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    Delphi - useful tips, ideas ....

    Delphi - is not just a tool. He's more than that.
    Through a multi-year development it has become a powerful multiplatform development tool - designed to simplify and accelerate the design of the applications so that the programmer has more time to develop functionality.
    But Delphi is somewhat undeservedly remained on the margins of the turbulent Software IT industry.
    The goal of this group is to popularize this tool, to help overcome the difficulties in the development of projects, to exchange ideas and experiences.


    You must join this group in order to participate in its discussions.

    Delphi news .... Last activity:2014-11-16 11:56 AM19
    Useful links... Last activity:2014-11-14 12:45 AM6
    Ideas and showcases... Last activity:2014-11-14 01:02 AM1