More on Flashback Technology - for Database, Table and Drop

Steve WalesSenior Database Administrator


In my  first article, I talked about using Flashback technology to run queries against our database as it looked in the recent past.

(This article builds on information presented in the previous one, and it is recommended to the reader that you read that article before continuing here.)

This can certainly be useful, but what if it just isn't enough. What if we need to get back a table we just accidentally dropped, or recover a data screw up so bad that recovery is our only option.

There are other aspects to Flashback technology that let us do just that.

What we looked at last time would be covered under the topic sub-titles "Flashback Query" and "Flashback Version Query". These were introduced in Oracle 9i.  What other options do we have available to us as we get to more recent versions of the software?

Looking into the heart of our TARDIS (refer to the previous article for the bad "joke" that is my introduction of the Oracle TARDIS), we find the following options awaiting us, as of Oracle 10g:

Flashback Database - a physical level restore that restores the entire database to a specific point in time using flashback logs rather than doing a database recovery and rolling archive logs forward
Flashback Table - recover a table to a point in time
Flashback Drop - restores an accidentally dropped table as well as all related indexes, triggers and constraints
Flashback Transaction - rollback a single transaction and optionally, all transactions dependent upon the rolled back transaction
Flashback Transaction Query - see all the changes made by a specific transaction
In this article, I will be talking about the first three on that list.

Flashback Database

Let's start with Flashback Database. Much like a database recovery, Flashback Database is a physical level recovery, much like a database point in time recovery, up to and including the OPEN RESETLOGS at the end, but usually much faster because the initial recovery of the data files from backup isn't needed.

In order to use Flashback Database, the Fast Recovery Area needs to be configured in the database that is a candidate for Flashback.

This means that the db_recovery_file_dest and db_recovery_file_dest_size initialization parameters need to be set. Furthermore, in order to enable Flashback Database, db_flashback_retention_target also needs to be set. This parameter is the number of minutes we can go back into the past and perform a Flashback Database.

It should be noted that it is not a guarantee of data availability; it is a target!

Once this is configured, we must also make sure to issue ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON.

What this will do is to start writing images of data blocks to the fast recovery area. The flashback logs are written sequentially and often in bulk. The database automatically creates, deletes and resizes these logs as needed. These logs are not archived.

The only thing that the DBA really needs to know about for the flashback logs is that they exist (from a sizing of the fast recovery area point of view) and that they are adding a performance overhead to the database.

The database also needs to be in Archive Log Mode for this functionality to work.

When doing a Flashback Database, the database uses information in these logs, as well as some information from archive logs, in order to perform the requested operation. It is because of this that you can't enable flashback after a failure and expect that you can flashback your database to before the failure.

Similar to the syntax used in Flashback Query, there are several options you can apply to Flashback Database:

    TO SCN

Each of these also supports a TO BEFORE construct as well. Doing FLASHBACK TO will recover the database right up until the parameter specified. Doing FLASHBACK TO BEFORE will recover the database right up until immediately before the parameter specified.

In the listings below, I've edited out most of the copyright and version notices that come out of SQL*Plus when you start a new session.

Demo Time

First things first, let's check that our database is set up correctly:
SQL> show parameter db_recovery
                      NAME                        TYPE        VALUE                          
                      --------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------ 
                      db_recovery_file_dest       string      c:\oracle\flash_recovery_area  
                      db_recovery_file_dest_size  big integer 4977M                          
                      SQL> show parameter flashback;
                      NAME                          TYPE        VALUE
                      ----------------------------- ----------- -----
                      db_flashback_retention_target integer     1440
                      SQL> select flashback_on from v$database;
                      SQL> alter database flashback on;
                      Database altered.
                      SQL> select flashback_on from v$database;
                      SQL> select instance_name, archiver from v$instance;
                      INSTANCE_NAME    ARCHIVE                              
                      ---------------- -------                              
                      demo             STARTED

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Next, let's check the status of the database as we left it after Part 1, then add a new table and populate it with some related data.

