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Efficient String Clean-up -- Removing Internal Duplicate Spaces

aikimarkGet vaccinated; Social distance; Wear a mask


I frequently answer questions where strings need to be 'cleaned' of multiple space characters. The most common fix is to remove leading or trailing spaces. For that problem, there are very handy intrinsic VB functions (LTrim, RTrim, Trim). However, these functions do not affect any repeated space characters between the first and last non-space characters -- the internal spaces.
In this article, I will explore different solutions to this problem and evaluate their performance. You should be able to apply this in any of the Office products (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Word), VBScript, or VB6. However, the collection object is not available in the VBScript environment, so you won't be able to use or test any of the methods that use the collection object in your VBS batch jobs.
Note: You can use these methods to remove any repeating characters inside a string, not just repeated space characters.

Problem Context

You often have little say in the data you must process. Count yourself lucky if you get well-formed, normalized, and structured data. However, if you receive any of the following, this article may help you.

  • unstructured data (text files) that you will need to parse or format
  • text or memo (varchar) database fields with raw data
  • HTML or XML that may look good in a browser, but isn't easy to parse or format
  • XML or JSON (any tagged data format) that you need to compact before sending or saving

Performance Methodologies

The performance of the measured methods is affected by the length of the strings and the amount of (internal) space characters to be removed. For simplicity, I will evaluate the code and methods with different permutations on the Gettysburg Address -- one paragraph, the entire address, ten copies of the address concantenated in one string, and one hundred copies of the address concantenated in one string. A description of the permutation routine is at the end of this article.
In addition to different permutations of the Gettysburg Address, I am measuring the code against both the string permutations and a version of each string permutation with additional inserted space characters between the words. A description of the space-insertion routine is at the end of this article.
I'm showing different methods in order of simplicity of the code, with the intrinsic VB functions (Replace, Split, Join) being covered first before the ActiveX objects (Regexp, WorksheetFunction.Trim). In the Performance Results and comparisons section, I order the methods from fastest to slowest. I will include some explanation of why these behave differently.
Although I used different timing methods in my tests, I only include the most precise method in the attached sample code. When timed statements in the code run very quickly, sub millisecond, most of the easiest-to-code timing methods fail to recognize that any time has passed.
It is always difficult to get reliable timing data from a Windows OS. There are so many things happening with other applications, utilities, and services, that you need to give yourself permission to ignore outliers. In these tests, I am only concerned with normal execution values. Upon the advice of a stats friend, I used the median function. This eliminates spikes in the results. The median value is the value that is middle value, or average of the two middle values in a sorted list of values.
Before each test, I set the priority of the Windows process to High and closed all non-essential applications. As part of the launching process, the application window is minimized. I walked away from my laptop for the 5-7 minutes required for each test run.

Preparation of the data

Here are the steps I took to measure the algorithms.

  1. Make three separate 'performance test' executions
  2. Each performance test creates four different permutation lengths of the address.
  3. For each address permutation, the set of algorithms are invoked against the plain permutation and a 'space-stuffed' version of the address.
  4. Invoke each algorithm 21 times
  5. Calculate the median of each algorithm
  6. Normalize each algorithm's median against the median of an Instr() for that iteration's permutation (plain or stuffed). The Instr() function is looking for a string that does not exist in that iteration's string.
  7. The three normalized 'performance test' execution sets are averaged
  8. The averaged (normalized) results are sorted by each test's overall average.

Gettysburg Address Data Profile

The four permutations of the address provide a wide range of data profiles for the code to process.  Without any additional internal spaces inserted, the profiles look like this:

Permutation     	Words	Non-space chars	Total chars
                      First paragraph  	   30  	   146        	   175
                      Entire Gburg Addr	  271 	  1186        	  1464
                      Gburg Addr x10  	 2710	 11860        	 14640
                      Gburg Addr x100 	27100	118600        	146400

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Simple Replace -- [just two]

Don't fall into the trap that a single invocation of the Replace() function will reliably remove all instances of repeated characters. You need to iterate the Replace() function until there are no more repeated characters.

Function JustTwo(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Replace all double space strings with a single space.
                          'Iterate until there are no more double space character
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          strTemp = parmString
                          Do Until InStr(strTemp, "  ") = 0
                              strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "  ", " ")
                          JustTwo = strTemp
                      End Function

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Ambitious Replace - [three & two]

Now that we know we have a simple, reliable, and fast method it is time to ask if it can go faster. Obviously, the answer is "yes". Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to write a very interesting and educational article. In the following approach, I add a second loop that will first change all strings with three consecutive spaces and then change all the strings with two consecutive spaces.

Function ThreeTwo(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Replace all three consecutive spaces with one space, 
                          'then replace all two consecutive spaces with one space
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          strTemp = parmString
                          'Replace three space strings with a single space until
                          'no more instances of three space strings exist
                          Do Until InStr(strTemp, "   ") = 0
                              strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "   ", " ")
                          'Replace two space strings with a single space until no 
                          'more instances of two space strings exist
                          Do Until InStr(strTemp, "  ") = 0
                              strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "  ", " ")
                          ThreeTwo = strTemp
                      End Function

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Complex Replace - [multiple replaces]

Let's kick the Ambitious Replace approach up a notch...BAM! If you are familiar with the Shell sort, this should be a somewhat familiar algorithm. We attempt to replace some longer space character sequences before shorter ones. This algorithm extends the Ambitious Replace algorithm beyond just three and two length space sequences. If you know something about your data, you might get great results by optimizing the string sizes you replace.

