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How to quickly and accurately populate Word documents with Excel data, charts, and images (including Automated Bookmark generation)

How to quickly and accurately populate Word documents with Excel data, charts and images (including Automated Bookmark generation)
David Miller (dlmille)

In this article you’ll learn how to use ExcelToWord! to copy data,charts, shapes and/or images to Word in a structured fashion, whether as a one-off solution or as a product of iterating through a list/database.  ExcelToWord! output options include printing, saving to Word, PDF, and eMail.  The downloadable add-in and test examples for learning ExcelToWord! can be found at the bottom of this article.


You inherited this job where you have to copy data from Excel into Word, save/print the Word document and/or Email it to a distribution list on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.
Your boss came to you with a Word document he/she worked on over the weekend and asked you to update key fields in the document, and print/email the document for her monthly leadership team meeting.
You have an impressive, massive Word document that is used as a template to report company performance, each month, and you have to pull together 50 Excel data-points and 5 charts, then update the Word document in key places, saving and distributing the document by email, within 24 hours of “business close” for the prior month.
Sound familiar?  I don’t know about you, but each of these demands sounds like they could be full-blown IT applications, and yet we’re stuck holding the bag, manually delivering these results, day in and day out.  When we finally get the data side of the equation in order (generally, in Excel), we still have to tediously enter data in Word – sometimes reading off Excel and typing in Word, and sometimes copying and pasting. In fact, we have less time these days, for analysis and real business thinking, because we have to do more and more administrative tasks to either get our jobs done, please the boss, or both.  Stressful!
This article focuses on a set of tools that can be used to configure Word and Excel to help you get more out of Office by more quickly and accurately updating Word documents with Excel data.  There’s a bit of setup involved – in re-designing your Word document/template, and in structuring your Excel data.  However, if your Excel data is already relatively structured, and you have more than a few data-points that need populating from Excel to Word, then you should find these tools helpful.

How does it all work?

The basic setup works with two templates:  1) Word template and 2) Excel template (a workbook with a worksheet that has the data needing to be farmed to the Word template).  The Word template is a designed document that has fields (Bookmarks) which should be populated from the Excel template.  Once the template design is complete, the act of opening the template causes Word to create a new document (not just open the template, itself), thus the act of saving the document after Excel data update will not invalidate the original template, itself ready to generate that next form-letter, invoice, report, etc.

Beyond basic mail merge, there are several ways to connect your Word template to Excel data:

1.  Write a specialized application to find certain text strings in Word for replacement from Excel data.
2.  Link specific fields in Word directly to Excel:
3.  Leverage the use of Word Bookmarks (very common approach, with many tips in the public domain), e.g., straight-forward example: See VBADUD’s BlogSpot, and is much more sophisticated, but it looks like a very structured approach.

I’m sure there are others, as well.  Option #3 is just a more structured (and perhaps maintainable) approach to #1, leveraging Word bookmarks to quickly identify where the Word ranges are that require update from Excel.

As I had already successfully completed a couple solutions in this arena, I decided to leverage #3 via the use of Bookmarks for this article.  

Success Stories – It can be done!

In past solutions, however (and indeed, most published tips/blogs on the subject that I’ve found), the user was required to create specific bookmarks in Word, manually.  Now, that’s a fairly tedious process, in and of itself.  Not only do you need to identify where each bookmark goes, but you have to select a text string and use Word menus to create each bookmark, one at a time (there’s some similarity to creating a named range in Excel).  This was my first attempt at this , with LANCE_S_P having a database of data and needing to automate the population of a Word document.  In that solution, we created the bookmarks, manually, and leveraged Excel VBA to automate the data update process, up to and including automatically pasting an Excel chart into the Word document.  This was a big win for me, because up to this point, Word had been a 4-letter word.

Progressing from that, to another related solution, where LANCE_S_P had the job of updating a massive Word document with many data-points and charts requiring periodic update, I wrote a simple utility that would automatically generate bookmark positions (see: http:/Q_27114358.htm). There was some setup involved – and this is important – LANCE_S_P wanted to leverage some type of indicator in his Word document, that VBA could find, in order to automate the creation of bookmarks.  The approach we took looked for the string [[BM]], which would identify generic Bookmarks in his large document, subsequently numbering them in a sequence, creating Bookmark BM_1, BM_2, etc.   While he would have to manage the sequence, ensuring his Excel data matched up properly, this became a timesaving enhancement.

Finally, in my last related solution, I worked with creativefusion to automate his process: http:/Q_27432741.html.  Building on the prior two solutions, I developed a simple utility to automate the creation of more intelligent, personalized bookmarks, based on searching the Word template for the string pattern: [[bookmark_name]].  Also, we came up with logic to handle templates that could have one to many rows of data (e.g., as in an item list for invoice processing).

At this point, and fresh on my mind, I thought it appropriate to share the fruits of this labor.

1. Create (or modify) a Word document, saving it as a Word template.


So, what do I need to do with the Word template?

If you’ve followed me to this point, you’ve already figured out that the Word document/template side of things is relatively straight-forward:  bookmarks need to be created in the document, anywhere data is needed from Excel.  You can create them, manually, by selecting a text string or shape where the bookmark should go and then by leveraging the insert->bookmark menus in Word.  The utility associated with this article will support two additional methods that automate the task of bookmark creation:  generic BM_1, BM_2, etc., or intelligent, personalized bookmark_name approach.  Either still requires you to specify where the bookmark actually goes, leveraging the pattern [[BM]] in the generic case, and [[bookmark_name]] in the more intelligent case.  With the utility from this article, creation and maintenance of your bookmarks should be much faster, more accurate, and easier to implement.

This next section discusses three approaches to creating bookmarks in your Word template.  Choose one based on your circumstances, then when you’ve completed the document with all the required bookmarks or bookmark indicators,save it as a template, and pair the template with an Excel dataset (read on):

Steps for bookmark or bookmark indicator creation (see the three methods documented, below these steps):

1.  Create a (or modify an existing) Word template (or document).  Note: we’ll be saving the document ultimately as a Word template.
2.  Identify where Excel data-points or charts* are required.
3.  Indicate where the bookmark should go by typing a representative text string that is recognizable to you and others who may have to support this effort, going forward.
4.  (Method 1 - the manual approach - only.  Method 2 and 3 do not require this step) - Select that string, and then insert a bookmark, carefully naming it with a unique, identifiable name.
5.  Save the document as a Word template.

Bookmark method one (the manual approach):
Follow the steps, indicated above.  Note, you cannot create duplicate bookmarks, so just increment your bookmark, when you need duplicate data pasted (e.g., Contact_Name2).

Note:  In addition to any creative solutions you might develop, there is a unique opportunity to mix methods #1 with #2 or #3.  You could create a Shape in the Word template, and set a manual bookmark to that Shape (first selecting the Shape, then from the menu, Insert->Bookmark).  Size and place that Shape, as appropriate.  The application will paste any Excel Shape/Image/Chart into the Word’s Shape (via Fill), allowing you to have more control of how images are presented in the final Word document.

For method one, see demonstrated example, below.

figure-1: Manually creating a Word bookmark

Bookmark method two (the generic approach):
In this example, perhaps there are so many bookmarks, that the act of creating and maintaining unique, identifiable names can be difficult.  It might be much easier to enumerate them from BM_1 to BM_50, for example, while keeping a ledger of each bookmark number and its Excel counterpart in your Excel workbook.  While some tracking is required, to ensure accuracy, this might be the most efficient approach of the three.

Identify where each bookmark should go, and, for the representative text string , type [[BM]] at each location where you want to paste Excel data.  Don’t worry, later on there will be a utility you’ll use to transform each [[BM]] into [[BM_1]], [[BM_2]], etc., creating respective bookmarks in the process. For method two, see demonstrated example, below:

figure-2: Creating generic bookmark indicators in Word

Bookmark method three: (the intelligent, personalized approach):
In this last example, you’ve chosen perhaps the most accurate approach.  As with method two, modify the document by creating bookmark indicators, but this time, for the representative text string use the [[bookmark_name]] approach.

Method Three rules for bookmarks in the Word template:

1.  Must be formatted as follows:  [[bookmark_name]] – the [[ ]] brackets are required, and inside the brackets, only AlphaNumeric and Underscores are allowed (Word doesn't allow spaces in Bookmark names)
2.  There can be no duplicates.  Word doesn't allow duplicate Bookmarks (when they are ultimately generated by the utility.  If you have a duplicate, just create an additional Bookmark, incrementing the number, e.g., [[Contact_Name2]]

Note, the utility has an option to allow you to use both Bookmark method one and Bookmark method three, simultaneously (the utility would search range names first, then, if not found, it would search the workbook for the bookmark indicator).  This creates the unique opportunity to embed pictures/charts in the Excel workbook, atop an underlying range name – thus these can be exported to the Word document, as well.

For Bookmark method three, see demonstrated example, below:

figure-3: Creating intelligent, personalized bookmark indicators in Word

*Note:  See - on how to name an embedded Excel chart.  Alternatively, there’s a menu option to name a shape/image/or chart – just select the shape, then use the Name Embedded Shape/Chart option from the ExcelToWord! menu.  Follow a similar approach to naming any other type of Excel embedded shape/image.  If range names was the selected option, then ExcelToWord! will not only look at range names, but chart/shape names as well.  In fact, if you selected you wanted range/shape names and bookmark indicators as a configuration option, ExcelToWord! will look first for matching range names, then charts/shapes within scope (e.g., current worksheet or the entire workbook, when you setup the configuration), and finally bookmark indicators, stopping the search with the first one found.

2. Create (or modify) an Excel workbook.


Ok, so what do I need to do to structure my Excel workbook so all this will work?

