VMware VDR email notifications script

Ernie BeekCyber Analyst
Managing some ESX (4.1) farms for some time now I was looking for a way to get notified of the backup results of my VDR devices (1.2). I came across an article in the VMware communities: VDR email which seemed to be what I was looking for. After some testing I got it to work but wasn't quite satisfied yet. I wanted a report that I could present or mail directly to the management if necessary.
So I started to play around to suite it to my needs. Though I'm not a scripting expert I know enough to be dangerous. But the result might not be a typical example of neat programming.

Anyway, I quite happy with the result and wanted to share this with you.

Here is the code:

                      # Variables 
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/oldfailure.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/oldlocks.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/olderror.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/oldsuccess.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/oldbackup.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/oldintegrity.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/oldrestorepoint.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/oldincomplete.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/temperror.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/temperror2.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/temperror3.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/temperror4.out
                      cat /dev/null >> /root/tempincomplete.out
                      # First get the errors and make it a bit more readable
                      strings -e l /var/vmware/datarecovery/operations_log.utx | grep -i "error" | sed -e 's/\[[^]]*\]//g' > /root/temperror.out
                      # Now filter out the failures and make it human readable
                      cat /root/temperror.out | grep  "Fail" > /root/tempfailure.out
                      cat /root/tempfailure.out | awk -F"$" '{print $2 $3 $6}' > /root/newfailure.out
                      # Diff out the failures so only the other errors remain
                      diff /root/temperror.out /root/tempfailure.out > /root/temperror2.out
                      # See if there are any locks (lock=no backup!)
                      cat temperror2.out | grep "locked" > /root/templock.out
                      cat /root/templock.out | awk -F"$" '{print $2 $3 $4 $5}' | sed 's/?//g;s/"//g' > /root/newlocks.out
                      # And diff out the locks
                      diff /root/temperror2.out /root/templock.out > /root/temperror3.out
                      # Lines with the general notice "execution error" we can ignore, so diff them out
                      cat temperror3.out | grep -A1 "execution errors" > /root/tempexecerr.out
                      diff /root/temperror3.out /root/tempexecerr.out > /root/temperror4.out
                      # Now we get the remaining errors separated from the rubbish
                      cat temperror4.out | grep "< < <" > /root/temperror5.out
                      cat /root/temperror5.out | awk -F"$" '{print $2 $3 $4}' | awk -F"," '{print $1 $2}' | sed 's/?//g;s/"//g' > /root/newerror.out
                      #creating incomplete list
                      strings -e l /var/vmware/datarecovery/operations_log.utx | grep -i -B2 "incomplete" | sed -e 's/\[[^]]*\]//g' | awk -F"$" '{print $1 $2 $3 $4}' | awk -F"." '{print $1}' > /root/newincomplete.out
                      #creating backuplist
                      strings -e l /var/vmware/datarecovery/operations_log.utx | grep -i -A3 "back up" | awk -F"$" '{print $2 $3}' | sed -e '/\[[^]][0-9]*\]$/ {N; s/\[[^]][0-9]*\]\n//}' | sed -e 's/\[[^]]*\]//g' | sed 's/ "//' > /root/newbackup.out
                      diff /root/oldbackup.out /root/newbackup.out | sed '1d; s/^.\{2\}//g' > /root/diffbackup.out
                      mv /root/newbackup.out /root/oldbackup.out -f
                      succ=$(cat /root/diffbackup.out | grep -c "Completed")
                      #creating integrity check list
                      strings -e l /var/vmware/datarecovery/operations_log.utx | egrep  -A1 '.*Starting.*integrity.*check.*' | awk -F"$" '{print $2 $3 $4 $5}' | sed -e 's/\[[^]]*\]//g' > /root/newintegrity.out
                      diff /root/oldintegrity.out /root/newintegrity.out | sed '1d; s/^.\{2\}//g' > /root/diffintegrity.out
                      mv /root/newintegrity.out /root/oldintegrity.out
                      #creating restore point overview
                      strings -e l /var/vmware/datarecovery/operations_log.utx | grep -i "restore point" | sed -e 's/\[[^]]*\]//g' | sed 's/?//g;s/"//g' | awk -F"$" '{print $2 $3 $4 $5}' > /root/newrestorepoint.out
                      diff /root/oldrestorepoint.out /root/newrestorepoint.out | sed '1d; s/^.\{2\}//g' > /root/diffrestorepoint.out
                      mv /root/newrestorepoint.out /root/oldrestorepoint.out -f
                      # Compare new list of all failures to old list of all failures
                      if ! diff /root/oldfailure.out /root/newfailure.out
                      diff /root/oldfailure.out /root/newfailure.out | sed '1d; s/^.\{2\}//g' > /root/difffail.out
                      fail=$(cat /root/difffail.out | grep -c "Fail")
                      mv /root/newfailure.out /root/oldfailure.out -f
                      # Compare new list of all locks to old list of all locks
                      if ! diff /root/oldlocks.out /root/newlocks.out
                      diff /root/oldlocks.out /root/newlocks.out | sed '1d; s/^.\{2\}//g; s/" //' > /root/difflocks.out
                      lock=$(cat /root/difflocks.out | grep -c "lock")
                      mv /root/newlocks.out /root/oldlocks.out -f
                      # Compare new list of all errors to old list of all errors
                      if ! diff /root/olderror.out /root/newerror.out
                      diff /root/olderror.out /root/newerror.out | sed '1d; s/^.\{2\}//g; s/" //' > /root/differr.out
                      err=$(cat /root/differr.out | grep -c "error")
                      mv /root/newerror.out /root/olderror.out -f