Function MultiLengths(ByVal parmString As String, _
                                           ByVal parmLengths As Variant) As String
                          'Iterate the parmLengths array and invoke the Replace() function with a space string
                          'of each length.
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim strFind As String
                          strTemp = parmString
                          For Each vItem In parmLengths
                              strFind = Space(vItem)    'create vItem length space string
                              Do Until InStr(strTemp, strFind) = 0
                                  strTemp = Replace(strTemp, strFind, " ")
                          MultiLengths = strTemp
                      End Function

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Intrinsic function performance

Before we look at the Split() methods, it might help to know what part of the overall elapsed time is taken up by just the Instr(), Split(), and Join() functions.
Max InStr() perf:
Max (sec) 	Min      	Median    	Avg     	Q3
                      0.000003283	0.000001676	0.000002095	0.000002165	0.000002165	Plain 175
                      0.000005029	0.000004540	0.000004889	0.000004872	0.000004959	Plain 1464
                      0.000034990	0.000031010	0.000033873	0.000033730	0.000034292	Plain 14640
                      0.000322806	0.000295429	0.000320222	0.000318942	0.000321130	Plain 146400
                      0.000003492	0.000002584	0.000002933	0.000002910	0.000002933	Stuffed 175
                      0.000012083	0.000011105	0.000011594	0.000011617	0.000011733	Stuffed 4700
                      0.000108883	0.000098127	0.000104622	0.000104429	0.000105181	Stuffed 47759
                      0.001042451	0.001010883	0.001034070	0.001032131	0.001037632	Stuffed 477271

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Performance relative to the Max Instr():
            	Plain 175	Plain 1464	Plain 14640	Plain 146400
                      Join() perf:	1.9     	 3.7     	 4.4     	 5.9
                      Split2 perf:	2.5     	 5.2     	 6.7     	 7.2
                      Split perf: 	5.7     	17.6     	22.9     	24.6
                                  	Stuffed 514	Stuffed 4700	Stuffed 47759	Stuffed 477271
                      Join() perf:	 1.5     	 1.5         	 1.4         	   1.9
                      Split2 perf:	18.2     	39.3        	47.5        	 398.0
                      Split perf: 	35.5     	79.4        	96.6        	1793.5

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The fact that the InStr() function universally performed best in all tests prompted me to use its performance as a normalization value for the measured code results. Also, note the Split2 performance (delimiter = two space characters) is between 2 and 4 times faster than the Split performance (delimiter = single space character).

Simple Split & Join - [split & join]

The Split() function is an easy to use and useful parsing function. Unfortunately, it does not have the capability to ignore repeated delimiters. So, we must iterate the Split() results, looking for non-zero-length items.

Function SplitJoin(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter,
                          'add non-empty strings to the strWords array.
                          'Then Join() the strWord array items with
                          'a single space character
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWord As Long
                          Dim strtemp As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, " ")
                          ReDim strWords(0 To UBound(strParsed))
                          lngLoop = 0
                          lngWord = 0
                          'Add non-empty strings to strWord array
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strtemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strtemp) <> 0 Then
                                  strWords(lngWord) = strtemp
                                  lngWord = lngWord + 1
                              End If
                          'reduce size of the strWords array to equal the number
                          'of non-empty strings we found.
                          ReDim Preserve strWords(0 To lngWord - 1)
                          SplitJoin = Join(strWords, " ")
                      End Function

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Note: My performance measurement of the parsed array iteration prompted me to replace the For Each…Next loop with the traditional For...Next loop.  It was measurably faster.

Split2 & Join - [split2 & join]

While the SimpleSplit method does work, it isn't the most efficient algorithm. Looking at the performance test results, I realized that simplicity doesn't always result in the fastest code. An apt analogy is the simplicity of very simple sorting algorithms that perform quite badly with non-trivial amounts of data. In this algorithm, I split on a string of two spaces. There is a trade-off with this method. In order to process correctly, I have to Trim() any leading or trailing spaces from the Split() function results.

Function Split2Join(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitJoin, but using double space character
                          'string as delimiter for the Split() function
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter,
                          'move non-empty strings to the front of the strParsed array,
                          'Redim the strParsed array down to the number of words we have,
                          'then Join() the strParsed array items with
                          'a single space character
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWord As Long
                          Dim strtemp As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          lngWord = 0
                          'Move non-empty strings to the front of the strParsed array
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strtemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strtemp) <> 0 Then
                                  strParsed(lngWord) = strtemp
                                  lngWord = lngWord + 1
                              End If
                          'reduce size of the strParsed array to equal the number
                          'of non-empty strings we found.
                          ReDim Preserve strParsed(0 To lngWord - 1)
                          Split2Join = Join(strParsed, " ")
                      End Function

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Split and concatenate - [split & concat]

If you have relatively short strings, this might be an alternative to the Split and Join approaches above. However, string concatenation can quickly become a performance beast as you can see in the performance comparison section of this article.

Function SplitConcat(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter, 
                          'concatenate non-empty strings to the returned value
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, " ")
                          lngLoop = 0
                          strTemp = vbNullString
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  SplitConcat = SplitConcat & strtemp & " "     'concatenate with space
                              End If
                          SplitConcat = RTrim(SplitConcat)
                      End Function

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Split2 and concatenate - [split2 & concat]

Here, I do the same two-space split with the required Trim() of extra spaces. While this does perform better than the single-space Split(), the concatenation operations kill performance with larger strings.

Function Split2Concat(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitConcat, but using double space character
                          'string as delimiter for the Split() function
                          'Split() string with a double space character delimiter,
                          'concatenate non-empty strings to the returned value
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strtemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          strtemp = vbNullString
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strtemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strtemp) <> 0 Then
                                  Split2Concat = Split2Concat & strtemp & " "     'concatenate with space
                              End If
                          Split2Concat = RTrim(Split2Concat)      'remove trailing space
                      End Function

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Split2 and buffer - [Split2 & buffer]

Here, I do the same two-space split with the required Trim() of extra spaces. Buffering is a technique, using the Mid() function, that provides a fast alternative to concatenation.
NOTE: This can not be done in the VBScript environment.

Function Split2Buffer(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitBuffer, except using a double space
                          'delimiter for the Split() function.
                          'Split() string with a double space character delimiter,
                          'assign non-empty strings to next output buffer position,
                          'returned the trimmed output buffer string
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWordPosn As Long
                          Dim strBuffer As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          strTemp = vbNullString
                          lngWordPosn = 1
                          strBuffer = Space(Len(parmString))
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  Mid$(strBuffer, lngWordPosn, Len(strTemp)) = strTemp
                                  lngWordPosn = lngWordPosn + Len(strTemp) + 1
                              End If
                          Split2Buffer = RTrim(strBuffer)
                      End Function

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Split2 and buffer to the function variable - [Split2BufferFcn]

Here, I do the same two-space split with the required Trim() of extra spaces. Buffering is a technique, using the Mid() function, that provides a fast alternative to concatenation. In this test, I use the function return string value instead of a local string variable for the buffering.
NOTE: This can not be done in the VBScript environment.

