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Parsing Names in MS Office, Visual Basic 6, and Visual Basic for Applications

Patrick Matthews
By Patrick Matthews

1. Introduction

Any time you have to store or process people's names, best practice dictates that you maintain each "name part", e.g., title, first name, middle name, last/surname, and/or suffix, as a discrete piece of information:
In a data entry/edit form, there should be different controls for each name part
In an Excel list, each name part should be stored in a different column
In a database table, each name part should be stored in a different column
In a VB6/VBA procedure, each name part should be stored in a different variable (or as different elements in an array, collection, or similar object)

Doing so enables fast and efficient searches, and also enables atomicity.

However, you may have to work with a data set that did not adhere to these best practice guidelines, and thus you may be struggling with parsing the resulting "full name" strings to extract the various name parts.

This article will demonstrate some of the challenges inherent to parsing peoples names, provide a look at some techniques for parsing simple names in Excel, Access, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

This article also includes the source code for two user defined functions, GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts, that you may use to parse peoples name, providing greater flexibility and ease of use than is possible using only native functions.

With apologies to users from other cultures, this article will focus on names as they typically occur in English-speaking cultures.

2. What's in a Name? Why Name Parsing Is So Difficult

A very commonly asked question type on Experts Exchange involves parsing a "full name" string, and extracting from it the "name parts" such as title/honorific, first name, middle name, last name/surname, and suffix.

The following question makes an excellent example:

Using an access 2007 database.  There is a field 'contact' that has hundreds of names in it.  There are many formats:
Mr. FirstName LastName
Mrs. FirstName LastName
FirstName LastName
FirstName LastName-LastName2
FirstName LastName LastName2 Jr/Sr

I want to automatically get them into 2 columns: firstname, lastname

First, I am going to strip out ALL Mr., Mrs., Ms. to make it simple.  So I know the first token is FirstName and the REST is LastName.  

How can I accomplish this?

Similar questions ask for name parsing, but using a slightly different structure:

I have a column in Excel that shows a full name, in the following format:

Lastname, Firstname Middlename

Some entries may have titles and/or suffixes as well:

Lastname <Suffix>, <Title> Firstname Middlename

Please help me extract the Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Suffix into separate columns.

In either case, while the question is seemingly simple and straightforward, as the next section will show, name parsing can be a very complex matter.

The most common data entry formats for personal names are as follows:

 Name Part Structure
In either case, typically the first name and last name are both present, while the title, middle name, and/or suffixes are optional.

Of course, each name part can itself be somewhat complex:

 Name Part Detail
Thus, for each name part:
The name part may or may not appear, as in the case of titles, middle names, and suffixes
The name part may be a single word or be compound (more than one word, as in "Joe Bob" in "Joe Bob Briggs", "Ronald Reuel" in "John Ronald Reuel Tolkien", or "de la Renta" in "Oscar de la Renta").  In addition, there may be more than one title and/or suffix in a single full name
Name parts may be abbreviated, sometimes but always with a period
Name parts may be hyphenated

Taken together, these contingencies can make name parsing a difficult challenge indeed.

3. Parsing a Name Using Native Excel, Access, and VB6/VBA Functions

Consider relatively simple full names, as in the examples below.  In these cases, the parsing task is very easy:

Full Name: John Smith
                      Assumption: Space delimits first and last names
                      Excel (full name in A1)
                      First Name: =LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1)
                      Last Name: =MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,LEN(A1))
                      Access (full name in column FullName)
                      First Name: Left([FullName], InStr(1, [FullName], " ") - 1)
                      Last Name: Mid([FullName], InStr(1, [FullName], " ") + 1)
                      VB6/VBA (full name in variable FullName)
                      First Name: Left(FullName, InStr(1, FullName, " ") - 1)
                      Last Name: Mid(FullName, InStr(1, FullName, " ") + 1)

Open in new window

Full Name: Smith, John
                      Assumption: Comma delimits last and first names
                      Excel (full name in A1)
                      First Name: =TRIM(MID(A1,FIND(",",A1)+1,LEN(A1)))
                      Last Name: =LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1)-1)
                      Access (full name in column FullName)
                      First Name: =Trim(Mid([FullName], InStr(1, [FullName], ",") + 1))
                      Last Name: =Left([FullName], InStr(1, [FullName], ",") - 1)
                      VB6/VBA (full name in variable FullName)
                      First Name: =Trim(Mid(FullName, InStr(1, FullName, ",") + 1))
                      Last Name: =Left(FullName, InStr(1, FullName, ",") - 1)

Open in new window

Now consider a slightly more complex situation, but probably a more typical one, in which a middle name/initial may or may not be present:

Full Name: John James Smith
                      Assumption: Middle name may or may not be present
                      Excel (full name in A1)
                      First:  =LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1)
                      Middle: =IF(ISERR(MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,IF(ISERR(FIND(" ",A1,FIND(" ",A1)
                               +1)),FIND(" ",A1),FIND(" ",A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1))-FIND(" ",A1)-1)),
                               "",MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,IF(ISERR(FIND(" ",A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1)),
                               FIND(" ",A1),FIND(" ",A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1))-FIND(" ",A1)-1))
                      Last:   =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","*",LEN(A1)-
                               LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")))))
                      Access (full name in column FullName)
                      First:  Left([FullName], InStr(1, [FullName], " ") - 1)
                      Middle: IIf((Len(Replace([FullName], " ", "") - Len([FullName])) > 1, 
                               Mid([FullName], InStr(1, [FullName], " ") + 1, 
                               InStrRev([FullName], " ") - InStr(1, FullName, ",") - 1, "")
                      Last:   Mid([FullName], InStrRev([FullName], " ") + 1)
                      VB6/VBA (full name in variable FullName)
                      First:  Left(FullName, InStr(1, FullName, " ") - 1)
                      Middle: IIf((Len(Replace(FullName, " ", "") - Len(FullName)) > 1, 
                               Mid(FullName, InStr(1, FullName, " ") + 1, 
                               InStrRev(FullName, " ") - InStr(1, FullName, ",") - 1, "")
                      Last:   Mid(FullName, InStrRev(FullName, " ") + 1)

Open in new window

The Excel expressions become incomprehensible to most users.  The Access and VB6/VBA expressions are not quite as complex, but they are already trending upward in complexity.  We have not even considered any cases yet with titles and/or suffixes; the expressions needed to deal with names that leave the title, middle name, and/or suffixes optional (and potentially also to deal with compound titles and suffixes) would be excruciating in terms of length and difficulty to read and understand.  Add in requirements for gracefully handling consecutive spaces, trimming extraneous spaces from the name parts, and allowing for optional spaces following a comma, and the task becomes close to impossible.

Excel does offer one other potential trick, the Text to Columns feature.  However, on complex names, it too may lack the power to do name parsing well:
If your data set has entries with "missing" name parts, your output will have a varying number of columns, and not all name parts will be in the same column
There is no way to handle compound name parts

The graphic below demonstrates some of the difficulties involved in using Text to Columns.  Note especially how the surname shows up in the first column of the transfrmed data, as expected, but how we cannot depend on any of the other name parts to show up predictably in certain columns.

 Name Part Text to Columns
Real-life data is complicated.  Successful name parsing functions or expressions should be able to handle all of the following examples gracefully:

First Middle Last                  | Last, Middle First
                      John Smith                         | Smith, John
                      John James Smith                   | Smith, John James
                      Dr. John Smith                     | Smith, Dr. John
                      Dr John James Smith III            | Smith III, Dr John James
                      Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   | King, Jr., Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
                      Elizabeth Marie Jones, M.D, Ph.D.  | Jones, M.D, Ph.D., Elizabeth Marie
                      Elizabeth Marie Jones,MD,PhD       | Jones,MD,PhD,Elizabeth Marie
                      Nancy Jones-Smythe                 | Jones-Smythe, Nancy

Open in new window

At this point it should be clear that relying on native functions alone will suffice only for the very simplest names we might encounter.

[b]The GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts user defined functions, described in the next section, are able to parse all of the full names above.[/b]

4. GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts User Defined Functions

The GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts user defined functions are a flexible means for parsing full names to extract titles, first names, middle names, last/surnames, and/or suffixes.
GetNamePart returns a specific name part from the full name string
GetAllNameParts returns a Dictionary object with items for all possible name parts in the input string (keys are Title, First, Middle, Last, and Suffix)

GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts will work with both of the typical name orders, i.e., First Middle Last and Last, First Middle.  However, you will not be able to mix the two name orders in the same data set, as the name order is one of the inputs into the functions.

GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts also gracefully handle compound titles and suffixes.  Compound first, middle, and/or last names can still be problematic, however.

