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Avatar of anggry
anggryFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

asked on

VB.NET Draw a graph using current upload/download speed.

Hi there, I made an application that is monitoring bandwidth. It has some custom features but it doesn't really matter because I just need it to show a graphical history of what download/upload speed was.

Example: Using current download/upload speed, I need to draw in a picturebox RED/GREEN lines.

Let's say 50kbps DL and 30KBPS UL and it should draw a green line that is bigger than red one.

Also, it should auto scroll forward and would be nice if user could rewind it back to check but it's not that important.


PS. I already have part where application is getting current download/upload speed, so I just need to draw a graph using those values.

On the left side it should show the values in kbps to indicate how much is that line,
Let's say if application is drawing a green line of 50kbps and red line 30kbps it should show on the left that it is 50 and 30 like a scale otherwise you never know what is the value of that line.
Avatar of anggry
Flag of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland image


This code is getting current Upload/Download speed in KBPS.
Dim adapter As NetworkAdapter = Me.adapters(Me.ListAdapters.SelectedIndex)
        Me.LabelDownloadValue.Text = [String].Format("{0:n} kbps", adapter.DownloadSpeedKbps)
        Me.LabelUploadValue.Text = [String].Format("{0:n} kbps", adapter.UploadSpeedKbps)

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Which platform are you using? Winforms? WPF?
By the way, a progressbar will fit your needs.
Avatar of Mike Tomlinson
Play with this little may give you some ideas:
*The form as a Picturebox of size 300x150 on it.
Public Class Form1

    Private GridSize As Integer = 25
    Private CurrentValue As Integer
    Private R As New Random
    Private WithEvents tmrScroll As New Timer

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        CurrentValue = R.Next(0, PictureBox1.Height)

        Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height)
        Using G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
        End Using
        PictureBox1.Image = bmp

        tmrScroll.Interval = 100
    End Sub

    Private Sub tmrScroll_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrScroll.Tick
        CurrentValue = CurrentValue + IIf(R.Next(0, 2) = 0, -1, 1)
        If CurrentValue < 0 Then
            CurrentValue = 0
        End If
        If CurrentValue > PictureBox1.Height Then
            CurrentValue = PictureBox1.Height
        End If

        Static xCounter As Integer = 0
        xCounter = xCounter + 1
        Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height)
        Using G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
            For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height Step GridSize
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, y, bmp.Width, y)

            G.DrawImage(PictureBox1.Image, -1, 0) ' <-- draw everything in the PictureBox ONE pixel to the Left of where it is now
            If xCounter = 25 Then
                xCounter = 0
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, 0, bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height)
            End If

            G.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGreen, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, CurrentValue, 1, 1)) ' <-- draw the new "current" value at the right edge of the bitmap
        End Using
        PictureBox1.Image = bmp
    End Sub

End Class

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Avatar of anggry


It is a windows forms application. Thanks Idle_Mind - I will check that out now.
Avatar of anggry


Right, so the speed is like from 0 to xxxxx kbps like download speed can be 4031 and upload speed 10 then I need to draw 2 lines 1 green 1 red. Also as I mentioned before I need something on the left side of the graph that indicates how much that line actually is...
Avatar of anggry


Sorry last image was missing something here's a new one.
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I tried to use current download speed as a CurrentValue
Dim adapter As NetworkAdapter = Me.adapters(Me.ListAdapters.SelectedIndex)
            CurrentValue = [String].Format("{0:n}", adapter.DownloadSpeedKbps)
            G.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGreen, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, CurrentValue, 1, 1)) ' <-- draw the new "current" value at the right edge of the bitmap
            Dim sw As New StreamWriter("log.txt", True)

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Avatar of anggry


Am I asking too much, or just no-one knows how to do it? Because I saw so many applications that are doing that kind of graph drawing..
Avatar of anggry


The code below is from Freemeter, it is monitoring bandwidth but a bit different way. The point is there is a graph that is perfectly drawing upload and download lines. I can't figure out what to use from this code but You guys are more professional so I hope you do.

Thanks for reading.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.IO
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Net.NetworkInformation
Public Class Form1

    Public ClipData As String = ""
    Public MailServers As New ArrayList()
    Public Shared m_notifyicon As New NotifyIcon()
    Public MailTimer As New System.Windows.Forms.Timer()

#Region ""

    Public will_reboot As Boolean = False

#End Region

    Private ClipTimer As New System.Windows.Forms.Timer()
    Private myAssembly As Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
    Private monitor As New NetworkMonitor()
    Private backgroundWorker1 As Thread

    Private timerInterval As Integer = 1000
    Private WLength As Integer, WHeight As Integer, scale As Integer
    Private m_closing As Boolean = False
    Private display_xscale As String, display_yscale As String
    Private downlines As Integer() = New Integer(15) {}
    Private uplines As Integer() = New Integer(15) {}
    Private full_downlines As Integer(), full_uplines As Integer()
    Private full_downspeeds As Double(), full_upspeeds As Double()
    Public downspeed As Double = 0.0R
    'modified to from private -> public by miechu
    Public upspeed As Double = 0.0R
    'modified to from private -> public by miechu
    Private respond_to_latest As Boolean = False

    Private label1 As New Label()
    Private label2 As New Label()
    Private label3 As New Label()
    Private label4 As New Label()
    Private pictureBox1 As New PictureBox()
    Private resizer As New PictureBox()
    Private m_menu As New ContextMenu()
    Private trackBar1 As New TrackBar()
    Private trackBar2 As New TrackBar()

    Private colorDialog1 As New ColorDialog()
    Private DOWNLOAD_COLOR As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0)
    Private UPLOAD_COLOR As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0)
    Private OVERLAP_COLOR As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 0)
    Private FORGROUND_COLOR As Color = Color.White
    Private BACKGROUND_COLOR As Color
    Private HIGHLIGHT_COLOR As Color
    Private SHADOW_COLOR As Color
    Private downloadPen As New Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0), 1)
    Private uploadPen As New Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0), 1)
    Private overlapPen As New Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 0), 1)

    'Cool icon representation
    Private icon_representation As Boolean = False
    Private icons_loaded As Boolean = False
    Private upload_icon_green As Image
    Private upload_icon_red As Image
    Private download_icon_green As Image
    Private download_icon_red As Image

    Private logs_form As Totals_Log
    Public LogTimer As New System.Windows.Forms.Timer()
    Public LogEnabled As Boolean
    Public LogInterval As Integer

    'for counting time in ms
    <DllImport("Kernel32.dll", EntryPoint:="QueryPerformanceCounter")> _
    Private Shared Function QueryPerformanceCounter(ByRef lpPerformanceCount As Long) As Boolean
    End Function
    <DllImport("Kernel32.dll", EntryPoint:="QueryPerformanceFrequency")> _
    Private Shared Function QueryPerformanceFrequency(ByRef lpFrequency As Long) As Boolean
    End Function
    'For destroying the leaky GDI Object handles
    <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DestroyIcon")> _
    Private Shared Function DestroyIcon(ByVal oIcon As IntPtr) As Boolean
    End Function
    <DllImport("gdi32.dll", EntryPoint:="DeleteObject")> _
    Private Shared Function DeleteObject(ByVal oBm As IntPtr) As Boolean
    End Function

    Public Sub New()

        If monitor.Adapters.Length = 0 Then
            MessageBox.Show("I can't find any network adapters on this computer.", "FreeMeter Failed.")
        End If

        logs_form = New Totals_Log()
        AddHandler MailTimer.Tick, AddressOf MailTimer_Tick

        ClipTimer.Interval = 1000
        AddHandler ClipTimer.Tick, AddressOf ClipTimer_Tick

        Visible = False
        StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
        Name = "Form1"
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
        MaximizeBox = False
        MinimizeBox = False
        ControlBox = False
        ShowInTaskbar = False
        BackColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR
        ForeColor = FORGROUND_COLOR
        AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.None
        MinimumSize = New Size(66, 45)
        MaximumSize = New Size(606, 455)
        AddHandler Resize, AddressOf Form1_Resize
        DoubleBuffered = True


        End Try


        'control for resizing 
        resizer.Location = New Point(ClientSize.Width - 13, ClientSize.Height - 13)
        resizer.Size = New Size(11, 11)
        resizer.Name = "resizer"
        AddHandler resizer.MouseMove, AddressOf Resize_MouseMove
        AddHandler resizer.MouseDown, AddressOf Resize_MouseDown
        AddHandler resizer.MouseUp, AddressOf Resize_MouseUp
        resizer.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE

        'SysTray Icon which is animated to show smaller graph
        m_notifyicon.ContextMenu = m_menu
        'Dim s As Stream = myAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("FreeMeter.ico")
        'Icon = New Icon(s)
        'm_notifyicon.Icon = Me.Icon
        m_notifyicon.Visible = True
        AddHandler m_notifyicon.MouseDown, AddressOf Icon_MouseDown

        'full graph
        pictureBox1.Location = New Point(3, 3)
        pictureBox1.Size = New Size(ClientSize.Width - 6, ClientSize.Height - 18)
        pictureBox1.Name = "FullMeter"
        pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.Black
        pictureBox1.ContextMenu = m_menu
        AddHandler pictureBox1.MouseDown, AddressOf Main_MouseDown
        AddHandler pictureBox1.MouseMove, AddressOf Form1_MouseMove

        'download text display
        label1.Location = New Point(10, WHeight - 14)
        label1.Size = New Size(WLength / 2 - 10 - 5, 13)
        label1.BackColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR
        label1.ForeColor = FORGROUND_COLOR
        label1.Font = New Font("MS Serif", 7)
        label1.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft
        label1.ContextMenu = m_menu
        AddHandler label1.MouseDown, AddressOf Main_MouseDown

        'upload text display
        label2.Location = New Point(WLength / 2 + 9 - 5, WHeight - 14)
        label2.Size = New Size(WLength / 2 - 9 - 13 + 5, 13)
        label2.BackColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR
        label2.ForeColor = FORGROUND_COLOR
        label2.Font = New Font("MS Serif", 7)
        label2.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft
        label2.ContextMenu = m_menu
        AddHandler label2.MouseDown, AddressOf Main_MouseDown

        'down arrow
        label3.Location = New Point(1, WHeight - 14)
        label3.Size = New Size(9, 13)
        label3.BackColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR
        label3.ForeColor = DOWNLOAD_COLOR
        label3.Font = New Font("Wingdings", 7)
        label3.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft
        label3.Text = "ê"
        label3.ContextMenu = m_menu
        AddHandler label3.MouseDown, AddressOf Main_MouseDown

        'up arrow
        label4.Location = New Point(WLength / 2 - 5, WHeight - 14)
        label4.Size = New Size(9, 13)
        label4.BackColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR
        label4.ForeColor = UPLOAD_COLOR
        label4.Font = New Font("Wingdings", 7)
        label4.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft
        label4.Text = "é"
        label4.ContextMenu = m_menu
        AddHandler label4.MouseDown, AddressOf Main_MouseDown

        ' Color Dialog
        colorDialog1.FullOpen = True
        colorDialog1.AnyColor = True
        colorDialog1.AllowFullOpen = True

        ' Hue Trackbar
        trackBar1.AutoSize = False
        trackBar1.Location = New Point(2, WHeight - 14)
        trackBar1.Margin = New Padding(0)
        trackBar1.Size = New Size(WLength - 15, 15)
        trackBar1.Maximum = 360
        trackBar1.Name = "trackBar1"
        trackBar1.TickFrequency = 45
        AddHandler trackBar1.ValueChanged, AddressOf Trackbar1_Update
        AddHandler trackBar1.MouseUp, AddressOf Trackbar1_Hide
        trackBar1.Value = CInt(BACKGROUND_COLOR.GetHue())

        ' Transparency Trackbar
        trackBar2.AutoSize = False
        trackBar2.Location = New Point(2, WHeight - 14)
        trackBar2.Margin = New Padding(0)
        trackBar2.Size = New Size(WLength - 15, 15)
        trackBar2.LargeChange = 10
        trackBar2.SmallChange = 1
        trackBar2.Name = "trackBar2"
        trackBar2.TickFrequency = 10
        AddHandler trackBar2.ValueChanged, AddressOf Trackbar2_Update
        AddHandler trackBar2.MouseUp, AddressOf Trackbar2_Hide

        backgroundWorker1 = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf backgroundWorker1_DoWork))
        backgroundWorker1.IsBackground = False
        backgroundWorker1.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal

        Check_Version(Me, New EventArgs())

        'hack to initially try to reduce the memory footprint of the app (admin only)
            Dim loProcess As Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
            loProcess.MaxWorkingSet = loProcess.MaxWorkingSet
        End Try
        Dim ShrinkTimer As New System.Windows.Forms.Timer()
        ShrinkTimer.Interval = 60000
        AddHandler ShrinkTimer.Tick, AddressOf ShrinkTimer_Tick

        If File.Exists("upload.bmp") AndAlso File.Exists("upload2.bmp") AndAlso File.Exists("download.bmp") AndAlso File.Exists("download2.bmp") Then
            upload_icon_red = Bitmap.FromFile("upload.bmp")
            upload_icon_green = Bitmap.FromFile("upload2.bmp")
            download_icon_red = Bitmap.FromFile("download.bmp")
            download_icon_green = Bitmap.FromFile("download2.bmp")

            DirectCast(upload_icon_red, Bitmap).MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255))
            DirectCast(upload_icon_green, Bitmap).MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255))
            DirectCast(download_icon_red, Bitmap).MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255))
            DirectCast(download_icon_green, Bitmap).MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255))

            icons_loaded = True
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub UnhandledException(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As UnhandledExceptionEventArgs)
        Dim form As New ErrorForm(TryCast(e.ExceptionObject, Exception))
    End Sub

    'the timer stuff
    Private Sub backgroundWorker1_DoWork()
        Dim freq As Long = 0
        If QueryPerformanceFrequency(freq) Then
            If freq <> 0 Then
                If freq = 1000 Then
                    MessageBox.Show("Uses GetTickCount", "?")
                End If
                Dim count1 As Long = 0
                Dim count2 As Long = 0
                While Not m_closing
                    Dim time_ms As Long = (count2 - count1) * 1000 / freq
                    If time_ms > CLng(timerInterval) Then
                        time_ms = CLng(timerInterval)
                    End If
                    Thread.Sleep(CInt((CLng(timerInterval) - time_ms)))
                End While
                MessageBox.Show("I can't find QueryPerformanceFrequency()", "FreeMeter Failed.")
            End If
            MessageBox.Show("I failed to use QueryPerformanceFrequency()", "FreeMeter Failed.")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ElapsedTimer()
        For Each adapter As NetworkAdapter In monitor.Adapters
            If adapter.Enabled Then
            End If


        If colorcycle.Checked AndAlso Me.Visible Then
            Dim h As Double = 0, sa As Double = 0, l As Double = 0
            RGB_to_HSL(BACKGROUND_COLOR, h, sa, l)
            h = h + 1
            If h > 360.0R Then
                h = 0
            End If
            BACKGROUND_COLOR = InlineAssignHelper(label1.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label2.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label3.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label4.BackColor, HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l)))))
            SetColor(Me, BACKGROUND_COLOR)
            HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l + 0.3)
            SHADOW_COLOR = HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l - 0.1)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private checkingmail As Boolean = False
    Private Sub MailTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If mailcheck.Checked OrElse sender.Equals(mailchecknow) Then
            If sender.Equals(mailchecknow) Then
                checkingmail = True
            End If
            Dim checkmailWorker As New BackgroundWorker()
            checkmailWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = False
            AddHandler checkmailWorker.DoWork, AddressOf CheckMailWorker_DoWork
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub CheckMailWorker_DoWork(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As DoWorkEventArgs)
        Dim balloon_text As New StringBuilder()
        Dim ErrorOccured As Boolean = False, NewMailOccurred As Boolean = False
        Dim TTI As ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info
        For Each server As MailServer In MailServers
            If server.Enabled Then
                Dim newmsgcount As Integer = 0
                Dim errmsg As String = Nothing
                If server.Type = "1" Then
                    Dim pop As New IMAP(server.Host, server.User, server.Pass)
                    newmsgcount = pop.GetNumberOfMessages()
                    errmsg = pop.ErrMsg
                ElseIf server.Type = "0" Then
                    Dim pop As New POP3(server.Host, server.User, server.Pass)
                    newmsgcount = pop.GetNumberOfMessages()
                    errmsg = pop.ErrMsg
                End If

                If newmsgcount = -1 Then
                    balloon_text.Append(" (")
                    balloon_text.Append(")" & vbLf)
                    'server.Enabled = false;
                    ErrorOccured = True
                ElseIf newmsgcount = 0 Then
                    server.OldMsgCount = 0
                    If checkingmail Then
                        balloon_text.Append("No New Messages on ")
                    End If
                ElseIf newmsgcount = server.OldMsgCount AndAlso checkingmail Then
                    balloon_text.Append("No New Messages on ")
                ElseIf newmsgcount > server.OldMsgCount Then
                    balloon_text.Append(newmsgcount - server.OldMsgCount)
                    If newmsgcount - server.OldMsgCount = 1 Then
                        balloon_text.Append(" new message on ")
                        balloon_text.Append(" new messages on ")
                    End If
                    server.OldMsgCount = newmsgcount
                    NewMailOccurred = True
                End If
            End If
        If balloon_text.Length > 0 Then
            Dim balloon_title As String = ""
            If ErrorOccured Then
                balloon_title = "There were errors checking your email."
                TTI = ToolTipIcon.[Error]
            ElseIf NewMailOccurred Then
                balloon_title = "You have new email!"
                balloon_title = "No New Messages."
            End If
            m_notifyicon.ShowBalloonTip(1, balloon_title, balloon_text.ToString(), TTI)
        End If
        checkingmail = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub ClipTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If clip_watch.Checked Then
            Dim o As IDataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject()
            If o IsNot Nothing Then
                If o.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text, False) Then
                    Dim s As String = DirectCast(o.GetData(DataFormats.Text), String)
                    If s IsNot Nothing AndAlso s <> [String].Empty Then
                        s = s.Trim()
                        s = s.Replace(vbCr, "").Replace(vbLf, "")
                        s = s.Replace(": ", "").Replace("³ ", "").Replace("| ", "").Replace(" ", "")
                        'weird chars that i find in my URLs copied from my different appplications like email and IRC
                        s = s.Replace(">", "")
                        'commonly in email RE:'s
                        If ClipData = "" Then
                            ClipData = s
                        End If
                        If s <> ClipData Then
                            ClipData = s
                            If s.StartsWith("http://") OrElse s.StartsWith("https://") OrElse s.StartsWith("ftp://") OrElse s.StartsWith("www.") Then
                            End If
                        End If
                        ClipData = Nothing
                    End If
                    ClipData = Nothing
                End If
                ClipData = Nothing
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ShrinkTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        'hack to initially try to reduce the memory footprint of the app (admin only)
            Dim loProcess As Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
            loProcess.MaxWorkingSet = loProcess.MaxWorkingSet
        End Try
    End Sub

