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Sybase database sizes procedure

I am working with two stored procedures created by someone who is no longer at my firm. I found one procedure to be very inaccurate ( so I thought I should evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the other one, though it appears to be working correctly.

The procedure takes two arguments:
1) dbname - The name of the database of whose size to return.
2) type - The type of sizes to return. If 'all' is specified then data, log, and total sizes are returned, otherwise just data is returned.
I'm not sure why they didn't just use a boolean for this since there are only two possibilities.

1> sp_dbcapacity 'inhouse_config'
2> go
 Type  Used                        Allotted                    PercentFull
 ----- --------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
 data                   801.929696                 1200.000000                   66.827475

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1>  sp_dbcapacity 'inhouse_config', 'all'
2> go
 Type  Used                        Allotted                    PercentFull
 ----- --------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
 data                   801.929696                 1200.000000                   66.827475
 log                      5.468760                 1400.000000                    0.390626
 total                  807.398456                 2600.000000                   31.053787

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Could someone verify that this procedure is valid? And whether it should be written more efficiently?
* a.low = bytes per page = 2048
* u.size = size (in pages) of the database
* u.lstart = starting page of the database

create proc sp_dbcapacity @dbname varchar(30)='null', @type varchar(30)='null' as
declare @dbid int, @pagekb int

select @pagekb = (low / 1024) from master.dbo.spt_values where number = 1 and type = 'E'
select @dbid=dbid from master..sysdatabases where name=@dbname

/* Create the temporary table first, so it knows what data types to expect from the inserts. */
create table #size
( Type VARCHAR(5), Used FLOAT, Allotted FLOAT, PercentFull FLOAT )

insert #size select "data" Type, sum((u.size/(1048576/a.low))-@pagekb*
 (curunreservedpgs(@dbid,u.lstart,u.unreservedpgs)/1024.0)) Used,
 sum((u.size/(1048576/a.low))) Allotted, 
 sum(((u.size)/(1048576/a.low)))) PercentFull from 
 master.dbo.sysdatabases d, master.dbo.sysusages u, master.dbo.sysdevices v, 
 master.dbo.spt_values a, master.dbo.spt_values b, master.dbo.sysmessages m 
 where d.dbid=u.dbid and v.low<=u.size+vstart and v.high>=u.size+vstart-1 
 and v.status&2=2 and d.dbid=@dbid and a.type="E" and 
 a.number=1 and b.type="S" and u.segmap=3 and u.segmap&7=b.number and
if (@type="all")
 insert #size select "log" Type,sum((u.size/(1048576/a.low))-@pagekb*
  (curunreservedpgs(@dbid,u.lstart,u.unreservedpgs)/1024.0)) Used, 
  sum ((u.size/(1048576/a.low))) Allotted, 
  sum((u.size/(1048576/a.low)))) PercentFull from 
  master.dbo.sysdatabases d, master.dbo.sysusages u, master.dbo.sysdevices v, 
  master.dbo.spt_values a, master.dbo.spt_values b, master.dbo.sysmessages m 
  where d.dbid=u.dbid and v.low<=u.size+vstart and v.high>=u.size+vstart-1 
  and v.status&2=2 and d.dbid=@dbid and a.type="E" and 
  a.number=1 and b.type="S" and u.segmap=4 and u.segmap&7=b.number and 
 insert #size select "total" Type, sum((u.size/(1048576/a.low))-@pagekb*
  (curunreservedpgs(@dbid,u.lstart,u.unreservedpgs)/1024.0)) Used, 
  sum ((u.size/(1048576/a.low))) Allotted, 
  sum((u.size/(1048576/a.low)))) PercentFull from 
  master.dbo.sysdatabases d, master.dbo.sysusages u, master.dbo.sysdevices v,
  master.dbo.spt_values a, master.dbo.spt_values b, master.dbo.sysmessages m
  where d.dbid=u.dbid and v.low<=u.size+vstart and v.high>=u.size+vstart-1
  and v.status&2=2 and d.dbid=@dbid and a.type="E" and
  a.number=1 and b.type="S" and u.segmap&7=b.number and b.msgnum=m.error

select * from #size

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Avatar of Joe Woodhouse
Joe Woodhouse

This is still using pre-ASE 15.0 code and will no longer work properly in ASE 15.0+. The clue is joining sysusages to sysdevices based on vstart rather than on vdevno. Likewise it makes the same assumption as your other proc that pages only ever hold 2Kb... which, interestingly, was not true even in ASE 12.5.

Basically the code is wrong and has always been wrong, but in ASE 15.0+ it is even more wrong than it was before. :)

The system functions it calls aren't guaranteed to be correct either, but perhaps you're ok with just an approximate figure that should most of the time be moderately accurate?

