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bsharathFlag for India

asked on

Need to find if 1 specific software is installed in all machine names in the file and output the machine names that has the software.


Need to find if 1 specific software is installed in all machine names in the file and output the machine names that has the software.
For licensing issue i need to scan for just specific softwares. Any way to do this.

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Flag of United States of America image

As every application installs differently the check done for each them will also be different.

Need more information.


IE: even if you query every entry in the uninstall key from the registry not every app creates an entry in it.

Avatar of bsharath


I will need to track major softwares
MS project
Office 2003
Office 2007
Sql Server
and some more softwares as such
Well, if you create a list and what to check for (as you have the apps and know how/what is done during the install) I will gladly write the checking.

If each of these softwares can be checked in the Add/Remove programs that would be enough.

You want me to check any thing?
Any help on this...
Finishing up the mp3 delete then will start.

is that the complete list?

MS project
Office 2003
Office 2007
Sql Server

if not can you post it or email it too me.  

ee DOT zoofan (at) gm@1L DOT c0m

Here is the complete list
Visio 2003/2007
MS project 2002/2003/2007
Office 97/2000/2003 /2007
Sql Server client/server
Oracle client / server
one note
Ok,  from a pc or pc's that have this software installed run regedit and goto


Highlight the uninstall key and goto file export.  select 'selected branch' name it and save it.

Attach the file/files to here.

I need to see what is in the uninstall key  (all apps in add/remove are listed in the uninstallkey )  to determine what I have to check for as I do not have almost all of these.

I doubt highly youll have one pc with everything so I expect more then one file.


Unless your feeling energetic you can export just the appropriate key for the app and post those.  Faster for me harder for you
Actually while reading thru other questions last night I found this very sweet vbs from RobSampson,

"Anyway guys, here's a VBS I have written that gets computers names from a text file called "computers.txt" and output their installed apps to Excel:"

I see no point in reinventing the wheel.  He deserves the points for that one, very elegant.


zoofan ya ROb is a real genius i have 100's of his solutions documented. And this already one.
Here i need to search for specific softwares.
I already have solutions to get all softwares installed in each system in each sheet.
But searching for a specific software is installed. :-)
Just take the first loop test and change the compare to only log what you want

 If ((strDisplayName <> "")  AND (strDisplayName = strMYAPPNAME1 OR strDisplayName = strMYAPPNAME2 OR strDisplayName = strMYAPPNAME3 OR strDisplayName = strMYAPPNAME4)) Then

And for the second loop test to only log what you want

                  For Each objSoftware in colAllSoftware
                       If ((objSoftware.Name <> "") AND (objSoftware.Name = strMYAPPNAME1 OR objSoftware.Name = strMYAPPNAME2 OR objSoftware.Name = strMYAPPNAME3 OR objSoftware.Name = strMYAPPNAME4)) Then

                      'Remaining code from script
                       End if

You have the names and they MUST as you know match EXACTLY what is returned.

run the full script on a few machines until you have all the correct display names then use those display names to refine the return(only return if that app found).


(Rob is da' Man)