    'cycle colors and color trackbar
    Private Sub Trackbar1_Update(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim h As Double = 0, sa As Double = 0, l As Double = 0
        Dim tb As TrackBar = DirectCast(sender, TrackBar)
        RGB_to_HSL(BACKGROUND_COLOR, h, sa, l)
        h = tb.Value
        BackColor = InlineAssignHelper(BACKGROUND_COLOR, InlineAssignHelper(label1.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label2.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label3.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label4.BackColor, HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l))))))
        HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l + 0.3)
        SHADOW_COLOR = HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l - 0.1)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Trackbar1_Hide(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        trackBar1.Enabled = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub Trackbar1_Show(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        colorcycle.Checked = False
        trackBar1.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub Cycle_Colors(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If colorcycle.Checked Then
            colorcycle.Checked = False
            colorcycle.Checked = True
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Color_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim h As Double = 0, sa As Double = 0, l As Double = 0
        colorcycle.Checked = False
        colorDialog1.Color = BACKGROUND_COLOR
        If colorDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
            BackColor = InlineAssignHelper(BACKGROUND_COLOR, InlineAssignHelper(label1.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label2.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label3.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label4.BackColor, colorDialog1.Color)))))
            RGB_to_HSL(BACKGROUND_COLOR, h, sa, l)
            HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l + 0.3)
            SHADOW_COLOR = HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l - 0.1)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub TextColor_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        colorDialog1.Color = FORGROUND_COLOR
        If colorDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
            ForeColor = InlineAssignHelper(FORGROUND_COLOR, InlineAssignHelper(label1.ForeColor, InlineAssignHelper(label2.ForeColor, colorDialog1.Color)))
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub DefaultColor_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim h As Double = 0, sa As Double = 0, l As Double = 0
        colorcycle.Checked = False
        ForeColor = InlineAssignHelper(FORGROUND_COLOR, InlineAssignHelper(label1.ForeColor, InlineAssignHelper(label2.ForeColor, Color.White)))
        BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.FromArgb(255, 44, 81, 138)
        RGB_to_HSL(BACKGROUND_COLOR, h, sa, l)
        BackColor = InlineAssignHelper(BACKGROUND_COLOR, InlineAssignHelper(label1.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label2.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label3.BackColor, InlineAssignHelper(label4.BackColor, HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l))))))
        HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l + 0.3)
        SHADOW_COLOR = HSL_to_RGB(h, sa, l - 0.1)
    End Sub

    'transparency and opacity
    Private Sub Trackbar2_Update(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim tb As TrackBar = DirectCast(sender, TrackBar)
        Me.Opacity = CSng(tb.Value) / 100
    End Sub
    Private Sub Trackbar2_Hide(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        trackBar2.Enabled = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub Trackbar2_Show(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        trackBar2.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub Opaque_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Me.Opacity = 1.0R
        trackBar2.Value = 100
    End Sub

    'draw the UI
    Private Sub Form1_Borders()
        'do 3D borders
        Dim borders As New Bitmap(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
        Dim formGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(DirectCast(borders, Image))
        formGraphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(HIGHLIGHT_COLOR), 2, 2, WLength - 5, WHeight - 17)
        formGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(HIGHLIGHT_COLOR), 0, 0, WLength - 1, 0)
        formGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(HIGHLIGHT_COLOR), 0, 0, 0, WHeight - 1)
        formGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(SHADOW_COLOR), 0, WHeight - 1, WLength - 1, WHeight - 1)
        formGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(SHADOW_COLOR), WLength - 1, WHeight - 1, WLength - 1, 0)
        formGraphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(BACKGROUND_COLOR), WLength - 1, 0, 1, 1)
        formGraphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(BACKGROUND_COLOR), 0, WHeight - 1, 1, 1)
        Dim oFB As IntPtr = borders.GetHbitmap()
        Me.BackgroundImage = Image.FromHbitmap(oFB)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Make_Grabhandle()
        Dim grabhandle As New Bitmap(11, 11, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
        Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(DirectCast(grabhandle, Image))
        g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(BACKGROUND_COLOR), New Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11))
        Dim r As Rectangle() = New Rectangle() {New Rectangle(9, 1, 2, 2), New Rectangle(5, 5, 2, 2), New Rectangle(9, 5, 2, 2), New Rectangle(1, 9, 2, 2), New Rectangle(5, 9, 2, 2), New Rectangle(9, 9, 2, 2)}
        g.FillRectangles(New SolidBrush(HIGHLIGHT_COLOR), r)
        r = New Rectangle() {New Rectangle(8, 0, 2, 2), New Rectangle(4, 4, 2, 2), New Rectangle(8, 4, 2, 2), New Rectangle(0, 8, 2, 2), New Rectangle(4, 8, 2, 2), New Rectangle(8, 8, 2, 2)}
        g.FillRectangles(New SolidBrush(SHADOW_COLOR), r)

            Dim oBm1 As IntPtr = grabhandle.GetHbitmap()
            resizer.Image = Image.FromHbitmap(oBm1)
        Catch e As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub RefreshSpeeds()
        'scroll values in icaon arrays.
        For i As Integer = 0 To downlines.Length - 2
            downlines(i) = downlines(i + 1)
            uplines(i) = uplines(i + 1)
        'scroll values in large arrays.
        For i As Integer = 0 To full_downspeeds.Length - 2
            If i < full_downspeeds.Length - 1 Then
                full_downspeeds(i) = full_downspeeds(i + 1)
                full_upspeeds(i) = full_upspeeds(i + 1)
                full_downlines(i) = full_downlines(i + 1)
                full_uplines(i) = full_uplines(i + 1)
            End If

        'calculate latest icon values
        downspeed = InlineAssignHelper(upspeed, 0.0R)
        For Each adapter As NetworkAdapter In monitor.Adapters
            If adapter.Enabled Then
                downspeed += adapter.DownloadSpeed(timerInterval)
                upspeed += adapter.UploadSpeed(timerInterval)

                If downspeed < 0 Then
                    downspeed = 0
                End If

                If upspeed < 0 Then
                    upspeed = 0
                End If
            End If

        logs_form.UpdateData(upspeed / (1024 / timerInterval), downspeed / (1024 / timerInterval))

        If downspeed < 0 OrElse upspeed < 0 Then
            MessageBox.Show(("something is wrong! downspeed=" & downspeed & " upspeed=") + upspeed)
        End If

        downlines(15) = CInt((16 * downspeed / scale))
        uplines(15) = CInt((16 * upspeed / scale))
        If downlines(15) > 16 Then
            downlines(15) = 16
        End If
        If uplines(15) > 16 Then
            uplines(15) = 16
        End If
        'calculate latest large values
        full_downspeeds(full_downspeeds.Length - 1) = downspeed
        full_upspeeds(full_downspeeds.Length - 1) = upspeed
        full_downlines(full_downspeeds.Length - 1) = CInt((pictureBox1.Height * downspeed / scale))
        full_uplines(full_downspeeds.Length - 1) = CInt((pictureBox1.Height * upspeed / scale))
        If full_downlines(full_downspeeds.Length - 1) > pictureBox1.Height Then
            full_downlines(full_downspeeds.Length - 1) = pictureBox1.Height
        End If
        If full_uplines(full_downspeeds.Length - 1) > pictureBox1.Height Then
            full_uplines(full_downspeeds.Length - 1) = pictureBox1.Height
        End If

        If autoscale_checked.Checked Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub DrawIconRepresentation()
        Dim b As New Bitmap(16, 16, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555)
        Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(DirectCast(b, Image))

        If Not icon_representation Then
            'draw each line in the graph
            DrawGraph(g, 16, downlines, uplines, True)
            'draw cool icon
            b.MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255))
        End If

        Dim oIcon As IntPtr = b.GetHicon()
        m_notifyicon.Icon = Icon.FromHandle(oIcon)
    End Sub

    Private Sub DrawCoolIcon(ByVal graph As Graphics)
        graph.Clear(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255))

        If icons_loaded Then
            If upspeed > 0 Then
                graph.DrawImage(upload_icon_green, 0, 0, upload_icon_green.Width, upload_icon_green.Height)
                graph.DrawImage(upload_icon_red, 0, 0, upload_icon_red.Width, upload_icon_red.Height)
            End If

            If downspeed > 0 Then
                graph.DrawImage(download_icon_green, 0, 0, download_icon_green.Width, download_icon_green.Height)
                graph.DrawImage(download_icon_red, 0, 0, download_icon_red.Width, download_icon_red.Height)
            End If
            Dim color__1 As Pen

            If upspeed > 0 Then
                color__1 = Pens.Green
                color__1 = Pens.Red
            End If

            For i As Integer = 6 To 0 Step -1
                graph.DrawLine(color__1, 2 + i, 6 - i, 14 - i, 6 - i)

            If downspeed > 0 Then
                color__1 = Pens.Green
                color__1 = Pens.Red
            End If

            For i As Integer = 0 To 5
                graph.DrawLine(color__1, 2 + i, 9 + i, 14 - i, 9 + i)
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub DrawFullMeter()
        If Me.Visible Then
            Dim full_time_visible As Integer = timerInterval * pictureBox1.Width / 1000
            Dim bm As New Bitmap(pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555)
            Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(DirectCast(bm, Image))

            'draw each line in the graph
            DrawGraph(g, pictureBox1.Height, full_downlines, full_uplines, False)

            Dim oBm As IntPtr = bm.GetHbitmap()
            pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromHbitmap(oBm)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Auto_Scale()
        If pictureBox1.Height * Max(full_downspeeds) / scale > pictureBox1.Height OrElse pictureBox1.Height * Max(full_upspeeds) / scale > pictureBox1.Height Then
            Select Case scale
                Case 4200
                    scale = 7000
                    Exit Select
                Case 7000
                    scale = 8000
                    Exit Select
                Case 8000
                    scale = 16000
                    Exit Select
                Case 16000
                    scale = 32000
                    Exit Select
                Case 32000
                    scale = 80000
                    Exit Select
                Case 64000
                    scale = 80000
                    Exit Select
                Case 80000
                    scale = 128000
                    Exit Select
                Case 128000
                    scale = 192000
                    Exit Select
                Case 192000
                    scale = 256000
                    Exit Select
                Case 256000
                    scale = 384000
                    Exit Select
                Case 384000
                    scale = 640000
                    Exit Select
                Case 640000
                    scale = 896000
                    Exit Select
                Case 896000
                    scale = 1280000
                    Exit Select
                Case 1280000
                    scale = 1408000
                    Exit Select
                Case 1408000
                    scale = 4096000
                    Exit Select
                Case 4096000
                    scale = 6912000
                    Exit Select
                Case 6912000
                    scale = 12800000
                    Exit Select
                Case 12800000
                    scale = 128000000
                    Exit Select
            End Select
        ElseIf pictureBox1.Height * Max(full_downspeeds) / scale < pictureBox1.Height / 3 AndAlso pictureBox1.Height * Max(full_upspeeds) / scale < pictureBox1.Height / 3 Then
            Select Case scale
                Case 7000
                    scale = 4200
                    Exit Select
                Case 8000
                    scale = 7000
                    Exit Select
                Case 16000
                    scale = 8000
                    Exit Select
                Case 32000
                    scale = 16000
                    Exit Select
                Case 64000
                    scale = 32000
                    Exit Select
                Case 80000
                    scale = 64000
                    Exit Select
                Case 128000
                    scale = 80000
                    Exit Select
                Case 192000
                    scale = 128000
                    Exit Select
                Case 256000
                    scale = 192000
                    Exit Select
                Case 384000
                    scale = 256000
                    Exit Select
                Case 640000
                    scale = 384000
                    Exit Select
                Case 896000
                    scale = 640000
                    Exit Select
                Case 1280000
                    scale = 896000
                    Exit Select
                Case 1408000
                    scale = 1280000
                    Exit Select
                Case 4096000
                    scale = 1408000
                    Exit Select
                Case 6912000
                    scale = 4096000
                    Exit Select
                Case 12800000
                    scale = 6912000
                    Exit Select
                Case 128000000
                    scale = 12800000
                    Exit Select
            End Select
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawGraph(ByVal graph As Graphics, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal dlines As Integer(), ByVal ulines As Integer(), ByVal drawingIcon As Boolean)
        For i As Integer = 0 To dlines.Length - 1
            If dlines(i) > 0 OrElse ulines(i) > 0 Then
                If dlines(i) > ulines(i) Then
                    If graphs_download.Checked AndAlso graphs_upload.Checked Then
                        graph.DrawLine(downloadPen, i, height, i, height - dlines(i))
                        graph.DrawLine(overlapPen, i, height, i, height - ulines(i))
                    ElseIf graphs_download.Checked AndAlso Not graphs_upload.Checked Then
                        graph.DrawLine(downloadPen, i, height, i, height - dlines(i))
                    ElseIf Not graphs_download.Checked AndAlso graphs_upload.Checked Then
                        graph.DrawLine(uploadPen, i, height, i, height - ulines(i))
                    End If
                ElseIf dlines(i) < ulines(i) Then
                    If graphs_download.Checked AndAlso graphs_upload.Checked Then
                        graph.DrawLine(uploadPen, i, height, i, height - ulines(i))
                        graph.DrawLine(overlapPen, i, height, i, height - dlines(i))
                    ElseIf Not graphs_download.Checked AndAlso graphs_upload.Checked Then
                        graph.DrawLine(uploadPen, i, height, i, height - ulines(i))
                    ElseIf graphs_download.Checked AndAlso Not graphs_upload.Checked Then
                        graph.DrawLine(downloadPen, i, height, i, height - dlines(i))
                    End If
                ElseIf dlines(i) = ulines(i) Then
                    If graphs_upload.Checked AndAlso graphs_download.Checked Then
                        graph.DrawLine(overlapPen, i, height, i, height - ulines(i))
                    ElseIf Not graphs_upload.Checked AndAlso graphs_download.Checked Then
                        graph.DrawLine(downloadPen, i, height, i, height - dlines(i))
                    ElseIf graphs_upload.Checked AndAlso Not graphs_download.Checked Then
                        graph.DrawLine(uploadPen, i, height, i, height - ulines(i))
                    End If
                End If
            End If

        Dim down As Integer = dlines(dlines.Length - 1)
        Dim up As Integer = ulines(ulines.Length - 1)

        If graphs_download.Checked AndAlso graphs_summary.Checked Then
            graph.DrawLine(Pens.Black, dlines.Length - 2, 0, dlines.Length - 2, height)
            graph.DrawLine(Pens.Black, dlines.Length - 1, 0, dlines.Length - 1, height - down)
            graph.DrawLine(Pens.White, dlines.Length - 1, height, dlines.Length - 1, height - down)
        End If

        If graphs_upload.Checked AndAlso graphs_summary.Checked Then
            graph.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 1, 0, 1, height)
            graph.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 0, height - up)
            graph.DrawLine(Pens.White, 0, height, 0, height - up)
        End If

        If graph_label_checked.Checked AndAlso Not drawingIcon Then
            Dim f As Font
            Dim fontName As String = "Verdana"
            Dim fontSize As Integer = 6

            If font_large.Checked Then
                f = New Font(fontName, fontSize + 2, FontStyle.Regular)
            ElseIf font_medium.Checked Then
                f = New Font(fontName, fontSize + 1, FontStyle.Regular)
                f = New Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Regular)
            End If

            Dim text As String = (display_xscale & " ") + display_yscale
            Dim size As SizeF = graph.MeasureString(text, f)
            Dim rect As New RectangleF(New PointF(2, 2), size)

            graph.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.Black), rect)
            graph.DrawString(text, f, New SolidBrush(Color.White), rect)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub DoStringOutput()
        Dim downunits As String = ""
        Dim upunits As String = ""
        Dim downformat As String = "F1"
        Dim upformat As String = "F1"
        Dim label1text As String = ""
        Dim label2text As String = ""

