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Netdom vbscript or batch file

I need a script that will prompt for a username and password, then ask for the person to type in a new computername. It will then use netdom to rename the local pc and domain account, and then reboot the machine. I am trying to keep from having to reboot these machines 2 to 3 times to get them back on the name.
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I have a vb script that should take care of this for you, let me get to work and I'll pull it from my SkyDrive.
Avatar of tomtom98


Awesome...When are you able to get that to me?
Well, this should get you started......

It actually deletes the account and rejoins it, just need to add the rename portion in.

Look for the variable MyDomain and change that to whatever your domain is.  Also you can hard-code the administrator user ID and password.

In your environment, do you add the computer in Active Directory first, or do you join the domain from the workstation to create the AD account?

Can be run remotely against the machine, needs netdom.exe and psexec.exe in the same folder to work remotely.
'Script Name: ComputerDomainRename.vbs
Option Explicit

Dim strComputerName, StrCompBOS, strPassword, dBug, strBatFile
Dim pathlength, Scriptpath, strRet

Dim WshShell: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objFSO: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim WshNetwork: Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
dBug = False

pathlength = Len(WScript.ScriptFullName) - Len(WScript.ScriptName)
Scriptpath = Mid(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1, pathlength)

Dim strDPassword: strDPassword = "TempPassword"
Dim strDUserName: strDUserName = "AdminAccount"


strComputerName = InputBox("Input Computer Name Here","This computer will be rebooted multiple times")

If Len(strComputerName) < 7 Then
	LogEntry "ERROR!!. Computer Name not correct. Check the name and try again. You entered " & strComputerName
	LogEntry "ERROR!!. The name you entered is only " & len(strComputerName) & " Characters long"
End If

If EnableAccount(strComputerName) = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! Not able to enable the computer account for " & strComputerName
End If
StrCompBOS = left(strComputerName,Len(strComputerName) - 5) & "RSVR01"
If Pingable(strComputerName) = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to ping " & strComputerName
End If
strPassword = GetPasswordFromBOS(StrCompBOS)
LogEntry "Password is: " & strPassword

If MapDrive(strComputerName,strPassword) = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to map drive to " & strComputerName
End If
If CopyFile(strComputerName,"Add") = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to copy Netdom to " & strComputerName
End If
If CreateBatFile(strComputerName,"Remove") = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to Create Removal bat file on " & strComputerName
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to Create Removal bat file on " & strComputerName
End If

If DoAction(strComputerName) = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to execute Psexec job for removal on " & strComputerName
End If
If Reboot(strComputerName) = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! " & strComputerName & " Did not reboot successfully"
End If
If MapDrive(strComputerName,strPassword) = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to map drive to add the computer " & strComputerName & " to the domain"
End If
WScript.Sleep 5000
If CreateBatFile(strComputerName,"Add") = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to Create addition bat file on " & strComputerName
End If
If DoAction(strComputerName) = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to execute Psexec job to add machine to domain"
End If
If CreateBatFile(strComputerName,"RemoveFile") = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to remove bat file on " & strComputerName
End If
If CopyFile(strComputerName,"Remove") = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! not able to Remove Netdom From " & strComputerName
End If
strRet = WshShell.Run("net use z: /delete",,True)
If strRet = 0 Then
	LogEntry "Successfully deleted Drive Z"
	LogEntry "Problem deleting Z: drive. Exiting with errorcode " & Err.Number
End If
If Reboot(strComputerName) = False Then
	LogEntry "Error!! " & strComputerName & " Did not reboot successfully on the second time"
End If

LogEntry "Successfully removed, re-added and verified the computer account was enabled for " & strComputerName & " To the domain. Now exiting program."
Function EnableAccount(strComputerName)

	Dim strDN: strDN = GetDN(strComputerName)
	Dim strPath: strPath = "LDAP://" & strDN
	Dim objNamespaceLDAP, objMyObject
	Set objNamespaceLDAP = GetObject("LDAP:")
	Set objMyObject = objNamespaceLDAP.OpenDSObject(strPath,strDUserName,strDPassword,0)
	If Err <> 0 Then
		LogEntry "Error connecting to AD to enable Computer account."
		Exit Function
	End If
	objMyObject.AccountDisabled = False
	objMyObject = Null
	If Err <> 0 Then
		LogEntry "Error enabling the Computer account."
		Exit Function
		LogEntry "Verified the Computer account is enabled."
		EnableAccount = True
	End If
End Function