                      #Compare new list of all incompletes to old list of all incompletes
                      if ! diff /root/oldincomplete.out /root/newincomplete.out
                      diff /root/oldincomplete.out /root/newincomplete.out | sed '1d; s/^.\{2\}//g' > /root/diffincomplete.out
                      incomp=$(cat /root/diffincomplete.out | grep -c "incomplete")
                      mv /root/newincomplete.out /root/oldincomplete.out -f
                      #if ! diff /root/oldsuccess.out /root/newsuccess.out
                      #diff /root/oldsuccess.out /root/newsuccess.out  | grep ">"  > /root/diffsuccess.out
                      #succ=$(cat /root/diffsuccess.out | grep -c "success")
                      #mv /root/newsuccess.out /root/oldsuccess.out -f
                      # Send email with any errors found
                      sleep 1
                      echo "HELO $host.$domain"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "mail from: vdrreport@$domain"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "rcpt to:$mailto"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "rcpt to:$mailto2"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "data"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "subject: $host VDR-Report $(date +"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M") Jobs OK: $succ, Failures: $fail, Incomplete jobs: $incomp, Locks: $lock, Errors: $err"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "from: "vdrreport@$domain
                      sleep 1
                      echo "to:$mailto"
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo "$host $(date +"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M") Jobs OK: $succ, Failures: $fail, Incomplete jobs: $incomp, Locks: $lock, Errors: $err #####"
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo "#################################################################################################"
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo "####################################################################"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "##### $fail Failures #####"
                      sleep 1
                      echo " "
                      sleep 1
                        if [ -f /root/difffail.out ]
                            cat /root/difffail.out
                            echo No list for failures found!
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo "####################################################################"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "##### $incomp Incomplete jobs #####"
                      sleep 1
                      echo " "
                      sleep 1
                        if [ -f /root/diffincomplete.out ]
                            cat /root/diffincomplete.out
                            echo No list for incomplete jobs found!
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo "####################################################################"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "##### $lock Locks #####"
                      sleep 1
                      echo " "
                      sleep 1
                        if [ -f /root/difflocks.out ]
                            cat /root/difflocks.out
                            echo No list for locks found!
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo "####################################################################"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "##### $err Errors #####"
                      sleep 1
                      echo " "
                      sleep 1
                        if [ -f /root/differr.out ]
                            cat /root/differr.out
                            echo No list for errors found!
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo "####################################################################"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "##### Backup overview ($succ successfull jobs) #####"
                      sleep 1
                      echo " "
                      sleep 1
                        if [ -f /root/diffbackup.out ]
                            cat /root/diffbackup.out
                            echo No list for backups found!
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo "####################################################################"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "##### Integrity check overview #####"
                      sleep 1
                      echo " "
                      sleep 1
                        if [ -f /root/diffintegrity.out ]
                            cat /root/diffintegrity.out
                            echo No list for integrity checks found!
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo ""
                      sleep 1
                      echo "####################################################################"
                      sleep 1
                      echo "#####  Restore point overview #####"
                      sleep 1
                      echo " "
                      sleep 1
                        if [ -f /root/diffrestorepoint.out ]
                            cat /root/diffrestorepoint.out
                            echo No list for restore point found!
                      sleep 1
                      echo " "
                      sleep 1
                      echo "."
                      sleep 1
                      echo "QUIT"
                      ) | telnet $smtphost.$domain 25
                      # Cleaning up
                      rm -f /root/diff*.out
                      rm -f /root/temp*.out
                      exit 0

Open in new window

Basically what it does is reading the VDR backup log (/var/vmware/datarecovery/operations_log.utx) and filtering out the errors, failures, locks and incompletes. These are written to separate log files and compared with the logs kept from the previous backup check (my backups run once a day so the script runs once a day as well after the backup). If the compare shows new items, these will be set aside to be mailed. Otherwise, just a notification of no error, lock, etc will be shown.