You can use GetNamePart in any VB6/VBA project, or directly in an Excel worksheet formula or Access query.  GetAllNameParts, because it returns a Dictionary object, can be used in any VB6/VBA project, but cannot be used directly in an Excel worksheet formula or Access query.

Here is the source code for GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts:

Option Explicit
                      Function GetNamePart(NameStr As String, NamePart As String, Optional UseMiddle As Boolean = True, _
                          Optional FirstMiddleLast As Boolean = True)
                          ' Function by Patrick Matthews
                          ' This code may be freely used or distributed so long as you acknowledge authorship and cite the URL
                          ' where you found it
                          ' This function relies on Regular Expressions.  For more information on RegExp, please see:
                          ' This function parses a name string, and depending on the arguments passed to it it returns a
                          ' title, first name, middle name, surname, or suffix.
                          ' This function can be used in any VBA or VB6 project.  It can also be used directly in Excel worksheet
                          ' formulae and in Access queries
                          ' The function takes the following arguments:
                          ' 1) NameStr is the full name to be parsed.  Its assumed structure is determined by the FirstMiddleLast
                          '       argument
                          ' 2) NamePart indicates the portion of the name you want returned.  Valid values (NOT case sensitive):
                          '       Title: "TITLE", "HONORIFIC", "T", "H", "1"
                          '       First: "FIRST NAME", "FIRSTNAME", "FNAME", "F NAME", "FIRST", "F", "FN", "F N", "2"
                          '       Middle: "MIDDLE NAME", "MIDDLENAME", "MNAME", "M NAME", "MIDDLE", "M", "MN", "M N", "3"
                          '       Last: "LAST NAME", "LASTNAME", "LNAME", "L NAME", "LAST", "L", "LN", "L N", "SURNAME", "4"
                          '       Suffix: "SUFFIX", "5"
                          ' 3) UseMiddle indicates whether or not a middle name *might* be present in the NameStr.  If True or
                          '       omitted, the function assumes that a middle name *might* be there.  If False, it assumes there
                          '       is never a middle name
                          ' 4) FirstMiddleLast indicates the order of the name parts.  If True or omitted, the function assumes:
                          '       <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>
                          '       If False, the function assumes:
                          '       <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
                          ' Notes:
                          ' 1) The function has a prebuilt list of Titles (see GenerateLists function below), which you can modify to
                          '       fit your needs.  The Titles string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to follow
                          '       proper RegExp Pattern syntax
                          ' 2) The function will recognize compound titles, as long as they are delimited by spaces
                          ' 3) The function has a prebuilt list of Suffixes (see GenerateLists function below), which you can modify to
                          '       fit your needs.  The Suffixes string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to
                          '       follow proper RegExp Pattern syntax
                          ' 4) The function will recognize compound suffixes, as long as they are delimited by commas and/or spaces
                          ' 5) If you are using True (or omitting) for FirstMiddleLast:
                          '       a) It is always assumed that the first name has a single "word"
                          '       b) It is always assumed that the middle name, if present, has a single "word"
                          '       c) After the function has identfied the title, first name, middle name, and suffix, it assumes that
                          '           whatever is left must be the surname/last name
                          '       d) Thus, this function will process compound first/middle names incorrectly
                          ' 6) If you are using False for FirstMiddleLast:
                          '       a) It is always assumed that the last comma in NameStr delimits the <Surname><Suffix> block
                          '           from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block
                          '       b) Whatever is left in the <Surname><Suffix> block after the suffix has been removed is assumed
                          '           to be the last name
                          '       c) After the Title is removed from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block, if there is only
                          '           one "word", it is the first name.  If there are 2+ "words" and UseMiddle = True or omitted,
                          '           then the last word is the middle name, and the rest is the first name
                          '       d) Thus, this function will process compound middle names incorrectly, and may erroneously think
                          '           a compound first name is a first name and a middle name
                          Dim Title As String
                          Dim FName As String
                          Dim MName As String
                          Dim LName As String
                          Dim Suffix As String
                          Dim RegXReturn As Object
                          Dim NameArr As Variant
                          Dim Counter As Long
                          Dim StartsAt As Long
                          Dim TitleLen As Long
                          Dim LastComma As Long
                          Dim Part1 As String
                          Dim Part2 As String
                          Static Titles As String
                          Static Suffixes As String
                          Static RegX As Object 'holding as a Static variable to improve performance
                          If Trim(NameStr) = "" Or Trim(NamePart) = "" Then
                              GetNamePart = ""
                              Exit Function
                          End If
                          If Titles = "" Then Titles = GenerateLists("Titles")
                          If Suffixes = "" Then Suffixes = GenerateLists("Suffixes")
                          ' remove leading and trailing spaces
                          NameStr = Trim(NameStr)
                          ' instantiate RegExp if needed (static variable, so it will remain in between calls)
                          If RegX Is Nothing Then
                              Set RegX = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
                              With RegX
                                  .IgnoreCase = True  ' case insensitive
                                  .Global = True      ' finds all matches, not just first match
                              End With
                          End If
                          ' Determine structure of NameStr
                          If FirstMiddleLast Then
                              ' NameStr is structured <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>
                              ' Set Pattern to look for titles at beginning of NameStr
                              RegX.Pattern = "^(" & Titles & ")\.? +"
                              ' Look for titles.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Rev. Mr. Arthur Dimmesdale"
                                  Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Mid(NameStr, TitleLen + 1))
                                  If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                                      TitleLen = TitleLen + Len(RegXReturn(0))
                                      Exit Do
                                  End If
                              ' Get Title
                              Title = Trim(Left(NameStr, TitleLen))
                              ' Adjust NameStr
                              NameStr = Mid(NameStr, TitleLen + 1)
                              ' Look for suffixes.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Alfred E. Neumann, PhD, Esq."
                              ' StartsAt indicates where the suffix(es) start in the NameStr.  Initialize to -1, indicating no suffix
                              StartsAt = -1
                              ' Set Pattern to look for suffix at end of NameStr
                              RegX.Pattern = "(, *| +)(" & Suffixes & ")\.?$"
                              ' Evaluate the NameStr.  As long as a suffix is found in the portion evaluated, reset the StartsAt variable.
                              ' When no more suffixes are found, terminate the loop
                                  Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Left(NameStr, IIf(StartsAt > -1, StartsAt, Len(NameStr))))
                                  If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                                      StartsAt = RegXReturn(0).FirstIndex     ' Recall that FirstIndex starts at position zero, not 1 !!!
                                      Exit Do
                                  End If
                              ' If a suffix is found, then grab the entire suffix
                              If StartsAt > -1 Then
                                  Suffix = Mid(NameStr, StartsAt + 1)
                                  ' remove comma if applicable
                                  If Left(Suffix, 1) = "," Then Suffix = Mid(Suffix, 2)
                                  ' remove possible leading space
                                  Suffix = Trim(Suffix)
                                  ' adjust NameStr to remove suffixes
                                  NameStr = Left(NameStr, StartsAt)
                              End If
                              ' Ensure we have space delimiters for remaining NameStr
                              NameStr = Replace(NameStr, ".", ". ")
                              ' Remove extraneous spaces
                              RegX.Pattern = " {2,}"
                              NameStr = Trim(RegX.Replace(NameStr, " "))
                              ' Create zero-based array with remaining "words" in the name
                              NameArr = Split(NameStr, " ")
                              ' First name is always assumed to be in position zero
                              FName = NameArr(0)
                              ' Depending on how many "words" are left and whether middle name is assumed to possibly be there
                              ' (UseMiddle argument), grab middle/last names
                              Select Case UBound(NameArr)
                                  Case 0
                                      'no middle or last names
                                  Case 1
                                      ' first name and last name
                                      LName = NameArr(1)
                                  Case Else
                                      ' potentially first, middle, and last names are present
                                      If UseMiddle Then
                                          ' position 1 is assumed to be middle name, and positions 2 to N the last name
                                          MName = NameArr(1)
                                          ' remaining "words" are for last name
                                          For Counter = 2 To UBound(NameArr)
                                              LName = LName & " " & NameArr(Counter)
                                          ' drop leading space
                                          LName = Trim(LName)
                                          ' assume no middle name, and all remaining words are for the last name
                                          For Counter = 1 To UBound(NameArr)
                                              LName = LName & " " & NameArr(Counter)
                                          ' drop leading space
                                          LName = Trim(LName)
                                      End If
                              End Select
                              ' NameStr is structured <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
                              ' Find position of last comma
                              LastComma = InStrRev(NameStr, ",")
                              If LastComma > 0 Then
                                  ' Part1 will be <Surname> <Suffix (optional)> block;
                                  ' Part2 is <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