The utility’s logic in this case, is very straight-forward.  The driving engine for this methodology is the Word bookmarks.  By enumerating a Word document’s bookmarks, we already know the names of the data-points that we need to find in Excel, we just need a consistent approach for documenting them during document creation (of the Excel workbook) so we can use simple VBA code to find them.

There many of ways you could manage this side of the process.  Here are two ways that are supported by the utility:

1. Somewhat similar to the approach taken with the Word template, but using named ranges as opposed to bookmarks, you could create a named range for each Excel data-point, then use code similar to the following to find the Word bookmark (absent the [[ ]] brackets – as Excel names disallow these characters).  I’ve not automated the generation of range names as I did for Word bookmarks, as option #2, below, I believe might be somewhat superior.
2. You could leverage an approach (similar to my approach with creativefusion, mentioned in my storytelling, above) where the Excel bookmark indicator is simply typed in a cell, and the data-point adjacent (right, below, left, or above – at your option, or based on your worksheet design) that text would be leveraged for updating Word.  The bookmark_name in this case needs to have the [[bookmark_name]] form to ensure you’ve precisely located the data-point, as the VBA code will be using the Find command searching the entire workbook for that term (and you could have duplicate Customer_Name fields in the workbook, but unlikely you’d have duplicate [[Customer_Name]] fields – so you can purposefully locate each term, but save the steps needed to create a range name (as needed in the #1 approach, above).

Note, for this option #2, if you have a “duplicate” Word bookmark (e.g., [[Customer_Name2]]) it will need to be created as well, in Excel, even though the actual adjacent data field should be referencing the original data-point.  Note:  “duplicate” in the sense of the SAME identifier, just more than one occurrence, as opposed to a true duplicate which is not allowed in Word.  

For this option #2, see example demonstration, below:

figure-4: Creating bookmark indicators in ExcelAfter completing your construction of the Excel template workbook, be sure to save it, as well.

3. Follow the steps from the [b]ExcelToWord! [/b] add-in


Ok – I have the Word and Excel template’s created. Now, how do I get this to work?

Follow these steps to use the ExcelToWord! Add-in utility:

1. Download the add-in – save it to a Trusted Location.  
2. Load your Excel template workbook, and start the add-in
3. From the Add-ins menu, select the ExcelToWord! menu
4. Configure your setup, using the Configuration option from the ExcelToWord! menu
5. Generate bookmarks in your Word template (note the newly generated template will be saved as
6. Update Word with Excel data (a Word document will be created from your template)
7. Repeat item #6, above, for as many updates as needed.  Note: your Excel workbook might be designed such that you can initiate Excel data changes (manually, through data queries, or by indexing to the next record).  

As long as the data is associated with the Excel bookmark indicators, the Update process will generate a new document with the revised data (there’s no need to re-generate bookmarks (step #5) unless you’ve changed the structure of your original Word template.

When you execute the Update Word with Excel data routine, the final Word document can be printed, extracted to PDF, saved or deleted at the end of the routine (these options are set in the Configure routine).

Advanced Usage – Incrementing to generate multiple outputs

This is working great, but I have to process a letter for 50 customers.  How can I do this in one step, to avoid having to run the Update 50 times?”

You may have noticed in the Configuration Options panel, that there is a section called Cycle thru list or database.  The function means exactly that.  By identifying three cell references in the workbook, you can leverage the Incrementer function - a function that starts with the starting point and increments through to the ending point, while initiating the Update process on each increment:
1.  Location of the counter (e.g., a cell reference where the number entered provides your workbook formulas an index against a list or database, where data-points in Excel are updated based on that reference.  Use of OFFSET, VLOOKUP, etc., could be performed leveraging the index),
2.  Location of the Incrementer starting point (e.g., a cell reference where the value/formula for the starting number (integer) is provided), and
3.  Location of the Incrementer ending point (e.g., the last increment.  It could be the number of rows in a list or number of records in a database, or any other value that indicates the Incrementer’s ending point)

As with range names, identified Incrementer references can be located anywhere in the workbook, based on your design.

Based on the After Update option selected, in the Configuration Options panel, the resulting document would be printed, extracted to PDF*, or saved, with each Increment, as the Update Word with Excel data process is cycled.  Note:  PDF or Word filenames will be modified to include _XX in their filename, where XX would indicate the generated increment.

*Note: You must have PDF writer capability to use this feature.  However, there are "free" solutions if you have Office 2007/2010.  While Office 2010 has the functionality to extract Office documents to PDF formatted files, Microsoft has also provided an Office 2007 PDF Add-on supporting the same functionality.  (see:, or '

Advanced Usage II – Using variable lists

Ok – I’ve got this list of items – could be 1, could be up to 20.  How can I deal with this to avoid a bunch of blank lines?

Let’s say in your Word template, you have a list of items, as in the invoice example (see figure 7, below):

figure-5: Using variable lists
As a result of this template design, there are 1 to many rows of bookmarks, enumerating invoice items.  When ExcelToWord! is initiated, if the Excel template has data for only the first few line items (the remainder are blank/not needed, in implementation, the remaining line items in the Word document would look like blank lines in the Word Template – a potentially unattractive gap between a list of line items, and the rest of the invoice.

This is handled through the creation of a table in your Word template, where each row in the table represents a line item (which might have several columns of text and/or bookmarks – for example):

[[LineItem1]], [[Quantity1]], [[Amount1]]
[[LineItem2]], [[Quantity2]], [[Amount2]]
[[LineItem3]], [[Quantity3]], [[Amount3]]

[[LineItem20]], [[Quantity20]], [[Amount20]] ‘<- the last line item

The above would be a Word table, having 3 columns, 20 rows, with each line items’ data on a separate row.

Through the Configuration panel of ExcelToWord! you can specify that tables containing rows with NO text/data be removed when the document is generated via the Update process.  In this way, the table will dynamically conform to available data.

 See example demonstration of steps 4-6, below:

figure-6: The Configurator userform in action

Appendix - The Code

The primary utility depends on three major routines:

1.  readWordDocMakeBookmarks() – the code reads the Word template, sending each paragraph to the setWordBookmark() routine.  Upon completion, a new Word template file is created, named or .dotx, and saved in the same path as the original template.
2.  setWordBookmark()* -, the code then searches for the [[bookmark_name]] indicators in the text.  Once found, a bookmark is generated based on the specific text range.
3.  copyDataToWord() – once a template with bookmarks is created (through whatever means – manual, generic, or intelligent/personalized), the code opens that template file as a Word document, enumerating all Word bookmarks, searching Excel for each data point (via range name, or workbook find – based on Configuration settings) and replacing each bookmark with its Excel data counterpart.  Finally, print, extract to PDF, save, and/or delete is executed to complete the process.

*Note:  The code for finding bookmarks in Word was achieved leveraging RegEx – specifically the RegExpFind function (see matthewspatrick's most excellent article on the subject: http:\A_1336.html).  My RegEx pattern \[{2}[A-Za-z0-9_]+\]{2} looks for the [[ ]] brackets to define where the bookmark name would be, with alphanumeric and underscore allowed inside the brackets.  Bookmark indicators with any other characters or spaces are included inside the brackets will be ignored (Word doesn't allow spaces in Bookmark names, and through convenience, disallowed any other characters).  Check your to ensure all your Bookmarks were created, just to be sure you didn’t use any disallowed characters!

While not the entire codeset (which is downloadable by all) I tried to post what I believed was the most interesting/relevant to the app.

