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Amanda WatsonFlag for Australia

asked on

Help with customising the search feature

Hi ,
On this site here

There is a search feature and if you add % into the keywords you get a full listing of the events.

I was wondering if someone could help me make this % be the default in the search field so if nothing is added before hitting the search they will get a full listing instead of a 0 result?
Avatar of EMB01
Flag of United States of America image

This could easily be accomplished via PHP; however, I don't know how Joomla works but if you post some code, I can probably put the right PHP in to solve your problem.
Avatar of Amanda Watson


ok does this code help
I have another question open here that is the essentially the same request so I will post the code there too for that component...hopefully you can help there too?

Try as attached.  I just added a condition when the string gets initialized.

if ($searchString == "") {
$searchString = "%";
* @version $Id: axsearch.class.php 5391 2010-04-07 16:01:32Z Sigrid Suski $
* @package: Sigsiu Online Business Index 2
* ===================================================
* @author
* Name: Sigrid & Radek Suski, Sigsiu.NET GmbH
* Email: sobi[at]
* Url:
* ===================================================
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.
* @license see GNU/GPL.
* You can use, redistribute this file and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
// no direct access
defined( '_SOBI2_' ) || ( trigger_error("Restricted access", E_USER_ERROR) && exit() );

class sobiAxSearch {
	function search()
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database = $config->getDb();
		define("_SOBI_AJAX_SEARCH", true);
		header("Content-Type: application/x-javascript; "._ISO);
		$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search");
                if ($searchString == "") {
                $searchString = "%";
		$searchString = str_replace("%20", " ", $searchString);
		$searchString = $config->stringDecode( $searchString );
		$searchString = addslashes($searchString);
		$phrase = $config->key("search", "phrase_value", "any");
		$phrase = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "searchphrase", $phrase);
		$searching = false;
		$dataForFields = array();
		$pluginsOutput = null;
		$addToCount = 0;

		/* gettings the fields for search */
		$fields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		/* getting input from select boxes */
		$break = false;
		foreach( $fields as $field ) {
			$getField = sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, null );
			$getField = $config->stringDecode( $getField );
			$getFieldCookie =  $config->getSobiStr( str_replace( "\\", null, $getField ) );
			$getField = $config->clearSQLinjection($getField);
			setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[{$field->fieldname}]", $getFieldCookie, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ) , "/" );
			if( !empty( $getField ) && $getField != 'all' ) {
				$searching = true;
				$dataForFields += array( $field->fieldname => $getField );
				/* checkbox handling */
				if( $getField == '-1' ) {
   					$getField = 0;
   				if( !isset( $sIDs ) ) {
   					$sIDs = array();
   				$now = $config->getTimeAndDate();
				$ids = ( !empty($sIDs) ) ? implode( " , ", $sIDs ) : null;
				if ( $ids ) {
					$idTest = " AND item.itemid IN ({$ids}) ";
				else {
					$idTest = null;
				$query = "SELECT DISTINCT item.itemid " .
					"FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS sdata ON sobifields.fieldid = sdata.fieldid " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS snames ON snames.fieldid =  sobifields.fieldid " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS item ON sdata.itemid = item.itemid " .
					"WHERE (snames.langKey = '{$field->fieldname}' AND sdata.data_txt = '{$getField}') {$idTest}".
					" AND item.published = 1 AND (item.publish_down > '{$now}' OR item.publish_down = '{$config->nullDate}' )";

				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error( "axSearchSobi2: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING );
				if( is_array( $arr ) && empty( $arr ) ) {
					$sIDs = array();
					$break = true;
				elseif( !empty($sIDs) && is_array($arr)) {
					$sIDs = array_intersect($sIDs, $arr);
				elseif(is_array($arr)) {
					$sIDs = $arr;
				elseif(!is_array($arr) ) {
					$sIDs = array();
		/* search string handling */
		if( !$break && ( !empty( $searchString ) && trim( $searchString ) != trim( _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX ) && ( !isset( $sIDs ) || !empty($sIDs)))) {
			$searching = true;
			$searchString = $config->clearSQLinjection( trim( $searchString ) );
			switch ( $phrase ) {
				case 'exact':
					$words = $searchString;
   					$where = null;
   					$or = null;
   					if( $config->key( "search", "exact_rlike", true ) ) {
						$r = "R";
						$wcs = "[[:<:]]";
						$wce = "[[:>:]]";
						if( $words[0] == "&" ) {
							$words = substr( $words, 1 );
   					else {
   						$r = null;
						$wcs = "%";
						$wce = "%";
					if( $config->key( "search", "title", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "LOWER(title) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
   						$or = "OR";
   					if( $config->key( "search", "metakey", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "{$or} LOWER(metakey) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
   						$or = "OR";
   					if( $config->key( "search", "metadesc", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "{$or} LOWER(metadesc) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
				case 'all':
				case 'any':
					/* handling for data from checkbox group or select lists */
					$str = $searchString;
					$opt = explode( " ", $searchString );
					if( count( $opt ) ) {
						$options = array();
						foreach ( $opt as $o ) {
							$options[] = $config->getSobiStr( $o );
						$opt = implode( "','", $options );
						$query = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT `langKey` SEPARATOR ' ' ) FROM `#__sobi2_language` WHERE `langValue` IN('{$opt}') AND `sobi2Section` = 'field_opt'";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
						$opt = $database->loadResult();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
						if( $opt ) {
							$str .= " ".$opt;
					/* handling for data from checkbox group or select lists */
					$words = explode( ' ', $str );

					if( $phrase == 'all' ) {
						$where = implode( "%' AND {=|=} LIKE '%", $words );
						$words = implode( "%' AND LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%", $words );
					elseif ( $phrase == 'any' ) {
						$where = implode( "%' OR {=|=} LIKE '%", $words );
						$words = implode( "%' OR LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%", $words );
			if( $phrase == "exact" && $config->key( "search", "exact_rlike", true ) ) {
				$words = "LOWER(sdata.data_txt) RLIKE '[[:<:]]{$words}[[:>:]]'";
			} else {
				$words = "LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%{$words}%'";
   			 * now get the fields in there we have to looking for
			$query = "SELECT sobifields.fieldid  " .
					 "FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
					 "WHERE ((`in_search` = 1  OR `in_search` = 2 ) AND `enabled` = 1)";
		    $database->setQuery( $query );
			$fields = $database->loadResultArray();
			if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error( "DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING );
			if( is_array( $fields ) && !empty( $fields ) ) {
				$sIDs2 = array();
				foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` " .
		   			   		"FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sfield " .
		   					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS sdata ON sfield.fieldid = sdata.fieldid " .
		   					"WHERE (sfield.fieldid = '{$field}' AND ( {$words} ) )";
					$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
					if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
						trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		   			if( !empty( $arr ) ) {
						$sIDs2 = array_merge( $sIDs2, $arr );
			/* looking in the items table self */
			$title 		= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(title)", $where);
			$metakey 	= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(metakey)", $where);
			$metadesc 	= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(metadesc)", $where);

			$query_array = array();
			$title = $config->key( "search", "title", true ) ? "LOWER(title) LIKE '%{$title}%'" : null;
			$metakey = $config->key( "search", "metakey", true ) ? "LOWER(metakey) LIKE '%{$metakey}%'" : null;
			$metadesc = $config->key( "search", "metadesc", true )? "LOWER(metadesc) LIKE '%{$metadesc}%'" : null;

			if ($title)
				$query_array[] = $title;
			if ($metakey)
				$query_array[] = $metakey;
			if ($metadesc)
				$query_array[] = $metadesc;

			if (count($query_array)) {
				$query_array = implode(' OR ', $query_array);
				if( $phrase != 'exact' ) {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` FROM `#__sobi2_item` WHERE ($query_array)";
				else {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` FROM `#__sobi2_item` WHERE ({$where})";
				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
	   			if( !empty( $arr ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
					$sIDs2 = array_merge( $sIDs2, $arr );
		/* here we have all ids from select boxes and all ids from string search */
		/* no both results */
		if( isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
			$sIDs = array_intersect( $sIDs, $sIDs2 );
		else {
			/* didn't search in select boxes */
			if( !isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
				$sIDs = $sIDs2;
			else if( !isset( $sIDs ) ) {
				$sIDs = array();
		if( !isset( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
			$sIDs = array();
		$sIDs = array_unique( $sIDs );

		/* searching in categories */
		$cid = (int) sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, "sobiCid", 0 );
		setcookie("sobi2SearchCookie[cid]", $cid, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );

		if( !empty( $sIDs ) || !$searching ) {
			if( $cid && $cid != 0 ) {
				$searching = true;
				if( !is_array( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
					$itids = null;
				else {
					$ids = implode( " , ", $sIDs );
					$itids = "AND itemid IN ({$ids})";
				$cids = array();
				$config->getChildCats( $cid, $cids );
				$cids = implode( " , ", $cids );
				$query = "SELECT itemid FROM #__sobi2_cat_items_relations WHERE catid IN({$cids}) {$itids} ;";
				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$sIDs = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		/* getting plugins modifications */
		if( !empty( $sIDs ) || !$searching ) {
			if( !empty( $config->S2_plugins ) ) {
				foreach ( $config->S2_plugins as $plugin ) {
					if( method_exists( $plugin,"onAjaxSearchResult" ) ) {
						$plugin->onAjaxSearchResult( $sIDs, $dataForFields, $pluginsOutput, $addToCount );
		$total = count( $sIDs );

		if( $total ) {
			$whereId = implode( " , ", $sIDs );
			$now = $config->getTimeAndDate();
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(itemid) FROM `#__sobi2_item` " .
			 	 	 "WHERE ( itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) ";
			$database->setQuery( $query );
			if( $database->loadResult() ) {
				$total = $database->loadResult();
			else {
				$total = 0;
			if( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$totalStr = $total + $addToCount;
		$items = array();
		$page = 0;
		$pages = 0;
		$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
		if( $total ) {
			 * now we have all id's from items contains search strings
			$limit = $config->itemsInLine * $config->lineOnSite;
			$pages = ceil( $total/$limit );
			$limitstart = ( int ) sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, "SobiSearchPage", 0 );
			setcookie("sobi2SearchCookie[SobiSearchPage]", $limitstart, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/");

			if( $limitstart == -1 ) {
				$limitstart = $pages - 1;
			$page = $limitstart;
			$limitstart *= $limit;
			$limit = $config->itemsInLine * $config->lineOnSite;
			$limits = " LIMIT {$limitstart}, {$limit} ";

			if ($use_original_catid) { //ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
				$config->listingOrdering = str_replace( "itemid", 'relation.itemid', $config->listingOrdering );				
				$query = "SELECT DISTINCT relation.itemid, relation.catid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS relation " . 
						"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS items ON relation.itemid = items.itemid " . 
						"WHERE (`published` = '1' AND (relation.catid > 1) AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) AND items.itemid IN({$whereId}) ) " . 
						"GROUP BY items.itemid ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} {$limits}";
			else {
				$config->listingOrdering = str_replace( "relation.", null, $config->listingOrdering );
				$query = "SELECT itemid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_item` AS items " .
				 	 "WHERE ( items.itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) " .
					 "ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} {$limits}";
			$database->setQuery( $query );
			$items = $database->loadObjectList();

			if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
			//fuer den Fall dass einer einen Eintrag geloescht hat waehrend ein anderer in den Suchergebnissen navigiert
			if( !count( $items ) && $total ) {
				if ($use_original_catid) { //ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT relation.itemid, relation.catid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS relation " . 
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS items ON relation.itemid = items.itemid " . 
							"WHERE (`published` = '1' AND (relation.catid > 1) AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) AND items.itemid IN({$whereId}) ) " . 
							"GROUP BY items.itemid ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
				else {
					$query = "SELECT itemid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_item` AS items " .
					 	 "WHERE ( items.itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) " .
						 "ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
					$items = $database->loadObjectList();
					if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
						trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$searchString = str_replace( "\\", null, $searchString );
		if( $total ) {
			defined( '_PN_LT' ) || define('_PN_LT','&lt;');
			defined( '_PN_RT' ) || define('_PN_RT','&gt;');
			defined( '_PN_START' ) || define('_PN_START','Start');
			defined( '_PN_PREVIOUS' ) || define('_PN_PREVIOUS','Previous');
			defined( '_PN_NEXT' ) || define('_PN_NEXT','Next');
			defined( '_PN_END' ) || define('_PN_END','End');
		$searchString = $config->getSobiStr( $searchString );
		setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[sobi2Search]", $searchString, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );
		setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[searchphrase]", $phrase, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );
		$config->set( "searchResults", $items );
		HTML_SOBI::axSearchResults($searchString, $items, $total, $pluginsOutput, $pages, $page, $totalStr);
	function cleanAttributes($text)
		return (preg_replace("/((\w+)(\s*)=(\s*)[\"']?.*(\w+)(\s*)\(.*)/i", '--- Removed ---', $text ));
	function searchSobi( $catid = 0 )
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
    	$mainframe =& $config->getMainframe();
    	/* ursprungscode in axsearch.class.ori1.php */

    	$database =& $config->getDb();
		$sobi2Frontend =& $config->getFrontend();
    	$autoSearch = false;
		$cid = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobiCid", -9);
		$reset = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "reset", 0 );
		$cookieValues = array();
    	if( !$reset ) {
			$cookieValues = sobi2Config::request($_COOKIE, "sobi2SearchCookie", null);
	    	if($cookieValues) {
	    		foreach ($cookieValues as $k => $v) {
	    			$cookieValues[$k] = $v;
    	$selectedCats = array();
		if($cid < 0 && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("cid", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["cid"])) {
			$cid = (int) $cookieValues["cid"];
		if( $cid > 0 ) {
			$config->getParentCats($cid, $selectedCats);
			$selectedCats = array_reverse($selectedCats);
		$cid = ($cid > 0) ? $cid : 0;
		$autoSearch = $cid ? true : $autoSearch;

		array_unshift($selectedCats, 1);

		$page = (int) sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "SobiSearchPage", -9);

		if($page < 0 && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("SobiSearchPage", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["SobiSearchPage"])) {
			$page = (int) $cookieValues["SobiSearchPage"];
		else {
			$page = 0;

    	$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search", null);
		$searchString = str_replace("%20", " ", $searchString);
		$phrase = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, 'searchphrase', null);

		if(!$searchString && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("sobi2Search", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["sobi2Search"]) && trim($cookieValues["sobi2Search"]) != trim(_SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX)) {
			$searchString = stripslashes( $cookieValues["sobi2Search"] );
			$searchString = $config->getSobiStr( $searchString );

		if(!$phrase && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("searchphrase", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["searchphrase"])) {
			$phrase = $cookieValues["searchphrase"];
		if (!$phrase)
			$phrase = $config->key("search", "phrase_value");
		$autoSearch = $searchString ? true : $autoSearch;

    	$fieldData = array();
    	$fieldsNames = array();
    	 * at firts make the html mask
		echo $sobi2Frontend->getHeader();
		 * build drop' down lists
		$dropListsArray = array();
		 * get all fields
		$fields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		if( count( $fields ) ) {
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				$selected = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, null );
				$fieldsNames[] = $field->fieldname;
				if(!$selected && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists($field->fieldname, $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues[$field->fieldname]) && $cookieValues[$field->fieldname] != 'all') {
					$selected = stripslashes( $cookieValues[$field->fieldname] );
				$autoSearch = $selected ? true : $autoSearch;
				if(($field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 6) && !(empty($field->definedValues))) {
					$field->definedValues = $field->getListValues( null, true, true );
					$options = array();
			   		if(!$field->selectLabel) {
			   			$options[] = sobiHTML::makeOption('all', _SOBI2_SEARCH_BOX_SELECT);
			   		foreach ($field->definedValues as $option => $value) {
			   			$options[] = sobiHTML::makeOption(sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($option), sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($value));
					$selectList = sobiHTML::selectList( $options, $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname), 'size="1" class="inputbox" id="'. $field->fieldname.'"', 'value', 'text', sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, $selected ) );
					$dropListsArray = $dropListsArray + array($field->label => $selectList);
				else {
					 * get data for this fields
					if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend ) {
						 * @author Richard Jones
						 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
						if ( $cid ) {
							$cids = array();
							$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
							$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
						$results = 0;
						if ($cid != 0) {
							$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
							"WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid) ORDER BY fielddata";
						else {
							$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
							"WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
						$results = $database->loadObjectList();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					else {
						$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
								 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
								 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
								 "WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
				    	$results = $database->loadObjectList();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					 * get all options for this field
					if( count( $results ) ) {
						$fieldData = array();
						$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( 'all', _SOBI2_SEARCH_BOX_SELECT );
						foreach($results as $result) {
							if($result->fielddata) {
								if($result->fieldType == 3) {
									$label = $result->fielddata ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
									$data = $result->fielddata ? 1 : 0;
									$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( '-1', _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO);
								else {
									$data = $label = $config->getSobiStr($result->fielddata);
								$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption(sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($data), sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($label));
						$selectList = array($field->label => sobiHTML::selectList( $fieldData, $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname), 'size="1" class="inputbox" id="'. $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname).'"', 'value', 'text', $selected ));
						$dropListsArray = $dropListsArray + $selectList;
		/*calling plugins*/
   		if(!empty($config->S2_plugins)) {
   			foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
   				if(method_exists($plugin, "onAjaxSearchStart")) {
   					$plugin->onAjaxSearchStart($searchString, $phrase, $dropListsArray, $cookieValues, $fieldsNames, $autoSearch);
   		$autoSearch = ( count( $_GET ) > 5 ) ? true : $autoSearch;
   		$mainframe->addCustomHeadTag( sobiAxSearch::searchAjaxScript($autoSearch, $fieldsNames));
   		sobiAxSearch::showSearchForm($dropListsArray, $searchString, $phrase, $cid, $page, $selectedCats);
   		echo $sobi2Frontend->getFooter();
    function showSearchForm($dropListsArray, $searchString, $phrase, $cid, $page, $selectedCats)
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$iso = defined("_ISO") ? explode( '=', _ISO ) : array( null, "UTF-8");
		$index = $config->key( "search", "ajax_target_file", "index2.php" );
		if(!$searchString) {
		else {
			$String = $searchString;
		if( $config->showComponentDescInSearch ) {
			$sobi2Desc = new sobi2Category( 1 );
			if( $config->key( "general", "com_desc_exec_mambots", true ) ) {
				$sobi2Desc->description = HTML_SOBI::execMambots($sobi2Desc->description);
			<table class="sobi2CompDesc" width="100%">
					<?php if($sobi2Desc->image) { ?>
						<img src="<?php echo $config->liveSite;?><?php echo $config->catImagesFolder;?><?php echo $sobi2Desc->image; ?>"  style="float:<?php echo $sobi2Desc->image_position;?>" alt="<?php echo $config->componentName;?>" title="<?php echo $config->componentName;?>"/>
					<?php } ?>
						<?php echo $sobi2Desc->description;?>
			if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
	    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
	    			if(method_exists($plugin, "onShowSearchForm")) {
	<form id="sobiSearchFormContainer" accept-charset="<?php echo $iso[1];?>" action="<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/<?php echo $index;?>" method="get" name="sobiSearchFormContainer">
	<?php if( $config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) { ?>
		<div style="display:none">
	<?php } ?>
	<?php $show_search_box = $config->key("search", "search_box", true ); ?>
		<table class="sobi2eSearchForm">
				<td id="sobi2eSearchLabel"><?php if($show_search_box) { echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_FOR; } ?></td>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchBox">
					<?php if($show_search_box) { ?>
						<input name="sobi2Search" id="sobi2Search" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo $String; ?>" onclick="if (this.value == '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>') this.value = '';" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>';"/>
					<?php } ?>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchButton">
					<?php if($show_search_box) { ?>
						<input type="submit" id="sobiSearchSubmitBt" name="search"  onmousedown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" onkeydown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" class="button" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_H; ?>"/>
					<?php } ?>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchEmptyCell">
				<td colspan="4" id="sobi2eSearchPhrases">
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_any", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'any' || $phrase != 'all' || $phrase != 'exact' ) echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseany" value="any"   />
					<label for="searchphraseany"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_ANY ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_all", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'all') echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseall" value="all"  />
					<label for="searchphraseall"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_ALL ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_exact", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'exact') echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseexact" value="exact"  />
					<label for="searchphraseexact"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_EXACT ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<td colspan="4" id="sobi2eSearchButtonLine">
				<?php if( !$show_search_box) { ?>
					<input type="submit" id="sobiSearchSubmitBt" name="search"  onmousedown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" onkeydown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" class="button" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_H; ?>"/>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
					<input type="button" id="sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle" class="button4" name="sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_TOOGLE_EXTENDED; ?>"/>
				<?php } ?>
					<input type="button" id="sobiSearchFormReset" class="button3" name="sobiSearchFormReset" title="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESET_FORM_TITLE;?>" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESET_FORM; ?>" onclick="resetSobi2SearchForm()"/>
			<div id="sobiSearchFormExtOpt">
			<table class="sobi2eSearchForm">
				if(!$config->ajaxSearchCatsForFields) {
					if(count($dropListsArray)) {
						foreach($dropListsArray as $label => $dropList) {
							echo "<tr><td class=\"sobi2eSearchLabel\">{$label}</td><td colspan='2'>{$dropList}</td></tr>";
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "cats", true )) { ?>
				<td style="vertical-align:top;"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_TOOGLE_CATS; ?></td>
				<td colspan='2'>
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
					<div id="sobiSearchFormCatsSelection" <?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?> style="height:<?php echo $config->ajaxSearchCatsContHeight;?>px;" <?php } ?>>
				<?php } ?>
							if( !$config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) {
								echo sobiAxSearch::axSearchCatChooser( $selectedCats, $cid );
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
				<?php } ?>
			<?php } ?>
				if($config->ajaxSearchCatsForFields) {
					if(count($dropListsArray)) {
						foreach($dropListsArray as $label => $dropList) {
							echo "<tr><td class=\"sobi2eSearchLabel\">{$label}</td><td colspan=\"2\">{$dropList}</td></tr>";
			<?php if( $config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_sobi2"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $config->sobi2Itemid; ?>"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="no_html" value="1"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Task" value="axSearch"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobiCid" id="sobiCid" value="<?php echo $cid; ?>"/>
			<input type="hidden" id="SobiSearchPage" name="SobiSearchPage" value="<?php echo $page;?>"/>
			<?php if(!$show_search_box) { ?>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Search" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>"/>
			<?php } ?>
	<div id="sobiSearchResponseContainer"></div>
    function axSearchCatChooser( $selectedCats, $cid )
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		if( count( $selectedCats ) ) {
	    	$dropsy = '<div id="SobiSearchForm2dropsy" style="margin-left: 0px;">';
			$catsChildsJs = null;
			$count = 0;
			$lastBox = 0;
			foreach( $selectedCats as $cid ) {
				$cats = $config->getCategories( $cid );
				if( is_array( $cats ) && !empty( $cats ) ) {
					$dropsy .= "\n\n\n\n<div id='sdrops_{$count}'>";
					$Select = array();
					$Select[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( 0, _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT);
					$js = "addSobiSearchFormCatBox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,{$count});";
					foreach ($cats as $cat) {
						$cat->name = str_replace("\\","",$cat->name);
						$cat->name = str_replace("\\\\","",$cat->name);
						$cat->name = $config->getSobiStr( $cat->name );
						$Select[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( $cat->catid, $cat->name);
						$c = $config->catHasChild($cat->catid) ? 1 : 0;
						$catsChildsJs .= "\n SobiSearchFormCatsChilds[{$cat->catid}] = '{$c}';";
					$selected = key_exists( $count+1, $selectedCats ) ? $selectedCats[$count+1] : $cid;
					$dropsy .= sobiHTML::selectList( $Select, "SobiCatSelected_{$count}", 'id="SobiCatSelected_'.$count.'" size="1" class="inputbox catChooseBox" onchange="'.$js.'"', 'value', 'text', $selected);
					$dropsy .= "</div>\n\n\n\n";
					$lastBox = $count;
			$dropsy .= "\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n {$catsChildsJs}\n\n SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = {$lastBox}; \n\n</script>";
			$dropsy .= "</div>";
			return $dropsy;
		else {
			return null;
    function searchAjaxScript( $autoSearch, $fieldsNames )
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$pluginReset = null;
		if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
    			if(method_exists($plugin, "addToSearchJsResetScript")) {
					$pluginReset .= $plugin->addToSearchJsResetScript();
    	if ( $config->key("search", "use_own_mootools", true ) ) {
    	$index = $config->key( "search", "ajax_target_file", "index2.php" );
		$url = "{$config->liveSite}/{$index}?option=com_sobi2&no_html=1&sobi2Task=SigsiuTreeMenu&Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}&catid=";
		$fieldsUrl = "{$config->liveSite}/{$index}?option=com_sobi2&no_html=1&sobi2Task=GetSearchField&Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}&catid=";
		 <script type="text/javascript">
		 /* <![CDATA[ */
			var Sobi2FieldNames = new Array();
				$c = 0;
				foreach ($fieldsNames as $name) {
					echo "\n\t\t\tSobi2FieldNames[{$c}] = \"{$name}\";";
				echo "\n";
			function resetSobi2SearchForm() {
			<?php if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) { ?>
				fieldsUrl = "<?php echo $fieldsUrl; ?>0";
			<?php } ?>