                                  Part1 = Trim(Left(NameStr, LastComma - 1))
                                  Part2 = Trim(Mid(NameStr, LastComma + 1))
                                  ' Look for suffixes.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Neumann, PhD, Esq., Alfred E."
                                  ' StartsAt indicates where the suffix(es) start in Part1.  Initialize to -1, indicating no suffix
                                  StartsAt = -1
                                  ' Set Pattern to look for suffix at end of Part1
                                  RegX.Pattern = "(, *| +)(" & Suffixes & ")\.?$"
                                  ' Evaluate Part1.  As long as a suffix is found in the portion evaluated, reset the StartsAt variable.
                                  ' When no more suffixes are found, terminate the loop
                                      Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Left(Part1, IIf(StartsAt > -1, StartsAt, Len(Part1))))
                                      If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                                          StartsAt = RegXReturn(0).FirstIndex     ' Recall that FirstIndex starts at position zero, not 1 !!!
                                          Exit Do
                                      End If
                                  ' If a suffix is found, then grab the entire suffix
                                  If StartsAt > -1 Then
                                      Suffix = Mid(Part1, StartsAt + 1)
                                      ' remove comma if applicable
                                      If Left(Suffix, 1) = "," Then Suffix = Mid(Suffix, 2)
                                      ' remove possible leading space
                                      Suffix = Trim(Suffix)
                                      ' adjust Part1 to remove suffixes
                                      Part1 = Left(Part1, StartsAt)
                                  End If
                                  LName = Trim(Part1)
                                  ' Set Pattern to look for titles at beginning of Part2
                                  RegX.Pattern = "^(" & Titles & ")\.? +"
                                  ' Look for titles.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Dimmesdale, Rev. Mr. Arthur"
                                      Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Mid(Part2, TitleLen + 1))
                                      If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                                          TitleLen = TitleLen + Len(RegXReturn(0))
                                          Exit Do
                                      End If
                                  ' Get Title
                                  Title = Trim(Left(Part2, TitleLen))
                                  ' Adjust Part2
                                  Part2 = Mid(Part2, TitleLen + 1)
                                  ' Ensure we have space delimiters for remaining Part2
                                  Part2 = Replace(Part2, ".", ". ")
                                  ' Remove extraneous spaces
                                  RegX.Pattern = " {2,}"
                                  Part2 = Trim(RegX.Replace(Part2, " "))
                                  ' Grab first/middle names from Part2
                                  If UseMiddle And InStr(1, Part2, " ") > 0 Then
                                      MName = Mid(Part2, InStrRev(Part2, " ") + 1)
                                      FName = Left(Part2, InStrRev(Part2, " ") - 1)
                                      FName = Part2
                                  End If
                              End If
                          End If
                          ' determine function's return value
                          Select Case UCase(NamePart)
                              Case "TITLE", "HONORIFIC", "T", "H", "1"
                                  GetNamePart = Title
                              Case "FIRST NAME", "FIRSTNAME", "FNAME", "F NAME", "FIRST", "F", "FN", "F N", "2"
                                  GetNamePart = FName
                              Case "MIDDLE NAME", "MIDDLENAME", "MNAME", "M NAME", "MIDDLE", "M", "MN", "M N", "3"
                                  GetNamePart = MName
                              Case "LAST NAME", "LASTNAME", "LNAME", "L NAME", "LAST", "L", "LN", "L N", "SURNAME", "4"
                                  GetNamePart = LName
                              Case "SUFFIX", "S", "5"
                                  GetNamePart = Suffix
                              Case Else
                                  GetNamePart = ""
                          End Select
                          ' destroy object variable
                          Set RegXReturn = Nothing
                      End Function
                      Function GetAllNameParts(NameStr As String, Optional UseMiddle As Boolean = True, _
                          Optional FirstMiddleLast As Boolean = True)
                          ' Function by Patrick Matthews
                          ' This code may be freely used or distributed so long as you acknowledge authorship and cite the URL
                          ' where you found it
                          ' This function relies on Regular Expressions.  For more information on RegExp, please see:
                          ' This function parses a name string, and returns a Dictionary object (Microsoft Scripting Runtime) with
                          ' keys corresponding to title, first name, middle name, surname, and suffix.  If a name part is missing from the
                          ' full name, the Dictionary item associated with that key is a zero-length string.  The keys are:
                          ' Title, First, Middle, Last, and Suffix (not case sensitive)
                          ' This function can be used in any VBA or VB6 project.  However, it cannot be used directly in an Excel
                          ' worksheet formula or an Access query
                          ' The function takes the following arguments:
                          ' 1) NameStr is the full name to be parsed.  Its assumed structure is determined by the FirstMiddleLast
                          '       argument
                          ' 2) UseMiddle indicates whether or not a middle name *might* be present in the NameStr.  If True or
                          '       omitted, the function assumes that a middle name *might* be there.  If False, it assumes there
                          '       is never a middle name
                          ' 3) FirstMiddleLast indicates the order of the name parts.  If True or omitted, the function assumes:
                          '       <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>
                          '       If False, the function assumes:
                          '       <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
                          ' Notes:
                          ' 1) The function has a prebuilt list of Titles (see GenerateLists function below), which you can modify to
                          '       fit your needs.  The Titles string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to follow
                          '       proper RegExp Pattern syntax
                          ' 2) The function will recognize compound titles, as long as they are delimited by spaces
                          ' 3) The function has a prebuilt list of Suffixes (see GenerateLists function below), which you can modify to
                          '       fit your needs.  The Suffixes string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to
                          '       follow proper RegExp Pattern syntax
                          ' 4) The function will recognize compound suffixes, as long as they are delimited by commas and/or spaces
                          ' 5) If you are using True (or omitting) for FirstMiddleLast:
                          '       a) It is always assumed that the first name has a single "word"
                          '       b) It is always assumed that the middle name, if present, has a single "word"
                          '       c) After the function has identfied the title, first name, middle name, and suffix, it assumes that
                          '           whatever is left must be the surname/last name
                          '       d) Thus, this function will process compound first/middle names incorrectly
                          ' 6) If you are using False for FirstMiddleLast:
                          '       a) It is always assumed that the last comma in NameStr delimits the <Surname><Suffix> block
                          '           from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block
                          '       b) Whatever is left in the <Surname><Suffix> block after the suffix has been removed is assumed
                          '           to be the last name
                          '       c) After the Title is removed from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block, if there is only
                          '           one "word", it is the first name.  If there are 2+ "words" and UseMiddle = True or omitted,
                          '           then the last word is the middle name, and the rest is the first name
                          '       d) Thus, this function will process compound middle names incorrectly, and may erroneously think
                          '           a compound first name is a first name and a middle name
                          Dim Title As String
                          Dim FName As String
                          Dim MName As String
                          Dim LName As String
                          Dim Suffix As String
                          Dim RegXReturn As Object
                          Dim NameArr As Variant
                          Dim Counter As Long
                          Dim StartsAt As Long
                          Dim TitleLen As Long
                          Dim LastComma As Long
                          Dim Part1 As String
                          Dim Part2 As String
                          Dim dic As Object
                          Static Titles As String
                          Static Suffixes As String
                          Static RegX As Object 'holding as a Static variable to improve performance
                          If Titles = "" Then Titles = GenerateLists("Titles")
                          If Suffixes = "" Then Suffixes = GenerateLists("Suffixes")
                          Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                          With dic
                              .CompareMode = 1
                              .Add "Title", ""
                              .Add "First", ""
                              .Add "Middle", ""
                              .Add "Last", ""
                              .Add "Suffix", ""
                          End With
                          If Trim(NameStr) = "" Then
                              Set GetAllNameParts = dic
                              Set dic = Nothing
                              Exit Function
                          End If
                          ' remove leading and trailing spaces
                          NameStr = Trim(NameStr)
                          ' instantiate RegExp if needed (static variable, so it will remain in between calls)
                          If RegX Is Nothing Then
                              Set RegX = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
                              With RegX
                                  .IgnoreCase = True  ' case insensitive
                                  .Global = True      ' finds all matches, not just first match
                              End With
                          End If
                          ' Determine structure of NameStr
                          If FirstMiddleLast Then
                              ' NameStr is structured <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>
                              ' Set Pattern to look for titles at beginning of NameStr
                              RegX.Pattern = "^(" & Titles & ")\.? +"
                              ' Look for titles.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Rev. Mr. Arthur Dimmesdale"
                                  Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Mid(NameStr, TitleLen + 1))
                                  If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                                      TitleLen = TitleLen + Len(RegXReturn(0))
                                      Exit Do
                                  End If
                              ' Get Title
                              Title = Trim(Left(NameStr, TitleLen))
                              ' Adjust NameStr
                              NameStr = Mid(NameStr, TitleLen + 1)
