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Range Iteration

aikimarkGet vaccinated; Social distance; Wear a mask


I recently answered a question where the solution involved creating files with numeric names in particular ranges (in this case, 1 to 23 and 30).  This article shows how to implement a range iterator for your VBA/VBScript/VB projects.

Our Goal

When you finish reading the article, I want you to understand the different solution paths and be able to implement them in your projects.  The desired code is

  • simple
  • efficient
  • easy to understand
  • easy to maintain

The Brute Force approach

For expediency, I used a brute force solution in answering the question.  In the following example, assume that the Debug.Print line represents the actual task that needs to be accomplished for that numeric value.

Sub LoopingRanges_BruteForce()
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          For lngLoop = 1 To 23
                              Debug.Print lngLoop, ;
                          For lngLoop = 30 To 30
                              Debug.Print lngLoop, ;
                      End Sub

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Expected Output

For the non-parameterized code examples, their output will be the following sequence in the Immediate window.

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  30           

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The Arrays Function

There is a very handy function with which you can create one-dimensional (vectors) and multi-dimension arrays (2D, 3D, ...60D).  We can use the Array() function to create a vector (1D array) of two item lists (also vectors).  Each of the two item lists will be the lower and upper bounds for our loop.  Our BruteForce example now transforms into this streamlined routine.

Sub LoopingRanges_Arrays()
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          For Each vItem In Array(Array(1, 23), Array(30, 30))
                              For lngLoop = vItem(0) To vItem(1)
                                  Debug.Print lngLoop, ;
                      End Sub

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We have effectively refactored the code, eliminating the duplicate For...Next loops in our BruteForce example.

A Data-Driven Solution

However, the ranges are still hard coded.  What we would like to do is create a data-driven solution, where the ranges are not actually coded, but exist in some parsable form.  I am fond of the Pascal set specification, so I went with that format for my range specification.  It is less complicated than some other options, such as YAML, JSON, and XML.  Here is a description of Pascal sets:
For simplicity, these next two code examples use a string contstant ("1..23,30").  We will parameterize these range values by the end of the article.  Promise.

Parsing With Split

The most efficient parse will use the Split() function.  We first split on the comma delimiter and each of those values is then split on the "..", if it exists.  For single value ranges, we use the lower range value as the upper range value.

Sub LoopingRanges_Split()
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim strRanges() As String
                          Dim strLowerUpper() As String
                          Dim lngLow As Long, lngHigh As Long
                          Const cRange As String = "1..23,30"
                          strRanges = Split(cRange, ",")
                          For Each vItem In strRanges
                              strLowerUpper = Split(CStr(vItem), "..")
                              'parse each range for the lower and upper values
                              lngLow = CLng(strLowerUpper(0))
                              If UBound(strLowerUpper) = 0 Then
                                  'for single value ranges, the upper = lower
                                  lngHigh = lngLow
                                  lngHigh = CLng(strLowerUpper(1))
                              End If
                              For lngLoop = lngLow To lngHigh
                                  Debug.Print lngLoop, ;
                      End Sub

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Parse With Regex

I'm a fan of regular expresions.  It is a very powerful method of parsing strings.  Even though it is not as efficient as the Split() function, I wanted you to see what such a solution would look like.

Sub LoopingRanges_Regex()
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim lngLow As Long, lngHigh As Long
                          Const cRange As String = "1..23,30"
                          Dim oRE As Object, oMatches As Object, oM As Object
                          Set oRE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
                          oRE.Global = True
                          oRE.Pattern = "(\d+)(?:\.\.){0,1}(\d+){0,1}(?:,|$)"
                          If oRE.test(cRange) Then
                              Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(cRange)
                              For Each oM In oMatches
                                  lngLow = CLng(oM.submatches(0))
                                  If IsEmpty(oM.submatches(1)) Then
                                      'for single value ranges, the upper = lower
                                      lngHigh = Val(oM.submatches(0))
                                      lngHigh = Val(oM.submatches(1))
                                  End If
                                  For lngLoop = lngLow To lngHigh
                                      Debug.Print lngLoop, ;
                              MsgBox "invalid ranges string"
                          End If
                      End Sub

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For more information about regular expressions, read Patrick Matthews's introduction to the topic:


  • The amount of code in our routines has increased because of the parsing.
  • I added some validation into the Regex example.  Validating your input is always a good idea.

We Need a Function

We need to package the parsing code and return some iterable collection/array/list/dictionary value (object).

Let's Use a Collection of Array objects

The VBA environment gives us two very-easy-to-use objects, the collection object an the Array() function result which we have already seen above.  Without any of the parsing code, the following example populates a collection with hard-coded Array() results.

Function ReturnRanges_StaticArrays() As Collection
                          Dim colReturn As New Collection
                          colReturn.Add Array(1, 23)
                          colReturn.Add Array(30, 30)
                          Set ReturnRanges_StaticArrays = colReturn
                      End Function

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I like to test my code as I develop, so here is a routine that uses

Sub Test_ReturnRanges_StaticArrays()
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          For Each vItem In ReturnRanges_StaticArrays
                              For lngLoop = vItem(0) To vItem(1)
                                  Debug.Print lngLoop, ;
                      End Sub

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We Have Arrived

Now that we know the individual parts work as desired, let's put it all together.