SQL> conn demo/demo
                      SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS';
                      Session altered.
                      SQL> select table_name from user_tables;
                      SQL> desc prez
                       Name                                      Null?    Type 
                      ------------------------------------------ -------- -----------
                       NAME                                      VARCHAR2(25)
                       ELECTED                                   VARCHAR2(4)
                      SQL> select * from prez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                     
                      ------------------------- ----                                               
                      Barack Obama              2008                     
                      George W. Bush            2013                     
                      Bill Clinton              2013                                           
                      George H. W. Bush         2013                     
                      Ronald Reagan             2013                                           
                      SQL> select sysdate from dual;
                      SQL> create table viceprez (name varchar2(25), elected varchar2(4));
                      Table created.
                      SQL> insert into viceprez values ('Joe Biden', '2008');
                      1 row created.
                      SQL> insert into viceprez values ('Dick Cheney', '2000');
                      1 row created.
                      SQL> insert into viceprez values ('Al Gore', '1992');
                      1 row created.
                      SQL> insert into viceprez values ('Dan Quayle', '1988');
                      1 row created.
                      SQL> insert into viceprez values ('George H. W. Bush', '1980');
                      1 row created.
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                                    
                      ------------------------- ----                                           
                      Joe Biden                 2008                     
                      Dick Cheney               2000                     
                      Al Gore                   1992                     
                      Dan Quayle                1988                     
                      George H. W. Bush         1980                     
                      SQL> select sysdate from dual;
                      SQL> quit

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Note the timestamp here. At the time that the timestamp is shown the rows have not been committed to the database. If we do not explicitly issue a commit statement, the commit does not happen until we quit from SQL*Plus, where the commit happens implicitly. We will see the relevance of this particular note later in the demo.

So, a user gets into a database and starts deleting rows. They suddenly realize that they are in prod and not in test!

The DBA comes to the rescue (after first realizing that he must shut down the database in order to perform the flashback).

I've also included listings here showing the current incarnation of the database from RMAN between steps.
SQL> delete from viceprez where elected< 2000;
                      3 rows deleted.
                      SQL> delete from prez where elected = 2013;
                      4 rows deleted.
                      SQL> commit;
                      Commit complete.
                      SQL> select * from prez;
                      NAME                      ELEC
                      ------------------------- ----
                      Barack Obama              2008
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC
                      ------------------------- ----
                      Joe Biden                 2008
                      Dick Cheney               2000
                      SQL> quit
                      C:\>rman target /
                      RMAN> list incarnation of database;
                      using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
                      List of Database Incarnations
                      DB Key  Inc Key DB Name  DB ID            STATUS  Reset SCN  Reset Time
                      ------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
                      1       1       DEMO     3543868088       CURRENT 1          19-NOV-12
                      C:\> sqlplus / as sysdba
                      SQL> flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('2012-11-24:22:09:07','YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS');
                      flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('2012-11-24:22:09:07','YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS')
                      ERROR at line 1:
                      ORA-38757: Database must be mounted and not open to FLASHBACK. 
                      SQL> shutdown immediate
                      Database closed.
                      Database dismounted.
                      ORACLE instance shut down.
                      SQL> quit
                      C:\> sqlplus / as sysdba
                      SQL> startup mount
                      ORACLE instance started.
                      Total System Global Area  535662592 bytes                                       
                      Fixed Size                  1375792 bytes                                       
                      Variable Size             415236560 bytes                                       
                      Database Buffers          113246208 bytes                                       
                      Redo Buffers                5804032 bytes                                       
                      Database mounted.
                      SQL> flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('2012-11-24:22:09:07','YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS');
                      Flashback complete.
                      SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
                      Database altered.
                      SQL> connect demo/demo
                      SQL> select * from prez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                                                  
                      ------------------------- ----                                                  
                      Barack Obama              2008                                                  
                      George W. Bush            2013                                                  
                      Bill Clinton              2013                                                  
                      George H. W. Bush         2013                                                  
                      Ronald Reagan             2013                                                  
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      no rows selected
                      SQL> quit
                      C:\>rman target /
                      RMAN> list incarnation of database;
                      using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
                      List of Database Incarnations
                      DB Key  Inc Key DB Name  DB ID            STATUS  Reset SCN  Reset Time
                      ------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
                      1       1       DEMO     3543868088       PARENT  1          19-NOV-12
                      2       2       DEMO     3543868088       CURRENT 849611     24-NOV-12

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This is where the earlier comment about the placement of the commit came into play. Because the changes had not been committed at the timestamp specified, when the flashback database was performed, those rows are missing from the resulting database after the flashback is complete.