        If avg_checked.Checked Then
            Dim averageDown As Double = Average(full_downspeeds)
            Dim averageUp As Double = Average(full_upspeeds)
            If units_kbits.Checked Then
                Dim downbps As Double = averageDown * 8
                Dim upbps As Double = averageUp * 8
                If downbps < 1024 Then
                    downunits = ""
                    downformat = "F0"
                ElseIf downbps < 1024 * 1024 Then
                    downbps = downbps / 1024
                    downunits = "k"
                    downunits = "m"
                    downbps = downbps / 1024 / 1024
                End If
                If upbps < 1024 Then
                    upunits = ""
                    upformat = "F0"
                ElseIf upbps < 1024 * 1024 Then
                    upbps = upbps / 1024
                    upunits = "k"
                    upunits = "m"
                    upbps = upbps / 1024 / 1024
                End If
                label1text += (downbps.ToString(downformat) & " ") + downunits & "bps"
                label2text += (upbps.ToString(upformat) & " ") + upunits & "bps"
            End If
            If units_kbytes.Checked Then
                If averageDown < 1024 Then
                    downunits = ""
                    downformat = "F0"
                ElseIf averageDown < 1024 * 1024 Then
                    averageDown = averageDown / 1024
                    downunits = "k"
                    downunits = "m"
                    averageDown = averageDown / 1024 / 1024
                End If
                If averageUp < 1024 Then
                    upunits = ""
                    upformat = "F0"
                ElseIf averageUp < 1024 * 1024 Then
                    averageUp = averageUp / 1024
                    upunits = "k"
                    upunits = "m"
                    averageUp = averageUp / 1024 / 1024
                End If
                label1text += (" " & averageDown.ToString(downformat) & " ") + downunits & "B/s"
                label2text += (" " & averageUp.ToString(upformat) & " ") + upunits & "B/s"
            End If
            Dim nText As String = ((timerInterval * full_downspeeds.Length / 1000 & " sec Avg:" & vbLf) + label1text & " Down" & vbLf) + label2text & " Up"
            If nText.Length >= 64 Then
                m_notifyicon.Text = nText.Substring(0, 64)
                m_notifyicon.Text = nText

            End If
            If units_kbits.Checked Then
                Dim downbps As Double = downspeed * 8
                Dim upbps As Double = upspeed * 8
                If downbps < 1024 Then
                    downunits = ""
                    downformat = "F0"
                ElseIf downbps < 1024 * 1024 Then
                    downbps = downbps / 1024
                    downunits = "k"
                    downunits = "m"
                    downbps = downbps / 1024 / 1024
                End If
                If upbps < 1024 Then
                    upunits = ""
                    upformat = "F0"
                ElseIf upbps < 1024 * 1024 Then
                    upbps = upbps / 1024
                    upunits = "k"
                    upunits = "m"
                    upbps = upbps / 1024 / 1024
                End If
                label1text += (downbps.ToString(downformat) & " ") + downunits & "bps"
                label2text += (upbps.ToString(upformat) & " ") + upunits & "bps"
            End If
            If units_kbytes.Checked Then
                If downspeed < 1024 Then
                    downunits = ""
                    downformat = "F0"
                ElseIf downspeed < 1024 * 1024 Then
                    downspeed = downspeed / 1024
                    downunits = "k"
                    downunits = "m"
                    downspeed = downspeed / 1024 / 1024
                End If
                If upspeed < 1024 Then
                    upunits = ""
                    upformat = "F0"
                ElseIf upspeed < 1024 * 1024 Then
                    upspeed = upspeed / 1024
                    upunits = "k"
                    upunits = "m"
                    upspeed = upspeed / 1024 / 1024
                End If
                label1text += (" " & downspeed.ToString(downformat) & " ") + downunits & "B/s"
                label2text += (" " & upspeed.ToString(upformat) & " ") + upunits & "B/s"
            End If
            Dim nText As String = (label1text & " Down" & vbLf) + label2text & " Up"
            If nText.Length >= 64 Then
                m_notifyicon.Text = nText.Substring(0, 64)
                m_notifyicon.Text = nText
            End If
        End If
        SetText(label1, label1text, 0)
        SetText(label2, label2text, WLength / 2 - 5)
    End Sub

    'Average and max functions
    Private Shared Function Average(ByVal num As Integer()) As Double
        Dim sum As Double = 0.0R
        Dim avg As Double = 0.0R
        For i As Integer = 0 To num.Length - 1
            sum += num(i)
        If num.Length > 0 Then
            avg = sum / System.Convert.ToDouble(num.Length)
        End If
        Return avg
    End Function
    Private Shared Function Average(ByVal num As Double()) As Double
        Dim sum As Double = 0.0R
        Dim avg As Double = 0.0R
        For i As Integer = 0 To num.Length - 1
            sum += num(i)
        If num.Length > 0 Then
            avg = sum / System.Convert.ToDouble(num.Length)
        End If
        Return avg
    End Function
    Private Shared Function Max(ByVal A As Double()) As Double
        Dim maxVal As Double = A(0)
        For i As Integer = 1 To A.Length - 1
            If A(i) > maxVal Then
                maxVal = A(i)
            End If
        Return maxVal
    End Function

    'handle form mouse click and drag events
    Private ptOffset As Point
    Private Sub Icon_MouseDown(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
            If WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
                WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
                show_checked.Checked = False
                show_checked.Checked = True
                WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Main_MouseDown(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        ptOffset = New Point(-e.X - pictureBox1.Left, -e.Y - pictureBox1.Top)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
            Dim mousePos As Point = Control.MousePosition
            mousePos.Offset(ptOffset.X, ptOffset.Y)
            Me.Location = mousePos
        End If
    End Sub

    'for resizing
    Shared frmLastWidth As Integer = 0, frmLastHeight As Integer = 0, frmWidth As Integer, frmHeight As Integer
    Shared frmIsResizing As Boolean = False
    Private frmRectangle As New Rectangle()
    Private Sub Resize_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        frmWidth = WLength
        frmHeight = WHeight
        frmRectangle.Location = New Point(Me.Left, Me.Top)
        frmRectangle.Size = New Size(frmWidth, frmHeight)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Resize_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        If frmIsResizing Then
            frmRectangle.Location = New Point(Me.Left, Me.Top)
            frmRectangle.Size = New Size(frmWidth, frmHeight)
            Me.Size = frmRectangle.Size
            Me.Width = frmWidth
            Me.Height = frmHeight
            frmIsResizing = False
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Resize_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
            Dim sizeageX As Integer = (MousePosition.X - Me.Location.X)
            Dim sizeageY As Integer = (MousePosition.Y - Me.Location.Y)
            If sizeageX < 66 Then
                sizeageX = 66
            End If
            If sizeageY < 45 Then
                sizeageY = 45
            End If
            frmWidth = sizeageX
            frmHeight = sizeageY
            If frmLastWidth = 0 Then
                frmLastWidth = frmWidth
            End If
            If frmLastHeight = 0 Then
                frmLastHeight = frmHeight
            End If
            If frmIsResizing Then
                frmRectangle.Location = New Point(Me.Left, Me.Top)
                frmRectangle.Size = New Size(frmLastWidth, frmLastHeight)
            End If
            frmIsResizing = True
            frmLastWidth = frmWidth
            frmLastHeight = frmHeight
            frmRectangle.Location = New Point(Me.Left, Me.Top)
            frmRectangle.Size = New Size(frmWidth, frmHeight)
            Me.Size = frmRectangle.Size
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Resize(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If ClientSize.Width > 40 AndAlso ClientSize.Height > 40 Then
            WLength = ClientSize.Width
            WHeight = ClientSize.Height
        End If

        label1.Location = New Point(10, WHeight - 14)
        label1.Size = New Size(WLength / 2 - 9 - 5, 13)
        label2.Location = New Point(WLength / 2 + 10 - 5, WHeight - 14)
        label2.Size = New Size(WLength / 2 - 9 - 13 + 5, 13)
        label3.Location = New Point(1, WHeight - 14)
        label4.Location = New Point(WLength / 2 - 4, WHeight - 14)
        pictureBox1.Size = New Size(WLength - 6, WHeight - 18)
        resizer.Location = New Point(WLength - 13, WHeight - 13)
        trackBar1.Location = New Point(2, WHeight - 14)
        trackBar1.Size = New Size(WLength - 15, 15)
        trackBar2.Location = New Point(2, WHeight - 14)
        trackBar2.Size = New Size(WLength - 15, 15)

        display_xscale = "time: " & (timerInterval * pictureBox1.Width / 1000).ToString() & "s "

        'resize arrays to match new window size
        Dim temp As Integer() = New Integer(pictureBox1.Width - 1) {}
        Dim temp2 As Double() = New Double(pictureBox1.Width - 1) {}
        If full_downlines.Length <= temp.Length Then
            Array.Copy(full_downlines, 0, temp, temp.Length - full_downlines.Length, full_downlines.Length)
            Array.Copy(full_downlines, full_downlines.Length - temp.Length, temp, 0, temp.Length)
        End If
        full_downlines = temp

        temp = New Integer(pictureBox1.Width - 1) {}
        If full_uplines.Length <= temp.Length Then
            Array.Copy(full_uplines, 0, temp, temp.Length - full_uplines.Length, full_uplines.Length)
            Array.Copy(full_uplines, full_uplines.Length - temp.Length, temp, 0, temp.Length)
        End If
        full_uplines = temp

        temp2 = New Double(pictureBox1.Width - 1) {}
        If full_downspeeds.Length <= temp2.Length Then
            Array.Copy(full_downspeeds, 0, temp2, temp2.Length - full_downspeeds.Length, full_downspeeds.Length)
            Array.Copy(full_downspeeds, full_downspeeds.Length - temp2.Length, temp2, 0, temp2.Length)
        End If
        full_downspeeds = temp2

        temp2 = New Double(pictureBox1.Width - 1) {}
        If full_upspeeds.Length <= temp2.Length Then
            Array.Copy(full_upspeeds, 0, temp2, temp2.Length - full_upspeeds.Length, full_upspeeds.Length)
            Array.Copy(full_upspeeds, full_upspeeds.Length - temp2.Length, temp2, 0, temp2.Length)
        End If
        full_upspeeds = temp2

        Dim font_adjust As Integer = 0
        If Not font_small.Checked Then
            font_adjust = 1
        End If
        If WLength > 125 Then
            If font_large.Checked Then
                label1.Font = InlineAssignHelper(label2.Font, New Font("MS Serif", 7 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Bold))
                label1.Font = InlineAssignHelper(label2.Font, New Font("MS Serif", 7 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Regular))
            End If
            label1.TextAlign = InlineAssignHelper(label2.TextAlign, ContentAlignment.TopLeft)
        ElseIf WLength > 95 Then
            If font_large.Checked Then
                label1.Font = InlineAssignHelper(label2.Font, New Font("MS Serif", 6 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Bold))
                label1.Font = InlineAssignHelper(label2.Font, New Font("MS Serif", 6 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Regular))
            End If
            label1.TextAlign = InlineAssignHelper(label2.TextAlign, ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft)
            If font_large.Checked Then
                label1.Font = InlineAssignHelper(label2.Font, New Font("MS Serif", 5 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Bold))
                label1.Font = InlineAssignHelper(label2.Font, New Font("MS Serif", 5 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Regular))
            End If
            label1.TextAlign = InlineAssignHelper(label2.TextAlign, ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft)
        End If
    End Sub

    'HSL <-> RGB (Hue/Saturation/Luminosity to/from Red/Green/Blue color format)
    Public Function HSL_to_RGB(ByVal h As Double, ByVal s As Double, ByVal l As Double) As Color
        Dim r As Double = 0, g As Double = 0, b As Double = 0
        Dim temp1 As Double, temp2 As Double
        h = h / 360.0R
        If l = 0 Then
            r = InlineAssignHelper(g, InlineAssignHelper(b, 0))
            If s = 0 Then
                r = InlineAssignHelper(g, InlineAssignHelper(b, l))
                temp2 = (If((l <= 0.5), l * (1.0R + s), l + s - (l * s)))
                temp1 = 2.0R * l - temp2
                Dim t3 As Double() = New Double() {h + 1.0R / 3.0R, h, h - 1.0R / 3.0R}
                Dim clr As Double() = New Double() {0, 0, 0}
                For i As Integer = 0 To 2
                    If t3(i) < 0 Then
                        t3(i) += 1.0R
                    End If
                    If t3(i) > 1 Then
                        t3(i) -= 1.0R
                    End If
                    If 6.0R * t3(i) < 1.0R Then
                        clr(i) = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * t3(i) * 6.0R
                    ElseIf 2.0R * t3(i) < 1.0R Then
                        clr(i) = temp2
                    ElseIf 3.0R * t3(i) < 2.0R Then
                        clr(i) = (temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((2.0R / 3.0R) - t3(i)) * 6.0R)
                        clr(i) = temp1
                    End If
                r = clr(0)
                g = clr(1)
                b = clr(2)
            End If
        End If
            Return Color.FromArgb(CInt((255 * r)), CInt((255 * g)), CInt((255 * b)))
        Catch generatedExceptionName As ArgumentException
            Return BACKGROUND_COLOR
        End Try
    End Function
    Public Sub RGB_to_HSL(ByVal c As Color, ByRef h As Double, ByRef s As Double, ByRef l As Double)
        h = c.GetHue()
        s = c.GetSaturation()
        l = c.GetBrightness()
    End Sub

    ' Menus and menu click handlers
    Private m_interval_menu As New MenuItem(), m_scale_menu As New MenuItem(), m_units As New MenuItem(), m_interfaces As New MenuItem(), m_graphs As New MenuItem(), m_colors As New MenuItem(), _
    m_utils As New MenuItem()
    Private interval_tenth As MenuItem, interval_fifth As MenuItem, interval_half As MenuItem, interval_1 As MenuItem
    Private scale_33 As MenuItem, scale_56 As MenuItem, scale_64 As MenuItem, scale_128 As MenuItem, scale_256 As MenuItem, scale_512 As MenuItem, _
    scale_640 As MenuItem, scale_1000 As MenuItem, scale_1500 As MenuItem, scale_2000 As MenuItem, scale_3000 As MenuItem, scale_5000 As MenuItem, _
    scale_7000 As MenuItem, scale_10000 As MenuItem, scale_11000 As MenuItem, scale_32000 As MenuItem, scale_54000 As MenuItem, scale_100000 As MenuItem, _
    scale_1000000 As MenuItem, scale_custom As MenuItem
    Private avg_checked As MenuItem, clip_watch As MenuItem, show_checked As MenuItem, topmost_checked As MenuItem, autoscale_checked As MenuItem, graph_label_checked As MenuItem, _
    mailcheck As MenuItem, mailchecknow As MenuItem
    ' added by miechu 

    Private simple_icon_checked As MenuItem
    ' end of added by miechu 

    Private units_kbits As MenuItem, units_kbytes As MenuItem, graphs_download As MenuItem, graphs_upload As MenuItem, graphs_summary As MenuItem, colorcycle As MenuItem, _
    m_update As MenuItem
    Private font_large As MenuItem, font_medium As MenuItem, font_small As MenuItem
    Private Sub MakeMenus()
        m_menu.MenuItems.Add(0, InlineAssignHelper(show_checked, New MenuItem("Show Desktop Meter", New EventHandler(AddressOf Show_Click))))
        show_checked.Checked = True
        m_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(topmost_checked, New MenuItem("Always On Top", New EventHandler(AddressOf TopMost_Click))))
        ' added by miechu 

        m_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(simple_icon_checked, New MenuItem("Simple Notify Icon", New EventHandler(AddressOf SimpleNotifyIcon_Click))))
        simple_icon_checked.Checked = False
        ' end of added by miechu 

        m_menu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(avg_checked, New MenuItem("Display Averages", New EventHandler(AddressOf Avg_Click))))
        m_menu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_menu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_menu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("About FreeMeter", New EventHandler(AddressOf About_Click)))
        m_menu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Exit FreeMeter", New EventHandler(AddressOf Exit_Click)))

        m_colors.Text = "Colors/Opacity"
        m_colors.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(colorcycle, New MenuItem("Cycle Colors", New EventHandler(AddressOf Cycle_Colors))))
        m_colors.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_colors.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Hue Slider", New EventHandler(AddressOf Trackbar1_Show)))
        m_colors.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Color", New EventHandler(AddressOf Color_Click)))
        m_colors.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Text Color", New EventHandler(AddressOf TextColor_Click)))
        m_colors.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Reset To Default", New EventHandler(AddressOf DefaultColor_Click)))
        m_colors.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_colors.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Transparency Slider", New EventHandler(AddressOf Trackbar2_Show)))
        m_colors.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Opaque", New EventHandler(AddressOf Opaque_Click)))

        m_interval_menu.Text = "Update Interval"
        m_interval_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(interval_tenth, New MenuItem("1/10 second", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetTimerInterval))))
        m_interval_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(interval_fifth, New MenuItem("1/5 second", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetTimerInterval))))
        m_interval_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(interval_half, New MenuItem("1/2 second", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetTimerInterval))))
        m_interval_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(interval_1, New MenuItem("1 second", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetTimerInterval))))

        m_scale_menu.Text = "Graph Scale"
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(autoscale_checked, New MenuItem("Auto", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetAutoScale))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_33, New MenuItem("33.6 kb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_56, New MenuItem("56 kb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_64, New MenuItem("64 kb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_128, New MenuItem("128 kb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_256, New MenuItem("256 kb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_512, New MenuItem("512 kb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_640, New MenuItem("640 kb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_1000, New MenuItem("1 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_1500, New MenuItem("1.5 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_2000, New MenuItem("2 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_3000, New MenuItem("3 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_5000, New MenuItem("5 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_7000, New MenuItem("7 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_10000, New MenuItem("10 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_11000, New MenuItem("11 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_32000, New MenuItem("32 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_54000, New MenuItem("54 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_100000, New MenuItem("100 mb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_1000000, New MenuItem("1 gb", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))
        m_scale_menu.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(scale_custom, New MenuItem("custom", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetScale_MenuClick))))

        m_units.Text = "Units"
        m_units.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(units_kbits, New MenuItem("Bits per sec (eg kbps)", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetUnits_kbits))))
        m_units.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(units_kbytes, New MenuItem("Bytes per sec (eg kB/s)", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetUnits_kbytes))))

        m_interfaces.Text = "Interfaces"
        For Each adapter As NetworkAdapter In monitor.Adapters
            Dim tmp As New MenuItem(adapter.Name, New EventHandler(AddressOf SetAdapter))
            tmp.Checked = adapter.Enabled

        m_utils.Text = "Utilities"
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(clip_watch, New MenuItem("URL Grabber Enabled", New EventHandler(AddressOf Clip_Click))))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(mailcheck, New MenuItem("Email Notify Enabled", New EventHandler(AddressOf CheckMail_Auto))))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(mailchecknow, New MenuItem("Check Email Now", New EventHandler(AddressOf CheckMail_Now))))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Email Server Settings", New EventHandler(AddressOf CheckMail_Settings)))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Ping Utility", New EventHandler(AddressOf Ping_Click)))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Traceroute Utility", New EventHandler(AddressOf Trace_Click)))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("UPnP NAT Utility", New EventHandler(AddressOf UPnP_Click)))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Totals Log", New EventHandler(AddressOf ShowTotalsLog_Click)))
        m_utils.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(m_update, New MenuItem("Check For Updates", New EventHandler(AddressOf Check_Version))))

        m_graphs.Text = "Graphs"
        m_graphs.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(graph_label_checked, New MenuItem("Show Graph Heading", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetGraph_Label))))
        m_graphs.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(graphs_summary, New MenuItem("Show Summary On Left(up) and Right(down)", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetGraph_Summary))))

        m_graphs.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_graphs.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(graphs_download, New MenuItem("Download", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetGraph_Download))))
        m_graphs.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(graphs_upload, New MenuItem("Upload", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetGraph_Upload))))
        m_graphs.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("-"))
        m_graphs.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(font_large, New MenuItem("Large Font", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetFont_Large))))
        m_graphs.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(font_medium, New MenuItem("Medium Font", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetFont_Medium))))
        m_graphs.MenuItems.Add(InlineAssignHelper(font_small, New MenuItem("Small Font", New EventHandler(AddressOf SetFont_Small))))
    End Sub

