Option Explicit
Public WasOpen As Boolean
Private Function FireOutlook() As Object
On Error Resume Next
Dim objOutlook As Object
Set objOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
'MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
If Err.Number = 429 Then
WasOpen = False
' Create the Outlook session.
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
WasOpen = True
End If
Set FireOutlook = objOutlook
End Function
Sub Send_Email()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim TheFile As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim StartRow As String ' oroginally this was set to Integer - I figured there was a problem when I started getting a data type mismatch
Dim EndRow As String
Dim Name As String
Name = InputBox("Please enter the name of the worksheet that contains the data to be emailed:", "Name of worksheet", "Members") ' the default is set to the "Members" worksheet
Set OutApp = FireOutlook()
StartRow = InputBox("Start at what row in the worksheet?", "Start", 1) ' set default to 1
If StartRow = "" Or IsNumeric(StartRow) = False Then Exit Sub
EndRow = InputBox("End at what row in the worksheet?", "End", 1) ' set default to 1
If EndRow = "" Or IsNumeric(EndRow) = False Then Exit Sub
For x = CInt(StartRow) To CInt(EndRow)
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
With OutMail
.To = Worksheets(Name).Cells(x, 1) 'Row x, Column A
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = Worksheets(Name).Cells(x, 3) 'Row x, Column C
' greeting using nickname
.HTMLBody = "Dear " & Worksheets(Name).Cells(x, 18) & "," 'Row x, Column R
' first paragraph of letter
.HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(Name).Cells(x, 8).Value 'Row x, Column H
' attach the previous years survey or a blank
.Attachments.Add Worksheets(Name).Cells(x, 2).Value 'Row x, Column B
' attach this years facility usage table or a blank
.Attachments.Add Worksheets(Name).Cells(x, 17).Value 'Row x, Column Q
End With
Set OutMail = Nothing
Next x
Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub
This was a real doosey of a task and although I had asked a question here on how to go about this, the real answer came from Nick67 (and the important parts of the code).
So if you are doing something similar, I'll be glad to help with whatever I can, but know that I am not the real expert when it comes to doing mailmerges.
Now the average user is going to ask "How do I go about setting this up to work on my own computer with my own variables?" Some of this I have tried to take into consideration by having the script ask for what you want to do. Other parts are not as clear. For instance, I used aWindows 7 Professional 64 bit box with clickYes demo version installed and trusted the excel document as well as saved it as a macro enabled document in Excel 2010 (.xlsm). I thought this would transfer rather easily to my laptop I use for work projects away from the office. It runs Windows 8.1 Pro and does not have the network drives that the original script points to and doesn't have clickYes installed. When I tried to run the script from there, I was unable to get it to even get past the first line of generating the email - the TO field. Although a message box (MsgBox) command from the script shows that it detects the correct field, it still doesn't know how to deal with it properly.
After I added a message box to the script I saw this message, which indicated that the script was seeing an email address in the row and column indicated.
After pressing okay I see this dialog which indicates there is a problem with the To method in the script and since the email is being read correctly above, it must be something else. (Porting this script is not as easyas I thought it would be).
I have not found a solution to this yet, but will repost when I do. There are enough postings on the web about problems in either Microsoft update or something breaking the ability for VBA scripts to execute in the same way in Windows 7 and in Windows 8 that I am fairly sure I will find a solution.
UPDATE1: I haven't found a solution to the windows 8 problem yet (but see below for Nick's comment). I did both alter the script and create a generic one. I am inserting (because I couldn't figure out how to attach it) the generic script which is one button execution excel spreadsheet. It has a sample sheet (Sheet1) that shows what fields should be put where and which can be edited. The first sheet of this spreadsheet has only a button on it that says click to send email. If you want see how to add a command button, check out this page from microsoft: https://support.office.com/en-in/article/Add-a-button-and-assign-a-macro-to-it-in-a-worksheet-d58edd7d-cb04-4964-bead-9c72c843a283.