Let's assume that we now go back and recreate the data in the VICEPREZ table and that our same user goes and deletes the exact same records again. We'll pick it up at the delete and the subsequent rescue by the DBA:
SQL> select sysdate from dual;
                      SQL> delete from viceprez where elected < '2000';
                      3 rows deleted.
                      SQL> delete from prez where elected = '2013';
                      4 rows deleted.
                      SQL> commit;
                      Commit complete.
                      SQL> select * from prez;
                      NAME                      ELEC
                      ------------------------- ----
                      Barack Obama              2008
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC
                      ------------------------- ----
                      Joe Biden                 2008
                      Dick Cheney               2000
                      SQL> connect / as sysdba
                      SQL> shutdown immediate
                      Database closed.
                      Database dismounted.
                      ORACLE instance shut down.
                      SQL> startup mount
                      ORACLE instance started.
                      Total System Global Area  535662592 bytes                                       
                      Fixed Size                  1375792 bytes                                       
                      Variable Size             415236560 bytes                                       
                      Database Buffers          113246208 bytes                                       
                      Redo Buffers                5804032 bytes                                       
                      Database mounted.
                      SQL> flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('2012-11-24:22:22:11','YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS');
                      Flashback complete.
                      SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
                      Database altered.
                      SQL> connect demo/demo
                      SQL> select * from prez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                                                  
                      ------------------------- ----                                                  
                      Barack Obama              2008                                                  
                      George W. Bush            2013                                                  
                      Bill Clinton              2013                                                  
                      George H. W. Bush         2013                                                  
                      Ronald Reagan             2013                                                  
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                                                  
                      ------------------------- ----                                                  
                      Joe Biden                 2008                                                  
                      Dick Cheney               2000                                                  
                      Al Gore                   1992                                                  
                      Dan Quayle                1988                                                  
                      George H. W. Bush         1980                                                  
                      SQL> quit
                      C:\>rman target /
                      RMAN> list incarnation of database;
                      using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
                      List of Database Incarnations
                      DB Key  Inc Key DB Name  DB ID            STATUS  Reset SCN  Reset Time
                      ------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
                      1       1       DEMO     3543868088       PARENT  1          19-NOV-12
                      2       2       DEMO     3543868088       PARENT  849611     24-NOV-12
                      3       3       DEMO     3543868088       CURRENT 849931     24-NOV-12

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The DBA is the hero of the hour, having managed to successfully recover the database back to pre-delete state without the large time investment of a complete database restore.

Of course, such functionality needs to be used with great care in a production environment to make sure that the rest of the data you lose isn't more of a pain than the data you've already lost.

The other thing that a DBA needs to be aware of is the performance overhead that comes with having flashback mode on all the time, as well as the extra disk space required in the Fast Recovery Area.

One scenario that immediately comes to mind for the use of something like this would be in a large Enterprise application where something like Payroll is one of the subsystems in the database.

The developers in this theoretical shop are in the process of making major functional changes to the code. They want to test on as close to live data as possible so they request a refresh of the test database.

Being a large Enterprise level database, it takes 2-3 hours to restore the test server from backup. The developers run their test payroll but it doesn't work. They need another fresh copy of the production database in order to run their test again.

Before Flashback Database, another 2-3 hours would be wasted waiting for the refresh to complete.

If the DBA setup the test environment for Flashback and let the developers do their testing, if they needed a fresh copy of the database in test, a quick Flashback Database later and they have a fresh copy of the data ready for them in a fraction of the time.

Flashback Table

Our next scenario is for Flashback Table. With this feature you can flashback just one table in the database to a particular SCN, TIMESTAMP or RESTORE POINT. Creating a restore point is as simple as:
SQL> create restore point flashback_table;
                      Restore point created.

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Again, let's assume that someone has run rampant over some table in the database. The table is stand alone, with no other dependencies on other objects, so it has been determined that it's safe to roll this one table back to a point in time in the past.

