Use Outlook PST files to store old messages

Karen FalandaysTraining Specialist
Mailbox Overload?
So many of us no longer have mailbox limits, thanks to Office 365 and cloud storage, but that doesn't mean that your mailbox can't be a bit overwhelming. Not only that, if your organization archives on a regular basis, you may have personal items being moved to those archives for all eternity! Why not create an Outlook Data File (also known as Personal Folders or PST files)? That way you can store your own stuff and keep it personal.
To create a PST file in Outlook:
  1. From the Home tab, click New Items>More Items>Outlook Data File
  2. Create a name and location to store your file
  3. Do not add a password
  4. Going forward, drag personal or old items that you do not want archived to this folder.
Tip: You can create your own subfolders here as well

Karen FalandaysTraining Specialist

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