What is Cloud-Based Security & What are its Security Controls?

Edwin HofferTechnical Expert
Data security in the cloud is very much like a security in an on-premises data center - only without costs for maintaining facilities and computer hardware.

In the cloud, you do not have access to, or the permission needed to manage the physical servers and different types of storage devices. Alternatively, you can use web-based security tools that should be capable of monitoring and protecting the information into and of out of cloud resources. In the upcoming section, we are going to briefly explain what cloud security is, along with some cloud security controls.

What’s New About Cloud Computing Security?

Cloud security is now the fastest growing service that provides many functionalities such as IT security models. This helps protect business-critical information from theft, data leakage, and deletion. One of the advantages of cloud services is that you can operate on a scale, but still remain safe and secure. In a similar way to how you manage traditional security, now you have a new style of delivering all security solutions, addressing many areas of concern. 

Cloud security does not change how to manage data security by preventing detective controls and corrective actions. However, it gives you the ability to make all the activities in the agilest manner. Your data is secured within data centers and some countries may require the data to be saved in their country. Selecting a provider that has different data centers around the world can help satisfy such requirements.

Difference Between Cloud Security & Traditional  IT Security

Cloud Security
Traditional IT Security
Third-Party Data Centers
In-House Data Centers
Low Upfront Infrastructure Investments
High Upfront Costs
Quickly Scalable
Slow Scalability
Efficient Resource Utilization
Lower Efficiency
Reducing Time To Market
Longer Time To Market
Usage-Based Cost
Higher Cost

How to Secure Data on Cloud?

When moving towards the cloud it will take the time to analyze the security posture. In addition, identifying changes and controls that need to be implemented in order to operate safely. You just need a cloud platform which offers a wide range of security services to address all of its requirements and by doing this, you can use all new features as soon as they become available. Some of the security solutions are Strict Regulatory Standards,  Security programs, kept confidential data, and protection against DDoS attacks.

Different Types of Cloud Security Controls

Cloud security framework can be so effective if the correct defensive implementation techniques are in place. This framework should recognize certain issues that will arise with security management. The security management may address such problems with a security control. These controls can be put in place to protect against any weaknesses and also reduce the effect of attacks. In fact, there are several controls behind cloud security framework and they can basically be found in one of the following categories:

  • Deterrent controls: These controls are planned to reduce the risk of attacks on the cloud system. There are some warning signs on a property or fence, deterrent controls actually reduce the threat level to inform potential attackers that there may be adverse effects if they proceed.

  • Preventive controls: Preventive controls strengthen a system against incidents, generally reducing if not eliminating the most serious of vulnerabilities. Strong customer authentication of cloud, for instance, make it less likely unauthorized users will be able to access cloud systems easily, and certainty, the cloud user is also positively identified.

  • Detective controls: Detective controls are considered to detect and respond to any incidents that may occur. In the event of an attack, the detective control will signal the preventive or corrective controls to address an issue. System security can monitor i.e., intrusion detection and prevention arrangements, both are employed to detect such attacks on a cloud system and also support the communications infrastructure.

  • Corrective controls: Corrective controls reduce consequences of the incident, usually by limiting damage. They come into effect during or after an incident. Restoring a system backup in order to rebuild or restore the compromised system is an example of a corrective control.

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