				var SobiCookieRemove = " = 0; expires=0; path=/;";
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "search_box", true )) { ?>
				$('sobi2Search').value = "<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>";
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[sobi2Search]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php } ?>
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[searchphrase]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php if ($config->key("search", "phrase_any", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "any") == "any")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseany").checked = true;
			<?php } elseif ($config->key("search", "phrase_all", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "all") == "all")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseall").checked = true;
			<?php } elseif ($config->key("search", "phrase_exact", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "exact") == "exact")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseexact").checked = true;
			<?php } ?>
				$("sobiCid").value = 0;
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[cid]" + SobiCookieRemove;
				$("SobiSearchPage").value = 0;
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[SobiSearchPage]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php echo $pluginReset;?>
				for(i=0; i < Sobi2FieldNames.length; i++) {
					$(Sobi2FieldNames[i]).selectedIndex = 0;
					document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[" + Sobi2FieldNames[i] + "]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "cats", true )) { ?>
				for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
					if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
						chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
				SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = 0;
				$("SobiCatSelected_0").selectedIndex = 0;
			<?php } ?>
		 	window.addEvent('<?php echo $config->key( "search","mootools_event_method", "load" );?>', function() {
		 		var sobiSearchResponseContainer = new Fx.Slide('sobiSearchResponseContainer');
		 	<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
				var sobiSearchFormExtOpt = new Fx.Slide('sobiSearchFormExtOpt');
			<?php if($config->ajaxSearchSlidInOnStart) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
				$('sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle').addEvent('click', function(e){
					e = new Event(e);
			<?php } ?>
				$('sobiSearchFormContainer').addEvent('submit', function(e) {
					new Event(e).stop();
					var log = $('sobiSearchResponseContainer').empty().addClass('ajax-loading');
					var url = "<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/<?php echo $index;?>?" + $('sobiSearchFormContainer').toQueryString();
					var query = new Ajax(url, {
						method: 'get',
						onComplete: function() {
						update: log
			<?php if($config->ajaxSearchSlidInAfterSearch && $config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			<?php if($autoSearch) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			var SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = 0;
			var SobiSearchFormCatsChilds = new Array();
			var SobiSearchFormCatsNames = new Array();
			function addSobiSearchFormCatBox(cid, c) {
				if(cid == 0) {
					if(c == 0) {
						$("sobiCid").value = cid;
					else {
						box = c - 1;
						$("sobiCid").value = $("SobiCatSelected_" + box).options[$("SobiCatSelected_" + box).selectedIndex].value;
					if(c < SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter) {
						for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > c; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
							if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
								chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
						SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = c;
				if(cid != 0) {
					$("sobiCid").value = cid;
					url = "<?php echo $url; ?>" + cid;
			 * @author Radek Suski, Richard Jones
			 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
			if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) {
            function SobiSearchFieldsSendRequest(url,c)
            	var SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest;
		        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
		        	SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		              if (SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.overrideMimeType) {
		            else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
		              try { SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
		                catch (e) {
                              try { SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
		                   catch (e) {}
		        if (!SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest) {
		            alert('Sorry but I Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
		            return false;
		        SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
					if (SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.status == 200) {
'GET', url, true);
			function SobiProcessField(field)
				var fieldId = field.getElementsByTagName('fieldId').item(0);
			  	fieldId = fieldId.replace("\\", "");
			  	var fieldValues = field.getElementsByTagName('fieldValue');
			  	liste = document.getElementById( fieldId );
				liste.length = 0;
			  	liste.options[0] = new Option( '', 'all', true, true );
			  	liste.options[0].innerHTML = '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT;?>';
			  	for( var i = 0; i< fieldValues.length; i++ ) {
			  		liste.options[liste.length] = new Option( fieldValues[i], fieldValues[i], false, false );
			function SobiSearchFieldsFill(XMLDoc,c)
				if(!XMLDoc.responseXML) { return null; }
				var r = XMLDoc.responseXML;
				var fields = r.getElementsByTagName("field");
				if(fields.length > 0) {
					for(i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
						var field = fields[i];
			<?php } ?>
			function SobiSearchFormComboSendRequest(url,c) {
		    	var SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest;
		        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
		            SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		            if (SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.overrideMimeType) {
		        else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
		            try { SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
		                catch (e) {
                           try { SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
		                   catch (e) {}
		        if (!SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest) {
		            alert('Sorry but I Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
		            return false;
		        SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
			  	if (SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.status == 200)
'GET', url, true);
			function SobiSearchFormCatGetSubcats(XMLDoc,c) {
				if(!XMLDoc.responseXML) {
					return null;
				var r = XMLDoc.responseXML;
				var categories = r.getElementsByTagName("category");
				if(c < SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter) {
					for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > c; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
						if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
							chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
					SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = c;
				if(categories.length > 0) {
					html = "";
					html = html + "<div id='sdrops_"+SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter+"'><select class='inputbox catChooseBox' id='SobiCatSelected_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter + "' onclick='addSobiSearchFormCatBox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value," + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter + ");'><option value='0'><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT;?></option>"
					for(i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
						var category = categories[i];
						var catid = category.getElementsByTagName('catid').item(0);
						var name = category.getElementsByTagName('name').item(0);
						var childs = category.getElementsByTagName('childs').item(0);
						var pid = category.getElementsByTagName('parentid').item(0);
						name = name.replace("\\", "");
						SobiSearchFormCatsNames[catid] = name;
						html = html + "<option value='"+catid+"'>"+name+"</option>"
						SobiSearchFormCatsChilds[catid] = childs;
					html = html + "</select>\n\n</div>";
					span = document.createElement("span");
					span.innerHTML = html;
				 * @author Richard Jones
				 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
				if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) {
				fieldsUrl = "<?php echo $fieldsUrl; ?>" + $("sobiCid").value;
				<?php } ?>
			function sobiSearchRes(page) {
	 			$('SobiSearchPage').value = page;
		/* ]]> */
		<style type="text/css">
			#sobiSearchResponseContainer.ajax-loading {
				padding: 20px 0;
				background: url(<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/components/com_sobi2/images/spinner.gif) no-repeat center;
		$script = ob_get_contents();
		return $script;
	 * @author Richard Jones
	 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
	 * @since RC 2.8.4
	 * @param int $catid
	function getSearchFields( $cid )
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database =& $config->getDb();
		$fields = array();
		$allFields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if( count( $fieldids ) ) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		if( count( $fields ) ) {
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				if( ( $field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 6 ) && ! ( empty( $field->definedValues ) ) ) {
				  	if ( $cid ) {
						$cids = array();
						$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
						$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
				  		$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields ,`#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid AND sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid ) ORDER BY fielddata";
					    $database->setQuery( $query );
					    $selVal = $database->loadResultArray();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("getSearchFields: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					$field->definedValues = $field->getListValues( null, true, true, true );
                    $names = array();
                    $fieldArray = array();
			   		foreach ($field->definedValues as $option => $value) {
			   			if( $cid && is_array( $selVal ) ) {
			   				if( in_array( $option, $selVal ) ) {
			   					$names[$option] = $value;
			   			else {
			   				$names[$option] = $value;
					$fieldArray['fieldId'] = $field->fieldname;
					$fieldArray['fieldNames'] = $names;
					$allFields[] = $fieldArray;
				else {
					 * get data for this fields
					if ( $cid ) {
						$cids = array();
						$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
						$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
					if ( $cid ) {
						$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
						 ",`#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata " .
				         "WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid AND sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid) ORDER BY fielddata";
					else {
					     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
						 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
						 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
						 "WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
					$database->setQuery( $query );
					$results = $database->loadObjectList();
					if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
						trigger_error("getSearchFields: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);

					* get all options for this field
					if( count( $results ) ) {
					  	$fieldArray = array();
				  		$names = array();
				  		foreach($results as $result) {
				  			if($result->fielddata) {
				  				if($result->fieldType == 3) {
				  					$label = $result->fielddata ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
									$data = $result->fielddata ? 1 : 0;
								else {
									$data = $label = $config->getSobiStr($result->fielddata);
								$names[$label] =  $data;
					  	$fieldArray['fieldId'] = $field->fieldname;
						$fieldArray['fieldNames'] = $names;
						$allFields[] = $fieldArray;
		$iso = explode( '=', _ISO );
		$iso = strtoupper($iso[1]);
		if(ob_get_length()) {
		if(ob_get_length()) {
		header('Content-type: application/xml');
		echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$iso}\"?>";
		echo "\n<root>";
		if( count( $allFields ) ) {
			foreach ( $allFields as $field ) {
				echo "\n\t<field>\n\t\t<fieldId>{$field['fieldId']}</fieldId>\n\t\t<fieldValues>";
				foreach ($field['fieldNames'] as $fopt => $fname ) {
					$fname = strip_tags( $fname );
					$fname = str_replace( "&nbsp;", " ", $fname );
					echo "\n\t\t\t<fieldValue name=\"{$fopt}\">{$fname}</fieldValue>";
				echo "\n\t\t</fieldValues>";
				echo "</field>\n";
		echo "\n</root>";
		/* we don't need any others information so we can go out */
     * Enter description here...
     * @param string $searchString
     * @param array $items
     * @param array $fieldData
     * @param int $total
     * @param string $phrase
     * @param string $pluginsOutput
     * @param int $pages
     * @param int $currPage
    function axSearchResults($searchString, $items, $total, $pluginsOutput, $pages, $currPage, $totalStr )
		$config	=& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$my = &$config->getUser();
		if( trim( $searchString ) == trim( _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX ) ) {
			$resultsFor = _SOBI2_SEARCH_ALL_ENTRIES;
		else {
			$resultsFor = $searchString;
		$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->defTemplate}|" );
        if( isset( $config->templates["ajax_search"] ) && $config->templates["ajax_search"] ) {
        	if( !$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->templates["ajax_search"]}|" ) ) {
        		$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->defTemplate}|" );
		if( !$template ) {
			$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|default|" );
		<th class="componentheading"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESULTS; ?></th>
			<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESULTS_FOUND; ?> <?php echo $totalStr; ?>
			<span id="sobi2SearchResultsSerchingString"><?php echo $resultsFor; ?></span>
	<?php echo $pluginsOutput; ?>
		$tdTrCounter = 0;
		if( count($items) ) {
			echo "\n\t <table class='sobi2Listing'> \n\t\t <tr>";
			$width = 100/$config->itemsInLine;
			$width = "style='width: {$width}%; ";
			if($config->useDetailsView && file_exists( $template )) {
		    	$fetchErr = intval(sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, 'err', 0));
		        if( $config->debugTmpl && !$fetchErr ) {
		        	sobi2Config::parseTemplate( $template );
		        else {
		        	sobi2Config::import( $template, "absolute" );
			else {
				foreach($items as $item) {
					$item->title = $config->getSobiStr($item->title);
					$sobi2Data = sobiAxSearch::searchDetails($item);
					$catid = 0;
					$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
					if ($use_original_catid) {	//ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
						$catid =$item->catid;
					if($tdTrCounter%$config->itemsInLine == 0 && $tdTrCounter != 0)
						 echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t\t <tr>";

					$style = $width;
					if($item->background && file_exists( _SOBI_FE_PATH.DS."images".DS."backgrounds".DS."{$item->background}")) {
						$style = $style."background-image: url({$config->liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$item->background});";
					else if(isset($config->sobi2BackgroundImg) && !(empty($config->sobi2BackgroundImg)))
					   	$style = $style."background-image: url({$config->liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$config->sobi2BackgroundImg});";

					if(isset($config->sobi2BorderColor) && !(empty($config->sobi2BorderColor)))
						$style = $style."border-style: solid; border-color: #{$config->sobi2BorderColor}'";
						$style = $style."'";

					echo "\n\t\t\t <td {$style}>";

					if(!$my->id && !$config->allowAnoDetails) {
						$onClick = "onclick='alert(\""._SOBI2_JS_NOT_LOGGED_FOR_DETAILS."\"); return false;'";
						$href = "#";
					else {
						$href = "index.php?option=com_sobi2&amp;sobi2Task=sobi2Details&amp;catid={$catid}&amp;sobi2Id={$item->itemid}&amp;Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}";
						$href = sobi2Config::sef($href);
						$onClick = null;
			    	if( !$item->icon && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" ) ) {
		            	$item->icon = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" );

		            if( !$item->image && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" ) ) {
		            	$item->image = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" );

		            $imagesFolder = str_replace( array("\\", "\\\\", "/", "//" ), DS, $config->imagesFolder );

					if($config->showIcoInVC && $item->icon && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->icon)) {
						$ico = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->icon;
						echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$href} {$onClick}\"><img src=\"{$ico}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";

					if($config->showImgInVC && $item->image && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->image)) {
						$img = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->image;
						echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$href}\"><img src=\"{$img}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
					echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<p class=\"sobi2ItemTitle\"><a href=\"{$href}\" {$onClick} title=\"{$item->title}\">{$item->title}</a></p>";
					if(count($sobi2Data) != 0) {
					 	foreach($sobi2Data as $field)
					 		echo $field;
			    	if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
			    		$plugins = "\n\t\t<table class='sobi2Listing_plugins'>\n\t\t\t<tr>";
			    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
			    				$class = "class='{$plugin->listingStyle}'";
			    				$class = null;
			    			if(method_exists($plugin,"showListing")) {
			    				$row = "<td {$class}>".$plugin->showListing($item->itemid)."</td>";
			    				$plugins .= $row;
			    		$plugins .= "\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>";
			    		echo $plugins;
					echo "\n\t\t\t </td>";
		    	/* on end check if last <tr> have $config->itemsInLine <td>'s */
				if ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine != 0) {
					if (($f = $config->key ( "frontpage", "empty_cell_calback_function", false )) && function_exists ( $f )) {
						$ecell = call_user_func ( $f );
					} else {
						$ecell = "&nbsp;";
					$colspan = $config->itemsInLine - ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine);
					echo "\n\t\t\t\t<td class=\"sobi2EmptyCell\" colspan=\"{$colspan}\">{$ecell}\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
			echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t </table>";
			<div id="sobi2PageNav">
			<?php if($currPage > 0) { ?>
				<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(0);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_START; ?></a>
				<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $currPage - 1; ?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_PREVIOUS; ?></a>
			<?php } else { ?>
				<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_START; ?></span>
				<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_PREVIOUS; ?></span>
			<?php } ?>
				<?php for($page = 0; $page < $pages; $page++) { ?>
					<?php if($currPage == $page) { ?>
						<span class="pagenav"><?php echo $page+1;?></span>
					<?php } else { ?>
						<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $page;?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo $page+1;?></a>
					<?php } ?>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if($currPage < $pages - 1) { ?>
					<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $currPage + 1;?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_NEXT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?></a>
					<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(-1);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_END; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?><?php echo _PN_RT; ?></a>
				<?php } else { ?>
					<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_NEXT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?></span>
					<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_END; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?><?php echo _PN_RT; ?></span>
				<?php } ?>
     * @param array $items
     * @param int $width
     * @param string $liveSite
     * @param sobi2Config $config
     * @param int $catid
     * @param int $tdTrCounter
     * @param mosUser $my
    function searchResultsWithTemplate( $items, $width, $liveSite, $config, $catid, $tdTrCounter, $my )
    	foreach( $items as $item ) {
			$item->title = $config->getSobiStr($item->title);
			$sobi2Data = sobiAxSearch::searchDetails($item,false);
			$fieldsFormated = $sobi2Data[0];
			$fieldsObjects = $sobi2Data[1];
			$plugins = array();

			$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
			if ($use_original_catid) {	//ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
				$catid =$item->catid;
			if($tdTrCounter%$config->itemsInLine == 0 && $tdTrCounter != 0)
				 echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t\t <tr>";
			$style = $width;

			if($item->background && file_exists(_SOBI_FE_PATH.DS."images".DS."backgrounds".DS."{$item->background}")) {
				$style = $style."background-image: url({$liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$item->background});";
			else if(isset($config->sobi2BackgroundImg) && !(empty($config->sobi2BackgroundImg)))
			   	$style = $style."background-image: url({$liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$config->sobi2BackgroundImg});";

			if(isset($config->sobi2BorderColor) && !(empty($config->sobi2BorderColor)))
				$style = $style."border-style: solid; border-color: #{$config->sobi2BorderColor}'";
				$style = $style."'";

			if(!$my->id && !$config->allowAnoDetails) {
				$onClick = "onclick='alert(\""._SOBI2_JS_NOT_LOGGED_FOR_DETAILS."\"); return false;'";
				$href = "#";
			else {
				$href = "index.php?option=com_sobi2&amp;sobi2Task=sobi2Details&amp;catid={$catid}&amp;sobi2Id={$item->itemid}&amp;Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}";
				$href = sobi2Config::sef($href);
				$onClick = null;
	    	if( !$item->icon && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" ) ) {
            	$item->icon = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" );

            if( !$item->image && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" ) ) {
            	$item->image = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" );

            $imagesFolder = str_replace( array("\\", "\\\\", "/", "//" ), DS, $config->imagesFolder );

			if($config->showIcoInVC && $item->icon && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->icon)) {
				$ico = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->icon;
				$ico = "<a href=\"{$href} {$onClick}\"><img src=\"{$ico}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
			else {
				$ico = null;
			if($config->showImgInVC && $item->image && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->image)) {
				$img = $liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->image;
				$img = "<a href=\"{$href}\"><img src=\"{$img}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
			else {
				$img = null;
			$title = "<p class='sobi2ItemTitle'><a href=\"{$href}\" {$onClick} title=\"{$item->title}\">{$item->title}</a></p>";
	    	if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
	    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $name => $plugin) {
	    			if(method_exists($plugin,"showListing")) {
	    				$plugins[$name] = $plugin->showListing($item->itemid);
			sobi2VCview($item->itemid,$style, $ico, $img, $title, $fieldsObjects, $fieldsFormated, $plugins);
			echo "\n\t\t\t </td>";
    	/* on end check if last <tr> have $config->itemsInLine <td>'s */
		if ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine != 0) {
			if (($f = $config->key ( "frontpage", "empty_cell_calback_function", false )) && function_exists ( $f )) {
				$ecell = call_user_func ( $f );
			} else {
				$ecell = "&nbsp;";
			$colspan = $config->itemsInLine - ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine);
			echo "\n\t\t\t\t<td class=\"sobi2EmptyCell\" colspan=\"{$colspan}\">{$ecell}\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
     * getting details data (custom fields) for search results
     * @param sobi2 $mySobi
     * @global sobi2Config $config
     * @global database $database
     * @return array
    function searchDetails($mySobi,$html = true)
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database = &$config->getDb();
		$fieldsdata = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_vcard`= 1 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$fieldsObjects = array();
		$fieldsFormated = array();
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fieldsdata[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid, $mySobi->itemid);
    	$itemData = array();
    	if( count($fieldsdata) ) {
			foreach($fieldsdata as $field) {
				$data = null;
				$field->name = $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname);
				if($field->fieldType == 2) {
					$field->data = $config->getSobiStr($field->data, true);
					$data = $field->data;
				elseif( $field->fieldType == 1 || $field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 7 ) {
					$field->data = $config->getSobiStr($field->data);
					if( $field->isUrl == 4 ) {
						$data = $field->customCode;
					else {
						$data = $field->data;
				elseif($field->fieldType == 3) {
					$data = $field->data ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
					$field->with_label = 1;
				elseif($field->fieldType == 6) {
					$field->data = $field->selectedValues;
					if(is_array($field->data) && !empty($field->data)) {
						$data .= "\n<ul class = \"sobi2Listing_{$field->fieldname}\">";
						foreach ($field->data as $opt) {
							$data .= "\n\t<li>{$opt}</li>";
						$data .= "\n</ul>";
				$field->label = $config->getSobiStr($field->label);
				$tag = "span";
				if(strlen($data) > 0) {
					static $noFollows = null;
					static $noFollowsCheck = false;
					if( !$noFollowsCheck ) {
						$noFollows = $config->key( "url", "nofollow" );
						if( $noFollows ) {
							$noFollows = explode( ",", $noFollows );
						else {
							$noFollows = array();
						$noFollowsCheck = true;
					if($field->isUrl == 1) {
						if( in_array( $field->fieldid, $noFollows )) {
							$noFollow = " rel=\"nofollow\" ";
						else {
							$noFollow = null;
						$data = "<a href=\"{$data}\"{$noFollow} title=\"{$mySobi->title}\" target=\"_blank\">{$field->label}</a>";
					else if($field->isUrl == 2) {
						if(!(defined("_SOBI_AJAX_SEARCH"))) {
							$data =  sobiHTML::emailCloaking( $data, 1, $field->label, 0 );
						else {
							$data = "<a href=\"mailto:{$data}\" title=\"{$mySobi->title}\" target=\"_blank\">{$field->label}</a>";
					else if($field->isUrl == 3) {
						$data = "<img src=\"{$data}\" title=\"{$field->label}\" alt=\"{$field->label}\" />";
					if($field->with_label) {
						if( $field->fieldType != 6 ) {
							$data = "<{$tag} class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}\"><span class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}_label\">{$field->label}:</span> {$data}</{$tag}>";
						else {
							$data = "<span class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}_label\">{$field->label}:</span> {$data}";
					else {
						if( $field->fieldType != 6 ) {
							$data = "<{$tag} class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}\">{$data}</{$tag}>";
					if($field->in_newline) {
						$data = "<br/>".$data;
					array_push($itemData, $data);
				$fieldsFormated[$field->name] = $data;
				$fieldsObjects[$field->name] = $field;
    	if(!$html) {
    		return array($fieldsFormated,$fieldsObjects);
    	else {
    		return $itemData;

Open in new window

By the way, you should try to avoid duplicate posts.  I'd delete the other one if I were you.  Let me know if the code helps!  Thanks.
I just tried this code and its still doing the same thing.

