FormName, strParam, strParam2
    Debug.Print "Form Mode  : "; gstrFormMode
    Debug.Print "Reset flag : "; gintResetForm
    Debug.Print "Requery Req: "; gintRequeryRequired
    Debug.Print "Switch to E: "; gintSwitchToEdit
    Debug.Print "Cont Add   : "; gintContinueAdd
    Debug.Print " "
    On Error GoTo StdFormCt_UnexpectedError
  End If

  StdFormCt = False

Select Case (strParam)
    ' Note that we assume that the following is true about the form:
    '    Has a lock property of Edited Records.
    '    All controls are locked.
    Case "OnOpenForm"

.....and continue

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And here's some ROUGH code you can use to add the call to the procedure in your forms.

Function DoAllForms() As Integer

    ' This function loops through all Forms
    Dim db As Database
    Dim MyDocument As Document
    Dim i
    Dim intRet As Integer

    Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
    For i = 0 To db.Containers("Forms").Documents.Count - 1
        Set MyDocument = db.Containers("Forms").Documents(i)
        Debug.Print " > Document: "; MyDocument.Name;
        Debug.Print ""
        DoCmd.OpenForm (MyDocument.Name), A_DESIGN
        Forms(MyDocument.Name).MaxButton = False
        Forms(MyDocument.Name).HelpFile = "HRAPP.HLP"
        Forms(MyDocument.Name).HelpContextId = 99999
        'intRet = glrChangePermission(1,, "USERS", DB_SEC_FRMRPT_EXECUTE, True)

        'If Mid$(NZ(Forms(, ""), 1, 4) = "=Std" Then
        '  Forms( = "=StdFormCT([Form]," & Chr$(34) & "OnActivateForm" & Chr$(34) & "," & Chr$(34) & Chr$(34) & ")"
        '  Forms( = "=StdFormCT([Form]," & Chr$(34) & "OnDeactivateForm" & Chr$(34) & "," & Chr$(34) & Chr$(34) & ")"
        'End If
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False                           'save with new settings without
        DoCmd.Close A_FORM, (MyDocument.Name)
        DoCmd.DoMenuItem 7, A_FILE, 2, , A_MENU_VER20     'sending warnings to the screen
    Next i

    DoAllForms = True

End Function

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Avatar of vihaan


Hi JDettman, thanks for replying but can you explain with the code  ( first point in u'r reply = MYAFTERDELCONFIRM) explain with the code please.

My code in the AFTERDELCONFIRM event is

Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(status As Integer)
If Status = 0 Then

Dim strsql As String

strsql = " Insert into tbl_delete(part_table, part_del,part_update_user_id,part_update_date) values ('" & Me.RecordSource & "','" & var_part_del& "',CurrentUser(), Date() )"

DoCmd.RunSQL strsql

End If

end sub .
<<Hi JDettman, thanks for replying but can you explain with the code  ( first point in u'r reply = MYAFTERDELCONFIRM) explain with the code please. >>
See what I just posted.  Your code would go in a module, which you'd then call from the event property (by modifying the property sheet manually or using the code in the last comment I posted).
If you need more information, just let me know.
Also, if your trying to track changes, it might be worth looking at this:
Maintain a history of changes
Which is a generic approach to tracking changes in a database.  
and here's one other example of that:
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this is what i tried to do but it is not working

Public Function mod_delete()

If status = 0 Then

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

Dim strsql As String

strsql = " Insert into tbl_delete(part_table, part_del,part_update_user_id,part_update_date) values ('" & Me.RecordSource & "','" & var_part_del& "',CurrentUser(), Date() )"

DoCmd.RunSQL strsql

End If

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Function

and in event property of the AFTERDELCONFIRM i tried  =mod_delete() but it faield.
<<and in event property of the AFTERDELCONFIRM i tried  =mod_delete() but it faield.>>
1.  Make sure you have the code in a general module
2. You need to pass in the values of the things your going to use in the procedure, or you need to pass in a reference to the form itself.  I would pass in a form reference. For example:
Event procedure would be:
and the code for the procedure would be as shown except for var_part_del    You either can:
1. Pass the variable into the procedure
2. Create a hidden control on the form and store it there.  Then reference the control in the procedure.

 Public Function mod_delete(frm As Form)

 Dim strsql As String

If frm.Status = 0 Then
   DoCmd.SetWarnings False
   strsql = " Insert into tbl_delete(part_table, part_del,part_update_user_id,part_update_date) values ('" & frm.RecordSource & "','" & var_part_del& "',CurrentUser(), Date() )"
   DoCmd.RunSQL strsql
   DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If

End Function

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Hi JDettman, Thanks for replying But this is the First time , I am trying to  create a custom module. So even if i ask questions , Please Please Understand.