            ' **********************************************************************
            ' ********** START OF FIRST METHOD - Add / Remove Programs ************
            ' **********************************************************************
            strKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
            'MsgBox "Ping successful on: " & strComputer
            On Error Resume Next
            Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:"   & _
                  "{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & _
                  strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                  MsgBox "There was a problem connecting to: " & strComputer & "."
                  If strInactivePCs = "" Then
                        strInactivePCs = strSinglePC
                        strInactivePCs = strInactivePCs & vbCrLf & strSinglePC
                  End If
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  objRegistry.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey, arrSubKeys
                  On Error Resume Next
                  For Each strSubKey In arrSubKeys
                        objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & strSubKey, "DisplayName", strDisplayName
                        objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & strSubKey, "DisplayVersion", strDisplayVersion
                        objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & strSubKey, "InstallLocation", strInstallLocation
                        'strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strSubKey & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion & VbCrLf
                        If strDisplayName <> "" Then
                              If boolShowMSKBPatches = False Then
                                    If InStr(strDisplayName, " KB") = 0 And InStr(strDisplayName, "(KB") = 0 Then
                                          If strAllDetails = "" Then
                                                strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                                strAllDetails = strAllDetails & VbCrLf & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                          End If
                                    End If
                                    If strAllDetails = "" Then
                                          strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                          strAllDetails = strAllDetails & VbCrLf & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                    End If
                              End If
                        End If
                        strDisplayName = vbEmpty
                        strDisplayVersion = vbEmpty
                        strInstallLocation = vbEmpty
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  ' *********** END OF FIRST METHOD - Add / Remove Programs ***************
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  ' *********** START OF SECOND METHOD - Windows Installer ****************
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  'Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
                  '    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
                  '    & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
                  Set colAllSoftware = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
                      ("Select * from Win32_Product")
                  On Error Resume Next
                  For Each objSoftware in colAllSoftware
                      'strAllSoftware = strAllSoftware & "Name: " & objSoftware.Name & vbcrlf & "Version: " & objSoftware.Version & vbcrlf
                      If strAllDetails = "" Then
                            If InStr(strAllDetails, ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";") = 0 Then
                                  strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";" & objSoftware.Version
                            End If
                            If InStr(strAllDetails, ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";") = 0 Then
                                  strAllDetails = strAllDetails & VbCrLf & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";" & objSoftware.Version
                            End If
                      End If
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  ' *********** END OF SECOND METHOD - Windows Installer *****************
                  ' **********************************************************************

Open in new window

As a more complete example This script will query the pc's listed in computers.txt