If I don't enter anything I get a zero result
The other question isn't the is using another component.  I had one other question opened that was referring to both components which I have deleted if that is the one you meant?
We need to find out how "nothing" gets entered into the script.  Try this one:
* @version $Id: axsearch.class.php 5391 2010-04-07 16:01:32Z Sigrid Suski $
* @package: Sigsiu Online Business Index 2
* ===================================================
* @author
* Name: Sigrid & Radek Suski, Sigsiu.NET GmbH
* Email: sobi[at]
* Url:
* ===================================================
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.
* @license see GNU/GPL.
* You can use, redistribute this file and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
// no direct access
defined( '_SOBI2_' ) || ( trigger_error("Restricted access", E_USER_ERROR) && exit() );

class sobiAxSearch {
	function search()
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database = $config->getDb();
		define("_SOBI_AJAX_SEARCH", true);
		header("Content-Type: application/x-javascript; "._ISO);
		$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search");
                if ($searchString == NULL) {
                $searchString = "%";
                  echo "searchString is $searchString";
		$searchString = str_replace("%20", " ", $searchString);
		$searchString = $config->stringDecode( $searchString );
		$searchString = addslashes($searchString);
		$phrase = $config->key("search", "phrase_value", "any");
		$phrase = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "searchphrase", $phrase);
		$searching = false;
		$dataForFields = array();
		$pluginsOutput = null;
		$addToCount = 0;

		/* gettings the fields for search */
		$fields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		/* getting input from select boxes */
		$break = false;
		foreach( $fields as $field ) {
			$getField = sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, null );
			$getField = $config->stringDecode( $getField );
			$getFieldCookie =  $config->getSobiStr( str_replace( "\\", null, $getField ) );
			$getField = $config->clearSQLinjection($getField);
			setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[{$field->fieldname}]", $getFieldCookie, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ) , "/" );
			if( !empty( $getField ) && $getField != 'all' ) {
				$searching = true;
				$dataForFields += array( $field->fieldname => $getField );
				/* checkbox handling */
				if( $getField == '-1' ) {
   					$getField = 0;
   				if( !isset( $sIDs ) ) {
   					$sIDs = array();
   				$now = $config->getTimeAndDate();
				$ids = ( !empty($sIDs) ) ? implode( " , ", $sIDs ) : null;
				if ( $ids ) {
					$idTest = " AND item.itemid IN ({$ids}) ";
				else {
					$idTest = null;
				$query = "SELECT DISTINCT item.itemid " .
					"FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS sdata ON sobifields.fieldid = sdata.fieldid " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS snames ON snames.fieldid =  sobifields.fieldid " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS item ON sdata.itemid = item.itemid " .
					"WHERE (snames.langKey = '{$field->fieldname}' AND sdata.data_txt = '{$getField}') {$idTest}".
					" AND item.published = 1 AND (item.publish_down > '{$now}' OR item.publish_down = '{$config->nullDate}' )";

				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error( "axSearchSobi2: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING );
				if( is_array( $arr ) && empty( $arr ) ) {
					$sIDs = array();
					$break = true;
				elseif( !empty($sIDs) && is_array($arr)) {
					$sIDs = array_intersect($sIDs, $arr);
				elseif(is_array($arr)) {
					$sIDs = $arr;
				elseif(!is_array($arr) ) {
					$sIDs = array();
		/* search string handling */
		if( !$break && ( !empty( $searchString ) && trim( $searchString ) != trim( _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX ) && ( !isset( $sIDs ) || !empty($sIDs)))) {
			$searching = true;
			$searchString = $config->clearSQLinjection( trim( $searchString ) );
			switch ( $phrase ) {
				case 'exact':
					$words = $searchString;
   					$where = null;
   					$or = null;
   					if( $config->key( "search", "exact_rlike", true ) ) {
						$r = "R";
						$wcs = "[[:<:]]";
						$wce = "[[:>:]]";
						if( $words[0] == "&" ) {
							$words = substr( $words, 1 );
   					else {
   						$r = null;
						$wcs = "%";
						$wce = "%";
					if( $config->key( "search", "title", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "LOWER(title) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
   						$or = "OR";
   					if( $config->key( "search", "metakey", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "{$or} LOWER(metakey) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
   						$or = "OR";
   					if( $config->key( "search", "metadesc", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "{$or} LOWER(metadesc) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
				case 'all':
				case 'any':
					/* handling for data from checkbox group or select lists */
					$str = $searchString;
					$opt = explode( " ", $searchString );
					if( count( $opt ) ) {
						$options = array();
						foreach ( $opt as $o ) {
							$options[] = $config->getSobiStr( $o );
						$opt = implode( "','", $options );
						$query = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT `langKey` SEPARATOR ' ' ) FROM `#__sobi2_language` WHERE `langValue` IN('{$opt}') AND `sobi2Section` = 'field_opt'";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
						$opt = $database->loadResult();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
						if( $opt ) {
							$str .= " ".$opt;
					/* handling for data from checkbox group or select lists */
					$words = explode( ' ', $str );

					if( $phrase == 'all' ) {
						$where = implode( "%' AND {=|=} LIKE '%", $words );
						$words = implode( "%' AND LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%", $words );
					elseif ( $phrase == 'any' ) {
						$where = implode( "%' OR {=|=} LIKE '%", $words );
						$words = implode( "%' OR LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%", $words );
			if( $phrase == "exact" && $config->key( "search", "exact_rlike", true ) ) {
				$words = "LOWER(sdata.data_txt) RLIKE '[[:<:]]{$words}[[:>:]]'";
			} else {
				$words = "LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%{$words}%'";
   			 * now get the fields in there we have to looking for
			$query = "SELECT sobifields.fieldid  " .
					 "FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
					 "WHERE ((`in_search` = 1  OR `in_search` = 2 ) AND `enabled` = 1)";
		    $database->setQuery( $query );
			$fields = $database->loadResultArray();
			if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error( "DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING );
			if( is_array( $fields ) && !empty( $fields ) ) {
				$sIDs2 = array();
				foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` " .
		   			   		"FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sfield " .
		   					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS sdata ON sfield.fieldid = sdata.fieldid " .
		   					"WHERE (sfield.fieldid = '{$field}' AND ( {$words} ) )";
					$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
					if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
						trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		   			if( !empty( $arr ) ) {
						$sIDs2 = array_merge( $sIDs2, $arr );
			/* looking in the items table self */
			$title 		= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(title)", $where);
			$metakey 	= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(metakey)", $where);
			$metadesc 	= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(metadesc)", $where);

			$query_array = array();
			$title = $config->key( "search", "title", true ) ? "LOWER(title) LIKE '%{$title}%'" : null;
			$metakey = $config->key( "search", "metakey", true ) ? "LOWER(metakey) LIKE '%{$metakey}%'" : null;
			$metadesc = $config->key( "search", "metadesc", true )? "LOWER(metadesc) LIKE '%{$metadesc}%'" : null;

			if ($title)
				$query_array[] = $title;
			if ($metakey)
				$query_array[] = $metakey;
			if ($metadesc)
				$query_array[] = $metadesc;

			if (count($query_array)) {
				$query_array = implode(' OR ', $query_array);
				if( $phrase != 'exact' ) {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` FROM `#__sobi2_item` WHERE ($query_array)";
				else {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` FROM `#__sobi2_item` WHERE ({$where})";
				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
	   			if( !empty( $arr ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
					$sIDs2 = array_merge( $sIDs2, $arr );
		/* here we have all ids from select boxes and all ids from string search */
		/* no both results */
		if( isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
			$sIDs = array_intersect( $sIDs, $sIDs2 );
		else {
			/* didn't search in select boxes */
			if( !isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
				$sIDs = $sIDs2;
			else if( !isset( $sIDs ) ) {
				$sIDs = array();
		if( !isset( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
			$sIDs = array();
		$sIDs = array_unique( $sIDs );

		/* searching in categories */
		$cid = (int) sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, "sobiCid", 0 );
		setcookie("sobi2SearchCookie[cid]", $cid, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );

		if( !empty( $sIDs ) || !$searching ) {
			if( $cid && $cid != 0 ) {
				$searching = true;
				if( !is_array( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
					$itids = null;
				else {
					$ids = implode( " , ", $sIDs );
					$itids = "AND itemid IN ({$ids})";
				$cids = array();
				$config->getChildCats( $cid, $cids );
				$cids = implode( " , ", $cids );
				$query = "SELECT itemid FROM #__sobi2_cat_items_relations WHERE catid IN({$cids}) {$itids} ;";
				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$sIDs = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		/* getting plugins modifications */
		if( !empty( $sIDs ) || !$searching ) {
			if( !empty( $config->S2_plugins ) ) {
				foreach ( $config->S2_plugins as $plugin ) {
					if( method_exists( $plugin,"onAjaxSearchResult" ) ) {
						$plugin->onAjaxSearchResult( $sIDs, $dataForFields, $pluginsOutput, $addToCount );
		$total = count( $sIDs );

		if( $total ) {
			$whereId = implode( " , ", $sIDs );
			$now = $config->getTimeAndDate();
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(itemid) FROM `#__sobi2_item` " .
			 	 	 "WHERE ( itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) ";
			$database->setQuery( $query );
			if( $database->loadResult() ) {
				$total = $database->loadResult();
			else {
				$total = 0;
			if( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$totalStr = $total + $addToCount;
		$items = array();
		$page = 0;
		$pages = 0;
		$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
		if( $total ) {
			 * now we have all id's from items contains search strings
			$limit = $config->itemsInLine * $config->lineOnSite;
			$pages = ceil( $total/$limit );
			$limitstart = ( int ) sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, "SobiSearchPage", 0 );
			setcookie("sobi2SearchCookie[SobiSearchPage]", $limitstart, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/");

			if( $limitstart == -1 ) {
				$limitstart = $pages - 1;
			$page = $limitstart;
			$limitstart *= $limit;
			$limit = $config->itemsInLine * $config->lineOnSite;
			$limits = " LIMIT {$limitstart}, {$limit} ";

			if ($use_original_catid) { //ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
				$config->listingOrdering = str_replace( "itemid", 'relation.itemid', $config->listingOrdering );				
				$query = "SELECT DISTINCT relation.itemid, relation.catid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS relation " . 
						"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS items ON relation.itemid = items.itemid " . 
						"WHERE (`published` = '1' AND (relation.catid > 1) AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) AND items.itemid IN({$whereId}) ) " . 
						"GROUP BY items.itemid ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} {$limits}";
			else {
				$config->listingOrdering = str_replace( "relation.", null, $config->listingOrdering );
				$query = "SELECT itemid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_item` AS items " .
				 	 "WHERE ( items.itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) " .
					 "ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} {$limits}";
			$database->setQuery( $query );
			$items = $database->loadObjectList();

			if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
			//fuer den Fall dass einer einen Eintrag geloescht hat waehrend ein anderer in den Suchergebnissen navigiert
			if( !count( $items ) && $total ) {
				if ($use_original_catid) { //ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT relation.itemid, relation.catid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS relation " . 
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS items ON relation.itemid = items.itemid " . 
							"WHERE (`published` = '1' AND (relation.catid > 1) AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) AND items.itemid IN({$whereId}) ) " . 
							"GROUP BY items.itemid ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
				else {
					$query = "SELECT itemid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_item` AS items " .
					 	 "WHERE ( items.itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) " .
						 "ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
					$items = $database->loadObjectList();
					if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
						trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$searchString = str_replace( "\\", null, $searchString );
		if( $total ) {
			defined( '_PN_LT' ) || define('_PN_LT','&lt;');
			defined( '_PN_RT' ) || define('_PN_RT','&gt;');
			defined( '_PN_START' ) || define('_PN_START','Start');
			defined( '_PN_PREVIOUS' ) || define('_PN_PREVIOUS','Previous');
			defined( '_PN_NEXT' ) || define('_PN_NEXT','Next');
			defined( '_PN_END' ) || define('_PN_END','End');
		$searchString = $config->getSobiStr( $searchString );
		setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[sobi2Search]", $searchString, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );
		setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[searchphrase]", $phrase, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );
		$config->set( "searchResults", $items );
		HTML_SOBI::axSearchResults($searchString, $items, $total, $pluginsOutput, $pages, $page, $totalStr);
	function cleanAttributes($text)
		return (preg_replace("/((\w+)(\s*)=(\s*)[\"']?.*(\w+)(\s*)\(.*)/i", '--- Removed ---', $text ));
	function searchSobi( $catid = 0 )
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
    	$mainframe =& $config->getMainframe();
    	/* ursprungscode in axsearch.class.ori1.php */

    	$database =& $config->getDb();
		$sobi2Frontend =& $config->getFrontend();
    	$autoSearch = false;
		$cid = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobiCid", -9);
		$reset = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "reset", 0 );
		$cookieValues = array();
    	if( !$reset ) {
			$cookieValues = sobi2Config::request($_COOKIE, "sobi2SearchCookie", null);
	    	if($cookieValues) {
	    		foreach ($cookieValues as $k => $v) {
	    			$cookieValues[$k] = $v;
    	$selectedCats = array();
		if($cid < 0 && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("cid", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["cid"])) {
			$cid = (int) $cookieValues["cid"];
		if( $cid > 0 ) {
			$config->getParentCats($cid, $selectedCats);
			$selectedCats = array_reverse($selectedCats);
		$cid = ($cid > 0) ? $cid : 0;
		$autoSearch = $cid ? true : $autoSearch;

		array_unshift($selectedCats, 1);

		$page = (int) sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "SobiSearchPage", -9);

		if($page < 0 && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("SobiSearchPage", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["SobiSearchPage"])) {
			$page = (int) $cookieValues["SobiSearchPage"];
		else {
			$page = 0;

    	$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search", null);
		$searchString = str_replace("%20", " ", $searchString);
		$phrase = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, 'searchphrase', null);

		if(!$searchString && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("sobi2Search", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["sobi2Search"]) && trim($cookieValues["sobi2Search"]) != trim(_SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX)) {
			$searchString = stripslashes( $cookieValues["sobi2Search"] );
			$searchString = $config->getSobiStr( $searchString );

		if(!$phrase && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("searchphrase", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["searchphrase"])) {
			$phrase = $cookieValues["searchphrase"];
		if (!$phrase)
			$phrase = $config->key("search", "phrase_value");
		$autoSearch = $searchString ? true : $autoSearch;

    	$fieldData = array();
    	$fieldsNames = array();
    	 * at firts make the html mask
		echo $sobi2Frontend->getHeader();
		 * build drop' down lists
		$dropListsArray = array();
		 * get all fields
		$fields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		if( count( $fields ) ) {
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				$selected = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, null );
				$fieldsNames[] = $field->fieldname;
				if(!$selected && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists($field->fieldname, $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues[$field->fieldname]) && $cookieValues[$field->fieldname] != 'all') {
					$selected = stripslashes( $cookieValues[$field->fieldname] );
				$autoSearch = $selected ? true : $autoSearch;
				if(($field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 6) && !(empty($field->definedValues))) {
					$field->definedValues = $field->getListValues( null, true, true );
					$options = array();
			   		if(!$field->selectLabel) {
			   			$options[] = sobiHTML::makeOption('all', _SOBI2_SEARCH_BOX_SELECT);
			   		foreach ($field->definedValues as $option => $value) {
			   			$options[] = sobiHTML::makeOption(sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($option), sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($value));
					$selectList = sobiHTML::selectList( $options, $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname), 'size="1" class="inputbox" id="'. $field->fieldname.'"', 'value', 'text', sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, $selected ) );
					$dropListsArray = $dropListsArray + array($field->label => $selectList);
				else {
					 * get data for this fields
					if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend ) {
						 * @author Richard Jones
						 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
						if ( $cid ) {
							$cids = array();
							$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
							$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
						$results = 0;
						if ($cid != 0) {
							$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
							"WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid) ORDER BY fielddata";
						else {
							$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
							"WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
						$results = $database->loadObjectList();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					else {
						$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
								 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
								 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
								 "WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
				    	$results = $database->loadObjectList();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					 * get all options for this field
					if( count( $results ) ) {
						$fieldData = array();
						$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( 'all', _SOBI2_SEARCH_BOX_SELECT );
						foreach($results as $result) {
							if($result->fielddata) {
								if($result->fieldType == 3) {
									$label = $result->fielddata ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
									$data = $result->fielddata ? 1 : 0;
									$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( '-1', _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO);
								else {
									$data = $label = $config->getSobiStr($result->fielddata);
								$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption(sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($data), sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($label));
						$selectList = array($field->label => sobiHTML::selectList( $fieldData, $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname), 'size="1" class="inputbox" id="'. $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname).'"', 'value', 'text', $selected ));
						$dropListsArray = $dropListsArray + $selectList;
		/*calling plugins*/
   		if(!empty($config->S2_plugins)) {
   			foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
   				if(method_exists($plugin, "onAjaxSearchStart")) {
   					$plugin->onAjaxSearchStart($searchString, $phrase, $dropListsArray, $cookieValues, $fieldsNames, $autoSearch);
   		$autoSearch = ( count( $_GET ) > 5 ) ? true : $autoSearch;
   		$mainframe->addCustomHeadTag( sobiAxSearch::searchAjaxScript($autoSearch, $fieldsNames));
   		sobiAxSearch::showSearchForm($dropListsArray, $searchString, $phrase, $cid, $page, $selectedCats);
   		echo $sobi2Frontend->getFooter();
    function showSearchForm($dropListsArray, $searchString, $phrase, $cid, $page, $selectedCats)
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$iso = defined("_ISO") ? explode( '=', _ISO ) : array( null, "UTF-8");
		$index = $config->key( "search", "ajax_target_file", "index2.php" );
		if(!$searchString) {
		else {
			$String = $searchString;
		if( $config->showComponentDescInSearch ) {
			$sobi2Desc = new sobi2Category( 1 );
			if( $config->key( "general", "com_desc_exec_mambots", true ) ) {
				$sobi2Desc->description = HTML_SOBI::execMambots($sobi2Desc->description);
			<table class="sobi2CompDesc" width="100%">
					<?php if($sobi2Desc->image) { ?>
						<img src="<?php echo $config->liveSite;?><?php echo $config->catImagesFolder;?><?php echo $sobi2Desc->image; ?>"  style="float:<?php echo $sobi2Desc->image_position;?>" alt="<?php echo $config->componentName;?>" title="<?php echo $config->componentName;?>"/>
					<?php } ?>
						<?php echo $sobi2Desc->description;?>
			if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
	    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
	    			if(method_exists($plugin, "onShowSearchForm")) {
	<form id="sobiSearchFormContainer" accept-charset="<?php echo $iso[1];?>" action="<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/<?php echo $index;?>" method="get" name="sobiSearchFormContainer">
	<?php if( $config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) { ?>
		<div style="display:none">
	<?php } ?>
	<?php $show_search_box = $config->key("search", "search_box", true ); ?>
		<table class="sobi2eSearchForm">
				<td id="sobi2eSearchLabel"><?php if($show_search_box) { echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_FOR; } ?></td>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchBox">
					<?php if($show_search_box) { ?>
						<input name="sobi2Search" id="sobi2Search" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo $String; ?>" onclick="if (this.value == '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>') this.value = '';" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>';"/>
					<?php } ?>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchButton">
					<?php if($show_search_box) { ?>
						<input type="submit" id="sobiSearchSubmitBt" name="search"  onmousedown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" onkeydown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" class="button" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_H; ?>"/>
					<?php } ?>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchEmptyCell">
				<td colspan="4" id="sobi2eSearchPhrases">
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_any", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'any' || $phrase != 'all' || $phrase != 'exact' ) echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseany" value="any"   />
					<label for="searchphraseany"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_ANY ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_all", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'all') echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseall" value="all"  />
					<label for="searchphraseall"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_ALL ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_exact", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'exact') echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseexact" value="exact"  />
					<label for="searchphraseexact"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_EXACT ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<td colspan="4" id="sobi2eSearchButtonLine">
				<?php if( !$show_search_box) { ?>
					<input type="submit" id="sobiSearchSubmitBt" name="search"  onmousedown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" onkeydown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" class="button" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_H; ?>"/>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
					<input type="button" id="sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle" class="button4" name="sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_TOOGLE_EXTENDED; ?>"/>
				<?php } ?>
					<input type="button" id="sobiSearchFormReset" class="button3" name="sobiSearchFormReset" title="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESET_FORM_TITLE;?>" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESET_FORM; ?>" onclick="resetSobi2SearchForm()"/>
			<div id="sobiSearchFormExtOpt">
			<table class="sobi2eSearchForm">
				if(!$config->ajaxSearchCatsForFields) {
					if(count($dropListsArray)) {
						foreach($dropListsArray as $label => $dropList) {
							echo "<tr><td class=\"sobi2eSearchLabel\">{$label}</td><td colspan='2'>{$dropList}</td></tr>";
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "cats", true )) { ?>
				<td style="vertical-align:top;"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_TOOGLE_CATS; ?></td>
				<td colspan='2'>
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
					<div id="sobiSearchFormCatsSelection" <?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?> style="height:<?php echo $config->ajaxSearchCatsContHeight;?>px;" <?php } ?>>
				<?php } ?>
							if( !$config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) {
								echo sobiAxSearch::axSearchCatChooser( $selectedCats, $cid );
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
				<?php } ?>
			<?php } ?>
				if($config->ajaxSearchCatsForFields) {
					if(count($dropListsArray)) {
						foreach($dropListsArray as $label => $dropList) {
							echo "<tr><td class=\"sobi2eSearchLabel\">{$label}</td><td colspan=\"2\">{$dropList}</td></tr>";
			<?php if( $config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_sobi2"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $config->sobi2Itemid; ?>"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="no_html" value="1"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Task" value="axSearch"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobiCid" id="sobiCid" value="<?php echo $cid; ?>"/>
			<input type="hidden" id="SobiSearchPage" name="SobiSearchPage" value="<?php echo $page;?>"/>
			<?php if(!$show_search_box) { ?>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Search" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>"/>
			<?php } ?>
	<div id="sobiSearchResponseContainer"></div>
    function axSearchCatChooser( $selectedCats, $cid )
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		if( count( $selectedCats ) ) {
	    	$dropsy = '<div id="SobiSearchForm2dropsy" style="margin-left: 0px;">';
			$catsChildsJs = null;
			$count = 0;
			$lastBox = 0;
			foreach( $selectedCats as $cid ) {
				$cats = $config->getCategories( $cid );
				if( is_array( $cats ) && !empty( $cats ) ) {
					$dropsy .= "\n\n\n\n<div id='sdrops_{$count}'>";
					$Select = array();
					$Select[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( 0, _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT);
					$js = "addSobiSearchFormCatBox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,{$count});";
					foreach ($cats as $cat) {
						$cat->name = str_replace("\\","",$cat->name);
						$cat->name = str_replace("\\\\","",$cat->name);
						$cat->name = $config->getSobiStr( $cat->name );
						$Select[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( $cat->catid, $cat->name);
						$c = $config->catHasChild($cat->catid) ? 1 : 0;
						$catsChildsJs .= "\n SobiSearchFormCatsChilds[{$cat->catid}] = '{$c}';";
					$selected = key_exists( $count+1, $selectedCats ) ? $selectedCats[$count+1] : $cid;
					$dropsy .= sobiHTML::selectList( $Select, "SobiCatSelected_{$count}", 'id="SobiCatSelected_'.$count.'" size="1" class="inputbox catChooseBox" onchange="'.$js.'"', 'value', 'text', $selected);
					$dropsy .= "</div>\n\n\n\n";
					$lastBox = $count;
			$dropsy .= "\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n {$catsChildsJs}\n\n SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = {$lastBox}; \n\n</script>";
			$dropsy .= "</div>";
			return $dropsy;
		else {
			return null;
    function searchAjaxScript( $autoSearch, $fieldsNames )
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$pluginReset = null;
		if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
    			if(method_exists($plugin, "addToSearchJsResetScript")) {
					$pluginReset .= $plugin->addToSearchJsResetScript();
    	if ( $config->key("search", "use_own_mootools", true ) ) {
    	$index = $config->key( "search", "ajax_target_file", "index2.php" );
		$url = "{$config->liveSite}/{$index}?option=com_sobi2&no_html=1&sobi2Task=SigsiuTreeMenu&Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}&catid=";
		$fieldsUrl = "{$config->liveSite}/{$index}?option=com_sobi2&no_html=1&sobi2Task=GetSearchField&Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}&catid=";
		 <script type="text/javascript">
		 /* <![CDATA[ */
			var Sobi2FieldNames = new Array();
				$c = 0;
				foreach ($fieldsNames as $name) {
					echo "\n\t\t\tSobi2FieldNames[{$c}] = \"{$name}\";";
				echo "\n";
			function resetSobi2SearchForm() {
			<?php if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) { ?>
				fieldsUrl = "<?php echo $fieldsUrl; ?>0";
			<?php } ?>