    Public Sub Check_Menus()
        interval_tenth.Checked = InlineAssignHelper(interval_fifth.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(interval_half.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(interval_1.Checked, False)))
        scale_33.Checked = InlineAssignHelper(scale_56.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_64.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_128.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_256.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_512.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_640.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_1000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_1500.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_2000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_3000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_5000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_7000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_10000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_11000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_32000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_54000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_100000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_1000000.Checked, InlineAssignHelper(scale_custom.Checked, False)))))))))))))))))))

        If timerInterval = 100 Then
            interval_tenth.Checked = True
        ElseIf timerInterval = 200 Then
            interval_fifth.Checked = True
        ElseIf timerInterval = 500 Then
            interval_half.Checked = True
        ElseIf timerInterval = 1000 Then
            interval_1.Checked = True
        End If

        Select Case scale
            Case 4200
                scale_33.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 33.6 kb"
                Exit Select
            Case 7000
                scale_56.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 56 kb"
                Exit Select
            Case 8000
                scale_64.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 64 kb"
                Exit Select
            Case 16000
                scale_128.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 128 kb"
                Exit Select
            Case 32000
                scale_256.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 256 kb"
                Exit Select
            Case 64000
                scale_512.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 512 kb"
                Exit Select
            Case 80000
                scale_640.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 640 kb"
                Exit Select
            Case 128000
                scale_1000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 1 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 192000
                scale_1500.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 1.5 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 256000
                scale_2000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 2 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 384000
                scale_3000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 3 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 640000
                scale_5000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 5 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 896000
                scale_7000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 7 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 1280000
                scale_10000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 10 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 1408000
                scale_11000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 11 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 4096000
                scale_32000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 32 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 6912000
                scale_54000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 54 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 12800000
                scale_100000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 100 mb"
                Exit Select
            Case 128000000
                scale_1000000.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: 1 gb"
                Exit Select
            Case Else
                scale_custom.Checked = True
                display_yscale = "scale: custom (" & Totals_Log.Value(scale, Nothing) & ")"
                Exit Select
        End Select
    End Sub

    ' handlers for menu clicks
    Private Sub SetTimerInterval(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        For Each m As MenuItem In m_interval_menu.MenuItems
            If m.Equals(sender) Then
                If Not m.Checked Then
                    m.Checked = True
                End If

                Select Case m.Text
                    Case "1/10 second"
                        timerInterval = 100
                        Exit Select
                    Case "1/5 second"
                        timerInterval = 200
                        Exit Select
                    Case "1/2 second"
                        timerInterval = 500
                        Exit Select
                    Case "1 second"
                        timerInterval = 1000
                        Exit Select
                End Select
                display_xscale = "time: " & timerInterval * pictureBox1.Width / 1000 & "s "
                m.Checked = False
            End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetAutoScale(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        autoscale_checked.Checked = Not autoscale_checked.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub ResizeScale()
        'resize line values in array to match new scale.
        For i As Integer = 0 To full_downlines.Length - 1
            full_downlines(i) = CInt((pictureBox1.Height * full_downspeeds(i) / scale))
            full_uplines(i) = CInt((pictureBox1.Height * full_upspeeds(i) / scale))
        For i As Integer = 0 To downlines.Length - 1
            downlines(i) = 16 * CInt(full_downspeeds(full_downlines.Length - 16 + i)) / scale
            uplines(i) = 16 * CInt(full_upspeeds(full_downlines.Length - 16 + i)) / scale
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetScale_MenuClick(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        'from a menu click to change graph scale
        For Each m As MenuItem In m_scale_menu.MenuItems
            If m Is autoscale_checked Then
                If m.Equals(sender) Then
                    If Not m.Checked Then
                        m.Checked = True
                    End If
                    Select Case m.Text
                        Case "33.6 kb"
                            scale = 4200
                            Exit Select
                        Case "56 kb"
                            scale = 7000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "64 kb"
                            scale = 8000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "128 kb"
                            scale = 16000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "256 kb"
                            scale = 32000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "512 kb"
                            scale = 64000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "640 kb"
                            scale = 80000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "1 mb"
                            scale = 128000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "1.5 mb"
                            scale = 192000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "2 mb"
                            scale = 256000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "3 mb"
                            scale = 384000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "5 mb"
                            scale = 640000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "7 mb"
                            scale = 896000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "10 mb"
                            scale = 1280000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "11 mb"
                            scale = 1408000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "32 mb"
                            scale = 4096000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "54 mb"
                            scale = 6912000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "100 mb"
                            scale = 12800000
                            Exit Select
                        Case "1 gb"
                            scale = 128000000
                            Exit Select
                        Case Else

                            If True Then
                                Dim g As New GetValue("Provide custom scale in bytes (1024B = 1KB)")

                                If g.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
                                        scale = Integer.Parse(g.Value)
                                        m.Text = "custom (" & Totals_Log.Value(scale, Nothing) & ")"
                                        m.Text = "custom"
                                    End Try
                                End If

                                Exit Select
                            End If
                    End Select

                    m.Checked = False
                End If
            End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetUnits_kbits(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        units_kbits.Checked = Not units_kbits.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetUnits_kbytes(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        units_kbytes.Checked = Not units_kbytes.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetAdapter(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        For Each adapter As NetworkAdapter In monitor.Adapters
            For Each m As MenuItem In m_interfaces.MenuItems
                If m Is sender AndAlso adapter.Name = m.Text Then
                    If m.Checked Then
                        m.Checked = InlineAssignHelper(adapter.Enabled, False)
                        m.Checked = InlineAssignHelper(adapter.Enabled, True)
                    End If
                End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetGraph_Summary(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        graphs_summary.Checked = Not graphs_summary.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetGraph_Label(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        graph_label_checked.Checked = Not graph_label_checked.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetGraph_Download(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        graphs_download.Checked = Not graphs_download.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetGraph_Upload(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        graphs_upload.Checked = Not graphs_upload.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetFont_Large(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        font_large.Checked = True
        font_medium.Checked = InlineAssignHelper(font_small.Checked, False)
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetFont_Medium(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        font_medium.Checked = True
        font_large.Checked = InlineAssignHelper(font_small.Checked, False)
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetFont_Small(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        font_small.Checked = True
        font_medium.Checked = InlineAssignHelper(font_large.Checked, False)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Avg_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        avg_checked.Checked = Not avg_checked.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub Clip_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If clip_watch.Checked Then
            clip_watch.Checked = False
            ClipData = Nothing
            clip_watch.Checked = True
            ClipData = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Show_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
            WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
            show_checked.Checked = False
            show_checked.Checked = True
            WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal

            Dim rect As Rectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea

            If Me.Location.X > rect.Width OrElse Me.Location.Y > rect.Height OrElse Me.Location.Y < 0 OrElse Me.Location.X < 0 Then
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub TopMost_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        topmost_checked.Checked = Not topmost_checked.Checked
        TopMost = topmost_checked.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub SimpleNotifyIcon_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        simple_icon_checked.Checked = Not simple_icon_checked.Checked
        icon_representation = simple_icon_checked.Checked
    End Sub

    Private Sub Exit_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        m_closing = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub About_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
    End Sub
    'handlers for mail menu clicks
    Private Sub CheckMail_Auto(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If mailcheck.Checked Then
            mailcheck.Checked = False
            mailcheck.Checked = True
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub CheckMail_Now(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        MailTimer_Tick(sender, e)
    End Sub

    Private Sub CheckMail_Settings(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim frm As New EmailSettings_Form()
        frm.MyParentForm = Me
        If frm.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
            For i As Integer = 0 To frm.har.Count - 1
                Dim server As New MailServer()
                server.Host = frm.har(i).ToString()
                server.User = frm.uar(i).ToString()
                server.Pass = frm.par(i).ToString()
                server.Enabled = CBool(frm.ear(i))
                server.Type = frm.tar(i).ToString()
            MailTimer.Interval = frm.Time * 1000 * 60
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Ping_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim frm As New AdvPing()
        frm.MyParentForm = Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub Trace_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim frm As New AdvTrace()
        frm.MyParentForm = Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub UPnP_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim frm As New frmUPnP()
        frm.MyParentForm = Me
    End Sub

    'check version
    Private Sub Check_Version(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If sender.Equals(m_update) Then
            respond_to_latest = True
        End If
        Dim checkversionWorker As New BackgroundWorker()
        checkversionWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = False
        AddHandler checkversionWorker.DoWork, AddressOf CheckVersionWorker_DoWork
    End Sub
    Private Sub CheckVersionWorker_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DoWorkEventArgs)
        Dim ThisAssemblyName As AssemblyName = myAssembly.GetName()
        Dim FriendlyVersion As String = (("v" & ThisAssemblyName.Version.Major.ToString() & ".") + ThisAssemblyName.Version.Minor.ToString() & ".") + ThisAssemblyName.Version.Build.ToString()
        If Not respond_to_latest Then
        End If
            Dim w As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("*checkout*/freemeter/FM_CVS/changelog.txt?revision=HEAD")
            Dim sw As Stream = w.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()
            Dim sr As New StreamReader(sw)
            Dim line As String = sr.ReadLine()

            Dim result As Integer = [String].Compare(line, 1, FriendlyVersion, 1, 8, True, _

            If result < 0 Then
                m_notifyicon.ShowBalloonTip(1, "Your version is newer.", (line & " is online version. You have ") + FriendlyVersion & ".", ToolTipIcon.Info)
            ElseIf result > 0 Then
                m_notifyicon.ShowBalloonTip(1, "New Update Is Available", (line & " is available. You have ") + FriendlyVersion & "." & vbLf & "Check About dialog for download site.", ToolTipIcon.Info)
            ElseIf respond_to_latest Then
                m_notifyicon.ShowBalloonTip(1, "No New Updates", "You have the latest version (" & line & ").", ToolTipIcon.Info)
                respond_to_latest = False
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            m_notifyicon.ShowBalloonTip(1, "Check For Update", ex.Message, ToolTipIcon.[Error])
        End Try
    End Sub

    ' Registry reading/writing, and form Dispose override
    Private Sub RestoreRegistry()
        End Try
    End Sub

    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
        If backgroundWorker1 IsNot Nothing Then
        End If


        If disposing Then
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub LoadConfiguration()
        Dim app_dir As String = Application.ExecutablePath
        app_dir = app_dir.Remove(app_dir.LastIndexOf("\"c))

        Dim xml_doc As New XmlDocument()
        xml_doc.Load(app_dir & "\config.xml")

        Dim xml As New Hashtable()

        For Each node As XmlNode In xml_doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes
            xml(node.Name) = node.InnerText

        avg_checked.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("DispAvg").ToString())
        units_kbytes.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("UnitsKbytes").ToString())
        units_kbits.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("UnitsKbits").ToString())
        graphs_download.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("GraphDownload").ToString())
        graphs_upload.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("GraphUpload").ToString())

        autoscale_checked.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("AutoScale").ToString())
        topmost_checked.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("TopMost").ToString())
        simple_icon_checked.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("SimpleNotifyIcon").ToString())
        graph_label_checked.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("ShowGraphLabel").ToString())
        colorcycle.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("ColorCycle").ToString())
        mailcheck.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("MailCheck").ToString())
        clip_watch.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("ClipWatch").ToString())
        LogEnabled = Boolean.Parse(xml("LogEnabled").ToString())

        timerInterval = Integer.Parse(xml("TimerInterval").ToString())
        LogInterval = Integer.Parse(xml("LogInterval").ToString())
        scale = Integer.Parse(xml("GraphScale").ToString())

        WLength = Integer.Parse(xml("DispWidth").ToString())
        WHeight = Integer.Parse(xml("DispHeight").ToString())
        full_downlines = New Integer(WLength - 1) {}
        full_uplines = New Integer(WLength - 1) {}
        full_downspeeds = New Double(WLength - 1) {}
        full_upspeeds = New Double(WLength - 1) {}
        ClientSize = New Size(WLength, WHeight)

        If xml("WindowIsVisible").ToString().ToLower() = "true" Then
            Location = New Point(Integer.Parse(xml("WindowX").ToString()), Integer.Parse(xml("WindowY").ToString()))
            show_checked.Checked = True
            WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
            Location = New Point(Integer.Parse(xml("WindowX").ToString()), Integer.Parse(xml("WindowY").ToString()))
            WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
            show_checked.Checked = False
        End If

        If Integer.Parse(xml("FontSize").ToString()) = 2 Then
            font_large.Checked = True
        ElseIf Integer.Parse(xml("FontSize").ToString()) = 1 Then
            font_medium.Checked = True
            font_small.Checked = True
        End If

        Dim host As String = xml("PopServer").ToString()
        Dim user As String = xml("PopUser").ToString()
        Dim pass As String = xml("PopPass").ToString()
        Dim enab As String = xml("PopEnabled").ToString()
        Dim type As String = xml("PopType").ToString()

        Dim htokens As String() = host.Split(New Char() {","c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        Dim utokens As String() = user.Split(New Char() {","c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        Dim ptokens As String() = pass.Split(New Char() {","c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        Dim etokens As String() = enab.Split(New Char() {","c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        Dim ttokens As String() = type.Split(New Char() {","c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

        For i As Integer = 0 To htokens.Length - 1
            Dim server As New MailServer()
            server.Host = htokens(i)
            server.User = utokens(i)
            server.Pass = Decrypt(ptokens(i), utokens(i))
            server.Type = ttokens(i)
            If etokens(i) = "True" Then
                server.Enabled = True
                server.Enabled = False
            End If
            server.OldMsgCount = 0

        'remove the default value
        MailTimer.Interval = Integer.Parse(xml("MailCheckInterval").ToString())

        If mailcheck.Checked Then
        End If

        If clip_watch.Checked Then
        End If

        LogTimer.Interval = LogInterval * 60000

        If LogEnabled Then
        End If

        trackBar2.Maximum = 100
        trackBar2.Minimum = 30
        trackBar2.Value = Integer.Parse(xml("Trans").ToString())
        Opacity = CSng(trackBar2.Value) / 100

        BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.FromArgb(255, Integer.Parse(xml("BackgroundRed").ToString()), Integer.Parse(xml("BackgroundGreen").ToString()), Integer.Parse(xml("BackgroundBlue").ToString()))
        FORGROUND_COLOR = Color.FromArgb(255, Integer.Parse(xml("ForegroundRed").ToString()), Integer.Parse(xml("ForegroundGreen").ToString()), Integer.Parse(xml("ForegroundBlue").ToString()))

        TopMost = topmost_checked.Checked
        icon_representation = simple_icon_checked.Checked


        graphs_summary.Checked = Boolean.Parse(xml("GraphSummary").ToString())
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetDefaults()
        timerInterval = 1000
        scale = 7000
        avg_checked.Checked = False

        WLength = 126
        WHeight = 64
        full_downlines = New Integer(WLength - 1) {}
        full_uplines = New Integer(WLength - 1) {}
        full_downspeeds = New Double(WLength - 1) {}
        full_upspeeds = New Double(WLength - 1) {}
        ClientSize = New Size(WLength, WHeight)

        units_kbytes.Checked = True
        units_kbits.Checked = False
        graphs_download.Checked = True
        graphs_upload.Checked = True

        autoscale_checked.Checked = True
        ' Location
        topmost_checked.Checked = True

        show_checked.Checked = True
        WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal

        graph_label_checked.Checked = True
        colorcycle.Checked = False

        BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.FromArgb(255, 44, 81, 138)
        FORGROUND_COLOR = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)

        mailcheck.Checked = False

        Dim server As New MailServer()
        server.Host = ""
        server.User = "username"
        server.Pass = Decrypt(Encrypt("password", "username"), "username")
        server.Type = "0"
        server.Enabled = False
        server.OldMsgCount = 0

        MailTimer.Interval = 600000

        trackBar2.Maximum = 100
        trackBar2.Minimum = 30
        trackBar2.Value = 100
        Opacity = CSng(trackBar2.Value) / 100

        clip_watch.Checked = False
        LogInterval = 5
        LogEnabled = False

        font_large.Checked = False
        font_medium.Checked = False
        font_small.Checked = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub SaveConfiguration()
        Dim app_dir As String = Application.ExecutablePath
        app_dir = app_dir.Remove(app_dir.LastIndexOf("\"c))