and ONLY log those which have Adobe Reader 6.0


' This function uses the following Reg Key:
' SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\
' to return the list of programs that are listed in the Add / Remove
' Programs applet of the  control panel.
' GetOfficeDetails.vbs uses a WQL query of "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product"
' to obtain the list of software products that have been installed
' using the Microsoft Windows Installer.
Option Explicit
Dim strWorkingDir
Dim strAllPCsFile, objAllPCsFile, strSearchResultsFile, strOutputFile
Dim strSinglePC, strComputer, arrSinglePC, strKey, strSubKey, strUserName
Dim objRegistry
Dim arrSubKeys()
Dim strDisplayName, strDisplayVersion, strInstallLocation
Dim strScriptName, strScriptPath, strFileOutputPath
Dim strAllDetails, objFSO, objExec, strActivePCs, arrActivePCs, strInactivePCs
Dim arrResultsRows, arrResultsTable, intRowNum, intColNum
Dim objWMIService, colAllSoftware, objSoftware, colComputer, objComputer
Dim boolShowMSKBPatches
Dim boolPinged
Dim arrComputerPrograms 'Global variable to hold the computer programs per computer
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Const intForReading = 1
Const intForWriting = 2
Const intForAppending = 8
strWorkingDir = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "")
'MsgBox strWorkingDir
If Left(strWorkingDir, 2) = "\\" Then
      MsgBox "Please run this program from a network drive.", vbOKOnly, "Error"
End If
boolShowMSKBPatches = MsgBox("Do you want to display Micorosoft KnowledgeBase Patches?", vbYesNo, "Display Patches?")
If boolShowMSKBPatches = vbYes Then
      boolShowMSKBPatches = True
      boolShowMSKBPatches = False
End If
'MsgBox boolShowMSKBPatches
strAllPCsFile = "Computers.txt"
strSearchResultsFile = "Results.txt"
strOutputFile = "InactivePCs.txt"
strInactivePCs = ""
strAllDetails = ""
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objAllPCsFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strAllPCsFile, intForReading)
While Not objAllPCsFile.AtEndOfStream
      strComputer = objAllPCsFile.ReadLine
      'MsgBox "About to ping: " & strComputer
      boolPinged = Ping(strComputer)
      If boolPinged = True Then
            Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
                & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
            Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
                ("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
            For Each objComputer in colComputer
                strUserName = "User Name: " & objComputer.UserName
            'WScript.Echo strComputer & " responded to ping."
            ' **********************************************************************
            ' ********** START OF FIRST METHOD - Add / Remove Programs ************
            ' **********************************************************************
            strKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
            'MsgBox "Ping successful on: " & strComputer
            On Error Resume Next
            Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:"   & _
                  "{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & _
                  strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                  MsgBox "There was a problem connecting to: " & strComputer & "."
                  If strInactivePCs = "" Then
                        strInactivePCs = strSinglePC
                        strInactivePCs = strInactivePCs & vbCrLf & strSinglePC
                  End If
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  objRegistry.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey, arrSubKeys
                  On Error Resume Next
                  For Each strSubKey In arrSubKeys
                        objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & strSubKey, "DisplayName", strDisplayName
                        objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & strSubKey, "DisplayVersion", strDisplayVersion
                        objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & strSubKey, "InstallLocation", strInstallLocation
                        'strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strSubKey & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion & VbCrLf
                        If strDisplayName <> ""  And strDisplayName = "Adobe Reader 6.0" Then
                              If boolShowMSKBPatches = False Then
                                    If InStr(strDisplayName, " KB") = 0 And InStr(strDisplayName, "(KB") = 0 Then
                                          If strAllDetails = "" Then
                                                strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                                strAllDetails = strAllDetails & VbCrLf & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                          End If
                                    End If
                                    If strAllDetails = "" Then
                                          strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                          strAllDetails = strAllDetails & VbCrLf & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                    End If