Here’s the code for reading the Word document, making bookmarks as a result of scanning for bookmark indicators:
Option Explicit
                      Public Sub generateWordBookmarks(Optional control As Object) 'IRibbonControl
                      Dim xMsg As Long
                      Dim myMsg As String
                      'The Configuration Options panel should not have saved a set of invalid options, but to be sure,
                      'complete a final pass of run-through validations prior to the update.  Recall, it could be days, weeks, or months since this workbook
                      'was originally created and successfully completed an ExcelToWord! update.  As a result, file paths, templates, etc., could have been
                      'deleted, renamed, or relocated...
                          If Application.Workbooks.Count = 0 Then
                              MsgBox "No files open to process"
                              Exit Sub
                          End If
                          If ActiveSheet.Type <> xlWorksheet Then
                              MsgBox "You can only run ExcelToWord! functions from Excel Worksheets (e.g., Not from Chart Sheets, etc.)", vbCritical
                          ElseIf myEvaluate(CONFIG_SCOPE) = "" Or (myEvaluate(CONFIG_SCOPE) = "Worksheet" And _
                              myEvaluate(CONFIG_SHEET) = "") Then 'scope has not been defined, go to Configurator
                              xMsg = MsgBox("Configurator settings have not been defined.  Proceed to Configuration Options?", vbYesNo, "Proceed to Configuration Options?")
                              If xMsg = vbYes Then Call showConfigurator
                              'first, validate all entries in the current configuration (as source files may have been deleted/renamed since the configuration was set up.
                              Call setPublicVariables 'load configuration for current activity
                              'check for Word template existence
                              If Not validateFileFolderSelection(strWD_TemplFile, "Word", "template", False) Then
                                  MsgBox "The path\filename no longer exists" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & strWD_TemplFile & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Please return to Configuration Options and Fix entry, or delete entry and BROWSE for file", vbOKOnly, "Configurator Error"
                              ElseIf strWD_TemplOpt = "OWN" Then
                                  MsgBox "Configuration Options set to ""OWN"" therefore cancelling request to generate bookmarks.  Instead, you may proceed directly to the Update Word from Excel process."
                                  Call readWordDocMakeBookmarks(IIf(strWD_TemplOpt = "GENERIC", True, False), strWD_TemplFile)
                              End If
                          End If
                      End Sub
                      Private Sub readWordDocMakeBookmarks(bGeneric As Boolean, fPathFname As String)
                      'Dim oWA As Word.Application 'early binding
                      Dim oWA As Object 'late binding
                      'Dim oWD As Word.Document 'early binding
                      Dim oWD As Object 'late binding
                      'Dim para As Paragraph 'early binding
                      Dim para As Object
                      Dim bmks As Variant
                      Dim i As Integer
                      'Dim myDict As Scripting.Dictionary 'early binding
                      Dim myDict As Object 'late binding
                      Dim cntDict As Long
                      Dim regExPattern As String
                      Dim bResult As Boolean
                      Dim fName As String, fPath As String, fBMName As String
                      Dim fNameExt As String
                      Dim tempBMK As String
                      Dim objWkbSht As Object
                      'Rules for Bookmarks - NO duplicates, NO spaces.  Must start with [[  and end with ]], may include alphanumeric and underscore only
                      'This app will find proposed bookmarks in word document, and make them according to the book mark "name" inside the [[name]] brackets
                      'It will then save the file as a NEW TEMPLATE to be used with this application, named template_BM.dotx
                      'On the active sheet of the active workbook will be a range name called "WordDoc" that will be the name of the Word template
                      'to be found in the active workbook's path.
                      'If bookmarks already exist in the document, the new bookmark will overwrite the old.  Formfields having same name as proposed bookmarks will prompt
                      'option to skip that bookmark (encouraging user to clean up, after) or abort the update process.
                          'start new instance of Word, regardless if an instance exists
                          'Set oWA = New Word.Application 'early binding
                          Set oWA = CreateObject("Word.Application") 'late binding
                          'Set myDict = New Scripting.Dictionary 'early binding
                          Set myDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'late binding
                          fPath = getPathFromPathFName(fPathFname)
                          fName = Right(fPathFname, Len(fPathFname) - Len(fPath))
                          fNameExt = Right(fName, Len(fName) - InStr(fName, ".") + 1) 'get file extension
                          fBMName = Left(fName, InStr(fName, ".") - 1) & "_BM" & fNameExt
                          Set oWD = oWA.Documents.Open(filename:=fPath & fName, ReadOnly:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False) 'ReadOnly - never subject original template to corruption, .Add opens document based on template, .Open opens the Word TEMPLATE
                          oWA.Visible = oWA_VISIBLE
                          regExPattern = "\[{2}[A-Za-z0-9_]+\]{2}" 'looks for strings like [[alphanumeric or underscore]] spaces in BM's not permitted, also no duplicates
                          For Each para In oWD.Paragraphs
                              bmks = RegExpFind(para.Range.Text, regExPattern)
                              On Error GoTo flagError
                              If Not IsNull(bmks) Then
                                  For i = 0 To UBound(bmks)
                                      Application.StatusBar = "Processing bookmark " & bmks(i) & "..."
                                      cntDict = cntDict + 1 'new bookmark counter
                                      'do some validation - ensure GENERIC bookmarks all are of the type [[BM]], and that INTELLIGENT/PERSONALIZED bookmarks are unique via dictionary
                                      If bGeneric And bmks(i) <> "[[BM]]" Then Err.Raise 3, Description:="GENERIC bookmark is invalid - must be EXACTLY ""[[BM]]""" & _
                                          Chr(10) & "BookMark: " & bmks(i) & Chr(10) & "Paragraph: " & para.Range.Text
                                      If bGeneric Then
                                          tempBMK = Left(bmks(i), Len(bmks(i)) - 2) & "_" & cntDict & "]]" 'embed counter in bookmark name
                                          tempBMK = bmks(i)
                                      End If
                                      'continue validation - ensure bookmark is unique, and if so, then generate bookmark
                                      If Not myDict.Exists(tempBMK) Then
                                          myDict.Add tempBMK, cntDict
                                          'now, modify the Word Template, setting the bookmark
                                          bResult = setWordBookMark(oWD, para, tempBMK, bGeneric)
                                          If Not bResult Then Err.Raise 2, Description:="Cannot create bookmark in Word for some reason" & Chr(10) & "BookMark: " & bmks(i) & Chr(10) & "Paragraph: " & para.Range.Text
                                          Err.Raise 1, Description:="Error:  Duplicate found on proposed bookmark " & tempBMK & ": Bookmark proposed does not follow rules: " _
                                              & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Rules for Bookmarks - NO duplicates, NO spaces.  Must start with [[  and end with ]]," & _
                                              " may include alphanumeric and underscore only"
                                      End If
                                  Next i
                              End If
                              On Error GoTo 0
                          Next para
                          Application.StatusBar = "Saving Bookmark Template: " & fPath & fBMName & "..."
                          'Note - FileFormat:= not needed - save in same format
                          oWD.SaveAs filename:=fPath & fBMName, _
                              LockComments:=False, Password:="", AddToRecentFiles:=True, _
                              WritePassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, EmbedTrueTypeFonts:=False, _
                              SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, SaveFormsData:=False, SaveAsAOCELetter:=False
                          'now, add this to the set of options for this sheet/workbook, for retrieval on the ExcelToWord! Update process
                          strWD_TemplateBMFile = fPath & fBMName
                          Set objWkbSht = IIf(bXL_SpanWorkbook, ActiveWorkbook, ActiveSheet)
                          objWkbSht.Names.Add Name:="ETW_strWD_TemplateBMFile", RefersTo:=strWD_TemplateBMFile, Visible:=NAME_VISIBLE
                          Application.StatusBar = False
                          MsgBox "Successful Creation of " & myDict.Count & " Bookmarks" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Revised Template File Has Been Saved: " & fBMName
                          Application.StatusBar = False
                          Set myDict = Nothing
                          Exit Sub
                          If Err.Number < 5 Then
                              MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & "->" & Err.Description & Chr(10) & "Please correct problem with template/workbook and try again", vbCritical, "Aborting!..."
                              MsgBox "VBA Error: " & Err.Number & "->" & Err.Description & Chr(10) & "Hit ok to enter Debugger", vbOKOnly, "Please correct VBA code - Aborting"
                              Stop 'hit F8 to resume at error line for debug mode
                          End If
                          Resume gracefulExit
                      End Sub
                      'Private Function setWordBookMark(oWD As Word.Document, para As Word.Paragraph, bmStr As Variant, bGeneric As Boolean) As Boolean 'early binding
                      Private Function setWordBookMark(oWD As Object, para As Object, bmStr As Variant, bGeneric As Boolean) As Boolean 'late binding
                      'Dim oWA As Word.Application 'early binding
                      Dim oWA As Object 'late binding
                      'Dim oBMK As Word.Bookmark 'early binding
                      Dim oBMK As Object 'late binding
                      Dim BM_Name As String
                      Dim xMsg As Long
                      Dim bDelete As Boolean
                      'Searches for Word bookmark indicators, then creates a bookmark for each.
                      'Generic bookmark indicators are incremented and "flagged" (e.g., [[BM_XX]]) with numeric increments, in the text of the template, as well.
                          bDelete = True
                          BM_Name = Left(Right(bmStr, Len(bmStr) - 2), Len(Right(bmStr, Len(bmStr) - 2)) - 2) 'eliminate the left and right [[ ]] braces from BookMark name
                          Set oWA = oWD.Parent
                          With oWA.Selection.Find
                          If bGeneric Then
                              .Text = "[[BM]]"
                              .Replacement.Text = bmStr
                              .Text = bmStr
                          End If
                              .Forward = True
                              .Wrap = wdFindContinue
                              .Format = False
                              .MatchCase = False
                              .MatchWholeWord = False
                              .MatchWildcards = False
                              .MatchSoundsLike = False
                              .MatchAllWordForms = False
                          End With
                          If bGeneric Then
                              oWA.Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceOne
                          End If
                          If BookmarkExists(oWD, BM_Name) Then 'existing bookmarks will be overwritten, but test formfields, first
                              Set oBMK = oWD.Bookmarks(BM_Name)
                              If ISFormfield(oBMK) Then
                                  xMsg = MsgBox("Bookmark: " & BM_Name & " already exists as a Form Field - do you want to SKIP this bookmark (YES - SKIP, keeping the bookmark/formfield ""as-is"" (note, you'll want to eliminate or restate a new name for the [[" & BM_Name & "]] in the Word template),CANCEL - Abort the process?", vbYesNoCancel, "YES - Skip & Continue, CANCEL - Abort")
                                  If xMsg = vbYes Then
                                      setWordBookMark = True
                                      Exit Function
                                      setWordBookMark = False
                                      Exit Function
                                  End If
                              End If
                          End If
                          'now, create the bookmark
                          With oWD.Bookmarks 'now add the bookmark
                              .Add Range:=oWA.Selection.Range, Name:=BM_Name
                              .DefaultSorting = wdSortByName
                              .ShowHidden = False
                          End With
                          setWordBookMark = True
                      End Function
                      'Private Sub enumerateWordBookMarks(oWA As Word.Application) 'early binding
                      Private Sub enumerateWordBookMarks(oWA As Object) 'late binding
                      'Dim BkMk As Word.Bookmark 'early binding
                      Dim BkMk As Object 'late binding
                          For Each BkMk In oWA.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
                              Debug.Print BkMk.Name
                          Next BkMk
                      End Sub
                      'Source: Adapted from
                      'Private Function BookmarkExists(oWD As Word.Document, sBookmark As String) As Boolean 'early binding
                      Private Function BookmarkExists(oWD As Object, sBookmark As String) As Boolean 'late binding
                      'Checks if a bookmark exists in the active document
                          If oWD.Bookmarks.Exists(sBookmark) Then
                              BookmarkExists = True
                              BookmarkExists = False
                          End If
                      End Function
                      'Private Function ISFormfield(oBMK As Word.Bookmark) As Boolean 'early binding
                      Private Function ISFormfield(oBMK As Object) As Boolean 'late binding
                      'Dim oFormField  As Word.FormField 'early binding
                      Dim oFormField As Object 'late binding
                      'Dim oWD As Word.Document 'early binding
                      Dim oWD As Object 'late binding
                      'Checks if bookmark IS a formfield
                          Set oWD = oBMK.Parent
                          If oWD.FormFields.Count = 0 Then
                              ISFormfield = False
                              For Each oFormField In oWD.FormFields()
                                  If oFormField.Name = oBMK.Name Then
                                      ISFormfield = True
                                  End If
                          End If
                      End Function