        Dim writer As New XmlTextWriter(app_dir & "\config.xml", Encoding.UTF8)
        writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented


        writer.WriteElementString("DispAvg", avg_checked.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("UnitsKbytes", units_kbytes.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("UnitsKbits", units_kbits.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("GraphDownload", graphs_download.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("GraphUpload", graphs_upload.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("GraphSummary", graphs_summary.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("AutoScale", autoscale_checked.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("TopMost", topmost_checked.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("SimpleNotifyIcon", simple_icon_checked.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("ShowGraphLabel", graph_label_checked.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("ColorCycle", colorcycle.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("MailCheck", mailcheck.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("ClipWatch", clip_watch.Checked.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("LogEnabled", LogEnabled.ToString())

        writer.WriteElementString("TimerInterval", timerInterval.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("LogInterval", LogInterval.ToString())

        ' TODO: save data regarding mail

        Dim hstring As String = Nothing
        Dim ustring As String = Nothing
        Dim pstring As String = Nothing
        Dim estring As String = Nothing
        Dim tstring As String = Nothing
        For Each server As MailServer In MailServers
            hstring += server.Host & ","
            ustring += server.User & ","
            pstring += Encrypt(server.Pass, server.User) & ","
            estring += server.Enabled.ToString() & ","
            tstring += server.Type.ToString() & ","
        hstring = hstring.Substring(0, hstring.Length - 1)
        ustring = ustring.Substring(0, ustring.Length - 1)
        pstring = pstring.Substring(0, pstring.Length - 1)
        estring = estring.Substring(0, estring.Length - 1)
        tstring = tstring.Substring(0, tstring.Length - 1)

        writer.WriteElementString("PopServer", hstring)
        writer.WriteElementString("PopUser", ustring)
        writer.WriteElementString("PopPass", pstring)
        writer.WriteElementString("PopEnabled", estring)
        writer.WriteElementString("PopType", tstring)

        ' TODO: save data regarding mail
        writer.WriteElementString("MailCheckInterval", MailTimer.Interval.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("BackgroundRed", CInt(BACKGROUND_COLOR.R).ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("BackgroundGreen", CInt(BACKGROUND_COLOR.G).ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("BackgroundBlue", CInt(BACKGROUND_COLOR.B).ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("ForegroundRed", CInt(FORGROUND_COLOR.R).ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("ForegroundGreen", CInt(FORGROUND_COLOR.G).ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("ForegroundBlue", CInt(FORGROUND_COLOR.B).ToString())

        writer.WriteElementString("WindowX", Me.Location.X.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("WindowY", Me.Location.Y.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("DispWidth", ClientSize.Width.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("DispHeight", ClientSize.Height.ToString())

        If WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
            writer.WriteElementString("WindowIsVisible", "True")
            writer.WriteElementString("WindowIsVisible", "False")
        End If

        writer.WriteElementString("GraphScale", scale.ToString())
        writer.WriteElementString("Trans", trackBar2.Value.ToString())

        If font_large.Checked Then
            writer.WriteElementString("FontSize", "2")
        ElseIf font_medium.Checked Then
            writer.WriteElementString("FontSize", "1")
            writer.WriteElementString("FontSize", "0")
        End If


    End Sub

    'enc denc
    Private Function Encrypt(ByVal plainMessage As String, ByVal password As String) As String
        Dim des As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()
        des.IV = New Byte(7) {}
        Dim pdb As New PasswordDeriveBytes(password, New Byte(-1) {})
        des.Key = pdb.CryptDeriveKey("RC2", "MD5", 128, New Byte(7) {})
        Dim ms As New MemoryStream(plainMessage.Length * 2)
        Dim encStream As New CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write)
        Dim plainBytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainMessage)
        encStream.Write(plainBytes, 0, plainBytes.Length)
        Dim encryptedBytes As Byte() = New Byte(ms.Length - 1) {}
        ms.Position = 0
        ms.Read(encryptedBytes, 0, CInt(ms.Length))
        Return Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes)
    End Function
    Private Function Decrypt(ByVal encryptedBase64 As String, ByVal password As String) As String
        Dim des As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()
        des.IV = New Byte(7) {}
        Dim pdb As New PasswordDeriveBytes(password, New Byte(-1) {})
        des.Key = pdb.CryptDeriveKey("RC2", "MD5", 128, New Byte(7) {})
        Dim encryptedBytes As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedBase64)
        Dim ms As New MemoryStream(encryptedBase64.Length)
        Dim decStream As New CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write)
        decStream.Write(encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.Length)
        Dim plainBytes As Byte() = New Byte(ms.Length - 1) {}
        ms.Position = 0
        ms.Read(plainBytes, 0, CInt(ms.Length))
        Return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plainBytes)
    End Function

    'set the text of a control in a thread safe manner
    Private Delegate Sub SetTextCallback(ByVal l As Label, ByVal t As String, ByVal offset As Integer)
    Private Delegate Sub SetColorCallback(ByVal l As Control, ByVal c As Color)
    Private Sub SetText(ByVal l As Label, ByVal t As String, ByVal offset As Integer)
        If l.InvokeRequired Then
            Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf SetText)
                Me.Invoke(d, New [Object]() {l, t, offset})
            Catch e As ObjectDisposedException
            End Try
            If ClientSize.Width > 40 AndAlso ClientSize.Height > 40 Then
                WLength = ClientSize.Width
                WHeight = ClientSize.Height
            End If

            Dim font_adjust As Integer = 0
            If Not font_small.Checked Then
                font_adjust = 1
            End If
            If WLength > 125 Then
                If font_large.Checked Then
                    l.Font = New Font("MS Serif", 7 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Bold)
                    l.Font = New Font("MS Serif", 7 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Regular)
                End If
                l.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft
                l.Location = New Point(10 + offset, WHeight - 14)
            ElseIf WLength > 95 Then
                If font_large.Checked Then
                    l.Font = New Font("MS Serif", 6 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Bold)
                    l.Font = New Font("MS Serif", 6 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Regular)
                End If
                l.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
                l.Location = New Point(10 + offset, WHeight - 14)
                If font_large.Checked Then
                    l.Font = New Font("MS Serif", 5 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Bold)
                    l.Font = New Font("MS Serif", 5 + font_adjust, FontStyle.Regular)
                End If
                l.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
                l.Location = New Point(10 + offset, WHeight - 14)
            End If
            l.Text = t
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetColor(ByVal l As Control, ByVal c As Color)
        If l.InvokeRequired Then
            Dim d As New SetColorCallback(AddressOf SetColor)
            Me.Invoke(d, New [Object]() {l, c})
            l.BackColor = c
        End If
    End Sub

    ' MAIN - if already running notify, otherwise run the main form
    <STAThread()> _
    Private Shared Sub Main()
            Dim RunningProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("FreeMeter")
            If RunningProcesses.Length = 1 Then
                Application.Run(New Form1())
            ElseIf RunningProcesses.Length = 2 Then
                If RunningProcesses(0).StartTime > RunningProcesses(1).StartTime Then
                End If

                Application.Run(New Form1())
                MessageBox.Show("I'm Already Running!", "!")

            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            If Not Debugger.IsAttached Then
                Dim err As New ErrorForm(ex)
                Throw ex
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub ShowTotalsLog_Click(ByVal sender As [Object], ByVal e As EventArgs)
    End Sub
    Private Shared Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, ByVal value As T) As T
        target = value
        Return value
    End Function
End Class

Public Class MailServer
    Friend Enabled As Boolean
    Friend Host As String
    Friend User As String
    Friend Pass As String
    Friend Type As String
    Friend OldMsgCount As Integer
End Class

' The NetworkMonitor class monitors network speed for each network adapter on the computer,
' using classes for Performance counter in .NET library.
Public Class NetworkMonitor
    Private m_adapters As ArrayList
    Public monitoredAdapters As ArrayList

    Public Sub New()
        Me.m_adapters = New ArrayList()
        Me.monitoredAdapters = New ArrayList()
    End Sub

    Private Sub EnumerateNetworkAdapters()
        Dim category As New PerformanceCounterCategory("Network Interface")

        For Each name As String In category.GetInstanceNames()
            If name = "MS TCP Loopback interface" Then
                Continue For
            End If
            Dim adapter As New NetworkAdapter(name)
            adapter.dlCounter = New PerformanceCounter("Network Interface", "Bytes Received/sec", name)
            adapter.ulCounter = New PerformanceCounter("Network Interface", "Bytes Sent/sec", name)
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property Adapters() As NetworkAdapter()
            Return DirectCast(Me.m_adapters.ToArray(GetType(NetworkAdapter)), NetworkAdapter())
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

' Represents a network adapter installed on the machine.
' Properties of this class can be used to obtain current network speed.
Public Class NetworkAdapter
    ' Instances of this class are supposed to be created only in an NetworkMonitor.
    Friend Sub New(ByVal name As String)
        Me.m_name = name
    End Sub

    Private dlSpeed As Long, ulSpeed As Long
    Private dlValue As Long, ulValue As Long
    Private dlValueOld As Long, ulValueOld As Long

    Friend m_name As String
    Friend dlCounter As PerformanceCounter, ulCounter As PerformanceCounter
    Friend Enabled As Boolean

    Friend Sub init()
        Me.dlValueOld = Me.dlCounter.NextSample().RawValue
        Me.ulValueOld = Me.ulCounter.NextSample().RawValue
        Me.Enabled = True
    End Sub

    ' Obtain new sample from performance counters, and refresh the values saved in dlSpeed, ulSpeed, etc.
    ' This method is supposed to be called only in NetworkMonitor, one time every second.
    Friend Sub refresh()
        Me.dlValue = Me.dlCounter.NextSample().RawValue
        Me.ulValue = Me.ulCounter.NextSample().RawValue

        ' Calculates download and upload speed.
        Me.dlSpeed = Me.dlValue - Me.dlValueOld
        Me.ulSpeed = Me.ulValue - Me.ulValueOld
        Me.dlValueOld = Me.dlValue
        Me.ulValueOld = Me.ulValue
    End Sub

    ' Overrides method to return the name of the adapter.
    Public Overloads Overrides Function ToString() As String
        Return Me.m_name
    End Function

    Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String
            Return Me.m_name
        End Get
    End Property
    ' Current download speed in bytes per second.
    Public Function DownloadSpeed(ByVal Interval As Integer) As Long
        Return Me.dlSpeed * 1000 / Interval
    End Function
    ' Current upload speed in bytes per second.
    Public Function UploadSpeed(ByVal Interval As Integer) As Long
        Return Me.ulSpeed * 1000 / Interval
    End Function

End Class

'classes for dealing with pop and imap email
Public Class POP3
    Private POPServer As String
    Private user As String
    Private pwd As String
    Public ErrMsg As String = ""
    Private ns As NetworkStream
    Private sr As StreamReader
    Private sender As TcpClient
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal server As String, ByVal _user As String, ByVal _pwd As String)
        POPServer = server
        user = _user
        pwd = _pwd
    End Sub
    Private Function Connect() As String
            sender = New TcpClient(POPServer, 110)
        Catch e As SocketException
            Return e.Message
        End Try
        Dim outbytes As [Byte]()
        Dim input As String
            ns = sender.GetStream()
            sr = New StreamReader(ns)

            input = "user " & user & vbCr & vbLf
            outbytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input.ToCharArray())
            ns.Write(outbytes, 0, outbytes.Length)

            input = "pass " & pwd & vbCr & vbLf
            outbytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input.ToCharArray())
            ns.Write(outbytes, 0, outbytes.Length)
            Dim resp As String = sr.ReadLine()

            Dim tokens As String() = resp.Split(New [Char]() {" "c})
            If tokens(0).ToLower() = "-err" Then
                Return "Login Failed"

            End If
        Catch e As InvalidOperationException
            Return e.Message
        End Try
        Return Nothing
    End Function
    Private Sub Disconnect()
        Dim input As String = "quit" & vbCr & vbLf
        Dim outbytes As [Byte]() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input.ToCharArray())
        ns.Write(outbytes, 0, outbytes.Length)
    End Sub
    Public Function GetNumberOfMessages() As Integer
        Dim outbytes As [Byte]()
        Dim input As String
            Dim msg As String = Connect()
            If msg IsNot Nothing Then
                Me.ErrMsg = msg
                Return -1
            End If
            input = "stat" & vbCr & vbLf
            outbytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input.ToCharArray())
            If ns Is Nothing Then
                Me.ErrMsg = "NetworkStream not connected"
                Return -1
            End If
            ns.Write(outbytes, 0, outbytes.Length)
            Dim resp As String = sr.ReadLine()
            Dim tokens As String() = resp.Split(New [Char]() {" "c})
            If tokens(0).ToLower() = "-err" Then
                Me.ErrMsg = "Invalid command"
                Return -1
                Return Convert.ToInt32(tokens(1))
            End If
        Catch e As InvalidOperationException
            Me.ErrMsg = e.Message
            Return -1
        End Try
    End Function
End Class

Public Class IMAP
    Private IMAPServer As String
    Private user As String
    Private pwd As String
    Public ErrMsg As String = ""
    Private ns As NetworkStream
    Private sr As StreamReader
    Private sender As TcpClient
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal server As String, ByVal _user As String, ByVal _pwd As String)
        IMAPServer = server
        user = _user
        pwd = _pwd
    End Sub
    Private Function Connect() As String
            sender = New TcpClient(IMAPServer, 143)
        Catch e As SocketException
            Return e.Message
        End Try
        Dim outbytes As [Byte]()
        Dim input As String
            ns = sender.GetStream()
            sr = New StreamReader(ns)

            input = ("a001 login " & user & " ") + pwd & vbCr & vbLf
            outbytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input.ToCharArray())
            ns.Write(outbytes, 0, outbytes.Length)
            Dim resp As String = sr.ReadLine()
            Dim tokens As String() = resp.Split(New [Char]() {" "c})
            If tokens(1).ToLower() = "no" Then
                Return "Login Failed"
            End If
        Catch e As InvalidOperationException
            Return e.Message
        Catch eio As IOException
            Return eio.Message
        End Try
        Return Nothing
    End Function
    Private Sub Disconnect()
        Dim input As String = "a003 logout" & vbCr & vbLf
        Dim outbytes As [Byte]() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input.ToCharArray())
        ns.Write(outbytes, 0, outbytes.Length)
    End Sub
    Public Function GetNumberOfMessages() As Integer
        Dim outbytes As [Byte]()
        Dim input As String
            Dim msg As String = Connect()
            If msg IsNot Nothing Then
                Me.ErrMsg = msg
                Return -1
            End If
            input = "a002 select inbox" & vbCr & vbLf
            outbytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input.ToCharArray())
            If ns Is Nothing Then
                Me.ErrMsg = "NetworkStream not connected"
                Return -1
            End If
            ns.Write(outbytes, 0, outbytes.Length)
            Dim found As Boolean = False
            Dim tokens As String() = Nothing
            While Not found
                Dim resp As String = sr.ReadLine()
                tokens = resp.Split(New [Char]() {" "c})
                If tokens(1).ToLower() = "no" Then
                    Me.ErrMsg = "Invalid command"
                    Return -1
                ElseIf tokens(2).ToLower() = "exists" Then
                    found = True
                End If
            End While
            Return Convert.ToInt32(tokens(1))
        Catch e As InvalidOperationException
            Me.ErrMsg = e.Message
            Return -1
        Catch e As IOException
            Me.ErrMsg = e.Message
            Return -1
        End Try
    End Function
End Class

Public Class EmailSettings_Form
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Public MyParentForm As Form1
    Private comboBox1 As ComboBox
    Private comboBox2 As ComboBox
    Private textBox1 As TextBox
    Private textBox2 As TextBox
    Private textBox3 As TextBox
    Private numericUpDown1 As NumericUpDown
    Private checkBox1 As CheckBox
    Private label1 As Label
    Private labelt As Label
    Private label2 As Label
    Private label3 As Label
    Private label4 As Label
    Private label5 As Label
    Private label6 As Label
    Private button1 As Button
    Private button2 As Button
    Private button3 As Button
    Private button4 As Button
    Private groupBox1 As GroupBox
    Public ReadOnly Property Server() As String
            Return comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property User() As String
            Return textBox2.Text
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Pass() As String
            Return textBox3.Text
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Time() As Integer
            Return CInt(numericUpDown1.Value)
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New()
        comboBox1 = New ComboBox()
        comboBox2 = New ComboBox()
        textBox1 = New TextBox()
        textBox2 = New TextBox()
        textBox3 = New TextBox()
        numericUpDown1 = New NumericUpDown()
        checkBox1 = New CheckBox()
        label1 = New Label()
        labelt = New Label()
        label2 = New Label()
        label3 = New Label()
        label4 = New Label()
        label5 = New Label()
        label6 = New Label()
        button1 = New Button()
        button2 = New Button()
        button3 = New Button()
        button4 = New Button()
        groupBox1 = New GroupBox()

        ' comboBox1
        comboBox1.FormattingEnabled = True
        comboBox1.Location = New Point(103, 9)
        comboBox1.Name = "comboBox1"
        comboBox1.Size = New Size(153, 20)
        comboBox1.TabIndex = 0
        AddHandler comboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged
        comboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList

        ' comboBox2
        comboBox2.FormattingEnabled = True
        comboBox2.Location = New Point(103, 33)
        comboBox2.Name = "comboBox2"
        comboBox2.Size = New Size(60, 20)
        comboBox2.TabIndex = 1
        AddHandler comboBox2.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf comboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged
        comboBox2.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList

        ' textBox1
        textBox1.Location = New Point(103, 57)
        textBox1.Name = "textBox1"
        textBox1.Size = New Size(133, 20)
        textBox1.TabIndex = 2
        AddHandler textBox1.TextChanged, AddressOf textBox1_TextChanged

        ' textBox2
        textBox2.Location = New Point(103, 81)
        textBox2.Name = "textBox2"
        textBox2.Size = New Size(100, 20)
        textBox2.TabIndex = 3
        AddHandler textBox2.TextChanged, AddressOf textBox2_TextChanged

