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is this a list?

I have some code. In the code on line 408 words is defined:

later on line 418 words seems to referenced as a list
    for i in range(len(words)):

however if I do something line 411 and 412
    backpain = 'back-pain'
    if backpain  in words : continue

the code fails. What is wrong with that? Isn't words a list and if it is can't I do this?

Also, if I want to do

If 'backache' or 'backpain' or 'back-pain' in words: continue

can't I do that?
Thank you.
import urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import *
from urlparse import urljoin
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
import nn
import re
"""Porter Stemming Algorithm
This is the Porter stemming algorithm, ported to Python from the
version coded up in ANSI C by the author. It may be be regarded
as canonical, in that it follows the algorithm presented in
Porter, 1980, An algorithm for suffix stripping, Program, Vol. 14,
no. 3, pp 130-137,
only differing from it at the points maked --DEPARTURE-- below.
See also
The algorithm as described in the paper could be exactly replicated
by adjusting the points of DEPARTURE, but this is barely necessary,
because (a) the points of DEPARTURE are definitely improvements, and
(b) no encoding of the Porter stemmer I have seen is anything like
as exact as this version, even with the points of DEPARTURE!
Vivake Gupta (
Release 1: January 2001
import sys
class PorterStemmer:
    def __init__(self):
        """The main part of the stemming algorithm starts here.
        b is a buffer holding a word to be stemmed. The letters are in b[k0],
        b[k0+1] ... ending at b[k]. In fact k0 = 0 in this demo program. k is
        readjusted downwards as the stemming progresses. Zero termination is
        not in fact used in the algorithm.
        Note that only lower case sequences are stemmed. Forcing to lower case
        should be done before stem(...) is called.
        self.b = ""  # buffer for word to be stemmed
        self.k = 0
        self.k0 = 0
        self.j = 0   # j is a general offset into the string
    def cons(self, i):
        """cons(i) is TRUE <=> b[i] is a consonant."""
        if self.b[i] == 'a' or self.b[i] == 'e' or self.b[i] == 'i' or self.b[i] == 'o' or self.b[i] == 'u':
            return 0
        if self.b[i] == 'y':
            if i == self.k0:
                return 1
                return (not self.cons(i - 1))
        return 1
    def m(self):
        """m() measures the number of consonant sequences between k0 and j.
        if c is a consonant sequence and v a vowel sequence, and <..>
        indicates arbitrary presence,
           <c><v>       gives 0
           <c>vc<v>     gives 1
           <c>vcvc<v>   gives 2
           <c>vcvcvc<v> gives 3
        n = 0
        i = self.k0
        while 1:
            if i > self.j:
                return n
            if not self.cons(i):
            i = i + 1
        i = i + 1
        while 1:
            while 1:
                if i > self.j:
                    return n
                if self.cons(i):
                i = i + 1
            i = i + 1
            n = n + 1
            while 1:
                if i > self.j:
                    return n
                if not self.cons(i):
                i = i + 1
            i = i + 1
    def vowelinstem(self):
        """vowelinstem() is TRUE <=> k0,...j contains a vowel"""
        for i in range(self.k0, self.j + 1):
            if not self.cons(i):
                return 1
        return 0
    def doublec(self, j):
        """doublec(j) is TRUE <=> j,(j-1) contain a double consonant."""
        if j < (self.k0 + 1):
            return 0
        if (self.b[j] != self.b[j-1]):
            return 0
        return self.cons(j)
    def cvc(self, i):
        """cvc(i) is TRUE <=> i-2,i-1,i has the form consonant - vowel - consonant
        and also if the second c is not w,x or y. this is used when trying to
        restore an e at the end of a short  e.g.
           cav(e), lov(e), hop(e), crim(e), but
           snow, box, tray.
        if i < (self.k0 + 2) or not self.cons(i) or self.cons(i-1) or not self.cons(i-2):
            return 0
        ch = self.b[i]
        if ch == 'w' or ch == 'x' or ch == 'y':
            return 0
        return 1
    def ends(self, s):
        """ends(s) is TRUE <=> k0,...k ends with the string s."""
        length = len(s)
        if s[length - 1] != self.b[self.k]: # tiny speed-up
            return 0
        if length > (self.k - self.k0 + 1):
            return 0
        if self.b[self.k-length+1:self.k+1] != s:
            return 0
        self.j = self.k - length
        return 1
    def setto(self, s):
        """setto(s) sets (j+1),...k to the characters in the string s, readjusting k."""
        length = len(s)
        self.b = self.b[:self.j+1] + s + self.b[self.j+length+1:]
        self.k = self.j + length
    def r(self, s):
        """r(s) is used further down."""
        if self.m() > 0:
    def step1ab(self):
        """step1ab() gets rid of plurals and -ed or -ing. e.g.
           caresses  ->  caress
           ponies    ->  poni
           ties      ->  ti
           caress    ->  caress