                              ' Look for suffixes.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Alfred E. Neumann, PhD, Esq."
                              ' StartsAt indicates where the suffix(es) start in the NameStr.  Initialize to -1, indicating no suffix
                              StartsAt = -1
                              ' Set Pattern to look for suffix at end of NameStr
                              RegX.Pattern = "(, *| +)(" & Suffixes & ")\.?$"
                              ' Evaluate the NameStr.  As long as a suffix is found in the portion evaluated, reset the StartsAt variable.
                              ' When no more suffixes are found, terminate the loop
                                  Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Left(NameStr, IIf(StartsAt > -1, StartsAt, Len(NameStr))))
                                  If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                                      StartsAt = RegXReturn(0).FirstIndex     ' Recall that FirstIndex starts at position zero, not 1 !!!
                                      Exit Do
                                  End If
                              ' If a suffix is found, then grab the entire suffix
                              If StartsAt > -1 Then
                                  Suffix = Mid(NameStr, StartsAt + 1)
                                  ' remove comma if applicable
                                  If Left(Suffix, 1) = "," Then Suffix = Mid(Suffix, 2)
                                  ' remove possible leading space
                                  Suffix = Trim(Suffix)
                                  ' adjust NameStr to remove suffixes
                                  NameStr = Left(NameStr, StartsAt)
                              End If
                              ' Ensure we have space delimiters for remaining NameStr
                              NameStr = Replace(NameStr, ".", ". ")
                              ' Remove extraneous spaces
                              RegX.Pattern = " {2,}"
                              NameStr = Trim(RegX.Replace(NameStr, " "))
                              ' Create zero-based array with remaining "words" in the name
                              NameArr = Split(NameStr, " ")
                              ' First name is always assumed to be in position zero
                              FName = NameArr(0)
                              ' Depending on how many "words" are left and whether middle name is assumed to possibly be there
                              ' (UseMiddle argument), grab middle/last names
                              Select Case UBound(NameArr)
                                  Case 0
                                      'no middle or last names
                                  Case 1
                                      ' first name and last name
                                      LName = NameArr(1)
                                  Case Else
                                      ' potentially first, middle, and last names are present
                                      If UseMiddle Then
                                          ' position 1 is assumed to be middle name, and positions 2 to N the last name
                                          MName = NameArr(1)
                                          ' remaining "words" are for last name
                                          For Counter = 2 To UBound(NameArr)
                                              LName = LName & " " & NameArr(Counter)
                                          ' drop leading space
                                          LName = Trim(LName)
                                          ' assume no middle name, and all remaining words are for the last name
                                          For Counter = 1 To UBound(NameArr)
                                              LName = LName & " " & NameArr(Counter)
                                          ' drop leading space
                                          LName = Trim(LName)
                                      End If
                              End Select
                              ' NameStr is structured <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
                              ' Find position of last comma
                              LastComma = InStrRev(NameStr, ",")
                              If LastComma > 0 Then
                                  ' Part1 will be <Surname> <Suffix (optional)> block;
                                  ' Part2 is <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
                                  Part1 = Trim(Left(NameStr, LastComma - 1))
                                  Part2 = Trim(Mid(NameStr, LastComma + 1))
                                  ' Look for suffixes.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Neumann, PhD, Esq., Alfred E."
                                  ' StartsAt indicates where the suffix(es) start in Part1.  Initialize to -1, indicating no suffix
                                  StartsAt = -1
                                  ' Set Pattern to look for suffix at end of Part1
                                  RegX.Pattern = "(, *| +)(" & Suffixes & ")\.?$"
                                  ' Evaluate Part1.  As long as a suffix is found in the portion evaluated, reset the StartsAt variable.
                                  ' When no more suffixes are found, terminate the loop
                                      Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Left(Part1, IIf(StartsAt > -1, StartsAt, Len(Part1))))
                                      If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                                          StartsAt = RegXReturn(0).FirstIndex     ' Recall that FirstIndex starts at position zero, not 1 !!!
                                          Exit Do
                                      End If
                                  ' If a suffix is found, then grab the entire suffix
                                  If StartsAt > -1 Then
                                      Suffix = Mid(Part1, StartsAt + 1)
                                      ' remove comma if applicable
                                      If Left(Suffix, 1) = "," Then Suffix = Mid(Suffix, 2)
                                      ' remove possible leading space
                                      Suffix = Trim(Suffix)
                                      ' adjust Part1 to remove suffixes
                                      Part1 = Left(Part1, StartsAt)
                                  End If
                                  LName = Trim(Part1)
                                  ' Set Pattern to look for titles at beginning of Part2
                                  RegX.Pattern = "^(" & Titles & ")\.? +"
                                  ' Look for titles.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Dimmesdale, Rev. Mr. Arthur"
                                      Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Mid(Part2, TitleLen + 1))
                                      If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                                          TitleLen = TitleLen + Len(RegXReturn(0))
                                          Exit Do
                                      End If
                                  ' Get Title
                                  Title = Trim(Left(Part2, TitleLen))
                                  ' Adjust Part2
                                  Part2 = Mid(Part2, TitleLen + 1)
                                  ' Ensure we have space delimiters for remaining Part2
                                  Part2 = Replace(Part2, ".", ". ")
                                  ' Remove extraneous spaces
                                  RegX.Pattern = " {2,}"
                                  Part2 = Trim(RegX.Replace(Part2, " "))
                                  ' Grab first/middle names from Part2
                                  If UseMiddle And InStr(1, Part2, " ") > 0 Then
                                      MName = Mid(Part2, InStrRev(Part2, " ") + 1)
                                      FName = Left(Part2, InStrRev(Part2, " ") - 1)
                                      FName = Part2
                                  End If
                              End If
                          End If
                          ' determine function's return value
                          With dic
                              .Item("Title") = Title
                              .Item("First") = FName
                              .Item("Middle") = MName
                              .Item("Last") = LName
                              .Item("Suffix") = Suffix
                          End With
                          Set GetAllNameParts = dic
                          ' destroy object variable
                          Set RegXReturn = Nothing
                          Set dic = Nothing
                      End Function
                      Private Function GenerateLists(ListType As String)
                          Dim Titles As String
                          Dim Suffixes As String
                          ' In creating the master title and suffix lists, keep in mind that the strings will be passed in as part of a
                          ' RegExp pattern, and so typical syntax rules for the VBScript implementation of RegExp will apply for things
                          ' such as optional characters and escaping reserved characters.  For example:
                          '           M\.? ?D
                          ' matches M, then zero or one period, then zero or one space, then D.  Use the pipe character to delimit your
                          ' entries
                          ' If the lists get too long to keep using line continuators, then simply break them up into separate expressions:
                          ' Titles = 'Dr|Doctor|Mrs|Ms|Miss|Mr|Mister|Master|'
                          ' Titles = Titles & "Reverend|Rev|Right Reverend|Right Rev|Most Reverend|
                          ' Titles = Titles & "Most Rev|Honorable|Honourable"
                          ' Populate master title list.  This can be expanded according to your needs.  There is no need to include a
                          ' trailing period here, as the Pattern string built later on includes an optional period at the end.  In cases
                          ' where a title may be shortened, list the longer version first.  For example, list Senator before Sen.
                          Titles = "Dr|Doctor|Mrs|Ms|Miss|Mr|Mister|Master|Reverend|Rev|Right Reverend|Right Rev|Most Reverend|" & _
                              "Most Rev|Honorable|Honourable|Hon|Monsignor|Msgr|Father|Fr|Bishop|Sister|Sr|Mother Superior|Mother|" & _
                              "Senator|Sen|President|Pres|Vice President|V\.? ?P|Secretary|Sec|General|Gen|Lieutenant General|Lt\.? ?Gen|" & _
                              "Major General|Maj\.? ?Gen|Brigadier General|Brig\.? ?Gen|Colonel|Col|Lieutenant Colonel|Lt\.? ?Col|Major|" & _
                          ' Populate master suffix list.  This can be expanded according to your needs.  There is no need to include a
                          ' trailing period here, as the Pattern string built later on includes an optional period at the end.  In cases
                          ' where a title may be shortened, list the longer version first.  For example, list Esquire before Esq.  Also,
                          ' list III before II, and II before I
                          Suffixes = "M\.? ?D|Ph\.? ?D|Esquire|Esq\.?|J\.? ?D|D\.? ?D|Jr|Sr|III|II|I|IV|X|IX|VIII|VII|VI|V|M\.? ?P|" & _
                              "M\.? ?S\.? ?W|C\.? P\.? ?A|P\.? M\.? ?P|L\.? ?P\.? ?N|R\.? ?N|A\.? ?S\.? ?E|U\.? ?S\.? ?N|" & _
                              "U\.? ?S\.? ?M\.? ?C|R\.? ?G\.? ?C\.? ?E|P\.? ?M\.? ?P|P\.? ?E|M\.? ?O\.? ?S|M\.? ?C\.? ?T\.? ?S|" & _
                              "M\.? ?C\.? ?T|M\.? ?C\.? ?S\.? ?E|M\.? ?C\.? ?S\.? ?D\.? ?|M\.? ?C\.? ?S\.? ?A|M\.? ?C\.? ?P\.? ?D|" & _
                              "M\.? ?C\.? ?M|M\.? ?C\.? ?L\.? ?T|M\.? ?C\.? ?I\.? ?T\.? ?P|M\.? ?C\.? ?D\.? ?S\.? ?T|" & _
                              "M\.? ?C\.? ?D\.? ?B\.? ?A|M\.? ?C\.? ?B\.? ?M\.? ?S\.? ?S|M\.? ?C\.? ?B\.? ?M\.? ?S\.? ?P|" & _
                              "M\.? ?C\.? ?A\.? ?S|M\.? ?C\.? ?A\.? ?D|M\.? ?C\.? ?A|I\.? ?T\.? ?I\.? ?L|C\.? ?R\.? ?P|C\.? ?N\.? ?E|" & _
                              "C\.? ?N\.? ?A|C\.? ?I\.? ?S\.? ?S\.? ?P|C\.? ?C\.? ?V\.? ?P|C\.? ?C\.? ?S\.? ?P|C\.? ?C\.? ?N\.? ?P|" & _
                              "C\.? ?C\.? ?I\.? ?E|C\.? ?A\.? ?P\.? ?M|S\.? ?J|O\.? ?F\.? ?M|C\.? ?N\.? ?D|M\.? ?B\.? ?A|M\.? ?S"
                          If ListType = "Titles" Then
                              GenerateLists = Titles
                              GenerateLists = Suffixes
                          End If
                      End Function