                              End If
                        End If
                        strDisplayName = vbEmpty
                        strDisplayVersion = vbEmpty
                        strInstallLocation = vbEmpty
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  ' *********** END OF FIRST METHOD - Add / Remove Programs ***************
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  ' *********** START OF SECOND METHOD - Windows Installer ****************
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  'Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
                  '    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
                  '    & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
                  Set colAllSoftware = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
                      ("Select * from Win32_Product")
                  On Error Resume Next
                  For Each objSoftware in colAllSoftware
                   If objSoftware.Name <> ""  And objSoftware.Name = "Adobe Reader 6.0" Then
	                      'strAllSoftware = strAllSoftware & "Name: " & objSoftware.Name & vbcrlf & "Version: " & objSoftware.Version & VbCrLf
	                      If strAllDetails = "" Then
	                            If InStr(strAllDetails, ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";") = 0 Then
	                                  strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";" & objSoftware.Version
	                            End If
	                            If InStr(strAllDetails, ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";") = 0 Then
	                                  strAllDetails = strAllDetails & VbCrLf & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";" & objSoftware.Version
	                            End If
	                      End If
                      End if
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  ' *********** END OF SECOND METHOD - Windows Installer *****************
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  strActivePCs = strActivePCs & strComputer & ";"
            End If
            If strInactivePCs = "" Then
                  strInactivePCs = strSinglePC
                  strInactivePCs = strInactivePCs & vbCrLf & strSinglePC
            End If
      End If
If Right(strActivePCs, 1) = ";" Then
      strActivePCs = Left(strActivePCs, Len(strActivePCs) - 1)
End If
arrActivePCs = Split(strActivePCs, ";")
' **********  Create the main Results Table array ************
If strAllDetails = "" Then
      MsgBox "There are no results to display.  Please check that any PCs are active."
End If
arrResultsRows = Split(strAllDetails, VbCrLf)
'MsgBox arrResultsRows(UBound(arrResultsRows))
'MsgBox Split(arrResultsRows(UBound(arrResultsRows)), ";")(0)
ReDim arrResultsTable(UBound(arrResultsRows), UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")))
'MsgBox "STRING:" & Right(strAllDetails, 100) & ":STRING"
For intRowNum = LBound(arrResultsRows) To UBound(arrResultsRows)
      For intColNum = LBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")) To UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";"))
            'MsgBox intRowNum & ":" & intColNum
            'If IsDate(Split(arrResultsRows(intRowNum), ";")(intColNum)) = False Then
                  arrResultsTable(intRowNum, intColNum) = Split(arrResultsRows(intRowNum), ";")(intColNum)
            '      arrResultsTable(intRowNum, intColNum) = CDate(Split(arrResultsRows(intRowNum), ";")(intColNum))
            'End If
' ********** End of creating the main Results Table array **************
Dim objFS
Dim objOutputFile
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objOutputFile = objFS.CreateTextFile(strOutputFile, True)
MsgBox "InactivePCs have been recorded." & vbcrlf & "Please see " & strOutputFile & ".", vbOKOnly, "Output Finished"
Sub Output_To_Excel
      Dim objExcel, objExcelWorkBook, intSheetCount
      Dim strAllPrinters, intActivePCCounter
      Dim intRowCounter, intColCounter
      Dim intProgramCounter, intComputerProgramCount
      If IsArray(arrResultsTable) = True Then
            Set objExcel = CreateObject("EXCEL.APPLICATION")
            objExcel.Visible = True
          Set objExcelWorkBook = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook
            objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
            Do While objExcel.Sheets.Count > 1
            objExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
            ' *************** All Printers ***************
'            objExcel.Sheets(1).Name = "All Printers"
'            Display_All_Printers "Excel", objExcel
            ' ********************************************
            ' *********** Individual Printers ************
          For intActivePCCounter = LBound(arrActivePCs) To UBound(arrActivePCs)
                objExcel.Sheets(1).Name = arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter)
                objExcel.Sheets(arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter)).Move , objExcel.Sheets(objExcel.Sheets.Count)
            objExcel.ScreenUpdating = False
          Show_Computer_Programs objExcel
          ' ********************************************