Open in new window

Here’s the code that pairs Word bookmarks with Excel bookmark indicators and generates the output
Option Explicit
                      Public Const RANGE_OBJ = 1
                      Public Const RANGE_NAME = 2
                      Public Const SHAPE_OBJ = 3
                      Public Const CHART_OBJ = 4
                      Public Const CHART_EMB = 5
                      Public myBM As BM_Indicators
                      Public Sub updateWordFromExcel(Optional control As Object) 'IRibbonControl
                      Dim validError As String
                      Dim strNameScope As String
                      Dim xMsg As Long
                      Dim strPathFName As String
                      Dim wkb As Workbook
                      Dim wks As Worksheet
                      'Dim oWA As Word.Application 'early binding
                      Dim oWA As Object 'late binding
                      'Dim oWD As Word.Document 'early binding
                      Dim oWD As Object 'late binding
                      'Dim bkMk As Word.Bookmark 'early binding
                      Dim BkMk As Object 'late binding
                      Dim fPath As String
                      Dim fName2 As String
                      Dim PDFname As String
                      Dim PDFname2 As String
                      Dim fRange As Range
                      Dim tbl As Object
                      Dim rw As Object
                      Dim cl As Object
                      Dim dataRow As Boolean
                      'Dim FSO As FileSystemObject 'early binding
                      Dim FSO As Object 'late binding
                      Dim BM_col As New BM_Indicators 'collection of bookmark indicators in Excel workbook
                      Dim eMail_Col As New BM_Indicators ' use same container for email address
                      Dim myObj As BM_Indicator
                      Dim bMultiCellOShape As Boolean
                      Dim bPasteChartSheet As Boolean
                      Dim bPasteChartEmbed As Boolean
                      Dim myObjCopy As Object
                      Dim bResult As Boolean
                      Dim i As Long
                      Dim lLoop As Long
                      Dim rIncrement As Range
                      Dim lStart As Long
                      Dim lEnd As Long
                      Dim xCalc As Long
                      Dim bDraftPreview As Boolean
                      Dim bPasteEnhMeta As Boolean
                      Dim fileAttach As String
                      'Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application 'early binding
                      Dim OutApp As Object 'late binding
                          If Application.Workbooks.Count = 0 Then
                              MsgBox "No files open to process"
                              Exit Sub
                          End If
                          If ActiveSheet.Type <> xlWorksheet Then
                              MsgBox "You can only run ExcelToWord! functions from Excel Worksheets (e.g., Not from Chart Sheets, etc.)", vbCritical
                              Exit Sub
                          End If
                          xCalc = Application.Calculation
                          Application.StatusBar = "Update Word From Excel: Initialization..."
                      'The Configuration Options panel should not have saved a set of invalid options, but to be sure,
                      'complete a final pass of run-through validations prior to the update.  Recall, it could be days, weeks, or months since this workbook
                      'was originally created and successfully completed an ExcelToWord! update.  As a result, file paths, templates, etc., could have been
                      'deleted, renamed, or relocated...
                      'Checking all relevant options
                          If myEvaluate(CONFIG_SCOPE) = "" Or (myEvaluate(CONFIG_SCOPE) = "Worksheet" And _
                              myEvaluate(CONFIG_SHEET) = "") Then 'scope has not been defined, go to Configurator
                              xMsg = MsgBox("Configurator settings have not been defined.  Proceed to Configuration Options?", vbYesNo, "Proceed to Configuration Options?")
                              If xMsg = vbYes Then
                                  GoTo backToUserform
                                  GoTo gracefulExit
                              End If
                          End If
                          'first, validate all entries in the current configuration (as source files may have been deleted/renamed since the configuration was set up.
                          Call setPublicVariables 'load configuration for current activity
                          'check scope
                          strNameScope = myEvaluate(CONFIG_SCOPE)
                          If strNameScope = "" Then
                              validError = "CONFIG_SCOPE ERROR:  Please revisit the Configuration Options panel, as there's some confusion about the scope.  " & _
                                  "No value for scope (Worksheet or Workbook)"
                              GoTo backToUserform
                          End If
                          'ensure word template exists - the one that should have been generated
                          If strWD_TemplOpt <> "OWN" Then
                              If strWD_TemplateBMFile = vbNullString Or Not validateFileFolderSelection(strWD_TemplFile, "Word", "template", False) Then
                                  validError = "Word Template File ERROR:  The path\filename no longer exists, or needs to be re-generated" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "[path\filename]: " & strWD_TemplFile & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "You may need to just Generate Word Bookmarks, or ..."
                                  GoTo backToUserform
                              End If
                              strWD_TemplateBMFile = strWD_TemplFile 'OWN option does not require BM File generation, but name it now, as the rest of the code depends on it
                          End If
                          'notify user with options if word document filename exists at that path - overwrite or cancel
                          If bAftUpdSave Then
                              'ensure word document path still exists
                              If strWD_DocPath = vbNullString Or Not validateFileFolderSelection(strWD_DocPath, "Word", "document", True) Then
                                  validError = "New Word Document Path ERROR:  The path\filename no longer exists" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "[path\filename]: " & strWD_DocPath
                                  GoTo backToUserform
                              ElseIf strWD_DocFile = vbNullString Then
                                  validError = "New Word Document File ERROR:  The filename chosen is no longer valid.  You might try save/close Excel, then reload your workbook and check Configuration Options"
                                  GoTo backToUserform
                              End If
                          End If
                          'open word template as a document
                          'Set FSO = New FileSystemObject 'early binding
                          Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'late binding
                          Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook
                          Set wks = wkb.ActiveSheet
                          fPath = getPathFromPathFName(strWD_TemplateBMFile)
                          If bAftUpdPDF Then 'get path for PDF file generation & advise user
                              If bAftUpdSave Then
                                  PDFname = strWD_DocPath & "\" & strWD_DocFile & ".pdf"
                                  MsgBox "PDF File will be saved in directory:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strWD_DocPath & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "The same as the generated Word Document", vbOKOnly
                                  PDFname = Left(strWD_TemplateBMFile, InStr(strWD_TemplateBMFile, ".") - 1) & ".pdf"
                                  MsgBox "PDF file will be saved in directory:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & fPath & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "The same as the existing Word Template", vbOKOnly
                              End If
                          End If
                          If FSO.fileExists(strWD_TemplateBMFile) Then
                              'start new instance of Word, regardless if an instance exists
                              'Set oWA = New Word.Application 'early binding
                              Set oWA = CreateObject("Word.Application")
                              'Prepare for Increment generation
                              If bXL_Increment Then
                                  lStart = Range(strXL_RefStart).Value
                                  lEnd = Range(strXL_RefEnd).Value
                                  lStart = 1
                                  lEnd = 1
                              End If
                              For lLoop = 0 To lEnd - lStart
                                  If bXL_Increment Then 'set Incrementer value so data refresh is forced
                                      Range(strXL_RefCounter).Value = lStart + lLoop
                                      If xCalc = xlCalculationManual Then Application.Calculate
                                  End If
                                  Set oWD = oWA.Documents.Add(Template:=strWD_TemplateBMFile) 'Create New Document From Template
                                  oWA.Visible = oWA_VISIBLE
                                  'traverse all bookmarks and ensure that those bookmarks exist in Excel, looking at selected options - range, labels, or both
                                  For Each BkMk In oWD.Bookmarks 'first pass to build collection of Excel bookmark indicator (objects) associated with each Word bookmark
                                      'find corresponding Excel key that matches bookmark
                                      'look in range names first, then shape names (e.g., charts,images, etc.)
                                      'then bookmark indicators, as prescribed by the Configuration options selected
                                      Application.StatusBar = "[" & lLoop + 1 & "]:" & "Testing for Bookmark: " & BkMk.Name & "..."
                                      'search range names, then shape names option
                                      Select Case strXL_TemplOpt:
                                          Case "RANGE":  'search range names, then shape names for bookmark indicators
                                              bResult = searchRangeShapes(BM_col, BkMk, bXL_SpanWorkbook)
                                          Case "RANGE_AND_CELL": 'search range names, then shape names, then CELLS for bookmark indicators
                                              bResult = searchRangeShapes(BM_col, BkMk, bXL_SpanWorkbook)
                                              If Not bResult Then 'if not found in range, then look at CELL level
                                                  bResult = searchCells(BM_col, BkMk.Name, bXL_SpanWorkbook)
                                              End If
                                          Case "CELL": 'search CELLS for bookmark indicators
                                              bResult = searchCells(BM_col, BkMk.Name, bXL_SpanWorkbook)
                                      End Select
                                      If Not bResult Then 'bookmark not found!
                                          xMsg = MsgBox("Cannot Find Excel data for bookmark: " & BkMk.Name & ".  Continue anyway?", vbOKCancel, "Hit OK to Continue, Cancel to Abort")
                                          If xMsg = vbCancel Then GoTo gracefulExit
                                      End If
                                  Next BkMk
                                  'now search for eMail marker in workbook [[eMail]]
                                  If strAftUpdEmail <> "" Then
                                      bResult = searchCells(eMail_Col, "eMailTo", bXL_SpanWorkbook) 'just add the eMail indicator to the bookmark indicators collection
                                      If bResult Then
                                          bResult = searchCells(eMail_Col, "emailSubject", bXL_SpanWorkbook)
                                          If bResult Then
                                              bResult = searchCells(eMail_Col, "emailBody", bXL_SpanWorkbook)
                                          End If
                                      End If
                                      If Not bResult Then 'bookmark not found!
                                          xMsg = MsgBox("Cannot Find Excel data for eMail address: [[eMailTo]], [[eMailSubject]], or [[eMailBody]] is missing. Continue anyway?", vbOKCancel, "Hit OK to Continue, Cancel to Abort")
                                          If xMsg = vbCancel Then GoTo gracefulExit
                                      End If
                                      On Error Resume Next
                                      Set OutApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
                                      If OutApp Is Nothing Then
                                          'Set OutApp = New Outlook.Application 'early binding
                                          Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'late binding
