Create Single Number Reach (Mobility) Cisco Call Manager version 6 thru 8.6

This is a step by step guide on creating single number reach (mobility) for Cisco Call Manager.  After configuring this when someone calls your deskphone after 3-4 rings your cell phone will start to ring.  If you do not answer the call will go to your system (Unity) voicemail box.  

You can also switch a call from your deskphone to your mobile and back.  In order switch calls back and forth the call must first ring your desk/office phone.  If the call come directly into your cell phone you will not be able to switch them back and forth.

1. Create a user.  User Management / End User

a.      Click add New
b.      Enter User ID
c.      Password (password)
d.      Pin (12345)
e.      Last Name
f.      First Name click save

2. Scroll down to Controlled Devices on users page and click on Device Association

a.      On the drop down menu select Directory Number and enter the number click on search
b.      Click the check box on the left hand side and click on Save Selected/Changes
c.      In the upper right hand corner click on the Go Button next to Back to User

3. Scroll down to Primary Extension and select from the drop down menu the correct extension

a.      Scroll down to Permissions Information click on add to user group another screen will appear check Standard CTI Enabled and any other user groups you would like to add then click on add selected.  
b.      Under Mobility Information Click on both mobility boxes.  Enable mobility and Enable Mobile Voice Access. Click save

4. Create a Remote Device  Profile go to Device / Device Settings / Remote Destination Profile

a.      Click Add new
b.      Enter the name (JohnSmith)
c.      Description (Description of the Account)
d.      User ID (this is the ID that you created for the user in step 1)
e.      Device Pool (sitename)
f.      Calling Search Space
g.      Rerouting Calling Search Space (Same as step F)
h.      Calling Party Transformation CSS (Same as step F)
i.      Uncheck use Device Pool Calling Party Transformation CSS
j.      Click Save

5. Now you can add a directory number

a.      Click on Add a new DN
b.      Add the directory number of the person you are setting up for mobility.  At the bottom of the page associate the end user to the DN.  
c.      Click on Associate end user and search for end user you would like to add
d.      Click on add selected end user and you should have this. Click Save

6. Create a Remote Destination Click on Device / Remote Destination

a.      Click Add New
b.      Enter Name (This should be the same name as the Profile you created in step 5)
c.      Destination Number (Enter the number you want the calls to go to.  Add a 9 at the beginning or whatever you use to get an outside line if its long distance add a 91 to the number)
d.      Remote Destination Profile (Select the profile you created in Step 5)
e.      Check Mobile Phone
f.      Check Enable Mobile Connect
g.      You can enter a specific schedule to only ring the cell phone during specific hours or you can leave blank and it will ring all the time.
h.      Click Save

7. Once saved the line shows that has been configured on the Destination Profile.

Make sure you click the check box for Line Association.  If this is not check mobility will not work.

8. Now we need to create softkey template for the phone.  

Click on Device / Device Settings / Softkey Template. The easiest way to do this is to just copy a template that is already in use.  In this case we will use the Standard User.

a.      Just click on the template and then click on Copy
b.      Rename the template whatever you like
c.      Click on Save
d.      In the upper right corner click go to Configure Sofkey Layout
e.      You are going to want to put the Mobility for the following Call States
   •      On Hook- this will allow users to turn on and off the mobility function
   •      Connected- This will allow the user to move the call to their cell phone if needed
   •      You can of course add this to other call states but its just the ones I usually configure

9. Now you can go to the phone.  Device / Phones

a.      Search for the phone and click on it
b.      On the softkey drop down click on the softkey template you created
c.      On the Owner User ID select the correct user (if no user is selected you will not be able to send a call to your cell phone)
d.      Click on Save, apply config and reset

10. Now click on the directory number

a.      Scroll down to the bottom and click on Associate End Users
b.      Associate the correct user to the line and click save
c.      You should also see in the middle of the DN page, the associated remote destinations

11. Now you can test by calling the DN on the phone.  

Let it ring 3-4 times and the mobile phone will ring.  You can answer the call on the mobile phone.  Now hang up the mobile phone and you should see the line being held on the cisco phone (it does this for 5 seconds so you can switch back to the desk phone) Push on the resume softkey and the call will be on the your desk phone.  This operation will put the caller on hold and they will hear hold music until you pick up or the call is dropped again you only have 5 seconds to answer the phone.  

Now that you have the call on your desk phone you can push the mobility button.  This will ring your cell phone you can keep talking to the person and just answer your cell phone and then the call gets transferred to your cell phone.  This operation does not put the call on hold.

Comments (2)


It looks good I think the ? are from the screen shots that I tried to add.  I tried to come up with a better title but thats all i could come up with!

Hi - interesting to run into you. I am working on a Java VoIP programme (not for PSTN though at this point, only WAN LAN). Developing P2P version presently.

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