				var SobiCookieRemove = " = 0; expires=0; path=/;";
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "search_box", true )) { ?>
				$('sobi2Search').value = "<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>";
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[sobi2Search]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php } ?>
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[searchphrase]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php if ($config->key("search", "phrase_any", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "any") == "any")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseany").checked = true;
			<?php } elseif ($config->key("search", "phrase_all", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "all") == "all")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseall").checked = true;
			<?php } elseif ($config->key("search", "phrase_exact", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "exact") == "exact")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseexact").checked = true;
			<?php } ?>
				$("sobiCid").value = 0;
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[cid]" + SobiCookieRemove;
				$("SobiSearchPage").value = 0;
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[SobiSearchPage]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php echo $pluginReset;?>
				for(i=0; i < Sobi2FieldNames.length; i++) {
					$(Sobi2FieldNames[i]).selectedIndex = 0;
					document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[" + Sobi2FieldNames[i] + "]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "cats", true )) { ?>
				for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
					if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
						chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
				SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = 0;
				$("SobiCatSelected_0").selectedIndex = 0;
			<?php } ?>
		 	window.addEvent('<?php echo $config->key( "search","mootools_event_method", "load" );?>', function() {
		 		var sobiSearchResponseContainer = new Fx.Slide('sobiSearchResponseContainer');
		 	<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
				var sobiSearchFormExtOpt = new Fx.Slide('sobiSearchFormExtOpt');
			<?php if($config->ajaxSearchSlidInOnStart) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
				$('sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle').addEvent('click', function(e){
					e = new Event(e);
			<?php } ?>
				$('sobiSearchFormContainer').addEvent('submit', function(e) {
					new Event(e).stop();
					var log = $('sobiSearchResponseContainer').empty().addClass('ajax-loading');
					var url = "<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/<?php echo $index;?>?" + $('sobiSearchFormContainer').toQueryString();
					var query = new Ajax(url, {
						method: 'get',
						onComplete: function() {
						update: log
			<?php if($config->ajaxSearchSlidInAfterSearch && $config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			<?php if($autoSearch) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			var SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = 0;
			var SobiSearchFormCatsChilds = new Array();
			var SobiSearchFormCatsNames = new Array();
			function addSobiSearchFormCatBox(cid, c) {
				if(cid == 0) {
					if(c == 0) {
						$("sobiCid").value = cid;
					else {
						box = c - 1;
						$("sobiCid").value = $("SobiCatSelected_" + box).options[$("SobiCatSelected_" + box).selectedIndex].value;
					if(c < SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter) {
						for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > c; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
							if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
								chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
						SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = c;
				if(cid != 0) {
					$("sobiCid").value = cid;
					url = "<?php echo $url; ?>" + cid;
			 * @author Radek Suski, Richard Jones
			 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
			if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) {
            function SobiSearchFieldsSendRequest(url,c)
            	var SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest;
		        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
		        	SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		              if (SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.overrideMimeType) {
		            else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
		              try { SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
		                catch (e) {
                              try { SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
		                   catch (e) {}
		        if (!SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest) {
		            alert('Sorry but I Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
		            return false;
		        SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
					if (SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.status == 200) {
'GET', url, true);
			function SobiProcessField(field)
				var fieldId = field.getElementsByTagName('fieldId').item(0);
			  	fieldId = fieldId.replace("\\", "");
			  	var fieldValues = field.getElementsByTagName('fieldValue');
			  	liste = document.getElementById( fieldId );
				liste.length = 0;
			  	liste.options[0] = new Option( '', 'all', true, true );
			  	liste.options[0].innerHTML = '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT;?>';
			  	for( var i = 0; i< fieldValues.length; i++ ) {
			  		liste.options[liste.length] = new Option( fieldValues[i], fieldValues[i], false, false );
			function SobiSearchFieldsFill(XMLDoc,c)
				if(!XMLDoc.responseXML) { return null; }
				var r = XMLDoc.responseXML;
				var fields = r.getElementsByTagName("field");
				if(fields.length > 0) {
					for(i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
						var field = fields[i];
			<?php } ?>
			function SobiSearchFormComboSendRequest(url,c) {
		    	var SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest;
		        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
		            SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		            if (SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.overrideMimeType) {
		        else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
		            try { SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
		                catch (e) {
                           try { SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
		                   catch (e) {}
		        if (!SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest) {
		            alert('Sorry but I Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
		            return false;
		        SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
			  	if (SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.status == 200)
'GET', url, true);
			function SobiSearchFormCatGetSubcats(XMLDoc,c) {
				if(!XMLDoc.responseXML) {
					return null;
				var r = XMLDoc.responseXML;
				var categories = r.getElementsByTagName("category");
				if(c < SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter) {
					for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > c; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
						if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
							chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
					SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = c;
				if(categories.length > 0) {
					html = "";
					html = html + "<div id='sdrops_"+SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter+"'><select class='inputbox catChooseBox' id='SobiCatSelected_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter + "' onclick='addSobiSearchFormCatBox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value," + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter + ");'><option value='0'><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT;?></option>"
					for(i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
						var category = categories[i];
						var catid = category.getElementsByTagName('catid').item(0);
						var name = category.getElementsByTagName('name').item(0);
						var childs = category.getElementsByTagName('childs').item(0);
						var pid = category.getElementsByTagName('parentid').item(0);
						name = name.replace("\\", "");
						SobiSearchFormCatsNames[catid] = name;
						html = html + "<option value='"+catid+"'>"+name+"</option>"
						SobiSearchFormCatsChilds[catid] = childs;
					html = html + "</select>\n\n</div>";
					span = document.createElement("span");
					span.innerHTML = html;
				 * @author Richard Jones
				 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
				if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) {
				fieldsUrl = "<?php echo $fieldsUrl; ?>" + $("sobiCid").value;
				<?php } ?>
			function sobiSearchRes(page) {
	 			$('SobiSearchPage').value = page;
		/* ]]> */
		<style type="text/css">
			#sobiSearchResponseContainer.ajax-loading {
				padding: 20px 0;
				background: url(<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/components/com_sobi2/images/spinner.gif) no-repeat center;
		$script = ob_get_contents();
		return $script;
	 * @author Richard Jones
	 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
	 * @since RC 2.8.4
	 * @param int $catid
	function getSearchFields( $cid )
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database =& $config->getDb();
		$fields = array();
		$allFields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if( count( $fieldids ) ) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		if( count( $fields ) ) {
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				if( ( $field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 6 ) && ! ( empty( $field->definedValues ) ) ) {
				  	if ( $cid ) {
						$cids = array();
						$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
						$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
				  		$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields ,`#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid AND sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid ) ORDER BY fielddata";
					    $database->setQuery( $query );
					    $selVal = $database->loadResultArray();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("getSearchFields: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					$field->definedValues = $field->getListValues( null, true, true, true );
                    $names = array();
                    $fieldArray = array();
			   		foreach ($field->definedValues as $option => $value) {
			   			if( $cid && is_array( $selVal ) ) {
			   				if( in_array( $option, $selVal ) ) {
			   					$names[$option] = $value;
			   			else {
			   				$names[$option] = $value;
					$fieldArray['fieldId'] = $field->fieldname;
					$fieldArray['fieldNames'] = $names;
					$allFields[] = $fieldArray;
				else {
					 * get data for this fields
					if ( $cid ) {
						$cids = array();
						$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
						$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
					if ( $cid ) {
						$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
						 ",`#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata " .
				         "WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid AND sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid) ORDER BY fielddata";
					else {
					     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
						 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
						 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
						 "WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
					$database->setQuery( $query );
					$results = $database->loadObjectList();
					if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
						trigger_error("getSearchFields: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);

					* get all options for this field
					if( count( $results ) ) {
					  	$fieldArray = array();
				  		$names = array();
				  		foreach($results as $result) {
				  			if($result->fielddata) {
				  				if($result->fieldType == 3) {
				  					$label = $result->fielddata ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
									$data = $result->fielddata ? 1 : 0;
								else {
									$data = $label = $config->getSobiStr($result->fielddata);
								$names[$label] =  $data;
					  	$fieldArray['fieldId'] = $field->fieldname;
						$fieldArray['fieldNames'] = $names;
						$allFields[] = $fieldArray;
		$iso = explode( '=', _ISO );
		$iso = strtoupper($iso[1]);
		if(ob_get_length()) {
		if(ob_get_length()) {
		header('Content-type: application/xml');
		echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$iso}\"?>";
		echo "\n<root>";
		if( count( $allFields ) ) {
			foreach ( $allFields as $field ) {
				echo "\n\t<field>\n\t\t<fieldId>{$field['fieldId']}</fieldId>\n\t\t<fieldValues>";
				foreach ($field['fieldNames'] as $fopt => $fname ) {
					$fname = strip_tags( $fname );
					$fname = str_replace( "&nbsp;", " ", $fname );
					echo "\n\t\t\t<fieldValue name=\"{$fopt}\">{$fname}</fieldValue>";
				echo "\n\t\t</fieldValues>";
				echo "</field>\n";
		echo "\n</root>";
		/* we don't need any others information so we can go out */
     * Enter description here...
     * @param string $searchString
     * @param array $items
     * @param array $fieldData
     * @param int $total
     * @param string $phrase
     * @param string $pluginsOutput
     * @param int $pages
     * @param int $currPage
    function axSearchResults($searchString, $items, $total, $pluginsOutput, $pages, $currPage, $totalStr )
		$config	=& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$my = &$config->getUser();
		if( trim( $searchString ) == trim( _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX ) ) {
			$resultsFor = _SOBI2_SEARCH_ALL_ENTRIES;
		else {
			$resultsFor = $searchString;
		$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->defTemplate}|" );
        if( isset( $config->templates["ajax_search"] ) && $config->templates["ajax_search"] ) {
        	if( !$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->templates["ajax_search"]}|" ) ) {
        		$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->defTemplate}|" );
		if( !$template ) {
			$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|default|" );
		<th class="componentheading"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESULTS; ?></th>
			<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESULTS_FOUND; ?> <?php echo $totalStr; ?>
			<span id="sobi2SearchResultsSerchingString"><?php echo $resultsFor; ?></span>
	<?php echo $pluginsOutput; ?>
		$tdTrCounter = 0;
		if( count($items) ) {
			echo "\n\t <table class='sobi2Listing'> \n\t\t <tr>";
			$width = 100/$config->itemsInLine;
			$width = "style='width: {$width}%; ";
			if($config->useDetailsView && file_exists( $template )) {
		    	$fetchErr = intval(sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, 'err', 0));
		        if( $config->debugTmpl && !$fetchErr ) {
		        	sobi2Config::parseTemplate( $template );
		        else {
		        	sobi2Config::import( $template, "absolute" );
			else {
				foreach($items as $item) {
					$item->title = $config->getSobiStr($item->title);
					$sobi2Data = sobiAxSearch::searchDetails($item);
					$catid = 0;
					$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
					if ($use_original_catid) {	//ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
						$catid =$item->catid;
					if($tdTrCounter%$config->itemsInLine == 0 && $tdTrCounter != 0)
						 echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t\t <tr>";

					$style = $width;
					if($item->background && file_exists( _SOBI_FE_PATH.DS."images".DS."backgrounds".DS."{$item->background}")) {
						$style = $style."background-image: url({$config->liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$item->background});";
					else if(isset($config->sobi2BackgroundImg) && !(empty($config->sobi2BackgroundImg)))
					   	$style = $style."background-image: url({$config->liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$config->sobi2BackgroundImg});";

					if(isset($config->sobi2BorderColor) && !(empty($config->sobi2BorderColor)))
						$style = $style."border-style: solid; border-color: #{$config->sobi2BorderColor}'";
						$style = $style."'";

					echo "\n\t\t\t <td {$style}>";

					if(!$my->id && !$config->allowAnoDetails) {
						$onClick = "onclick='alert(\""._SOBI2_JS_NOT_LOGGED_FOR_DETAILS."\"); return false;'";
						$href = "#";
					else {
						$href = "index.php?option=com_sobi2&amp;sobi2Task=sobi2Details&amp;catid={$catid}&amp;sobi2Id={$item->itemid}&amp;Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}";
						$href = sobi2Config::sef($href);
						$onClick = null;
			    	if( !$item->icon && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" ) ) {
		            	$item->icon = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" );

		            if( !$item->image && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" ) ) {
		            	$item->image = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" );

		            $imagesFolder = str_replace( array("\\", "\\\\", "/", "//" ), DS, $config->imagesFolder );

					if($config->showIcoInVC && $item->icon && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->icon)) {
						$ico = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->icon;
						echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$href} {$onClick}\"><img src=\"{$ico}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";

					if($config->showImgInVC && $item->image && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->image)) {
						$img = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->image;
						echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$href}\"><img src=\"{$img}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
					echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<p class=\"sobi2ItemTitle\"><a href=\"{$href}\" {$onClick} title=\"{$item->title}\">{$item->title}</a></p>";
					if(count($sobi2Data) != 0) {
					 	foreach($sobi2Data as $field)
					 		echo $field;
			    	if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
			    		$plugins = "\n\t\t<table class='sobi2Listing_plugins'>\n\t\t\t<tr>";
			    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
			    				$class = "class='{$plugin->listingStyle}'";
			    				$class = null;
			    			if(method_exists($plugin,"showListing")) {
			    				$row = "<td {$class}>".$plugin->showListing($item->itemid)."</td>";
			    				$plugins .= $row;
			    		$plugins .= "\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>";
			    		echo $plugins;
					echo "\n\t\t\t </td>";
		    	/* on end check if last <tr> have $config->itemsInLine <td>'s */
				if ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine != 0) {
					if (($f = $config->key ( "frontpage", "empty_cell_calback_function", false )) && function_exists ( $f )) {
						$ecell = call_user_func ( $f );
					} else {
						$ecell = "&nbsp;";
					$colspan = $config->itemsInLine - ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine);
					echo "\n\t\t\t\t<td class=\"sobi2EmptyCell\" colspan=\"{$colspan}\">{$ecell}\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
			echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t </table>";
			<div id="sobi2PageNav">
			<?php if($currPage > 0) { ?>
				<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(0);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_START; ?></a>
				<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $currPage - 1; ?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_PREVIOUS; ?></a>
			<?php } else { ?>
				<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_START; ?></span>
				<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_PREVIOUS; ?></span>
			<?php } ?>
				<?php for($page = 0; $page < $pages; $page++) { ?>
					<?php if($currPage == $page) { ?>
						<span class="pagenav"><?php echo $page+1;?></span>
					<?php } else { ?>
						<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $page;?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo $page+1;?></a>
					<?php } ?>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if($currPage < $pages - 1) { ?>
					<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $currPage + 1;?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_NEXT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?></a>
					<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(-1);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_END; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?><?php echo _PN_RT; ?></a>
				<?php } else { ?>
					<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_NEXT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?></span>
					<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_END; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?><?php echo _PN_RT; ?></span>
				<?php } ?>
     * @param array $items
     * @param int $width
     * @param string $liveSite
     * @param sobi2Config $config
     * @param int $catid
     * @param int $tdTrCounter
     * @param mosUser $my
    function searchResultsWithTemplate( $items, $width, $liveSite, $config, $catid, $tdTrCounter, $my )
    	foreach( $items as $item ) {
			$item->title = $config->getSobiStr($item->title);
			$sobi2Data = sobiAxSearch::searchDetails($item,false);
			$fieldsFormated = $sobi2Data[0];
			$fieldsObjects = $sobi2Data[1];
			$plugins = array();

			$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
			if ($use_original_catid) {	//ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
				$catid =$item->catid;
			if($tdTrCounter%$config->itemsInLine == 0 && $tdTrCounter != 0)
				 echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t\t <tr>";
			$style = $width;

			if($item->background && file_exists(_SOBI_FE_PATH.DS."images".DS."backgrounds".DS."{$item->background}")) {
				$style = $style."background-image: url({$liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$item->background});";
			else if(isset($config->sobi2BackgroundImg) && !(empty($config->sobi2BackgroundImg)))
			   	$style = $style."background-image: url({$liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$config->sobi2BackgroundImg});";

			if(isset($config->sobi2BorderColor) && !(empty($config->sobi2BorderColor)))
				$style = $style."border-style: solid; border-color: #{$config->sobi2BorderColor}'";
				$style = $style."'";

			if(!$my->id && !$config->allowAnoDetails) {
				$onClick = "onclick='alert(\""._SOBI2_JS_NOT_LOGGED_FOR_DETAILS."\"); return false;'";
				$href = "#";
			else {
				$href = "index.php?option=com_sobi2&amp;sobi2Task=sobi2Details&amp;catid={$catid}&amp;sobi2Id={$item->itemid}&amp;Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}";
				$href = sobi2Config::sef($href);
				$onClick = null;
	    	if( !$item->icon && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" ) ) {
            	$item->icon = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" );

            if( !$item->image && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" ) ) {
            	$item->image = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" );

            $imagesFolder = str_replace( array("\\", "\\\\", "/", "//" ), DS, $config->imagesFolder );

			if($config->showIcoInVC && $item->icon && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->icon)) {
				$ico = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->icon;
				$ico = "<a href=\"{$href} {$onClick}\"><img src=\"{$ico}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
			else {
				$ico = null;
			if($config->showImgInVC && $item->image && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->image)) {
				$img = $liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->image;
				$img = "<a href=\"{$href}\"><img src=\"{$img}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
			else {
				$img = null;
			$title = "<p class='sobi2ItemTitle'><a href=\"{$href}\" {$onClick} title=\"{$item->title}\">{$item->title}</a></p>";
	    	if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
	    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $name => $plugin) {
	    			if(method_exists($plugin,"showListing")) {
	    				$plugins[$name] = $plugin->showListing($item->itemid);
			sobi2VCview($item->itemid,$style, $ico, $img, $title, $fieldsObjects, $fieldsFormated, $plugins);
			echo "\n\t\t\t </td>";
    	/* on end check if last <tr> have $config->itemsInLine <td>'s */
		if ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine != 0) {
			if (($f = $config->key ( "frontpage", "empty_cell_calback_function", false )) && function_exists ( $f )) {
				$ecell = call_user_func ( $f );
			} else {
				$ecell = "&nbsp;";
			$colspan = $config->itemsInLine - ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine);
			echo "\n\t\t\t\t<td class=\"sobi2EmptyCell\" colspan=\"{$colspan}\">{$ecell}\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
     * getting details data (custom fields) for search results
     * @param sobi2 $mySobi
     * @global sobi2Config $config
     * @global database $database
     * @return array
    function searchDetails($mySobi,$html = true)
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database = &$config->getDb();
		$fieldsdata = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_vcard`= 1 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$fieldsObjects = array();
		$fieldsFormated = array();
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fieldsdata[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid, $mySobi->itemid);
    	$itemData = array();
    	if( count($fieldsdata) ) {
			foreach($fieldsdata as $field) {
				$data = null;
				$field->name = $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname);
				if($field->fieldType == 2) {
					$field->data = $config->getSobiStr($field->data, true);
					$data = $field->data;
				elseif( $field->fieldType == 1 || $field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 7 ) {
					$field->data = $config->getSobiStr($field->data);
					if( $field->isUrl == 4 ) {
						$data = $field->customCode;
					else {
						$data = $field->data;
				elseif($field->fieldType == 3) {
					$data = $field->data ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
					$field->with_label = 1;
				elseif($field->fieldType == 6) {
					$field->data = $field->selectedValues;
					if(is_array($field->data) && !empty($field->data)) {
						$data .= "\n<ul class = \"sobi2Listing_{$field->fieldname}\">";
						foreach ($field->data as $opt) {
							$data .= "\n\t<li>{$opt}</li>";
						$data .= "\n</ul>";
				$field->label = $config->getSobiStr($field->label);
				$tag = "span";
				if(strlen($data) > 0) {
					static $noFollows = null;
					static $noFollowsCheck = false;
					if( !$noFollowsCheck ) {
						$noFollows = $config->key( "url", "nofollow" );
						if( $noFollows ) {
							$noFollows = explode( ",", $noFollows );
						else {
							$noFollows = array();
						$noFollowsCheck = true;
					if($field->isUrl == 1) {
						if( in_array( $field->fieldid, $noFollows )) {
							$noFollow = " rel=\"nofollow\" ";
						else {
							$noFollow = null;
						$data = "<a href=\"{$data}\"{$noFollow} title=\"{$mySobi->title}\" target=\"_blank\">{$field->label}</a>";
					else if($field->isUrl == 2) {
						if(!(defined("_SOBI_AJAX_SEARCH"))) {
							$data =  sobiHTML::emailCloaking( $data, 1, $field->label, 0 );
						else {
							$data = "<a href=\"mailto:{$data}\" title=\"{$mySobi->title}\" target=\"_blank\">{$field->label}</a>";
					else if($field->isUrl == 3) {
						$data = "<img src=\"{$data}\" title=\"{$field->label}\" alt=\"{$field->label}\" />";
					if($field->with_label) {
						if( $field->fieldType != 6 ) {
							$data = "<{$tag} class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}\"><span class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}_label\">{$field->label}:</span> {$data}</{$tag}>";
						else {
							$data = "<span class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}_label\">{$field->label}:</span> {$data}";
					else {
						if( $field->fieldType != 6 ) {
							$data = "<{$tag} class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}\">{$data}</{$tag}>";
					if($field->in_newline) {
						$data = "<br/>".$data;
					array_push($itemData, $data);
				$fieldsFormated[$field->name] = $data;
				$fieldsObjects[$field->name] = $field;
    	if(!$html) {
    		return array($fieldsFormated,$fieldsObjects);
    	else {
    		return $itemData;

Open in new window

Ok, that one didn't work either.
When you go to the search page this is automatically added in the keywords 'Search...'  

That is what needs to be changed to % or are you trying something else?
So, what you're saying is that blank or NULL is actually "Search..." is that correct?

If so, the code should be as attached.  This time, we're using:

if ($searchString == "Search...") {
$searchString = "%";
* @version $Id: axsearch.class.php 5391 2010-04-07 16:01:32Z Sigrid Suski $
* @package: Sigsiu Online Business Index 2
* ===================================================
* @author
* Name: Sigrid & Radek Suski, Sigsiu.NET GmbH
* Email: sobi[at]
* Url:
* ===================================================
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.
* @license see GNU/GPL.
* You can use, redistribute this file and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
// no direct access
defined( '_SOBI2_' ) || ( trigger_error("Restricted access", E_USER_ERROR) && exit() );

class sobiAxSearch {
	function search()
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database = $config->getDb();
		define("_SOBI_AJAX_SEARCH", true);
		header("Content-Type: application/x-javascript; "._ISO);
		$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search");
                if ($searchString == "Search...") {
                $searchString = "%";
		$searchString = str_replace("%20", " ", $searchString);
		$searchString = $config->stringDecode( $searchString );
		$searchString = addslashes($searchString);
		$phrase = $config->key("search", "phrase_value", "any");
		$phrase = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "searchphrase", $phrase);
		$searching = false;
		$dataForFields = array();
		$pluginsOutput = null;
		$addToCount = 0;

		/* gettings the fields for search */
		$fields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		/* getting input from select boxes */
		$break = false;
		foreach( $fields as $field ) {
			$getField = sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, null );
			$getField = $config->stringDecode( $getField );
			$getFieldCookie =  $config->getSobiStr( str_replace( "\\", null, $getField ) );
			$getField = $config->clearSQLinjection($getField);
			setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[{$field->fieldname}]", $getFieldCookie, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ) , "/" );
			if( !empty( $getField ) && $getField != 'all' ) {
				$searching = true;
				$dataForFields += array( $field->fieldname => $getField );
				/* checkbox handling */
				if( $getField == '-1' ) {
   					$getField = 0;
   				if( !isset( $sIDs ) ) {
   					$sIDs = array();
   				$now = $config->getTimeAndDate();
				$ids = ( !empty($sIDs) ) ? implode( " , ", $sIDs ) : null;
				if ( $ids ) {
					$idTest = " AND item.itemid IN ({$ids}) ";
				else {
					$idTest = null;
				$query = "SELECT DISTINCT item.itemid " .
					"FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS sdata ON sobifields.fieldid = sdata.fieldid " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS snames ON snames.fieldid =  sobifields.fieldid " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS item ON sdata.itemid = item.itemid " .
					"WHERE (snames.langKey = '{$field->fieldname}' AND sdata.data_txt = '{$getField}') {$idTest}".
					" AND item.published = 1 AND (item.publish_down > '{$now}' OR item.publish_down = '{$config->nullDate}' )";