Function GetDN (strComputerName)
	Dim objTrans, objDomain
	Const ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4 = 3
	Const ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779 = 1
	Set objTrans = CreateObject("NameTranslate")
	Set objDomain = getObject("LDAP://rootDse")
	objTrans.Init ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC, ""
	objTrans.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4, wshNetwork.UserDomain & "\" _
	& strComputerName & "$"
	GetDN = objTrans.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779)
	'Set DN to upper Case
	GetDN = UCase(GetDN)
End Function

Sub LogEntry (strInfo) 
	WScript.Echo Now() & ": " & strInfo
End Sub

Sub forceUseCScript()   

	If Not WScript.FullName = WScript.Path & "\cscript.exe" Then 
		WshShell.Run "cmd.exe /k " & WScript.Path & "\cscript.exe //NOLOGO " & Chr(34) & WScript.scriptFullName & Chr(34),1,False      
		WScript.Quit 0   
	End If
End Sub 

Function CopyFile(strComputerName,Action)
	CopyFile = False
	If Action = "Add" Then
		If objFSO.FileExists(Scriptpath & "netdom.exe") Then
			LogEntry Scriptpath & "netdom.exe" & "\\" & strComputerName & "\admin$\Netdom.exe"
			objFSO.CopyFile Scriptpath & "netdom.exe","\\" & strComputerName & "\admin$\"
			If Err.Number = 0 Then
				LogEntry "Successfully Copied Netdom to " & strComputerName
				CopyFile = True
				LogEntry "Error!! Copying Netdom to " & strComputerName
				Exit Function
			End If
			wscript.echo Scriptpath & "netdom.exe doesn't exist.. Exiting script."
			Exit Function
		End If
		If objFSO.FileExists("\\" & strComputerName & "\admin$\netdom.exe")  = True Then
			strRet = objFSO.DeleteFile("\\" & strComputerName & "\admin$\netdom.exe")
			If strRet = 0 Then
				LogEntry "Successfully deleted Netdom from " & strComputerName
				CopyFile = True
				LogEntry "Error!! deleting Netdom from " & strComputerName
				Exit Function
			End If
			LogEntry "Verified Netdom not on " & strComputerName
			CopyFile = True
		End If
	End If
End Function

Function CreateBatFile(strComputerName,role)

	Dim CommandLine
	Dim objTextFile
	Const ForAppending = 8

	CreateBatFile = False
	If role = "Add" Then
		CommandLine = "netdom.exe join " & strComputerName & " / /userd:" & strDUserName &  " /Passwordd:" & strDPassword & " /Verbose"
		CommandLine = "netdom.exe remove " &  strComputerName & " /domain:MyDomain /userd:" & strDUserName & " /Passwordd:" & strDPassword
	End If
	strBatFile = "\\" & strComputerName & "\admin$\action.bat"
	If objFSO.FileExists(strBatFile) Then
		LogEntry "File " & strBatFile & " exists.. "
		If Err.Number <> 0 Then
			LogEntry "Error!! Can't delete " & strBatFile
			Exit Function
			LogEntry "Successfully deleted " & strBatFile
		End If
		If role = "RemoveFile" Then
			CreateBatFile = True
			Exit Function
		End If
	End If
	Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strBatFile, ForAppending, True)
	If Err.Number <> 0 Then
		LogEntry "Error!! Can't write to " & strBatFile
		Exit Function
		CreateBatFile = True
		LogEntry "Successfully Created " & strBatFile
	End If
	objTextFile.WriteLine("@Echo ON")

End Function 

Function DoAction(strComputerName)

	DoAction = False
	Dim Status
	Dim strCommand
	Dim strCount: strCount = 0
	strCommand = "cmd /c psexec.exe \\" & strComputerName &  " action.bat"
	LogEntry strCommand
	Do While strCount <> 10
		Status = WshShell.Run(strCommand,,True)
		If Status = 0 Or Status = 2692 Then
			LogEntry "Successfully Ran the remote Bat file"
			DoAction = True
			Exit Function
			LogEntry "Problem Running the remote Bat file. Exiting with errorcode " & Status & " trying " & 3 - strCount & " More Times"
			WScript.Sleep (3000)
			strCount = strCount + 1
			If strCount > 3 Then
				Exit Function
			End If
		End If

