
Power Query in Excel

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Experience Level: Beginner
Zack Barresse
Love Excel, shiny new things, my family, gaming, and general cool stuff. Oh, and being awesome. #hashtagsmatter
Viewers will learn a basic data manipulation technique of unpivoting data in Power Query for Excel 2013 and the importance of using good data.

Video Steps

1. Start with data in a poor structure

2. Create a table on your data

3. Unpivot columns

4. Rename columns

5. Apply query and close editor

6. Summarize data in newly created table

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On the official Microsoft website we can find out curious data about Excel. In this post, I will tell you about the ones that have caught my attention the most.
Other videos by this author
  1. Tables in Excel(5:47)
  2. Pivot Tables in Excel(5:40)
  3. Power Pivot in Excel(5:01)

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