                                      End If
                                      On Error GoTo 0
                                  End If
                                  'now loop through collection of found bookmark indicators, and output results to Word template
                                  For Each BkMk In oWD.Bookmarks 'second pass:  now we have matching Excel bookmark indicators and Word objects
                                      Application.StatusBar = "[" & lLoop + 1 & "]:" & "Second Pass:  Updating Word bookmarks from Excel for Bookmark: " & BkMk.Name & "..."
                                      bMultiCellOShape = False
                                      bPasteChartSheet = False
                                      bPasteChartEmbed = False
                                      On Error Resume Next 'recall, user may have allowed "Continue anyway" if bookmark indicator wasn't found
                                      Set myObj = BM_col(BkMk.Name)
                                      If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'assumed missed bookmark, but continue
                                          'do nothing
                                          On Error GoTo 0
                                      ElseIf Not myObj Is Nothing Then
                                          On Error GoTo 0
                                          'determine if type resolves to a single cell, a range > 1 cell, or a shape
                                          Select Case myObj.BM_Type
                                              Case RANGE_NAME:
                                                  bMultiCellOShape = IIf(myObj.obj.RefersToRange.Count > 1, True, False)
                                                  Set myObjCopy = myObj.obj.RefersToRange
                                              Case RANGE_OBJ:
                                                  bMultiCellOShape = False
                                                  Set myObjCopy = myObj.obj
                                              Case SHAPE_OBJ:
                                                  bMultiCellOShape = True
                                                  Set myObjCopy = myObj.obj
                                              Case CHART_OBJ:
                                                  Set myObjCopy = myObj.obj.ChartArea
                                                  bPasteChartSheet = True
                                              Case CHART_EMB:
                                                  Set myObjCopy = myObj.obj
                                                  bPasteChartEmbed = True
                                          End Select
                                          If bPasteChartSheet Or bPasteChartEmbed Then
                                              'need to test if the bookmark in Word is a Shape, or Text
                                              Dim r As Object
                                              Set r = oWA.Selection.GoTo(what:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BkMk.Name)
                                              If r.Text <> "" Then 'the bookmark is referencing text - a normal text-based bookmark indicator
                                                  On Error Resume Next
                                                  BkMk.Range.PasteSpecial Placement:=wdInLine, DataType:=iXL_TemplOptShapePaste
                                                  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                                                      BkMk.Range.PasteSpecial Placement:=wdInLine, DataType:=wdPasteEnhancedMetafile
                                                      bPasteEnhMeta = True
                                                  End If
                                                  On Error GoTo 0
                                                  Application.CutCopyMode = False
                                              ElseIf Not pastePicToBkMk(oWA, myObjCopy, BkMk) Then 'the bookmark is referencing a Shape, so paste via fill effects of the Shape
                                                  'paste shape/image/chart as picture into Word Shape bookmark
                                                  xMsg = MsgBox("Could not paste shape/image as a fill picture for bookmark: " & BkMk.Name & "." & _
                                                      vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Continue anyway?", vbYesNo, "Hit YES to Continue, NO to Abort")
                                                  If xMsg = vbNo Then GoTo gracefulExit
                                              End If
                                          ElseIf bMultiCellOShape Then
                                              On Error Resume Next
                                                  BkMk.Range.PasteSpecial Placement:=wdInLine, DataType:=iXL_TemplOptShapePaste
                                                  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                                                      BkMk.Range.PasteSpecial Placement:=wdInLine, DataType:=wdPasteEnhancedMetafile
                                                      bPasteEnhMeta = True
                                                  End If
                                                  On Error GoTo 0
                                              Application.CutCopyMode = False
                                              If myObjCopy.Value <> "" Then
                                                  BkMk.Range.Text = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(myObjCopy.Value, myObjCopy.NumberFormat)
                                                  BkMk.Range.Text = myObjCopy.Value 'use base format for all else
                                              End If
                                              Application.CutCopyMode = False
                                          End If
                                      End If
                                      On Error GoTo 0
                                  Next BkMk
                                  'The following code assumes that the application requires a list of items which can vary from 1 to unlimited
                                  If bWD_Table Then
                                      'So, there are 1 to many rows of BookMarks - e.g., invoice lineItems, For Example:
                                      'lineItem1, description1, amount1
                                      'lineItem2, description2, amount2
                                      'lineItem-n, description-n, amount-n
                                      'As a result, if the Excel template uses only the first few line items, the remaining line items would be a blank
                                      'copy from Excel to Word, leaving blank lines in the Word Template - and perhaps an unattractive gap between a list of line items,
                                      'and the rest of the invoice.
                                      'The following loop traverses all tables in the template and deletes lineItems that are blank
                                      Application.StatusBar = "[" & lLoop + 1 & "]:" & "Cleaning Word Template Tables..."
                                      'If there are any tables in the Word template, and their row is empty, then delete that empty row
                                      For Each tbl In oWD.Tables
                                          For Each rw In tbl.Rows 'examine each row
                                              dataRow = False
                                              For Each cl In rw.Cells 'look at all cells in each row
                                                  If Len(Trim(Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(cl.Range.Text))) > 0 Then
                                                      dataRow = True 'if there's data in any cell, then there's data in the row
                                                      Exit For
                                                  End If
                                              Next cl
                                              If Not dataRow Then
                                                  rw.Delete 'delete any rows in the table that all cells on that row are empty
                                              End If
                                          Next rw
                                      Next tbl
                                  End If
                                  'The document is now complete, all that remains is to print, extract to PDF, and/or save, then close the file, per Configuration Options
                                  If bAftUpdPrint Then
                                      Application.StatusBar = "[" & lLoop + 1 & "]:" & "Printing Word Document..."
                                  End If
                                  If bAftUpdPDF Then
                                      'Save Word Document as PDF
                                      'for Office 2007 with Office PDF Add-On from, or
                                      If bXL_Increment Then
                                          PDFname2 = Left(PDFname, Len(PDFname) - 4) & "_" & Format(lLoop + 1, "000") & ".pdf"
                                      End If
                                      Application.StatusBar = "[" & lLoop + 1 & "]:" & "Generating PDF file: " & PDFname2
                                      On Error Resume Next
                                      oWD.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:=PDFname2, ExportFormat:= _
                                          wdExportFormatPDF, OpenAfterExport:=False, OptimizeFor:= _
                                          wdExportOptimizeForPrint, Range:=wdExportAllDocument, _
                                          Item:=wdExportDocumentContent, IncludeDocProps:=True, KeepIRM:=True, _
                                          CreateBookmarks:=wdExportCreateNoBookmarks, DocStructureTags:=True, _
                                          BitmapMissingFonts:=True, UseISO19005_1:=False
                                      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                                          MsgBox "Unable to SaveAs/ExportTo PDF - you are either: " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                                              "1) Running Excel 2003 or earlier, " & vbCrLf & _
                                              "2) Running Excel 2007 without the required Office 2007 Save as PDF Add-on (See" & vbCrLf & _
                                              " or " & vbCrLf & _
                                              "3) There's a problem with your Save as PDF capability in either Excel 2007 or Excel 2010." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                                              "Please repair and try again", vbCritical, "Skipping Save as PDF step..."
                                      End If
                                      On Error GoTo 0
                                  End If
                                  If bAftUpdSave Then
                                      'Save Word document, in current format (e.g., doc, docx, etc.) then close file
                                      If bXL_Increment Then
                                          fName2 = strWD_DocFile & "_" & Format(lLoop + 1, "000")
                                          fName2 = strWD_DocFile
                                      End If
                                      Application.StatusBar = "[" & lLoop + 1 & "]:" & "Saving Word Document: " & strWD_DocPath & "\" & fName2
                                      oWD.SaveAs Filename:=strWD_DocPath & "\" & fName2
                                      Set oWD = Nothing
                                  ElseIf bAftUpdDelete Then 'otherwise, done with file, without save
                                      oWD.Close savechanges:=False
                                  Else 'then just preview the new Word document
                                      oWA.Visible = True
                                      bDraftPreview = True
                                      MsgBox "Toggle to Word document for Preview", vbOKOnly, "Terminating operation after 1st draft generated"
                                      GoTo gracefulExit
                                  End If
                                  If strAftUpdEmail <> "" And Not eMail_Col Is Nothing Then
                                      'eMail the PDF or Word document
                                      If UCase(strAftUpdEmail) = UCase("ePDF") Then 'process email w/ PDF
                                          fileAttach = PDFname2
                                      Else 'process email w/ Word document
                                          fileAttach = oWD.Name
                                      End If
                                      If fileAttach <> "" Then
                                          Call processEmail(OutApp, eMail_Col("emailTo").obj, eMail_Col("emailSubject").obj, eMail_Col("emailBody").obj, fileAttach)
                                      End If
                                  End If
                                  'clean up before next pass
                                  Set BM_col = Nothing
                                  If Not eMail_Col Is Nothing Then 'prepare for next eMail address, if we're emailing
                                      Set eMail_Col = Nothing
                                  End If
                              Next lLoop
                              Application.StatusBar = False