Of more concern is the suggestion that your ASE has not been properly/fully upgraded to ASE 15.0. We've seen at least two in-house scripts you apparently depend on that just plain won't work properly in ASE 15.0, and that raises some questions in my mind as to how the rest of the upgrade was carried out. For example anything with a GROUP BY or a cursor may not return the same results pre-15.0 vs 15.0 and above.

I'll have a go at the code within 24 hours; I suspect it can be both simplified and made more efficient. :) It does some very strange things like looking up system tables when it doesn't need to, creating the table first when it doesn't need to, etc etc etc.
What do you want this procedure to report on for any database with data and log mixed?
I've got a version for you here that only reports on data and log where data and log are fully separated.

I don't have a complicated set of test databases here so it's possibly some of the original very weird-looking code is actually necessary... :)

The code below drops and recreates it each time you run it. Note I've called this version sp_dbacapacity2 just so we don't clobber your current one.    

It will only work in ASE 15.0 and above.
use sybsystemprocs

if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where type = "P" and name="sp_dbacapacity2")
   drop proc sp_dbacapacity2

create 	proc sp_dbacapacity2
	@dbname varchar(30)='null'
,	@type varchar(30)='null'

select	Type =	convert(varchar(5), "data")
,	Unused = convert(numeric(15,6),	isnull(sum(curunreservedpgs(u.dbid, u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs)),0)/(@@pagesize/8))
,	Allotted = convert(numeric(15,6), isnull(sum(1.0*u.size)/(@@pagesize/8), 1))
into	#capacity
from	master..sysusages u
where	u.dbid = db_id(@dbname)             
and	u.segmap & 4 = 0 and u.segmap > 0                     -- anything but log

if (lower(@type) = "all")
insert  #capacity
select	convert(varchar(5), "log")
,	convert(numeric(15,6), isnull(sum(curunreservedpgs(u.dbid, u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs)),0)/(@@pagesize/8))
,	convert(numeric(15,6), isnull(sum(1.0*u.size)/(@@pagesize/8), 0))
from	master..sysusages u
where	u.dbid = db_id(@dbname)
and	u.segmap = 4 and u.segmap > 0                          -- only log

insert  #capacity
select	convert(varchar(5), "mixed")
,	convert(numeric(15,6), isnull(sum(curunreservedpgs(u.dbid, u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs)),0)/(@@pagesize/8))
,	convert(numeric(15,6), isnull(sum(1.0*u.size)/(@@pagesize/8), 0))
from	master..sysusages u
where	u.dbid = db_id(@dbname)
and	u.segmap & 4 = 4 and u.segmap <> 4 and u.segmap > 0    -- data & log mixed

insert  #capacity
select	convert(varchar(5), "total")
,	convert(numeric(15,6), isnull(sum(curunreservedpgs(u.dbid, u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs)),0)/(@@pagesize/8))
,	convert(numeric(15,6), isnull(sum(1.0*u.size)/(@@pagesize/8), 0))
from	master..sysusages u
where	u.dbid = db_id(@dbname)
and	u.segmap > 0

select	Type
,	Used = Allotted - Unused
,	Allotted
,	PercentFull = case when Allotted > 0 then convert(numeric(9,6), 100.0 * (Allotted - Unused) /  Allotted)
			   else 0.000000
from	#capacity

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If you'd like to ignore the situation of data & log being mixed, and just report on data and log separately (which will sum to more than the size of the database if you don't treat mixed separately) let me know, that's pretty easy to change.
Avatar of bejhan


Wow the result of the new and old procedures is quite different, good thing I posted this question :P.

1> sp_dbcapacity 'inhouse_config', 'all'
2> go
 Type  Used                        Allotted                    PercentFull
 ----- --------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
 data                   802.875008                 1200.000000                   66.906251
 log                      5.468760                 1400.000000                    0.390626
 total                  808.343768                 2600.000000                   31.090145

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1> sp_dbacapacity2 'inhouse_config', 'all'
2> go
 Type  Used                Allotted           PercentFull
 ----- ------------------- ------------------ ------------
 data           402.000000         600.000000    67.000000
 log              3.000000         700.000000     0.428571
 mixed            0.000000           0.000000     0.000000
 total          405.000000        1300.000000    31.153846

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As for the mixed situation, what was the old procedure doing with mixed data and log? I want to try to keep the output similar.

Hmm, the page size calculations may not be right since it looks like your numbers have halved. Please post the output of

   select @@pagesize
   exec sp_helpdb inhouse_config

because I'm not fully convinced my code is correct yet. (It worked fine on my 4K page server but maybe I should create a couple of others to test this.)

