Getting Currency Exchange Rates with PHP and Yahoo! Finance CSV API

Ovid BurkeCEO & Creative Director
I imagine that there are some, like me, who require a way of getting currency exchange rates for implementation in web project from time to time, so I thought I would share a solution that I have developed for this purpose.

It turns out that Yahoo! Finance has a CSV API that makes it very easy to get currency exchange rates (and stock quotes) in CSV format by using a URL like this one (and it’s FREE!):

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This will tell us the last conversion rate for Eastern Caribbean Dollars (XCD) to United States Dollars (USD). At this point it would be useful to learn about currency codes.

Breaking down the URL

To begin, let’s try to understand the Yahoo! Finance URL.

URL Start

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Lookup values (or stock symbols)


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The first three letters here indicate the currency you are converting from, the next three indicate the currency you are converting to, and ‘=X’ presumably says you are querying an exchange rate. That said, if you want to query multiple rates you could enter comma separated values like this:


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Result Format


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This part suggests the format or the fields that should be returned in the data. Let’s describe each part in turn.

s       =       the Symbol (lookup value) queried.
l1      =       the last exchange value
d1      =       the last exchange date
t1       =       the last exchange time

Up to this point you should be able to download a CSV file with the data you desire, and use it that way in some solutions. But here our objective is to demonstrate how to read that data using PHP and return it as an array or a standard class objects.

Building the PHP Solution

Our objective is to develop a solution that would offer the following options:
1.      Lookup or query multiple currencies
2.      Convert a single ‘base’ currency to multiple ‘targets’ or convert those ‘targets’ to the ‘base’ currency.
3.      Output the results as either an associative array or a standard class object.

We will use PHP file handling techniques to get data from the CSV file rather than downloading it. At this point I should explain that each line of data would be returned as an array with numerical keys. So the first step in building the solution is to find a way of exchanging the numerical keys with something more useful.

Adding Useful Array Keys

To address this issue we will first create a way to change the numeric keys to some useful values. This helps us crate our associative array later on, and it also makes more sense if we convert the results to a standard class object.

                      * @function: add_cx_keys( $array )
                      function add_cx_keys( $array ) {
                      	* @keys: Define the desired array keys in an array
                      	$target_keys = array( 'cx_name', 'cx_code', 'cx_test', 'cx_rate', 'cx_date', 'cx_time' );
                      	$i = 0;
                      	foreach($target_keys as $key) {
                      		$arrOutput[$key] = $array[$i];
                      	return $arrOutput;

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Converting Arrays to Objects

To be able to make our results into an object later on, we would need a technique to convert arrays to objects. This pair of functions would do that very nicely.

                      * @function: make_array_object() | array_to_object() - convert an associative array to an object
                      function make_array_object( $array ) {
                      	$object = new stdClass();
                      	return array_to_object( $array, $object );
                      function array_to_object( $arr, &$obj ) {
                      	foreach( $arr as $key=>$val )
                      		if( is_array( $val ) )
                      			$obj->$key = new stdClass();
                      			array_to_object( $val, $obj->$key );
                      			$obj->$key = $val;
                      	return $obj;

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Getting those Exchange Rates

The functions defined so far, would play supporting roles in the overall solution. We now turn to the function that really puts this solution into gear, and delivers our desired results.

