Importing ICS Calendar to Office 365

Benjamin MOREAUProject Manager
This short article will present "How to import ICS Calendar onto Office 365 Calendar". I was searching for free (or not free) tools to convert ICS to CSV without success. The only tools I found & working well were online tools...this was too hard to manually process all my ICS files (more than 200 calendar). So, I write 2 scripts to do what I need !

This article will be helpful if you have to migrate a Linux Mail Server to Office 365; It works with all standard ICS standard format (Google calendar or other mail products).

I wrote 2 scripts to do this :

- The first one : This script will parse the ICS file and convert it to CSV File. You have to create a "source" folder and store into it all ICS Files. The script will parse & copy all new generated CSV files onto a new folder.

- The second one :  This script will read the CSV File and import it to Office 365. This script read all CSV files and use each line to create a appointment on Office 365.

First script : You have to copy your ICS file with the format "" on the ICS Folder
# Benjamin MOREAU - 13/05/2015
                      # ICS To CSV converter
                      #Your ICS Folder (input)
                      # Your CSV Folder (output)
                      $ICSlist = get-childitem $ICSPath 
                      #Read each ICS file on your ICS folder
                      Foreach ($i in $ICSlist )
                      $file= $i.fullname         
                      #Convert your ICS filename with CSV extension     
                      $CSVFile = $CSVpath  +  $     
                      $CSVFile = $CSVFile.substring(0,$CSVFile.Length-3)     
                      $CSVFile = $CSVFile + "csv"    
                      #Create first line of CSV
                      "Titre,Note,StartDate,Starttime,EndDate,EndTime" | out-file -FilePath $CSVFile        
                      #get content of your file    
                      $content = Get-Content $file -Encoding UTF8          
                      $content | foreach-Object {
                                #If we found ":", we cut on 2 parts => key:values      
                      $z=@{ $_.split( ':')[0] =( $_.split( ':')[1]).Trim()}
                      if ($z.keys -eq "BEGIN") 
                      #If we detect "BEGIN", It's the start of the appointment block ...but we do nothing :)           
                      if ($z.keys -eq "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE") {
                                 #If we detect date without time we use 00:00:00
                                 $RdvStart=$z.values -replace "r\n\s"
                                 $RdvStart=[datetime]::ParseExact($RdvStart,"yyyyMMdd" ,$null)
                                 $RdvStartDate = $RdvStart.ToShortDateString()
                                 $RdvStartDate = get-date $RdvStartDate -Format MM/dd/yyyy
                                 $RdvStartTime = "00:00:00"
                      if ($z.keys -eq "DTSTART") {                      
                      $RdvStart=$z.values -replace "r\n\s"           
                      $RdvStart=$RdvStart -replace "T"           
                      $RdvStart=$RdvStart -replace "Z"           
                      $RdvStart=[datetime]::ParseExact($RdvStart,"yyyyMMddHHmmss" ,$null)           
                      $RdvStartDate = $RdvStart.ToShortDateString()           
                      $RdvStartTime = $RdvStart.ToLongTimeString()
                      $RdvStartDate = get-date $RdvStartDate -Format MM/dd/yyyy
                      if ($z.keys -eq "DTEND") 
                                 $RdvEnd=$z.values -replace "\r\n\s"           
                      $RdvEnd=$RdvEnd -replace "T"           
                      $RdvEnd=$RdvEnd -replace "Z"           
                      $RdvEnd=[datetime]::ParseExact($RdvEnd,"yyyyMMddHHmmss" ,$null)           
                      $RdvEndDate = $RdvEnd.ToShortDateString()           
                      $RdvEndTime = $RdvEnd.ToLongTimeString()                      
                      $RdvEndDate = get-date $RdvEndDate -Format MM/dd/yyyy                      
                      if ($z.keys -eq "SUMMARY") 
                      $RdvTitre=$z.values -replace "\r\n\s"           
                      $RdvTitre=$z.values -replace ",","-"           
                      if ($z.keys -eq "DESCRIPTION") 
                      $RdvNote=$z.values -replace "\r\n\s"           
                      $RdvNote=$RdvNote -replace "<p>"           
                      $RdvNote=$RdvNote -replace "</p>"           
                      $RdvNote=$RdvNote -replace ",","-"                      
                      if ($z.keys -eq "DTEND;VALUE=DATE") {
                                 #If we detect a date without time, we use 00:00:00
                                 $RdvEnd=$z.values -replace "r\n\s"
                                 $RdvEnd=[datetime]::ParseExact($RdvEnd,"yyyyMMdd" ,$null)
                                 $RdvEndDate = $RdvEnd.ToShortDateString()
                                 $RdvEndDate = get-date $RdvEndDate -Format MM/dd/yyyy
                                 $RdvEndTime = "00:00:00"
                      if ($z.keys -eq "END") {            
                      # We detect "END", so we add the line on the CSV File. 1 line = 1 appointment
                      "$RdvTitre,$RdvNote,$RdvStartDate,$RdvStartTime,$RdvEndDate,$RdvEndTime" | out-file -FilePath $CSVFile -append                        
                      # clearing vars...           
                      $RdvStart =""           
                      $RdvEnd =""           
                      $RdvEndDate = ""           
                      $RdvEndTime = ""           
                      $RdvStartDate = ""           
                      $RdvStartTime = ""                      