Open in new window

GetNamePart takes four arguments:
NameStr is the full name to be parsed.  Its assumed structure (i.e., name order) is determined by the FirstMiddleLast argument
NamePart indicates the portion of the name you want returned
UseMiddle indicates whether or not a middle name might be present in the NameStr.  If True or omitted, the function assumes that a middle name might be there.  If False, it assumes there is never a middle name
FirstMiddleLast indicates the order of the name parts.  If True or omitted, the function assumes: <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>.  If False, the function assumes: <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>

Valid values for the NamePart argument are as follows, and are not case sensitive:
Title: "TITLE", "HONORIFIC", "T", "H", "1"
First: "FIRST NAME", "FIRSTNAME", "FNAME", "F NAME", "FIRST", "F", "FN", "F N", "2"
Middle: "MIDDLE NAME", "MIDDLENAME", "MNAME", "M NAME", "MIDDLE", "M", "MN", "M N", "3"
Last: "LAST NAME", "LASTNAME", "LNAME", "L NAME", "LAST", "L", "LN", "L N", "SURNAME", "4"
Suffix: "SUFFIX", "S", "5"

GetAllNameParts takes three arguments:
NameStr is the full name to be parsed.  Its assumed structure (i.e., name order) is determined by the FirstMiddleLast argument
UseMiddle indicates whether or not a middle name might be present in the NameStr.  If True or omitted, the function assumes that a middle name might be there.  If False, it assumes there is never a middle name
FirstMiddleLast indicates the order of the name parts.  If True or omitted, the function assumes: <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>.  If False, the function assumes: <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>

Please note the following (both functions):
Name parts may be hyphenated or abbreviated.  In the case of titles and suffixes, make sure that the abbreviated forms are included in the code
The function has a pre-built list of Titles, which you can modify to fit your needs.  The Titles string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to follow proper RegExp Pattern syntax
The function will recognize compound titles, as long as they are delimited by spaces
The function has a pre-built list of Suffixes, which you can modify to fit your needs.  The Suffixes string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to follow proper RegExp Pattern syntax
The function will recognize compound suffixes, as long as they are delimited by commas and/or spaces
Both functions rely on a third, private function included in the source code above, GenerateLists, to create the master title and suffix lists.  If you need to modify your master lists, make the changes there

If you are using True (or omitting) for FirstMiddleLast:
It is always assumed that the first name has a single "word"
It is always assumed that the middle name, if present, has a single "word"
After the function has identfied the title, first name, middle name, and suffix, it assumes that whatever is left must be the surname/last name
Thus, this function will process compound first/middle names incorrectly

If you are using False for FirstMiddleLast:
It is always assumed that the last comma in NameStr delimits the <Surname><Suffix> block from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block
Whatever is left in the <Surname><Suffix> block after the suffix has been removed is assumed to be the last name
After the Title is removed from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block, if there is only one "word", it is the first name.  If there are 2+ "words" and UseMiddle = True or omitted, then the last word is the middle name, and the rest is the first name
Thus, this function will process compound middle names incorrectly, and may erroneously think a compound first name is a first name and a middle name

Special note: the master lists for titles and suffixes can get quite long, and thus some users may want to explore the possibility of storing these items in an external text file, a database table, or some other data management structure/service.  Such an improvement is beyond the scope of this article, however.

5. Implementing GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts in Your VB6/VBA Project

To implement the GetNamePart function in your projects for VB6 or VBA (using Excel, Access, or any other program that uses VBA) application, please do the following:
Go to the Visual Basic Editor
Add a new "regular" module to your project (not a class module!)
Paste the code for GetNamePart, GetAllNameParts, and GenerateLists into that module
Update the title and/or suffix lists in the code if needed to support your specific data sets
Start using GetNamePart and/or GetAllNameParts in your code procedures, formulas, queries, and/or forms project

Please note that, due to the difficulties in dealing with compound names, you should always spot check the results of the function.

For example, consider the names below, with compound name parts marked by (*):

First            Middle            Last
                      Anne Marie (*)   Thomason          Miller
                      John             Ronald Reuel (*)  Tolkien
                      John             R.R.         (*)  Tolkien
                      John             R. R.        (*)  Tolkien
                      Oscar                              de la Renta (*)
                      Jill                               St. John    (*)

Open in new window

GetNamePart will struggle with those names, as seen in the results below:

 Name Part Compound
In both sample files, in addition to parsing out the various name parts, I also have a "Check" column that uses a simple test to see whether a particular record might be troublesome.  For this test, I simply looked for records in which the middle name is found, or for which the extracted last name includes a space, as either condition can signal a compound name that should be verified by a human.  I strongly recommend that you do something similar when using this function.

Despite the power and flexibility offered by GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts, you should always assume that the results will have to be audited by a person familiar with the data set and what it will be used for.  Therefore, you should always retain a copy of the original data set to aid in the auditing process.

6. Further Reading

The GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts functions included in this article and in the sample files rely heavily on Regular Expressions to extract the name parts.  Please see this article for more information on using Regular Expressions in VB6 and VBA.

This article by Excel MVP Chip Pearson includes a user defined function to parse names, but it is not quite as flexible as the GetNamePart and GetAllNameParts functions provided in this article.  That same page also includes some more Excel formulas for parsing names.

7. Sample Files

For a demonstration of parsing names using the GetNamePart function, please download the sample files included here:
Parse Names Demo.mdb

Each file includes examples of parsing names in both the First Middle Last and Last, First Middle structures.



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Patrick Matthews

Comments (5)

tigermattStaff Platform Engineer
Most Valuable Expert 2011


Great article. Thanks! Voted "Yes" above.


What an outstanding article.  I've struggled with these issues ever since the Radio Shack TRS-80 days.  It's wonderful to have a reference that pulls it all together.  This article has got to be one of the best, if not the best resource, on the subject.  Got my Yes vote above.
Top Expert 2010



I recently came across a situation where last names ending in "i" were being misinterpreted as a "I" (the first) suffix.  A small tweak to the RegExp patterns appears to fix it.

The code below implements the fix, and in addition to that I have added the academic degrees MBA and MS to the suffix list.

