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Having fun with graphics, Part II: The Return (to the early '90s)

Luis PérezSoftware Architect in .Net
Software Architect in .Net C#, VB & ASP. Lover of Star Wars, MCU and Rock music. My greatest achievement in life: my 2 daughters.
The SSGlassPanel control at work.
Well... probably you have noticed that I have not much time to write articles. But I feel specially proud of my GlassLabel control article, as it has been awarded with Community Pick and it has more than 3000 views until now.

In the mentioned article, I suggested several issues for further programming. The most important, I think, the ability to align the text anywhere on the control (as the original GlassLabel control allowed only centering the text either horizontally or vertically).

But... recently I was reviewing some *very* old VB6 programs that I made... well... 18 or 20 years ago. I noticed that, in most of them, I used the old Sheridan 3D Panel (SSPanel). Do you remember? Oh, how many times in the past I was looking for threed32.ocx (as it was not installed in the standard VB6 installation) and registering it with regsvr32! Well, in more recent times it seems that we all have declined that old-fashioned 3D look, now all must be plain and simple, don't you think so? But the SSPanel control had something... I don't know, but... special.

So I decided to extend the GlassLabel control with the ability to draw inset or raised borders around it (the main feature of the SSPanel control) and, at the same time, fix the text alignment bug. And here's the result: the SSGlassPanel control. I have decided to keep the "SS" prefix in the name to honor the old, but excellent, Sheridan 3D Panel.

If you haven't read my GlassLabel control article yet, this a good time. Really, you don't need to read it because in the complete SSGlassPanel listing you'll find comments for almost all programming feature that I used. But in this article I will not explain (again) things as reflection, gradients, outlines... all of them are well explained in the GlassLabel article. In fact, the SSGlassPanel control is much similar to the GlassLabel control, with some few exceptions:

The SSGlassPanel control inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Panel control. The GlassLabel control inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Label. I wanted to keep the ability to serve as container for other controls, so I changed the inheritance.
The SSGlassPanel control can draw an outer bevel, as well as an inner bevel. Both of them can be insert or raised. Really this is very simple, bevels are only rectangles with 2 lines of a dark color and 2 more of a light color.
I have used TypeConverters to display a full-powered properties window for my control. The control itself has complex properties (for example, the bevels) that are sub-objects. In the properties window, these properties expand and show sub-properties in the same way as other complex properties of any control (fonts, sizes...). You can find useful information about ExpandableObjectConverter here and, if you look for it, in many other articles on the Internet. But, basically, ExpandableObjectConverter helps converting a complex object property to a string and viceversa, as the properties window needs to show complex properties as a string and create the underlaying object from the string when the user changes it.
I have fixed the text-alignment bug with some calculations.

So, here's the complete listing for the SSGlassPanel control. All code is well commented. It's all packed into a single class (with some sub-classes), so you only need to add the class to your code and have fun! Of course, you can always re-distribute it as you want, as well to improve it any way.