Function Split2BufferFcn(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitBuffer, except using a double space
                          'delimiter for the Split() function.
                          'Split() string with a double space character delimiter,
                          'assign non-empty strings to next output buffer position,
                          'returned the trimmed output buffer string
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWordPosn As Long
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          strTemp = vbNullString
                          lngWordPosn = 1
                          Split2BufferFcn = Space(Len(parmString))
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  Mid$(Split2BufferFcn, lngWordPosn) = strTemp
                                  lngWordPosn = lngWordPosn + Len(strTemp) + 1
                              End If
                          Split2BufferFcn = RTrim(Split2BufferFcn)
                      End Function

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Split into collection and Join - [split & col]

The VB collection object is very efficient for storing strings, especially when you don't know how many strings you need to store. We can also add the non-empty strings (words) into a collection object. In order to use the Join() function, we still have to populate an array. For clarity, I used a different array, strWords, rather than strParsed.

Function SplitCol(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter,
                          'adding the non-empty strings to a collection object.
                          'Copy the collection items to an array and
                          'Join() them as the returned value
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strtemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim colWords As New Collection
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, " ")
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strtemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strtemp) <> 0 Then
                                  colWords.Add strtemp
                              End If
                          ReDim strWords(1 To colWords.Count)
                          lngLoop = 1
                          For Each vItem In colWords
                              strWords(lngLoop) = vItem
                              lngLoop = lngLoop + 1
                          SplitCol = Join(strWords, " ")
                      End Function

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Split2 into collection and Join - [split2 & col]

The only difference between this test and the SplitCol() test above is the use of a double space delimiter for the Split() function.

Function Split2Col(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitCol, except using a double space
                          'delimiter for the Split() function.
                          'Split() string with double space character delimiter,
                          'adding the non-empty strings to a collection object.
                          'Copy the collection items to an array and
                          'Join() them as the returned value
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strtemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim colWords As New Collection
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strtemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strtemp) <> 0 Then
                                  colWords.Add strtemp
                              End If
                          ReDim strWords(1 To colWords.Count)
                          lngLoop = 1
                          For Each vItem In colWords
                              strWords(lngLoop) = vItem
                              lngLoop = lngLoop + 1
                          Split2Col = Join(strWords, " ")
                      End Function

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Split into dictionary and Join - [split & dic]

With the collection object approach (above), we still have to transfer the words into the strWords array in order to use the Join() function. However, if we use a dictionary, an ActiveX object, we can apply the Join() function directly to the dictionary object's Items array.

Function SplitDic(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with a single space character delimiter,
                          'adding non-empty strings to the dictionary,
                          'then Join() the dictionary object's items array.
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngKey As Long
                          Dim strtemp As String
                          Static dicWords As Object
                          If dicWords Is Nothing Then
                              Set dicWords = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
                          End If
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, " ")
                          lngKey = 1
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strtemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strtemp) <> 0 Then
                                  dicWords.Add CStr(lngKey), strtemp
                                  lngKey = lngKey + 1
                              End If
                          SplitDic = Join(dicWords.items, " ")
                      End Function

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Split2 into dictionary and Join - [split2 & dic]

In this approach, we split with a double-space instead of a single space, populating a dictionary object with the non-empty strings.

Function Split2Dic(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitDic, but using double space character
                          'string as delimiter for the Split() function
                          'Split() string with a double space character delimiter,
                          'adding non-empty strings to the dictionary,
                          'then Join() the dictionary object's items array
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngKey As Long
                          Dim strtemp As String
                          Static dicWords As Object
                          If dicWords Is Nothing Then
                              Set dicWords = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
                          End If
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          lngKey = 1
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strtemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strtemp) <> 0 Then
                                  dicWords.Add CStr(lngKey), strtemp
                                  lngKey = lngKey + 1
                              End If
                          Split2Dic = Join(dicWords.items, " ")
                      End Function

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The Regular Expression Object

The regular expression ActiveX object is a very powerful tool for parsing text and pattern matching. It also has the ability to perform find/replace operations. While the intrinsic VB functions normally outperform regexp methods, there are some instances where the regexp object really shines. If you are unfamiliar with the regexp object, there is a link to an excellent introductory article in the references section.

Since ActiveX objects take some time to instantiate, I measured two different ways of using the regexp object, minimizing the instantiation and pattern compilation overhead. The first way is to pass the regexp object into a function. The second way is to use a static variable in the function.

Although I tested three regexp patterns, only the first two should be used for removing duplicate space characters. The third pattern might also remove other non-visible characters, such as tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds. I included this last pattern in order to measure the overhead of looking for any non-visible character against looking for just the space character.

The routine for the passed regexp object:

Function RegexpReplace(ByVal parmString As String, parmRegexp As Object) As String
                          'Use parameter regexp object to remove duplicate spaces.
                          'The parameter regexp object will already have its pattern property set
                          'by the calling code.
                          RegexpReplace = parmRegexp.Replace(parmString, " ")
                      End Function

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Regexp replace -- [regexp '  '+] and [RegexpReplace1]

Pattern: " +"
Matches: a space character followed by one or more space characters.

Function RegexpReplace1(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to remove duplicate spaces
                          Static oRE As Object
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = "  +"
                          End If
                          RegexpReplace1 = oRE.Replace(parmString, " ")
                      End Function

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Regexp replace -- [regexp ' '{2,}] and [RegexpReplace2]

Pattern: " {2,}"
Matches: two or more space characters.

Function RegexpReplace2(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to remove duplicate spaces
                          Static oRE As Object
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = " {2,}"
                          End If
                          RegexpReplace2 = oRE.Replace(parmString, " ")
                      End Function

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Regexp replace -- [regexp ' '\s+] and [RegexpReplace3]

Pattern: " \s+"
Matches: Look for a space character, Chr(32), followed by one or more 'space class' characters.  The 'space class' characters are any of the following [space, tab, carriage return, line feed, form feed].

Function RegexpReplace3(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to remove duplicate spaces
                          'WARNING: This pattern will remove characters other than
                          '       space characters due to the use of the \s in the pattern
                          Static oRE As Object
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = " \s+"
                          End If
                          RegexpReplace3 = oRE.Replace(parmString, " ")
                      End Function

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Regexp parse-- [regexp parse]

In this approach, I'm using the Regular expression object to parse the different words in the string and then reconstructing the address with a single space character between each word with the Join() function.
Pattern: "[]^ ]+"
Matches: sequences of one or more non-space characters. This should preserve the words, punctuation, carriage returns, and line feed characters.