                              MsgBox "Successful ExcelToWord! production process", vbOKOnly
                              MsgBox "Template file: " & strWD_TemplateBMFile & " not found at " & fPath & " - please create Template and try again", vbCritical, "Aborting"
                          End If
                          GoTo gracefulExit
                          xMsg = MsgBox(validError & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Open Configuration Options to make changes?", vbYesNo, _
                              "Configurator Error: Hit YES to pull up Configuration Options, NO to Abort")
                          If xMsg = vbYes Then Call showConfigurator
                          Application.StatusBar = False
                          If Not bDraftPreview Then 'only if successful generation of draft will this be skipped
                              'clean up open word document and application, if any
                              If Not oWD Is Nothing Then oWD.Close savechanges:=False
                              If Not oWA Is Nothing Then oWA.Quit
                          End If
                          Set BM_col = Nothing
                          If bPasteEnhMeta Then MsgBox "Could not paste all objects according to style selected, so pasted as Enhanced Metafile, instead"
                      End Sub
                      'Private Function searchRangeShapes(BM_col As BM_Indicators, bkMk As Word.Bookmark, bXL_SpanWorkbook As Boolean) As Boolean 'early binding
                      Private Function searchRangeShapes(BM_col As BM_Indicators, BkMk As Object, bXL_SpanWorkbook As Boolean) As Boolean 'late binding
                      Dim wkb As Workbook
                      Dim wks As Worksheet
                      Dim cht As Chart
                      Dim myActWks As Worksheet
                      Dim rName As Name
                      Dim shp As Shape
                      Dim strSearch As String
                      Dim xMsg As Long
                      Dim myQuote_char As String
                          Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook
                          Set myActWks = wkb.ActiveSheet
                          'Search for Range name matching Excel Bookmark Indicator name, at ActiveSheet level, then Workbook level, exiting on first instance found
                          If Not bXL_SpanWorkbook Then 'search within ActiveSheet scope, only
                              If InStr(myActWks.Name, SPACE_CHAR) <> 0 Then
                                  myQuote_char = QUOTE_CHAR
                                  myQuote_char = vbNullString
                              End If
                              strSearch = UCase(myQuote_char & myActWks.Name & myQuote_char & "!" & BkMk.Name)
                              On Error Resume Next
                              Set rName = myActWks.Names(strSearch)
                              If Err.Number = 0 Then
                                  BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, rName, RANGE_NAME
                                  searchRangeShapes = True
                                  Exit Function 'stop when first instance is found
                              End If
                              On Error GoTo 0
                              On Error Resume Next
                              Set rName = wkb.Names(BkMk.Name)
                              If Err.Number = 0 Then
                                  BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, rName, RANGE_NAME
                                  searchRangeShapes = True
                                  Exit Function 'stop when first instance is found
                              End If
                              On Error GoTo 0
                              'finally, find first range name that matches at the worksheet level - span workbook has workbook level name priority,
                              'then worksheet name, starting with activesheet as priority
                              'Check ActiveSheet
                              If InStr(myActWks.Name, SPACE_CHAR) <> 0 Then
                                  myQuote_char = QUOTE_CHAR
                                  myQuote_char = vbNullString
                              End If
                              strSearch = UCase(myQuote_char & myActWks.Name & myQuote_char & "!" & BkMk.Name)
                              On Error Resume Next
                              Set rName = myActWks.Names(strSearch)
                              If Err.Number = 0 Then
                                  BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, rName, RANGE_NAME
                                  searchRangeShapes = True
                                  Exit Function 'stop when first instance is found
                              End If
                              On Error GoTo 0
                              'now check the rest of the sheets
                              For Each wks In wkb.Worksheets
                                  If wks.Name <> myActWks.Name Then
                                      If InStr(wks.Name, SPACE_CHAR) <> 0 Then
                                          myQuote_char = QUOTE_CHAR
                                          myQuote_char = vbNullString
                                      End If
                                      strSearch = UCase(myQuote_char & wks.Name & myQuote_char & "!" & BkMk.Name)
                                      On Error Resume Next
                                      Set rName = wks.Names(strSearch)
                                      If Err.Number = 0 Then
                                          BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, rName, RANGE_NAME
                                          searchRangeShapes = True
                                          Exit Function 'stop when first instance is found
                                      End If
                                      On Error GoTo 0
                                  End If
                              Next wks
                          End If
                          'if we didn't find it in a Range, then let's look at shapes - e.g., charts, images, and other assorted shapes, using the Shapes collection
                          'search workbook_level names, then worksheet names, on every sheet, until found
                          If Not bXL_SpanWorkbook Then
                              On Error Resume Next
                              Set shp = myActWks.Shapes(BkMk.Name)
                              If Err.Number = 0 Then
                                  If shp.Type = msoChart Then 'embedded chart
                                      BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, shp, CHART_EMB
                                      BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, shp, SHAPE_OBJ
                                  End If
                                  searchRangeShapes = True
                                  Exit Function 'stop when first instance is found
                              End If
                              On Error GoTo 0
                              'Chart sheets can exist, even though bXL_SpanWorkbook is false, so test for those
                              On Error Resume Next
                              Set cht = wkb.Charts(BkMk.Name)
                              If Err.Number = 0 Then
                                  BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, cht, CHART_OBJ
                                  searchRangeShapes = True
                                  Exit Function
                              End If
                              On Error GoTo 0
                          Else    'search workbook_level shape names, then worksheet shape names, on every sheet
                                  'check for chart sheet, first
                              On Error Resume Next
                              Set cht = wkb.Charts(BkMk.Name)
                              If Err.Number = 0 Then
                                  BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, cht, CHART_OBJ
                                  searchRangeShapes = True
                                  Exit Function
                              End If
                              'then look at embedded shapes at the worksheet level
                              For Each wks In wkb.Worksheets
                                  On Error Resume Next
                                  Set shp = wks.Shapes(BkMk.Name)
                                  If Err.Number = 0 Then
                                      If shp.Type = msoChart Then 'embedded chart
                                          BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, shp, CHART_EMB
                                          BM_col.Add BkMk.Name, shp, SHAPE_OBJ
                                      End If
                                      searchRangeShapes = True
                                      Exit Function 'stop when first instance is found
                                  End If
                              Next wks
                          End If
                          'otherwise, fail out
                      End Function
                      Private Function searchCells(BM_col As BM_Indicators, strBkMk As String, bXL_SpanWorkbook As Boolean) As Boolean
                      Dim fRange As Range
                      Dim wkb As Workbook
                      Dim wks As Worksheet
                      Dim myActWks As Worksheet
                      Dim focusRange As Range
                          'routine searches for Excel bookmark indicators, identifying each corresponding data-point adjacent to the indicator inside the BM_Indicators class collection
                          Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook
                          Set myActWks = wkb.ActiveSheet
                          For Each wks In wkb.Worksheets
                              If bXL_SpanWorkbook Or (bXL_SpanWorkbook = False And wks.Name = myActWks.Name) Then 'search all worksheets, or active sheet
                                  Set fRange = wks.Cells.Find(what:="[[" & strBkMk & "]]", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
                                  If Not fRange Is Nothing Then
                                      On Error Resume Next
                                      Select Case strXL_TemplOptCell
                                          Case "Left": Set focusRange = fRange.Offset(0, 1)
                                          Case "Above": Set focusRange = fRange.Offset(1, 0)
                                          Case "Right": Set focusRange = fRange.Offset(0, -1)
                                          Case "Below": Set focusRange = fRange.Offset(-1, 0)
                                      End Select
                                      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                                          MsgBox "You indicated bookmark indicators would be adjacent " & UCase(strXL_TemplOptCell) & " of the data, while bookmark indicator " & strBkMk & " at " & "'" & fRange.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & fRange.Address & " throws an error when that offset is performed." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please recast bookmark: " & strBkMk, vbCritical, "Aborting..."
                                          searchCells = False
                                          Exit Function
                                      End If
                                      On Error GoTo 0
                                      BM_col.Add strBkMk, focusRange, RANGE_OBJ
                                      searchCells = True
                                      Exit Function 'stop when first instance is found
                                  End If
                              End If
                          Next wks
                      End Function
                      'Private Function pastePicToBkMk(oWA As Word.Application, myObjCopy As Object, bkMk As Word.Bookmark) As Boolean 'early binding
                      Private Function pastePicToBkMk(oWA As Object, myObjCopy As Object, BkMk As Object) As Boolean 'late binding
                      Dim strTmpPicFile As String
                      Dim r As Object
                      'logic to change bookmark shape fill effects, importing temporary image
                          On Error GoTo errHandler
                          'first, save the image to a temporary file
                          strTmpPicFile = export(myObjCopy)
                          'then, navigate to the bookmark, and change the fill effects, importing the image
                          Set r = oWA.Selection.GoTo(what:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BkMk.Name)
                          'no line around shape and ensure picture fits re: aspect ratio
                          r.ShapeRange.Fill.Transparency = 0#
                          r.ShapeRange.Line.Visible = msoFalse
                          r.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
                          'replace recorded filename with temporary file name just generated
                          r.ShapeRange.Fill.UserPicture strTmpPicFile
                          pastePicToBkMk = True
                          GoTo gracefulExit
                          pastePicToBkMk = False
                          On Error Resume Next
                          Kill strTmpPicFile 'delete temporary file
                          On Error GoTo 0
                      End Function 