				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error( "axSearchSobi2: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING );
				if( is_array( $arr ) && empty( $arr ) ) {
					$sIDs = array();
					$break = true;
				elseif( !empty($sIDs) && is_array($arr)) {
					$sIDs = array_intersect($sIDs, $arr);
				elseif(is_array($arr)) {
					$sIDs = $arr;
				elseif(!is_array($arr) ) {
					$sIDs = array();
		/* search string handling */
		if( !$break && ( !empty( $searchString ) && trim( $searchString ) != trim( _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX ) && ( !isset( $sIDs ) || !empty($sIDs)))) {
			$searching = true;
			$searchString = $config->clearSQLinjection( trim( $searchString ) );
			switch ( $phrase ) {
				case 'exact':
					$words = $searchString;
   					$where = null;
   					$or = null;
   					if( $config->key( "search", "exact_rlike", true ) ) {
						$r = "R";
						$wcs = "[[:<:]]";
						$wce = "[[:>:]]";
						if( $words[0] == "&" ) {
							$words = substr( $words, 1 );
   					else {
   						$r = null;
						$wcs = "%";
						$wce = "%";
					if( $config->key( "search", "title", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "LOWER(title) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
   						$or = "OR";
   					if( $config->key( "search", "metakey", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "{$or} LOWER(metakey) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
   						$or = "OR";
   					if( $config->key( "search", "metadesc", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "{$or} LOWER(metadesc) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
				case 'all':
				case 'any':
					/* handling for data from checkbox group or select lists */
					$str = $searchString;
					$opt = explode( " ", $searchString );
					if( count( $opt ) ) {
						$options = array();
						foreach ( $opt as $o ) {
							$options[] = $config->getSobiStr( $o );
						$opt = implode( "','", $options );
						$query = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT `langKey` SEPARATOR ' ' ) FROM `#__sobi2_language` WHERE `langValue` IN('{$opt}') AND `sobi2Section` = 'field_opt'";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
						$opt = $database->loadResult();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
						if( $opt ) {
							$str .= " ".$opt;
					/* handling for data from checkbox group or select lists */
					$words = explode( ' ', $str );

					if( $phrase == 'all' ) {
						$where = implode( "%' AND {=|=} LIKE '%", $words );
						$words = implode( "%' AND LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%", $words );
					elseif ( $phrase == 'any' ) {
						$where = implode( "%' OR {=|=} LIKE '%", $words );
						$words = implode( "%' OR LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%", $words );
			if( $phrase == "exact" && $config->key( "search", "exact_rlike", true ) ) {
				$words = "LOWER(sdata.data_txt) RLIKE '[[:<:]]{$words}[[:>:]]'";
			} else {
				$words = "LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%{$words}%'";
   			 * now get the fields in there we have to looking for
			$query = "SELECT sobifields.fieldid  " .
					 "FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
					 "WHERE ((`in_search` = 1  OR `in_search` = 2 ) AND `enabled` = 1)";
		    $database->setQuery( $query );
			$fields = $database->loadResultArray();
			if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error( "DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING );
			if( is_array( $fields ) && !empty( $fields ) ) {
				$sIDs2 = array();
				foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` " .
		   			   		"FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sfield " .
		   					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS sdata ON sfield.fieldid = sdata.fieldid " .
		   					"WHERE (sfield.fieldid = '{$field}' AND ( {$words} ) )";
					$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
					if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
						trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		   			if( !empty( $arr ) ) {
						$sIDs2 = array_merge( $sIDs2, $arr );
			/* looking in the items table self */
			$title 		= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(title)", $where);
			$metakey 	= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(metakey)", $where);
			$metadesc 	= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(metadesc)", $where);

			$query_array = array();
			$title = $config->key( "search", "title", true ) ? "LOWER(title) LIKE '%{$title}%'" : null;
			$metakey = $config->key( "search", "metakey", true ) ? "LOWER(metakey) LIKE '%{$metakey}%'" : null;
			$metadesc = $config->key( "search", "metadesc", true )? "LOWER(metadesc) LIKE '%{$metadesc}%'" : null;

			if ($title)
				$query_array[] = $title;
			if ($metakey)
				$query_array[] = $metakey;
			if ($metadesc)
				$query_array[] = $metadesc;

			if (count($query_array)) {
				$query_array = implode(' OR ', $query_array);
				if( $phrase != 'exact' ) {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` FROM `#__sobi2_item` WHERE ($query_array)";
				else {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` FROM `#__sobi2_item` WHERE ({$where})";
				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
	   			if( !empty( $arr ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
					$sIDs2 = array_merge( $sIDs2, $arr );
		/* here we have all ids from select boxes and all ids from string search */
		/* no both results */
		if( isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
			$sIDs = array_intersect( $sIDs, $sIDs2 );
		else {
			/* didn't search in select boxes */
			if( !isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
				$sIDs = $sIDs2;
			else if( !isset( $sIDs ) ) {
				$sIDs = array();
		if( !isset( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
			$sIDs = array();
		$sIDs = array_unique( $sIDs );

		/* searching in categories */
		$cid = (int) sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, "sobiCid", 0 );
		setcookie("sobi2SearchCookie[cid]", $cid, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );

		if( !empty( $sIDs ) || !$searching ) {
			if( $cid && $cid != 0 ) {
				$searching = true;
				if( !is_array( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
					$itids = null;
				else {
					$ids = implode( " , ", $sIDs );
					$itids = "AND itemid IN ({$ids})";
				$cids = array();
				$config->getChildCats( $cid, $cids );
				$cids = implode( " , ", $cids );
				$query = "SELECT itemid FROM #__sobi2_cat_items_relations WHERE catid IN({$cids}) {$itids} ;";
				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$sIDs = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		/* getting plugins modifications */
		if( !empty( $sIDs ) || !$searching ) {
			if( !empty( $config->S2_plugins ) ) {
				foreach ( $config->S2_plugins as $plugin ) {
					if( method_exists( $plugin,"onAjaxSearchResult" ) ) {
						$plugin->onAjaxSearchResult( $sIDs, $dataForFields, $pluginsOutput, $addToCount );
		$total = count( $sIDs );

		if( $total ) {
			$whereId = implode( " , ", $sIDs );
			$now = $config->getTimeAndDate();
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(itemid) FROM `#__sobi2_item` " .
			 	 	 "WHERE ( itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) ";
			$database->setQuery( $query );
			if( $database->loadResult() ) {
				$total = $database->loadResult();
			else {
				$total = 0;
			if( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$totalStr = $total + $addToCount;
		$items = array();
		$page = 0;
		$pages = 0;
		$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
		if( $total ) {
			 * now we have all id's from items contains search strings
			$limit = $config->itemsInLine * $config->lineOnSite;
			$pages = ceil( $total/$limit );
			$limitstart = ( int ) sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, "SobiSearchPage", 0 );
			setcookie("sobi2SearchCookie[SobiSearchPage]", $limitstart, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/");

			if( $limitstart == -1 ) {
				$limitstart = $pages - 1;
			$page = $limitstart;
			$limitstart *= $limit;
			$limit = $config->itemsInLine * $config->lineOnSite;
			$limits = " LIMIT {$limitstart}, {$limit} ";

			if ($use_original_catid) { //ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
				$config->listingOrdering = str_replace( "itemid", 'relation.itemid', $config->listingOrdering );				
				$query = "SELECT DISTINCT relation.itemid, relation.catid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS relation " . 
						"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS items ON relation.itemid = items.itemid " . 
						"WHERE (`published` = '1' AND (relation.catid > 1) AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) AND items.itemid IN({$whereId}) ) " . 
						"GROUP BY items.itemid ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} {$limits}";
			else {
				$config->listingOrdering = str_replace( "relation.", null, $config->listingOrdering );
				$query = "SELECT itemid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_item` AS items " .
				 	 "WHERE ( items.itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) " .
					 "ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} {$limits}";
			$database->setQuery( $query );
			$items = $database->loadObjectList();

			if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
			//fuer den Fall dass einer einen Eintrag geloescht hat waehrend ein anderer in den Suchergebnissen navigiert
			if( !count( $items ) && $total ) {
				if ($use_original_catid) { //ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT relation.itemid, relation.catid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS relation " . 
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS items ON relation.itemid = items.itemid " . 
							"WHERE (`published` = '1' AND (relation.catid > 1) AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) AND items.itemid IN({$whereId}) ) " . 
							"GROUP BY items.itemid ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
				else {
					$query = "SELECT itemid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_item` AS items " .
					 	 "WHERE ( items.itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) " .
						 "ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
					$items = $database->loadObjectList();
					if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
						trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$searchString = str_replace( "\\", null, $searchString );
		if( $total ) {
			defined( '_PN_LT' ) || define('_PN_LT','&lt;');
			defined( '_PN_RT' ) || define('_PN_RT','&gt;');
			defined( '_PN_START' ) || define('_PN_START','Start');
			defined( '_PN_PREVIOUS' ) || define('_PN_PREVIOUS','Previous');
			defined( '_PN_NEXT' ) || define('_PN_NEXT','Next');
			defined( '_PN_END' ) || define('_PN_END','End');
		$searchString = $config->getSobiStr( $searchString );
		setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[sobi2Search]", $searchString, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );
		setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[searchphrase]", $phrase, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );
		$config->set( "searchResults", $items );
		HTML_SOBI::axSearchResults($searchString, $items, $total, $pluginsOutput, $pages, $page, $totalStr);
	function cleanAttributes($text)
		return (preg_replace("/((\w+)(\s*)=(\s*)[\"']?.*(\w+)(\s*)\(.*)/i", '--- Removed ---', $text ));
	function searchSobi( $catid = 0 )
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
    	$mainframe =& $config->getMainframe();
    	/* ursprungscode in axsearch.class.ori1.php */

    	$database =& $config->getDb();
		$sobi2Frontend =& $config->getFrontend();
    	$autoSearch = false;
		$cid = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobiCid", -9);
		$reset = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "reset", 0 );
		$cookieValues = array();
    	if( !$reset ) {
			$cookieValues = sobi2Config::request($_COOKIE, "sobi2SearchCookie", null);
	    	if($cookieValues) {
	    		foreach ($cookieValues as $k => $v) {
	    			$cookieValues[$k] = $v;
    	$selectedCats = array();
		if($cid < 0 && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("cid", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["cid"])) {
			$cid = (int) $cookieValues["cid"];
		if( $cid > 0 ) {
			$config->getParentCats($cid, $selectedCats);
			$selectedCats = array_reverse($selectedCats);
		$cid = ($cid > 0) ? $cid : 0;
		$autoSearch = $cid ? true : $autoSearch;

		array_unshift($selectedCats, 1);

		$page = (int) sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "SobiSearchPage", -9);

		if($page < 0 && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("SobiSearchPage", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["SobiSearchPage"])) {
			$page = (int) $cookieValues["SobiSearchPage"];
		else {
			$page = 0;

    	$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search", null);
		$searchString = str_replace("%20", " ", $searchString);
		$phrase = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, 'searchphrase', null);

		if(!$searchString && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("sobi2Search", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["sobi2Search"]) && trim($cookieValues["sobi2Search"]) != trim(_SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX)) {
			$searchString = stripslashes( $cookieValues["sobi2Search"] );
			$searchString = $config->getSobiStr( $searchString );

		if(!$phrase && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("searchphrase", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["searchphrase"])) {
			$phrase = $cookieValues["searchphrase"];
		if (!$phrase)
			$phrase = $config->key("search", "phrase_value");
		$autoSearch = $searchString ? true : $autoSearch;

    	$fieldData = array();
    	$fieldsNames = array();
    	 * at firts make the html mask
		echo $sobi2Frontend->getHeader();
		 * build drop' down lists
		$dropListsArray = array();
		 * get all fields
		$fields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		if( count( $fields ) ) {
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				$selected = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, null );
				$fieldsNames[] = $field->fieldname;
				if(!$selected && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists($field->fieldname, $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues[$field->fieldname]) && $cookieValues[$field->fieldname] != 'all') {
					$selected = stripslashes( $cookieValues[$field->fieldname] );
				$autoSearch = $selected ? true : $autoSearch;
				if(($field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 6) && !(empty($field->definedValues))) {
					$field->definedValues = $field->getListValues( null, true, true );
					$options = array();
			   		if(!$field->selectLabel) {
			   			$options[] = sobiHTML::makeOption('all', _SOBI2_SEARCH_BOX_SELECT);
			   		foreach ($field->definedValues as $option => $value) {
			   			$options[] = sobiHTML::makeOption(sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($option), sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($value));
					$selectList = sobiHTML::selectList( $options, $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname), 'size="1" class="inputbox" id="'. $field->fieldname.'"', 'value', 'text', sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, $selected ) );
					$dropListsArray = $dropListsArray + array($field->label => $selectList);
				else {
					 * get data for this fields
					if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend ) {
						 * @author Richard Jones
						 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
						if ( $cid ) {
							$cids = array();
							$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
							$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
						$results = 0;
						if ($cid != 0) {
							$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
							"WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid) ORDER BY fielddata";
						else {
							$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
							"WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
						$results = $database->loadObjectList();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					else {
						$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
								 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
								 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
								 "WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
				    	$results = $database->loadObjectList();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					 * get all options for this field
					if( count( $results ) ) {
						$fieldData = array();
						$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( 'all', _SOBI2_SEARCH_BOX_SELECT );
						foreach($results as $result) {
							if($result->fielddata) {
								if($result->fieldType == 3) {
									$label = $result->fielddata ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
									$data = $result->fielddata ? 1 : 0;
									$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( '-1', _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO);
								else {
									$data = $label = $config->getSobiStr($result->fielddata);
								$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption(sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($data), sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($label));
						$selectList = array($field->label => sobiHTML::selectList( $fieldData, $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname), 'size="1" class="inputbox" id="'. $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname).'"', 'value', 'text', $selected ));
						$dropListsArray = $dropListsArray + $selectList;
		/*calling plugins*/
   		if(!empty($config->S2_plugins)) {
   			foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
   				if(method_exists($plugin, "onAjaxSearchStart")) {
   					$plugin->onAjaxSearchStart($searchString, $phrase, $dropListsArray, $cookieValues, $fieldsNames, $autoSearch);
   		$autoSearch = ( count( $_GET ) > 5 ) ? true : $autoSearch;
   		$mainframe->addCustomHeadTag( sobiAxSearch::searchAjaxScript($autoSearch, $fieldsNames));
   		sobiAxSearch::showSearchForm($dropListsArray, $searchString, $phrase, $cid, $page, $selectedCats);
   		echo $sobi2Frontend->getFooter();
    function showSearchForm($dropListsArray, $searchString, $phrase, $cid, $page, $selectedCats)
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$iso = defined("_ISO") ? explode( '=', _ISO ) : array( null, "UTF-8");
		$index = $config->key( "search", "ajax_target_file", "index2.php" );
		if(!$searchString) {
		else {
			$String = $searchString;
		if( $config->showComponentDescInSearch ) {
			$sobi2Desc = new sobi2Category( 1 );
			if( $config->key( "general", "com_desc_exec_mambots", true ) ) {
				$sobi2Desc->description = HTML_SOBI::execMambots($sobi2Desc->description);
			<table class="sobi2CompDesc" width="100%">
					<?php if($sobi2Desc->image) { ?>
						<img src="<?php echo $config->liveSite;?><?php echo $config->catImagesFolder;?><?php echo $sobi2Desc->image; ?>"  style="float:<?php echo $sobi2Desc->image_position;?>" alt="<?php echo $config->componentName;?>" title="<?php echo $config->componentName;?>"/>
					<?php } ?>
						<?php echo $sobi2Desc->description;?>
			if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
	    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
	    			if(method_exists($plugin, "onShowSearchForm")) {
	<form id="sobiSearchFormContainer" accept-charset="<?php echo $iso[1];?>" action="<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/<?php echo $index;?>" method="get" name="sobiSearchFormContainer">
	<?php if( $config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) { ?>
		<div style="display:none">
	<?php } ?>
	<?php $show_search_box = $config->key("search", "search_box", true ); ?>
		<table class="sobi2eSearchForm">
				<td id="sobi2eSearchLabel"><?php if($show_search_box) { echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_FOR; } ?></td>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchBox">
					<?php if($show_search_box) { ?>
						<input name="sobi2Search" id="sobi2Search" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo $String; ?>" onclick="if (this.value == '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>') this.value = '';" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>';"/>
					<?php } ?>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchButton">
					<?php if($show_search_box) { ?>
						<input type="submit" id="sobiSearchSubmitBt" name="search"  onmousedown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" onkeydown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" class="button" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_H; ?>"/>
					<?php } ?>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchEmptyCell">
				<td colspan="4" id="sobi2eSearchPhrases">
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_any", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'any' || $phrase != 'all' || $phrase != 'exact' ) echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseany" value="any"   />
					<label for="searchphraseany"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_ANY ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_all", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'all') echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseall" value="all"  />
					<label for="searchphraseall"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_ALL ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_exact", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'exact') echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseexact" value="exact"  />
					<label for="searchphraseexact"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_EXACT ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<td colspan="4" id="sobi2eSearchButtonLine">
				<?php if( !$show_search_box) { ?>
					<input type="submit" id="sobiSearchSubmitBt" name="search"  onmousedown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" onkeydown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" class="button" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_H; ?>"/>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
					<input type="button" id="sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle" class="button4" name="sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_TOOGLE_EXTENDED; ?>"/>
				<?php } ?>
					<input type="button" id="sobiSearchFormReset" class="button3" name="sobiSearchFormReset" title="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESET_FORM_TITLE;?>" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESET_FORM; ?>" onclick="resetSobi2SearchForm()"/>
			<div id="sobiSearchFormExtOpt">
			<table class="sobi2eSearchForm">
				if(!$config->ajaxSearchCatsForFields) {
					if(count($dropListsArray)) {
						foreach($dropListsArray as $label => $dropList) {
							echo "<tr><td class=\"sobi2eSearchLabel\">{$label}</td><td colspan='2'>{$dropList}</td></tr>";
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "cats", true )) { ?>
				<td style="vertical-align:top;"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_TOOGLE_CATS; ?></td>
				<td colspan='2'>
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
					<div id="sobiSearchFormCatsSelection" <?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?> style="height:<?php echo $config->ajaxSearchCatsContHeight;?>px;" <?php } ?>>
				<?php } ?>
							if( !$config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) {
								echo sobiAxSearch::axSearchCatChooser( $selectedCats, $cid );
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
				<?php } ?>
			<?php } ?>
				if($config->ajaxSearchCatsForFields) {
					if(count($dropListsArray)) {
						foreach($dropListsArray as $label => $dropList) {
							echo "<tr><td class=\"sobi2eSearchLabel\">{$label}</td><td colspan=\"2\">{$dropList}</td></tr>";
			<?php if( $config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_sobi2"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $config->sobi2Itemid; ?>"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="no_html" value="1"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Task" value="axSearch"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobiCid" id="sobiCid" value="<?php echo $cid; ?>"/>
			<input type="hidden" id="SobiSearchPage" name="SobiSearchPage" value="<?php echo $page;?>"/>
			<?php if(!$show_search_box) { ?>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Search" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>"/>
			<?php } ?>
	<div id="sobiSearchResponseContainer"></div>
    function axSearchCatChooser( $selectedCats, $cid )
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		if( count( $selectedCats ) ) {
	    	$dropsy = '<div id="SobiSearchForm2dropsy" style="margin-left: 0px;">';
			$catsChildsJs = null;
			$count = 0;
			$lastBox = 0;
			foreach( $selectedCats as $cid ) {
				$cats = $config->getCategories( $cid );
				if( is_array( $cats ) && !empty( $cats ) ) {
					$dropsy .= "\n\n\n\n<div id='sdrops_{$count}'>";
					$Select = array();
					$Select[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( 0, _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT);
					$js = "addSobiSearchFormCatBox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,{$count});";
					foreach ($cats as $cat) {
						$cat->name = str_replace("\\","",$cat->name);
						$cat->name = str_replace("\\\\","",$cat->name);
						$cat->name = $config->getSobiStr( $cat->name );
						$Select[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( $cat->catid, $cat->name);
						$c = $config->catHasChild($cat->catid) ? 1 : 0;
						$catsChildsJs .= "\n SobiSearchFormCatsChilds[{$cat->catid}] = '{$c}';";
					$selected = key_exists( $count+1, $selectedCats ) ? $selectedCats[$count+1] : $cid;
					$dropsy .= sobiHTML::selectList( $Select, "SobiCatSelected_{$count}", 'id="SobiCatSelected_'.$count.'" size="1" class="inputbox catChooseBox" onchange="'.$js.'"', 'value', 'text', $selected);
					$dropsy .= "</div>\n\n\n\n";
					$lastBox = $count;
			$dropsy .= "\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n {$catsChildsJs}\n\n SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = {$lastBox}; \n\n</script>";
			$dropsy .= "</div>";
			return $dropsy;
		else {
			return null;
    function searchAjaxScript( $autoSearch, $fieldsNames )
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$pluginReset = null;
		if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
    			if(method_exists($plugin, "addToSearchJsResetScript")) {
					$pluginReset .= $plugin->addToSearchJsResetScript();
    	if ( $config->key("search", "use_own_mootools", true ) ) {
    	$index = $config->key( "search", "ajax_target_file", "index2.php" );
		$url = "{$config->liveSite}/{$index}?option=com_sobi2&no_html=1&sobi2Task=SigsiuTreeMenu&Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}&catid=";
		$fieldsUrl = "{$config->liveSite}/{$index}?option=com_sobi2&no_html=1&sobi2Task=GetSearchField&Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}&catid=";
		 <script type="text/javascript">
		 /* <![CDATA[ */
			var Sobi2FieldNames = new Array();
				$c = 0;
				foreach ($fieldsNames as $name) {
					echo "\n\t\t\tSobi2FieldNames[{$c}] = \"{$name}\";";
				echo "\n";
			function resetSobi2SearchForm() {
			<?php if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) { ?>
				fieldsUrl = "<?php echo $fieldsUrl; ?>0";
			<?php } ?>

				var SobiCookieRemove = " = 0; expires=0; path=/;";
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "search_box", true )) { ?>
				$('sobi2Search').value = "<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>";
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[sobi2Search]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php } ?>
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[searchphrase]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php if ($config->key("search", "phrase_any", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "any") == "any")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseany").checked = true;
			<?php } elseif ($config->key("search", "phrase_all", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "all") == "all")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseall").checked = true;
			<?php } elseif ($config->key("search", "phrase_exact", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "exact") == "exact")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseexact").checked = true;
			<?php } ?>
				$("sobiCid").value = 0;
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[cid]" + SobiCookieRemove;
				$("SobiSearchPage").value = 0;
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[SobiSearchPage]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php echo $pluginReset;?>
				for(i=0; i < Sobi2FieldNames.length; i++) {
					$(Sobi2FieldNames[i]).selectedIndex = 0;
					document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[" + Sobi2FieldNames[i] + "]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "cats", true )) { ?>
				for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
					if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
						chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
				SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = 0;
				$("SobiCatSelected_0").selectedIndex = 0;
			<?php } ?>
		 	window.addEvent('<?php echo $config->key( "search","mootools_event_method", "load" );?>', function() {
		 		var sobiSearchResponseContainer = new Fx.Slide('sobiSearchResponseContainer');
		 	<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
				var sobiSearchFormExtOpt = new Fx.Slide('sobiSearchFormExtOpt');
			<?php if($config->ajaxSearchSlidInOnStart) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
				$('sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle').addEvent('click', function(e){
					e = new Event(e);
			<?php } ?>
				$('sobiSearchFormContainer').addEvent('submit', function(e) {
					new Event(e).stop();
					var log = $('sobiSearchResponseContainer').empty().addClass('ajax-loading');
					var url = "<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/<?php echo $index;?>?" + $('sobiSearchFormContainer').toQueryString();
					var query = new Ajax(url, {
						method: 'get',
						onComplete: function() {
						update: log
			<?php if($config->ajaxSearchSlidInAfterSearch && $config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			<?php if($autoSearch) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			var SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = 0;
			var SobiSearchFormCatsChilds = new Array();
			var SobiSearchFormCatsNames = new Array();
			function addSobiSearchFormCatBox(cid, c) {
				if(cid == 0) {
					if(c == 0) {
						$("sobiCid").value = cid;
					else {
						box = c - 1;
						$("sobiCid").value = $("SobiCatSelected_" + box).options[$("SobiCatSelected_" + box).selectedIndex].value;
					if(c < SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter) {
						for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > c; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
							if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
								chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
						SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = c;
				if(cid != 0) {
					$("sobiCid").value = cid;
					url = "<?php echo $url; ?>" + cid;
			 * @author Radek Suski, Richard Jones
			 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
			if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) {
            function SobiSearchFieldsSendRequest(url,c)
            	var SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest;
		        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
		        	SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		              if (SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.overrideMimeType) {
		            else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
		              try { SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
		                catch (e) {
                              try { SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
		                   catch (e) {}
		        if (!SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest) {
		            alert('Sorry but I Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
		            return false;
		        SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
					if (SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.status == 200) {
'GET', url, true);
			function SobiProcessField(field)
				var fieldId = field.getElementsByTagName('fieldId').item(0);
			  	fieldId = fieldId.replace("\\", "");
			  	var fieldValues = field.getElementsByTagName('fieldValue');
			  	liste = document.getElementById( fieldId );
				liste.length = 0;
			  	liste.options[0] = new Option( '', 'all', true, true );
			  	liste.options[0].innerHTML = '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT;?>';
			  	for( var i = 0; i< fieldValues.length; i++ ) {
			  		liste.options[liste.length] = new Option( fieldValues[i], fieldValues[i], false, false );
			function SobiSearchFieldsFill(XMLDoc,c)
				if(!XMLDoc.responseXML) { return null; }
				var r = XMLDoc.responseXML;
				var fields = r.getElementsByTagName("field");
				if(fields.length > 0) {
					for(i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
						var field = fields[i];
			<?php } ?>
			function SobiSearchFormComboSendRequest(url,c) {
		    	var SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest;
		        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
		            SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		            if (SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.overrideMimeType) {
		        else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
		            try { SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
		                catch (e) {
                           try { SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
		                   catch (e) {}
		        if (!SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest) {
		            alert('Sorry but I Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
		            return false;
		        SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
			  	if (SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.status == 200)
'GET', url, true);
			function SobiSearchFormCatGetSubcats(XMLDoc,c) {
				if(!XMLDoc.responseXML) {
					return null;
				var r = XMLDoc.responseXML;
				var categories = r.getElementsByTagName("category");
				if(c < SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter) {
					for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > c; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
						if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
							chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
					SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = c;
				if(categories.length > 0) {
					html = "";
					html = html + "<div id='sdrops_"+SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter+"'><select class='inputbox catChooseBox' id='SobiCatSelected_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter + "' onclick='addSobiSearchFormCatBox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value," + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter + ");'><option value='0'><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT;?></option>"
					for(i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
						var category = categories[i];
						var catid = category.getElementsByTagName('catid').item(0);
						var name = category.getElementsByTagName('name').item(0);
						var childs = category.getElementsByTagName('childs').item(0);
						var pid = category.getElementsByTagName('parentid').item(0);
						name = name.replace("\\", "");
						SobiSearchFormCatsNames[catid] = name;
						html = html + "<option value='"+catid+"'>"+name+"</option>"
						SobiSearchFormCatsChilds[catid] = childs;
					html = html + "</select>\n\n</div>";
					span = document.createElement("span");
					span.innerHTML = html;
				 * @author Richard Jones
				 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
				if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) {
				fieldsUrl = "<?php echo $fieldsUrl; ?>" + $("sobiCid").value;
				<?php } ?>
			function sobiSearchRes(page) {
	 			$('SobiSearchPage').value = page;
		/* ]]> */
		<style type="text/css">
			#sobiSearchResponseContainer.ajax-loading {
				padding: 20px 0;
				background: url(<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/components/com_sobi2/images/spinner.gif) no-repeat center;
		$script = ob_get_contents();
		return $script;
	 * @author Richard Jones
	 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
	 * @since RC 2.8.4
	 * @param int $catid
	function getSearchFields( $cid )
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database =& $config->getDb();
		$fields = array();
		$allFields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if( count( $fieldids ) ) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		if( count( $fields ) ) {
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				if( ( $field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 6 ) && ! ( empty( $field->definedValues ) ) ) {
				  	if ( $cid ) {
						$cids = array();
						$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
						$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
				  		$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields ,`#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid AND sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid ) ORDER BY fielddata";
					    $database->setQuery( $query );
					    $selVal = $database->loadResultArray();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("getSearchFields: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					$field->definedValues = $field->getListValues( null, true, true, true );
                    $names = array();
                    $fieldArray = array();
			   		foreach ($field->definedValues as $option => $value) {
			   			if( $cid && is_array( $selVal ) ) {
			   				if( in_array( $option, $selVal ) ) {
			   					$names[$option] = $value;
			   			else {
			   				$names[$option] = $value;
					$fieldArray['fieldId'] = $field->fieldname;
					$fieldArray['fieldNames'] = $names;
					$allFields[] = $fieldArray;
				else {
					 * get data for this fields
					if ( $cid ) {
						$cids = array();
						$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
						$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
					if ( $cid ) {
						$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
						 ",`#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata " .
				         "WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid AND sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid) ORDER BY fielddata";
					else {
					     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
						 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
						 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
						 "WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
					$database->setQuery( $query );
					$results = $database->loadObjectList();
					if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
						trigger_error("getSearchFields: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);

