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Javascript function undefined...but it is!

I can't believe something this simple could be so difficult!

I have an asp page that I am using as a custom dialog box to request a password. Here is the HMTL:
    <form id="form2" runat="server">
    <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager2" runat="server">
            <asp:ScriptReference Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" 
            <asp:ScriptReference Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" 
            <asp:ScriptReference Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" 

     <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
              function GetRadWindow() {
                  var oWindow = null;
                  if (window.radWindow)
                      oWindow = window.radWindow;
                  else if (window.frameElement.radWindow)
                      oWindow = window.frameElement.radWindow;
                  return oWindow;
              function cancelAndClose() {
                  var oWindow = GetRadWindow();
              function returnArg() {
                  var oWnd = GetRadWindow();
                  var txtInput = document.getElementById("<%=txtPW.ClientID %>");
        <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"> </asp:Label>
        <telerik:RadTextBox ID="RadTextBox1" runat="server" TextMode="Password">  </telerik:RadTextBox>
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton1" runat="server" Text="OK"  Width = "100px" > </telerik:RadButton>
        &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton2" runat="server" Text="Cancel"  Width = "100px" > </telerik:RadButton>


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Since I could not get any response out of the OK or Cancel buttons when their HTML included an OnClientClicked tag,  I added the following to the code behind in the page load event.

        btnOK.Attributes.Add("language", "javascript")
        btnOK.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "returnArg();")

        btnCancel.Attributes.Add("language", "javascript")
        btnCancel.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "cancelAndClose();")

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When I click either the OK or the Cancel buttons, I get an error that says the javascript function returnArg or closeAndCancel is undefined. And yet I've been staring at the definition for hours!

Can someone please tell me what is wrong?

At one point, it was responding to the OK button but then saying that txtInput was undefined in the third line of that function. Somehow in trying to fix that, I managed to break it completely.
Avatar of Scott Fell
Scott Fell
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Since your asp code runs on the server, then renders html to the client's browser and finally any js/jquery runs based on the rendered html/css.   Therefor, your asp code may affect the outcome if any html or js is created dynamically,but it is not really important for your question for now.  With that in mind, will you please render your html and post just the html as if you viewed the source in the browser and copied that code.  

If we find an error in the rendered html, then you can go back to the asp code and figure out where to change it.   For now, let's see your rendered html and js/jquery.
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Hi - I hope this is what you're looking for. Thanks for your help.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">

</title><link href="/WebResource.axd?d=Azr25rlxcj2oD8DG4LLTwatHTpAsPojhwLtPYXcU6i4mHdD74H8zIgLltDeX2TXT2bD35pIy9Iq0PTEXjkKv3EL2-o6jVRvklm8FjrXiho_3WUbdpyxShxxhA8suB5yQNTzYfxiU3ztflDGUf9tV0Q2&amp;t=635173546100000000" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" class="Telerik_stylesheet" /><link href="/WebResource.axd?d=j1E0mRB4jBNXNuCEKsdtNcXpCqQROTHUJV7yhsntKkarCRiYgnMwZ8T1Uf15BZn26FX6znOsJ90n_V-zT62zeLEn6hCF3UnhcJce5-mdS5HoCs5P7HIBX0InEWmchhWMvq9zyUpAPubt8VyvES8YMheAaKL-e9hULh7g1cTDU9g1&amp;t=635173546100000000" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" class="Telerik_stylesheet" /><link href="/WebResource.axd?d=7E6yD7MJcLYPnajMz3T6lwN5wLdWuSBRDCVWA-3ouS17Q3Y_R8JTSa8dF9RDt9i5apBj4EVqAkJfb-ytLe_0rNE6T5QHCxEPmsRbqSdEXaMyejiiow6WAkSrS_sPbApH51TRm5ljQ-ISv0eKQVbstQ2&amp;t=635173546100000000" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" class="Telerik_stylesheet" /><link href="/WebResource.axd?d=9PGENFqWbEx-jn1IhpzbdjWPqCqDCKNYhkCXWot7E7n1djmnWuX_bfDr1Lpz8cc3_DX83IjqA78CD_jMgAP4ScE4zmgyFeZR3tdtv-sOtR6ypQqD15Q9D-7jCy3jCTzDIbVdGWi7YVqiGEzeMFvHkdjnRzTLUrTl-fxp2PD2-441&amp;t=635173546100000000" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" class="Telerik_stylesheet" /></head>
    <form method="post" action="dlgPassword.aspx" id="form1">
<div class="aspNetHidden">
<input type="hidden" name="RadScriptManager1_TSM" id="RadScriptManager1_TSM" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTTARGET" id="__EVENTTARGET" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTARGUMENT" id="__EVENTARGUMENT" value="" />