Cheers,  Patrick
Option Explicit

Function GetNamePart(NameStr As String, NamePart As String, Optional UseMiddle As Boolean = True, _
    Optional FirstMiddleLast As Boolean = True)
    ' Function by Patrick Matthews
    ' This code may be freely used or distributed so long as you acknowledge authorship and cite the URL
    ' where you found it
    ' This function relies on Regular Expressions.  For more information on RegExp, please see:
    ' This function parses a name string, and depending on the arguments passed to it it returns a
    ' title, first name, middle name, surname, or suffix.
    ' This function can be used in any VBA or VB6 project.  It can also be used directly in Excel worksheet
    ' formulae and in Access queries
    ' The function takes the following arguments:
    ' 1) NameStr is the full name to be parsed.  Its assumed structure is determined by the FirstMiddleLast
    '       argument
    ' 2) NamePart indicates the portion of the name you want returned.  Valid values (NOT case sensitive):
    '       Title: "TITLE", "HONORIFIC", "T", "H", "1"
    '       First: "FIRST NAME", "FIRSTNAME", "FNAME", "F NAME", "FIRST", "F", "FN", "F N", "2"
    '       Middle: "MIDDLE NAME", "MIDDLENAME", "MNAME", "M NAME", "MIDDLE", "M", "MN", "M N", "3"
    '       Last: "LAST NAME", "LASTNAME", "LNAME", "L NAME", "LAST", "L", "LN", "L N", "SURNAME", "4"
    '       Suffix: "SUFFIX", "5"
    ' 3) UseMiddle indicates whether or not a middle name *might* be present in the NameStr.  If True or
    '       omitted, the function assumes that a middle name *might* be there.  If False, it assumes there
    '       is never a middle name
    ' 4) FirstMiddleLast indicates the order of the name parts.  If True or omitted, the function assumes:
    '       <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>
    '       If False, the function assumes:
    '       <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
    ' Notes:
    ' 1) The function has a prebuilt list of Titles (see GenerateLists function below), which you can modify to
    '       fit your needs.  The Titles string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to follow
    '       proper RegExp Pattern syntax
    ' 2) The function will recognize compound titles, as long as they are delimited by spaces
    ' 3) The function has a prebuilt list of Suffixes (see GenerateLists function below), which you can modify to
    '       fit your needs.  The Suffixes string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to
    '       follow proper RegExp Pattern syntax
    ' 4) The function will recognize compound suffixes, as long as they are delimited by commas and/or spaces
    ' 5) If you are using True (or omitting) for FirstMiddleLast:
    '       a) It is always assumed that the first name has a single "word"
    '       b) It is always assumed that the middle name, if present, has a single "word"
    '       c) After the function has identfied the title, first name, middle name, and suffix, it assumes that
    '           whatever is left must be the surname/last name
    '       d) Thus, this function will process compound first/middle names incorrectly
    ' 6) If you are using False for FirstMiddleLast:
    '       a) It is always assumed that the last comma in NameStr delimits the <Surname><Suffix> block
    '           from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block
    '       b) Whatever is left in the <Surname><Suffix> block after the suffix has been removed is assumed
    '           to be the last name
    '       c) After the Title is removed from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block, if there is only
    '           one "word", it is the first name.  If there are 2+ "words" and UseMiddle = True or omitted,
    '           then the last word is the middle name, and the rest is the first name
    '       d) Thus, this function will process compound middle names incorrectly, and may erroneously think
    '           a compound first name is a first name and a middle name
    Dim Title As String
    Dim FName As String
    Dim MName As String
    Dim LName As String
    Dim Suffix As String
    Dim RegXReturn As Object
    Dim NameArr As Variant
    Dim Counter As Long
    Dim StartsAt As Long
    Dim TitleLen As Long
    Dim LastComma As Long
    Dim Part1 As String
    Dim Part2 As String
    Static Titles As String
    Static Suffixes As String
    Static RegX As Object 'holding as a Static variable to improve performance
    If Trim(NameStr) = "" Or Trim(NamePart) = "" Then
        GetNamePart = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    If Titles = "" Then Titles = GenerateLists("Titles")
    If Suffixes = "" Then Suffixes = GenerateLists("Suffixes")
    ' remove leading and trailing spaces
    NameStr = Trim(NameStr)
    ' instantiate RegExp if needed (static variable, so it will remain in between calls)
    If RegX Is Nothing Then
        Set RegX = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        With RegX
            .IgnoreCase = True  ' case insensitive
            .Global = True      ' finds all matches, not just first match
        End With
    End If
    ' Determine structure of NameStr
    If FirstMiddleLast Then
        ' NameStr is structured <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>
        ' Set Pattern to look for titles at beginning of NameStr
        RegX.Pattern = "^(" & Titles & ")\.? +"
        ' Look for titles.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Rev. Mr. Arthur Dimmesdale"
            Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Mid(NameStr, TitleLen + 1))
            If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                TitleLen = TitleLen + Len(RegXReturn(0))
                Exit Do
            End If
        ' Get Title
        Title = Trim(Left(NameStr, TitleLen))
        ' Adjust NameStr
        NameStr = Mid(NameStr, TitleLen + 1)
        ' Look for suffixes.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Alfred E. Neumann, PhD, Esq."
        ' StartsAt indicates where the suffix(es) start in the NameStr.  Initialize to -1, indicating no suffix
        StartsAt = -1
        ' Set Pattern to look for suffix at end of NameStr
        RegX.Pattern = "(, *| +)(" & Suffixes & ")\.?$"
        ' Evaluate the NameStr.  As long as a suffix is found in the portion evaluated, reset the StartsAt variable.
        ' When no more suffixes are found, terminate the loop
            Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Left(NameStr, IIf(StartsAt > -1, StartsAt, Len(NameStr))))
            If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                StartsAt = RegXReturn(0).FirstIndex     ' Recall that FirstIndex starts at position zero, not 1 !!!
                Exit Do
            End If
        ' If a suffix is found, then grab the entire suffix
        If StartsAt > -1 Then
            Suffix = Mid(NameStr, StartsAt + 1)
            ' remove comma if applicable
            If Left(Suffix, 1) = "," Then Suffix = Mid(Suffix, 2)
            ' remove possible leading space
            Suffix = Trim(Suffix)
            ' adjust NameStr to remove suffixes
            NameStr = Left(NameStr, StartsAt)
        End If
        ' Ensure we have space delimiters for remaining NameStr
        NameStr = Replace(NameStr, ".", ". ")
        ' Remove extraneous spaces
        RegX.Pattern = " {2,}"
        NameStr = Trim(RegX.Replace(NameStr, " "))
        ' Create zero-based array with remaining "words" in the name
        NameArr = Split(NameStr, " ")
        ' First name is always assumed to be in position zero
        FName = NameArr(0)
        ' Depending on how many "words" are left and whether middle name is assumed to possibly be there
        ' (UseMiddle argument), grab middle/last names
        Select Case UBound(NameArr)
            Case 0
                'no middle or last names
            Case 1
                ' first name and last name
                LName = NameArr(1)
            Case Else
                ' potentially first, middle, and last names are present
                If UseMiddle Then
                    ' position 1 is assumed to be middle name, and positions 2 to N the last name
                    MName = NameArr(1)
                    ' remaining "words" are for last name
                    For Counter = 2 To UBound(NameArr)
                        LName = LName & " " & NameArr(Counter)
                    ' drop leading space
                    LName = Trim(LName)
                    ' assume no middle name, and all remaining words are for the last name
                    For Counter = 1 To UBound(NameArr)
                        LName = LName & " " & NameArr(Counter)
                    ' drop leading space
                    LName = Trim(LName)
                End If
        End Select
        ' NameStr is structured <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
        ' Find position of last comma
        LastComma = InStrRev(NameStr, ",")
        If LastComma > 0 Then
            ' Part1 will be <Surname> <Suffix (optional)> block;
            ' Part2 is <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
            Part1 = Trim(Left(NameStr, LastComma - 1))
            Part2 = Trim(Mid(NameStr, LastComma + 1))
            ' Look for suffixes.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Neumann, PhD, Esq., Alfred E."
            ' StartsAt indicates where the suffix(es) start in Part1.  Initialize to -1, indicating no suffix
            StartsAt = -1
            ' Set Pattern to look for suffix at end of Part1
            RegX.Pattern = "(, *| +)(" & Suffixes & ")\.?$"
            ' Evaluate Part1.  As long as a suffix is found in the portion evaluated, reset the StartsAt variable.
            ' When no more suffixes are found, terminate the loop
                Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Left(Part1, IIf(StartsAt > -1, StartsAt, Len(Part1))))
                If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                    StartsAt = RegXReturn(0).FirstIndex     ' Recall that FirstIndex starts at position zero, not 1 !!!
                    Exit Do
                End If
            ' If a suffix is found, then grab the entire suffix
            If StartsAt > -1 Then
                Suffix = Mid(Part1, StartsAt + 1)
                ' remove comma if applicable
                If Left(Suffix, 1) = "," Then Suffix = Mid(Suffix, 2)
                ' remove possible leading space
                Suffix = Trim(Suffix)
                ' adjust Part1 to remove suffixes
                Part1 = Left(Part1, StartsAt)
            End If
            LName = Trim(Part1)
            ' Set Pattern to look for titles at beginning of Part2
            RegX.Pattern = "^(" & Titles & ")\.? +"
            ' Look for titles.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Dimmesdale, Rev. Mr. Arthur"
                Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Mid(Part2, TitleLen + 1))
                If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                    TitleLen = TitleLen + Len(RegXReturn(0))
                    Exit Do
                End If
            ' Get Title
            Title = Trim(Left(Part2, TitleLen))
            ' Adjust Part2
            Part2 = Mid(Part2, TitleLen + 1)
            ' Ensure we have space delimiters for remaining Part2
            Part2 = Replace(Part2, ".", ". ")
            ' Remove extraneous spaces
            RegX.Pattern = " {2,}"
            Part2 = Trim(RegX.Replace(Part2, " "))
            ' Grab first/middle names from Part2
            If UseMiddle And InStr(1, Part2, " ") > 0 Then
                MName = Mid(Part2, InStrRev(Part2, " ") + 1)
                FName = Left(Part2, InStrRev(Part2, " ") - 1)
                FName = Part2
            End If
        End If
    End If
    ' determine function's return value
    Select Case UCase(NamePart)
        Case "TITLE", "HONORIFIC", "T", "H", "1"
            GetNamePart = Title
        Case "FIRST NAME", "FIRSTNAME", "FNAME", "F NAME", "FIRST", "F", "FN", "F N", "2"
            GetNamePart = FName
        Case "MIDDLE NAME", "MIDDLENAME", "MNAME", "M NAME", "MIDDLE", "M", "MN", "M N", "3"
            GetNamePart = MName
        Case "LAST NAME", "LASTNAME", "LNAME", "L NAME", "LAST", "L", "LN", "L N", "SURNAME", "4"
            GetNamePart = LName
        Case "SUFFIX", "S", "5"
            GetNamePart = Suffix
        Case Else
            GetNamePart = ""
    End Select
    ' destroy object variable
    Set RegXReturn = Nothing
End Function