          objExcel.ScreenUpdating = True
          MsgBox "There were " & objExcel.Sheets.Count & " PCs inspected."
          Set objExcelWorkBook = Nothing
          Set objExcel = Nothing
            MsgBox "No programs have been retrieved.  Cannot output to Excel."
      End If
End Sub
Sub Write_Excel_Header_Row(objExcelApp)
      Dim arrFields
      Dim intColCounter, strLastColumn
      arrFields = Array("Computer", "Owner", "Software", "Version")
      For intColCounter = LBound(arrFields) To UBound(arrFields)
            objExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(intColCounter + 65) & "1").FormulaR1C1 = arrFields(intColCounter)
      strLastColumn = Chr(UBound(arrFields) + 65)
      objExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1:" & strLastColumn & "1").Font.Bold = True
      objExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A:" & strLastColumn).EntireColumn.AutoFit
    objExcelApp.Selection.Sort objExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range("C2"), 1, , , , , , 1, 1, False, 1
End Sub
Sub Show_Computer_Programs(objExcelObj)
      Dim intProgramCounter, intComputerProgramCount, intRowCounter, intColCounter, intActivePCCounter
      If IsArray(arrResultsTable) = True Then
          For intActivePCCounter = LBound(arrActivePCs) To UBound(arrActivePCs)
                  intComputerProgramCount = 0
                  For intProgramCounter = LBound(arrResultsTable) To UBound(arrResultsTable)
                        'MsgBox "Table: " & arrResultsTable(intProgramCounter, 0) & "   -   ActivePC:" & arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter)
                        If arrResultsTable(intProgramCounter, 0) = arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter) Then
                              intComputerProgramCount = intComputerProgramCount + 1
                        End If
                  ReDim arrComputerPrograms(intComputerProgramCount - 1, UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")))
                  intRowCounter = 0
                  For intProgramCounter = LBound(arrResultsTable) To UBound(arrResultsTable)
                        If arrResultsTable(intProgramCounter, 0) = arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter) Then
                              For intColCounter = LBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")) To UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";"))
                                    arrComputerPrograms(intRowCounter, intColCounter) = arrResultsTable(intProgramCounter, intColCounter)
                              intRowCounter = intRowCounter + 1
                        End If
                  If UBound(arrComputerPrograms) > -1 Then
                        Display_Single_Computer_Programs objExcelObj
                        Write_Excel_Header_Row objExcelObj
                  End If
            MsgBox "No programs have been retrieved."
      End If
End Sub
Sub Display_Single_Computer_Programs(objExcelObj)
      Dim intRowCounter, intColCounter
      objExcelObj.Selection.NumberFormat = "@"
      For intRowCounter = LBound(arrComputerPrograms) To UBound(arrComputerPrograms)
            For intColCounter = LBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")) To UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";"))
                  objExcelObj.ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(intColCounter + 65) & intRowCounter + 2).FormulaR1C1 = arrComputerPrograms(intRowCounter, intColCounter)
                  If InStr(arrComputerPrograms(intRowCounter, intColCounter), "<Error>") > 0 Then
                      objExcelObj.ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(intColCounter + 65) & intRowCounter + 2).Select
                      objExcelObj.Selection.Font.Bold = True
                      objExcelObj.Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3
                  End If
End Sub
'************* PING FUNCTION ********************
Function Ping(ByVal strName)
      Dim objFSO, objShell, objTempFile, objTS, strTempFile
      Dim strCommand, strReadLine
      Dim boolReturn
      Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
      Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      strTempFile = strWorkingDir & "temp.txt"
      'Set default return value
      boolReturn = False
      'Create command line to ping and save results to a temp file
      strCommand = "cmd /c ping.exe -n 1 -w 500 " & strName & " > """ & strTempFile & """"
      'Execute the command
      objShell.Run strCommand, 0, True
      'Open the temp text file
      Set objTempFile = objFSO.GetFile(strTempFile)
      Set objTS = objTempFile.OpenAsTextStream(1)
      'Loop through the temp file to see if "reply from" is found,
      'if it is then the ping was successful
      Do While objTs.AtEndOfStream <> True
            strReadLine = objTs.ReadLine
            If InStr(LCase(strReadLine), "reply from") > 0 Then
                  boolReturn = True
                  Exit Do
            End If
      'Close temp file and release objects
      objTempFile.Delete True
      Set objTS = Nothing
      Set objTempFile = Nothing
      Set objShell = Nothing
      Set objFSO = Nothing
      'Return value
      Ping = boolReturn
End Function