Function RegexParse(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to parse the words.
                          'Copy the parsed words to an array and Join them with
                          'a single space delimiter
                          Dim oMatches As Object
                          Dim oM As Object
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Static oRE As Object
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = "[^ ]+"
                          End If
                          Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(parmString)
                          ReDim strWords(0 To oMatches.Count - 1)
                          lngLoop = 0
                          For Each oM In oMatches
                              strWords(lngLoop) = oM.Value
                              lngLoop = lngLoop + 1
                          RegexParse = Join(strWords, " ")
                      End Function

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Regexp parse -- [RegexParseBuffer]

In this approach, I'm using the Regular expression object to parse the different words in the string and then reconstructing the address with a single space character between each word with a buffering technique using the Mid() function. This buffering technique is a faster alternative to concatenation.
NOTE: This can not be done in the VBScript environment.
Pattern: "[]^ ]+"
Matches: sequences of one or more non-space characters. This should preserve the words, punctuation, carriage returns, and line feed characters.

Function RegexParseBuffer(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to parse the words.
                          'Copy the parsed words to the buffer
                          Dim oMatches As Object
                          Dim oM As Object
                          Static oRE As Object
                          Dim strBuffer As String
                          Dim lngWordPosn As Long
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = "[^ ]+"
                          End If
                          Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(parmString)
                          strBuffer = Space(Len(parmString))
                          lngWordPosn = 1
                          For Each oM In oMatches
                              strTemp = oM.Value
                              Mid$(strBuffer, lngWordPosn, Len(strTemp)) = strTemp
                              lngWordPosn = lngWordPosn + Len(strTemp) + 1
                          RegexParseBuffer = RTrim(strBuffer)
                      End Function

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The WorksheetFunction Object

The Excel application object has a collection of WorksheetFunction methods. These are the intrinsic functions that you can use in your cell formulas (with a few exceptions). You can also use these functions in your VBA and VBScript environments. When removing internal duplicate spaces, you can use the WorksheetFunction.Trim() method. Thanks to Patrick Matthews for alerting me to the existence of this function. When I had used it in the past, I thought I had been using the VBA Trim() function. Using this function comes with limitations and warnings. As a result, I discourage its use outside of the Excel environment when the length of the string might exceed 32K. The testing code will prevent the execution of this function, both native and COM, when the string is too large.

  • The maximum string length allowed is 32K, which is the maximum cell content length.
  • In non-Excel environments, you have to instantiate an Excel.Application object before you can use any of the WorksheetFunction.Trim() function.
  • There is measurable overhead going through the COM interface of the Excel.Application object.

The Class code -- [clsXL trim]

To make it easier to use, I placed all the relevant code in a class. This ensures that the Excel.Application object is freed from memory when your application ends.

Option Explicit
                      Dim oXL As Object
                      Dim fnTrim As Object
                      Private Sub Class_Initialize()
                          Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
                          Set fnTrim = oXL.WorksheetFunction
                      End Sub
                      Private Sub Class_Terminate()
                          Set fnTrim = Nothing
                          Set oXL = Nothing
                      End Sub
                      Public Function CleanInternalSpaces(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          CleanInternalSpaces = fnTrim.Trim(parmString)
                      End Function

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The WorksheetFunction.Trim() code - [WksFunc Trim]

You do not need to place the WorksheetFunction.Trim() invocation inside a function. I placed it inside a function for a better side-by-side performance comparison with the code in the class module.

Function WksFunctionTrim(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'If running in the Excel VBA environment, invoke the
                          'Trim Worksheetfunction
                          WksFunctionTrim = WorksheetFunction.Trim(parmString)
                      End Function

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Performance Results and Comparisons

Let's take a look at the performance results before we get into the analysis and recommendations.

Plain Data - Just permutations/slices of the address

In these Plain tests, there aren't any internal double space character strings to remove. These test results let us see the costs of invoking these routines unnecessarily.

Method      	Plain 175	Plain 1464	Plain 14640	Plain 146400	Plain Avg
                      RegexpReplace3	  3.7     	  4.1     	  4.2     	   4.9         	   4.2
                      RegexpReplace1	  4.2     	  4.2     	  4.2     	   4.8         	   4.3
                      regexp ' \s+'	  5.0     	  4.5     	  4.4     	   5.0         	   4.7
                      RegexpReplace2	  4.0     	  4.9     	  5.4     	   6.1         	   5.1
                      just two    	  2.6     	  5.2     	  7.0     	   7.5         	   5.5
                      regexp ' {2,}'	  5.8     	  6.0     	  5.7     	   6.1         	   5.9
                      regexp '  +'	  8.7     	  6.5     	  4.8     	   4.7         	   6.2
                      Split2 & concat	  4.7     	  6.8     	  8.2     	   9.9         	   7.4
                      Split2 & Join	  5.5     	  7.2     	  8.6     	   9.2         	   7.6
                      Split2BufferFcn	  4.9     	  8.6     	 11.0     	  12.7         	   9.3
                      Split2 & buffer	  5.0     	  8.8     	 11.2     	  13.0         	   9.5
                      three & two  	  3.6     	  9.4     	 13.1     	  13.9         	  10.0
                      Split2 & col	  8.8     	  9.5     	 10.0     	  12.5         	  10.2
                      WksFunc Trim	 12.8     	 12.2     	  8.0     	            	  11.0
                      Split2 & dic	 11.4    	 10.2     	 10.6     	  12.0         	  11.0
                      Multiple repls	 10.2     	 24.2     	 32.3     	  33.4         	  25.0
                      Split & buffer	 17.8     	 59.5     	 83.5     	  89.3         	  62.5
                      Split & Join	 22.1     	 73.9     	101.7     	 111.4         	  77.3
                      Split & col 	 47.0     	142.7     	197.7     	 207.6         	 148.7
                      RegexParseBuf	 48.8     	167.5     	238.7     	 244.5         	 174.9
                      clsXL trim  	335.0     	182.7     	 45.8     	            	 187.8
                      regexp parse	 60.6     	192.6     	271.3     	 277.9         	 200.6
                      Split & dic 	 82.9     	273.8     	396.3     	 525.4         	 319.6
                      Split & concat	 25.6     	100.4     	400.4     	4594.7         	1280.3

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There is such a wide range of (relative performance) values that we need to use a log scale when displaying all the methods.  The worst performers go off the top side of the chart.