					* get all options for this field
					if( count( $results ) ) {
					  	$fieldArray = array();
				  		$names = array();
				  		foreach($results as $result) {
				  			if($result->fielddata) {
				  				if($result->fieldType == 3) {
				  					$label = $result->fielddata ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
									$data = $result->fielddata ? 1 : 0;
								else {
									$data = $label = $config->getSobiStr($result->fielddata);
								$names[$label] =  $data;
					  	$fieldArray['fieldId'] = $field->fieldname;
						$fieldArray['fieldNames'] = $names;
						$allFields[] = $fieldArray;
		$iso = explode( '=', _ISO );
		$iso = strtoupper($iso[1]);
		if(ob_get_length()) {
		if(ob_get_length()) {
		header('Content-type: application/xml');
		echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$iso}\"?>";
		echo "\n<root>";
		if( count( $allFields ) ) {
			foreach ( $allFields as $field ) {
				echo "\n\t<field>\n\t\t<fieldId>{$field['fieldId']}</fieldId>\n\t\t<fieldValues>";
				foreach ($field['fieldNames'] as $fopt => $fname ) {
					$fname = strip_tags( $fname );
					$fname = str_replace( "&nbsp;", " ", $fname );
					echo "\n\t\t\t<fieldValue name=\"{$fopt}\">{$fname}</fieldValue>";
				echo "\n\t\t</fieldValues>";
				echo "</field>\n";
		echo "\n</root>";
		/* we don't need any others information so we can go out */
     * Enter description here...
     * @param string $searchString
     * @param array $items
     * @param array $fieldData
     * @param int $total
     * @param string $phrase
     * @param string $pluginsOutput
     * @param int $pages
     * @param int $currPage
    function axSearchResults($searchString, $items, $total, $pluginsOutput, $pages, $currPage, $totalStr )
		$config	=& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$my = &$config->getUser();
		if( trim( $searchString ) == trim( _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX ) ) {
			$resultsFor = _SOBI2_SEARCH_ALL_ENTRIES;
		else {
			$resultsFor = $searchString;
		$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->defTemplate}|" );
        if( isset( $config->templates["ajax_search"] ) && $config->templates["ajax_search"] ) {
        	if( !$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->templates["ajax_search"]}|" ) ) {
        		$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->defTemplate}|" );
		if( !$template ) {
			$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|default|" );
		<th class="componentheading"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESULTS; ?></th>
			<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESULTS_FOUND; ?> <?php echo $totalStr; ?>
			<span id="sobi2SearchResultsSerchingString"><?php echo $resultsFor; ?></span>
	<?php echo $pluginsOutput; ?>
		$tdTrCounter = 0;
		if( count($items) ) {
			echo "\n\t <table class='sobi2Listing'> \n\t\t <tr>";
			$width = 100/$config->itemsInLine;
			$width = "style='width: {$width}%; ";
			if($config->useDetailsView && file_exists( $template )) {
		    	$fetchErr = intval(sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, 'err', 0));
		        if( $config->debugTmpl && !$fetchErr ) {
		        	sobi2Config::parseTemplate( $template );
		        else {
		        	sobi2Config::import( $template, "absolute" );
			else {
				foreach($items as $item) {
					$item->title = $config->getSobiStr($item->title);
					$sobi2Data = sobiAxSearch::searchDetails($item);
					$catid = 0;
					$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
					if ($use_original_catid) {	//ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
						$catid =$item->catid;
					if($tdTrCounter%$config->itemsInLine == 0 && $tdTrCounter != 0)
						 echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t\t <tr>";

					$style = $width;
					if($item->background && file_exists( _SOBI_FE_PATH.DS."images".DS."backgrounds".DS."{$item->background}")) {
						$style = $style."background-image: url({$config->liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$item->background});";
					else if(isset($config->sobi2BackgroundImg) && !(empty($config->sobi2BackgroundImg)))
					   	$style = $style."background-image: url({$config->liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$config->sobi2BackgroundImg});";

					if(isset($config->sobi2BorderColor) && !(empty($config->sobi2BorderColor)))
						$style = $style."border-style: solid; border-color: #{$config->sobi2BorderColor}'";
						$style = $style."'";

					echo "\n\t\t\t <td {$style}>";

					if(!$my->id && !$config->allowAnoDetails) {
						$onClick = "onclick='alert(\""._SOBI2_JS_NOT_LOGGED_FOR_DETAILS."\"); return false;'";
						$href = "#";
					else {
						$href = "index.php?option=com_sobi2&amp;sobi2Task=sobi2Details&amp;catid={$catid}&amp;sobi2Id={$item->itemid}&amp;Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}";
						$href = sobi2Config::sef($href);
						$onClick = null;
			    	if( !$item->icon && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" ) ) {
		            	$item->icon = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" );

		            if( !$item->image && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" ) ) {
		            	$item->image = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" );

		            $imagesFolder = str_replace( array("\\", "\\\\", "/", "//" ), DS, $config->imagesFolder );

					if($config->showIcoInVC && $item->icon && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->icon)) {
						$ico = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->icon;
						echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$href} {$onClick}\"><img src=\"{$ico}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";

					if($config->showImgInVC && $item->image && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->image)) {
						$img = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->image;
						echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$href}\"><img src=\"{$img}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
					echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<p class=\"sobi2ItemTitle\"><a href=\"{$href}\" {$onClick} title=\"{$item->title}\">{$item->title}</a></p>";
					if(count($sobi2Data) != 0) {
					 	foreach($sobi2Data as $field)
					 		echo $field;
			    	if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
			    		$plugins = "\n\t\t<table class='sobi2Listing_plugins'>\n\t\t\t<tr>";
			    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
			    				$class = "class='{$plugin->listingStyle}'";
			    				$class = null;
			    			if(method_exists($plugin,"showListing")) {
			    				$row = "<td {$class}>".$plugin->showListing($item->itemid)."</td>";
			    				$plugins .= $row;
			    		$plugins .= "\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>";
			    		echo $plugins;
					echo "\n\t\t\t </td>";
		    	/* on end check if last <tr> have $config->itemsInLine <td>'s */
				if ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine != 0) {
					if (($f = $config->key ( "frontpage", "empty_cell_calback_function", false )) && function_exists ( $f )) {
						$ecell = call_user_func ( $f );
					} else {
						$ecell = "&nbsp;";
					$colspan = $config->itemsInLine - ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine);
					echo "\n\t\t\t\t<td class=\"sobi2EmptyCell\" colspan=\"{$colspan}\">{$ecell}\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
			echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t </table>";
			<div id="sobi2PageNav">
			<?php if($currPage > 0) { ?>
				<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(0);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_START; ?></a>
				<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $currPage - 1; ?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_PREVIOUS; ?></a>
			<?php } else { ?>
				<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_START; ?></span>
				<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_PREVIOUS; ?></span>
			<?php } ?>
				<?php for($page = 0; $page < $pages; $page++) { ?>
					<?php if($currPage == $page) { ?>
						<span class="pagenav"><?php echo $page+1;?></span>
					<?php } else { ?>
						<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $page;?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo $page+1;?></a>
					<?php } ?>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if($currPage < $pages - 1) { ?>
					<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $currPage + 1;?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_NEXT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?></a>
					<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(-1);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_END; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?><?php echo _PN_RT; ?></a>
				<?php } else { ?>
					<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_NEXT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?></span>
					<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_END; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?><?php echo _PN_RT; ?></span>
				<?php } ?>
     * @param array $items
     * @param int $width
     * @param string $liveSite
     * @param sobi2Config $config
     * @param int $catid
     * @param int $tdTrCounter
     * @param mosUser $my
    function searchResultsWithTemplate( $items, $width, $liveSite, $config, $catid, $tdTrCounter, $my )
    	foreach( $items as $item ) {
			$item->title = $config->getSobiStr($item->title);
			$sobi2Data = sobiAxSearch::searchDetails($item,false);
			$fieldsFormated = $sobi2Data[0];
			$fieldsObjects = $sobi2Data[1];
			$plugins = array();

			$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
			if ($use_original_catid) {	//ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
				$catid =$item->catid;
			if($tdTrCounter%$config->itemsInLine == 0 && $tdTrCounter != 0)
				 echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t\t <tr>";
			$style = $width;

			if($item->background && file_exists(_SOBI_FE_PATH.DS."images".DS."backgrounds".DS."{$item->background}")) {
				$style = $style."background-image: url({$liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$item->background});";
			else if(isset($config->sobi2BackgroundImg) && !(empty($config->sobi2BackgroundImg)))
			   	$style = $style."background-image: url({$liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$config->sobi2BackgroundImg});";

			if(isset($config->sobi2BorderColor) && !(empty($config->sobi2BorderColor)))
				$style = $style."border-style: solid; border-color: #{$config->sobi2BorderColor}'";
				$style = $style."'";

			if(!$my->id && !$config->allowAnoDetails) {
				$onClick = "onclick='alert(\""._SOBI2_JS_NOT_LOGGED_FOR_DETAILS."\"); return false;'";
				$href = "#";
			else {
				$href = "index.php?option=com_sobi2&amp;sobi2Task=sobi2Details&amp;catid={$catid}&amp;sobi2Id={$item->itemid}&amp;Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}";
				$href = sobi2Config::sef($href);
				$onClick = null;
	    	if( !$item->icon && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" ) ) {
            	$item->icon = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" );

            if( !$item->image && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" ) ) {
            	$item->image = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" );

            $imagesFolder = str_replace( array("\\", "\\\\", "/", "//" ), DS, $config->imagesFolder );

			if($config->showIcoInVC && $item->icon && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->icon)) {
				$ico = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->icon;
				$ico = "<a href=\"{$href} {$onClick}\"><img src=\"{$ico}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
			else {
				$ico = null;
			if($config->showImgInVC && $item->image && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->image)) {
				$img = $liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->image;
				$img = "<a href=\"{$href}\"><img src=\"{$img}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
			else {
				$img = null;
			$title = "<p class='sobi2ItemTitle'><a href=\"{$href}\" {$onClick} title=\"{$item->title}\">{$item->title}</a></p>";
	    	if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
	    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $name => $plugin) {
	    			if(method_exists($plugin,"showListing")) {
	    				$plugins[$name] = $plugin->showListing($item->itemid);
			sobi2VCview($item->itemid,$style, $ico, $img, $title, $fieldsObjects, $fieldsFormated, $plugins);
			echo "\n\t\t\t </td>";
    	/* on end check if last <tr> have $config->itemsInLine <td>'s */
		if ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine != 0) {
			if (($f = $config->key ( "frontpage", "empty_cell_calback_function", false )) && function_exists ( $f )) {
				$ecell = call_user_func ( $f );
			} else {
				$ecell = "&nbsp;";
			$colspan = $config->itemsInLine - ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine);
			echo "\n\t\t\t\t<td class=\"sobi2EmptyCell\" colspan=\"{$colspan}\">{$ecell}\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
     * getting details data (custom fields) for search results
     * @param sobi2 $mySobi
     * @global sobi2Config $config
     * @global database $database
     * @return array
    function searchDetails($mySobi,$html = true)
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database = &$config->getDb();
		$fieldsdata = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_vcard`= 1 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$fieldsObjects = array();
		$fieldsFormated = array();
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fieldsdata[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid, $mySobi->itemid);
    	$itemData = array();
    	if( count($fieldsdata) ) {
			foreach($fieldsdata as $field) {
				$data = null;
				$field->name = $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname);
				if($field->fieldType == 2) {
					$field->data = $config->getSobiStr($field->data, true);
					$data = $field->data;
				elseif( $field->fieldType == 1 || $field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 7 ) {
					$field->data = $config->getSobiStr($field->data);
					if( $field->isUrl == 4 ) {
						$data = $field->customCode;
					else {
						$data = $field->data;
				elseif($field->fieldType == 3) {
					$data = $field->data ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
					$field->with_label = 1;
				elseif($field->fieldType == 6) {
					$field->data = $field->selectedValues;
					if(is_array($field->data) && !empty($field->data)) {
						$data .= "\n<ul class = \"sobi2Listing_{$field->fieldname}\">";
						foreach ($field->data as $opt) {
							$data .= "\n\t<li>{$opt}</li>";
						$data .= "\n</ul>";
				$field->label = $config->getSobiStr($field->label);
				$tag = "span";
				if(strlen($data) > 0) {
					static $noFollows = null;
					static $noFollowsCheck = false;
					if( !$noFollowsCheck ) {
						$noFollows = $config->key( "url", "nofollow" );
						if( $noFollows ) {
							$noFollows = explode( ",", $noFollows );
						else {
							$noFollows = array();
						$noFollowsCheck = true;
					if($field->isUrl == 1) {
						if( in_array( $field->fieldid, $noFollows )) {
							$noFollow = " rel=\"nofollow\" ";
						else {
							$noFollow = null;
						$data = "<a href=\"{$data}\"{$noFollow} title=\"{$mySobi->title}\" target=\"_blank\">{$field->label}</a>";
					else if($field->isUrl == 2) {
						if(!(defined("_SOBI_AJAX_SEARCH"))) {
							$data =  sobiHTML::emailCloaking( $data, 1, $field->label, 0 );
						else {
							$data = "<a href=\"mailto:{$data}\" title=\"{$mySobi->title}\" target=\"_blank\">{$field->label}</a>";
					else if($field->isUrl == 3) {
						$data = "<img src=\"{$data}\" title=\"{$field->label}\" alt=\"{$field->label}\" />";
					if($field->with_label) {
						if( $field->fieldType != 6 ) {
							$data = "<{$tag} class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}\"><span class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}_label\">{$field->label}:</span> {$data}</{$tag}>";
						else {
							$data = "<span class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}_label\">{$field->label}:</span> {$data}";
					else {
						if( $field->fieldType != 6 ) {
							$data = "<{$tag} class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}\">{$data}</{$tag}>";
					if($field->in_newline) {
						$data = "<br/>".$data;
					array_push($itemData, $data);
				$fieldsFormated[$field->name] = $data;
				$fieldsObjects[$field->name] = $field;
    	if(!$html) {
    		return array($fieldsFormated,$fieldsObjects);
    	else {
    		return $itemData;

Open in new window

No still nothing is changing??!! Am I using the right code?

You can test it yourself here:

It seems like blank is this:



So, lets try this code and see if anything changes yet...

if ($searchString == "Search+...+") {
$searchString = "%";
* @version $Id: axsearch.class.php 5391 2010-04-07 16:01:32Z Sigrid Suski $
* @package: Sigsiu Online Business Index 2
* ===================================================
* @author
* Name: Sigrid & Radek Suski, Sigsiu.NET GmbH
* Email: sobi[at]
* Url:
* ===================================================
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.
* @license see GNU/GPL.
* You can use, redistribute this file and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
// no direct access
defined( '_SOBI2_' ) || ( trigger_error("Restricted access", E_USER_ERROR) && exit() );

class sobiAxSearch {
	function search()
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database = $config->getDb();
		define("_SOBI_AJAX_SEARCH", true);
		header("Content-Type: application/x-javascript; "._ISO);
		$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search");
                if ($searchString == "Search+...+") {
                $searchString = "%";
		$searchString = str_replace("%20", " ", $searchString);
		$searchString = $config->stringDecode( $searchString );
		$searchString = addslashes($searchString);
		$phrase = $config->key("search", "phrase_value", "any");
		$phrase = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "searchphrase", $phrase);
		$searching = false;
		$dataForFields = array();
		$pluginsOutput = null;
		$addToCount = 0;

		/* gettings the fields for search */
		$fields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		/* getting input from select boxes */
		$break = false;
		foreach( $fields as $field ) {
			$getField = sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, null );
			$getField = $config->stringDecode( $getField );
			$getFieldCookie =  $config->getSobiStr( str_replace( "\\", null, $getField ) );
			$getField = $config->clearSQLinjection($getField);
			setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[{$field->fieldname}]", $getFieldCookie, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ) , "/" );
			if( !empty( $getField ) && $getField != 'all' ) {
				$searching = true;
				$dataForFields += array( $field->fieldname => $getField );
				/* checkbox handling */
				if( $getField == '-1' ) {
   					$getField = 0;
   				if( !isset( $sIDs ) ) {
   					$sIDs = array();
   				$now = $config->getTimeAndDate();
				$ids = ( !empty($sIDs) ) ? implode( " , ", $sIDs ) : null;
				if ( $ids ) {
					$idTest = " AND item.itemid IN ({$ids}) ";
				else {
					$idTest = null;
				$query = "SELECT DISTINCT item.itemid " .
					"FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS sdata ON sobifields.fieldid = sdata.fieldid " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS snames ON snames.fieldid =  sobifields.fieldid " .
					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS item ON sdata.itemid = item.itemid " .
					"WHERE (snames.langKey = '{$field->fieldname}' AND sdata.data_txt = '{$getField}') {$idTest}".
					" AND item.published = 1 AND (item.publish_down > '{$now}' OR item.publish_down = '{$config->nullDate}' )";

				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error( "axSearchSobi2: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING );
				if( is_array( $arr ) && empty( $arr ) ) {
					$sIDs = array();
					$break = true;
				elseif( !empty($sIDs) && is_array($arr)) {
					$sIDs = array_intersect($sIDs, $arr);
				elseif(is_array($arr)) {
					$sIDs = $arr;
				elseif(!is_array($arr) ) {
					$sIDs = array();
		/* search string handling */
		if( !$break && ( !empty( $searchString ) && trim( $searchString ) != trim( _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX ) && ( !isset( $sIDs ) || !empty($sIDs)))) {
			$searching = true;
			$searchString = $config->clearSQLinjection( trim( $searchString ) );
			switch ( $phrase ) {
				case 'exact':
					$words = $searchString;
   					$where = null;
   					$or = null;
   					if( $config->key( "search", "exact_rlike", true ) ) {
						$r = "R";
						$wcs = "[[:<:]]";
						$wce = "[[:>:]]";
						if( $words[0] == "&" ) {
							$words = substr( $words, 1 );
   					else {
   						$r = null;
						$wcs = "%";
						$wce = "%";
					if( $config->key( "search", "title", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "LOWER(title) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
   						$or = "OR";
   					if( $config->key( "search", "metakey", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "{$or} LOWER(metakey) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
   						$or = "OR";
   					if( $config->key( "search", "metadesc", true ) ) {
   						$where .= "{$or} LOWER(metadesc) {$r}LIKE '{$wcs}{$words}{$wce}' ";
				case 'all':
				case 'any':
					/* handling for data from checkbox group or select lists */
					$str = $searchString;
					$opt = explode( " ", $searchString );
					if( count( $opt ) ) {
						$options = array();
						foreach ( $opt as $o ) {
							$options[] = $config->getSobiStr( $o );
						$opt = implode( "','", $options );
						$query = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT `langKey` SEPARATOR ' ' ) FROM `#__sobi2_language` WHERE `langValue` IN('{$opt}') AND `sobi2Section` = 'field_opt'";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
						$opt = $database->loadResult();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
						if( $opt ) {
							$str .= " ".$opt;
					/* handling for data from checkbox group or select lists */
					$words = explode( ' ', $str );

					if( $phrase == 'all' ) {
						$where = implode( "%' AND {=|=} LIKE '%", $words );
						$words = implode( "%' AND LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%", $words );
					elseif ( $phrase == 'any' ) {
						$where = implode( "%' OR {=|=} LIKE '%", $words );
						$words = implode( "%' OR LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%", $words );
			if( $phrase == "exact" && $config->key( "search", "exact_rlike", true ) ) {
				$words = "LOWER(sdata.data_txt) RLIKE '[[:<:]]{$words}[[:>:]]'";
			} else {
				$words = "LOWER(sdata.data_txt) LIKE '%{$words}%'";
   			 * now get the fields in there we have to looking for
			$query = "SELECT sobifields.fieldid  " .
					 "FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
					 "WHERE ((`in_search` = 1  OR `in_search` = 2 ) AND `enabled` = 1)";
		    $database->setQuery( $query );
			$fields = $database->loadResultArray();
			if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error( "DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING );
			if( is_array( $fields ) && !empty( $fields ) ) {
				$sIDs2 = array();
				foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` " .
		   			   		"FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sfield " .
		   					"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS sdata ON sfield.fieldid = sdata.fieldid " .
		   					"WHERE (sfield.fieldid = '{$field}' AND ( {$words} ) )";
					$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
					if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
						trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		   			if( !empty( $arr ) ) {
						$sIDs2 = array_merge( $sIDs2, $arr );
			/* looking in the items table self */
			$title 		= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(title)", $where);
			$metakey 	= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(metakey)", $where);
			$metadesc 	= str_replace("{=|=}", "LOWER(metadesc)", $where);