           cats      ->  cat
           feed      ->  feed
           agreed    ->  agree
           disabled  ->  disable
           matting   ->  mat
           mating    ->  mate
           meeting   ->  meet
           milling   ->  mill
           messing   ->  mess
           meetings  ->  meet
        if self.b[self.k] == 's':
            if self.ends("sses"):
                self.k = self.k - 2
            elif self.ends("ies"):
            elif self.b[self.k - 1] != 's':
                self.k = self.k - 1
        if self.ends("eed"):
            if self.m() > 0:
                self.k = self.k - 1
        elif (self.ends("ed") or self.ends("ing")) and self.vowelinstem():
            self.k = self.j
            if self.ends("at"):   self.setto("ate")
            elif self.ends("bl"): self.setto("ble")
            elif self.ends("iz"): self.setto("ize")
            elif self.doublec(self.k):
                self.k = self.k - 1
                ch = self.b[self.k]
                if ch == 'l' or ch == 's' or ch == 'z':
                    self.k = self.k + 1
            elif (self.m() == 1 and self.cvc(self.k)):
    def step1c(self):
        """step1c() turns terminal y to i when there is another vowel in the stem."""
        if (self.ends("y") and self.vowelinstem()):
            self.b = self.b[:self.k] + 'i' + self.b[self.k+1:]
    def step2(self):
        """step2() maps double suffices to single ones.
        so -ization ( = -ize plus -ation) maps to -ize etc. note that the
        string before the suffix must give m() > 0.
        if self.b[self.k - 1] == 'a':
            if self.ends("ational"):   self.r("ate")
            elif self.ends("tional"):  self.r("tion")
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'c':
            if self.ends("enci"):      self.r("ence")
            elif self.ends("anci"):    self.r("ance")
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'e':
            if self.ends("izer"):      self.r("ize")
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'l':
            if self.ends("bli"):       self.r("ble") # --DEPARTURE--
            # To match the published algorithm, replace this phrase with
            #   if self.ends("abli"):      self.r("able")
            elif self.ends("alli"):    self.r("al")
            elif self.ends("entli"):   self.r("ent")
            elif self.ends("eli"):     self.r("e")
            elif self.ends("ousli"):   self.r("ous")
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'o':
            if self.ends("ization"):   self.r("ize")
            elif self.ends("ation"):   self.r("ate")
            elif self.ends("ator"):    self.r("ate")
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 's':
            if self.ends("alism"):     self.r("al")
            elif self.ends("iveness"): self.r("ive")
            elif self.ends("fulness"): self.r("ful")
            elif self.ends("ousness"): self.r("ous")
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 't':
            if self.ends("aliti"):     self.r("al")
            elif self.ends("iviti"):   self.r("ive")
            elif self.ends("biliti"):  self.r("ble")
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'g': # --DEPARTURE--
            if self.ends("logi"):      self.r("log")
        # To match the published algorithm, delete this phrase
    def step3(self):
        """step3() dels with -ic-, -full, -ness etc. similar strategy to step2."""
        if self.b[self.k] == 'e':
            if self.ends("icate"):     self.r("ic")
            elif self.ends("ative"):   self.r("")
            elif self.ends("alize"):   self.r("al")
        elif self.b[self.k] == 'i':
            if self.ends("iciti"):     self.r("ic")
        elif self.b[self.k] == 'l':
            if self.ends("ical"):      self.r("ic")
            elif self.ends("ful"):     self.r("")
        elif self.b[self.k] == 's':
            if self.ends("ness"):      self.r("")
    def step4(self):
        """step4() takes off -ant, -ence etc., in context <c>vcvc<v>."""
        if self.b[self.k - 1] == 'a':
            if self.ends("al"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'c':
            if self.ends("ance"): pass
            elif self.ends("ence"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'e':
            if self.ends("er"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'i':
            if self.ends("ic"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'l':
            if self.ends("able"): pass
            elif self.ends("ible"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'n':
            if self.ends("ant"): pass
            elif self.ends("ement"): pass
            elif self.ends("ment"): pass
            elif self.ends("ent"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'o':
            if self.ends("ion") and (self.b[self.j] == 's' or self.b[self.j] == 't'): pass
            elif self.ends("ou"): pass
            # takes care of -ous
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 's':
            if self.ends("ism"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 't':
            if self.ends("ate"): pass
            elif self.ends("iti"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'u':