Open in new window

Ok here,  run the ORGINAL script on enough machines to get your correct application names for all 6 apps,

then edit these lines in this script with those corect display names.

Visio 2003/2007
MS project 2002/2003/2007
Office 97/2000/2003 /2007
Sql Server client/server
Oracle client / server
one note

strApp1 = "MY  APP NAME" 'office97<-
strApp2 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Offce2k
strApp3 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Office03
strApp4 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Office07
strApp5 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Sql Cient
strApp6 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Sql Server
strApp7 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Oracle client
strApp8 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Oracle server
strApp9 = "MY  APP NAME" 'winzip
strApp10 = "MY  APP NAME" 'winrar
strApp11 = "MY  APP NAME" 'OneNote
strApp12 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Visio 03
strApp13 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Visio 07

It will run and only log the pc's that have those apps.

' This function uses the following Reg Key:
' SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\
' to return the list of programs that are listed in the Add / Remove
' Programs applet of the  control panel.
' GetOfficeDetails.vbs uses a WQL query of "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product"
' to obtain the list of software products that have been installed
' using the Microsoft Windows Installer.
Option Explicit
Dim strWorkingDir
Dim strAllPCsFile, objAllPCsFile, strSearchResultsFile, strOutputFile
Dim strSinglePC, strComputer, arrSinglePC, strKey, strSubKey, strUserName
Dim objRegistry
Dim arrSubKeys()
Dim strDisplayName, strDisplayVersion, strInstallLocation
Dim strScriptName, strScriptPath, strFileOutputPath
Dim strAllDetails, objFSO, objExec, strActivePCs, arrActivePCs, strInactivePCs
Dim arrResultsRows, arrResultsTable, intRowNum, intColNum
Dim objWMIService, colAllSoftware, objSoftware, colComputer, objComputer
Dim boolShowMSKBPatches
Dim boolPinged
Dim strApp1
Dim strApp2
Dim strApp3
Dim strApp4
Dim strApp5
Dim strApp6
Dim strApp7
Dim strApp8
Dim strApp9
Dim strApp10
Dim strApp11
Dim strApp12
Dim strApp13
strApp1 = "MY  APP NAME" 'office97<-
strApp2 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Offce2k
strApp3 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Office03
strApp4 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Office07
strApp5 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Sql Cient
strApp6 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Sql Server
strApp7 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Oracle client
strApp8 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Oracle server
strApp9 = "MY  APP NAME" 'winzip
strApp10 = "MY  APP NAME" 'winrar
strApp11 = "MY  APP NAME" 'OneNote
strApp12 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Visio 03
strApp13 = "MY  APP NAME" 'Visio 07
Dim arrComputerPrograms 'Global variable to hold the computer programs per computer
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Const intForReading = 1
Const intForWriting = 2
Const intForAppending = 8
strWorkingDir = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "")
'MsgBox strWorkingDir
If Left(strWorkingDir, 2) = "\\" Then
      MsgBox "Please run this program from a network drive.", vbOKOnly, "Error"
End If
boolShowMSKBPatches = MsgBox("Do you want to display Micorosoft KnowledgeBase Patches?", vbYesNo, "Display Patches?")
If boolShowMSKBPatches = vbYes Then
      boolShowMSKBPatches = True
      boolShowMSKBPatches = False
End If
'MsgBox boolShowMSKBPatches
strAllPCsFile = "Computers.txt"
strSearchResultsFile = "Results.txt"
strOutputFile = "InactivePCs.txt"
strInactivePCs = ""
strAllDetails = ""
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objAllPCsFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strAllPCsFile, intForReading)
While Not objAllPCsFile.AtEndOfStream
      strComputer = objAllPCsFile.ReadLine
      'MsgBox "About to ping: " & strComputer
      boolPinged = Ping(strComputer)
      If boolPinged = True Then
            Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
                & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
            Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
                ("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
            For Each objComputer in colComputer
                strUserName = "User Name: " & objComputer.UserName
            'WScript.Echo strComputer & " responded to ping."
            ' **********************************************************************
            ' ********** START OF FIRST METHOD - Add / Remove Programs ************
            ' **********************************************************************
            strKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
            'MsgBox "Ping successful on: " & strComputer
            On Error Resume Next
            Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:"   & _
                  "{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & _
                  strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                  MsgBox "There was a problem connecting to: " & strComputer & "."
                  If strInactivePCs = "" Then
                        strInactivePCs = strSinglePC
                        strInactivePCs = strInactivePCs & vbCrLf & strSinglePC
                  End If
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  objRegistry.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey, arrSubKeys
                  On Error Resume Next
                  For Each strSubKey In arrSubKeys
                        objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & strSubKey, "DisplayName", strDisplayName
                        objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & strSubKey, "DisplayVersion", strDisplayVersion
                        objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & strSubKey, "InstallLocation", strInstallLocation
                        'strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strSubKey & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion & VbCrLf
                        If ((strDisplayName <> "")  And (strDisplayName = strApp1 or strDisplayName = strApp2 Or strDisplayName = strApp3 or strDisplayName = strApp4 or strDisplayName = strApp5 Or strDisplayName = strApp6 Or strDisplayName = strApp7 Or strDisplayName = strApp8 Or strDisplayName = strApp9 Or strDisplayName = strApp10 Or strDisplayName = strApp11 Or strDisplayName = strApp12 Or strDisplayName = strApp13)) Then
