Simple macro for single-statement exception handling

Edited by: Andrew Leniart
For a long time, I consider it very cumbersome to handle every possible exception in many function calls, especially in trivial cases where a return value could be used in a meaningful way even in the case of unexpected behaviour - Here I want to describe something I developed to make this easier.

As a developer, when using other people's code/libraries, you are forced to consider exceptions, and I think there are two major problems:

1. The developer needs to know if a foreign function can throw up an exception at all.
2. The code must be written differently accordingly (see first example below).

Problem 1 can only be solved if developers adhere to a certain discipline to search for clues in the documentation.

Regarding problem 2 I wanted to find a way to use exceptions as easily as possible, in a way that syntactically there is no difference to code that only uses return values.

A prime example of this problem is the function std::filesystem::exists. I've seen a lot of code from other developers where this function was used without catching a possible exception - apparently, not all developers know by far that if an exception can be thrown in this function, it throws filesystem_error on underlying OS API errors. I.e. if the passed path is a network path which cannot be found. 

IMHO it is a bad idea to be implemented this way and here's why. From my understanding a function named exists should return true if it exists, otherwise it should return false - this for me are the only two meaningful possibilities which I expect, usually I don't care about why it doesn't exist, I only want to know if or if not ... if I want to know why something doesn't exist I would expect another function, which can tell me why.

This means a function like this is dangerous and may cause a unhandled exception:

void foo( const std::string& file_name )
    if ( false == std::filesystem::exists( file_name ) )

    // do something ...

To make this function exception-safe it has to be written (or better said: I usually did it) somehow like this:

void foo( const std::string& file_name )
        if ( false == std::filesystem::exists( file_name ) )
    catch (...)

    // do something ...

IMO this is quite a lot of additional code to handle something really trivial.

Some weeks ago I found some time to think about this, and after some testing, I got a way to handle exceptions with macros in a very easy way without the need to explicitly write the try/catch closure.

Because I am convinced that it makes it easier to write secure code, I decided to publish my solution here.

In the attached header safe_call.h (which I think requires C++ 14, I didn't test with C++ 11) I implemented two macros (SAFE_CALL and SAFE_CALL_RET) which are intended to be used with single function calls.

With this the above sample can be written in this way:

void foo( const std::string& file_name )
    if ( false == SAFE_CALL( std::filesystem::exists( file_name ) ) )

    // do something ...

The macro calls the passed function, if no exception occurs it returns whatever this call returned, but in case an exception is thrown in the called function, it returns a default constructed instance of the same type the called function returns.

This default constructed instance is created with {}, so there are many cases where this leads to senseful (and expected) results (like false for bool, 0 for numbers, nullptr for pointers, empty strings or containers, ...) - here two more samples:

void bar( const std::string& path )
     for ( const auto& file : SAFE_CALL( std::filesystem::directory_iterator( path ) ) )
          // do somthing

// this sample requires C++ 17
template < typename TYPE >
void dump_vector( const std::any& data )
     for ( const auto& d : SAFE_CALL( std::any_cast< std::vector< TYPE > >( data ) ) )
          std::cout << d << '\n';

In case the passed function returns void the macro returns a bool, which is false in case an exception was thrown in the called function, otherwise it returns true, i.e.:

void bar( const std::string& filename )
     if ( false == std::filesystem::exists( filename ) ) // may throw

     // do something

void foo( const std::string& filename )
     if ( false == SAFE_CALL( bar( filename ) ) )

     // do somthing

There may be cases, where it's meaningful, to return something different than a default constructed instance in case an exception occurred - this can be done using the macro SAFE_CALL_RET, it expects an instance of the same type as a second value, in which case an exception occurs and this instance is returned, i.e.:

void foo( const std::string& number )
     std::cout << "default: "<< SAFE_CALL( std::stoi( number ) ) << "\n";
     std::cout << "explicit: "<< SAFE_CALL_RET( std::stoi( number ), -1 ) << "\n";

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
     foo( "9999999999" );

// Output:
// default: 0
// explicit: -1

For me, this is a very handy way to handle an exception in very many cases.

To keep the code I uploaded here simple it only handles std::exception or all exceptions (...), but this can be extended very easy in the function safe_call_exception_handler.

The caught exceptions are logged to std::clog including the source-file/line of the causing SAFE_CALL, which is very helpful to analyze problems (this behaviour can be changed in the functions log_exception) . I.e. with the above sample using std::any_cast something like this will be logged:

c:\projects\test\testexception\testexception.cpp(188): Bad any_cast

That's it - I hope you find this interesting and/or helpful.

Please tell me when you encounter any problems or want to discuss something about this issue - I appreciate all feedback.

Best regards,



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