            if self.ends("ous"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'v':
            if self.ends("ive"): pass
            else: return
        elif self.b[self.k - 1] == 'z':
            if self.ends("ize"): pass
            else: return
        if self.m() > 1:
            self.k = self.j
    def step5(self):
        """step5() removes a final -e if m() > 1, and changes -ll to -l if
        m() > 1.
        self.j = self.k
        if self.b[self.k] == 'e':
            a = self.m()
            if a > 1 or (a == 1 and not self.cvc(self.k-1)):
                self.k = self.k - 1
        if self.b[self.k] == 'l' and self.doublec(self.k) and self.m() > 1:
            self.k = self.k -1
    def stem(self, p, i, j):
        """In stem(p,i,j), p is a char pointer, and the string to be stemmed
        is from p[i] to p[j] inclusive. Typically i is zero and j is the
        offset to the last character of a string, (p[j+1] == '\0'). The
        stemmer adjusts the characters p[i] ... p[j] and returns the new
        end-point of the string, k. Stemming never increases word length, so
        i <= k <= j. To turn the stemmer into a module, declare 'stem' as
        extern, and delete the remainder of this file.
        # copy the parameters into statics
        self.b = p
        self.k = j
        self.k0 = i
        if self.k <= self.k0 + 1:
            return self.b # --DEPARTURE--
        # With this line, strings of length 1 or 2 don't go through the
        # stemming process, although no mention is made of this in the
        # published algorithm. Remove the line to match the published
        # algorithm.
        return self.b[self.k0:self.k+1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = PorterStemmer()
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        for f in sys.argv[1:]:
            infile = open(f, 'r')
            while 1:
                w = infile.readline()
                if w == '':
                w = w[:-1]
                print p.stem(w, 0,len(w)-1)
#end of PorterStemmer
    p = PorterStemmer()
    word = p.stem('moving')
    print 'hello there'
# Create a list of words to ignore
class crawler:
  # Initialize the crawler with the name of database
  def __init__(self,dbname):
  def __del__(self):
  def dbcommit(self):
  # Auxilliary function for getting an entry id and adding 
  # it if it's not present
  def getentryid(self,table,field,value,createnew=True):
    "select rowid from %s where %s='%s'" % (table,field,value))
    if res==None:
      "insert into %s (%s) values ('%s')" % (table,field,value))
      return cur.lastrowid
      return res[0] 
    #p = PorterStemmer()
    #word = p.stem('moving')
    #raw_input('are you there?')
    #def stem(word): return p.stem(word, 0, len(word)-1)
  # Index an individual page
  def addtoindex(self,url,soup): #called after soup=BeautifulSoup(
    p = PorterStemmer()
    if self.isindexed(url): return
    print 'Indexing '+url
    # Get the individual words
    print 'hello there'
    backpain = 'back-pain'
    if backpain  in words : continue
    # Get the URL id
    # Link each word to this url
    for i in range(len(words)):
      #print word
      word = p.stem(word, 0, len(word)-1)
      if word in ignorewords: continue
      #isnumb =
      m ='[0-9]', word)
      if m is not None: continue
      m ='(.)\1{2,}', word)
      if m is not None: continue
      self.con.execute("insert into wordlocation(urlid,wordid,location) values (%d,%d,%d)" % (urlid,wordid,i))
  # Extract the text from an HTML page (no tags)
  def gettextonly(self,soup):
    if v==None:
      for t in c:
      return resulttext
      return v.strip()
  # Seperate the words by any non-whitespace character
  def separatewords(self,text):
    return [s.lower() for s in splitter.split(text) if s!='']
  # Return true if this url is already indexed
  def isindexed(self,url):
    return False
  # Add a link between two pages
  def addlinkref(self,urlFrom,urlTo,linkText):
    if fromid==toid: return
    cur=self.con.execute("insert into link(fromid,toid) values (%d,%d)" % (fromid,toid))
    for word in words:
      if word in ignorewords: continue
      self.con.execute("insert into linkwords(linkid,wordid) values (%d,%d)" % (linkid,wordid))
  # Starting with a list of pages, do a breadth
  # first search to the given depth, indexing pages
  # as we go
  def crawl(self,pages,depth=3):
    for i in range(depth):
      for page in pages:
          print "Could not open %s" % page
          for link in links:
            if ('href' in dict(link.attrs)):
              if url.find("'")!=-1: continue
              url=url.split('#')[0]  # remove location portion
              if url[0:4]=='http' and not self.isindexed(url):
        except Exception, e:
          print "Could not parse page %s" % page
          print 'The exception is: ', e
  # Create the database tables
  def createindextables(self): 
    self.con.execute('create table urllist(url)')
    self.con.execute('create table wordlist(word)')
    self.con.execute('create table wordlocation(urlid,wordid,location)')
    self.con.execute('create table link(fromid integer,toid integer)')
    self.con.execute('create table linkwords(wordid,linkid)')
