Moving Exchange users within the same Exchange server from DB to another DB will break handheld device and you will end up removing the user from BB server and adding it back again to get it working.
The reason why BB will end up not working is related the way how BES does scan to Exchange server. BES uses DN (distinguish name of the Exchange server) to scan mailboxes, hence moving users within the same exchange server will end up causing BB agents to hose up and stop working. DN is the same, BB agents will end up mapping to MB which they think the user is located on even you move the MB for same user to another DB within same exchange server.
It basically isn't smart enough to identify new DB location for the same user, due to LDAP lookup starts with DN of the Exchange server which is not changing and stops there………..
So do we have to assign the static agent for the BB users before we move them within the same exchange server or afterwards? Here Jeff Bakin comes to rescue (-:
Got to put users on a static agent after you move their mailboxes.
When you assign a static agent, it tells BES to do a MAPI rescan of the user, and thus finding the user in the new storage group. If you static agent the user before you move the MB, then the static agent will do the MAPI rescan, find the same mailbox location, then mailbox will get moved, and BES will break anyway.
To assign BlackBerry device users to a static mailbox agent, complete the following steps:
In BlackBerry Manager, select a BlackBerry device user to be assigned to a static agent.
Click Edit Properties.
In the Properties screen, select Advanced.
Set Enable Static Mailbox Agent to true.
Set Mailbox Agent ID to a value between 200-399.
Of course if you are moving users within two different Exchange servers you don't have to worry about this (-:
Best regards,
Oz Casey , Dedeal
MCSE 2003, M+, S+, MCDST
Security+, Project +, Server +
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