<script type="text/javascript">
var theForm = document.forms['form1'];
if (!theForm) {
    theForm = document.form1;
function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
    if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) {
        theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget;
        theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument;

<script src="/WebResource.axd?d=pvqVPH_l3-wuvhSo7QBVaOeKKzvKeeHjG4_kjkNChtk4YPO_AKtbuTtovnx1sJnWF9HdrccMyzDDGON7gx8xgNZ9kY73m4z3kOphcOL5-6U1&amp;t=635194247536870992" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=RadScriptManager1_TSM&amp;compress=1&amp;_TSM_CombinedScripts_=%3b%3bSystem.Web.Extensions%2c+Version%3d4.0.0.0%2c+Culture%3dneutral%2c+PublicKeyToken%3d31bf3856ad364e35%3aen-US%3af01b1325-3d40-437a-8da2-df3d86714220%3aea597d4b%3ab25378d2%3bTelerik.Web.UI%3aen-US%3aac331549-681c-4402-9fb7-09ec3c579ee8%3a16e4e7cd%3af7645509%3a22a6274a%3ab7778d6c%3a24ee1bba%3a7165f74" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(Sys) === 'undefined') throw new Error('ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.');

<div class="aspNetHidden">

	<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="/wEWCALq8cCDDgK9+8qeDgLdkpmPAQLw/dj7DwLdkpmPAQKQ9M/rBQK9m46fCwKQ9M/rBTZZsNxpToeFAazy0EwZQhJA3hzaQawxVtwp7vETmktj" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('RadScriptManager1', 'form1', [], [], [], 90, '');

          <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
              function GetRadWindow() {
                  var oWindow = null;
                  if (window.radWindow)
                      oWindow = window.radWindow;
                  else if (window.frameElement.radWindow)
                      oWindow = window.frameElement.radWindow;
                  return oWindow;
              function cancelAndClose() {
                  var oWindow = GetRadWindow();
              function returnArg() {
                   var oWnd = GetRadWindow();
                   var txtInput = document.getElementById("txtPW");


        <span id="lblPW">This blend can not be released without management approval because not all values are within specified limits.
If you are a manager and wish to override this prohibition and release the blend, enter your password here.</span>
        <br />
        <br />
        <!-- 2013.3.1015.40 --><span id="txtPW_wrapper" class="riSingle RadInput RadInput_WebBlue" style="width:160px;"><input id="txtPW" name="txtPW" size="20" class="riTextBox riEnabled" type="password" /><input id="txtPW_ClientState" name="txtPW_ClientState" type="hidden" /></span>
        <br />
        <br />

                <span id="btnOK" class="RadButton RadButton_WebBlue rbSkinnedButton" language="javascript" OnClick="returnArg();" style="display:inline-block;width:100px;"><input class="rbDecorated" type="submit" name="btnOK_input" id="btnOK_input" value="OK" style="width:100%;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-left:4px;" /><input id="btnOK_ClientState" name="btnOK_ClientState" type="hidden" /></span>
        &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
        <span id="btnCancel" class="RadButton RadButton_WebBlue rbSkinnedButton" language="javascript" OnClick="cancelAndClose();" style="display:inline-block;width:100px;"><input class="rbDecorated" type="submit" name="btnCancel_input" id="btnCancel_input" value="Cancel" style="width:100%;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-left:4px;" /><input id="btnCancel_ClientState" name="btnCancel_ClientState" type="hidden" /></span>