Imports System.ComponentModel
                      Imports System.Drawing
                      Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
                      Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
                      Public Class SSGlassPanel
                          Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Panel
                      #Region "Enumerations"
                          '*** This region contains enumerations used, mainly, in properties                ***
                          'Enum for bevel styles
                          Public Enum BevelStyle
                              None = 0        'No bevel
                              Inset = 1       'Inset bevel
                              Raised = 2      'Raised bevel
                          End Enum
                          'Enum for coloring styles
                          Public Enum ColorStyle
                              Solid = 0       'Solid color
                              Gradient = 1    'Gradient color
                          End Enum
                      #End Region
                      #Region "Properties classes"
                          '*** This region contains classes that will be used in properties                 ***
                          'Bevel Class
                          Public Class Bevel
                              'Bevel style (default: none)
                              Public Property Style As BevelStyle = BevelStyle.None
                              'Bevel width (default: 1px)
                              Public Property Width As Integer = 1
                              'Bevel light color (default: white)
                              Public Property LightColor As Color = Color.White
                              'Bevel dark color (default: dark gray)
                              Public Property DarkColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(173, 170, 156)
                              'Empty constructor (to initializate empty bevels)
                              Friend Sub New()
                                  'Constructor is friend because I don't want users can instantitate Bevel objects
                              End Sub
                              'Complete constructor (for use in the TypeConverter)
                              Friend Sub New(ByVal style As BevelStyle, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal lightColor As Color, ByVal darkColor As Color)
                                  With Me
                                      .Style = style
                                      .Width = width
                                      .LightColor = lightColor
                                      .DarkColor = darkColor
                                  End With
                              End Sub
                              'ToString overriding
                              Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
                                  Dim output As String = String.Empty
                                  'Bevel style
                                  output += Me.Style.ToString + "; "
                                  'Bevel width
                                  output += Me.Width.ToString + "px; "
                                  'Light Color
                                  output += Color2String(Me.LightColor) + "; "
                                  'Dark color
                                  output += Color2String(Me.DarkColor)
                                  Return output
                              End Function
                          End Class
                          'Gradient Class
                          Public Class Gradient
                              'Start color
                              Public Property StartColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(5, 25, 44)
                              'End color
                              Public Property EndColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(82, 113, 168)
                              'Gradient direction
                              Public Property Direction As Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode = Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal
                              'Empty constructor
                              Friend Sub New()
                                  'Constructor is friend because I don't want users can instantitate Gradient objects
                              End Sub
                              'Complete constructor (for use in the TypeConverter)
                              Friend Sub New(ByVal startColor As Color, ByVal endColor As Color, ByVal direction As Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode)
                                  With Me
                                      .StartColor = startColor
                                      .EndColor = endColor
                                      .Direction = direction
                                  End With
                              End Sub
                              'ToString overriding
                              Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
                                  Dim output As String = String.Empty
                                  'Start color
                                  output += Color2String(Me.StartColor) + "; "
                                  'End color
                                  output += Color2String(Me.EndColor) + "; "
                                  output += Me.Direction.ToString
                                  Return output
                              End Function
                          End Class
                          'TextOptions Class
                          Public Class TextOptions
                              'Text Style (solid or gradient, default: solid)
                              'If solid I'll use ForeColor (inherited from Panel); if gradient, I'll use .Gradient
                              Public Property Style As ColorStyle = ColorStyle.Solid
                              'Gradient properties (default: white to black vertical gradient)
                              <TypeConverter(GetType(GradientConverter)), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _
                              Public Property Gradient As Gradient = New Gradient(Color.White, Color.Black, LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
                              'Outline color (default: black)
                              Public Property OutlineColor As Color = Color.Black
                              'Outline width (default: 1px)
                              Public Property OutlineWidth As Integer = 1
                              'Reflection (boolean, default: false)
                              Public Property Reflection As Boolean = False
                              'Alpha (to use in reflection, default: 100)
                              Public Property Alpha As Integer = 100
                              'Offset (space between normal text and reflected text, default: 0px)
                              Public Property Offset As Integer = 0
                              'Empty constructor
                              Friend Sub New()
                                  'Constructor is friend because I don't want users can instantitate TextOptions objects
                              End Sub
                              'Complete constructor (for use in the TypeConverter)
                              Friend Sub New(ByVal style As ColorStyle, ByVal gradient As Gradient, ByVal outlineColor As Color, ByVal outlineWidth As Integer, ByVal reflection As Boolean, ByVal alpha As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer)
                                  With Me
                                      .Style = style
                                      .Gradient = gradient
                                      .OutlineColor = outlineColor
                                      .OutlineWidth = outlineWidth
                                      .Reflection = reflection
                                      .Alpha = alpha
                                      .Offset = offset
                                  End With
                              End Sub
                              'ToString overriding
                              Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
                                  Dim output As String = String.Empty
                                  output += Me.Style.ToString + "; "
                                  'I can't use ";" as separator of the gradient because the string representation
                                  'is nested in the properties window
                                  output += Me.Gradient.ToString.Replace(";", "-").Replace(" ", String.Empty) + "; "
                                  'Outline color
                                  output += Color2String(Me.OutlineColor) + "; "
                                  'Outline width
                                  output += Me.OutlineWidth.ToString + "px; "
                                  output += Me.Reflection.ToString + "; "
                                  output += Me.Alpha.ToString + "; "
                                  output += Me.Offset.ToString
                                  Return output
                              End Function
                          End Class
                      #End Region
                      #Region "TypeConverter classes"
                          '*** This region contains the classes that convert Bevel, Gradient and TextOptions***