                      function get_exchange_rates( $home_currency, $convert_to = '', $additional_targets = array(), $output_type = '' ) {
                      	* @default_targets: A list of default (popular|moset used) currencies
                      	$default_targets = array( 
                      		'USD'=>'US Dollar',
                      		'GBP'=>'British Pound',
                      		'AUD'=>'Australian Dollar',
                      		'CAD'=>'Canadian Dollar',
                      		'CHF'=>'Swiss Franc',
                      		'INR'=>'India Rupee',
                      		'CNY'=>'Chinese Yuan Renminbi',
                      		'NZD'=>'New Zealand Dollar',
                      		'JPY'=>'Japan Yen',
                      		'BBD'=>'Barbados Dollar',
                      		'BSD'=>'Bahamas Dollar',
                      		'BZD'=>'Belize Dollar',
                      		'GYD'=>'Guyana Dollar',
                      		'JMD'=>'Jamaica Dollar',
                      		'TTD'=>'Trinidad and Tobago Dollar',
                      		'XCD'=>'Eastern Caribbean Dollar'
                      	* @additional_targets: Add more currencies if available
                      	if( !empty( $additional_targets ) && is_array( $additional_targets ) ) {
                      		$target_currencies = array_merge( $default_targets, $additional_targets );
                      	} else {
                      		$target_currencies = $default_targets;
                      	* @unset: Remove home currency from targets
                      	if( array_key_exists( $home_currency, $target_currencies ) ) {
                      		unset( $target_currencies[$home_currency] );
                      	* @loop: Loop through the targets and perform lookup on Yahoo! Finance
                      	foreach( $target_currencies as $code => $name ) {
                      		* @url: Get the URL for csv file at Yahoo API, based on 'convert_to' option
                      		switch( strtoupper( $convert_to ) ) {
                      			case 'H': /* Converts targest to home */
                      				$url = sprintf( "", $code, $home_currency );
                      			case 'T': /* Converts home to targets */
                      				$url = sprintf( "", $home_currency, $code );
                      		* @fopen: open and read API files
                      		$handle = @fopen( $url, 'r' );
                      		if ( $handle ) {
                      			$result = fgets( $handle, 4096 );
                      			fclose( $handle );
                      		* @output: Create output array and add currency code and descriptive (Country) name
                      		$arrOutput[$code] = explode( ',', $result );
                      		array_unshift( $arrOutput[$code], $code ); /* Add the code */
                      		array_unshift( $arrOutput[$code], $name ); /* Add the name */
                      		* @keys: Substitute numerical keys with user friendly ones
                      		$arrOutput[$code] = add_cx_keys( $arrOutput[$code] );
                      	* @object: Convert array to object if required
                      	if( strtoupper( $output_type ) == 'OBJECT' ) {
                      		$arrOutput = make_array_object( $arrOutput );
                      	* @return: Return the output array or object
                      	return $arrOutput;

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You would notice that I done considerable commenting within the code for this function. Those comments should pretty much explain what it does, and how. Just put this function together with the others, stick them into your web project and you have the complete setup to grab those exchange rates.

Now let us look at a typical implementation and the parameters we can pass to our function.

<?php $rates = get_exchange_rates( $home_currency, $convert_to = '', $additional_targets = array(), $output_type = '' ); ?>

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The function takes four (4) parameters, which are detailed as follows:

(string) (required) . The currency code of your choice, and for which you wish to get exchange rates.
Default: None

(string) (optional). Determines whether to perform conversion to Home Currency (H) or Target Currencies (T). You can also pass ‘null’ to this parameter if you want to access $additional_targets.
Options: ‘H’, ‘T’
Default: ‘T’.

(array) (optional). Add additional target currencies if desired. You can also pass ‘null’ to this parameter if you want to access $output_type.
Default:  array()

(string) (optional). This determines whether to output associative array or standard class object.
Options: ‘ARRAY_A’, ‘OBJECT’
Default: ‘ARRAY_A’

Examples of Use

<?php $rates = get_exchange_rates( ‘XCD' ); ?>

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Returns the rates for Eastern Caribbean Dollars in the default list, as an associative array.

<?php $rates = get_exchange_rates( ‘XCD', ‘H' ); ?>

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Returns the rates in Eastern Caribbean Dollars for each of the currencies in the default list.

<?php $rates = get_exchange_rates( ‘XCD', null, array( ‘EGP'=>'Egypt Pound' ), ‘OBJECT' ); ?>

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Returns the rates for Eastern Caribbean Dollars in the default currencies and Egypt Pounds as an object.

                      foreach( $rates as $rate ) {
                      	echo '<p>' . $rate['cx_name'] . ' ('. $rate['cx_rate'] . ')</p>';

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Prints the name and rate for each target currency from an array.

                      foreach( $rates as $rate ) {
                      	echo '<p>' . $rate->cx_name . '('. $rate->cx_rate . ')</p>';

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Prints the name and rate for each target currency from an object.