I am gonna past the whole code i Have .

In the Main form  ( the code )
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim var_part_del As String

AfterDELCONFIRM( code)  ( this code has to be in a separate module and below i should just call that module)

Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(status As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False

if Status = 0 Then

Dim strsql As String

strsql = " Insert into tbl_delete(part_table, part_del_participant,part_update_user_id,part_update_date) values ('" & Me.RecordSource & "','" & var_part_del & "',CurrentUser(), Date() )"

DoCmd.RunSQL strsql

End If

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Sub

ONDELETE event (code)

var_part_del= Me.frm_part_id

SO, I have provided all the code Please walk me through this. Please and thanks for replying .
<<var_part_del= Me.frm_part_id>>
  Are you allowing the user to delete multiple records at one time?  If so, this will not work properly unless you call the procedure from the OnDelete event.
  OnDelete is fired once for each record deleted.  BeforeDelConfirm and AfterDelConfirm occur after OnDelete and they occur only once even if more then one record is being deleted.
 So are you allowing them to delete more then one record at a time?
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JDettman, Yes i am allowing them to delete more than one record at a time.
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Hi JDettman, I need help . Please Help me .
<<JDettman, Yes i am allowing them to delete more than one record at a time.>>
  Then you have a problem.  The code your writting looks like it wants to record one record for each record deleted.  However the AfterDelConfirm event only occurs once no matter how many records are deleted.  If you move this code to the OnDelete event, that's too early, as the user still has the chance of canceling the delete, in which case you would not want to write the records.  You have two options:
1. Restrict hte user to deleting one record at a time.
2. In the OnDelete event, write each part being deleted to a temporary table, which you would clear (or create) before doing so  Then in the AfterDelConfirm(), checking that the Status variable indicates that the delete actually occured (AfterDelConfirm fires even if the deletion is canceled), read the temp table and write your records out to tbl_delete.  This part would be simple as you could use a simple append query.
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Hi JDettman, I am making them to delete one record at a time , I do now know how to pass the variable into procedure because as you see the code i have provided above i have declared the var_part_del at module level. Bascially, the point is the when i copied the code and pasted it ina module and provided its name in the event propert of a AFTERDELCONFIRM.event.

the error i am getting is that. " the expression  you entered as a function name that microsoft access can't  find"
And i have AFTERDELCONFIRM event property = mod_delete(Form)

I did not changed anything in your code.copied and pasted it in a module. Please Help me .
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 You said that in case of deleting multiple records at a time , u told me to save those records in a temporary table in the ONDELETE event . and read that table paste the records in the delete table in AFTERDELCONFIRM event of the form.

But i need to have a criteria like  temporary table contains deleted records as well as records that are not deleted. So i need a criteria in the AFTERDELCONFIRM event where i need to read and save on;y deleted records from the temporary table to the Delete table. Please Help me . Please.
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<<But i need to have a criteria like  temporary table contains deleted records as well as records that are not deleted. So i need a criteria in the AFTERDELCONFIRM event where i need to read and save on;y deleted records from the temporary table to the Delete table. Please Help me . Please.>>
  No, the temp table would have only the records that were being deleted and it would need nothing more then the part ID field.
  Create a new table and call it tblPartsDeleted.  Include a single field, PartID.

 now in your form, for the OnDelete method, call RecordPartToBeDeleted:
Public Function  RecordPartToBeDeleted(frm as Form) as Boolean

  Dim strSQL as string

  On Error Goto RecordPartToBeDeleted_Error

   RecordPartToBeDeleted = True
   strSQL = " Insert into tblPartsDeleted (PartID) values ('" & frm.frm_part_id & "')"
   CurrentDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError


   Exit Function

    msgbox "Unexpected error " & err.number & " - " & err.desc
    RecordPartToBeDeleted = True
    Resume RecordPartToBeDeleted_Exit

End Function

 now in your form, for the AfterDelConfirm method, call RecordPartDeletes:


Public Function RecordPartDeletes(frm as Form) as Boolean

  On Error Goto RecordPartDeletes_Error

   RecordPartDeletes = True
   CurrentDB.Execute qryRecordDeletions, dbFailOnError
   CurrentDB.Execute qryClearDeleteTable, dbFailOnError


   Exit Function

    msgbox "Unexpected error " & err.number & " - " & err.desc
    RecordPartToBeDeleted = True
    Resume RecordPartDeletes_Exit