PlainPerfChartAll.pngIf we only look at the best performers, we can use a linear scale.PlainPerfChartBest.png 

Stuffed Data - Stuff those slices with extra spaces

Method      	Stuffed 514	Stuffed 4700	Stuffed 47759	Stuffed 477271	Stuffed Avg
                      RegexpReplace2	  6.0     	  7.1         	  7.3         	   9.9         	   7.6
                      RegexpReplace1	  6.4     	  7.4         	  7.4         	  10.0         	   7.8
                      regexp ' {2,}'	  6.9     	  7.9         	  7.5         	  10.2         	   8.1
                      RegexpReplace3	  6.4     	  8.3         	  8.6         	  11.3         	   8.7
                      regexp ' \s+'	  7.2     	  8.6         	  8.7         	  11.2         	   8.9
                      regexp '  +'	 10.3     	  9.0         	  7.9         	  10.1         	   9.3
                      WksFunc Trim	 10.9     	  8.6         	            	               	   9.7
                      RegexParseBuff	 39.3     	 75.8         	 83.5         	  87.5         	  71.5
                      regexp parse	 48.1     	 86.4         	 93.3         	  95.7         	  80.9
                      Multiple repls	 58.8     	111.2         	116.1         	 125.0         	 102.8
                      three & two 	 39.0     	 82.0         	 94.3         	 211.1         	 106.6
                      clsXL trim  	254.5     	 92.6         	            	              	 173.6
                      Split2BufferFcn	 64.1     	141.3         	165.0         	 525.6         	 224.0
                      Split2 & buffer	 64.9     	143.4         	167.3         	 522.1         	 224.4
                      Split2 & Join	 69.9    	150.1         	172.1         	 522.6         	 228.7
                      just two    	 64.1     	138.2         	160.1         	 563.7         	 231.5
                      Split2 & col	 82.8     	177.6         	204.0         	 553.2         	 254.4
                      Split2 & dic	106.8     	228.8         	263.8         	 651.2         	 312.6
                      Split2 & concat	 71.5     	164.7         	305.1         	1877.6         	 604.7
                      Split & buffer	119.9     	271.8         	321.9         	1993.2         	 676.7
                      Split & Join	124.8     	273.5         	325.1         	2020.8         	 686.1
                      Split & col 	141.4     	305.4         	359.1         	2025.7         	 707.9
                      Split & dic 	167.2     	365.2         	422.6         	2153.2      	 777.0
                      Split & concat	127.1     	289.7         	461.5         	3176.0         	1013.6

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When we look at the performance of the methods doing actual work, we still have to use a log scale.
 StuffedPerfChartAll.pngFor the best performers (regexp replace and WorksheetFunction.Trim methods), a narrow linear scale shows they have very similar performance profiles.

Performance Analysis

The plain permutations show us that there is a non-trivial cost to some of these algorithms.
The stuffed permutations show us that memory management and string handling can cause algorithms to behave very badly.

Performance Recommendations

Here's a list of recommendations

  • Check to see if there is anything to be done, no matter what algorithms and functions you use.  Instr() is fast, so it is worth the overhead.
  • Although the vbscript.regexp object isn't normally as fast as the Split() function, the simplicity of the Split() function, and limited pattern options, causes it to be slower than regexp when the pattern isn't implemented.
  • The Replace() approach is usually faster than splitting the string, with the Regexp replace function much faster for repeated character removal.
  • Trim() and Join() are also very fast functions.
  • Avoid string concatenation when you are faced with the possibility of long strings, using Join() or the buffering technique.
  • The use of collections and dictionaries won't make up for the inefficiencies of the Split() function when removing duplicate character strings.
  • Clear out or reset variables when timing
  • When creating log files, think about how the data will be used and make your parsing tasks easier.
  • Validate your code.  Take a unit testing approach and verify that what you are testing actually produces correct/expected results.
  • Local variables perform better than repeatedly altering the function value.
  • Local object variables perform better than parameterized/passed objects.
  • When iterating arrays, the standard For...Next loop is faster than the For Each...Next loop.

Inserting spaces

When the space characters are inserted into each permutation, there can be between one and 26 spaces between each word in the address, with a trend towards an average of 13 consecutive spaces.

Function StuffWithSpaces(ByVal parmString As String, parmSeed) As String
                          'Add Random number of internal space characters to the address permutation
                      	'Since I am specifying a max space length of 26, the average space sequence
                      	'will be 13 characters long.
                          Dim lngRnd As Long
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Const cMaxSpaces As Long = 26
                          Rnd -1					'reset the random sequence
                          Randomize parmSeed		'initialize the random sequence
                          strWords = Split(parmString, " ")
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strWords) - 1
                              lngRnd = Int(Rnd() * cMaxSpaces) + 1
                              strWords(lngLoop) = strWords(lngLoop) & Space(lngRnd)
                          StuffWithSpaces = Join(strWords, vbNullString)	'don't add any more spaces with the
                      													'Join() operation
                      End Function

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Code and Files

The text of the Gettysburg Address:   GettysburgAddress.txt
The log file from a test run:   DeSpaceLog.txt
A parsed and massaged version of the log file with statistics:   DeSpaceLog.xls