<?php echo $rates['USD']['cx_name']; ?>

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Prints the currency name for USD from an array.

<?php echo $rates->EUR->cx_name; ?>

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Prints the currency name for EUR from an object.

Putting it all Together

For convenience, let’s put the complete code for this solution together.  For your convenience or preference you might adjust the values of the default_targets array. And there you go! I hope you find this useful for your projects, and have fun getting those exchange rates.

                      * @function: get_echange_rates() - get currency echanges rates using Yahoo! Finance CSV API
                      function get_exchange_rates( $home_currency, $convert_to = '', $additional_targets = array(), $output_type = '' ) {
                      	* @default_targets: A list of default (popular|moset used) currencies
                      	$default_targets = array( 
                      		'USD'=>'US Dollar',
                      		'GBP'=>'British Pound',
                      		'AUD'=>'Australian Dollar',
                      		'CAD'=>'Canadian Dollar',
                      		'CHF'=>'Swiss Franc',
                      		'INR'=>'India Rupee',
                      		'CNY'=>'Chinese Yuan Renminbi',
                      		'NZD'=>'New Zealand Dollar',
                      		'JPY'=>'Japan Yen',
                      		'BBD'=>'Barbados Dollar',
                      		'BSD'=>'Bahamas Dollar',
                      		'BZD'=>'Belize Dollar',
                      		'GYD'=>'Guyana Dollar',
                      		'JMD'=>'Jamaica Dollar',
                      		'TTD'=>'Trinidad and Tobago Dollar',
                      		'XCD'=>'Eastern Caribbean Dollar'
                      	* @additional_targets: Add more currencies if available
                      	if( !empty( $additional_targets ) && is_array( $additional_targets ) ) {
                      		$target_currencies = array_merge( $default_targets, $additional_targets );
                      	} else {
                      		$target_currencies = $default_targets;
                      	* @unset: Remove home currency from targets
                      	if( array_key_exists( $home_currency, $target_currencies ) ) {
                      		unset( $target_currencies[$home_currency] );
                      	* @loop: Loop through the targets and perform lookup on Yahoo! Finance
                      	foreach( $target_currencies as $code => $name ) {
                      		* @url: Get the URL for csv file at Yahoo API, based on 'convert_to' option
                      		switch( strtoupper( $convert_to ) ) {
                      			case 'H': /* Converts targest to home */
                      				$url = sprintf( "", $code, $home_currency );
                      			case 'T': /* Converts home to targets */
                      				$url = sprintf( "", $home_currency, $code );
                      		* @fopen: open and read API files
                      		$handle = @fopen( $url, 'r' );
                      		if ( $handle ) {
                      			$result = fgets( $handle, 4096 );
                      			fclose( $handle );
                      		* @output: Create output array and add currency code and descriptive (Country) name
                      		$arrOutput[$code] = explode( ',', $result );
                      		array_unshift( $arrOutput[$code], $code ); /* Add the code */
                      		array_unshift( $arrOutput[$code], $name ); /* Add the name */
                      		* @keys: Substitute numerical keys with user friendly ones
                      		$arrOutput[$code] = add_cx_keys( $arrOutput[$code] );
                      	* @object: Convert array to object if required
                      	if( strtoupper( $output_type ) == 'OBJECT' ) {
                      		$arrOutput = make_array_object( $arrOutput );
                      	* @return: Return the output array or object
                      	return $arrOutput;
                      * @function: make_array_object() | array_to_object() - convert an associative array to an object
                      function make_array_object( $array ) {
                      	$object = new stdClass();
                      	return array_to_object( $array, $object );
                      function array_to_object( $arr, &$obj ) {
                      	foreach( $arr as $key=>$val )
                      		if( is_array( $val ) )
                      			$obj->$key = new stdClass();
                      			array_to_object( $val, $obj->$key );
                      			$obj->$key = $val;
                      	return $obj;
                      * @function: add_cx_keys( $array )
                      function add_cx_keys( $array ) {
                      	$target_keys = array( 'cx_name', 'cx_code', 'cx_test', 'cx_rate', 'cx_date', 'cx_time' );
                      	$i = 0;
                      	foreach($target_keys as $key) {
                      		$arrOutput[$key] = $array[$i];
                      	return $arrOutput;

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Ovid BurkeCEO & Creative Director

Comments (5)

Most Valuable Expert 2011
Author of the Year 2014

Great article, and the Yahoo API looks like a good resource; I'm going to try it for my own work.

