Browse All Articles > Troubleshooting internet problems in Windows 7
If you can connect to your internal network or can connect to your router but are not able to connect to the Internet follow these steps in order until the problem is resolved.
1. Right click on the network icon on the task bar and select "Troubleshoot problems" Let it run.
2. Right click on the network icon on the task bar and select "Open network and Sharing Center". Double click on the red X that is between the network icon and the internet icon to run a diagnostic on the Internet connection.
3. In the "network and sharing center" window. Click on “Change Adapter Settings”. Disable the network card (Local area Connection) by right clicking on icon and select “disable” after it is disabled, then re-enable it by right clicking on the network card and select “enable”.
4. Flush the DNS:
Open cmd.exe with run as administrator. At the DOS prompt type:
ipconfig /flushdns
Press enter.
5. Do a TCP/IP Repair:
Open cmd.exe with Run as Administrator. At the DOS prompt type:
netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt
Press enter.
Type exit to close the DOS prompt then reboot the computer.
If you still cannot connect to the internet after following the above steps and you are not getting a "cable unplugged" error, then the system could be infected with malware or the browser may be corrupted. Try using a different browser such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox to see if you can connect to the Internet with a different browser. If you are having problems with more than one browser you may be infected with a virus or malware. You may need to download malware cleaning tools on a working computer and then save them to a memory stick and then run them on the infected computer.
Good malware fighting tools include:
Rogue Killer comes in the 32 and 64 bit versions download the one that matches your type of operating system (ie if you have a 64 Windows 7 download the X64 version, if you have a 32 bit Windows 7 download the rogue killer without the X64)
JRT (junk removal tool)
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