                          '*** classes from/to string. This is needed in order to show the properties in the***
                          '*** properties window                                                            ***
                          'BevelConverter class
                          Public Class BevelConverter
                              Inherits ExpandableObjectConverter
                              Public Overrides Function GetCreateInstanceSupported(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext) As Boolean
                                  'Always force a new instance
                                  Return True
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function CreateInstance(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, propertyValues As System.Collections.IDictionary) As Object
                                  'If GetCreateInstanceSupported returns true, then CreateInstance will be used to create a new instance whenever any of the subproperties of an expandable object are changed.
                                  'The propertyValues argument to CreateInstance provides a set of name/value pairs for the current values of the object's subproperties.
                                  Return New Bevel(DirectCast(propertyValues("Style"), BevelStyle), DirectCast(propertyValues("Width"), Integer), DirectCast(propertyValues("LightColor"), Color), DirectCast(propertyValues("DarkColor"), Color))
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function CanConvertFrom(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, sourceType As System.Type) As Boolean
                                  'Return true if sourceType is a string
                                  If sourceType = GetType(String) Then
                                      Return True
                                  End If
                                  Return MyBase.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType)
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function ConvertTo(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo, value As Object, destinationType As System.Type) As Object
                                  'Conversion from a Bevel object to a string
                                  If TypeOf value Is Bevel Then
                                      If (destinationType = GetType(String)) Then
                                          Dim bev As Bevel = DirectCast(value, Bevel)
                                          Return bev.ToString
                                      End If
                                  End If
                                  Return MyBase.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType)
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function ConvertFrom(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo, value As Object) As Object
                                  If TypeOf value Is String Then
                                          Dim theString As String = DirectCast(value, String)
                                          Dim properties() As String = theString.Split(";")
                                          Dim output As Bevel = New Bevel
                                          Select Case properties(0).Trim.ToLower
                                              Case "none"
                                                  output.Style = BevelStyle.None
                                              Case "inset"
                                                  output.Style = BevelStyle.Inset
                                              Case "raised"
                                                  output.Style = BevelStyle.Raised
                                          End Select
                                          output.Width = Integer.Parse(properties(1).Trim.Replace("px", String.Empty))
                                          'Light color
                                          output.LightColor = String2Color(properties(2).Trim)
                                          'Dark color
                                          output.DarkColor = String2Color(properties(3).Trim)
                                          'It's done
                                          Return output
                                      Catch ex As Exception
                                          Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid arguments." + vbCrLf + ex.ToString)
                                      End Try
                                  End If
                                  Return MyBase.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value)
                              End Function
                          End Class
                          'GradientConverter class
                          Public Class GradientConverter
                              Inherits ExpandableObjectConverter
                              Public Overrides Function GetCreateInstanceSupported(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext) As Boolean
                                  'Always force a new instance
                                  Return True
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function CreateInstance(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, propertyValues As System.Collections.IDictionary) As Object
                                  'If GetCreateInstanceSupported returns true, then CreateInstance will be used to create a new instance whenever any of the subproperties of an expandable object are changed.
                                  'The propertyValues argument to CreateInstance provides a set of name/value pairs for the current values of the object's subproperties.
                                  Return New Gradient(DirectCast(propertyValues("StartColor"), Color), DirectCast(propertyValues("EndColor"), Color), DirectCast(propertyValues("Direction"), Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode))
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function CanConvertFrom(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, sourceType As System.Type) As Boolean
                                  'Return true if sourceType is a string
                                  If sourceType = GetType(String) Then
                                      Return True
                                  End If
                                  Return MyBase.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType)
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function ConvertTo(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo, value As Object, destinationType As System.Type) As Object
                                  If TypeOf value Is Gradient Then
                                      If (destinationType = GetType(String)) Then
                                          Dim grad As Gradient = DirectCast(value, Gradient)
                                          Return grad.ToString
                                      End If
                                  End If
                                  Return MyBase.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType)
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function ConvertFrom(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo, value As Object) As Object
                                  If TypeOf value Is String Then
                                          Dim theString As String = DirectCast(value, String)
                                          Dim properties() As String = theString.Split(";")
                                          Dim output As Gradient = New Gradient
                                          'Start color
                                          output.StartColor = String2Color(properties(0).Trim)
                                          'End color
                                          output.EndColor = String2Color(properties(1).Trim)
                                          output.Direction = DirectCast([Enum].Parse(GetType(Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode), properties(2).Trim), Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode)
                                          'It's done
                                          Return output
                                      Catch ex As Exception
                                          Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid arguments." + vbCrLf + ex.ToString)
                                      End Try
                                  End If
                                  Return MyBase.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value)
                              End Function
                          End Class
                          'TextOptionsConverter class
                          Public Class TextOptionsConverter
                              Inherits ExpandableObjectConverter
                              Public Overrides Function GetCreateInstanceSupported(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext) As Boolean
                                  'Always force a new instance
                                  Return True
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function CreateInstance(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, propertyValues As System.Collections.IDictionary) As Object
                                  'If GetCreateInstanceSupported returns true, then CreateInstance will be used to create a new instance whenever any of the subproperties of an expandable object are changed.
