
Backup Exec 2012 Configuring Multiple Backup Folders on One USB Drive

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Experience Level: Beginner
Rodney Barnhardt
I have over 30 years in the IT industry. During this time I have worked with a variety of products in a variety of industries.
This tutorial will show how to configure a single USB drive with a separate folder for each day of the week. This will allow each of the backups to be kept separate preventing the previous day’s backup from being overwritten.

Video Steps

1. The USB drive must be shared off of another server. BackupExec 2012 does not allow job pathing to various folders on a USB directly attached to the media server.

2. Be aware that the backup jobs must me full backups. For each day, so ensure a drive with sufficient space is used.

3. On the USB drive, create a folder for each day of the week in advance of configuring the storage in BackupExec

4. To simplify adding the storage, path from the media server to the first folder on the shared USB drive and copy the path

5. Select Configure Storage, the All Storage (if necessary)

6. On the Central Administration Server click Next

7. Select Disk-Based Storage and click Next

8. Select Disk Storage and click Next

9. Name the storage. Select the name to match the day of the week for the folder being configured. Include an additional description if desired and click Next.

10. On the location, select Network Share and paste the path to the USB folder, then click Next

11. The path is validated, the click Finish

12. Repeat steps 4 through 11 for a folder on each day of the week until all of the necessary storage is configured

13. Configure backup jobs for each day of the week

14. Click Backup and Restore at the top of the page

15. Select Backup

16. In the first job, select the necessary files and folders for backup

17. Click Edit on the job properties screen for the Full option, and change the schedule to match the day of the folder that is being configured and the appropriate time for the job to run.

18. On the left, select the Storage option and in the Full option select the appropriate backup-to-disk folder for that day of the week and the correct retention period.

19. Delete the Incremental job since it cannot be configured separately.

20. Click OK twice and the job is configured

21. Repeat steps 15 through 20 for each day of the week. The Friday job is built in by default and will simply need to be edited.

22. Launch one of the jobs and ensure the backup is running and that data is being properly written to the USB drive. Select a job, right-click, and select Run Now.

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