Function ReturnRanges_Arrays(parmRanges As String) As Collection
                          Dim colReturn As New Collection
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim strRanges() As String
                          Dim strLowerUpper() As String
                          Dim lngLow As Long, lngHigh As Long
                          strRanges = Split(parmRanges, ",")
                          For Each vItem In strRanges
                              strLowerUpper = Split(CStr(vItem), "..")
                              'parse each range for the lower and upper values
                              lngLow = CLng(Val(strLowerUpper(0)))
                              If UBound(strLowerUpper) = 0 Then
                                  'for single value ranges, the upper = lower
                                  lngHigh = lngLow
                                  lngHigh = CLng(Val(strLowerUpper(1)))
                              End If
                              colReturn.Add Array(lngLow, lngHigh)
                          Set ReturnRanges_Arrays = colReturn
                      End Function

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Here is an example of how you would use our new function:
Sub testRR()
                          Dim lngLoop As Long
                          Dim vItem As Variant
                          For Each vItem In ReturnRanges_Arrays("1..5,11,28..30,15..19")
                              For lngLoop = vItem(0) To vItem(1)
                                  Debug.Print lngLoop, ;
                      End Sub

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A VBScript Version

Since there is no Collection object in the VBScript environment, you would use a dictionary object.

Function ReturnRanges_Arrays_VBS(parmRanges)
                      'VBScript version of ReturnRanges_Arrays
                          Dim colReturn
                          Dim vItem
                          Dim lngLoop
                          Dim strRanges
                          Dim strLowerUpper
                          Dim lngLow, lngHigh
                          Set colReturn = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
                          lngLoop = 0
                          strRanges = Split(CStr(parmRanges), ",")
                          For Each vItem In strRanges
                              strLowerUpper = Split(CStr(vItem), "..")
                              'parse each range for the lower and upper values
                              lngLow = CLng(Val(strLowerUpper(0)))
                              If UBound(strLowerUpper) = 0 Then
                                  'for single value ranges, the upper = lower
                                  lngHigh = lngLow
                                  lngHigh = CLng(Val(strLowerUpper(1)))
                              End If
                              lngLoop = lngLoop + 1
                              colReturn.Add CStr(lngLoop), Array(lngLow, lngHigh)
                          Set ReturnRanges_Arrays_VBS = colReturn
                      End Function

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And our VBScript test code looks like this:

Sub testRR_VBS()
                          Dim lngLoop
                          Dim vItem
                          Dim vRanges
                          Set vRanges = ReturnRanges_Arrays_VBS("1..5,11,28..30")
                          For Each vItem In vRanges
                              For lngLoop = vRanges(vItem)(0) To vRanges(vItem)(1)
                                  Debug.Print lngLoop, ;
                      End Sub

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We started with a brute-force implementation of iteration through different ranges and arrived at an elegant implementation of Pascal set representation.  You can iterate the returned low-high ranges and your code will be very maintainable.  You could specify your ranges externally (file, database, registry, user input) or have a very small string constant/literal that is easy to understand.

If you needed to, you could implement this range-iteration functionality for one of your own classes, subroutines, or functions.  This article's code can be used in many different places.  Please post a comment and let me know how and where you've used it.

The Code

For your convenience, here is a .bas file with the VBA code:  RangeIteration.bas

Further Reading

This article is related to one of my earliest articles, which was also on VB iteration statements.
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aikimarkGet vaccinated; Social distance; Wear a mask

Comments (5)

Joe WinogradDeveloper
Most Valuable Expert 2018

This is an awesome piece of work! Congratulations to the author! Regards, Joe
aikimarkGet vaccinated; Social distance; Wear a mask
Top Expert 2014


Glad you liked it, Joe.  Check out my other EE artcles.

And consider writing some articles of your own.
Joe WinogradDeveloper
Most Valuable Expert 2018

I'll definitely check out your other articles.

I've published 23 articles and 10 videos here at EE, and am always considering some new ones. But as you know, it takes a while to write a good article — need to find the time! :)
aikimarkGet vaccinated; Social distance; Wear a mask
Top Expert 2014


In case you need to support decreasing ranges as well as increasing ranges:
Sub testRR()
    Dim lngLoop As Long
    Dim vItem As Variant
    Dim lngStep As Long
    For Each vItem In ReturnRanges_Arrays("5..1,11,28..30,19..15")
        lngStep = Sgn(vItem(1) - vItem(0))
        If lngStep = 0 Then lngStep = 1
        For lngLoop = vItem(0) To vItem(1) Step lngStep
            Debug.Print lngLoop, ;
End Sub

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Joe WinogradDeveloper
Most Valuable Expert 2018

Nice addition!

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