                                  'The propertyValues argument to CreateInstance provides a set of name/value pairs for the current values of the object's subproperties.
                                  Return New TextOptions(DirectCast(propertyValues("Style"), ColorStyle), DirectCast(propertyValues("Gradient"), Gradient), DirectCast(propertyValues("OutlineColor"), Color), DirectCast(propertyValues("OutlineWidth"), Integer), DirectCast(propertyValues("Reflection"), Boolean), DirectCast(propertyValues("Alpha"), Integer), DirectCast(propertyValues("Offset"), Integer))
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function CanConvertFrom(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, sourceType As System.Type) As Boolean
                                  'Return true if sourceType is a string
                                  If sourceType = GetType(String) Then
                                      Return True
                                  End If
                                  Return MyBase.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType)
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function ConvertTo(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo, value As Object, destinationType As System.Type) As Object
                                  If TypeOf value Is TextOptions Then
                                      If (destinationType = GetType(String)) Then
                                          Dim options As TextOptions = DirectCast(value, TextOptions)
                                          Return options.ToString
                                      End If
                                  End If
                                  Return MyBase.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType)
                              End Function
                              Public Overrides Function ConvertFrom(context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo, value As Object) As Object
                                  If TypeOf value Is String Then
                                          Dim theString As String = DirectCast(value, String)
                                          Dim properties() As String = theString.Split(";")
                                          Dim output As TextOptions = New TextOptions
                                          Select Case properties(0).Trim.ToLower
                                              Case "solid"
                                                  output.Style = ColorStyle.Solid
                                              Case "gradient"
                                                  output.Style = ColorStyle.Gradient
                                          End Select
                                          Dim gradProperties() As String = properties(1).Trim.Split("-")
                                          output.Gradient.StartColor = String2Color(gradProperties(0).Trim)
                                          output.Gradient.EndColor = String2Color(gradProperties(1).Trim)
                                          output.Gradient.Direction = DirectCast([Enum].Parse(GetType(Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode), gradProperties(2).Trim), Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode)
                                          'Outline Color
                                          output.OutlineColor = String2Color(properties(2).Trim)
                                          'Outline width
                                          output.OutlineWidth = Integer.Parse(properties(3).Trim.Replace("px", String.Empty))
                                          output.Reflection = Boolean.Parse(properties(4).Trim)
                                          output.Alpha = Integer.Parse(properties(5).Trim)
                                          output.Offset = Integer.Parse(properties(6).Trim)
                                          'It's done
                                          Return output
                                      Catch ex As Exception
                                          Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid arguments." + vbCrLf + ex.ToString)
                                      End Try
                                  End If
                                  Return MyBase.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value)
                              End Function
                          End Class
                      #End Region
                      #Region "Variables to hold properties values"
                          '*** This region contains variables which hold the values of control properties   ***
                          'OuterBevel (default: bevel with no style)
                          Private _outerBevel As Bevel = New Bevel(BevelStyle.None, 1, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(173, 170, 156))
                          'InnerBevel (default: bevel with no style)
                          Private _innerBevel As Bevel = New Bevel(BevelStyle.None, 1, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(173, 170, 156))
                          'Intra-bevel spacing (space between outer and inner bevels, default: 2px)
                          Private _bevelSpacing As Integer = 2
                          'Intra-bevel fill color (color to fill the space between outer and inner bevels, default: Control)
                          Private _bevelSpacingColor As Color = SystemColors.Control
                          'Background style (solid or gradient, default: solid)
                          'If solid I'll use BackColor (inherited from Panel); if gradient, I'll use BackgroundGradient
                          Private _backgroundStyle As ColorStyle = ColorStyle.Solid
                          'Background gradient (for use when BackgroundStyle = Gradient, default: nice blue gradient)
                          Private _backgroundGradient As Gradient = New Gradient(Color.FromArgb(5, 25, 44), Color.FromArgb(82, 113, 168), Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal)
                          'Control text (default: SSPanel)
                          Private _text As String = "SSGlassPanel"
                          'Text alignment (default: middle-center)
                          Private _textAlign As ContentAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
                          'Text options
                          Private _textStyle As TextOptions = New TextOptions(ColorStyle.Solid, New Gradient(Color.White, Color.Black, LinearGradientMode.Vertical), Color.Black, 1, False, 100, 0)
                      #End Region
                      #Region "Properties"
                          '*** This region contains the public properties of the control. All of them       ***
                          '*** end with a call to .Invalidate in order to redraw the control                ***
                          'Outer Bevel
                          <TypeConverter(GetType(BevelConverter)), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _
                          Public Property OuterBevel As Bevel
                                  Return _outerBevel
                              End Get
                              Set(value As Bevel)
                                  _outerBevel = value
                                  'Redraw the control
                              End Set
                          End Property
                          'Inner Bevel
                          <TypeConverter(GetType(BevelConverter)), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _
                          Public Property InnerBevel As Bevel
                                  Return _innerBevel
                              End Get
                              Set(value As Bevel)
                                  _innerBevel = value
                                  'Redraw the control
                              End Set
                          End Property
                          'Intra-bevel spacing
                          Public Property BevelSpacing As Integer
                                  Return _bevelSpacing
                              End Get
                              Set(value As Integer)
                                  _bevelSpacing = value
                                  'Redraw the control
                              End Set
                          End Property
                          'Intra-bevel fill color
                          Public Property BevelSpacingColor As Color
                                  Return _bevelSpacingColor
                              End Get
                              Set(value As Color)
                                  _bevelSpacingColor = value
                                  'Redraw the control
                              End Set
                          End Property
                          'Background style
                          Public Property BackgroundStyle As ColorStyle
                                  Return _backgroundStyle
                              End Get
                              Set(value As ColorStyle)
                                  _backgroundStyle = value
                                  'Redraw the control
                              End Set
                          End Property
                          'Background gradient
                          <TypeConverter(GetType(GradientConverter)), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _
                          Public Property BackgroundGradient As Gradient
                                  Return _backgroundGradient
                              End Get
                              Set(value As Gradient)