        ' textBox3
        textBox3.Location = New Point(103, 105)
        textBox3.Name = "textBox3"
        textBox3.Size = New Size(100, 20)
        textBox3.TabIndex = 4
        textBox3.UseSystemPasswordChar = True
        AddHandler textBox3.TextChanged, AddressOf textBox3_TextChanged

        ' checkbox1
        checkBox1.Location = New Point(103, 127)
        checkBox1.Name = "checkbox1"
        checkBox1.TabIndex = 5
        AddHandler checkBox1.CheckedChanged, AddressOf checkBox1_CheckedChanged

        ' numericUpDown1
        numericUpDown1.Location = New Point(145, 168)
        numericUpDown1.Maximum = New Decimal(New Integer() {60, 0, 0, 0})
        numericUpDown1.Minimum = New Decimal(New Integer() {1, 0, 0, 0})
        numericUpDown1.Name = "numericUpDown1"
        numericUpDown1.Size = New Size(40, 20)
        numericUpDown1.TabIndex = 6
        numericUpDown1.Value = New Decimal(New Integer() {1, 0, 0, 0})

        ' label1
        label1.Location = New Point(3, 12)
        label1.Name = "label1"
        label1.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label1.Size = New Size(95, 13)
        label1.Text = "Display Name"
        label1.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
        label1.BackColor = Color.White

        ' labelt
        labelt.Location = New Point(3, 36)
        labelt.Name = "labelt"
        labelt.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        labelt.Size = New Size(95, 13)
        labelt.Text = "Server Type"
        labelt.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
        labelt.BackColor = Color.White

        ' label2
        label2.Location = New Point(3, 60)
        label2.Name = "label2"
        label2.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label2.Size = New Size(95, 13)
        label2.Text = "Server Host"
        label2.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
        label2.BackColor = Color.White

        ' label3
        label3.Location = New Point(3, 84)
        label3.Name = "label3"
        label3.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label3.Size = New Size(95, 13)
        label3.Text = "Username"
        label3.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
        label3.BackColor = Color.White

        ' label4
        label4.Location = New Point(3, 108)
        label4.Name = "label4"
        label4.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label4.Size = New Size(95, 13)
        label4.Text = "Password"
        label4.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
        label4.BackColor = Color.White

        ' label5
        label5.Location = New Point(3, 132)
        label5.Name = "label5"
        label5.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label5.Size = New Size(95, 13)
        label5.Text = "Enabled"
        label5.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
        label5.BackColor = Color.White

        ' label6
        label6.Location = New Point(17, 171)
        label6.Name = "label6"
        label6.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label6.Size = New Size(125, 13)
        label6.Text = "Check Email Every (min)"
        label6.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight

        ' add button (button4)
        button4.Location = New Point(20, 196)
        button4.Name = "button3"
        button4.Size = New Size(60, 17)
        button4.TabIndex = 7
        button4.Text = "Add New"
        AddHandler button4.Click, AddressOf button4_Click

        ' button1
        button1.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
        button1.Location = New Point(85, 196)
        button1.Name = "button1"
        button1.Size = New Size(55, 17)
        button1.TabIndex = 8
        button1.Text = "Save"

        ' button2
        button2.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
        button2.Location = New Point(145, 196)
        button2.Name = "button2"
        button2.Size = New Size(55, 17)
        button2.TabIndex = 9
        button2.Text = "Cancel"

        ' button3
        button3.Location = New Point(205, 196)
        button3.Name = "button3"
        button3.Size = New Size(55, 17)
        button3.TabIndex = 10
        button3.Text = "Delete"
        AddHandler button3.Click, AddressOf button3_Click

        ' groupBox1
        groupBox1.Location = New Point(10, 6)
        groupBox1.Name = "groupBox1"
        groupBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(260, 154)
        groupBox1.TabStop = False
        groupBox1.Text = ""

        ' EmailSettings_Form
        CancelButton = button2
        ClientSize = New Size(280, 224)
        ControlBox = False
        groupBox1.Controls.AddRange(New Control() {label1, labelt, label2, label3, label4, label5, _
        comboBox1, comboBox2, textBox1, textBox2, textBox3, checkBox1})
        Controls.AddRange(New Control() {groupBox1, label6, numericUpDown1, button4, button1, button2, _
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow
        MaximizeBox = False
        MinimizeBox = False
        Name = "EmailSettings_Form"
        ShowIcon = False
        ShowInTaskbar = False
        StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
        Text = "Email Server Settings"
        AddHandler Load, AddressOf EmailSettings_Form_Load
    End Sub

    'comboBox fuctionality and events to synch data to main form
    Public har As New ArrayList()
    Public uar As New ArrayList()
    Public par As New ArrayList()
    Public ear As New ArrayList()
    Public tar As New ArrayList()
    Private Sub comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If comboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1 Then
            textBox1.Text = har(comboBox1.SelectedIndex).ToString()
            textBox2.Text = uar(comboBox1.SelectedIndex).ToString()
            textBox3.Text = par(comboBox1.SelectedIndex).ToString()
            If tar(comboBox1.SelectedIndex).ToString() = "1" Then
                comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 1
                comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0
            End If
            checkBox1.Checked = CBool(ear(comboBox1.SelectedIndex))
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub comboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        tar(comboBox1.SelectedIndex) = comboBox2.SelectedIndex
    End Sub
    Private Sub textBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        har(comboBox1.SelectedIndex) = textBox1.Text
        comboBox1.Items(comboBox1.SelectedIndex) = textBox1.Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub textBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        uar(comboBox1.SelectedIndex) = textBox2.Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub textBox3_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        par(comboBox1.SelectedIndex) = textBox3.Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub checkBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        ear(comboBox1.SelectedIndex) = checkBox1.Checked
    End Sub
    'delete mail server
    Private Sub button3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If comboBox1.Items.Count > 1 Then
            comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0
            MessageBox.Show("Zero is not enough for me!" & vbLf & vbLf & "If you don't want to use me, then just" & vbLf & "uncheck Email Notify in the main menu.", "Cannot remove only entry.")
        End If
    End Sub
    'add mail server
    Private Sub button4_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If comboBox1.Items.Count < 5 Then
            Me.comboBox1.SelectedIndex = comboBox1.Items.Count - 1
            Me.comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0
            MessageBox.Show("Five is enough for me!" & vbLf & vbLf & "I can't display more in a balloon tip.", "Reached Maximum Entries.")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub EmailSettings_Form_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        For Each s As MailServer In DirectCast(MyParentForm, Form1).MailServers
        Me.comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0
        Me.numericUpDown1.Value = New Decimal(New Integer() {(DirectCast(MyParentForm, Form1).MailTimer.Interval / 60 / 1000), 0, 0, 0})
    End Sub
End Class

'Just a simple about form to be called like AboutForm.ShowAboutForm(this);
Public Class AboutForm
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Private IconBox1 As PictureBox
    Private IconBox2 As PictureBox
    Private IconBox3 As PictureBox
    Private TextArea As Label
    Private Legend As Label
    Private dl As Label
    Private ul As Label
    Private du As Label
    Private link As LinkLabel
    Private OKButton As Button
    Private LButton As Button
    Private Sub New()
        IconBox1 = New PictureBox()
        IconBox2 = New PictureBox()
        IconBox3 = New PictureBox()
        TextArea = New Label()
        Legend = New Label()
        dl = New Label()
        ul = New Label()
        du = New Label()
        link = New LinkLabel()
        OKButton = New Button()
        LButton = New Button()
        ' IconBoxes
        IconBox1.Location = New Point(12, 25)
        IconBox1.Name = "IconBox1"
        IconBox1.Size = New Size(16, 16)
        IconBox2.Location = New Point(12, 43)
        IconBox2.Name = "IconBox2"
        IconBox2.Size = New Size(16, 16)
        IconBox3.Location = New Point(12, 61)
        IconBox3.Name = "IconBox3"
        IconBox3.Size = New Size(16, 16)
        ' Legend
        Legend.Location = New Point(4, 10)
        Legend.Name = "Legend"
        Legend.Size = New Size(50, 13)
        Legend.Text = "Legend:"
        Legend.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        dl.Location = New Point(32, 25)
        dl.Name = "dl"
        dl.Size = New Size(60, 13)
        dl.Text = "Download"
        dl.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        ul.Location = New Point(32, 43)
        ul.Name = "ul"
        ul.Size = New Size(50, 13)
        ul.Text = "Upload"
        ul.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        du.Location = New Point(32, 61)
        du.Name = "du"
        du.Size = New Size(50, 13)
        du.Text = "Both"
        du.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        link.Location = New Point(50, 102)
        link.Name = "link"
        link.Size = New Size(210, 13)
        link.LinkBehavior = LinkBehavior.HoverUnderline
        link.LinkColor = Color.Navy
        link.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        link.Text = ""
        AddHandler link.LinkClicked, AddressOf link_Clicked
        ' TextArea
        TextArea.Location = New Point(96, 10)
        TextArea.Name = "TextArea"
        TextArea.Size = New Size(208, 86)
        TextArea.Text = "label1"
        TextArea.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
        TextArea.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        ' OKButton
        OKButton.Location = New Point(96, 120)
        OKButton.Size = New Size(55, 17)
        OKButton.Name = "OKButton"
        OKButton.TabIndex = 0
        OKButton.Text = "OK"
        AddHandler OKButton.Click, AddressOf OKButton_Click
        'License Button
        LButton.Location = New Point(155, 120)
        LButton.Size = New Size(55, 17)
        LButton.Name = "LButton"
        LButton.TabIndex = 1
        LButton.Text = "License"
        AddHandler LButton.Click, AddressOf LButton_Click
        ' AboutForm
        StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
        AcceptButton = OKButton
        ClientSize = New Size(280, 150)
        Controls.AddRange(New Control() {OKButton, LButton, TextArea, Legend, dl, ul, _
        du, link, IconBox1, IconBox2, IconBox3})
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow
        ShowInTaskbar = False
        ShowIcon = False
        ControlBox = False
        MaximizeBox = False
        MinimizeBox = False
        Name = "AboutForm"
        Text = "About: "
        AddHandler Load, AddressOf AboutForm_Load
    End Sub
    Private Sub AboutForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Dim ThisAssembly As Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
        Dim ThisAssemblyName As AssemblyName = ThisAssembly.GetName()
        Me.Icon = Owner.Icon
        IconBox1.Image = Owner.Icon.ToBitmap()
        Dim s As Stream = ThisAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("")
        Dim lr As New Icon(s)
        s = ThisAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("")
        Dim ly As New Icon(s)
        IconBox2.Image = lr.ToBitmap()
        IconBox3.Image = ly.ToBitmap()
        Dim lastmodified As DateTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(Application.ExecutablePath)
        Dim FriendlyVersion As String = (((ThisAssemblyName.Version.Major & ".") + ThisAssemblyName.Version.Minor & ".") + ThisAssemblyName.Version.Build & vbLf & "Built ") + lastmodified.ToString()
        Dim Attributes As Array = ThisAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(False)
        Dim Title As String = "Unknown Application"
        Dim Copyright As String = "Unknown Copyright"
        For Each o As Object In Attributes
            If TypeOf o Is AssemblyTitleAttribute Then
                Title = DirectCast(o, AssemblyTitleAttribute).Title
            ElseIf TypeOf o Is AssemblyCopyrightAttribute Then
                Copyright = DirectCast(o, AssemblyCopyrightAttribute).Copyright
            End If
        Me.Text = "About " & Title
        TextArea.Text = ((Title & " v") + FriendlyVersion & vbLf & vbLf) + Copyright
    End Sub
    Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    End Sub
    Private Sub LButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        MessageBox.Show("Copyright © 2005-2007, David Schultz, Mieszko Lassota All rights reserved." & vbLf & vbLf & "Check for latest version and contact info." & vbLf & vbLf & "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without " & "modification," & vbLf & "are permitted provided that the following conditions " & "are met:" & vbLf & vbLf & "- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright " & "notice, this list" & vbLf & "of conditions and the following disclaimer." & vbLf & vbLf & "- Neither the name of the owner, nor the names of its " & "contributors may be used" & vbLf & "to endorse or promote products " & "derived from this software without specific prior" & vbLf & "written " & "permission." & vbLf & vbLf & "This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors " & """as is"" and" & vbLf & "any express or implied warranties, including, but not " & "limited to, the implied" & vbLf & "warranties of merchantability and fitness " & "for a particular purpose are disclaimed." & vbLf & "In no event shall the " & "copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct," & vbLf & "indirect, " & "incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages including, " & "but" & vbLf & "not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; " & "loss of use, data, or" & vbLf & "profits; or business interruption) however " & "caused and on any theory of liability," & vbLf & "whether in contract, strict " & "liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise)" & vbLf & "arising in " & "any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the " & "possibility" & vbLf & "of such damage.", "FreeMeter GPL License")
    End Sub
    Private Sub link_Clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs)
    End Sub
    Friend Shared Sub ShowAboutForm(ByVal Owner As IWin32Window)
        Dim form As New AboutForm()
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class AdvPing
    Inherits Form
    Public MyParentForm As Form1
    Private Shared hostbox As TextBox, databox As TextBox, databox2 As TextBox, databox3 As TextBox, results As TextBox
    Private Shared df As CheckBox
    Private Shared pinger As Thread
    Private sendit As New Button()
    Private stopit As New Button()
    Private sentcount As Integer = 0, recvcount As Integer = 0
    Private times As New ArrayList()
    Private PingTarget As String
    Private pinging As Boolean = False

    Public Sub New()
        Text = "FreeMeter Ping Utility"
        Size = New Size(400, 284)
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow
        MinimizeBox = True
        MaximizeBox = False
        ControlBox = True
        ShowIcon = False
        AddHandler Load, AddressOf AdvPing_Load

        Dim label1 As New Label()
        label1.Parent = Me
        label1.Text = "Host:"
        label1.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label1.Size = New Size(30, 13)
        label1.Location = New Point(3, 5)

        hostbox = New TextBox()
        hostbox.Parent = Me
        hostbox.Size = New Size(227, 13)
        hostbox.Location = New Point(35, 3)
        hostbox.TabIndex = 0

        results = New TextBox()
        results.Parent = Me
        results.Multiline = True
        results.TabIndex = 8
        results.Size = New Size(388, 213)
        results.Location = New Point(3, 25)
        results.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
        results.BackColor = Color.Black
        results.ForeColor = Color.Silver
        results.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        results.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Vertical
        results.WordWrap = False

        Dim label2 As New Label()
        label2.Parent = Me
        label2.Text = "Size(bytes)"
        label2.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label2.Size = New Size(58, 13)
        label2.Location = New Point(3, 242)

        databox = New TextBox()
        databox.Parent = Me
        databox.Text = "32"
        databox.TabIndex = 1
        databox.Location = New Point(64, 241)
        databox.MaximumSize = New Size(38, 16)

        Dim label3 As New Label()
        label3.Parent = Me
        label3.Text = "Interval(ms)"
        label3.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label3.Size = New Size(64, 13)
        label3.Location = New Point(105, 242)

        databox2 = New TextBox()
        databox2.Parent = Me
        databox2.Text = "1000"
        databox2.TabIndex = 2
        databox2.Location = New Point(171, 241)
        databox2.MaximumSize = New Size(38, 16)

        Dim label4 As New Label()
        label4.Parent = Me
        label4.Text = "Timeout(ms)"
        label4.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label4.Size = New Size(66, 13)
        label4.Location = New Point(211, 242)

        databox3 = New TextBox()
        databox3.Parent = Me
        databox3.Text = "3000"
        databox3.TabIndex = 3
        databox3.Location = New Point(277, 241)
        databox3.MaximumSize = New Size(38, 16)

        Dim label5 As New Label()
        label5.Parent = Me
        label5.Text = "DF"
        label5.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label5.Size = New Size(17, 13)
        label5.Location = New Point(318, 242)

        df = New CheckBox()
        df.Parent = Me
        df.TabIndex = 4
        df.Location = New Point(335, 242)
        df.Size = New Size(16, 16)

        sendit.Parent = Me
        sendit.Size = New Size(40, 20)
        sendit.Text = "Start"
        sendit.TabIndex = 5
        sendit.Location = New Point(265, 3)
        AddHandler sendit.Click, AddressOf ButtonSendOnClick

        stopit.Parent = Me
        stopit.Size = New Size(40, 20)
        stopit.Text = "Stop"
        stopit.TabIndex = 6
        stopit.Location = New Point(308, 3)
        AddHandler stopit.Click, AddressOf ButtonStopOnClick
        stopit.Enabled = False

        Dim clearit As New Button()
        clearit.Parent = Me
        clearit.Size = New Size(40, 20)
        clearit.Text = "Clear"
        clearit.TabIndex = 7
        clearit.Location = New Point(351, 3)
        AddHandler clearit.Click, AddressOf ButtonClearOnClick

        Dim closeit As New Button()
        closeit.Parent = Me
        closeit.Size = New Size(42, 20)
        closeit.TabIndex = 9
        closeit.Text = "Close"
        closeit.Location = New Point(351, 239)
        AddHandler closeit.Click, AddressOf ButtonCloseOnClick
    End Sub