Here is a somewhat more complete set of currencies...
$this->currs["AED"] = array("N" => "United Arab Emirates",                                 "C" => "Dirhams");
$this->currs["AFN"] = array("N" => "Afghanistan",                                          "C" => "Afghanis");
$this->currs["ALL"] = array("N" => "Albania",                                              "C" => "Leke");
$this->currs["AMD"] = array("N" => "Armenia",                                              "C" => "Drams");
$this->currs["ANG"] = array("N" => "Netherlands Antilles",                                 "C" => "Guilders (also called Florins)");
$this->currs["AOA"] = array("N" => "Angola",                                               "C" => "Kwanza");
$this->currs["ARS"] = array("N" => "Argentina",                                            "C" => "Pesos");
$this->currs["AUD"] = array("N" => "Australia",                                            "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["AWG"] = array("N" => "Aruba",                                                "C" => "Guilders (also called Florins)");
$this->currs["AZN"] = array("N" => "Azerbaijan",                                           "C" => "New Manats");
$this->currs["BAM"] = array("N" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina",                               "C" => "Convertible Marka");
$this->currs["BBD"] = array("N" => "Barbados",                                             "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["BDT"] = array("N" => "Bangladesh",                                           "C" => "Taka");
$this->currs["BGN"] = array("N" => "Bulgaria",                                             "C" => "Leva");
$this->currs["BHD"] = array("N" => "Bahrain",                                              "C" => "Dinars");
$this->currs["BIF"] = array("N" => "Burundi",                                              "C" => "Francs");
$this->currs["BMD"] = array("N" => "Bermuda",                                              "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["BND"] = array("N" => "Brunei Darussalam",                                    "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["BOB"] = array("N" => "Bolivia",                                              "C" => "Bolivianos");
$this->currs["BRL"] = array("N" => "Brazil",                                               "C" => "Brazil Real");
$this->currs["BSD"] = array("N" => "Bahamas",                                              "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["BTN"] = array("N" => "Bhutan",                                               "C" => "Ngultrum");
$this->currs["BWP"] = array("N" => "Botswana",                                             "C" => "Pulas");
$this->currs["BYR"] = array("N" => "Belarus",                                              "C" => "Rubles");
$this->currs["BZD"] = array("N" => "Belize",                                               "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["CAD"] = array("N" => "Canada",                                               "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["CDF"] = array("N" => "Congo/Kinshasa",                                       "C" => "Congolese Francs");
$this->currs["CHF"] = array("N" => "Switzerland",                                          "C" => "Francs");
$this->currs["CLP"] = array("N" => "Chile",                                                "C" => "Pesos");
$this->currs["CNY"] = array("N" => "China",                                                "C" => "Yuan Renminbi");
$this->currs["COP"] = array("N" => "Colombia",                                             "C" => "Pesos");
$this->currs["CRC"] = array("N" => "Costa Rica",                                           "C" => "Colones");
$this->currs["CUP"] = array("N" => "Cuba",                                                 "C" => "Pesos");
$this->currs["CVE"] = array("N" => "Cape Verde",                                           "C" => "Escudos");
$this->currs["CYP"] = array("N" => "Cyprus",                                               "C" => "Pounds (expires 2008-Jan-31)");
$this->currs["CZK"] = array("N" => "Czech Republic",                                       "C" => "Koruny");
$this->currs["DJF"] = array("N" => "Djibouti",                                             "C" => "Francs");
$this->currs["DKK"] = array("N" => "Denmark",                                              "C" => "Kroner");
$this->currs["DOP"] = array("N" => "Dominican Republic",                                   "C" => "Pesos");
$this->currs["DZD"] = array("N" => "Algeria",                                              "C" => "Algeria Dinars");
$this->currs["EEK"] = array("N" => "Estonia",                                              "C" => "Krooni");
$this->currs["EGP"] = array("N" => "Egypt",                                                "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["ERN"] = array("N" => "Eritrea",                                              "C" => "Nakfa");