			$query_array = array();
			$title = $config->key( "search", "title", true ) ? "LOWER(title) LIKE '%{$title}%'" : null;
			$metakey = $config->key( "search", "metakey", true ) ? "LOWER(metakey) LIKE '%{$metakey}%'" : null;
			$metadesc = $config->key( "search", "metadesc", true )? "LOWER(metadesc) LIKE '%{$metadesc}%'" : null;

			if ($title)
				$query_array[] = $title;
			if ($metakey)
				$query_array[] = $metakey;
			if ($metadesc)
				$query_array[] = $metadesc;

			if (count($query_array)) {
				$query_array = implode(' OR ', $query_array);
				if( $phrase != 'exact' ) {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` FROM `#__sobi2_item` WHERE ($query_array)";
				else {
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemid` FROM `#__sobi2_item` WHERE ({$where})";
				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$arr = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
	   			if( !empty( $arr ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
					$sIDs2 = array_merge( $sIDs2, $arr );
		/* here we have all ids from select boxes and all ids from string search */
		/* no both results */
		if( isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
			$sIDs = array_intersect( $sIDs, $sIDs2 );
		else {
			/* didn't search in select boxes */
			if( !isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
				$sIDs = $sIDs2;
			else if( !isset( $sIDs ) ) {
				$sIDs = array();
		if( !isset( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
			$sIDs = array();
		$sIDs = array_unique( $sIDs );

		/* searching in categories */
		$cid = (int) sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, "sobiCid", 0 );
		setcookie("sobi2SearchCookie[cid]", $cid, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );

		if( !empty( $sIDs ) || !$searching ) {
			if( $cid && $cid != 0 ) {
				$searching = true;
				if( !is_array( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
					$itids = null;
				else {
					$ids = implode( " , ", $sIDs );
					$itids = "AND itemid IN ({$ids})";
				$cids = array();
				$config->getChildCats( $cid, $cids );
				$cids = implode( " , ", $cids );
				$query = "SELECT itemid FROM #__sobi2_cat_items_relations WHERE catid IN({$cids}) {$itids} ;";
				$database->setQuery( $query );
				$sIDs = $database->loadResultArray();
				if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
					trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		/* getting plugins modifications */
		if( !empty( $sIDs ) || !$searching ) {
			if( !empty( $config->S2_plugins ) ) {
				foreach ( $config->S2_plugins as $plugin ) {
					if( method_exists( $plugin,"onAjaxSearchResult" ) ) {
						$plugin->onAjaxSearchResult( $sIDs, $dataForFields, $pluginsOutput, $addToCount );
		$total = count( $sIDs );

		if( $total ) {
			$whereId = implode( " , ", $sIDs );
			$now = $config->getTimeAndDate();
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(itemid) FROM `#__sobi2_item` " .
			 	 	 "WHERE ( itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) ";
			$database->setQuery( $query );
			if( $database->loadResult() ) {
				$total = $database->loadResult();
			else {
				$total = 0;
			if( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$totalStr = $total + $addToCount;
		$items = array();
		$page = 0;
		$pages = 0;
		$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
		if( $total ) {
			 * now we have all id's from items contains search strings
			$limit = $config->itemsInLine * $config->lineOnSite;
			$pages = ceil( $total/$limit );
			$limitstart = ( int ) sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, "SobiSearchPage", 0 );
			setcookie("sobi2SearchCookie[SobiSearchPage]", $limitstart, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/");

			if( $limitstart == -1 ) {
				$limitstart = $pages - 1;
			$page = $limitstart;
			$limitstart *= $limit;
			$limit = $config->itemsInLine * $config->lineOnSite;
			$limits = " LIMIT {$limitstart}, {$limit} ";

			if ($use_original_catid) { //ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
				$config->listingOrdering = str_replace( "itemid", 'relation.itemid', $config->listingOrdering );				
				$query = "SELECT DISTINCT relation.itemid, relation.catid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS relation " . 
						"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS items ON relation.itemid = items.itemid " . 
						"WHERE (`published` = '1' AND (relation.catid > 1) AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) AND items.itemid IN({$whereId}) ) " . 
						"GROUP BY items.itemid ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} {$limits}";
			else {
				$config->listingOrdering = str_replace( "relation.", null, $config->listingOrdering );
				$query = "SELECT itemid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_item` AS items " .
				 	 "WHERE ( items.itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) " .
					 "ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} {$limits}";
			$database->setQuery( $query );
			$items = $database->loadObjectList();

			if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
				trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
			//fuer den Fall dass einer einen Eintrag geloescht hat waehrend ein anderer in den Suchergebnissen navigiert
			if( !count( $items ) && $total ) {
				if ($use_original_catid) { //ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
					$query = "SELECT DISTINCT relation.itemid, relation.catid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS relation " . 
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_item` AS items ON relation.itemid = items.itemid " . 
							"WHERE (`published` = '1' AND (relation.catid > 1) AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) AND items.itemid IN({$whereId}) ) " . 
							"GROUP BY items.itemid ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
				else {
					$query = "SELECT itemid, title, owner, image, background, icon, metadesc, publish_up FROM `#__sobi2_item` AS items " .
					 	 "WHERE ( items.itemid IN ({$whereId}) AND `published` = 1 AND (`publish_down` > '{$now}' OR `publish_down` = '{$config->nullDate}' ) ) " .
						 "ORDER BY {$config->listingOrdering} LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
					$items = $database->loadObjectList();
					if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
						trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$searchString = str_replace( "\\", null, $searchString );
		if( $total ) {
			defined( '_PN_LT' ) || define('_PN_LT','&lt;');
			defined( '_PN_RT' ) || define('_PN_RT','&gt;');
			defined( '_PN_START' ) || define('_PN_START','Start');
			defined( '_PN_PREVIOUS' ) || define('_PN_PREVIOUS','Previous');
			defined( '_PN_NEXT' ) || define('_PN_NEXT','Next');
			defined( '_PN_END' ) || define('_PN_END','End');
		$searchString = $config->getSobiStr( $searchString );
		setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[sobi2Search]", $searchString, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );
		setcookie( "sobi2SearchCookie[searchphrase]", $phrase, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );
		$config->set( "searchResults", $items );
		HTML_SOBI::axSearchResults($searchString, $items, $total, $pluginsOutput, $pages, $page, $totalStr);
	function cleanAttributes($text)
		return (preg_replace("/((\w+)(\s*)=(\s*)[\"']?.*(\w+)(\s*)\(.*)/i", '--- Removed ---', $text ));
	function searchSobi( $catid = 0 )
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
    	$mainframe =& $config->getMainframe();
    	/* ursprungscode in axsearch.class.ori1.php */

    	$database =& $config->getDb();
		$sobi2Frontend =& $config->getFrontend();
    	$autoSearch = false;
		$cid = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobiCid", -9);
		$reset = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "reset", 0 );
		$cookieValues = array();
    	if( !$reset ) {
			$cookieValues = sobi2Config::request($_COOKIE, "sobi2SearchCookie", null);
	    	if($cookieValues) {
	    		foreach ($cookieValues as $k => $v) {
	    			$cookieValues[$k] = $v;
    	$selectedCats = array();
		if($cid < 0 && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("cid", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["cid"])) {
			$cid = (int) $cookieValues["cid"];
		if( $cid > 0 ) {
			$config->getParentCats($cid, $selectedCats);
			$selectedCats = array_reverse($selectedCats);
		$cid = ($cid > 0) ? $cid : 0;
		$autoSearch = $cid ? true : $autoSearch;

		array_unshift($selectedCats, 1);

		$page = (int) sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "SobiSearchPage", -9);

		if($page < 0 && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("SobiSearchPage", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["SobiSearchPage"])) {
			$page = (int) $cookieValues["SobiSearchPage"];
		else {
			$page = 0;

    	$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search", null);
		$searchString = str_replace("%20", " ", $searchString);
		$phrase = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, 'searchphrase', null);

		if(!$searchString && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("sobi2Search", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["sobi2Search"]) && trim($cookieValues["sobi2Search"]) != trim(_SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX)) {
			$searchString = stripslashes( $cookieValues["sobi2Search"] );
			$searchString = $config->getSobiStr( $searchString );

		if(!$phrase && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists("searchphrase", $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues["searchphrase"])) {
			$phrase = $cookieValues["searchphrase"];
		if (!$phrase)
			$phrase = $config->key("search", "phrase_value");
		$autoSearch = $searchString ? true : $autoSearch;

    	$fieldData = array();
    	$fieldsNames = array();
    	 * at firts make the html mask
		echo $sobi2Frontend->getHeader();
		 * build drop' down lists
		$dropListsArray = array();
		 * get all fields
		$fields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		if( count( $fields ) ) {
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				$selected = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, null );
				$fieldsNames[] = $field->fieldname;
				if(!$selected && is_array($cookieValues) && key_exists($field->fieldname, $cookieValues) && !empty($cookieValues[$field->fieldname]) && $cookieValues[$field->fieldname] != 'all') {
					$selected = stripslashes( $cookieValues[$field->fieldname] );
				$autoSearch = $selected ? true : $autoSearch;
				if(($field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 6) && !(empty($field->definedValues))) {
					$field->definedValues = $field->getListValues( null, true, true );
					$options = array();
			   		if(!$field->selectLabel) {
			   			$options[] = sobiHTML::makeOption('all', _SOBI2_SEARCH_BOX_SELECT);
			   		foreach ($field->definedValues as $option => $value) {
			   			$options[] = sobiHTML::makeOption(sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($option), sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($value));
					$selectList = sobiHTML::selectList( $options, $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname), 'size="1" class="inputbox" id="'. $field->fieldname.'"', 'value', 'text', sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, $field->fieldname, $selected ) );
					$dropListsArray = $dropListsArray + array($field->label => $selectList);
				else {
					 * get data for this fields
					if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend ) {
						 * @author Richard Jones
						 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
						if ( $cid ) {
							$cids = array();
							$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
							$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
						$results = 0;
						if ($cid != 0) {
							$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
							"WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid) ORDER BY fielddata";
						else {
							$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
							"LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
							"WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
						$results = $database->loadObjectList();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					else {
						$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
								 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
								 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
								 "WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
						$database->setQuery( $query );
				    	$results = $database->loadObjectList();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					 * get all options for this field
					if( count( $results ) ) {
						$fieldData = array();
						$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( 'all', _SOBI2_SEARCH_BOX_SELECT );
						foreach($results as $result) {
							if($result->fielddata) {
								if($result->fieldType == 3) {
									$label = $result->fielddata ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
									$data = $result->fielddata ? 1 : 0;
									$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( '-1', _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO);
								else {
									$data = $label = $config->getSobiStr($result->fielddata);
								$fieldData[] = sobiHTML::makeOption(sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($data), sobiAxSearch::cleanAttributes($label));
						$selectList = array($field->label => sobiHTML::selectList( $fieldData, $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname), 'size="1" class="inputbox" id="'. $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname).'"', 'value', 'text', $selected ));
						$dropListsArray = $dropListsArray + $selectList;
		/*calling plugins*/
   		if(!empty($config->S2_plugins)) {
   			foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
   				if(method_exists($plugin, "onAjaxSearchStart")) {
   					$plugin->onAjaxSearchStart($searchString, $phrase, $dropListsArray, $cookieValues, $fieldsNames, $autoSearch);
   		$autoSearch = ( count( $_GET ) > 5 ) ? true : $autoSearch;
   		$mainframe->addCustomHeadTag( sobiAxSearch::searchAjaxScript($autoSearch, $fieldsNames));
   		sobiAxSearch::showSearchForm($dropListsArray, $searchString, $phrase, $cid, $page, $selectedCats);
   		echo $sobi2Frontend->getFooter();
    function showSearchForm($dropListsArray, $searchString, $phrase, $cid, $page, $selectedCats)
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$iso = defined("_ISO") ? explode( '=', _ISO ) : array( null, "UTF-8");
		$index = $config->key( "search", "ajax_target_file", "index2.php" );
		if(!$searchString) {
		else {
			$String = $searchString;
		if( $config->showComponentDescInSearch ) {
			$sobi2Desc = new sobi2Category( 1 );
			if( $config->key( "general", "com_desc_exec_mambots", true ) ) {
				$sobi2Desc->description = HTML_SOBI::execMambots($sobi2Desc->description);
			<table class="sobi2CompDesc" width="100%">
					<?php if($sobi2Desc->image) { ?>
						<img src="<?php echo $config->liveSite;?><?php echo $config->catImagesFolder;?><?php echo $sobi2Desc->image; ?>"  style="float:<?php echo $sobi2Desc->image_position;?>" alt="<?php echo $config->componentName;?>" title="<?php echo $config->componentName;?>"/>
					<?php } ?>
						<?php echo $sobi2Desc->description;?>
			if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
	    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
	    			if(method_exists($plugin, "onShowSearchForm")) {
	<form id="sobiSearchFormContainer" accept-charset="<?php echo $iso[1];?>" action="<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/<?php echo $index;?>" method="get" name="sobiSearchFormContainer">
	<?php if( $config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) { ?>
		<div style="display:none">
	<?php } ?>
	<?php $show_search_box = $config->key("search", "search_box", true ); ?>
		<table class="sobi2eSearchForm">
				<td id="sobi2eSearchLabel"><?php if($show_search_box) { echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_FOR; } ?></td>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchBox">
					<?php if($show_search_box) { ?>
						<input name="sobi2Search" id="sobi2Search" class="inputbox" value="<?php echo $String; ?>" onclick="if (this.value == '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>') this.value = '';" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>';"/>
					<?php } ?>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchButton">
					<?php if($show_search_box) { ?>
						<input type="submit" id="sobiSearchSubmitBt" name="search"  onmousedown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" onkeydown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" class="button" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_H; ?>"/>
					<?php } ?>
				<td id="sobi2eSearchEmptyCell">
				<td colspan="4" id="sobi2eSearchPhrases">
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_any", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'any' || $phrase != 'all' || $phrase != 'exact' ) echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseany" value="any"   />
					<label for="searchphraseany"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_ANY ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_all", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'all') echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseall" value="all"  />
					<label for="searchphraseall"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_ALL ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if( $config->key("search", "phrase_exact", true )) { ?>
					<input type="radio" <?php if($phrase == 'exact') echo "checked=\"checked\"" ?> name="searchphrase" id="searchphraseexact" value="exact"  />
					<label for="searchphraseexact"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_EXACT ?></label>
				<?php } ?>
				<td colspan="4" id="sobi2eSearchButtonLine">
				<?php if( !$show_search_box) { ?>
					<input type="submit" id="sobiSearchSubmitBt" name="search"  onmousedown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" onkeydown="$('SobiSearchPage').value = 0" class="button" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_H; ?>"/>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
					<input type="button" id="sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle" class="button4" name="sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_TOOGLE_EXTENDED; ?>"/>
				<?php } ?>
					<input type="button" id="sobiSearchFormReset" class="button3" name="sobiSearchFormReset" title="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESET_FORM_TITLE;?>" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESET_FORM; ?>" onclick="resetSobi2SearchForm()"/>
			<div id="sobiSearchFormExtOpt">
			<table class="sobi2eSearchForm">
				if(!$config->ajaxSearchCatsForFields) {
					if(count($dropListsArray)) {
						foreach($dropListsArray as $label => $dropList) {
							echo "<tr><td class=\"sobi2eSearchLabel\">{$label}</td><td colspan='2'>{$dropList}</td></tr>";
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "cats", true )) { ?>
				<td style="vertical-align:top;"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_TOOGLE_CATS; ?></td>
				<td colspan='2'>
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
					<div id="sobiSearchFormCatsSelection" <?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?> style="height:<?php echo $config->ajaxSearchCatsContHeight;?>px;" <?php } ?>>
				<?php } ?>
							if( !$config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) {
								echo sobiAxSearch::axSearchCatChooser( $selectedCats, $cid );
				<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
				<?php } ?>
			<?php } ?>
				if($config->ajaxSearchCatsForFields) {
					if(count($dropListsArray)) {
						foreach($dropListsArray as $label => $dropList) {
							echo "<tr><td class=\"sobi2eSearchLabel\">{$label}</td><td colspan=\"2\">{$dropList}</td></tr>";
			<?php if( $config->key( "search", "do_not_show_search_form" ) ) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_sobi2"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $config->sobi2Itemid; ?>"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="no_html" value="1"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Task" value="axSearch"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobiCid" id="sobiCid" value="<?php echo $cid; ?>"/>
			<input type="hidden" id="SobiSearchPage" name="SobiSearchPage" value="<?php echo $page;?>"/>
			<?php if(!$show_search_box) { ?>
			<input type="hidden" name="sobi2Search" value="<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>"/>
			<?php } ?>
	<div id="sobiSearchResponseContainer"></div>
    function axSearchCatChooser( $selectedCats, $cid )
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		if( count( $selectedCats ) ) {
	    	$dropsy = '<div id="SobiSearchForm2dropsy" style="margin-left: 0px;">';
			$catsChildsJs = null;
			$count = 0;
			$lastBox = 0;
			foreach( $selectedCats as $cid ) {
				$cats = $config->getCategories( $cid );
				if( is_array( $cats ) && !empty( $cats ) ) {
					$dropsy .= "\n\n\n\n<div id='sdrops_{$count}'>";
					$Select = array();
					$Select[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( 0, _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT);
					$js = "addSobiSearchFormCatBox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,{$count});";
					foreach ($cats as $cat) {
						$cat->name = str_replace("\\","",$cat->name);
						$cat->name = str_replace("\\\\","",$cat->name);
						$cat->name = $config->getSobiStr( $cat->name );
						$Select[] = sobiHTML::makeOption( $cat->catid, $cat->name);
						$c = $config->catHasChild($cat->catid) ? 1 : 0;
						$catsChildsJs .= "\n SobiSearchFormCatsChilds[{$cat->catid}] = '{$c}';";
					$selected = key_exists( $count+1, $selectedCats ) ? $selectedCats[$count+1] : $cid;
					$dropsy .= sobiHTML::selectList( $Select, "SobiCatSelected_{$count}", 'id="SobiCatSelected_'.$count.'" size="1" class="inputbox catChooseBox" onchange="'.$js.'"', 'value', 'text', $selected);
					$dropsy .= "</div>\n\n\n\n";
					$lastBox = $count;
			$dropsy .= "\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n {$catsChildsJs}\n\n SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = {$lastBox}; \n\n</script>";
			$dropsy .= "</div>";
			return $dropsy;
		else {
			return null;
    function searchAjaxScript( $autoSearch, $fieldsNames )
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$pluginReset = null;
		if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
    			if(method_exists($plugin, "addToSearchJsResetScript")) {
					$pluginReset .= $plugin->addToSearchJsResetScript();
    	if ( $config->key("search", "use_own_mootools", true ) ) {
    	$index = $config->key( "search", "ajax_target_file", "index2.php" );
		$url = "{$config->liveSite}/{$index}?option=com_sobi2&no_html=1&sobi2Task=SigsiuTreeMenu&Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}&catid=";
		$fieldsUrl = "{$config->liveSite}/{$index}?option=com_sobi2&no_html=1&sobi2Task=GetSearchField&Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}&catid=";
		 <script type="text/javascript">
		 /* <![CDATA[ */
			var Sobi2FieldNames = new Array();
				$c = 0;
				foreach ($fieldsNames as $name) {
					echo "\n\t\t\tSobi2FieldNames[{$c}] = \"{$name}\";";
				echo "\n";
			function resetSobi2SearchForm() {
			<?php if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) { ?>
				fieldsUrl = "<?php echo $fieldsUrl; ?>0";
			<?php } ?>

				var SobiCookieRemove = " = 0; expires=0; path=/;";
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "search_box", true )) { ?>
				$('sobi2Search').value = "<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX; ?>";
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[sobi2Search]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php } ?>
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[searchphrase]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php if ($config->key("search", "phrase_any", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "any") == "any")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseany").checked = true;
			<?php } elseif ($config->key("search", "phrase_all", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "all") == "all")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseall").checked = true;
			<?php } elseif ($config->key("search", "phrase_exact", true ) && ($config->key("search", "phrase_value", "exact") == "exact")) { ?>
				$("searchphraseexact").checked = true;
			<?php } ?>
				$("sobiCid").value = 0;
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[cid]" + SobiCookieRemove;
				$("SobiSearchPage").value = 0;
				document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[SobiSearchPage]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php echo $pluginReset;?>
				for(i=0; i < Sobi2FieldNames.length; i++) {
					$(Sobi2FieldNames[i]).selectedIndex = 0;
					document.cookie = "sobi2SearchCookie[" + Sobi2FieldNames[i] + "]" + SobiCookieRemove;
			<?php if( $config->key("search", "cats", true )) { ?>
				for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
					if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
						chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
				SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = 0;
				$("SobiCatSelected_0").selectedIndex = 0;
			<?php } ?>
		 	window.addEvent('<?php echo $config->key( "search","mootools_event_method", "load" );?>', function() {
		 		var sobiSearchResponseContainer = new Fx.Slide('sobiSearchResponseContainer');
		 	<?php if($config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
				var sobiSearchFormExtOpt = new Fx.Slide('sobiSearchFormExtOpt');
			<?php if($config->ajaxSearchSlidInOnStart) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
				$('sobiSearchFormExtOptToggle').addEvent('click', function(e){
					e = new Event(e);
			<?php } ?>
				$('sobiSearchFormContainer').addEvent('submit', function(e) {
					new Event(e).stop();
					var log = $('sobiSearchResponseContainer').empty().addClass('ajax-loading');
					var url = "<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/<?php echo $index;?>?" + $('sobiSearchFormContainer').toQueryString();
					var query = new Ajax(url, {
						method: 'get',
						onComplete: function() {
						update: log
			<?php if($config->ajaxSearchSlidInAfterSearch && $config->ajaxSearchUseSlider) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			<?php if($autoSearch) { ?>
			<?php } ?>
			var SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = 0;
			var SobiSearchFormCatsChilds = new Array();
			var SobiSearchFormCatsNames = new Array();
			function addSobiSearchFormCatBox(cid, c) {
				if(cid == 0) {
					if(c == 0) {
						$("sobiCid").value = cid;
					else {
						box = c - 1;
						$("sobiCid").value = $("SobiCatSelected_" + box).options[$("SobiCatSelected_" + box).selectedIndex].value;
					if(c < SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter) {
						for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > c; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
							if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
								chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
						SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = c;
				if(cid != 0) {
					$("sobiCid").value = cid;
					url = "<?php echo $url; ?>" + cid;
			 * @author Radek Suski, Richard Jones
			 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
			if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) {
            function SobiSearchFieldsSendRequest(url,c)
            	var SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest;
		        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
		        	SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		              if (SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.overrideMimeType) {
		            else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
		              try { SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
		                catch (e) {
                              try { SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
		                   catch (e) {}
		        if (!SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest) {
		            alert('Sorry but I Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
		            return false;
		        SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
					if (SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && SobiSearchFieldsHttpRequest.status == 200) {
'GET', url, true);
			function SobiProcessField(field)
				var fieldId = field.getElementsByTagName('fieldId').item(0);
			  	fieldId = fieldId.replace("\\", "");
			  	var fieldValues = field.getElementsByTagName('fieldValue');
			  	liste = document.getElementById( fieldId );
				liste.length = 0;
			  	liste.options[0] = new Option( '', 'all', true, true );
			  	liste.options[0].innerHTML = '<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT;?>';
			  	for( var i = 0; i< fieldValues.length; i++ ) {
			  		liste.options[liste.length] = new Option( fieldValues[i], fieldValues[i], false, false );
			function SobiSearchFieldsFill(XMLDoc,c)
				if(!XMLDoc.responseXML) { return null; }
				var r = XMLDoc.responseXML;
				var fields = r.getElementsByTagName("field");
				if(fields.length > 0) {
					for(i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
						var field = fields[i];
			<?php } ?>
			function SobiSearchFormComboSendRequest(url,c) {
		    	var SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest;
		        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
		            SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		            if (SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.overrideMimeType) {
		        else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
		            try { SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
		                catch (e) {
                           try { SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
		                   catch (e) {}
		        if (!SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest) {
		            alert('Sorry but I Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
		            return false;
		        SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
			  	if (SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && SobiSearchFormCatHttpRequest.status == 200)
'GET', url, true);
			function SobiSearchFormCatGetSubcats(XMLDoc,c) {
				if(!XMLDoc.responseXML) {
					return null;
				var r = XMLDoc.responseXML;
				var categories = r.getElementsByTagName("category");
				if(c < SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter) {
					for(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > c; SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter--) {
						if(SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter > 0) {
							chBox = document.getElementById("sdrops_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter);
					SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter = c;
				if(categories.length > 0) {
					html = "";
					html = html + "<div id='sdrops_"+SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter+"'><select class='inputbox catChooseBox' id='SobiCatSelected_" + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter + "' onclick='addSobiSearchFormCatBox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value," + SobiSearchFormComboBxCounter + ");'><option value='0'><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_CATBOX_SELECT;?></option>"
					for(i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
						var category = categories[i];
						var catid = category.getElementsByTagName('catid').item(0);
						var name = category.getElementsByTagName('name').item(0);
						var childs = category.getElementsByTagName('childs').item(0);
						var pid = category.getElementsByTagName('parentid').item(0);
						name = name.replace("\\", "");
						SobiSearchFormCatsNames[catid] = name;
						html = html + "<option value='"+catid+"'>"+name+"</option>"
						SobiSearchFormCatsChilds[catid] = childs;
					html = html + "</select>\n\n</div>";
					span = document.createElement("span");
					span.innerHTML = html;
				 * @author Richard Jones
				 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
				if( $config->ajaxSearchCatsFieldsDepend) {
				fieldsUrl = "<?php echo $fieldsUrl; ?>" + $("sobiCid").value;
				<?php } ?>
			function sobiSearchRes(page) {
	 			$('SobiSearchPage').value = page;
		/* ]]> */
		<style type="text/css">
			#sobiSearchResponseContainer.ajax-loading {
				padding: 20px 0;
				background: url(<?php echo $config->liveSite; ?>/components/com_sobi2/images/spinner.gif) no-repeat center;
		$script = ob_get_contents();
		return $script;
	 * @author Richard Jones
	 * Selected category to displayed fields depency
	 * @since RC 2.8.4
	 * @param int $catid
	function getSearchFields( $cid )
		$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database =& $config->getDb();
		$fields = array();
		$allFields = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_search`= 2 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		if( count( $fieldids ) ) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fields[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid);
		if( count( $fields ) ) {
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				if( ( $field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 6 ) && ! ( empty( $field->definedValues ) ) ) {
				  	if ( $cid ) {
						$cids = array();
						$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
						$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
				  		$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields ,`#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid AND sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid ) ORDER BY fielddata";
					    $database->setQuery( $query );
					    $selVal = $database->loadResultArray();
						if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
							trigger_error("getSearchFields: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
					$field->definedValues = $field->getListValues( null, true, true, true );
                    $names = array();
                    $fieldArray = array();
			   		foreach ($field->definedValues as $option => $value) {
			   			if( $cid && is_array( $selVal ) ) {
			   				if( in_array( $option, $selVal ) ) {
			   					$names[$option] = $value;
			   			else {
			   				$names[$option] = $value;
					$fieldArray['fieldId'] = $field->fieldname;
					$fieldArray['fieldNames'] = $names;
					$allFields[] = $fieldArray;
				else {
					 * get data for this fields
					if ( $cid ) {
						$cids = array();
						$config->getChildCats($cid, $cids);
						$cids = implode(" , ", $cids);
					if ( $cid ) {
						$query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_cat_items_relations` AS catitems, `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
						 ",`#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata " .
				         "WHERE (sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} AND catitems.catid  IN ({$cids}) AND fielddata.itemid = catitems.itemid AND sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid) ORDER BY fielddata";
					else {
					     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT data_txt as fielddata, sobifields.fieldType FROM `#__sobi2_fields` AS sobifields " .
						 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_fields_data` AS fielddata ON sobifields.fieldid = fielddata.fieldid " .
						 "LEFT JOIN `#__sobi2_language` AS labels ON sobifields.fieldid = labels.fieldid " .
						 "WHERE sobifields.fieldid = {$field->fieldid} ORDER BY fielddata";
					$database->setQuery( $query );
					$results = $database->loadObjectList();
					if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
						trigger_error("getSearchFields: DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);