    Private Sub AdvPing_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            If MyParentForm.ClipData.Length < 64 Then
                hostbox.Text = MyParentForm.ClipData
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub ButtonSendOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        sendit.Enabled = False
        stopit.Enabled = True
        pinging = True
        If hostbox.Text.Trim() = "" Then
            hostbox.Text = Dns.GetHostName()
        End If
        pinger = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf sendPing))
        pinger.IsBackground = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub ButtonStopOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        sendit.Enabled = True
        stopit.Enabled = False
        pinging = False
        Catch e As NullReferenceException
            results.AppendText(vbCr & vbLf & e.Message)
        End Try
        results.AppendText(vbCr & vbLf)
        If sentcount > 0 Then
            results.AppendText(vbCr & vbLf & "Ping statistics for " & PingTarget & ":" & vbCr & vbLf)
            results.AppendText((((" Sent: " & sentcount & " Received: ") + recvcount & " Lost: ") + (sentcount - recvcount) & " (") + (100 - CDbl(recvcount) / CDbl(sentcount) * 100).ToString("F1") & "% loss)" & vbCr & vbLf)
            results.AppendText("Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:" & vbCr & vbLf)
            results.AppendText(((" Minimum = " & Min(times) & "ms Maximum = ") + Max(times) & "ms Average = ") + Avg(times).ToString("F1") & "ms")
        End If
        sentcount = InlineAssignHelper(recvcount, 0)
        times = New ArrayList()
    End Sub
    Private Sub ButtonClearOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        results.Text = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub ButtonCloseOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        Catch e As NullReferenceException
            results.AppendText(vbCr & vbLf & e.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub sendPing()
        Dim pingSender As New Ping()
        Dim options As New PingOptions()
        If df.Checked Then
            options.DontFragment = True
        End If
        Dim IPs As IPAddress() = Nothing
            IPs = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostbox.Text.Trim()).AddressList
        Catch e As SocketException
            Update_Button(sendit, True)
            Update_Button(stopit, False)
            SetText(results, e.Message)
            Exit Sub
        End Try

        Dim timeout As Integer = 0, interval As Integer = 0, datasize As Integer = 0
            timeout = Convert.ToInt32(databox3.Text.Trim())
            interval = Convert.ToInt32(databox2.Text.Trim())
            datasize = Convert.ToInt32(databox.Text.Trim())
        Catch e As FormatException
            Update_Button(sendit, True)
            Update_Button(stopit, False)
            SetText(results, e.Message)
            Exit Sub
        End Try

        PingTarget = Nothing
        For j As Integer = 0 To IPs.Length - 1
            PingTarget += IPs(j).ToString() & " "
        Dim i As Integer = 1
        Dim data As New StringBuilder()
        For j As Integer = 0 To datasize - 1
        Dim buffer As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data.ToString())

        SetText(results, (("-----------------------------------" & vbCr & vbLf & "Pinging " & hostbox.Text.Trim() & " [") & IPs(0).ToString() & "] with ") + data.Length & " bytes of data")

        While pinging
            Dim reply As PingReply = Nothing

                reply = pingSender.Send(hostbox.Text.Trim(), timeout, buffer, options)
                sentcount += 1
            Catch e As PingException
                Update_Button(sendit, True)
                Update_Button(stopit, False)
                Exit Sub
            Catch e As ArgumentException
                Update_Button(sendit, True)
                Update_Button(stopit, False)
                SetText(results, e.Message)
                Exit Sub
            End Try
            If reply.Status = IPStatus.Success Then
                recvcount += 1
                SetText(results, ((((" " & reply.Buffer.Length & " bytes from: ") + reply.Address.ToString() & ", seq: ") + i & ", time = ") + reply.RoundtripTime & "ms, ttl: ") + reply.Options.Ttl + (If((reply.Options.DontFragment), " DF", "")))
                SetText(results, " " & reply.Status.ToString())
            End If
            i += 1

            Dim time_ms As Integer = CInt((interval - reply.RoundtripTime))
            If time_ms > 0 Then
            End If
        End While
        Update_Button(sendit, True)
        Update_Button(stopit, False)
    End Sub

    'set the shit in a control in a thread safe manner
    Private Delegate Sub SetTextCallback(ByVal l As TextBox, ByVal t As String)
    Private Sub SetText(ByVal l As TextBox, ByVal t As String)
        If Not l.IsDisposed Then
            If l.InvokeRequired Then
                Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf SetText)
                Me.Invoke(d, New [Object]() {l, t})
                l.AppendText(vbCr & vbLf & t)
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Delegate Sub SetButtonCallback(ByVal l As Button, ByVal t As Boolean)
    Private Sub Update_Button(ByVal l As Button, ByVal t As Boolean)
        If l.InvokeRequired Then
            Dim d As New SetButtonCallback(AddressOf Update_Button)
            Me.Invoke(d, New [Object]() {l, t})
            l.Enabled = t
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Shared Function Avg(ByVal num As ArrayList) As Double
        Dim sum As Double = 0.0R
        For i As Integer = 0 To num.Count - 1
            sum = sum + Convert.ToDouble(num(i))
        Return sum / Convert.ToDouble(num.Count)
    End Function
    Private Shared Function Max(ByVal A As ArrayList) As Double
        If A.Count > 0 Then
            Dim maxVal As Double = Convert.ToDouble(A(0))
            For i As Integer = 0 To A.Count - 1
                If Convert.ToDouble(A(i)) > maxVal Then
                    maxVal = Convert.ToDouble(A(i))
                End If
            Return maxVal
            Return 0
        End If
    End Function
    Private Shared Function Min(ByVal A As ArrayList) As Double
        If A.Count > 0 Then
            Dim minVal As Double = Convert.ToDouble(A(0))
            For i As Integer = 0 To A.Count - 1
                If Convert.ToDouble(A(i)) < minVal Then
                    minVal = Convert.ToDouble(A(i))
                End If
            Return minVal
            Return 0
        End If
    End Function
    Private Shared Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, ByVal value As T) As T
        target = value
        Return value
    End Function

End Class

Public Class AdvTrace
    Inherits Form
    Public MyParentForm As Form1
    Private Shared hostbox As TextBox, databox As TextBox, databox2 As TextBox, results As TextBox
    Private Shared databox3 As CheckBox
    Private Shared tracer As Thread
    Private sendit As New Button()
    Private stopit As New Button()
    'private string TraceTarget;
    Private traceing As Boolean = False

    Public Sub New()
        Text = "FreeMeter Traceroute Utility"
        Size = New Size(400, 284)
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow
        MinimizeBox = True
        MaximizeBox = False
        ControlBox = True
        ShowIcon = False
        AddHandler Load, AddressOf AdvTrace_Load

        Dim label1 As New Label()
        label1.Parent = Me
        label1.Text = "Host:"
        label1.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label1.Size = New Size(30, 13)
        label1.Location = New Point(3, 5)

        hostbox = New TextBox()
        hostbox.Parent = Me
        hostbox.Size = New Size(227, 13)
        hostbox.Location = New Point(35, 3)
        hostbox.TabIndex = 0

        results = New TextBox()
        results.Parent = Me
        results.Multiline = True
        results.TabIndex = 7
        results.Size = New Size(388, 213)
        results.Location = New Point(3, 25)
        results.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
        results.BackColor = Color.Black
        results.ForeColor = Color.Silver
        results.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        results.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Vertical
        results.WordWrap = False

        Dim label2 As New Label()
        label2.Parent = Me
        label2.Text = "Max hops"
        label2.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label2.Size = New Size(50, 13)
        label2.Location = New Point(3, 242)

        databox = New TextBox()
        databox.Parent = Me
        databox.Text = "30"
        databox.TabIndex = 1
        databox.Location = New Point(56, 241)
        databox.MaximumSize = New Size(30, 16)

        Dim label3 As New Label()
        label3.Parent = Me
        label3.Text = "Timeout(ms)"
        label3.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label3.Size = New Size(66, 13)
        label3.Location = New Point(92, 242)

        databox2 = New TextBox()
        databox2.Parent = Me
        databox2.Text = "3000"
        databox2.TabIndex = 2
        databox2.Location = New Point(158, 241)
        databox2.MaximumSize = New Size(38, 16)

        Dim label4 As New Label()
        label4.Parent = Me
        label4.Text = "Resolve names"
        label4.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label4.Size = New Size(77, 13)
        label4.Location = New Point(202, 242)

        databox3 = New CheckBox()
        databox3.Parent = Me
        databox3.TabIndex = 3
        databox3.Location = New Point(280, 242)
        databox3.Size = New Size(16, 16)

        sendit.Parent = Me
        sendit.Size = New Size(40, 20)
        sendit.Text = "Start"
        sendit.TabIndex = 4
        sendit.Location = New Point(265, 3)
        AddHandler sendit.Click, AddressOf ButtonSendOnClick

        stopit.Parent = Me
        stopit.Size = New Size(40, 20)
        stopit.Text = "Stop"
        stopit.TabIndex = 5
        stopit.Location = New Point(308, 3)
        AddHandler stopit.Click, AddressOf ButtonStopOnClick
        stopit.Enabled = False

        Dim clearit As New Button()
        clearit.Parent = Me
        clearit.Size = New Size(40, 20)
        clearit.Text = "Clear"
        clearit.TabIndex = 6
        clearit.Location = New Point(351, 3)
        AddHandler clearit.Click, AddressOf ButtonClearOnClick

        Dim closeit As New Button()
        closeit.Parent = Me
        closeit.Size = New Size(42, 20)
        closeit.TabIndex = 8
        closeit.Text = "Close"
        closeit.Location = New Point(351, 239)
        AddHandler closeit.Click, AddressOf ButtonCloseOnClick
    End Sub

    Private Sub AdvTrace_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            If MyParentForm.ClipData.Length < 64 Then
                hostbox.Text = MyParentForm.ClipData
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub ButtonSendOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        sendit.Enabled = False
        stopit.Enabled = True
        traceing = True
        If hostbox.Text.Trim() = "" Then
            hostbox.Text = Dns.GetHostName()
        End If
        tracer = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf sendTrace))
        tracer.IsBackground = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub ButtonStopOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        sendit.Enabled = True
        stopit.Enabled = False
        traceing = False
        Catch e As NullReferenceException
            results.AppendText(vbCr & vbLf & e.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub ButtonClearOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        results.Text = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub ButtonCloseOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        Catch e As NullReferenceException
            results.AppendText(vbCr & vbLf & e.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub
    'set the shit in a control in a thread safe manner
    Private Delegate Sub SetTextCallback(ByVal l As TextBox, ByVal t As String)
    Private Sub SetText(ByVal l As TextBox, ByVal t As String)
        If Not l.IsDisposed Then
            If l.InvokeRequired Then
                Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf SetText)
                Me.Invoke(d, New [Object]() {l, t})
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Delegate Sub SetButtonCallback(ByVal l As Button, ByVal t As Boolean)
    Private Sub Update_Button(ByVal l As Button, ByVal t As Boolean)
        If l.InvokeRequired Then
            Dim d As New SetButtonCallback(AddressOf Update_Button)
            Me.Invoke(d, New [Object]() {l, t})
            l.Enabled = t
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub sendTrace()
        Dim pingSender As New Ping()
        Dim options As New PingOptions()
        Dim ttl As Integer = 1
        options.DontFragment = True
        Dim IPs As IPAddress() = Nothing
            IPs = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostbox.Text.Trim()).AddressList
        Catch e As SocketException
            Update_Button(sendit, True)
            Update_Button(stopit, False)
            SetText(results, e.Message & vbCr & vbLf)
            Exit Sub
        End Try

        Dim hops As Integer = 0, timeout As Integer = 0
            hops = Convert.ToInt32(databox.Text.Trim())
            timeout = Convert.ToInt32(databox2.Text.Trim())
        Catch e As FormatException
            Update_Button(sendit, True)
            Update_Button(stopit, False)
            SetText(results, e.Message & vbCr & vbLf)
            Exit Sub
        End Try

        SetText(results, ("-----------------------------------" & vbCr & vbLf & "Tracing route to " & hostbox.Text & " [") & IPs(0).ToString() & "]" & vbCr & vbLf)

        While traceing AndAlso ttl <= hops
            Dim reply As PingReply = Nothing
            options.Ttl = ttl
                reply = pingSender.Send(hostbox.Text.Trim(), timeout, New Byte(-1) {}, options)
            Catch e As PingException
                Update_Button(sendit, True)
                Update_Button(stopit, False)
                'SetText(results, " Interrupted\r\n");
                Exit Sub
            End Try

            If reply.Status = IPStatus.Success Then
                traceing = False
            End If

            SetText(results, " " & ttl.ToString())

                Dim timing As PingReply = pingSender.Send(reply.Address, timeout, New Byte(31) {}, New PingOptions(128, True))
                SetText(results, If((timing.Status = IPStatus.Success), vbTab & timing.RoundtripTime.ToString() & "ms", vbTab & "*"))
                timing = pingSender.Send(reply.Address, timeout, New Byte(31) {}, New PingOptions(128, True))
                SetText(results, If((timing.Status = IPStatus.Success), vbTab & timing.RoundtripTime.ToString() & "ms", vbTab & "*"))
                timing = pingSender.Send(reply.Address, timeout, New Byte(31) {}, New PingOptions(128, True))
                SetText(results, If((timing.Status = IPStatus.Success), vbTab & timing.RoundtripTime.ToString() & "ms", vbTab & "*"))
            Catch e As PingException
                Update_Button(sendit, True)
                Update_Button(stopit, False)
                SetText(results, " Interrupted" & vbCr & vbLf)
                Exit Sub
            Catch e As ArgumentNullException
                'SetText(results, "\t\t");
            End Try

            Dim hostName As String = Nothing
            If databox3.Checked Then
                    Dim hostEntry As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(reply.Address)
                    If hostEntry.HostName IsNot Nothing AndAlso hostEntry.HostName <> String.Empty Then
                        hostName = hostEntry.HostName
                    End If
                Catch e As ArgumentNullException
                    hostName = reply.Status.ToString()
                Catch e As SocketException
                    hostName = reply.Address.ToString()
                End Try
                    hostName = reply.Address.ToString()
                Catch e As NullReferenceException
                    hostName = reply.Status.ToString()
                End Try
            End If

            SetText(results, vbTab & hostName & vbCr & vbLf)
            ttl += 1
        End While
        SetText(results, (If((Not traceing), "Trace complete" & vbCr & vbLf, "Trace Stopped, ttl expired" & vbCr & vbLf)))
        Update_Button(sendit, True)
        Update_Button(stopit, False)
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class frmUPnP
    Inherits Form
    Public MyParentForm As Form1
    Private label1 As New Label()
    Private label2 As New Label()
    Private label3 As New Label()
    Private label4 As New Label()
    Private results As New TextBox()
    Private port As New TextBox()
    Private address As New TextBox()
    Private comboBox1 As New ComboBox()
    Private refresh1 As New Button()
    Private add As New Button()
    Private delete As New Button()
    Private nat As New _UPnPNat()

    Public Sub New()
        Text = "FreeMeter UPnP NAT Utility"
        Size = New Size(392, 278)
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow
        MinimizeBox = True
        MaximizeBox = False
        ControlBox = True
        ShowIcon = False
        AddHandler Load, AddressOf frmUPnP_Load

        label1.Parent = Me
        label1.Text = "Current UPnP NAT Mappings:"
        label1.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label1.Size = New Size(300, 13)
        label1.Location = New Point(3, 5)

        refresh1.Parent = Me
        refresh1.Text = "Refresh"
        refresh1.TabIndex = 6
        refresh1.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        refresh1.Size = New Size(50, 20)
        refresh1.Location = New Point(334, 2)
        AddHandler refresh1.Click, AddressOf RefreshClick

        label2.Parent = Me
        label2.Text = "Port"
        label2.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label2.Size = New Size(25, 13)
        label2.Location = New Point(3, 235)

        port.Parent = Me
        port.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        port.TabIndex = 1
        port.MaximumSize = New Size(40, 16)
        port.MaxLength = 5
        port.Location = New Point(28, 234)

        label3.Parent = Me
        label3.Text = "Fwd to"
        label3.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label3.Size = New Size(38, 13)
        label3.Location = New Point(76, 235)

        address.Parent = Me
        address.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        address.TabIndex = 2
        address.MaximumSize = New Size(95, 16)
        address.MaxLength = 15
        address.Location = New Point(113, 234)

        label4.Parent = Me
        label4.Text = "Proto"
        label4.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        label4.Size = New Size(32, 13)
        label4.Location = New Point(214, 235)

        comboBox1.FormattingEnabled = True
        comboBox1.Font = New Font("Small Fonts", 6)
        comboBox1.Location = New Point(247, 234)
        comboBox1.Size = New Size(40, 12)
        comboBox1.TabIndex = 3
        comboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
        comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0

        add.Parent = Me
        add.Size = New Size(40, 20)
        add.Text = "Add"
        add.TabIndex = 4
        add.Location = New Point(302, 233)
        AddHandler add.Click, AddressOf ButtonAddOnClick

        delete.Parent = Me
        delete.Size = New Size(40, 20)
        delete.Text = "Rem"
        delete.TabIndex = 5
        delete.Location = New Point(344, 233)
        AddHandler delete.Click, AddressOf ButtonDeleteOnClick

        results.Parent = Me
        results.Multiline = True
        results.TabIndex = 7
        results.Size = New Size(380, 207)
        results.Location = New Point(3, 24)
        results.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
        results.BackColor = Color.Black
        results.ForeColor = Color.Silver
        results.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
        results.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Vertical
        results.WordWrap = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub enumerate_mappings(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DoWorkEventArgs)
        For Each info As PortMappingInfo In nat.PortMappings
            SetText(results, ((((info.Description & " - ") + info.ExternalPort & " -> ") + info.InternalHostName & ":") + info.InternalPort & " ") + info.Protocol & vbCr & vbLf)
    End Sub
    Private Sub frmUPnP_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim nater As New BackgroundWorker()
        nater.WorkerReportsProgress = False
        AddHandler nater.DoWork, AddressOf enumerate_mappings
    End Sub
    Private Sub RefreshClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        results.Text = ""
        Dim nater As New BackgroundWorker()
        nater.WorkerReportsProgress = False
        AddHandler nater.DoWork, AddressOf enumerate_mappings
    End Sub
    Private Sub ButtonAddOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        Dim ret As IPAddress
        If address.Text.Trim() <> "" AndAlso port.Text.Trim() <> "" Then
            If IPAddress.TryParse(address.Text.Trim(), ret) Then
                    Dim pmi As New PortMappingInfo("FreeMeter", comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(), ret.ToString(), Integer.Parse(port.Text), Nothing, Integer.Parse(port.Text), _
                    results.Text = "Successfully Added..." & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf
                    Dim nater As New BackgroundWorker()
                    nater.WorkerReportsProgress = False
                    AddHandler nater.DoWork, AddressOf enumerate_mappings
                Catch generatedExceptionName As FormatException
                    results.AppendText("Input was not formatted correctly." & vbCr & vbLf)
                Catch e As COMException
                    results.AppendText((("Port " & port.Text.Trim() & " ") + comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() & " was unavailble: ") + e.Message & vbCr & vbLf)
                Catch generatedExceptionName As ArgumentException
                    results.AppendText("Value was out of range (e.g. ports are 0-65535)." & vbCr & vbLf)
                End Try
                results.AppendText("Fwd to must be an IP address (e.g." & vbCr & vbLf)
            End If
            results.AppendText("Input was blank." & vbCr & vbLf)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ButtonDeleteOnClick(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ea As EventArgs)
        If port.Text.Trim() <> "" Then
                Dim pmi As New PortMappingInfo("FreeMeter", comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(), Nothing, Integer.Parse(port.Text), Nothing, Integer.Parse(port.Text), _
                results.Text = "Successfully Removed..." & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf
                Dim nater As New BackgroundWorker()
                nater.WorkerReportsProgress = False
                AddHandler nater.DoWork, AddressOf enumerate_mappings
            Catch generatedExceptionName As FormatException
                results.AppendText("Input was not formatted correctly." & vbCr & vbLf)
            Catch generatedExceptionName As FileNotFoundException
                results.AppendText("No such mapping to remove." & vbCr & vbLf)
            Catch generatedExceptionName As ArgumentException
                results.AppendText("Value was out of range (e.g. ports are 0-65535)." & vbCr & vbLf)
            Catch e As COMException
                results.AppendText((("Error removing Port " & port.Text.Trim() & " ") + comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() & ": ") + e.Message & vbCr & vbLf)
            End Try
            results.AppendText("Input was blank." & vbCr & vbLf)
        End If
    End Sub