Open in new window

Here’s the code for the Export of Excel Shape/Image/Charts to a JPEG file and updating of a corresponding Word Shape via Fill method:
'Source Adapted from:
                      'May have originated from other cites:
                      ', or
                      Public Function export(shp As Object) As String
                      Dim pic_object As Shape
                      Dim pic_height As Double
                      Dim pic_with As Double
                      Dim fName As String
                      Dim tmp_object As Chart
                      'Exports Shape/Image/Chart to a JPG file by first pasting it into a temporary chart object, then exporting that object as a JPG file
                          Set pic_object = Workbooks(shp.Parent.Parent.Name).Sheets(shp.Parent.Name).Shapes(shp.Name)
                          fName = ActiveWorkbook.path & "\" & pic_object.Name & ".png"
                          pic_height = pic_object.Height
                          pic_width = pic_object.Width
                          pic_object.CopyPicture appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
                          Set tmp_object = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(1, 1, pic_object.Width, pic_object.Height).Chart
                          With tmp_object
                              .ChartArea.Border.LineStyle = 0
                              .export filename:=fName
                          End With
                          export = fName
                      End Function

Open in new window

In Excel, the BM_Indicators is a collection of BM_Indicator, with three properties:  Name, Obj, and Type.  Obj contains the Cell reference, Range Name, Shape/Image/Chart, or Chart_Sheet object representing each type of Excel bookmark indicator.  I used matthewspatrick’s Parent Class Builder add-in to generate the starting point for the class modules (see:  

And, finally, here’s the Configuration Options panel data handling routines that maintain a cadre of settings that are saved at the workbook and worksheet level, via hidden range names:
Option Explicit
                      'Configurator Options --------------------
                      Public Const CONFIG_SETTINGS = "ETW_strWD_TemplOpt,ETW_bWD_Table,ETW_strWD_TemplFile,ETW_strWD_TemplateBMFile,ETW_strXL_TemplOpt,ETW_strXL_TemplOptShapePaste,ETW_strXL_TemplOptCell,ETW_bXL_SpanWorkbook,ETW_bXL_Increment,ETW_strXL_RefCounter,ETW_strXL_RefStart,ETW_strXL_RefEnd,ETW_bAftUpdPrint,ETW_bAftUpdPDF,ETW_bAftUpdSave,ETW_strAftUpdEmail,ETW_bAftUpdDelete,ETW_bAftUpdPreview,ETW_strWD_DocPath,ETW_strWD_DocFile,ETW_bSaveConfig"
                      Public Const RANGE_REF = "ETW_strXL_RefCounter,ETW_strXL_RefStart,ETW_strXL_RefEnd"
                      Public Const ChartShapeImagePasteOptions = "wdPasteBitmap,wdPasteDeviceIndependentBitmap,wdPasteEnhancedMetafile,wdPasteMetafilePicture,wdPasteOLEObject"
                      Public Const EmailWordOrPDFOptions = ",eWord,ePDF"
                      Public iXL_TemplOptShapePaste As Integer
                      Public Const adjacent = "Left,Above,Right,Below" '0,1,2,3.  0-Default = Left
                      Public Const CONFIG_SCOPE = "ETW_ConfiguratorScope"
                      Public Const CONFIG_SHEET = "ETW_ConfigSheet"
                      Public Const NAME_VISIBLE = False 'whether config names are visible or not - TRUE for debug purposes, only
                      Public strWD_TemplOpt As String 'Word template options:  User created "OWN", "GENERIC", or "INTELLIGENT" bookmarks
                      Public bWD_Table As Boolean 'TRUE: User has a 1-to-many row table, with bookmarks indicators embedded.  Option to delete empty rows from table, during processing
                      Public strWD_TemplFile As String 'Original word template - the starting point
                      Public strWD_TemplateBMFile As String 'Generated Word template, with bookmarks either user/system generated
                      Public strXL_TemplOpt As String 'Excel template options: User created named ranges/shapes, bookmark indicators to the left/above/right/below of data, or both
                      Public strXL_TemplOptShapePaste As String 'option for Picture or OLE Object link to Excel with shape paste (e.g., chart)
                      Public strXL_TemplOptCell As String 'bookmark indicators to the left, above, right, or below the data
                      Public bXL_SpanWorkbook As Boolean 'True - configuration options span entire workbook, as opposed to active sheet
                      Public bXL_Increment As Boolean 'True - Update Word from Excel will cycle based on counter, start & end point
                      Public strXL_RefCounter As String
                      Public strXL_RefStart As String
                      Public strXL_RefEnd As String
                      Public bAftUpdPrint As Boolean 'True - print after Word document is updated
                      Public bAftUpdPDF As Boolean 'True - PDF file will be extracted after Word template is updated
                      Public bAftUpdSave As Boolean 'True - Word document will be saved from Word template
                      Public bAftUpdDelete As Boolean 'True - Word document will be deleted after the update process (e.g., after printing or PDF process, etc.
                      Public strAftUpdEmail As String 'ePDF or eWord - Will email the PDF or Word output, as selected
                      Public bAftUpdPreview As Boolean 'True - just preview Word Draft after generation (only the 1st generated document)
                      Public strWD_DocPath As String 'path for saving Word document
                      Public strWD_DocFile As String 'Word document filename
                      Public bSaveConfig As Boolean 'True - save Configuration Options for next step
                      Public Const WORDDOC_PATH = "ETW_WordDocPath" 'stores the last path the user selected when browsing to set a word document path
                      Public Const WORDTMPL_PATH = "ETW_WordTemplPath" 'stores the last path the user selected when browsing for a word template
                      Public Const oWA_VISIBLE = False 'True - Word application will be visible during automation
                      Public Const SPACE_CHAR = " "
                      Public Const QUOTE_CHAR = "'"
                      Public closeOut As Boolean
                      '-------------------------------- Late Binding variables needed ------------------------------
                      Public Const wdPasteEnhancedMetafile = 9
                      Public Const wdPasteBitmap = 4
                      Public Const wdPasteDeviceIndependentBitmap = 5
                      Public Const wdPasteMetaFilePicture = 3
                      Public Const wdPasteOLEObject = 0
                      Public Const wdGoToBookmark = -1
                      Public Const wdInLine = 0
                      Public Const wdExportFormatPDF = 17
                      Public Const wdExportOptimizeForPrint = 0
                      Public Const wdExportAllDocument = 0
                      Public Const wdExportDocumentContent = 0
                      Public Const wdExportCreateNoBookmarks = 0
                      Public Const wdRelativeHorizontalPositionColumn = 2
                      Public Const wdRelativeVerticalPositionParagraph = 2
                      Public Const wdRelativeHorizontalSizePage = 1
                      Public Const wdRelativeVerticalSizePage = 1
                      Public Const wdShapePositionRelativeNone = -999999
                      Public Const wdShapeSizeRelativeNone = -999999
                      Public Const wdWrapBoth = 0
                      Public Const wdFindContinue = 1
                      Public Const wdReplaceOne = 1
                      Public Const wdSortByName = 0
                      Public Const xlOpenXMLAddIn = 55 'for pre-Excel 2007
                      Public Sub showConfigurator(Optional control As Object) 'IRibbonControl
                          If Application.Workbooks.Count = 0 Then
                              MsgBox "No files open to process"
                              Exit Sub
                          End If
                          If ActiveSheet.Type <> xlWorksheet Then
                              MsgBox "You can only run ExcelToWord! functions from Excel Worksheets (e.g., Not from Chart Sheets, etc.)", vbCritical
                              Load Configurator
                          End If
                      End Sub
                      Public Sub initializeConfiguratorOptions()
                      Dim strNamedScope As String
                      Dim objWkbSht As Object
                      Dim tmpVar As Variant
                      Dim bEvalSheet As Boolean
                          'Initial Configuration Settings into Public Variables
                          On Error Resume Next
                          strNamedScope = myEvaluate(CONFIG_SCOPE)
                          bEvalSheet = myEvaluate(CONFIG_SHEET)
                          On Error GoTo 0
                          'determine if any Configuration Settings exist
                          If (strNamedScope = "Worksheet" And bEvalSheet) Or (strNamedScope = "Workbook" And Not bEvalSheet) Then 'there are settings at Workbook or this sheet's scope
                              Call setPublicVariables
                          Else 'there were no saved settings in the Workbook, or on the Active Sheet
                              Call baseInitialization
                          End If
                      End Sub
                      Public Sub setPublicVariables()
                      Dim varConfig As Variant
                      Dim i As Integer
                      Dim tmpVar As Variant
                          varConfig = Split(CONFIG_SETTINGS, ",")
                          For i = 0 To UBound(varConfig)
                              On Error Resume Next
                              If InStr(UCase(RANGE_REF), UCase(varConfig(i))) <> 0 Then 'get range object, as opposed to string value
                                  Set tmpVar = myEvaluate(varConfig(i))
                                  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                                      GoTo errHandler
                                  End If
                                  tmpVar = "'" & tmpVar.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & tmpVar.Address
                                  tmpVar = myEvaluate(varConfig(i))
                              End If
                              Call setVar(varConfig(i), tmpVar)
                              On Error GoTo 0
                          Next i
                      End Sub
                      Private Sub baseInitialization()
                          strWD_TemplOpt = "OWN"
                          bWD_Table = False
                          strWD_TemplFile = vbNullString
                          strWD_TemplateBMFile = vbNullString
                          strXL_TemplOpt = "RANGE"
                          strXL_TemplOptShapePaste = "wdPasteEnhancedMetafile"
                          iXL_TemplOptShapePaste = wdPasteEnhancedMetafile
                          strXL_TemplOptCell = "Left"
                          bXL_SpanWorkbook = IIf(myEvaluate(CONFIG_SCOPE) = "Worksheet", False, True) 'in case another sheet already has options saved
                          bXL_Increment = False
                          strXL_RefCounter = vbNullString
                          strXL_RefStart = vbNullString
                          strXL_RefEnd = vbNullString
                          bAftUpdPrint = False
                          bAftUpdPDF = False
                          bAftUpdSave = True
                          strAftUpdEmail = vbNullString
                          bAftUpdPreview = False
                          bAftUpdDelete = False
                          strWD_DocPath = vbNullString
                          strWD_DocFile = vbNullString
                          bSaveConfig = False
                      End Sub
                      Public Function validateFileFolderSelection(ByVal fName As String, fType As String, src As String, bFolderOnly As Boolean) As Boolean
                      'Dim FSO As FileSystemObject 'early binding
                      Dim FSO As Object 'late binding
                          'Set FSO = New FileSystemObject 'early binding
                          Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'late binding
                          validateFileFolderSelection = True
                          'Test for word or excel filename & that the file exists
                          If Trim(fName) = vbNullString Then
                              validateFileFolderSelection = False
                          ElseIf bFolderOnly Then
                              If Not FSO.FolderExists(fName) Then
                                  validateFileFolderSelection = False
                              End If
                          ElseIf Not FSO.fileExists(fName) Then
                                  validateFileFolderSelection = False
                          End If
                      End Function
                      Public Function browseForTemplate(strPath As String, strFilter1 As String, strFilter2, strTitle As String, bgetFolderOnly) As String
                      Dim dialogFile As FileDialog
                      Dim fName As String
                          ' Open the file dialog
                          Set dialogFile = Application.FileDialog(IIf(bgetFolderOnly, msoFileDialogFolderPicker, msoFileDialogFilePicker))
                          With dialogFile
                              If Not bgetFolderOnly Then
                                  .Filters.Add strFilter1, strFilter2, 1
                              End If
                              .AllowMultiSelect = False
                              .InitialView = msoFileDialogViewDetails
                              .InitialFileName = strPath
                              .Title = strTitle
                          End With
                          If dialogFile.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
                              browseForTemplate = dialogFile.SelectedItems(1)
                              browseForTemplate = ""
                          End If
                          Set dialogFile = Nothing
                      End Function
                      Public Function getVar(strRef As Variant) As Variant
                          Select Case strRef
                              Case "ETW_strWD_TemplOpt":              getVar = strWD_TemplOpt
                              Case "ETW_bWD_Table":                   getVar = bWD_Table
                              Case "ETW_strWD_TemplFile":             getVar = strWD_TemplFile
                              Case "ETW_strWD_TemplateBMFile":        getVar = strWD_TemplateBMFile
                              Case "ETW_strXL_TemplOpt":              getVar = strXL_TemplOpt
                              Case "ETW_strXL_TemplOptShapePaste":    getVar = strXL_TemplOptShapePaste
                              Case "ETW_strXL_TemplOptCell":          getVar = strXL_TemplOptCell
                              Case "ETW_bXL_SpanWorkbook":            getVar = bXL_SpanWorkbook
                              Case "ETW_bXL_Increment":               getVar = bXL_Increment
                              Case "ETW_strXL_RefCounter":            getVar = strXL_RefCounter
                              Case "ETW_strXL_RefStart":              getVar = strXL_RefStart
                              Case "ETW_strXL_RefEnd":                getVar = strXL_RefEnd
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdPrint":                getVar = bAftUpdPrint
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdPDF":                  getVar = bAftUpdPDF
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdSave":                 getVar = bAftUpdSave
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdDelete":               getVar = bAftUpdDelete
                              Case "ETW_strAftUpdEmail":              getVar = strAftUpdEmail
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdPreview":              getVar = bAftUpdPreview
                              Case "ETW_strWD_DocPath":               getVar = strWD_DocPath
                              Case "ETW_strWD_DocFile":               getVar = strWD_DocFile
                              Case "ETW_bSaveConfig":                 getVar = bSaveConfig
                          End Select
                      End Function
                      Private Function setVar(strRef As Variant, myVal As Variant) As String
                          On Error Resume Next
                          Select Case strRef
                              Case "ETW_strWD_TemplOpt":              strWD_TemplOpt = myVal
                              Case "ETW_bWD_Table":                   bWD_Table = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strWD_TemplFile":             strWD_TemplFile = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strWD_TemplateBMFile":        strWD_TemplateBMFile = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strXL_TemplOpt":              strXL_TemplOpt = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strXL_TemplOptShapePaste":    strXL_TemplOptShapePaste = myVal
                                                                      iXL_TemplOptShapePaste = setVarShapePaste(myVal)
                              Case "ETW_strXL_TemplOptCell":          strXL_TemplOptCell = myVal
                              Case "ETW_bXL_SpanWorkbook":            bXL_SpanWorkbook = myVal
                              Case "ETW_bXL_Increment":               bXL_Increment = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strXL_RefCounter":            strXL_RefCounter = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strXL_RefStart":              strXL_RefStart = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strXL_RefEnd":                strXL_RefEnd = myVal
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdPrint":                bAftUpdPrint = myVal
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdPDF":                  bAftUpdPDF = myVal
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdSave":                 bAftUpdSave = myVal
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdDelete":               bAftUpdDelete = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strAftUpdEmail":              strAftUpdEmail = myVal
                              Case "ETW_bAftUpdPreview":              bAftUpdPreview = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strWD_DocPath":               strWD_DocPath = myVal
                              Case "ETW_strWD_DocFile":               strWD_DocFile = myVal
                              Case "ETW_bSaveConfig":                 bSaveConfig = myVal
                          End Select
                          On Error GoTo 0
                      End Function
                      Private Function setVarShapePaste(strOpt As Variant) As Integer
                      'I selected what I thought the most relevant of paste options in Word parlance, with several physical picture options, and a link option to the original workbook
                          Select Case strOpt
                              Case "wdPasteBitmap":                   setVarShapePaste = wdPasteBitmap
                              Case "wdPasteDeviceIndependentBitmap":  setVarShapePaste = wdPasteDeviceIndependentBitmap
                              Case "wdPasteEnhancedMetafile":         setVarShapePaste = wdPasteEnhancedMetafile
                              Case "wdPasteMetafilePicture":          setVarShapePaste = wdPasteMetaFilePicture
                              Case "wdPasteOLEObject":                setVarShapePaste = wdPasteOLEObject
                          End Select
                      End Function
                      Public Sub resetConfigurator()
                      Dim varConfig As Variant
                      Dim wks As Worksheet
                      Dim i As Integer
                          varConfig = Split(CONFIG_SETTINGS, ",")
                          'deletes all Configurator references in Workbook - at Workbook and Sheet-level
                          On Error Resume Next
                          'delete at Workbook Scope, if any
                          For i = 0 To UBound(varConfig)
                          Next i
                          'delete at Worksheet Scope, if any
                          For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
                              For i = 0 To UBound(varConfig)
                              Next i
                          Next wks
                          On Error GoTo 0
                      End Sub