<script type="text/javascript">
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
    $create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadTextBox, {"_focused":false,"_postBackEventReferenceScript":"setTimeout(\"__doPostBack(\\\u0027txtPW\\\u0027,\\\u0027\\\u0027)\", 0)","_skin":"WebBlue","clientStateFieldID":"txtPW_ClientState","enabled":true,"styles":{HoveredStyle: ["width:160px;", "riTextBox riHover"],InvalidStyle: ["width:160px;", "riTextBox riError"],DisabledStyle: ["width:160px;", "riTextBox riDisabled"],FocusedStyle: ["width:160px;", "riTextBox riFocused"],EmptyMessageStyle: ["width:160px;", "riTextBox riEmpty"],ReadOnlyStyle: ["width:160px;", "riTextBox riRead"],EnabledStyle: ["width:160px;", "riTextBox riEnabled"]}}, null, null, $get("txtPW"));
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
    $create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadButton, {"_accessKey":"","_postBackReference":"","clientStateFieldID":"btnOK_ClientState","iconData":{},"imageData":{},"text":"OK","toggleStatesData":[],"uniqueGroupName":"","uniqueID":"btnOK","width":"100px"}, null, null, $get("btnOK"));
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
    $create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadButton, {"_accessKey":"","_postBackReference":"","clientStateFieldID":"btnCancel_ClientState","iconData":{},"imageData":{},"text":"Cancel","toggleStatesData":[],"uniqueGroupName":"","uniqueID":"btnCancel","width":"100px"}, null, null, $get("btnCancel"));

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Does it work wit hthe following :

        btnOK.Attributes.Add("language", "javascript")
        btnOK.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "if(window.radWindow) oWnd=window.radWindow;else if(window.frameElement.radWindow) oWnd=window.frameElement.radWindow;else alert('null');var txtInput = document.getElementById('txtPW');oWnd.close(txtinput.text);")

        btnCancel.Attributes.Add("language", "javascript")
        btnCancel.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "if(window.radWindow) oWnd=window.radWindow;else if(window.frameElement.radWindow) oWnd=window.frameElement.radWindow;else alert('null');oWnd.close(null);")

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Avatar of Lisa412


The suggested code is close. When run, it says that txtInput is not defined. So I modified your 2nd line to eliminate the var txtInput as follows:
        btnOK.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "if(window.radWindow) oWnd=window.radWindow;else if(window.frameElement.radWindow) oWnd=window.frameElement.radWindow;else alert('null');oWnd.close(document.getElementById('txtPW').text);")

This actually runs but it is not passing back the value in txtPW to the calling page. When I put a breakpoint in the callback function, it says the value is {object Object}. (which is where I was several iterations ago).

The HMTL on the page which opens this password window is:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
              function dlgPWClose(sender, args)
             document.getElementById("<%=HiddenReleasePassword.ClientID%>").value = args;
            <%=ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(new System.Web.UI.PostBackOptions(btnReleaseCallBack))%> ;

    <telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server" Skin="WebBlue">
            <telerik:RadWindow ID="rwPassword" runat="server" Modal="true" 
                NavigateUrl="~/UserPages/dlgPassword.aspx" Height = "200px" Width = "1200px" 
                Title="Blend Composition Outside of Limits" Behaviors="Close, Move" Behavior="Close, Move"
                onclientclose = "dlgPWClose">

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As you can see, the onclientclose event for this window should be handled by the javascript function dlgPWClose.  It should put the returned value in the hidden field HiddenReleasePassword and then  essentially "click" the btnReleaseCallBack. This appears to be working because I put a breakpoint in the code behind for btnReleaseCallBack and it does hit it. However, the value it has for HiddenReleasePassword is {object Object}.
So how do I get the password return value back?

Thanks again for helping.
The HMTL on the page which opens this password window is

with your web browser, once you the page or popup window opened with this content, do a right click on the page and choose view source, try to locate this part and post it here
Is the function radWindow defined or not...?
No, to have more chanceto locate it, put a div around with a specific ID attribute :

<div id="toLocate_RadWindow">

    <telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server" Skin="WebBlue">
            <telerik:RadWindow ID="rwPassword" runat="server" Modal="true" 
                NavigateUrl="~/UserPages/dlgPassword.aspx" Height = "200px" Width = "1200px" 
                Title="Blend Composition Outside of Limits" Behaviors="Close, Move" Behavior="Close, Move"
                onclientclose = "dlgPWClose">


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Avatar of Lisa412


Here is the relevant rendition, I hope. Please note there is another window on the page "rwAddSelect" which is not giving me any trouble so I did not include in prior code. But I didn't want to excise it out of this code because I was afraid I would make a mess of it.