Option Explicit Public WasOpen As Boolean Private Function FireOutlook() As Object On Error Resume Next Dim objOutlook As Object Set objOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 'MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description If Err.Number = 429 Then Err.Clear WasOpen = False ' Create the Outlook session. Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Else WasOpen = True End If Set FireOutlook = objOutlook End Function Sub Send_Email() Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim TheFile As String Dim x As Integer Dim StartRow As String Dim EndRow As String Dim WrkshtName As String Dim GreetingName As Integer Dim MessageBody As String Dim SubjectText As String Dim Signature As Integer Dim Attachment1 As Integer Dim Attachment2 As Integer Dim FullPathToAttachment1 As Integer Dim FullPathToAttachment2 As Integer Dim CloseName As String Dim CloseString As String Dim MailSender As String 'Dim Wrksht As Worksheet 'Dim StartCell As String 'Dim Attachment2Inc As String WrkshtName = InputBox("Please enter the Name of the worksheet that contains the data to be emailed:", "Name of worksheet", "Sheet1") SubjectText = InputBox("Enter the subject line of the email", "Subject Line:", "Subject of Email") CloseString = InputBox("Enter the close word(s) that will appear in the complimentary close of the message here:", "Complimentary closure", "Sincerely,") CloseName = InputBox("Enter the name that will appear in the complimentary close of the message here:", "Name after Sincerely", "David") 'Attachment2Inc = InputBox("Do you have a second attachment", "Second Attachment?", "yes") MsgBox ("Note that for the rest of the inputs you can use the defaults if you follow the excel template when entering information") Set OutApp = FireOutlook() OutApp.Session.Logon ' convert excel lettered column to number Dim InputLetter As String Dim OutputNumber As Integer Dim Leng As Integer Dim i As Integer InputLetter = InputBox("Please enter the column of the worksheet - column letter - in which the Name you wish to use as a greeting appears:", "Greeting Name", "E") ' Input the Column Letter Leng = Len(InputLetter) OutputNumber = 0 For i = 1 To Leng OutputNumber = (Asc(UCase(Mid(InputLetter, i, 1))) - 64) + OutputNumber * 26 Next i ' end convert subroutine GreetingName = OutputNumber ' convert excel lettered column to number Dim InputLetter2 As String Dim OutputNumber2 As Integer Dim Leng2 As Integer Dim i2 As Integer InputLetter2 = InputBox("Please enter the column of the worksheet - column letter - in which the Signature you wish to use appears:", "Signature Column", "M") ' Input the Column Letter Leng2 = Len(InputLetter2) OutputNumber2 = 0 For i2 = 1 To Leng2 OutputNumber2 = (Asc(UCase(Mid(InputLetter2, i2, 1))) - 64) + OutputNumber2 * 26 Next i2 ' end convert subroutine Signature = OutputNumber2 ' convert excel lettered column to number Dim InputLetter3 As String Dim OutputNumber3 As Integer Dim Leng3 As Integer Dim i3 As Integer InputLetter3 = InputBox("Please enter the column of the worksheet - column letter - in which the name of first attachment you wish to use is stored:", "First Attachment Column", "B") ' Input the Column Letter Leng3 = Len(InputLetter3) OutputNumber3 = 0 For i3 = 1 To Leng3 OutputNumber3 = (Asc(UCase(Mid(InputLetter3, i3, 1))) - 64) + OutputNumber3 * 26 Next i3 ' end convert subroutine Attachment1 = OutputNumber3 ' convert excel lettered column to number Dim InputLetter4 As String Dim OutputNumber4 As Integer Dim Leng4 As Integer Dim i4 As Integer InputLetter4 = InputBox("Please enter the column of the worksheet - column letter - in which the name of second attachment you wish to use is stored:", "Second Attachment Column", "G") ' Input the Column Letter Leng4 = Len(InputLetter4) OutputNumber4 = 0 For i4 = 1 To Leng4 OutputNumber4 = (Asc(UCase(Mid(InputLetter4, i4, 1))) - 64) + OutputNumber4 * 26 Next i4 ' end convert subroutine Attachment2 = OutputNumber4 ' convert excel lettered column to number Dim InputLetter6 As String Dim OutputNumber6 As Integer Dim Leng6 As Integer Dim i6 As Integer InputLetter6 = InputBox("Please enter the column of the worksheet - column letter - in which the path to the first