                                  _backgroundGradient = value
                                  If Me.BackgroundStyle = ColorStyle.Gradient Then
                                      'Redraw the control
                                  End If
                              End Set
                          End Property
                          'Control text
                          <Browsable(True)> _
                          Public Overrides Property Text As String
                                  Return _text
                              End Get
                              Set(value As String)
                                  _text = value
                                  'Redraw the control
                              End Set
                          End Property
                          'Text alignment
                          Public Property TextAlignment As ContentAlignment
                                  Return _textAlign
                              End Get
                              Set(value As ContentAlignment)
                                  _textAlign = value
                                  'Redraw the control
                              End Set
                          End Property
                          'Text options
                          <TypeConverter(GetType(TextOptionsConverter)), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _
                          Public Property TextStyle As TextOptions
                                  Return _textStyle
                              End Get
                              Set(value As TextOptions)
                                  _textStyle = value
                                  'Redraw the control
                              End Set
                          End Property
                      #End Region
                      #Region "Private functions"
                          '*** This region contains private multi-purpose utility functions                 ***
                          'Convert from a color to its string representation (if it's a named color, use name; instead, use R,G,B)
                          Private Shared Function Color2String(ByVal c As Color) As String
                              Return IIf(c.IsNamedColor, c.Name, c.R.ToString + ", " + c.G.ToString + ", " + c.B.ToString)
                          End Function
                          'Convert from a color string to a color
                          Private Shared Function String2Color(ByVal s As String) As Color
                              If s.Contains(",") Then
                                  'is a r,b,g formatted color
                                  Dim colorData() As String = s.Split(",")
                                  Return Color.FromArgb(Integer.Parse(colorData(0).Trim), Integer.Parse(colorData(1).Trim), Integer.Parse(colorData(2).Trim))
                                  'is a named color
                                  Return Color.FromName(s)
                              End If
                          End Function
                      #End Region
                      #Region "Painting"
                          '*** This region contains the override of the OnPaint event. Here I'll do all the ***
                          '*** graphics work                                                                ***
                          Protected Overrides Sub OnPaintBackground(pevent As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
                              'I want to draw the background myself, so I'll do it in OnPaint
                          End Sub
                          Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
                              '*** Base painting                                                            ***
                                  '*** Custom painting                                                          ***
                                  'I'll paint the objects from outside to inside (eg. first outer bevel (if exists),
                                  'then inner bevel (if exists), then background and finally text. So I get the
                                  'initial ClipRectangle and I'll be deflating it as I need
                                  Dim cr As Rectangle = e.ClipRectangle
                                  '*** Outer Bevel                                                              ***
                                  'If outer bevel style is set to anything...
                                  If Me.OuterBevel.Style <> BevelStyle.None Then
                                      'Draw the bevel
                                      Call DrawBevel(e.Graphics, cr, Me.OuterBevel)
                                      'Deflate the clip rectangle
                                      cr.Inflate(Me.OuterBevel.Width * -1, Me.OuterBevel.Width * -1)
                                      '*** Inner Bevel                                                          ***
                                      'Drawing of the inner bevel is inside this "if" because an inner bevel is not
                                      'necessary if there is not an outer bevel. If you want just one bevel, simply
                                      'use outer bevel.
                                      If Me.InnerBevel.Style <> BevelStyle.None Then
                                          'First, deflate the rectangle with the intra-bevel space
                                          cr.Inflate(Me.BevelSpacing * -1, Me.BevelSpacing * -1)
                                          'Draw the bevel
                                          Call DrawBevel(e.Graphics, cr, Me.InnerBevel)
                                          'Deflate the clip rectangle
                                          cr.Inflate(Me.InnerBevel.Width * -1, Me.InnerBevel.Width * -1)
                                          'Color the intra-bevel space
                                          Dim rect1 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(Me.OuterBevel.Width, Me.OuterBevel.Width, Me.Width - (Me.OuterBevel.Width * 2), Me.BevelSpacing)
                                          Dim rect2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(Me.OuterBevel.Width, Me.Height - Me.OuterBevel.Width - Me.BevelSpacing, Me.Width - (Me.OuterBevel.Width * 2), Me.BevelSpacing)
                                          Dim rect3 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(Me.OuterBevel.Width, Me.OuterBevel.Width + Me.BevelSpacing, Me.BevelSpacing, Me.Height - (Me.OuterBevel.Width * 2) - (Me.BevelSpacing * 2))
                                          Dim rect4 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(Me.Width - Me.OuterBevel.Width - Me.BevelSpacing, Me.OuterBevel.Width + Me.BevelSpacing, Me.BevelSpacing, Me.Height - (Me.OuterBevel.Width * 2) - (Me.BevelSpacing * 2))
                                          Using brush As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(Me.BevelSpacingColor)
                                              e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect1)
                                              e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect2)
                                              e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect3)
                                              e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect4)
                                          End Using
                                      End If
                                  End If
                                  '*** Background                                                               ***
                                  If Me.BackgroundStyle = ColorStyle.Solid Then
                                      'Create a brush with the BackColor and fill the rectangle
                                      Using b As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(Me.BackColor)
                                          e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, cr)
                                      End Using
                                      'Create a gradient brush and fill the rectangle
                                      Using b As Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(cr, Me.BackgroundGradient.StartColor, Me.BackgroundGradient.EndColor, Me.BackgroundGradient.Direction)
                                          e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, cr)
                                      End Using
                                      'For some unknown reason, the top-left pixel of the cliprectangle appears in a
                                      'different color. WTF?
                                      'Anyway, fill it.
                                      Using b As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(Me.BackgroundGradient.StartColor)
                                          e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, New Rectangle(cr.X, cr.Y, 1, 1))
                                      End Using
                                  End If
                                  '*** Text                                                                     ***
                                  If Me.Text.Length > 0 Then
                                      If Me.TextStyle.Reflection Then
                                          'Apply high-quality properties to the graphics object
                                          'If not, lines can flicker and final result will not be perfect
                                          With e.Graphics