    'set the text of a control in a threadsafe manner
    Private Delegate Sub SetTextCallback(ByVal l As TextBox, ByVal t As String)
    Private Sub SetText(ByVal l As TextBox, ByVal t As String)
        If Not l.IsDisposed Then
            If l.InvokeRequired Then
                Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf SetText)
                    Me.Invoke(d, New [Object]() {l, t})
                Catch e As ObjectDisposedException
                End Try
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class PortMappingInfo
    Private m_enabled As Boolean
    Private m_description As String
    Private m_internalHostName As String
    Private m_internalPort As Integer
    Private m_externalIPAddress As IPAddress
    Private m_externalPort As Integer
    Private m_protocol As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal description As String, ByVal protocol As String, ByVal internalHostName As String, ByVal internalPort As Integer, ByVal externalIPAddress As IPAddress, ByVal externalPort As Integer, _
    ByVal enabled As Boolean)
        Me.m_enabled = enabled
        Me.m_description = description
        Me.m_internalHostName = internalHostName
        Me.m_internalPort = internalPort
        Me.m_externalIPAddress = externalIPAddress
        Me.m_externalPort = externalPort
        Me.m_protocol = protocol
    End Sub
    Public ReadOnly Property InternalHostName() As String
            Return m_internalHostName
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property InternalPort() As Integer
            Return m_internalPort
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property ExternalIPAddress() As IPAddress
            Return m_externalIPAddress
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property ExternalPort() As Integer
            Return m_externalPort
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Protocol() As String
            Return m_protocol
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Enabled() As Boolean
            Return m_enabled
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Description() As String
            Return m_description
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

Public Class _UPnPNat
    Private upnp As UPnPNAT

    Public Sub New()
            Dim nat As New UPnPNAT()
            If nat.NATEventManager IsNot Nothing AndAlso nat.StaticPortMappingCollection IsNot Nothing Then
                upnp = nat
            End If
        End Try

        If upnp Is Nothing Then
            ' No configurable UPNP NAT is available.
            Throw New NotSupportedException()
        End If
    End Sub
    Public ReadOnly Property PortMappings() As PortMappingInfo()
            Dim portMappings1 As New ArrayList()

            ' Enumerates the ports without using the foreach statement (causes the interop to fail).
            Dim count As Integer = upnp.StaticPortMappingCollection.Count
            Dim enumerator As IEnumerator = upnp.StaticPortMappingCollection.GetEnumerator()

            For i As Integer = 0 To count
                Dim mapping As IStaticPortMapping = Nothing
                    If enumerator.MoveNext() Then
                        mapping = DirectCast(enumerator.Current, IStaticPortMapping)
                    End If
                End Try

                If mapping IsNot Nothing Then
                    portMappings1.Add(New PortMappingInfo(mapping.Description, mapping.Protocol.ToUpper(), mapping.InternalClient, mapping.InternalPort, IPAddress.Parse(mapping.ExternalIPAddress), mapping.ExternalPort, _
                End If

            ' copies the ArrayList to an array of PortMappingInfo.
            Dim portMappingInfos As PortMappingInfo() = New PortMappingInfo(portMappings1.Count - 1) {}

            Return portMappingInfos
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub AddPortMapping(ByVal portMapping As PortMappingInfo)
        upnp.StaticPortMappingCollection.Add(portMapping.ExternalPort, portMapping.Protocol, portMapping.InternalPort, portMapping.InternalHostName, portMapping.Enabled, portMapping.Description)
    End Sub

    Public Sub RemovePortMapping(ByVal portMapping As PortMappingInfo)
        upnp.StaticPortMappingCollection.Remove(portMapping.ExternalPort, portMapping.Protocol)
    End Sub
End Class

Open in new window

Didn't get back to this one today...maybe tomorrow!
Avatar of anggry


ok thanks
You posted 4,000+ lines of code and it doesn't have everything necessary to compile/run.  Not going to manually decipher that...

If you post YOUR code that you used to make the picture in your last post:

...then perhaps I can modify it to make smooth lines?
Avatar of anggry


This is the complete solution of that form. Take a look.

The code that I've used to get that picture:

Dim adapter As NetworkAdapter = Me.adapters(Me.ListAdapters.SelectedIndex)
        CurrentValue = [String].Format("{0:n}", adapter.DownloadSpeedKbps)

        'CurrentValue = CurrentValue + IIf(R.Next(0, 2) = 0, -1, 1)
        If CurrentValue < 0 Then
            CurrentValue = 0
        End If
        If CurrentValue > PictureBox1.Height Then
            CurrentValue = PictureBox1.Height
        End If

        Static xCounter As Integer = 0
        xCounter = xCounter + 1
        Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height)
        Using G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
            For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height Step GridSize
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, y, bmp.Width, y)

            G.DrawImage(PictureBox1.Image, -1, 0) ' <-- draw everything in the PictureBox ONE pixel to the Left of where it is now
            If xCounter = 25 Then
                xCounter = 0
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, 0, bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height)
            End If

            G.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGreen, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, CurrentValue, 1, 1)) ' <-- draw the new "current" value at the right edge of the bitmap
        End Using
        PictureBox1.Image = bmp

Open in new window

Avatar of anggry


download speed values are from 0 - xxxxx like up to 10000 or something depends on the internet connection so it should be able to draw that line.
Avatar of anggry


Idle_Mind are you still working on this?
Avatar of anggry


This is getting nowhere.
Sorry anggry....been very busy this week.  =\
Avatar of anggry


But you will still get back to this, right?
Approximately how long in between updates for new values of the upload/download speeds?
Avatar of anggry


1 sec
K...and do you want the graph to move every second then?...or move faster and just have the same value for several moves?
Avatar of anggry


user should be able to select how fast he wan't it to move.. but default can be every second.
Basically you need to store the last value and draw a line connecting the last value to the new value.

Here's the basic example again but implementing the connecting line...note that the graph is moving faster than the values are being generated, but there are no gaps:
Public Class Form1

    Private CurrentValue As Integer
    Private LastValue As Integer

    Private GridSize As Integer = 25
    Private WithEvents tmrScroll As New Timer

    Private R As New Random
    Private WithEvents tmrNewValue As New Timer

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        CurrentValue = PictureBox1.Height / 2
        LastValue = CurrentValue

        Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height)
        Using G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
        End Using
        PictureBox1.Image = bmp

        tmrScroll.Interval = 250 ' four times as fast as the updates in "current value"

        tmrNewValue.Interval = 1000 ' new value every second
    End Sub

    Private Sub tmrScroll_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrScroll.Tick
        Static xCounter As Integer = 0
        xCounter = xCounter + 1
        Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height)
        Using G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
            For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height Step GridSize
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, y, bmp.Width, y)

            G.DrawImage(PictureBox1.Image, -1, 0) ' <-- draw everything in the PictureBox ONE pixel to the Left of where it is now
            If xCounter = 25 Then
                xCounter = 0
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, 0, bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height)
            End If

            G.DrawLine(Pens.LightGreen, bmp.Width - 2, LastValue, bmp.Width - 1, CurrentValue) ' draw a line from the last value to the current value
            G.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGreen, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, CurrentValue, 1, 1)) ' <-- draw the new "current" value at the right edge of the bitmap
        End Using

        Dim prevBmp As Bitmap = PictureBox1.Image
        PictureBox1.Image = bmp
        If Not IsNothing(prevBmp) Then
        End If

        LastValue = CurrentValue
    End Sub

    Private Sub tmrNewValue_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrNewValue.Tick
        Dim jump As Integer = R.Next(0, 25)
        CurrentValue = CurrentValue + IIf(R.Next(0, 2) = 0, -jump, jump)
        If CurrentValue < 0 Then
            CurrentValue = 0
        End If
        If CurrentValue > PictureBox1.Height Then
            CurrentValue = PictureBox1.Height
        End If
    End Sub

End Class

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Avatar of anggry


I is drawing a graph but how what I have to change in order to get this working with current download speed..

Current download speed is:..

Download speed is :

    Dim adapter As NetworkAdapter = Me.adapters(Me.ListAdapters.SelectedIndex)
val1 = [String].Format("{0:n}", adapter.DownloadSpeedKbps)

VAL1 will be current dl speed
Avatar of anggry


also, how to make graph to draw values from the bottom of the graph no from the middle
Avatar of anggry


So the bottom is 0.
In the last example, "CurrentValue" is what is being graphed so:

    Dim adapter As NetworkAdapter = Me.adapters(Me.ListAdapters.SelectedIndex)
    CurrentValue = adapter.DownloadSpeedKbps

*But you'll have to SCALE the value first to make it make sense for the height of your PictureBox.

To make things draw from the bottom up you'd just subtract the value (after scaling) from the PictureBox.Height.
Avatar of anggry


I have no idea how to do that.
Avatar of anggry


In a nutshell...

Pick an arbitray "max" value for your data...something that you don't think your current value will go over.  Let's say its 500,00 doomahicky units.  Now represent your current value as a percentage of the max value.  If your current value was 100,00 then it would be:

    curPercentage = 100,000 / 500,00 = 0.2

Now use that percentage to scale it down to the height of your picturebox:

    curScaledValue = PictureBox1.Height * curPercentage

If the PictureBox was 150 pixels high then you would have:

    curScaledValue = 150 * 0.2 = 30

Thus 100,00 in real units equals 30 pixels in your PictureBox.

Finally, subtract that 30 from the Height of the PictureBox to draw the line 30 pixels above the bottom of the PictureBox...thus making the bottom "zero":

    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, 0, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue, PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue)

That would draw a red horizontal line across the PictureBox at the "30" mark using the bottom of the PictureBox as zero.

Hopefully that makes sense...  =)
Avatar of anggry


It makes sense.. but I get some horrible output in graph.
Private Sub tmrScroll_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrScroll.Tick
        Dim adapter As NetworkAdapter = Me.adapters(Me.ListAdapters.SelectedIndex)
        Dim curPercentage As Integer
        Dim curScaledValue As Integer

        curPercentage = [String].Format("{0:n}", adapter.DownloadSpeedKbps) / 50000
        curScaledValue = PictureBox1.Height * curPercentage

        Static xCounter As Integer = 0
        xCounter = xCounter + 1
        Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height)
        Using G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
            For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height Step GridSize
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, y, bmp.Width, y)

            G.DrawImage(PictureBox1.Image, -1, 0) ' <-- draw everything in the PictureBox ONE pixel to the Left of where it is now
            If xCounter = 25 Then
                xCounter = 0
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, 0, bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height)
            End If

            'G.DrawLine(Pens.LightGreen, bmp.Width - 2, LastValue, bmp.Width - 1, CurrentValue) ' draw a line from the last value to the current value
            G.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGreen, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, CurrentValue, 1, 1)) ' <-- draw the new "current" value at the right edge of the bitmap
            G.DrawLine(Pens.Red, 0, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue, PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue)
        End Using

        Dim prevBmp As Bitmap = PictureBox1.Image
        PictureBox1.Image = bmp
        If Not IsNothing(prevBmp) Then
        End If
        LastValue = CurrentValue
    End Sub

Open in new window

You're not drawing the line connecting the previous value to the new value:

    G.DrawLine(Pens.LightGreen, bmp.Width - 2, LastValue, bmp.Width - 1, CurrentValue) ' draw a line from the last value to the current value

It was line #45 back here:
Avatar of anggry


yeah, that fixed the problem but it is still drawing stuff from top to bottom
Line #26:

            G.DrawLine(Pens.Red, 0, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue, PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue)

This was simply an EXAMPLE to go along with the DESCRIPTION of how to scale the value back here:

    "That would draw a red horizontal line across the PictureBox at the "30" mark using the bottom of the PictureBox as zero."

Do you really want a red horizontal line all the way across your picturebox?... (not very graph like!)

Get rid of Line #26.

Change Line #25, instead, so that it uses the scaled value AND draws from the bottom of the picturebox:

            G.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGreen, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue, 1, 1))
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With the code below, it is still drawing the graph from the top to the bottom and when current dl speed is above 1xx then it just draws that line outside the picturebox... grid in the pictruebox is moving forward but there is no graphline as it it is somewhere beyond it.
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   Private Sub tmrScroll_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrScroll.Tick
        Dim adapter As NetworkAdapter = Me.adapters(Me.ListAdapters.SelectedIndex)
        Dim curPercentage As Integer
        Dim curScaledValue As Integer

        curPercentage = [String].Format("{0:n}", adapter.DownloadSpeedKbps) / 50000
        curScaledValue = PictureBox1.Height * curPercentage

        Static xCounter As Integer = 0
        xCounter = xCounter + 1
        Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height)
        Using G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
            For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height Step GridSize
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, y, bmp.Width, y)

            G.DrawImage(PictureBox1.Image, -1, 0) ' <-- draw everything in the PictureBox ONE pixel to the Left of where it is now
            If xCounter = 25 Then
                xCounter = 0
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Green, bmp.Width - 1, 0, bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height)
            End If

            G.DrawLine(Pens.LightGreen, bmp.Width - 2, LastValue, bmp.Width - 1, CurrentValue) ' draw a line from the last value to the current value
          G.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGreen, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue, 1, 1))
        End Using

        Dim prevBmp As Bitmap = PictureBox1.Image
        PictureBox1.Image = bmp
        If Not IsNothing(prevBmp) Then
        End If
        LastValue = CurrentValue
    End Sub
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this is so dead..
The connecting line should also be drawn from the bottom by subtracting from PictureBox1.Height:

        G.DrawLine(Pens.LightGreen, bmp.Width - 2, PictureBox1.Height - LastValue, bmp.Width - 1, PictureBox1.Height -CurrentValue) ' draw a line from the last value to the current value
        G.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGreen, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue, 1, 1))

I feel like I've already given you all the tools you need to build a graph my friend...
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only one last thing. How to fix the thing circled on the image.
Private Sub tmrScroll_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrScroll.Tick
        Dim adapter As NetworkAdapter = Me.adapters(Me.ListAdapters.SelectedIndex)
        Dim curPercentage As Integer
        Dim curScaledValue As Integer
        Dim curPercentage2 As Integer
        Dim curScaledValue2 As Integer
        curPercentage = [String].Format("{0:n}", adapter.DownloadSpeedKbps) / 50000
        curScaledValue = PictureBox1.Height * curPercentage
        curPercentage2 = [String].Format("{0:n}", adapter.UploadSpeedKbps) / 50000
        curScaledValue2 = PictureBox1.Height * curPercentage2
        Static xCounter As Integer = 0
        xCounter = xCounter + 1
        Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, PictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height)
        Using G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
            For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height Step GridSize
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Transparent, bmp.Width - 1, y, bmp.Width, y)
            G.DrawImage(PictureBox1.Image, -1, 0)
            If xCounter = 25 Then
                xCounter = 0
                G.DrawLine(Pens.Transparent, bmp.Width - 1, 0, bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height)
            End If
            G.DrawLine(Pens.ForestGreen, bmp.Width - 2, PictureBox1.Height - LastValue, bmp.Width - 1, PictureBox1.Height - CurrentValue)
            G.DrawRectangle(Pens.ForestGreen, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue, 1, 1))
            G.DrawLine(Pens.Firebrick, bmp.Width - 2, PictureBox1.Height - LastValue2, bmp.Width - 1, PictureBox1.Height - CurrentValue2)
            G.DrawRectangle(Pens.Firebrick, New Rectangle(bmp.Width - 1, PictureBox1.Height - curScaledValue2, 1, 1))
        End Using

        Dim prevBmp As Bitmap = PictureBox1.Image
        PictureBox1.Image = bmp
        If Not IsNothing(prevBmp) Then
        End If
        LastValue = CurrentValue
        LastValue2 = CurrentValue2
    End Sub

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Mike Tomlinson
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