    <div id="toLocate_RadWindow">

    <div id="ctl00_MainContent_RadWindowManager1" style="display:none;">
	<div id="ctl00_MainContent_rwAddSelect" style="display:none;">
		<div id="ctl00_MainContent_rwAddSelect_C" style="display:none;">

		</div><input id="ctl00_MainContent_rwAddSelect_ClientState" name="ctl00_MainContent_rwAddSelect_ClientState" type="hidden" />
	</div><div id="ctl00_MainContent_rwPassword" style="display:none;">
		<div id="ctl00_MainContent_rwPassword_C" style="display:none;">

		</div><input id="ctl00_MainContent_rwPassword_ClientState" name="ctl00_MainContent_rwPassword_ClientState" type="hidden" />
	</div><div id="ctl00_MainContent_RadWindowManager1_alerttemplate" style="display:none;">
		<div class="rwDialogPopup radalert">			
			<div class="rwDialogText">
				<a  onclick="$find('{0}').close(true);"
				class="rwPopupButton" href="javascript:void(0);">
					<span class="rwOuterSpan">
						<span class="rwInnerSpan">##LOC[OK]##</span>
		</div><div id="ctl00_MainContent_RadWindowManager1_prompttemplate" style="display:none;">
		 <div class="rwDialogPopup radprompt">			
			    <div class="rwDialogText">
				    <script type="text/javascript">
				    function RadWindowprompt_detectenter(id, ev, input)
					    if (!ev) ev = window.event;                
					    if (ev.keyCode == 13)
					        var but = input.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("A")[0];					        
					        if (but)
							    if (;
							    else if (but.onclick)
							        but.focus(); var click = but.onclick; but.onclick = null; if (click);							 
					       return false;
					    else return true;
				    <input title="Enter Value" onkeydown="return RadWindowprompt_detectenter('{0}', event, this);" type="text"  class="rwDialogInput" value="{2}" />
				    <a onclick="$find('{0}').close(this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value);"				
					    class="rwPopupButton" href="javascript:void(0);" ><span class="rwOuterSpan"><span class="rwInnerSpan">##LOC[OK]##</span></span></a>
				    <a onclick="$find('{0}').close(null);" class="rwPopupButton"  href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="rwOuterSpan"><span class="rwInnerSpan">##LOC[Cancel]##</span></span></a>
		</div><div id="ctl00_MainContent_RadWindowManager1_confirmtemplate" style="display:none;">
		<div class="rwDialogPopup radconfirm">			
			<div class="rwDialogText">
				<a onclick="$find('{0}').close(true);"  class="rwPopupButton" href="javascript:void(0);" ><span class="rwOuterSpan"><span class="rwInnerSpan">##LOC[OK]##</span></span></a>
				<a onclick="$find('{0}').close(false);" class="rwPopupButton"  href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="rwOuterSpan"><span class="rwInnerSpan">##LOC[Cancel]##</span></span></a>
		</div><input id="ctl00_MainContent_RadWindowManager1_ClientState" name="ctl00_MainContent_RadWindowManager1_ClientState" type="hidden" />


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There's no field with this ID : txtPW
This is the issue, where is this field ?
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txtPW is defined on the dialog window. It's text value should be passed back to the calling page as an argument. I don't see any reference to txtPW in the prior code - where did you see its ID?
Avatar of Lisa412


Even though everything I have googled suggests that I should be able to pass parameters to and from this custom dialog page, I am thinking perhaps I should just abandon this attempt and set the password as a Session variable on the dialog page, close that page, and then retrieve the password from the Session variable on the calling page.
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And the code behind on calling page on the hidden btnReleaseCallBack which is called when the dialog window closes is:
    Private Sub btnReleaseCallBack_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReleaseCallBack.Click
	Dim strPWOverride As String = ""
            strPWOverride = Session("PWOverride")
            strPWOverride = ""
        End Try

        If strPWOverride = "" Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

            'Validate password belongs to someone with Lab Manager privileges
            Dim blnValid As Boolean = IsLabManagerPassword(strPWOverride)
            If blnValid Then
                RadWindowManager1.RadAlert("ERROR: Invalid password. \n Can not release out of spec blend.", 600, 200, "Invalid Password", "")
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            ShowAlert(Page, ex.InnerException.Message)
        End Try
        HiddenReleasePassword.Value = ""

    End Sub

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Avatar of Lisa412


This is the final solution to my exact problem. The expert helped me find the way there.