$this->currs["ETB"] = array("N" => "Ethiopia",                                             "C" => "Birr");
$this->currs["EUR"] = array("N" => "Euro Member Countries",                                "C" => "Euro");
$this->currs["FJD"] = array("N" => "Fiji",                                                 "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["FKP"] = array("N" => "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",                          "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["GBP"] = array("N" => "United Kingdom",                                       "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["GEL"] = array("N" => "Georgia",                                              "C" => "Lari");
$this->currs["GGP"] = array("N" => "Guernsey",                                             "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["GHS"] = array("N" => "Ghana",                                                "C" => "Cedis");
$this->currs["GIP"] = array("N" => "Gibraltar",                                            "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["GMD"] = array("N" => "Gambia",                                               "C" => "Dalasi");
$this->currs["GNF"] = array("N" => "Guinea",                                               "C" => "Francs");
$this->currs["GTQ"] = array("N" => "Guatemala",                                            "C" => "Quetzales");
$this->currs["GYD"] = array("N" => "Guyana",                                               "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["HKD"] = array("N" => "Hong Kong",                                            "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["HNL"] = array("N" => "Honduras",                                             "C" => "Lempiras");
$this->currs["HRK"] = array("N" => "Croatia",                                              "C" => "Kuna");
$this->currs["HTG"] = array("N" => "Haiti",                                                "C" => "Gourdes");
$this->currs["HUF"] = array("N" => "Hungary",                                              "C" => "Forint");
$this->currs["IDR"] = array("N" => "Indonesia",                                            "C" => "Rupiahs");
$this->currs["ILS"] = array("N" => "Israel",                                               "C" => "New Shekels");
$this->currs["IMP"] = array("N" => "Isle of Man",                                          "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["INR"] = array("N" => "India",                                                "C" => "Rupees");
$this->currs["IQD"] = array("N" => "Iraq",                                                 "C" => "Dinars");
$this->currs["IRR"] = array("N" => "Iran",                                                 "C" => "Rials");
$this->currs["ISK"] = array("N" => "Iceland",                                              "C" => "Kronur");
$this->currs["JEP"] = array("N" => "Jersey",                                               "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["JMD"] = array("N" => "Jamaica",                                              "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["JOD"] = array("N" => "Jordan",                                               "C" => "Dinars");
$this->currs["JPY"] = array("N" => "Japan",                                                "C" => "Yen");
$this->currs["KES"] = array("N" => "Kenya",                                                "C" => "Shillings");
$this->currs["KGS"] = array("N" => "Kyrgyzstan",                                           "C" => "Soms");
$this->currs["KHR"] = array("N" => "Cambodia",                                             "C" => "Riels");
$this->currs["KMF"] = array("N" => "Comoros",                                              "C" => "Francs");
$this->currs["KPW"] = array("N" => "Korea (North)",                                        "C" => "Won");
$this->currs["KRW"] = array("N" => "Korea (South)",                                        "C" => "Won");
$this->currs["KWD"] = array("N" => "Kuwait",                                               "C" => "Dinars");
$this->currs["KYD"] = array("N" => "Cayman Islands",                                       "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["KZT"] = array("N" => "Kazakhstan",                                           "C" => "Tenge");
$this->currs["LAK"] = array("N" => "Laos",                                                 "C" => "Kips");
$this->currs["LBP"] = array("N" => "Lebanon",                                              "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["LKR"] = array("N" => "Sri Lanka",                                            "C" => "Rupees");
$this->currs["LRD"] = array("N" => "Liberia",                                              "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["LSL"] = array("N" => "Lesotho",                                              "C" => "Maloti");
$this->currs["LTL"] = array("N" => "Lithuania",                                            "C" => "Litai");