                                              .CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality
                                              .InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
                                              .PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
                                              .SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
                                              .TextRenderingHint = Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias
                                          End With
                                          'Get text dimensions
                                          Dim width As Single = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Me.Text, Me.Font).Width
                                          Dim height As Single = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Me.Text, Me.Font).Height
                                          'Create a rectangle to hold the position & size of the text drawn
                                          Dim xpos As Integer, ypos As Integer
                                          Select Case Me.TextAlignment
                                              Case ContentAlignment.TopLeft
                                                  xpos = cr.Left
                                                  ypos = cr.Top
                                              Case ContentAlignment.TopCenter
                                                  xpos = cr.Left + ((cr.Width - width) / 2)
                                                  ypos = cr.Top
                                              Case ContentAlignment.TopRight
                                                  xpos = cr.Right - width
                                                  ypos = cr.Top
                                              Case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
                                                  'For all Middle- values, the y position must be vertically centered, so we start from
                                                  '(rectangle height - text height) / 2
                                                  'But below the normal text will be the reflected text, so must offset to top
                                                  'the half of text height
                                                  'Additionally, MeasureString give us extra space reserved for tall glyphos,
                                                  'so must consider the Offset value to delete this extra space, so must offset
                                                  'to bottom the half of Offset value
                                                  'Aditionally, we must offset the top of the current clip rectangle
                                                  xpos = cr.Left
                                                  'ypos = cr.Top + (((cr.Height - height) / 2) - (height / 2) + (Me.TextStyle.Offset / 2))
                                                  ypos = cr.Top + ((cr.Height - height) / 2) - (height / 2) + (Me.TextStyle.Offset / 2)
                                              Case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
                                                  xpos = cr.Left + ((cr.Width - width) / 2)
                                                  ypos = cr.Top + ((cr.Height - height) / 2) - (height / 2) + (Me.TextStyle.Offset / 2)
                                              Case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
                                                  xpos = cr.Right - width
                                                  ypos = cr.Top + ((cr.Height - height) / 2) - (height / 2) + (Me.TextStyle.Offset / 2)
                                              Case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft
                                                  xpos = cr.Left
                                                  ypos = cr.Bottom - (height * 2) + (Me.TextStyle.Offset / 2)
                                              Case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter
                                                  xpos = cr.Left + ((cr.Width - width) / 2)
                                                  ypos = cr.Bottom - (height * 2) + (Me.TextStyle.Offset / 2)
                                              Case ContentAlignment.BottomRight
                                                  xpos = cr.Right - width
                                                  ypos = cr.Bottom - (height * 2) + (Me.TextStyle.Offset / 2)
                                          End Select
                                          'Create the rectangle
                                          Dim originalRect As New RectangleF(xpos, ypos, width, height)
                                          'Draw the original string. We'll use a GraphicsPath object instead
                                          'using DrawString directly, because GraphicsPath will let us draw an
                                          'outline border to the text
                                          'Create the path
                                          Dim path As GraphicsPath = New GraphicsPath
                                          'Add the string to the path. Because GraphicsPath's AddString method
                                          'uses emSize (the height of the em square box that bounds the character)
                                          'instead of Point, we must convert out font's Point size to emSize using
                                          'this formula: (Vertical Resolution / 72) * Font's Point Size
                                          path.AddString(Me.Text, Me.Font.FontFamily, Me.Font.Style, (e.Graphics.DpiY / 72) * Me.Font.Size, originalRect, StringFormat.GenericDefault)
                                          'If and outline must be drawn, draw it
                                          If Me.TextStyle.OutlineWidth > 0 Then
                                              Using p As Pen = New Pen(Me.TextStyle.OutlineColor, Me.TextStyle.OutlineWidth)
                                                  e.Graphics.DrawPath(p, path)
                                              End Using
                                          End If
                                          'Create the brush to fill the text
                                          Dim fill As Brush
                                          If Me.TextStyle.Style = ColorStyle.Gradient Then
                                              'Text must be filled with a gradient brush
                                              fill = New LinearGradientBrush(originalRect, Me.TextStyle.Gradient.StartColor, Me.TextStyle.Gradient.EndColor, Me.TextStyle.Gradient.Direction)
                                              'Text must be filled with a solid brush
                                              fill = New SolidBrush(Me.ForeColor)
                                          End If
                                          'Fill the text and destroy the brush
                                          e.Graphics.FillPath(fill, path)
                                          'The GraphicsPath object won't be needed anymore
                                          'From this point we must deal with reflected text. So it's a good idea to
                                          'save the current state of our graphics object. What is really saved is the
                                          'state of the objects (transformations applied, etc), not the drawings done
                                          'until here.
                                          Dim state As GraphicsState = e.Graphics.Save
                                          'Reset the transformations done until here so we start from a "fresh clean"
                                          'graphics object state.
                                          'ScaleTransform will set the graphics object into a state in which all the
                                          'drawings done after the instruction will be affected by the scaling done.
                                          'As we use 1 for horizontal value, the drawings will be not changed in the
                                          'horizontal plane. But as we use -1 for the vertical value, all the drawings
                                          'will be vertically inverted (the reflection effect that we want).
                                          e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(1, -1)
                                          'Now, as we did for the normal text, we'll create a rectangle that delimites
                                          'the position and size of the reflected text
                                          'The x-position must not be changed, as it is the same that the normal text
                                          'The y-pos must be changed
                                          ypos = ypos + (height * 2) - (Me.TextStyle.Offset)
                                          ypos *= -1
                                          'Create the rectangle
                                          Dim reflectedRect As New RectangleF(xpos, ypos, width, height)
                                          'Create the path to hold the text
                                          Dim reflectedPath As GraphicsPath = New GraphicsPath
                                          'Add the string to the path
