Sending Email with MAPI


In this article I will provide runnable examples - create an empty Win32 application project in Visual Studio, add new cpp-file and cut-n-paste the source code.

Sending email with ShellExecute

If you have a task to send an email from your C/C++ application a very simple solution is to use ShellExecute. The following Win32 application sends a text with a subject to a recipient:

                      #include <windows.h>
                      #include <ShellAPI.h>
                      int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, 
                      					LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
                      	ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", 
                      		 ?Subject=Hello, world\
                      		 &body=The email sent from ShellExecute", 
                      		L"", L"", SW_SHOWNORMAL );
                      	return 0;

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So little code always works regardless of the OS version or mail client.

Simple MAPI

If you'd prefer a longer and more complicated way, you can choose Simple MAPI. The following application also sends email from your mail client:

                      #include <windows.h>
                      #include <mapi.h>
                      BOOL SendMail(LPCSTR lpszSubject, LPCSTR lpszTo, 
                      	  LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszText);
                      int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, 
                      	LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
                      	SendMail("Hello", "", 
                      		"Name", "Text");
                      	return 0;
                      BOOL SendMail(LPCSTR lpszSubject, LPCSTR lpszTo, 
                      	LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszText)
                      	HINSTANCE hMAPI = ::LoadLibrary(L"mapi32.dll");
                      	LPMAPISENDMAIL lpfnMAPISendMail = 
                      		(LPMAPISENDMAIL)::GetProcAddress(hMAPI, "MAPISendMail");
                      	char szTo[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szTo, lpszTo);
                      	char szName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szName, lpszName);
                      	MapiRecipDesc recipient[1] = { 0 };
                      	recipient[0].ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
                      	recipient[0].lpszAddress = szTo;
                      	recipient[0].lpszName = szName;
                      	char szSubject[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szSubject, lpszSubject);
                      	char szText[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szText, lpszText);
                      	MapiMessage MAPImsg = { 0 };
                      	MAPImsg.lpszSubject = szSubject;
                      	MAPImsg.lpRecips = recipient;
                      	MAPImsg.nRecipCount = 1;
                      	MAPImsg.lpszNoteText = szText;
                      	ULONG nSent = lpfnMAPISendMail(0, 0, 
                      		&MAPImsg, MAPI_LOGON_UI | MAPI_DIALOG, 0);
                      	return (nSent == SUCCESS_SUCCESS || nSent == MAPI_E_USER_ABORT);

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Function SendMail loads the appropriate system DLL (mapi32.dll) and, with GetProcAddress, retrieves the pointer to the MAPISendMail function:

HINSTANCE hMAPI = ::LoadLibrary(L"mapi32.dll");
                      LPMAPISENDMAIL lpfnMAPISendMail = 
                      	(LPMAPISENDMAIL)::GetProcAddress(hMAPI, "MAPISendMail");

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Note. In a real project the hMAPI handle should be verified, that it is not NULL, before the use in the following GetProcAddress function call.

Information about the message that is going to be sent is stored in MapiMessage structure:

MapiMessage MAPImsg = { 0 };
                      MAPImsg.lpszSubject = szSubject;
                      MAPImsg.lpRecips = recipient;
                      MAPImsg.nRecipCount = 1;
                      MAPImsg.lpszNoteText = szText;

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where the recipient is an array:

MapiRecipDesc recipient[1] = { 0 };
                      recipient[0].ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
                      recipient[0].lpszAddress = szTo;
                      recipient[0].lpszName = szName;

Open in new window

that allows to set many recipients.

Pay attention that SendMail function received the constant strings as the parameters, such as "Hello" for the email subject or "" for the address. Inside the function I converted these constant strings into the pointers (LPSTR) and used them to fullfill the the MAPI structures.

When a mail client, for example, Outlook, is running, it is possible to prepare and send the message in a "silent" mode - without prompting the user to press the button Send and do not show the New Message dialog. For that purpose, in the sample code above, the fourth parameter in the MAPISendMail call should be replaced with NULL:

ULONG nSent = pMAPISendMail(0, 0, &MAPImsg, NULL, 0);

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You can attach a file to your email as it is shown here:

                      #include <windows.h>
                      #include <stdlib.h>
                      #include <mapi.h>
                      BOOL SendFile(LPCSTR lpszSubject, LPCSTR lpszTo, 
                      	  LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszText, 
                      	  LPCSTR lpszFullFileName);
                      int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, 
                      	LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
                      	SendFile("Hello", "", 
                      		"Cool Guy", "Message Text", "c:\\text.txt");
                      	return 0;
                      BOOL SendFile(LPCSTR lpszSubject, LPCSTR lpszTo, 
                      	  LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszText, 
                      	  LPCSTR lpszFullFileName)
                      	HINSTANCE hMAPI = ::LoadLibrary(L"mapi32.dll");
                      	LPMAPISENDMAIL lpfnMAPISendMail = 
                      		(LPMAPISENDMAIL)::GetProcAddress(hMAPI, "MAPISendMail");
                      	char szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE] = { 0 };
                      	char szDir[_MAX_DIR] = { 0 };
                      	char szName[_MAX_FNAME] = { 0 };
                      	char szExt[_MAX_EXT] = { 0 };
                      	_splitpath_s(lpszFullFileName, szDrive, szDir, szName, szExt);
                      	char szFileName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szFileName, szName);
                      	strcat_s(szFileName, szExt);
                      	char szFullFileName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szFullFileName, lpszFullFileName);
                      	MapiFileDesc MAPIfile = { 0 };
                      	ZeroMemory(&MAPIfile, sizeof(MapiFileDesc));
                      	MAPIfile.nPosition = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                      	MAPIfile.lpszPathName = szFullFileName;
                      	MAPIfile.lpszFileName = szFileName;
                      	char szTo[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szTo, lpszTo);
                      	char szNameTo[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szNameTo, lpszName);
                      	MapiRecipDesc recipient = { 0 };
                      	recipient.ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
                      	recipient.lpszAddress = szTo;
                      	recipient.lpszName = szNameTo;
                      	char szSubject[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szSubject, lpszSubject);
                      	char szText[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szText, lpszText);
                      	MapiMessage MAPImsg = { 0 };
                      	MAPImsg.lpszSubject = szSubject;
                      	MAPImsg.lpRecips = &recipient;
                      	MAPImsg.nRecipCount = 1;
                      	MAPImsg.lpszNoteText = szText;
                      	MAPImsg.nFileCount = 1;
                      	MAPImsg.lpFiles = &MAPIfile;
                      	ULONG nSent = lpfnMAPISendMail(0, 0, &MAPImsg, NULL, 0);
                      	return (nSent == SUCCESS_SUCCESS || nSent == MAPI_E_USER_ABORT);

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Logon and Logoff

These examples work, if you have your mail client (Outlook) running. Otherwise MAPISendMail function will fail with MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILURE return code.

Simple MAPI has 2 special functions that are supposed to fix the situation:

1. MAPILogon
2. MAPILogoff

You can test these functions with the following sample:

                      #include <windows.h>
                      #include <mapi.h>
                      BOOL SendMail(LPCSTR lpszSubject, LPCSTR lpszTo, 
                      	  LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszText);
                      int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, 
                      	LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
                      	SendMail("Subject", "", 
                      			"Name", "Text. No mail client running.");
                      	return 0;
                      BOOL SendMail(LPCSTR lpszSubject, LPCSTR lpszTo, 
                      	LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszText)
                      	HINSTANCE hMAPI			= NULL;
                      	LPMAPISENDMAIL lpfnMAPISendMail	= NULL;
                      	LPMAPILOGON lpfnMAPILogOn		= NULL;
                      	LPMAPILOGOFF lpfnMAPILogOff	= NULL;
                      	hMAPI = ::LoadLibrary(L"mapi32.dll");
                      	lpfnMAPISendMail = 
                      		(LPMAPISENDMAIL)::GetProcAddress(hMAPI, "MAPISendMail");
                      	lpfnMAPILogOn = 
                      		(LPMAPILOGON)::GetProcAddress(hMAPI, "MAPILogon");
                      	lpfnMAPILogOff = 
                      		(LPMAPILOGOFF)::GetProcAddress(hMAPI, "MAPILogoff");
                      	char szTo[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szTo, lpszTo);
                      	char szName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szName, lpszName);
                      	MapiRecipDesc recipient[1] = { 0 };
                      	recipient[0].ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
                      	recipient[0].lpszAddress = szTo;
                      	recipient[0].lpszName = szName;
                      	char szSubject[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szSubject, lpszSubject);
                      	char szText[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                      	strcat_s(szText, lpszText);
                      	MapiMessage MAPImsg = { 0 };
                      	MAPImsg.lpszSubject = szSubject;
                      	MAPImsg.lpRecips = recipient;
                      	MAPImsg.nRecipCount = 1;
                      	MAPImsg.lpszNoteText = szText;
                      	LHANDLE lhSession;
                      	lpfnMAPILogOn(0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &lhSession);
                      	ULONG nSent = lpfnMAPISendMail(lhSession, 0, 
                      		&MAPImsg, MAPI_LOGON_UI | MAPI_DIALOG, 0);
                      	lpfnMAPILogOff(lhSession, 0, 0, 0);
                      	return (nSent == SUCCESS_SUCCESS || nSent == MAPI_E_USER_ABORT);

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In this artcile I showed only 3 MAPI functions:

1. MAPISendMail
2. MAPILogon
3. MAPILogoff

Simple MAPI contains 12 functions that allow for developers to create applications with basic mail functionalities:

1. Log onto the Microsoft Windows mail client.
2. Compose new message, add recipients, resolve recipient names, add attachment, send message.
3. Retrieve and read messages from the inbox.

For more information specific to Simple MAPI read PC MAPI: Simple MAPI Common Technical Questions and Answers

On CodePlex you can download MFCMAPI - Microsoft's published APIs providing access to MAPI.


The code presented in this article was tested on Microsoft Windows Vista and Outlook 2007.
In one of the MSND artciles, " MAPI Programming Overview",  I found the following note:  "Simple MAPI is no longer supported in Microsoft Outlook 2007. It is still supported by Exchange Server 2003." Instead Microsoft proposes Outlook 2007 MAPI: "Welcome to the Outlook 2007 MAPI Reference"


Comments (1)

please give me step by step solution to create application to " read outlook mail using win32 programming "

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