$this->currs["LVL"] = array("N" => "Latvia",                                               "C" => "Lati");
$this->currs["LYD"] = array("N" => "Libya",                                                "C" => "Dinars");
$this->currs["MAD"] = array("N" => "Morocco",                                              "C" => "Dirhams");
$this->currs["MDL"] = array("N" => "Moldova",                                              "C" => "Lei");
$this->currs["MGA"] = array("N" => "Madagascar",                                           "C" => "Ariary");
$this->currs["MKD"] = array("N" => "Macedonia",                                            "C" => "Denars");
$this->currs["MMK"] = array("N" => "Myanmar (Burma)",                                      "C" => "Kyats");
$this->currs["MNT"] = array("N" => "Mongolia",                                             "C" => "Tugriks");
$this->currs["MOP"] = array("N" => "Macau",                                                "C" => "Patacas");
$this->currs["MRO"] = array("N" => "Mauritania",                                           "C" => "Ouguiyas");
$this->currs["MTL"] = array("N" => "Malta",                                                "C" => "Liri (expires 2008-Jan-31)");
$this->currs["MUR"] = array("N" => "Mauritius",                                            "C" => "Rupees");
$this->currs["MVR"] = array("N" => "Maldives (Maldive Islands)",                           "C" => "Rufiyaa");
$this->currs["MWK"] = array("N" => "Malawi",                                               "C" => "Kwachas");
$this->currs["MXN"] = array("N" => "Mexico",                                               "C" => "Pesos");
$this->currs["MYR"] = array("N" => "Malaysia",                                             "C" => "Ringgits");
$this->currs["MZN"] = array("N" => "Mozambique",                                           "C" => "Meticais");
$this->currs["NAD"] = array("N" => "Namibia",                                              "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["NGN"] = array("N" => "Nigeria",                                              "C" => "Nairas");
$this->currs["NIO"] = array("N" => "Nicaragua",                                            "C" => "Cordobas");
$this->currs["NOK"] = array("N" => "Norway",                                               "C" => "Krone");
$this->currs["NPR"] = array("N" => "Nepal",                                                "C" => "Nepal Rupees");
$this->currs["NZD"] = array("N" => "New Zealand",                                          "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["OMR"] = array("N" => "Oman",                                                 "C" => "Rials");
$this->currs["PAB"] = array("N" => "Panama",                                               "C" => "Balboa");
$this->currs["PEN"] = array("N" => "Peru",                                                 "C" => "Nuevos Soles");
$this->currs["PGK"] = array("N" => "Papua New Guinea",                                     "C" => "Kina");
$this->currs["PHP"] = array("N" => "Philippines",                                          "C" => "Pesos");
$this->currs["PKR"] = array("N" => "Pakistan",                                             "C" => "Rupees");
$this->currs["PLN"] = array("N" => "Poland",                                               "C" => "Zlotych");
$this->currs["PYG"] = array("N" => "Paraguay",                                             "C" => "Guarani");
$this->currs["QAR"] = array("N" => "Qatar",                                                "C" => "Rials");
$this->currs["RON"] = array("N" => "Romania",                                              "C" => "New Lei");
$this->currs["RSD"] = array("N" => "Serbia",                                               "C" => "Dinars");
$this->currs["RUB"] = array("N" => "Russia",                                               "C" => "Rubles");
$this->currs["RWF"] = array("N" => "Rwanda",                                               "C" => "Rwanda Francs");
$this->currs["SAR"] = array("N" => "Saudi Arabia",                                         "C" => "Riyals");
$this->currs["SBD"] = array("N" => "Solomon Islands",                                      "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["SCR"] = array("N" => "Seychelles",                                           "C" => "Rupees");
$this->currs["SDG"] = array("N" => "Sudan",                                                "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["SEK"] = array("N" => "Sweden",                                               "C" => "Kronor");
$this->currs["SGD"] = array("N" => "Singapore",                                            "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["SHP"] = array("N" => "Saint Helena",                                         "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["SLL"] = array("N" => "Sierra Leone",                                         "C" => "Leones");
$this->currs["SOS"] = array("N" => "Somalia",                                              "C" => "Shillings");