                                          reflectedPath.AddString(Me.Text, Me.Font.FontFamily, Me.Font.Style, (e.Graphics.DpiY / 72) * Me.Font.Size, reflectedRect, StringFormat.GenericDefault)
                                          'Draw the outline, if it applies
                                          If Me.TextStyle.OutlineWidth > 0 Then
                                              'Note that we apply alpha transparency to the outline. If not, reflected
                                              'text's outline will appear too much "solid"
                                              Using p As Pen = New Pen(Color.FromArgb(Me.TextStyle.Alpha, Me.TextStyle.OutlineColor), Me.TextStyle.OutlineWidth)
                                                  e.Graphics.DrawPath(p, reflectedPath)
                                              End Using
                                          End If
                                          'Create the brush to fill the reflected text
                                          If Me.TextStyle.Style = ColorStyle.Gradient Then
                                              'We must apply Alpha transparency on both gradient colors
                                              fill = New LinearGradientBrush(reflectedRect, Color.FromArgb(Me.TextStyle.Alpha, Me.TextStyle.Gradient.StartColor), Color.FromArgb(Me.TextStyle.Alpha, Me.TextStyle.Gradient.EndColor), Me.TextStyle.Gradient.Direction)
                                              'Apply Alpha to solid color too
                                              fill = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(Me.TextStyle.Alpha, Me.ForeColor))
                                          End If
                                          'Draw the text (it will be automatically reflected because of the Scale
                                          'transformation applied)
                                          e.Graphics.FillPath(fill, reflectedPath)
                                          'Destroy objects that are no more needed
                                          'Restore the Graphics object state (eliminate transformations, so if we drew
                                          'anymore from here will not be reflected)
                                          'The simple way: no reflection, no calculations, etc
                                          'Simply draw the text using DrawText
                                          'Create a brush to draw the text
                                          Using b As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(Me.ForeColor)
                                              'Select text position depending on TextAlignment
                                              Using sf As StringFormat = StringFormat.GenericDefault
                                                  Select Case Me.TextAlignment
                                                      Case ContentAlignment.TopLeft
                                                          sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
                                                          sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near
                                                      Case ContentAlignment.TopCenter
                                                          sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
                                                          sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near
                                                      Case ContentAlignment.TopRight
                                                          sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far
                                                          sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near
                                                      Case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
                                                          sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
                                                          sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                                                      Case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
                                                          sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
                                                          sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                                                      Case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
                                                          sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far
                                                          sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                                                      Case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft
                                                          sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
                                                          sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far
                                                      Case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter
                                                          sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
                                                          sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far
                                                      Case ContentAlignment.BottomRight
                                                          sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far
                                                          sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far
                                                  End Select
                                                  'Draw the text
                                                  e.Graphics.DrawString(Me.Text, Me.Font, b, cr, sf)
                                              End Using
                                          End Using
                                      End If
                                  End If
                              Catch ex As Exception
                              End Try
                          End Sub
                          'Draw a Bevel into a graphics object
                          'In fact a bevel is nothing but a rectangle; 2 lines of the rectangle are dark-colored
                          'and the 2 other are light-colored, depending on the bevel style (inset or raised)
                          Private Sub DrawBevel(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal rect As Rectangle, ByVal b As Bevel)
                              If b.Style = BevelStyle.Inset Then
                                  'Draw an inset bevel
                                  Call DrawInsetBevel(g, rect, b)
                              ElseIf b.Style = BevelStyle.Raised Then
                                  'Draw a raised bevel
                                  Call DrawRaisedBevel(g, rect, b)
                              End If
                          End Sub
                          'Draw a raised bevel into a graphics object
                          Private Sub DrawRaisedBevel(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal rect As Rectangle, ByVal b As Bevel)
                              'Draw dark lines
                              Dim pen As Pen = New Pen(b.LightColor, b.Width)
                              Dim left As Integer = b.Width \ 2
                              left += rect.Left
                              g.DrawLine(pen, left, rect.Top, left, rect.Bottom)
                              Dim top As Integer = b.Width \ 2
                              top += rect.Top
                              g.DrawLine(pen, left, top, rect.Right, top)
                              'Draw light lines
                              pen = New Pen(b.DarkColor, b.Width)
                              left = rect.Right - ((b.Width + 1) \ 2)
                              g.DrawLine(pen, left, rect.Top, left, rect.Bottom)
                              top = rect.Bottom - ((b.Width + 1) \ 2)
                              g.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left, top, rect.Right, top)
                          End Sub
                          'Draw an inset bevel into a rectangle
                          Private Sub DrawInsetBevel(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal rect As Rectangle, ByVal b As Bevel)
                              'Draw dark lines
                              Dim pen As Pen = New Pen(b.DarkColor, b.Width)
                              Dim left As Integer = b.Width \ 2
                              left += rect.Left
                              g.DrawLine(pen, left, rect.Top, left, rect.Bottom)
                              Dim top As Integer = b.Width \ 2
                              top += rect.Top
                              g.DrawLine(pen, left, top, rect.Right, top)
                              'Draw light lines
                              pen = New Pen(b.LightColor, b.Width)
                              left = rect.Right - ((b.Width + 1) \ 2)
                              g.DrawLine(pen, left, rect.Top, left, rect.Bottom)
                              top = rect.Bottom - ((b.Width + 1) \ 2)
                              g.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left, top, rect.Right, top)
                          End Sub
                      #End Region
                      End Class