    self.con.execute('create index wordidx on wordlist(word)')
    self.con.execute('create index urlidx on urllist(url)')
    self.con.execute('create index wordurlidx on wordlocation(wordid)')
    self.con.execute('create index urltoidx on link(toid)')
    self.con.execute('create index urlfromidx on link(fromid)')
  def calculatepagerank(self,iterations=20):
    # clear out the current page rank tables
    self.con.execute('drop table if exists pagerank')
    self.con.execute('create table pagerank(urlid primary key,score)')
    # initialize every url with a page rank of 1
    for (urlid,) in self.con.execute('select rowid from urllist'):
      self.con.execute('insert into pagerank(urlid,score) values (%d,1.0)' % urlid)
    for i in range(iterations):
      print "Iteration %d" % (i)
      for (urlid,) in self.con.execute('select rowid from urllist'):
        # Loop through all the pages that link to this one
        for (linker,) in self.con.execute(
        'select distinct fromid from link where toid=%d' % urlid):
          # Get the page rank of the linker
          'select score from pagerank where urlid=%d' % linker).fetchone()[0]
          # Get the total number of links from the linker
          'select count(*) from link where fromid=%d' % linker).fetchone()[0]
        'update pagerank set score=%f where urlid=%d' % (pr,urlid))
class searcher:
  def __init__(self,dbname):
  def __del__(self):
  def getmatchrows(self,q):
    # Strings to build the query
    # Split the words by spaces
    words=q.split(' ')  
    for word in words:
      # Get the word ID
      "select rowid from wordlist where word='%s'" % word).fetchone()
      if wordrow!=None:
        if tablenumber>0:
          clauselist+=' and '
          clauselist+='w%d.urlid=w%d.urlid and ' % (tablenumber-1,tablenumber)
        fieldlist+=',w%d.location' % tablenumber
        tablelist+='wordlocation w%d' % tablenumber      
        clauselist+='w%d.wordid=%d' % (tablenumber,wordid)
    # Create the query from the separate parts
    fullquery='select %s from %s where %s' % (fieldlist,tablelist,clauselist)
    print fullquery
    rows=[row for row in cur]
    return rows,wordids
  def getscoredlist(self,rows,wordids):
    totalscores=dict([(row[0],0) for row in rows])
    # This is where we'll put our scoring functions
    for (weight,scores) in weights:
      for url in totalscores:
    return totalscores
  def geturlname(self,id):
    return self.con.execute(
    "select url from urllist where rowid=%d" % id).fetchone()[0]
  def query(self,q):
    rankedscores=[(score,url) for (url,score) in scores.items()]
    for (score,urlid) in rankedscores[0:10]:
      print '%f\t%s' % (score,self.geturlname(urlid))
    return wordids,[r[1] for r in rankedscores[0:10]]
  def normalizescores(self,scores,smallIsBetter=0):
    vsmall=0.00001 # Avoid division by zero errors
    if smallIsBetter:
      return dict([(u,float(minscore)/max(vsmall,l)) for (u,l) in scores.items()])
      if maxscore==0: maxscore=vsmall
      return dict([(u,float(c)/maxscore) for (u,c) in scores.items()])
  def frequencyscore(self,rows):
    counts=dict([(row[0],0) for row in rows])
    for row in rows: counts[row[0]]+=1
    return self.normalizescores(counts)
  def locationscore(self,rows):
    locations=dict([(row[0],1000000) for row in rows])
    for row in rows:
      if loc<locations[row[0]]: locations[row[0]]=loc
    return self.normalizescores(locations,smallIsBetter=1)
  def distancescore(self,rows):
    # If there's only one word, everyone wins!
    if len(rows[0])<=2: return dict([(row[0],1.0) for row in rows])
    # Initialize the dictionary with large values
    mindistance=dict([(row[0],1000000) for row in rows])
    for row in rows:
      dist=sum([abs(row[i]-row[i-1]) for i in range(2,len(row))])
      if dist<mindistance[row[0]]: mindistance[row[0]]=dist
    return self.normalizescores(mindistance,smallIsBetter=1)
  def inboundlinkscore(self,rows):
    uniqueurls=dict([(row[0],1) for row in rows])
    inboundcount=dict([(u,self.con.execute('select count(*) from link where toid=%d' % u).fetchone()[0]) for u in uniqueurls])   
    return self.normalizescores(inboundcount)
  def linktextscore(self,rows,wordids):
    linkscores=dict([(row[0],0) for row in rows])
    for wordid in wordids:
      cur=self.con.execute('select link.fromid,link.toid from linkwords,link where wordid=%d and linkwords.linkid=link.rowid' % wordid)
      for (fromid,toid) in cur:
        if toid in linkscores:
          pr=self.con.execute('select score from pagerank where urlid=%d' % fromid).fetchone()[0]
    normalizedscores=dict([(u,float(l)/maxscore) for (u,l) in linkscores.items()])
    return normalizedscores
  def pagerankscore(self,rows):
    pageranks=dict([(row[0],self.con.execute('select score from pagerank where urlid=%d' % row[0]).fetchone()[0]) for row in rows])
    normalizedscores=dict([(u,float(l)/maxrank) for (u,l) in pageranks.items()])
    return normalizedscores
  def nnscore(self,rows,wordids):
    # Get unique URL IDs as an ordered list
    urlids=[urlid for urlid in dict([(row[0],1) for row in rows])]
    scores=dict([(urlids[i],nnres[i]) for i in range(len(urlids))])
    return self.normalizescores(scores)

