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Generating pseudo-random numbers on Powerpoint slideshow

This article describes how to make a simple, pseudo-random number generator in Microsoft PowerPoint. The code checks the generated numbers against a list of numbers already generated to prevent duplication. We used this as a youth group activity but it could be adapted for other entertainment or competition purposes as well. This macro demonstrates the power of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in PowerPoint to obtain data from, and make dynamic changes to, elements of a slideshow at runtime.

This code generates pseudo-random numbers between 1 and 75. The lower and upper limits can be changed by setting the constants SMALLEST_NUMBER and BIGGEST_NUMBER, respectively, in the declarations area of the code. The macro also stores a list of the generated numbers (PickedNumbers private integer array) and checks to see if a newly generated number has already been selected and used. The generated numbers can be reset by clicking the asterisk button on the slide as the 'game' is running. Once all the possible numbers have been used, the macro disables the button to generate the next number and forces the user to press the reset button to continue.

The textbox is included for authenticity, as it allows the user to change the letter on the 'bingo ball'. Changes in this textbox are reflected on the 'bingo ball'. No letter needs to be entered.

To try this macro out, download the PPTX (for PowerPoint 2007 and up) or PPT and then open up VBA (for example, in PowerPoint 2007, click the Developer tab on the ribbon, then select Visual Basic).
bingo.ppt bingo.pptx

Then open the code for Slide 1, and paste the attached code into the window, if the code is not there already.
Option Explicit
                      Private PickedNumbers() As Integer
                      'change these two constants to modify the allowed range of numbers
                      Private Const SMALLEST_NUMBER As Integer = 1
                      Private Const BIGGEST_NUMBER As Integer = 75
                      Private Sub cmdNextNumber_Click()
                      On Error GoTo ErrHandler
                      Dim tmpNumber As Integer
                      Dim a As Integer
                      Dim textToShow As String
                      Randomize Timer
                      If (UBound(PickedNumbers)) > (BIGGEST_NUMBER - SMALLEST_NUMBER) Then
                          'end of game, all numbers have been picked already
                          'the reset button must be pressed to continue
                          textToShow = "--"
                          cmdNextNumber.Enabled = False
                          If UBound(PickedNumbers) = 0 Then
                              'call a function to generate a pseud-random number
                              tmpNumber = generateANumber
                              'check if the generated number has already been chosen by looping through the stored number array
                              tmpNumber = generateANumber
                                  For a = 0 To UBound(PickedNumbers)
                                      If tmpNumber = PickedNumbers(a) Then Exit For
                                  Next a
                                  If a - 1 = UBound(PickedNumbers) Then Exit Do 'all stored numbers searched, new number is indeed new
                          End If
                          'store the new number in the array, expand the array for the next number, and update the total numbers display
                          PickedNumbers(UBound(PickedNumbers)) = tmpNumber
                          textToShow = tmpNumber
                          ReDim Preserve PickedNumbers(UBound(PickedNumbers) + 1)
                          lblTotalNumberOfNumbers.Caption = UBound(PickedNumbers)
                      End If
                      'set the text on the ball
                      ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = textToShow
                      Exit Sub
                      Select Case Err.Number
                          Case 9
                              ReDim PickedNumbers(0)
                      End Select
                      End Sub
                      Private Function generateANumber() As Integer
                      Dim tmpNumber As Integer
                      Do Until tmpNumber >= SMALLEST_NUMBER And tmpNumber <= BIGGEST_NUMBER
                          'generate a pseudo-random number using the Rnd function
                          tmpNumber = Round(Rnd * BIGGEST_NUMBER)
                      generateANumber = tmpNumber
                      End Function
                      Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
                      Erase PickedNumbers
                      cmdNextNumber.Enabled = True
                      lblTotalNumberOfNumbers.Caption = ""
                      ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""
                      End Sub
                      Private Sub txtBallLabel_Change()
                      ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = txtBallLabel.Text
                      End Sub

Open in new window

To 'play', start the slideshow (press F5), click the * button to reset, and start generating numbers by clicking the > button.  

Comments (5)

John WilsonCEO PowerPoint Alchemy

Nice code!

Just a thought when most numbers have "gone" it could take a while to generate a number that is not in the array of picked numbers.

I would maybe
1. generate an array with ALL the numbers
2. Randomly choose a position in the array and read the number stored there.
3. Read the top number in the array and make the chosen position this value
4. Redim 1 to Ubound-1 to strip the old top number

Chose another random number based on the new Ubound

Hope that makes sense.


Good point, JSRWilson. That would form a better user experience, especially on slower machines or when a large range is used. Thanks for the comment.

Is there a way to view or store the previously used random numbers in a separate file or powerpoint slide?
John WilsonCEO PowerPoint Alchemy

Lots of ways but you should ask this as a question in the main area. Include exactly what you aare trying to acheive.
aikimarkGet vaccinated; Social distance; Wear a mask
Top Expert 2014

In case anyone is interested in the behavior of the VB PRNG, I've republished my article on the subject here at EE: http:A_11114.html

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