The code:
Option Explicit
                      Private Declare Function getTickCount Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount" () As Long
                      Private Declare Function CPUFrequency Lib "kernel32" _
                          Alias "QueryPerformanceFrequency" (cyFrequency As Currency) As Long
                      Private Declare Function CPUTickCount Lib "kernel32" _
                          Alias "QueryPerformanceCounter" (cyTickCount As Currency) As Long
                      Enum eSizeRequest
                          eFirstParagraph = 1
                          eSameAsDocument = 2
                          eTenFold = 3
                          eHundredFold = 4
                      End Enum
                      Sub Despace()
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim sngStart As Single
                          Dim dblStart As Double
                          Dim lngStart As Long
                          Dim oRE As Object
                          Dim curFreq As Currency
                          Dim curStart As Currency
                          Dim curEnd As Currency
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          Dim strFind As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim vParsed As Variant
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim colWords As New Collection
                          Dim dicWords As Object
                          Dim oMatches As Object
                          Dim oM As Object
                          Dim strFileData As String
                          Dim strTestString As String
                          Dim lngSize As Long
                          Dim lngIterator As Long
                          Dim lngPlainStuffed As Long
                          Const cIterations As Long = 21
                          Dim colLog As New Collection
                          Dim lngFirstHit As Long
                          Dim strCurrentTask As String
                          Const cPath As String = "c:\users\mark\documents\"
                          Dim clsXL As New clsWksFuncTrim
                          vParsed = Array()
                          Open cPath & "gettysburgaddress.txt" For Input As #1
                          strFileData = Input(LOF(1), #1)
                          'iterate the different codes with the following
                          '   * first paragraph
                          '   * entire file contents
                          '   * x10 and x100 copies of the entire file contents
                          'for each iteration,
                          '   test with the base text (as written)
                          '   test with inserted spaces.
                          CPUFrequency curFreq
                          For lngSize = 1 To 4
                              strTestString = StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize)
                              For lngPlainStuffed = 0 To 1
                                  If lngPlainStuffed = 1 Then
                                      strTestString = StuffWithSpaces(strTestString, 42)
                                  End If
                                  strCurrentTask = lngSize & vbTab & Array("Plain: ", "Stuffed: ")(lngPlainStuffed) & vbTab & Len(strTestString) & vbTab & InStr(strTestString, "  ")
                                  For lngIterator = 1 To cIterations
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      lngFirstHit = InStr(strTestString, "zz")
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Max Instr() time: " & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = JustTwo(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "just two" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (2)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = ThreeTwo(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "three & two" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (3&2)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = MultiLengths(strTemp, Array(19, 11, 7, 3, 2))
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Multiple replaces" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Multi)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                                      oRE.Global = True
                                      oRE.Pattern = "  +"
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = RegexpReplace(strTemp, oRE)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "regexp '  +'" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Regexp 1)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      oRE.Pattern = " {2,}"
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = RegexpReplace(strTemp, oRE)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "regexp ' {2,}'" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Regexp 2)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      oRE.Pattern = " \s+"
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = RegexpReplace(strTemp, oRE)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "regexp ' \s+'" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Regexp 3)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = RegexpReplace1(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "RegexpReplace1" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (RegexpReplace1)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = RegexpReplace2(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "RegexpReplace2" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (RegexpReplace2)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = RegexpReplace3(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "RegexpReplace3" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (RegexpReplace3)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      If Len(strTemp) < 32768 Then
                                          strTemp = strTestString
                                          sngStart = Timer
                                          lngStart = getTickCount()
                                          CPUTickCount curStart
                                          strTemp = clsXL.CleanInternalSpaces(strTemp)
                                          CPUTickCount curEnd
                                          colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "clsXL trim" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                          If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                              Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (clsXL trim)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                          '                    Stop
                                          End If
                                          strTemp = strTestString
                                          sngStart = Timer
                                          lngStart = getTickCount()
                                          CPUTickCount curStart
                                          strTemp = WksFunctionTrim(strTemp)
                                          CPUTickCount curEnd
                                          colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "WksFunc Trim" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                          If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                              Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (WksFunc Trim)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                          '                    Stop
                                          End If
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      Erase vParsed
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      vParsed = Split(strTemp, " ")
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split time: " & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      Erase vParsed
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      vParsed = Split(strTemp, "  ")
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split2 time: " & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = SplitJoin(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split & Join" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split & Join)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strWords = Split(strTemp, " ")
                                      strTemp = vbNullString
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = Join(strWords, " ")
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Join time: " & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = Split2Join(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split2 & Join" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split2 & Join)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = SplitCol(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split & col" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split & col)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = Split2Col(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split2 & col" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split2 & col)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = SplitDic(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split & dic" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split & dic)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = Split2Dic(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split2 & dic" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split2 & dic)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = SplitConcat(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split & concat" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split & concat)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = Split2Concat(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split2 & concat" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split2 & concat)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = SplitBuffer(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split & buffer" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split & buffer)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = Split2Buffer(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split2 & buffer" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split2 & buffer)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = Split2BufferFcn(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "Split2BufferFcn" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Split2BufferFcn)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                      '                Erase strWords
                                      oRE.Pattern = "[^ ]+"
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = RegexParse(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "regexp parse" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (Regexp parse)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                      strTemp = strTestString
                                      sngStart = Timer
                                      lngStart = getTickCount()
                                      CPUTickCount curStart
                                      strTemp = RegexParseBuffer(strTemp)
                                      CPUTickCount curEnd
                                      colLog.Add strCurrentTask & vbTab & "RegexParseBuffer" & vbTab & "CPU cycles: " & vbTab & Format((curEnd - curStart) / curFreq, "0.000000000")
                                      If strTemp <> StringSizes(strFileData, lngSize) Then