End Function

Function Mapdrive(strComputerName, strPassword)

	Mapdrive = False
	Dim strCommand
	strCommand = "net.exe use z: /delete"
	strRet = WshShell.Run(strCommand,,True)
	If strRet = 0 or strRet = 2 Then
		LogEntry "Successfully deleted Drive Z"
		LogEntry "Problem deleting Z: drive. Exiting with errorcode " & strRet
		LogEntry "Command: " & strCommand
		Exit Function
	End If
	strCommand = "net.exe use z: \\" & strComputerName & "\c$ " & _
		strPassword & " /u:" & strComputerName & "\administrator"
	strRet = WshShell.Run(strCommand,,True)
	If strRet = 0 Then
		LogEntry "Successfully Mapped Z Drive to " & "\\" & strComputerName & "\c$"
		Mapdrive = True
		LogEntry "Problem Mapping drive to \\" & strComputerName & "\c$ Exit code is: " & strRet
		LogEntry "Command Line: " & strCommand
		Exit Function
	End If

End Function

Function GetPasswordFromBOS(StrCompBOS)
	Dim strKeyPath, strValue, strValueName
	Dim oLocator, oService, oRegistry
	if dBug = False Then On Error Resume Next 
	Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
	Const REG_SZ = 1
	strKeyPath ="SYSTEM\MyDomain"
	Set oRegistry=GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & StrCompBOS & "\root\default:StdRegProv") 
	oRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue 
	If isnull(strValue) = true Then
		strValue = "password"
		LogEntry "Error getting password from " & StrCompBOS & " Setting to default: password"
		LogEntry "Password retrieved successfully. Password from BOS (" & StrCompBOS & " is: " & strValue
	End If
	If strValue = "" Then strValue = "password"
	GetPasswordFromBOS = strValue

End Function

Function Reboot(strComputerName)
	Reboot = False
	Dim intCount: intCount = 0
	strRet = WshShell.Run ("shutdown /r /f /t 0 /m \\" & strComputerName,True)
	If strRet = 0 Then
		LogEntry "Successfully sent reboot command for " & strComputerName
		LogEntry "Problem sending reboot command for " & strComputerName & " Exit code is: " & Err.code
		Exit Function
	End If
	Dim count: count = 0
	Do While Reboot = False
		Do Until Pingable(strComputerName) = False 
			count = count + 1
			If count > 50 Then
				LogEntry "Problem shutting down remote computer. I have tried for over 5 minutes"
				Exit Function
			End If
		LogEntry "Machine has finally shutdown"

		count = 0
		Do Until Pingable(strComputerName) = True
			If count > 50 Then
				LogEntry "Computer not starting up. I have waited for over 5 minutes"
				Exit Function
			End If
		LogEntry "Machine is now pingable"
		count = 0
		Do Until ConnectToClientViaWMI(strComputerName) = True
			If count > 50 Then
				LogEntry "Not able to connect to machine via WMI. I have waited for over 5 minutes"
				Exit Function
			End If
		LogEntry "Successfully connected to WMI on " & strComputerName 
		Reboot = True
End Function

Function Pingable(strComputer)
	Pingable = False
	Dim wmiQuery, objWMIService, objPing, objStatus
	wmiQuery = "Select * From Win32_PingStatus Where Address = '" & strComputer & "'"
	Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
	Set objPing = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery)
	For Each objStatus in objPing
		If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) Or objStatus.Statuscode<>0 Then
			Pingable = True 'if computer is reachable, return true
		End If
End Function

Function ConnectToClientViaWMI(strComputer)
	ConnectToClientViaWMI = False
	Dim wmiQuery, objWMIService, objPing, objStatus, objSWbemLocator
	On Error Resume Next

	Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
	Set objWMIService = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer _
    	(strComputer, "root\cimv2", strComputer & "\administrator", strPassword)
	objWMIService.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
	If Err.Number = 0 Then
		ConnectToClientViaWMI = True	
	End If

End Function

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We add computer in AD first....Will this ask for username/password?
how do i set it up to run on the local machine..we go to the physical machine and then rename it at the machine?
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