Demo Time

SQL> conn demo/demo
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC
                      ------------------------- ----
                      Joe Biden                 2008
                      Dick Cheney               2000
                      Al Gore                   1992
                      Dan Quayle                1988
                      George H. W. Bush         1980
                      SQL> select sysdate from dual;
                      SQL> delete from viceprez where elected = '2008';
                      1 row deleted.
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC
                      ------------------------- ----
                      Dick Cheney               2000
                      Al Gore                   1992
                      Dan Quayle                1988
                      George H. W. Bush         1980
                      SQL> flashback table viceprez to restore point flashback_table;
                      flashback table viceprez to restore point flashback_table
                      ERROR at line 1:
                      ORA-08189: cannot flashback the table because row movement is not enabled 

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Oops!  What does that mean? Row movement is a setting that tells Oracle it's OK to generate new ROWID's for rows being recovered in this manner (since there's no guarantee that the old ROWID is still unique).

Fortunately, this is a setting that can be enabled after the fact!
SQL> alter table viceprez enable row movement;
                      Table altered.
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                                                  
                      ------------------------- ----                                                  
                      Dick Cheney               2000                                                  
                      Al Gore                   1992                                                  
                      Dan Quayle                1988                                                  
                      George H. W. Bush         1980                                                  
                      SQL> flashback table viceprez to restore point flashback_table;
                      Flashback complete.
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                                                  
                      ------------------------- ----                                                  
                      Joe Biden                 2008                                                  
                      Dick Cheney               2000                                                  
                      Al Gore                   1992                                                  
                      Dan Quayle                1988                                                  
                      George H. W. Bush         1980                                                  

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I won't go into examples for this particular flashback method for UNTIL SCN and UNTIL TIMESTAMP since the same principles apply for FLASHBACK TABLE as they do for FLASHBACK DATABASE above.

Flashback Drop

For our last scenario, we're going to look at recovering a table that has been dropped.

In this scenario (ignoring the fact that a user shouldn't have drop rights on a table anyway), a user inserts a row into the table, realizes their error and attempts to remove it. However, instead of removing the row, they drop the table in error.

The DBA puts on his red cape and once again comes to the rescue!

Demo Time

SQL> insert into viceprez values ('The Man in the Moon', '2013');
                      1 row created.
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                                                  
                      ------------------------- ----                                                  
                      Joe Biden                 2008                                                  
                      Dick Cheney               2000                                                  
                      Al Gore                   1992                                                  
                      Dan Quayle                1988                                                  
                      George H. W. Bush         1980                                                  
                      The Man in the Moon       2013                                                  
                      6 rows selected.
                      SQL> drop table viceprez;
                      Table dropped.
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      select * from viceprez
                      ERROR at line 1:
                      ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 
                      SQL> select table_name from user_tables;
                      SQL> show recyclebin;
                      ORIGINAL NAME    RECYCLEBIN NAME                OBJECT TYPE  DROP TIME          
                      ---------------- ------------------------------ ------------ -------------------
                      VICEPREZ         BIN$bsEpu+DLQZWxoPngfpkZJQ==$0 TABLE        2012-11-24:22:40:18
                      SQL> flashback table viceprez to before drop;
                      Flashback complete.
                      SQL> show recyclebin;
                      SQL> select table_name from user_tables;
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                                                  
                      ------------------------- ----                                                  
                      Joe Biden                 2008                                                  
                      Dick Cheney               2000                                                  
                      Al Gore                   1992                                                  
                      Dan Quayle                1988                                                  
                      George H. W. Bush         1980                                                  
                      The Man in the Moon       2013                                                  
                      6 rows selected.
                      SQL> delete from viceprez where elected = '2013';
                      1 row deleted.
                      SQL> select * from viceprez;
                      NAME                      ELEC                                                  
                      ------------------------- ----                                                  
                      Joe Biden                 2008                                                  
                      Dick Cheney               2000                                                  
                      Al Gore                   1992                                                  
                      Dan Quayle                1988                                                  
                      George H. W. Bush         1980                                                  

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There's not a lot of discussion needed with this one. Dropped tables remain in the DBA_RECYCLEBIN and can be recovered from there. For more information about the Recyclebin, refer to the Oracle Documentation.


Used with caution, the above Flashback options could save you hours of time in the event that you accidentally drop the wrong table, or have the need to perform repetitive testing on a test copy of the database where the testing causes mass updates to the data (such as in a payroll update).

There are many more options to these commands than what we've talked about here. For full information, please refer to Chapter 18 of the Oracle 11g Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide.

Readers could also refer to Oracle Support Master Note For Oracle Flashback Technologies (Doc ID 1138253.1) for a whole lot more information on Oracle Flashback Technology.

This article was originally published on my blog:
Steve WalesSenior Database Administrator

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