                                          Debug.Print "strTemp not cleaned properly (RegexParseBuffer)." & vbTab & "lngSize: " & lngSize & vbTab & "lngPlainStuffed: " & lngPlainStuffed
                      '                    Stop
                                      End If
                                  Next lngIterator
                              Next lngPlainStuffed
                          Next lngSize
                          Open cPath & "DeSpaceLog.txt" For Output As #1
                          For Each vItem In colLog
                              Print #1, vItem
                          Debug.Print Now, "Despace() Finished"
                          AppActivate Application.Caption
                          Set clsXL = Nothing
                          MsgBox "Despace() Finished", vbOKOnly, Now
                      End Sub
                      Function JustTwo(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Replace all double space strings with a single space.
                          'Iterate until there are no more double space character
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          strTemp = parmString
                          Do Until InStr(strTemp, "  ") = 0
                              strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "  ", " ")
                          JustTwo = strTemp
                      End Function
                      Function MultiLengths(ByVal parmString As String, _
                                          ByVal parmLengths As Variant) As String
                          'Iterate the parmLengths array and invoke the Replace() function
                          'with a space string of each length.
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim strFind As String
                          strTemp = parmString
                          For Each vItem In parmLengths
                              strFind = Space(vItem)    'create a vItem length string of spaces
                              Do Until InStr(strTemp, strFind) = 0
                                  strTemp = Replace(strTemp, strFind, " ")
                          MultiLengths = strTemp
                      End Function
                      Function RegexParse(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to parse the words.
                          'Copy the parsed words to an array and Join them with
                          'a single space delimiter
                          Dim oMatches As Object
                          Dim oM As Object
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Static oRE As Object
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = "[^ ]+"
                          End If
                          Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(parmString)
                          ReDim strWords(0 To oMatches.Count - 1)
                          lngLoop = 0
                          For Each oM In oMatches
                              strWords(lngLoop) = oM.Value
                              lngLoop = lngLoop + 1
                          RegexParse = Join(strWords, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function RegexParseBuffer(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to parse the words.
                          'Copy the parsed words to the buffer
                          Dim oMatches As Object
                          Dim oM As Object
                          Static oRE As Object
                          Dim strBuffer As String
                          Dim lngWordPosn As Long
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = "[^ ]+"
                          End If
                          Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(parmString)
                          strBuffer = Space(Len(parmString))
                          lngWordPosn = 1
                          For Each oM In oMatches
                              strTemp = oM.Value
                              Mid$(strBuffer, lngWordPosn, Len(strTemp)) = strTemp
                              lngWordPosn = lngWordPosn + Len(strTemp) + 1
                          RegexParseBuffer = RTrim(strBuffer)
                      End Function
                      Function RegexpReplace(ByVal parmString As String, parmRegexp As Object) As String
                          'Use parameter regexp object to remove duplicate spaces.
                          'The parameter regexp object will already have its pattern property set
                          'by the calling code.
                          RegexpReplace = parmRegexp.Replace(parmString, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function RegexpReplace1(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to remove duplicate spaces
                          Static oRE As Object
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = "  +"
                          End If
                          RegexpReplace1 = oRE.Replace(parmString, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function RegexpReplace2(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to remove duplicate spaces
                          Static oRE As Object
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = " {2,}"
                          End If
                          RegexpReplace2 = oRE.Replace(parmString, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function RegexpReplace3(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Use local static regexp object to remove duplicate spaces
                          'WARNING: This pattern will remove characters other than
                          '       space characters due to the use of the \s in the pattern
                          Static oRE As Object
                          If oRE Is Nothing Then
                              Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                              oRE.Global = True
                              oRE.Pattern = " \s+"
                          End If
                          RegexpReplace3 = oRE.Replace(parmString, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function SplitBuffer(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter,
                          'assign non-empty strings to next output buffer position,
                          'returned the trimmed output buffer string
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWordPosn As Long
                          Dim strBuffer As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, " ")
                          strTemp = vbNullString
                          lngWordPosn = 1
                          strBuffer = Space(Len(parmString))
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  Mid$(strBuffer, lngWordPosn) = strTemp
                                  lngWordPosn = lngWordPosn + Len(strTemp) + 1
                              End If
                          SplitBuffer = RTrim(strBuffer)
                      End Function
                      Function Split2Buffer(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitBuffer, except using a double space
                          'delimiter for the Split() function.
                          'Split() string with a double space character delimiter,
                          'assign non-empty strings to next output buffer position,
                          'returned the trimmed output buffer string
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWordPosn As Long
                          Dim strBuffer As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          strTemp = vbNullString
                          lngWordPosn = 1
                          strBuffer = Space(Len(parmString))
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  Mid$(strBuffer, lngWordPosn, Len(strTemp)) = strTemp
                                  lngWordPosn = lngWordPosn + Len(strTemp) + 1
                              End If
                          Split2Buffer = RTrim(strBuffer)
                      End Function
                      Function Split2BufferFcn(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitBuffer, except using a double space
                          'delimiter for the Split() function.
                          'Split() string with a double space character delimiter,
                          'assign non-empty strings to next output buffer position,
                          'returned the trimmed output buffer string
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWordPosn As Long
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          strTemp = vbNullString
                          lngWordPosn = 1
                          Split2BufferFcn = Space(Len(parmString))
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  Mid$(Split2BufferFcn, lngWordPosn) = strTemp
                                  lngWordPosn = lngWordPosn + Len(strTemp) + 1
                              End If
                          Split2BufferFcn = RTrim(Split2BufferFcn)
                      End Function
                      Function SplitCol(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter,
                          'adding the non-empty strings to a collection object.
                          'Copy the collection items to an array and
                          'Join() them as the returned value
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim colWords As New Collection
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, " ")
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  colWords.Add strTemp
                              End If
                          ReDim strWords(1 To colWords.Count)
                          lngLoop = 1
                          For Each vItem In colWords
                              strWords(lngLoop) = vItem
                              lngLoop = lngLoop + 1
                          SplitCol = Join(strWords, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function Split2Col(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitCol, except using a double space
                          'delimiter for the Split() function.
                          'Split() string with double space character delimiter,
                          'adding the non-empty strings to a collection object.
                          'Copy the collection items to an array and
                          'Join() them as the returned value
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim colWords As New Collection
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  colWords.Add strTemp
                              End If
                          ReDim strWords(1 To colWords.Count)
                          lngLoop = 1
                          For Each vItem In colWords
                              strWords(lngLoop) = vItem
                              lngLoop = lngLoop + 1
                          Split2Col = Join(strWords, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function SplitConcat(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter,
                          'concatenate non-empty strings with a trailing space character
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim strSplitConcat As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, " ")
                          lngLoop = 0
                          strTemp = vbNullString
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  strSplitConcat = strSplitConcat & strTemp & " "     'concatenate with space
                              End If
                          SplitConcat = RTrim(strSplitConcat)