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Avatar of RichieHindle

"the code fails" - how?  Please post the full error message.

"if 'backache' or 'backpain' or 'back-pain' in words: continue" - yes, you can do that, but you have spell it like this:

if 'backache' in words or 'backpain' in words or 'back-pain' in words:

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Avatar of onyourmark


I did a

print words

and got something like this:

[u'quot', u'back', u'pain', u'quot', u'or', u'backache', u'google', u'blog', u'search', u'feed', u'for', u'quot', u'back', u'pain', u'quot', u'or', u'backache', u'in', u'google', u'reader', u'nbsp', u'new', u'result', u'nbsp', u'page', u'nbsp', u'1', u'2', u'3', u'4', u'5', u'6', u'7', u'8', u'9', u'10', u'next', u'nbsp', u'nbsp', u'nbsp', u'google', u'nbsp', u'home', u'about', u'google', u'blog', u'search', u'copy', u'2008', u'google']
Hi thanks.

For reference, I am taling below about either this pair of  lines
    backpain = 'back-pain'
    if backpain  in words : continue

or this line:
if 'backpain' in words: continue

By fails I mean that if I leave the line in then when I double-click on a file that contains the code:


from searchengine import *


webcrawler = crawler("test.db")

nothing happens (nothing gets written) and that console (black screen comes up for a flash and disappears)

whereas if I take that out, then the console screen appears, remains, and the database is created and written to.

Thank you again.
Avatar of pepr
A note. Whenever you want to test whether some object is of some class, you can use the built-in predicate function isinstance(). You can also use the built-in function type() -- it returns "type object" that can be tested.

If you want to put some tests into your code to be sure that some condition holds, use the assert command. Try the following code in a separate script...
words = ['aaa', 'bbb']
print type(words)   # here it prints the string representation of the object
print isinstance(words, list)   # prints True as a string representation of the value
s = 'xxx'
assert isinstance(s, str)       # assertion holds here, nothing happens
assert isinstance(words, str)   # assertion fails -- exception raised

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Hi I just tiied both the type(words) and the assert isinstance(words, string) and both indicate that it is a list.

I don't see why
    backpain = 'back-pain'
    if backpain  in words : continue

would cause the code to fail.
Rather than double-clicking your Python file, open a Windows Command Prompt and do this:

cd \the\directory\with\my\script\in\it

Then the error message will be displayed in the Command Prompt, and you can post it here.

Ah, OK, now I see the problem, even without the error message.  The 'continue' keyword is only valid within a loop, and you're using it outside a loop.  You probably meant 'return' (assuming you're intending to ignore pages with 'back-pain' in them).
Hi, Actually what I is only to include pages that have backache or backpain or back-pain or 'back pain'.

From your comments I concluded that this would work
if 'backache' not in words and 'back pain' not in words and 'backpain' not in words and 'back pain' not in words : return

but it doesn't.

If I do
if 'backache' not in words: return

that works.

How do I concatenate several logical tests? And does it matter if the line is long and seems to wrap to the next line in the IDE?

Thanks  again.
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