Open in new window

Credits:  I've cited anything I "retooled" off the web in the source code, but I would draw out a couple special acknowledgements as the following sources were instrumental in enabling a more robust result (without having to build from scratch):
Exporting Excel Range to Picture:  
Emailing Attachments via Outlook - Ron deBruin @
I learned a lot in the development process:  from the initial three building-block solutions with LANCE_S_P and creativefusion, through to developing this complete, automated solution which I hope you will find useful.  The tool is feature-rich with more bells and whistles than I had originally anticipated, but as I was writing the article and enhancing the code, new ideas that came to mind that just had to be developed (at times, I found myself documenting features ahead of tool development!).



Attachment I:   Attached, please find the ExcelToWord! Add-In which provides the functionality described in this article to your existing projects. The .xla is for all users (tested Office 2002+), while the .xlam is for Excel 2007+ users, and leverages the Ribbon for menu options.

  ExcelToWordv011.xlam ExcelToWordv011.xla
Attachment II:    Also attached, please a cadre of Word and Excel templates used for testing, as well as the demo Word and Excel templates used in this article.  You can learn ExcelToWord! starting with these example templates, today!

Kudos to matthewspatrick for his Word template, used in the writing of this article.  (and aikimark for spreading the word!)

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Comments (33)

Jandre DippenaarStudent Mechatronic Engineer

@JamesBunnet on 2015-03-03:

I've found a solution for the 255 character limit. I know nothing about script programming, but I have some programming knowledge in C.

Go to the following area of code:

If myObjCopy.Value <> "" Then
                            BkMk.Range.Text = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(myObjCopy.Value, myObjCopy.NumberFormat)
                            BkMk.Range.Text = myObjCopy.Value 'use base format for all else
                        End If

Open in new window

All you have to do is comment out the following by adding a ' before two lines:
If myObjCopy.Value <> "" Then
                            'BkMk.Range.Text = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(myObjCopy.Value, myObjCopy.NumberFormat)
                            BkMk.Range.Text = myObjCopy.Value 'use base format for all else
                        End If

Open in new window

The "Application.WorksheetFunction.Text" function has the 255 limit, by bypassing it you can add more characters. I am not sure what effect removing this will have, but if you are only copying text, I think it will work fine :)

Regards from South Africa,
Jandré Dippenaar
I can't get the add-in to work. I have Office 2013 so I am using the .xla. Is the link broken?
I love it! Would be great to have the possibility to change the filename, based on the value of a bookmark.
For example if you add [[bookmark]] in the standard file name. Anyone adding that feature? :-)
Keep the option enabled and it should work fine. I'm getting an error as soon as my source data in the excel is over this size.
thanks alot
Berry MetzgerLean process improvement consultant

Excellent article! I have a need to use this with a Word document of 71 pages. I hope size doesn't matter.
Berry Metzger

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