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Second script : You have to configure your Office 365 access...
# Benjamin MOREAU - 15/05/2015
                      # CSV to Office 365
                       $username = "your mail of Office 365 admin account"
                       $password = "your password"
                       $EWSURL = ""
                      $EWSManagedApiPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.0\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll"
                       if (!(Get-Item -Path $EWSManagedApiPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
                           throw "EWS Managed API could not be found at $($EWSManagedApiPath).";cl
                       $service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2007_SP1)
                       $service.Credentials = New-Object  Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WebCredentials($Username,$Password);
                       $service.URL = New-Object Uri($EwsUrl)
                       $CalendarFolder = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.CalendarFolder]::Bind($service, [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::Calendar);
                      $CSVpath="...\CSV\" # Your CSV folder
                      $CSVlist = get-childitem $CSVPath
                      #Read CSV Files
                      Foreach ($i in $CSVList ){
                           $file= $
                           $EmailAddress = $
                      $EmailAddress = $EmailAddress.substring(0,$file.Length-4)
                           $CSVFile = Import-Csv -Path $i.fullname
                           $service.ImpersonatedUserId = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ImpersonatedUserId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ConnectingIdType]::SmtpAddress, $EmailAddress);
                           Write-Host $EmailAddress
                           # Parse the CSV file and add the appointments
                          foreach ($CalendarItem in $CSVFile)
                      	# Create appointment
                      		$Appointment = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Appointment($service);
                      		write-host ($CalendarItem."StartDate" + " " + $CalendarItem."StartTime")
                              $StartDate=[DateTime]($CalendarItem."StartDate" + " " + $CalendarItem."StartTime");
                      		$EndDate=[DateTime]($CalendarItem."EndDate" + " " + $CalendarItem."EndTime");
                              if ($CalendarItem.Note) {$Appointment.Body=$CalendarItem.Note}
                      		# Upload Appointment on Office 365
                      		Write-Host "Created $($CalendarItem."Subject")" -ForegroundColor green;

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Be careful, the time to process the CSV files to import onto Office 365 can be slow (depending of the Office 365 response time). For example, for 1 calendar with 1000 appointment, it can take more than 5 minutes to upload.

Other important point is the date format. In the ICS to CSV script, I invert day and month. I do that because my Office 365 accept only US format like Month/day/Year. I use this function to convert it :    


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So, if you want to use this script with an on premise Exchange server, check the format your server will accept (depending on your regional settings).

I hope this will be helpful for a lot...


Comments (2)

Benjamin MOREAUProject Manager


Ok, I think it's OK.
Jian An LimPrincipal Solutions Architect
Most Valuable Expert 2022
Distinguished Expert 2023

I hope you still active on this topic.
I am very interest to read on your solutions/scripts.

However, by converting that .ICS to .CSV, it actually drop 60% of the original file size, means data are not getting into the mailbox.

What i am reading is 
that is will allow EWS to import the ICS file into the Exchange Online directly.

Being not a programmer, i will need to figure out how to do so

private static void UploadMIMEAppointment(ExchangeService service)
    Appointment appointment = new Appointment(service);

    string iCalFileName = @"C:\import\appointment.ics";

    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(iCalFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
        byte[] bytes = new byte[fs.Length];
        int numBytesToRead = (int)fs.Length;
        int numBytesRead = 0;

        while (numBytesToRead > 0)
            int n = fs.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);

            if (n == 0)

            numBytesRead += n;
            numBytesToRead -= n;

        // Set the contents of the .ics file to the MimeContent property.
        appointment.MimeContent = new MimeContent("UTF-8", bytes);

    // This results in a CreateItem call to EWS. 

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