There are some variables used you need to adjust to match you environment:


domain: The domain for your mailhost. I'm using an internal mail server, hence the .local.
host: The hostname used in the VDR report. I'm using the local $HOSTNAME variable here.
smtphost: The hostname of the mailserver used to send the report.
mailto and mailto2: The recipients for the report. I use two (my own address and the address of itsupport).

Those should be all the changes you need in the script it self. On the VDR you'll need to install telnet to make the device able to send it.
You can do that from the console of the VDR by using: yum -y install telnet

After that you just need to copy over the script to the VDR and create a cronjob for it. I put the script in /var/vmware/datarecovery/ but because full pathnames are used you should be able to put it where ever you like.
Because I use root to run the script, all the output is written to the /root folder. If you want to use another user for the job you might want to consider changing those paths.

To add the script to the crontab use: crontab -e
This will open the vi editor showing the file that holds you cronjobs (if any). Now add the following line: 0 10 * * * /var/vmware/datarecovery/VDRreport.sh
This will run the script (I called it VDRreport.sh here) at 10 minutes past midnight, every day.

That should be it. You now should get email notifications from the VDR that looks something like:

VDR1 2012.07.05 10:00 Jobs OK: 5, Failures: 0, Incomplete jobs: 0, Locks: 0, Errors: 0 #####
                      ##### 0 Failures #####
                      No list for failures found!
                      ##### 0 Incomplete jobs #####
                      No list for incomplete jobs found!
                      ##### 0 Locks #####
                      No list for locks found!
                      ##### 0 Errors #####
                      No list for errors found!
                      ##### Backup overview (5 successfull jobs) #####
                      7/4/2012 6:05:49 PM: Performing incremental back up of disk server10/server10-flat.vmdk
                      7/4/2012 6:17:22 PM: Performing incremental back up of disk server10/server10_1-flat.vmdk
                      7/4/2012 6:17:32 PM: Performing incremental back up of disk server10/server10_2-flat.vmdk
                      7/4/2012 6:29:38 PM: Execution completed successfully
                      7/4/2012 6:29:38 PM: Completed: 9 files, 90.1 GB
                      7/4/2012 6:05:18 PM: Performing incremental back up of disk server008-new/server008-new-flat.vmdk
                      7/4/2012 6:35:59 PM: Execution completed successfully
                      7/4/2012 6:35:59 PM: Completed: 5 files, 50.1 GB
                      7/4/2012 6:05:19 PM: Performing full back up of disk server020.mydomain.local/server020.mydomain.local-flat.vmdk
                      7/4/2012 6:52:41 PM: Execution completed successfully
                      7/4/2012 6:52:41 PM: Completed: 5 files, 12.7 GB
                      7/4/2012 6:02:45 PM: Performing incremental back up of disk vserver150/vserver150-000002-flat.vmdk
                      7/4/2012 6:32:57 PM: Performing incremental back up of disk vserver150/vserver150_1-000002-flat.vmdk
                      7/4/2012 7:07:29 PM: Execution completed successfully
                      7/4/2012 7:07:29 PM: Completed: 7 files, 250.1 GB
                      7/4/2012 6:05:19 PM: Performing incremental back up of disk VCS-w2k8R2-x64/VCS-w2k8R2-x64-flat.vmdk
                      7/4/2012 7:24:10 PM: Performing incremental back up of disk VCS-w2k8R2-x64/VCS-w2k8R2-x64_1-flat.vmdk
                      7/4/2012 7:26:22 PM: Execution completed successfully
                      7/4/2012 7:26:22 PM: Completed: 7 files, 100.1 GB
                      ##### Integrity check overview #####
                      #####  Restore point overview #####
                      7/5/2012 7:00:24 AM: Deleted restore point 7/3/2012 6:00:04.000 PM for virtual machine vserver150

Open in new window

Like said before: I'm no scripting expert but this is working nicely for me. If you have any suggestions or improvements, do let me know and I will gladly try them and update the script.
Ernie BeekCyber Analyst

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