                              If boolShowMSKBPatches = False Then
                                    If InStr(strDisplayName, " KB") = 0 And InStr(strDisplayName, "(KB") = 0 Then
                                          If strAllDetails = "" Then
                                                strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                                strAllDetails = strAllDetails & VbCrLf & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                          End If
                                    End If
                                    If strAllDetails = "" Then
                                          strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                          strAllDetails = strAllDetails & VbCrLf & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & strDisplayName & ";" & strDisplayVersion
                                    End If
                              End If
                        End If
                        strDisplayName = vbEmpty
                        strDisplayVersion = vbEmpty
                        strInstallLocation = vbEmpty
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  ' *********** END OF FIRST METHOD - Add / Remove Programs ***************
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  ' *********** START OF SECOND METHOD - Windows Installer ****************
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  'Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
                  '    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
                  '    & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
                  Set colAllSoftware = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
                      ("Select * from Win32_Product")
                  On Error Resume Next
                  For Each objSoftware in colAllSoftware
                   If ((objSoftware.Name <> "")  And (objSoftware.Name = strApp1 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp2 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp3 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp4 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp5 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp6 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp7 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp8 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp9 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp10 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp11 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp12 Or objSoftware.Name = strApp13)) Then
	                      'strAllSoftware = strAllSoftware & "Name: " & objSoftware.Name & vbcrlf & "Version: " & objSoftware.Version & VbCrLf
	                      If strAllDetails = "" Then
	                            If InStr(strAllDetails, ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";") = 0 Then
	                                  strAllDetails = strAllDetails & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";" & objSoftware.Version
	                            End If
	                            If InStr(strAllDetails, ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";") = 0 Then
	                                  strAllDetails = strAllDetails & VbCrLf & strComputer & ";" & strUserName & ";" & objSoftware.Name & ";" & objSoftware.Version
	                            End If
	                      End If
                      End if
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  ' *********** END OF SECOND METHOD - Windows Installer *****************
                  ' **********************************************************************
                  strActivePCs = strActivePCs & strComputer & ";"
            End If
            If strInactivePCs = "" Then
                  strInactivePCs = strSinglePC
                  strInactivePCs = strInactivePCs & vbCrLf & strSinglePC
            End If
      End If
If Right(strActivePCs, 1) = ";" Then
      strActivePCs = Left(strActivePCs, Len(strActivePCs) - 1)
End If
arrActivePCs = Split(strActivePCs, ";")
' **********  Create the main Results Table array ************
If strAllDetails = "" Then
      MsgBox "There are no results to display.  Please check that any PCs are active."
End If
arrResultsRows = Split(strAllDetails, VbCrLf)
'MsgBox arrResultsRows(UBound(arrResultsRows))
'MsgBox Split(arrResultsRows(UBound(arrResultsRows)), ";")(0)
ReDim arrResultsTable(UBound(arrResultsRows), UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")))
'MsgBox "STRING:" & Right(strAllDetails, 100) & ":STRING"
For intRowNum = LBound(arrResultsRows) To UBound(arrResultsRows)
      For intColNum = LBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")) To UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";"))
            'MsgBox intRowNum & ":" & intColNum
            'If IsDate(Split(arrResultsRows(intRowNum), ";")(intColNum)) = False Then
                  arrResultsTable(intRowNum, intColNum) = Split(arrResultsRows(intRowNum), ";")(intColNum)
            '      arrResultsTable(intRowNum, intColNum) = CDate(Split(arrResultsRows(intRowNum), ";")(intColNum))
            'End If
' ********** End of creating the main Results Table array **************
Dim objFS
Dim objOutputFile
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objOutputFile = objFS.CreateTextFile(strOutputFile, True)
MsgBox "InactivePCs have been recorded." & vbcrlf & "Please see " & strOutputFile & ".", vbOKOnly, "Output Finished"
Sub Output_To_Excel
      Dim objExcel, objExcelWorkBook, intSheetCount
      Dim strAllPrinters, intActivePCCounter
      Dim intRowCounter, intColCounter
      Dim intProgramCounter, intComputerProgramCount
      If IsArray(arrResultsTable) = True Then
            Set objExcel = CreateObject("EXCEL.APPLICATION")
            objExcel.Visible = True
          Set objExcelWorkBook = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook
            objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
            Do While objExcel.Sheets.Count > 1
            objExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
            ' *************** All Printers ***************
'            objExcel.Sheets(1).Name = "All Printers"
'            Display_All_Printers "Excel", objExcel
            ' ********************************************
            ' *********** Individual Printers ************
          For intActivePCCounter = LBound(arrActivePCs) To UBound(arrActivePCs)