Function GetAllNameParts(NameStr As String, Optional UseMiddle As Boolean = True, _
    Optional FirstMiddleLast As Boolean = True)
    ' Function by Patrick Matthews
    ' This code may be freely used or distributed so long as you acknowledge authorship and cite the URL
    ' where you found it
    ' This function relies on Regular Expressions.  For more information on RegExp, please see:
    ' This function parses a name string, and returns a Dictionary object (Microsoft Scripting Runtime) with
    ' keys corresponding to title, first name, middle name, surname, and suffix.  If a name part is missing from the
    ' full name, the Dictionary item associated with that key is a zero-length string.  The keys are:
    ' Title, First, Middle, Last, and Suffix (not case sensitive)
    ' This function can be used in any VBA or VB6 project.  However, it cannot be used directly in an Excel
    ' worksheet formula or an Access query
    ' The function takes the following arguments:
    ' 1) NameStr is the full name to be parsed.  Its assumed structure is determined by the FirstMiddleLast
    '       argument
    ' 2) UseMiddle indicates whether or not a middle name *might* be present in the NameStr.  If True or
    '       omitted, the function assumes that a middle name *might* be there.  If False, it assumes there
    '       is never a middle name
    ' 3) FirstMiddleLast indicates the order of the name parts.  If True or omitted, the function assumes:
    '       <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>
    '       If False, the function assumes:
    '       <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
    ' Notes:
    ' 1) The function has a prebuilt list of Titles (see GenerateLists function below), which you can modify to
    '       fit your needs.  The Titles string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to follow
    '       proper RegExp Pattern syntax
    ' 2) The function will recognize compound titles, as long as they are delimited by spaces
    ' 3) The function has a prebuilt list of Suffixes (see GenerateLists function below), which you can modify to
    '       fit your needs.  The Suffixes string will be embedded in a RegExp Pattern string, so be sure to
    '       follow proper RegExp Pattern syntax
    ' 4) The function will recognize compound suffixes, as long as they are delimited by commas and/or spaces
    ' 5) If you are using True (or omitting) for FirstMiddleLast:
    '       a) It is always assumed that the first name has a single "word"
    '       b) It is always assumed that the middle name, if present, has a single "word"
    '       c) After the function has identfied the title, first name, middle name, and suffix, it assumes that
    '           whatever is left must be the surname/last name
    '       d) Thus, this function will process compound first/middle names incorrectly
    ' 6) If you are using False for FirstMiddleLast:
    '       a) It is always assumed that the last comma in NameStr delimits the <Surname><Suffix> block
    '           from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block
    '       b) Whatever is left in the <Surname><Suffix> block after the suffix has been removed is assumed
    '           to be the last name
    '       c) After the Title is removed from the <Title><First name><Middle name> block, if there is only
    '           one "word", it is the first name.  If there are 2+ "words" and UseMiddle = True or omitted,
    '           then the last word is the middle name, and the rest is the first name
    '       d) Thus, this function will process compound middle names incorrectly, and may erroneously think
    '           a compound first name is a first name and a middle name
    Dim Title As String
    Dim FName As String
    Dim MName As String
    Dim LName As String
    Dim Suffix As String
    Dim RegXReturn As Object
    Dim NameArr As Variant
    Dim Counter As Long
    Dim StartsAt As Long
    Dim TitleLen As Long
    Dim LastComma As Long
    Dim Part1 As String
    Dim Part2 As String
    Dim dic As Object
    Static Titles As String
    Static Suffixes As String
    Static RegX As Object 'holding as a Static variable to improve performance
    If Titles = "" Then Titles = GenerateLists("Titles")
    If Suffixes = "" Then Suffixes = GenerateLists("Suffixes")
    Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    With dic
        .CompareMode = 1
        .Add "Title", ""
        .Add "First", ""
        .Add "Middle", ""
        .Add "Last", ""
        .Add "Suffix", ""
    End With
    If Trim(NameStr) = "" Then
        Set GetAllNameParts = dic
        Set dic = Nothing
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' remove leading and trailing spaces
    NameStr = Trim(NameStr)
    ' instantiate RegExp if needed (static variable, so it will remain in between calls)
    If RegX Is Nothing Then
        Set RegX = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        With RegX
            .IgnoreCase = True  ' case insensitive
            .Global = True      ' finds all matches, not just first match
        End With
    End If
    ' Determine structure of NameStr
    If FirstMiddleLast Then
        ' NameStr is structured <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)> <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>
        ' Set Pattern to look for titles at beginning of NameStr
        RegX.Pattern = "^(" & Titles & ")\.? +"
        ' Look for titles.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Rev. Mr. Arthur Dimmesdale"
            Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Mid(NameStr, TitleLen + 1))
            If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                TitleLen = TitleLen + Len(RegXReturn(0))
                Exit Do
            End If
        ' Get Title
        Title = Trim(Left(NameStr, TitleLen))
        ' Adjust NameStr
        NameStr = Mid(NameStr, TitleLen + 1)
        ' Look for suffixes.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Alfred E. Neumann, PhD, Esq."
        ' StartsAt indicates where the suffix(es) start in the NameStr.  Initialize to -1, indicating no suffix
        StartsAt = -1
        ' Set Pattern to look for suffix at end of NameStr
        RegX.Pattern = "(, *| +)(" & Suffixes & ")\.?$"
        ' Evaluate the NameStr.  As long as a suffix is found in the portion evaluated, reset the StartsAt variable.
        ' When no more suffixes are found, terminate the loop
            Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Left(NameStr, IIf(StartsAt > -1, StartsAt, Len(NameStr))))
            If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                StartsAt = RegXReturn(0).FirstIndex     ' Recall that FirstIndex starts at position zero, not 1 !!!
                Exit Do
            End If
        ' If a suffix is found, then grab the entire suffix
        If StartsAt > -1 Then
            Suffix = Mid(NameStr, StartsAt + 1)
            ' remove comma if applicable
            If Left(Suffix, 1) = "," Then Suffix = Mid(Suffix, 2)
            ' remove possible leading space
            Suffix = Trim(Suffix)
            ' adjust NameStr to remove suffixes
            NameStr = Left(NameStr, StartsAt)
        End If
        ' Ensure we have space delimiters for remaining NameStr
        NameStr = Replace(NameStr, ".", ". ")
        ' Remove extraneous spaces
        RegX.Pattern = " {2,}"
        NameStr = Trim(RegX.Replace(NameStr, " "))
        ' Create zero-based array with remaining "words" in the name
        NameArr = Split(NameStr, " ")
        ' First name is always assumed to be in position zero
        FName = NameArr(0)
        ' Depending on how many "words" are left and whether middle name is assumed to possibly be there
        ' (UseMiddle argument), grab middle/last names
        Select Case UBound(NameArr)
            Case 0
                'no middle or last names
            Case 1
                ' first name and last name
                LName = NameArr(1)
            Case Else
                ' potentially first, middle, and last names are present
                If UseMiddle Then
                    ' position 1 is assumed to be middle name, and positions 2 to N the last name