attachment you wish to use is stored:", "First Attachment Path Column", "P") ' Input the Column Letter Leng6 = Len(InputLetter6) OutputNumber6 = 0 For i6 = 1 To Leng6 OutputNumber6 = (Asc(UCase(Mid(InputLetter6, i6, 1))) - 64) + OutputNumber6 * 26 Next i6 ' end convert subroutine FullPathToAttachment1 = OutputNumber6 ' convert excel lettered column to number Dim InputLetter5 As String Dim OutputNumber5 As Integer Dim Leng5 As Integer Dim i5 As Integer InputLetter5 = InputBox("Please enter the column of the worksheet - column letter - in which the path to the second attachment you wish to use is stored:", "Second Attachment Path Column", "O") ' Input the Column Letter Leng5 = Len(InputLetter5) OutputNumber5 = 0 For i5 = 1 To Leng5 OutputNumber5 = (Asc(UCase(Mid(InputLetter5, i5, 1))) - 64) + OutputNumber5 * 26 Next i5 'If Attachment2Inc = "yes" Then OutputNumber5 = "" ' end convert subroutine FullPathToAttachment2 = OutputNumber5 StartRow = InputBox("Start at what row in the worksheet?", "Start", 10) If StartRow = "" Or IsNumeric(StartRow) = False Then Exit Sub EndRow = InputBox("End at what row in the worksheet?", "End", 10) If EndRow = "" Or IsNumeric(EndRow) = False Then Exit Sub 'Set Wrksht = Sheets(WrkshtName) 'StartCell = "A" & StartRow 'Wrksht.Range (StartCell) For x = CInt(StartRow) To CInt(EndRow) Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0) With OutMail '.To = "tzs@cyberdude.com" ' This code makes it work with windows 8 when uncommented (WrkshtName is not being processed correctly) .To = Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 1) 'Row x, Column A .CC = "" .BCC = "" .Subject = SubjectText ' greeting using nick Name .HTMLBody = "Dear " & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, GreetingName) & "," 'Row x, Column R .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 9).Value 'Row x, Column I .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 17).Value ' blank line using tr and td .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 18).Value ' message body .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 17).Value ' blank line again .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 17).Value ' blank line again .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 10).Value ' before closure .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & CloseString ' sincerely yours, .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 11).Value ' html before name .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & CloseName ' name .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 12).Value ' end of html of closure .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 13).Value ' full signature .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, 14).Value ' end of html ' attach the previous years survey or a blank .Attachments.Add Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, Attachment1).Value 'Row x, Column B ' attach this years facility usage table or a blank .Attachments.Add Worksheets(WrkshtName).Cells(x, Attachment2).Value 'Row x, Column F .display Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02")) Application.SendKeys "%s" '.Send End With Set OutMail = Nothing Next x Set OutApp = Nothing End Sub
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Comments (11)
You can try a 'directory merge'
But you really should ask this as a question, and not in a comment to an article
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You are a LOT better off trying to muck with
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To get a recordset that has exactly what you want.The merge is an all-or-nothing thing in VBA for the most part.
Again, I urge you to post a question, as this article is really about how to automate Outlook from Excel and build Outlook MailItems and not about mail merges.
"Yes i use that. But i have a lot of duplicated rows in my excel and i was just wondering if i can use a next record if statement so it can move to the next record if duplicated"
Perhaps the Excel feature to remove duplicates will assist?
Also agree - you would be better to post as your own question. :)
Good Luck!
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