End Function

  qryRecordDeletions is a seperate append query which you can write to look at tblPartsDeleted and append records into your tbl_delete.
  qryClearDeleteTable is a query that deletes all records from tblPartsDeleted.  This should also be done when the form first opens.
 Sorry for the delay, but please understand that Experts are volunteers; this is not a job for any of us.  I happen to be very busy right now and am getting back to your question as fast as I can.
 It also does not help that your question is changing.  You asked how you could run the same code from multiple forms, which I answered.  Now, I'm helping you actually write the code to do what you want, which is something totally different then what you asked originally.
If I had known that it was going to turn into this, I would not have commented in the first place.  I thought though it was going to be a simple question.
Also, if you do not feel that your getting help fast enough on a question, you can click the "request attention" button at the top.  A moderator may then ask for additional help.
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I am sorry JDettman, if you felt that i am pushing you. I am really sorry. that was not my intention at all. Anyways, I will get back to you.  you can respond to my questions( if i have any after implementing the above code), respond  whenever you find time . thank you.
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HI JDettman,  whenever you find time, no rush, But please do reply because you understood the concept, what iam trying to do here. I will be very grateful , if you help me out i know that you are trying and going out of your way to help me out. But i do not why, but this is getting tricky. thank you.

I encountering the same problem which is

The expression OnDelete you entered as the event property setting produced the following error : the expression you entered has a function name that microsoft access can't find

* the expression may not result in the name of  a macro, the name of a user- defined function, or [Event Procedure]
* there may have been an error evaluating the function , event or macro
It is not a problem for me, I just want to make sure you understood what the situation was.  Many mis-understand what EE is all about and think that the Experts are paid by EE and sit there waiting for questions.  Instead it is simply people helping other people out.
<<The expression OnDelete you entered as the event property setting produced the following error : the expression you entered has a function name that microsoft access can't find>>
Make sure that you have:
A. Pasted the two functions into a general module.
B. You have spelled the function names correctly in the property sheet.
  If you still can't get this to work after checking that, then I would like you make a small sample DB (if possible) with just this form and the module with the code and post it to the site or e-mail it to me if it's confidential.
I leave Sunday for a one week trip and would like to have this finished up with you before the weekend.
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general module is nothing but creating a module under the modules section in the switchboard manager . thats what i did. yes i did spelled the names correctly. and i will mail the database to you.

One more thing is that does this code work for single record deletion too. because i have continous forms as well as single forms. But I should have everything separate for continous as well as single forms then i will do that. No pressure. Thank You I will send the database  like in 2 hours. COuld you back in 2 hours.
Yes, I will still be here in 2 hours, but it is nearing the end of my day.
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Hi JDettman,.  I mailed the database to your email id . Thanks for helping me out.
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Hi JDettman, Let me know whether the database is fine for you to implement the code. Thank You.
" I mailed the database to your email id . Thanks for helping me out. "
That violates EE rules.  You need to upload here using the File >> Attach below so that any Expert can examine the database.

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please use  the attached sample database
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Hi JDettman, Before you work on the database. I restricted users to delete only one record at a time even on the continous forms. I am just letting you know so that you do not have to work more on that. It brings us back to the same point. I mean there will be only one general module having the AFterDeLCOnfirm event code in it. And i will be calling that function in the event property of the AFTERDELCONFIRM event. But i get the same error which is

The expression OnDelete you entered as the event property setting produced the following error : the expression you entered has a function name that microsoft access can't find

* the expression may not result in the name of  a macro, the name of a user- defined function, or [Event Procedure]
* there may have been an error evaluating the function , event or macro
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Hi JDettman, Discard , avoid my last comment.
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Jim Dettman (EE MVE)
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Now I have been asked to capture the multiple records which are gonna delete in a temporary field but not in a physical table through vba . I dohuld o this in a loop and save the records in a temporary working storage . I do not know how to do that. ANyone who would like to help , please help me.
<<Now I have been asked to capture the multiple records which are gonna delete in a temporary field but not in a physical table through vba . I dohuld o this in a loop and save the records in a temporary working storage . I do not know how to do that. ANyone who would like to help , please help me.>>
 Ask another question.  This one is done.
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No JDettman,

I  have just been told that i need to capture the multiple records which are going to get deleted in  temporary variable or temporary storage in vba ( but not in  a physical table) . I need to achieve this thrugh  aloop, i think . I have no idea how to do that. I am stuck .
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you provided that solution but we created a physical table for that to achieve. Now i have to do that without creating it.
<<No JDettman,>>
  Yes, this question is finsihed.  Please click the "ask a question" to start a new question.
  That's the way the site works; you ask one question and get an answer and aceept a solution for your question.
  If you have another question, then you start a new question.  You do not continue to ask new questions in the same thread.
  This thread covers two questions already and has gone far enough.
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First of all i am sor sorry for frustrating you ( i think ) but the solution you provided is working awesome . But again i have to do it the same thing but not creating another physical table . I created a thread for it  , If you have patience , help me out. I really reallyyyyyyyyyyyy appreciate for helping me out . you know. thanks .