                    MName = NameArr(1)
                    ' remaining "words" are for last name
                    For Counter = 2 To UBound(NameArr)
                        LName = LName & " " & NameArr(Counter)
                    ' drop leading space
                    LName = Trim(LName)
                    ' assume no middle name, and all remaining words are for the last name
                    For Counter = 1 To UBound(NameArr)
                        LName = LName & " " & NameArr(Counter)
                    ' drop leading space
                    LName = Trim(LName)
                End If
        End Select
        ' NameStr is structured <Surname> <Suffix (optional)>, <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
        ' Find position of last comma
        LastComma = InStrRev(NameStr, ",")
        If LastComma > 0 Then
            ' Part1 will be <Surname> <Suffix (optional)> block;
            ' Part2 is <Title (optional)> <First name> <Middle Name (optional)>
            Part1 = Trim(Left(NameStr, LastComma - 1))
            Part2 = Trim(Mid(NameStr, LastComma + 1))
            ' Look for suffixes.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Neumann, PhD, Esq., Alfred E."
            ' StartsAt indicates where the suffix(es) start in Part1.  Initialize to -1, indicating no suffix
            StartsAt = -1
            ' Set Pattern to look for suffix at end of Part1
            RegX.Pattern = "(, *| +)(" & Suffixes & ")\.?$"
            ' Evaluate Part1.  As long as a suffix is found in the portion evaluated, reset the StartsAt variable.
            ' When no more suffixes are found, terminate the loop
                Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Left(Part1, IIf(StartsAt > -1, StartsAt, Len(Part1))))
                If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                    StartsAt = RegXReturn(0).FirstIndex     ' Recall that FirstIndex starts at position zero, not 1 !!!
                    Exit Do
                End If
            ' If a suffix is found, then grab the entire suffix
            If StartsAt > -1 Then
                Suffix = Mid(Part1, StartsAt + 1)
                ' remove comma if applicable
                If Left(Suffix, 1) = "," Then Suffix = Mid(Suffix, 2)
                ' remove possible leading space
                Suffix = Trim(Suffix)
                ' adjust Part1 to remove suffixes
                Part1 = Left(Part1, StartsAt)
            End If
            LName = Trim(Part1)
            ' Set Pattern to look for titles at beginning of Part2
            RegX.Pattern = "^(" & Titles & ")\.? +"
            ' Look for titles.  Use Do...Loop to allow for compound suffixes, as in "Dimmesdale, Rev. Mr. Arthur"
                Set RegXReturn = RegX.Execute(Mid(Part2, TitleLen + 1))
                If RegXReturn.Count > 0 Then
                    TitleLen = TitleLen + Len(RegXReturn(0))
                    Exit Do
                End If
            ' Get Title
            Title = Trim(Left(Part2, TitleLen))
            ' Adjust Part2
            Part2 = Mid(Part2, TitleLen + 1)
            ' Ensure we have space delimiters for remaining Part2
            Part2 = Replace(Part2, ".", ". ")
            ' Remove extraneous spaces
            RegX.Pattern = " {2,}"
            Part2 = Trim(RegX.Replace(Part2, " "))
            ' Grab first/middle names from Part2
            If UseMiddle And InStr(1, Part2, " ") > 0 Then
                MName = Mid(Part2, InStrRev(Part2, " ") + 1)
                FName = Left(Part2, InStrRev(Part2, " ") - 1)
                FName = Part2
            End If
        End If
    End If
    ' determine function's return value
    With dic
        .Item("Title") = Title
        .Item("First") = FName
        .Item("Middle") = MName
        .Item("Last") = LName
        .Item("Suffix") = Suffix
    End With
    Set GetAllNameParts = dic
    ' destroy object variable
    Set RegXReturn = Nothing
    Set dic = Nothing
End Function
Private Function GenerateLists(ListType As String)
    Dim Titles As String
    Dim Suffixes As String
    ' In creating the master title and suffix lists, keep in mind that the strings will be passed in as part of a
    ' RegExp pattern, and so typical syntax rules for the VBScript implementation of RegExp will apply for things
    ' such as optional characters and escaping reserved characters.  For example:
    '           M\.? ?D
    ' matches M, then zero or one period, then zero or one space, then D.  Use the pipe character to delimit your
    ' entries
    ' If the lists get too long to keep using line continuators, then simply break them up into separate expressions:
    ' Titles = 'Dr|Doctor|Mrs|Ms|Miss|Mr|Mister|Master|'
    ' Titles = Titles & "Reverend|Rev|Right Reverend|Right Rev|Most Reverend|
    ' Titles = Titles & "Most Rev|Honorable|Honourable"
    ' Populate master title list.  This can be expanded according to your needs.  There is no need to include a
    ' trailing period here, as the Pattern string built later on includes an optional period at the end.  In cases
    ' where a title may be shortened, list the longer version first.  For example, list Senator before Sen.
    Titles = "Dr|Doctor|Mrs|Ms|Miss|Mr|Mister|Master|Reverend|Rev|Right Reverend|Right Rev|Most Reverend|" & _
        "Most Rev|Honorable|Honourable|Hon|Monsignor|Msgr|Father|Fr|Bishop|Sister|Sr|Mother Superior|Mother|" & _
        "Senator|Sen|President|Pres|Vice President|V\.? ?P|Secretary|Sec|General|Gen|Lieutenant General|Lt\.? ?Gen|" & _
        "Major General|Maj\.? ?Gen|Brigadier General|Brig\.? ?Gen|Colonel|Col|Lieutenant Colonel|Lt\.? ?Col|Major|" & _
    ' Populate master suffix list.  This can be expanded according to your needs.  There is no need to include a
    ' trailing period here, as the Pattern string built later on includes an optional period at the end.  In cases
    ' where a title may be shortened, list the longer version first.  For example, list Esquire before Esq.  Also,
    ' list III before II, and II before I
    Suffixes = "M\.? ?D|Ph\.? ?D|Esquire|Esq\.?|J\.? ?D|D\.? ?D|Jr|Sr|III|II|I|IV|X|IX|VIII|VII|VI|V|M\.? ?P|" & _
        "M\.? ?S\.? ?W|C\.? P\.? ?A|P\.? M\.? ?P|L\.? ?P\.? ?N|R\.? ?N|A\.? ?S\.? ?E|U\.? ?S\.? ?N|" & _
        "U\.? ?S\.? ?M\.? ?C|R\.? ?G\.? ?C\.? ?E|P\.? ?M\.? ?P|P\.? ?E|M\.? ?O\.? ?S|M\.? ?C\.? ?T\.? ?S|" & _
        "M\.? ?C\.? ?T|M\.? ?C\.? ?S\.? ?E|M\.? ?C\.? ?S\.? ?D\.? ?|M\.? ?C\.? ?S\.? ?A|M\.? ?C\.? ?P\.? ?D|" & _
        "M\.? ?C\.? ?M|M\.? ?C\.? ?L\.? ?T|M\.? ?C\.? ?I\.? ?T\.? ?P|M\.? ?C\.? ?D\.? ?S\.? ?T|" & _
        "M\.? ?C\.? ?D\.? ?B\.? ?A|M\.? ?C\.? ?B\.? ?M\.? ?S\.? ?S|M\.? ?C\.? ?B\.? ?M\.? ?S\.? ?P|" & _
        "M\.? ?C\.? ?A\.? ?S|M\.? ?C\.? ?A\.? ?D|M\.? ?C\.? ?A|I\.? ?T\.? ?I\.? ?L|C\.? ?R\.? ?P|C\.? ?N\.? ?E|" & _
        "C\.? ?N\.? ?A|C\.? ?I\.? ?S\.? ?S\.? ?P|C\.? ?C\.? ?V\.? ?P|C\.? ?C\.? ?S\.? ?P|C\.? ?C\.? ?N\.? ?P|" & _
        "C\.? ?C\.? ?I\.? ?E|C\.? ?A\.? ?P\.? ?M|S\.? ?J|O\.? ?F\.? ?M|C\.? ?N\.? ?D|M\.? ?B\.? ?A|M\.? ?S"
    If ListType = "Titles" Then
        GenerateLists = Titles
        GenerateLists = Suffixes
    End If
End Function

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Great code! Thanks.

Please note, I encountered the following bug in the code when running on my system (Access 2010):

debug.print GetNamePart(FNLN$, "Last") & GetNamePart(FNLN$, "Suffix") & "/" & GetNamePart(FNLN$, "First") & " " & GetNamePart(FNLN$, "Middle")

produces: BROOKS/JUAN A  (without the JR)

I didn't trace the code, but on my system, calling the function with "Last" removes the suffix from FNLN$.  I solved the problem by adding BYVAL to the declaration as follows:

ByVal NameStr As String

This removes the possibility of any inadvertent changes to NameStr.

Top Expert 2010



Thank you for your comment.  I tried but could not reproduce your result.  I did notice one problem with your expression:

debug.print GetNamePart(FNLN$, "Last") & GetNamePart(FNLN$, "Suffix") & "/" & GetNamePart(FNLN$, "First") & " " & GetNamePart(FNLN$, "Middle")

Open in new window

You have no separator between the surname and suffix in that expression.


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