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Luis PérezSoftware Architect in .Net
Software Architect in .Net C#, VB & ASP. Lover of Star Wars, MCU and Rock music. My greatest achievement in life: my 2 daughters.

Comments (4)

Luis PérezSoftware Architect in .Net


A minor bug: for some unknown reason, the top-left pixel of the cliprectangle appears of a different color when drawing the gradient background. I've solved it filling that pixel, so finally the background painting code should be like this:

            '*** Background                                                               ***
            If Me.BackgroundStyle = ColorStyle.Solid Then
                'Create a brush with the BackColor and fill the rectangle
                Using b As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(Me.BackColor)
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, cr)
                End Using
                'Create a gradient brush and fill the rectangle
                Using b As Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(cr, Me.BackgroundGradient.StartColor, Me.BackgroundGradient.EndColor, Me.BackgroundGradient.Direction)
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, cr)
                End Using
                'For some unknown reason, the top-left pixel of the cliprectangle appears in a
                'different color. WTF?
                'Anyway, fill it.
                Using b As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(Me.BackgroundGradient.StartColor)
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, New Rectangle(cr.X, cr.Y, 1, 1))
                End Using
            End If

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Luis PérezSoftware Architect in .Net


The complete listing in the article has been updated with the bug fix. Enjoy!
tigermattStaff Platform Engineer
Most Valuable Expert 2011

Looks good! Voted 'yes' above. Great work, Roland.
Luis PérezSoftware Architect in .Net


Thank you very much, tigermatt!!

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