                objExcel.Sheets(1).Name = arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter)
                objExcel.Sheets(arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter)).Move , objExcel.Sheets(objExcel.Sheets.Count)
            objExcel.ScreenUpdating = False
          Show_Computer_Programs objExcel
          ' ********************************************
          objExcel.ScreenUpdating = True
          MsgBox "There were " & objExcel.Sheets.Count & " PCs inspected."
          Set objExcelWorkBook = Nothing
          Set objExcel = Nothing
            MsgBox "No programs have been retrieved.  Cannot output to Excel."
      End If
End Sub
Sub Write_Excel_Header_Row(objExcelApp)
      Dim arrFields
      Dim intColCounter, strLastColumn
      arrFields = Array("Computer", "Owner", "Software", "Version")
      For intColCounter = LBound(arrFields) To UBound(arrFields)
            objExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(intColCounter + 65) & "1").FormulaR1C1 = arrFields(intColCounter)
      strLastColumn = Chr(UBound(arrFields) + 65)
      objExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1:" & strLastColumn & "1").Font.Bold = True
      objExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A:" & strLastColumn).EntireColumn.AutoFit
    objExcelApp.Selection.Sort objExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Range("C2"), 1, , , , , , 1, 1, False, 1
End Sub
Sub Show_Computer_Programs(objExcelObj)
      Dim intProgramCounter, intComputerProgramCount, intRowCounter, intColCounter, intActivePCCounter
      If IsArray(arrResultsTable) = True Then
          For intActivePCCounter = LBound(arrActivePCs) To UBound(arrActivePCs)
                  intComputerProgramCount = 0
                  For intProgramCounter = LBound(arrResultsTable) To UBound(arrResultsTable)
                        'MsgBox "Table: " & arrResultsTable(intProgramCounter, 0) & "   -   ActivePC:" & arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter)
                        If arrResultsTable(intProgramCounter, 0) = arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter) Then
                              intComputerProgramCount = intComputerProgramCount + 1
                        End If
                  ReDim arrComputerPrograms(intComputerProgramCount - 1, UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")))
                  intRowCounter = 0
                  For intProgramCounter = LBound(arrResultsTable) To UBound(arrResultsTable)
                        If arrResultsTable(intProgramCounter, 0) = arrActivePCs(intActivePCCounter) Then
                              For intColCounter = LBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")) To UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";"))
                                    arrComputerPrograms(intRowCounter, intColCounter) = arrResultsTable(intProgramCounter, intColCounter)
                              intRowCounter = intRowCounter + 1
                        End If
                  If UBound(arrComputerPrograms) > -1 Then
                        Display_Single_Computer_Programs objExcelObj
                        Write_Excel_Header_Row objExcelObj
                  End If
            MsgBox "No programs have been retrieved."
      End If
End Sub
Sub Display_Single_Computer_Programs(objExcelObj)
      Dim intRowCounter, intColCounter
      objExcelObj.Selection.NumberFormat = "@"
      For intRowCounter = LBound(arrComputerPrograms) To UBound(arrComputerPrograms)
            For intColCounter = LBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";")) To UBound(Split(arrResultsRows(0), ";"))
                  objExcelObj.ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(intColCounter + 65) & intRowCounter + 2).FormulaR1C1 = arrComputerPrograms(intRowCounter, intColCounter)
                  If InStr(arrComputerPrograms(intRowCounter, intColCounter), "<Error>") > 0 Then
                      objExcelObj.ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(intColCounter + 65) & intRowCounter + 2).Select
                      objExcelObj.Selection.Font.Bold = True
                      objExcelObj.Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3
                  End If
End Sub
'************* PING FUNCTION ********************
Function Ping(ByVal strName)
      Dim objFSO, objShell, objTempFile, objTS, strTempFile
      Dim strCommand, strReadLine
      Dim boolReturn
      Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
      Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      strTempFile = strWorkingDir & "temp.txt"
      'Set default return value
      boolReturn = False
      'Create command line to ping and save results to a temp file
      strCommand = "cmd /c ping.exe -n 1 -w 500 " & strName & " > """ & strTempFile & """"
      'Execute the command
      objShell.Run strCommand, 0, True
      'Open the temp text file
      Set objTempFile = objFSO.GetFile(strTempFile)
      Set objTS = objTempFile.OpenAsTextStream(1)
      'Loop through the temp file to see if "reply from" is found,
      'if it is then the ping was successful
      Do While objTs.AtEndOfStream <> True
            strReadLine = objTs.ReadLine
            If InStr(LCase(strReadLine), "reply from") > 0 Then
                  boolReturn = True
                  Exit Do
            End If
      'Close temp file and release objects
      objTempFile.Delete True
      Set objTS = Nothing
      Set objTempFile = Nothing
      Set objShell = Nothing
      Set objFSO = Nothing
      'Return value
      Ping = boolReturn
End Function

Open in new window

Hi zoofan
I just put 10 machines and ran the script
but get this message


There are no results to display.  Please check that any PCs are active.

I am using this script
ID: 22172631

There are no ressults or inactive files created.

I already have a similar script that gets all softwares into excel sheets that asks for a computer.txt file and gives results and inactive computers that works fine with the similar computers.
Hi zoofan
I just put 10 machines and ran the script
but get this message


There are no results to display.  Please check that any PCs are active.

I am using this script
ID: 22172631

There are no ressults or inactive files created.

I already have a similar script that gets all softwares into excel sheets that asks for a computer.txt file and gives results and inactive computers that works fine with the similar computers.
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Thanks Zoofan worked perfect...
Excellent, glad to here it.  Thanks to Rob!!