The old code looks like it counted "mixed" to both data and to log, but didn't sum them in "total", so you could get a situation where it claimed there was data=100, log=100, total=100.

I have to admit there are a couple of things in the old code I simply couldn't see any need for at all, but perhaps they were actually there for a good reason. As I said, the new code works fine in my test server but maybe I'm not testing enough boundary cases.
Avatar of bejhan


1> select @@pagesize
2> go


(1 row affected)
1> exec sp_helpdb inhouse_config
2> go
 name           db_size       owner dbid created      durability status
 -------------- ------------- ----- ---- ------------ ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
 inhouse_config      650.0 MB sa       6 May 09, 2011 full       select into/bulkcopy/pllsort, trunc log on chkpt, auto identity

(1 row affected)
 device_fragments               size          usage                created                   free kbytes
 ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ------------------------- ----------------
 db_device2                          200.0 MB data only            Oct 18 2011  4:38PM                  42268
 db_device2                          100.0 MB log only             Oct 18 2011  4:38PM       not applicable
 log_device2                         250.0 MB log only             Oct 18 2011  4:38PM       not applicable
 log_device2                         100.0 MB data only            Oct 18 2011  4:38PM                  59396

 log only free kbytes = 356998
(return status = 0)

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I think instead of having mixed returned I would like to have data=100, log=100, total=100. Most applications only use the data sizes so this would keep their results the same and for the application showing totals, this would indicate that data and log are shared (since total=200 would technically be wrong since they only have 100 to share).
Interesting, for your database both the old and the new code are wrong. :)

sp_helpdb reports it is only 650Mb in size. My code says 1300Mb and the old code says 2600Mb! Let me play with numbers and I'll see what I need to change.

Easy enough to collapse "mixed" back into data and log per the old way. Let me get back to you. :)
Avatar of Joe Woodhouse
Joe Woodhouse

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Heh, typo in documentation, replace 2049 with 2048. :)
Avatar of bejhan


Thanks so much for your help!
Avatar of bejhan


Shoot, I just noticed a problem:

 Type  Used                        Allotted                    PercentFull
 ----- --------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
 data                   202.000000                  300.000000                   67.333333
 log                      1.000000                  350.000000                    0.285714
 total                  202.000000                  650.000000                   31.076923

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Total used should be 203 here.

Any idea why this is happening?
Avatar of bejhan


Here is the final procedure, with the above problem fixed.
use sybsystemprocs

if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where type = "P" and name="sp_dbacapacity2")
   drop proc sp_dbacapacity2

create 	proc sp_dbacapacity2
	@dbname varchar(30)='null'
,	@type varchar(30)='null'

declare @Mb int

select	@Mb=1024*1024
-- number of pages * @@maxpagesize / @Mb gives us size in Mb
-- NOTE: we must use @@maxpagesize, not @@pagesize which is always 2049 regardless of actual page size

select	Type =	convert(varchar(5), "data")
,	Unused = convert(numeric(15,6),	1.0*isnull(sum(curunreservedpgs(u.dbid, u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs)),0)*@@maxpagesize/@Mb)
,	Allotted = convert(numeric(15,6), 1.0*isnull(sum(u.size)*@@maxpagesize/@Mb, 1))
into	#capacity
from	master..sysusages u
where	u.dbid = db_id(@dbname)             
and	u.segmap <> 4 and u.segmap > 0                     -- anything but log only; this includes mixed data & log

if (lower(@type) = "all")
insert  #capacity
select	convert(varchar(5), "log")
,	convert(numeric(15,6), 1.0*isnull(sum(curunreservedpgs(u.dbid, u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs)),0)*@@maxpagesize/@Mb)
,	convert(numeric(15,6), 1.0*isnull(sum(u.size)*@@maxpagesize/@Mb, 0))
from	master..sysusages u
where	u.dbid = db_id(@dbname)
and	u.segmap & 4 = 4 and u.segmap > 0                          --  log; this includes mixed data & log

insert  #capacity
select	convert(varchar(5), "total")
,	convert(numeric(15,6), 1.0*isnull(sum(curunreservedpgs(u.dbid, u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs)),0)*@@maxpagesize/@Mb)
,	convert(numeric(15,6), 1.0*isnull(sum(u.size)*@@maxpagesize/@Mb, 0))
from	master..sysusages u
where	u.dbid = db_id(@dbname)
and	u.segmap > 0

select	Type
,	Used = Allotted - Unused
,	Allotted
,	PercentFull = case when Allotted > 0 then convert(numeric(9,6), 100.0 * (Allotted - Unused) /  Allotted)
			   else 0.000000
from	#capacity

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