                      End Function
                      Function Split2Concat(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitConcat, but using double space character
                          'string as delimiter for the Split() function
                          'Split() string with a double space character delimiter,
                          'concatenate non-empty strings with a trailing space character
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim strSplit2Concat As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          strTemp = vbNullString
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  strSplit2Concat = strSplit2Concat & strTemp & " "       'concatenate with space
                              End If
                          Split2Concat = RTrim(strSplit2Concat)       'remove trailing space
                      End Function
                      Function SplitDic(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with a single space character delimiter,
                          'adding non-empty strings to the dictionary,
                          'then Join() the dictionary object's items array.
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngKey As Long
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Static dicWords As Object
                          If dicWords Is Nothing Then
                              Set dicWords = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
                          End If
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, " ")
                          lngKey = 1
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  dicWords.Add CStr(lngKey), strTemp
                                  lngKey = lngKey + 1
                              End If
                          SplitDic = Join(dicWords.items, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function Split2Dic(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitDic, but using double space character
                          'string as delimiter for the Split() function
                          'Split() string with a double space character delimiter,
                          'adding non-empty strings to the dictionary,
                          'then Join() the dictionary object's items array
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngKey As Long
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          Static dicWords As Object
                          If dicWords Is Nothing Then
                              Set dicWords = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
                          End If
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          lngKey = 1
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  dicWords.Add CStr(lngKey), strTemp
                                  lngKey = lngKey + 1
                              End If
                          Split2Dic = Join(dicWords.items, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function SplitJoin(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter,
                          'move non-empty strings to the front of the strParsed array,
                          'Redim the strParsed array down to the number of words we have,
                          'then Join() the strParsed array items with
                          'a single space character
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWord As Long
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, " ")
                          lngWord = 0
                          'Move non-empty strings to the front of the strParsed array
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  strParsed(lngWord) = strTemp
                                  lngWord = lngWord + 1
                              End If
                          'reduce size of the strParsed array to equal the number
                          'of non-empty strings we found.
                          ReDim Preserve strParsed(0 To lngWord - 1)
                          SplitJoin = Join(strParsed, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function SplitJoin_InPlace(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter,
                          'move non-empty strings to the front of the strParsed array,
                          'Redim the strParsed array down to the number of words we have,
                          'then Join() the strParsed array items with
                          'a single space character
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWord As Long
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          lngWord = 0
                          'Move non-empty strings to the front of the strParsed array
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = strParsed(lngLoop)
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  strParsed(lngWord) = strTemp
                                  lngWord = lngWord + 1
                              End If
                          'reduce size of the strParsed array to equal the number
                          'of non-empty strings we found.
                          ReDim Preserve strParsed(0 To lngWord - 1)
                          SplitJoin_InPlace = Join(strParsed, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function Split2Join(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Mostly the same as SplitJoin, but using double space character
                          'string as delimiter for the Split() function
                          'Split() string with single space character delimiter,
                          'move non-empty strings to the front of the strParsed array,
                          'Redim the strParsed array down to the number of words we have,
                          'then Join() the strParsed array items with
                          'a single space character
                          Dim strParsed() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngWord As Long
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          strParsed = Split(parmString, "  ")
                          lngWord = 0
                          'Move non-empty strings to the front of the strParsed array
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strParsed)
                              strTemp = Trim(strParsed(lngLoop))
                              If Len(strTemp) <> 0 Then
                                  strParsed(lngWord) = strTemp
                                  lngWord = lngWord + 1
                              End If
                          'reduce size of the strParsed array to equal the number
                          'of non-empty strings we found.
                          ReDim Preserve strParsed(0 To lngWord - 1)
                          Split2Join = Join(strParsed, " ")
                      End Function
                      Function StringSizes(ByVal parmString As String, parmSizeRequest As eSizeRequest) As String
                          'Return size permutation of Gettysburg address.
                          '   1: First paragraph
                          '   2: The (original) address = parmString
                          '   3: 10 concatenations of the address
                          '   4: 100 concatenations of the address
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim strTemp() As String
                          Select Case parmSizeRequest
                              Case eSizeRequest.eFirstParagraph   'first paragraph
                                  StringSizes = Split(parmString, vbCrLf, 2)(0)
                              Case eSizeRequest.eSameAsDocument   'same as parameter
                                  StringSizes = parmString
                              Case eSizeRequest.eTenFold          'repeat ten times
                                  ReDim strTemp(1 To 10)
                                  For lngLoop = 1 To 10
                                      strTemp(lngLoop) = parmString
                                  StringSizes = Join(strTemp, vbNullString)
                              Case eSizeRequest.eHundredFold      'repeat one hundred times
                                  ReDim strTemp(1 To 100)
                                  For lngLoop = 1 To 100
                                      strTemp(lngLoop) = parmString
                                  StringSizes = Join(strTemp, vbNullString)
                              Case Else
                                  StringSizes = vbNullString
                          End Select
                      End Function
                      Function StuffWithSpaces(ByVal parmString As String, parmSeed) As String
                          'Add Random number of internal space characters
                          Dim lngRnd As Long
                          Dim strWords() As String
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Const cMaxSpaces As Long = 26
                          Dim lngSum As Long      'used to verify avg inserter spaces length
                          Rnd -1                  'reset random sequence
                          Randomize parmSeed      'begin random sequence
                          strWords = Split(parmString, " ")
                          For lngLoop = 0 To UBound(strWords) - 1
                              lngRnd = Int(Rnd() * cMaxSpaces) + 1
                              strWords(lngLoop) = strWords(lngLoop) & Space(lngRnd)
                          StuffWithSpaces = Join(strWords, vbNullString)
                      End Function
                      Sub testit()
                          'minimize code window before invoking test code
                          Debug.Print Now, "Before Despace"
                          SendKeys "% N", False
                          Debug.Print Now, "After Despace"
                      End Sub
                      Function ThreeTwo(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'Replace all three consecutive spaces with one space,
                          'then replace all two consecutive spaces with one space
                          Dim strTemp As String
                          strTemp = parmString
                          'Replace three space strings with a single space until
                          'no more instances of three space strings exist
                          Do Until InStr(strTemp, "   ") = 0
                              strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "   ", " ")
                          'Replace two space strings with a single space until no
                          'more instances of two space strings exist
                          Do Until InStr(strTemp, "  ") = 0
                              strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "  ", " ")
                          ThreeTwo = strTemp
                      End Function
                      Function WksFunctionTrim(ByVal parmString As String) As String
                          'If running in the Excel VBA environment, invoke the
                          'Trim Worksheetfunction
                          WksFunctionTrim = WorksheetFunction.Trim(parmString)
                      End Function

Open in new window

References and Related Articles

Fast String Builder class - http:A_8311.html
Better Concat Function -  http:A_7811.html
Using Regular Expressions in VBA environment -  http:A_1336.html
Analysis of the VB's Random Number Generator Functions -  http:A_11114.html

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aikimarkGet vaccinated; Social distance; Wear a mask

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