$this->currs["SPL"] = array("N" => "Seborga",                                              "C" => "Luigini");
$this->currs["SRD"] = array("N" => "Suriname",                                             "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["STD"] = array("N" => "S&atilde;o Tome and Principe",                         "C" => "Dobras");
$this->currs["SVC"] = array("N" => "El Salvador",                                          "C" => "Colones");
$this->currs["SYP"] = array("N" => "Syria",                                                "C" => "Pounds");
$this->currs["SZL"] = array("N" => "Swaziland",                                            "C" => "Emalangeni");
$this->currs["THB"] = array("N" => "Thailand",                                             "C" => "Baht");
$this->currs["TJS"] = array("N" => "Tajikistan",                                           "C" => "Somoni");
$this->currs["TMM"] = array("N" => "Turkmenistan",                                         "C" => "Manats");
$this->currs["TND"] = array("N" => "Tunisia",                                              "C" => "Dinars");
$this->currs["TOP"] = array("N" => "Tonga",                                                "C" => "Pa&apos;anga");
$this->currs["TRY"] = array("N" => "Turkey",                                               "C" => "New Lira");
$this->currs["TTD"] = array("N" => "Trinidad and Tobago",                                  "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["TVD"] = array("N" => "Tuvalu",                                               "C" => "Tuvalu Dollars");
$this->currs["TWD"] = array("N" => "Taiwan",                                               "C" => "New Dollars");
$this->currs["TZS"] = array("N" => "Tanzania",                                             "C" => "Shillings");
$this->currs["UAH"] = array("N" => "Ukraine",                                              "C" => "Hryvnia");
$this->currs["UGX"] = array("N" => "Uganda",                                               "C" => "Shillings");
$this->currs["USD"] = array("N" => "United States of America",                             "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["UYU"] = array("N" => "Uruguay",                                              "C" => "Pesos");
$this->currs["UZS"] = array("N" => "Uzbekistan",                                           "C" => "Sums");
$this->currs["VEB"] = array("N" => "Venezuela",                                            "C" => "Bolivares (expires 2008-Jun-30)");
$this->currs["VEF"] = array("N" => "Venezuela",                                            "C" => "Bolivares Fuertes");
$this->currs["VND"] = array("N" => "Viet Nam",                                             "C" => "Dong");
$this->currs["VUV"] = array("N" => "Vanuatu",                                              "C" => "Vatu");
$this->currs["WST"] = array("N" => "Samoa",                                                "C" => "Tala");
$this->currs["XAF"] = array("N" => "Communaut&eacute; Financi&egrave;re Africaine BEAC",   "C" => "Francs");
$this->currs["XAG"] = array("N" => "Silver",                                               "C" => "Ounces");
$this->currs["XAU"] = array("N" => "Gold",                                                 "C" => "Ounces");
$this->currs["XCD"] = array("N" => "East Caribbean",                                       "C" => "Dollars");
$this->currs["XDR"] = array("N" => "IMF Special Drawing Rights",                           "C" => "XDR");
$this->currs["XOF"] = array("N" => "Communaut&eacute; Financi&egrave;re Africaine BCEAO",  "C" => "Francs");
$this->currs["XPD"] = array("N" => "Palladium",                                            "C" => "Ounces");
$this->currs["XPF"] = array("N" => "Comptoirs Fran&ccedil;ais du Pacifique Francs",        "C" => "CFP Francs");
$this->currs["XPT"] = array("N" => "Platinum",                                             "C" => "Ounces");
$this->currs["YER"] = array("N" => "Yemen",                                                "C" => "Rials");
$this->currs["ZAR"] = array("N" => "South Africa",                                         "C" => "Rand");
$this->currs["ZMK"] = array("N" => "Zambia",                                               "C" => "Kwacha");
$this->currs["ZWD"] = array("N" => "Zimbabwe",                                             "C" => "Zimbabwe Dollars");

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Yahoo finance API is not available anymore. I have moved to MarketXLS after this change, much more reliable data.
Ovid BurkeCEO & Creative Director


I'll have to take at MarketXLS, and maybe do some refactoring then. Thanks for your comment.

I found a free alternative in case anyone cares:
Unfortunately Yahoo! stop free access for this service:

It has come to our attention that this service is being used in violation of the Yahoo Terms of Service. As such, the service is being discontinued. For all future markets and equities data research, please refer to

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