					* get all options for this field
					if( count( $results ) ) {
					  	$fieldArray = array();
				  		$names = array();
				  		foreach($results as $result) {
				  			if($result->fielddata) {
				  				if($result->fieldType == 3) {
				  					$label = $result->fielddata ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
									$data = $result->fielddata ? 1 : 0;
								else {
									$data = $label = $config->getSobiStr($result->fielddata);
								$names[$label] =  $data;
					  	$fieldArray['fieldId'] = $field->fieldname;
						$fieldArray['fieldNames'] = $names;
						$allFields[] = $fieldArray;
		$iso = explode( '=', _ISO );
		$iso = strtoupper($iso[1]);
		if(ob_get_length()) {
		if(ob_get_length()) {
		header('Content-type: application/xml');
		echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$iso}\"?>";
		echo "\n<root>";
		if( count( $allFields ) ) {
			foreach ( $allFields as $field ) {
				echo "\n\t<field>\n\t\t<fieldId>{$field['fieldId']}</fieldId>\n\t\t<fieldValues>";
				foreach ($field['fieldNames'] as $fopt => $fname ) {
					$fname = strip_tags( $fname );
					$fname = str_replace( "&nbsp;", " ", $fname );
					echo "\n\t\t\t<fieldValue name=\"{$fopt}\">{$fname}</fieldValue>";
				echo "\n\t\t</fieldValues>";
				echo "</field>\n";
		echo "\n</root>";
		/* we don't need any others information so we can go out */
     * Enter description here...
     * @param string $searchString
     * @param array $items
     * @param array $fieldData
     * @param int $total
     * @param string $phrase
     * @param string $pluginsOutput
     * @param int $pages
     * @param int $currPage
    function axSearchResults($searchString, $items, $total, $pluginsOutput, $pages, $currPage, $totalStr )
		$config	=& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$my = &$config->getUser();
		if( trim( $searchString ) == trim( _SOBI2_SEARCH_INPUTBOX ) ) {
			$resultsFor = _SOBI2_SEARCH_ALL_ENTRIES;
		else {
			$resultsFor = $searchString;
		$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->defTemplate}|" );
        if( isset( $config->templates["ajax_search"] ) && $config->templates["ajax_search"] ) {
        	if( !$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->templates["ajax_search"]}|" ) ) {
        		$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|{$config->defTemplate}|" );
		if( !$template ) {
			$template = sobi2Config::translatePath( "{$config->templatesDir}|default|" );
		<th class="componentheading"><?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESULTS; ?></th>
			<?php echo _SOBI2_SEARCH_RESULTS_FOUND; ?> <?php echo $totalStr; ?>
			<span id="sobi2SearchResultsSerchingString"><?php echo $resultsFor; ?></span>
	<?php echo $pluginsOutput; ?>
		$tdTrCounter = 0;
		if( count($items) ) {
			echo "\n\t <table class='sobi2Listing'> \n\t\t <tr>";
			$width = 100/$config->itemsInLine;
			$width = "style='width: {$width}%; ";
			if($config->useDetailsView && file_exists( $template )) {
		    	$fetchErr = intval(sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, 'err', 0));
		        if( $config->debugTmpl && !$fetchErr ) {
		        	sobi2Config::parseTemplate( $template );
		        else {
		        	sobi2Config::import( $template, "absolute" );
			else {
				foreach($items as $item) {
					$item->title = $config->getSobiStr($item->title);
					$sobi2Data = sobiAxSearch::searchDetails($item);
					$catid = 0;
					$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
					if ($use_original_catid) {	//ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
						$catid =$item->catid;
					if($tdTrCounter%$config->itemsInLine == 0 && $tdTrCounter != 0)
						 echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t\t <tr>";

					$style = $width;
					if($item->background && file_exists( _SOBI_FE_PATH.DS."images".DS."backgrounds".DS."{$item->background}")) {
						$style = $style."background-image: url({$config->liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$item->background});";
					else if(isset($config->sobi2BackgroundImg) && !(empty($config->sobi2BackgroundImg)))
					   	$style = $style."background-image: url({$config->liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$config->sobi2BackgroundImg});";

					if(isset($config->sobi2BorderColor) && !(empty($config->sobi2BorderColor)))
						$style = $style."border-style: solid; border-color: #{$config->sobi2BorderColor}'";
						$style = $style."'";

					echo "\n\t\t\t <td {$style}>";

					if(!$my->id && !$config->allowAnoDetails) {
						$onClick = "onclick='alert(\""._SOBI2_JS_NOT_LOGGED_FOR_DETAILS."\"); return false;'";
						$href = "#";
					else {
						$href = "index.php?option=com_sobi2&amp;sobi2Task=sobi2Details&amp;catid={$catid}&amp;sobi2Id={$item->itemid}&amp;Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}";
						$href = sobi2Config::sef($href);
						$onClick = null;
			    	if( !$item->icon && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" ) ) {
		            	$item->icon = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" );

		            if( !$item->image && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" ) ) {
		            	$item->image = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" );

		            $imagesFolder = str_replace( array("\\", "\\\\", "/", "//" ), DS, $config->imagesFolder );

					if($config->showIcoInVC && $item->icon && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->icon)) {
						$ico = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->icon;
						echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$href} {$onClick}\"><img src=\"{$ico}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";

					if($config->showImgInVC && $item->image && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->image)) {
						$img = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->image;
						echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$href}\"><img src=\"{$img}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
					echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<p class=\"sobi2ItemTitle\"><a href=\"{$href}\" {$onClick} title=\"{$item->title}\">{$item->title}</a></p>";
					if(count($sobi2Data) != 0) {
					 	foreach($sobi2Data as $field)
					 		echo $field;
			    	if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
			    		$plugins = "\n\t\t<table class='sobi2Listing_plugins'>\n\t\t\t<tr>";
			    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $plugin) {
			    				$class = "class='{$plugin->listingStyle}'";
			    				$class = null;
			    			if(method_exists($plugin,"showListing")) {
			    				$row = "<td {$class}>".$plugin->showListing($item->itemid)."</td>";
			    				$plugins .= $row;
			    		$plugins .= "\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>";
			    		echo $plugins;
					echo "\n\t\t\t </td>";
		    	/* on end check if last <tr> have $config->itemsInLine <td>'s */
				if ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine != 0) {
					if (($f = $config->key ( "frontpage", "empty_cell_calback_function", false )) && function_exists ( $f )) {
						$ecell = call_user_func ( $f );
					} else {
						$ecell = "&nbsp;";
					$colspan = $config->itemsInLine - ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine);
					echo "\n\t\t\t\t<td class=\"sobi2EmptyCell\" colspan=\"{$colspan}\">{$ecell}\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
			echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t </table>";
			<div id="sobi2PageNav">
			<?php if($currPage > 0) { ?>
				<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(0);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_START; ?></a>
				<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $currPage - 1; ?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_PREVIOUS; ?></a>
			<?php } else { ?>
				<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_START; ?></span>
				<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_LT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_PREVIOUS; ?></span>
			<?php } ?>
				<?php for($page = 0; $page < $pages; $page++) { ?>
					<?php if($currPage == $page) { ?>
						<span class="pagenav"><?php echo $page+1;?></span>
					<?php } else { ?>
						<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $page;?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo $page+1;?></a>
					<?php } ?>
				<?php } ?>
				<?php if($currPage < $pages - 1) { ?>
					<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(<?php echo $currPage + 1;?>);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_NEXT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?></a>
					<a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="sobiSearchRes(-1);" class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_END; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?><?php echo _PN_RT; ?></a>
				<?php } else { ?>
					<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_NEXT; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?></span>
					<span class="pagenav"><?php echo _PN_END; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo _PN_RT; ?><?php echo _PN_RT; ?></span>
				<?php } ?>
     * @param array $items
     * @param int $width
     * @param string $liveSite
     * @param sobi2Config $config
     * @param int $catid
     * @param int $tdTrCounter
     * @param mosUser $my
    function searchResultsWithTemplate( $items, $width, $liveSite, $config, $catid, $tdTrCounter, $my )
    	foreach( $items as $item ) {
			$item->title = $config->getSobiStr($item->title);
			$sobi2Data = sobiAxSearch::searchDetails($item,false);
			$fieldsFormated = $sobi2Data[0];
			$fieldsObjects = $sobi2Data[1];
			$plugins = array();

			$use_original_catid = $config->key ( "details_view", "use_original_catid", 1 );
			if ($use_original_catid) {	//ermittele die catid vom Eintrag (wenn in mehreren Kategorien, den ersten in DB)
				$catid =$item->catid;
			if($tdTrCounter%$config->itemsInLine == 0 && $tdTrCounter != 0)
				 echo "\n\t\t </tr> \n\t\t <tr>";
			$style = $width;

			if($item->background && file_exists(_SOBI_FE_PATH.DS."images".DS."backgrounds".DS."{$item->background}")) {
				$style = $style."background-image: url({$liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$item->background});";
			else if(isset($config->sobi2BackgroundImg) && !(empty($config->sobi2BackgroundImg)))
			   	$style = $style."background-image: url({$liveSite}/components/com_sobi2/images/backgrounds/{$config->sobi2BackgroundImg});";

			if(isset($config->sobi2BorderColor) && !(empty($config->sobi2BorderColor)))
				$style = $style."border-style: solid; border-color: #{$config->sobi2BorderColor}'";
				$style = $style."'";

			if(!$my->id && !$config->allowAnoDetails) {
				$onClick = "onclick='alert(\""._SOBI2_JS_NOT_LOGGED_FOR_DETAILS."\"); return false;'";
				$href = "#";
			else {
				$href = "index.php?option=com_sobi2&amp;sobi2Task=sobi2Details&amp;catid={$catid}&amp;sobi2Id={$item->itemid}&amp;Itemid={$config->sobi2Itemid}";
				$href = sobi2Config::sef($href);
				$onClick = null;
	    	if( !$item->icon && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" ) ) {
            	$item->icon = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_ico" );

            if( !$item->image && $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" ) ) {
            	$item->image = $config->key( "frontpage", "default_img" );

            $imagesFolder = str_replace( array("\\", "\\\\", "/", "//" ), DS, $config->imagesFolder );

			if($config->showIcoInVC && $item->icon && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->icon)) {
				$ico = $config->liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->icon;
				$ico = "<a href=\"{$href} {$onClick}\"><img src=\"{$ico}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
			else {
				$ico = null;
			if($config->showImgInVC && $item->image && file_exists(_SOBI_CMSROOT.$imagesFolder.$item->image)) {
				$img = $liveSite.$config->imagesFolder.$item->image;
				$img = "<a href=\"{$href}\"><img src=\"{$img}\" title=\"{$item->title}\" alt=\"{$item->title}\" /></a>";
			else {
				$img = null;
			$title = "<p class='sobi2ItemTitle'><a href=\"{$href}\" {$onClick} title=\"{$item->title}\">{$item->title}</a></p>";
	    	if(count($config->S2_plugins)) {
	    		foreach($config->S2_plugins as $name => $plugin) {
	    			if(method_exists($plugin,"showListing")) {
	    				$plugins[$name] = $plugin->showListing($item->itemid);
			sobi2VCview($item->itemid,$style, $ico, $img, $title, $fieldsObjects, $fieldsFormated, $plugins);
			echo "\n\t\t\t </td>";
    	/* on end check if last <tr> have $config->itemsInLine <td>'s */
		if ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine != 0) {
			if (($f = $config->key ( "frontpage", "empty_cell_calback_function", false )) && function_exists ( $f )) {
				$ecell = call_user_func ( $f );
			} else {
				$ecell = "&nbsp;";
			$colspan = $config->itemsInLine - ($tdTrCounter % $config->itemsInLine);
			echo "\n\t\t\t\t<td class=\"sobi2EmptyCell\" colspan=\"{$colspan}\">{$ecell}\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
     * getting details data (custom fields) for search results
     * @param sobi2 $mySobi
     * @global sobi2Config $config
     * @global database $database
     * @return array
    function searchDetails($mySobi,$html = true)
    	$config =& sobi2Config::getInstance();
		$database = &$config->getDb();
		$fieldsdata = array();
		$query = "SELECT `fieldid` FROM `#__sobi2_fields` " .
				 "WHERE `in_vcard`= 1 AND `enabled` = 1 " .
				 "ORDER BY position";
		$fieldids = $database->loadObjectList();
		if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
			trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
		$fieldsObjects = array();
		$fieldsFormated = array();
		if($fieldids) {
			foreach($fieldids as $fieldid) {
				$fieldsdata[] = new sobiField($fieldid->fieldid, $mySobi->itemid);
    	$itemData = array();
    	if( count($fieldsdata) ) {
			foreach($fieldsdata as $field) {
				$data = null;
				$field->name = $config->getSobiStr($field->fieldname);
				if($field->fieldType == 2) {
					$field->data = $config->getSobiStr($field->data, true);
					$data = $field->data;
				elseif( $field->fieldType == 1 || $field->fieldType == 5 || $field->fieldType == 7 ) {
					$field->data = $config->getSobiStr($field->data);
					if( $field->isUrl == 4 ) {
						$data = $field->customCode;
					else {
						$data = $field->data;
				elseif($field->fieldType == 3) {
					$data = $field->data ? _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_YES : _SOBI2_CHECKBOX_NO;
					$field->with_label = 1;
				elseif($field->fieldType == 6) {
					$field->data = $field->selectedValues;
					if(is_array($field->data) && !empty($field->data)) {
						$data .= "\n<ul class = \"sobi2Listing_{$field->fieldname}\">";
						foreach ($field->data as $opt) {
							$data .= "\n\t<li>{$opt}</li>";
						$data .= "\n</ul>";
				$field->label = $config->getSobiStr($field->label);
				$tag = "span";
				if(strlen($data) > 0) {
					static $noFollows = null;
					static $noFollowsCheck = false;
					if( !$noFollowsCheck ) {
						$noFollows = $config->key( "url", "nofollow" );
						if( $noFollows ) {
							$noFollows = explode( ",", $noFollows );
						else {
							$noFollows = array();
						$noFollowsCheck = true;
					if($field->isUrl == 1) {
						if( in_array( $field->fieldid, $noFollows )) {
							$noFollow = " rel=\"nofollow\" ";
						else {
							$noFollow = null;
						$data = "<a href=\"{$data}\"{$noFollow} title=\"{$mySobi->title}\" target=\"_blank\">{$field->label}</a>";
					else if($field->isUrl == 2) {
						if(!(defined("_SOBI_AJAX_SEARCH"))) {
							$data =  sobiHTML::emailCloaking( $data, 1, $field->label, 0 );
						else {
							$data = "<a href=\"mailto:{$data}\" title=\"{$mySobi->title}\" target=\"_blank\">{$field->label}</a>";
					else if($field->isUrl == 3) {
						$data = "<img src=\"{$data}\" title=\"{$field->label}\" alt=\"{$field->label}\" />";
					if($field->with_label) {
						if( $field->fieldType != 6 ) {
							$data = "<{$tag} class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}\"><span class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}_label\">{$field->label}:</span> {$data}</{$tag}>";
						else {
							$data = "<span class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}_label\">{$field->label}:</span> {$data}";
					else {
						if( $field->fieldType != 6 ) {
							$data = "<{$tag} class=\"sobi2Listing_{$field->name}\">{$data}</{$tag}>";
					if($field->in_newline) {
						$data = "<br/>".$data;
					array_push($itemData, $data);
				$fieldsFormated[$field->name] = $data;
				$fieldsObjects[$field->name] = $field;
    	if(!$html) {
    		return array($fieldsFormated,$fieldsObjects);
    	else {
    		return $itemData;

Open in new window

I cannot follow all the code here, but I can offer some guidance on the use of the percent sign in queries.

When you write a query with LIKE '%A' you are telling MySQL to match against anything preceding the letter "A" -- the percent sign is a wildcard.

Does that help? ~Ray
I am still seeing no change.  Nothing at all is changing.

Is the correct part of the code getting changed at all?

I have a feeling its not?

Ray I simply want the % sign to be entered in the search field as the default rather than the 'Search...'
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axsearch.class.php line 27 replace

$searchString = sobiConfig::request($_REQUEST, "sobiSearch");

$searchString = sobiConfig::request($_REQUEST, "sobiSearch");
if ($searchString == '') { $searchString= '%';

hmmm this one isn't working??
try the same thing around line 459
um I can't find a line liek this
$searchString = sobiConfig::request($_REQUEST, "sobiSearch");
around line 459?
Theres an if statement
if (!$phrase)
                  $phrase = $config->key("search", "phrase_value");
            $autoSearch = $searchString ? true : $autoSearch;

          $fieldData = array();
          $fieldsNames = array();

What do I change there?
wait there's already an "any" clause that should behave as though you requested %
Undo the code I gave you, the sobi page is now broken, so we can see what happens when you choose "any"
Ok the original code has been restored, though its behaving exactly the same way

sobi2Search - find where it's being pulled from the URL and make it '%'
As you can see from above that will work.
In fact the script is technically open to cross site scripting because I could do it through the URL and shouldn't be able to.

I believe above I said "sobiSearch" where I should have said "sobi2Search"

That would be the trick.
Ok, so on line 27 I changed
$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search");
$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "%");

and line 446
$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search", null);
$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "%", null);

Is that what you meant?  I tried that its not working.  I am not following this...why is it so hard to get this??

Soar nothing has made any change at all?
$searchString = sobi2Config::request($_REQUEST, "sobi2Search");

if ($searchString == 'Search+...+') {
$searchString = '%';

That didn't work either, but looking at your code got me thinking...
I did a search for Search.. in the code and could find it but then I noticed there was a space between Search and the dots Search .. and did a search for that.


It was in languages/default.php and languages/english.php

So I just changed Search ... to % and its working.

Now I would like to know if I can simply have the search button working with NOTHING entered in there but act as though the % was in there?? (As in my other post?)
OH BUGGA, the % sign doesn' t even pull up a full listing like the Resources search!!


What can I enter in there so that I get all the entries?
change Search+...+ to the thing with the space in both sections.
Sorry I am not following what you mean

Here are the files that needed changing.  They are back simply saying 'Search' now without the ...

For some reason if I change this to % it doesn't work, however if leave it as Search and then type in the % in the keyword front end, it pulls up all entries.

This is driving me crazy?

If the extended options are blank "any" returns nothing. The sobi logic is different than your request. It's saying, I will get you everything but only within an extended search parameter.

The default search string is "Search .."
We were misled by the plus signs

In axsearch.class.php on line 252 it grabs the category ID selected in extended search options. If you set this to a default value you can get all items in that category. But to get all items in all categories would require re-writing that file.

After setting $cid you could force a category id
        if ($cid==0 & !$searching) { $cid=1; }

This doesn't set the category dropdown but it does get all results for that category.
ok ok, I think I am following but I don't know what I should try to change??

somewhere from line 248 to 291?

/* here we have all ids from select boxes and all ids from string search */
            /* no both results */
            if( isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
                  $sIDs = array_intersect( $sIDs, $sIDs2 );
            else {
                  /* didn't search in select boxes */
                  if( !isset( $sIDs ) && isset( $sIDs2 ) ) {
                        $sIDs = $sIDs2;
                  else if( !isset( $sIDs ) ) {
                        $sIDs = array();
            if( !isset( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
                  $sIDs = array();
            $sIDs = array_unique( $sIDs );

            /* searching in categories */
            $cid = (int) sobi2Config::request( $_REQUEST, "sobiCid", 0 );
            setcookie("sobi2SearchCookie[cid]", $cid, $config->key( "search", "cookie_lifecycle" ), "/" );

            if( !empty( $sIDs ) || !$searching ) {
                  if( $cid && $cid != 0 ) {
                        $searching = true;
                        if( !is_array( $sIDs ) || empty( $sIDs ) ) {
                              $itids = null;
                        else {
                              $ids = implode( " , ", $sIDs );
                              $itids = "AND itemid IN ({$ids})";
                        $cids = array();
                        $config->getChildCats( $cid, $cids );
                        $cids = implode( " , ", $cids );
                        $query = "SELECT itemid FROM #__sobi2_cat_items_relations WHERE catid IN({$cids}) {$itids} ;";
                        $database->setQuery( $query );
                        $sIDs = $database->loadResultArray();
                        if ( $database->getErrorNum() ) {
                              trigger_error("DB reports: ".$database->stderr(), E_USER_WARNING);
re read my post, starts with if ($cid
Im lost

I don't know what I am trying to do now.

Am I changing code?

If so what?

Sorry for being so daft by line 252 doesn't resemble what you mentioned, I am just lost
do I have to set the variable $cid


I am understand what you wrote in your post but I don't know how to translate that into changing the code to do what you mean?

Do you know, am I meant to ask further here?

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Brilliant!! You are brilliant girl !! Thank you so much for your help
She is a miracle working this expert