The Microsoft CNG APIs constitute a collection of more than a dozen APIs that handle all the aspects and supporting functions to calculate hash values and perform encryption and decryption meeting modern high demands and standards.
This series details one method to implement these features in applications supported by VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), for example Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel.
The theory for and the clever mathematics behind hashing and encryption will not be touched; this is covered massively in books and articles published over a long period of time by dedicated experts. A search with Bing or Google will return a long list of resources to study.
The series has been split in five parts. This allows you to skip parts you are either familiar with or wish to implement later if at all.
The three first deal, as stated, with hashing and encrypting/decrypting based on the CNG API, while the forth explains how to combine these techniques with the little known feature of Access, storing binary data, as this in many cases will represent the optimal storage method for hashed or encrypted data. The last demonstrates how to save and verify passwords totally safe using these tools.
However, as comprehensive as the Microsoft CNG API is, as is the complexity - as you can see when studying the official documentation:
Cryptography API: Next Generation
Thus, it takes a lot of work and good understanding of cryptography to implement this API in high-level functions that are easy to apply in projects and applications.
In the .Net framework, the complexity of the API has been carefully hidden to make it quite simple and fast to, say, calculate a hash value:
// Input.
string text = "Get your filthy hands off my desert.";
// Set hash algorithm.
var hashMethod = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed();
// Convert the string to a byte array.
byte[] textBytes = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(text);
// Compute the hash value.
byte[] hashBytes = hashMethod.ComputeHash(textBytes);
// Convert the hash value to a Base64 encoded string
string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes);
// Output:
// AIPgWDlQLv7bvLdg7Oa78dyRbC0tStuEXJRk0MMehOc=
It hardly can't be simpler, not even in PowerShell:
# Text to hash.
$text="Get your filthy hands off my desert."
# Hash algorithm to use.
# Convert text to bytes.
# Calculate hash of text.
# Convert hash to Base64.
# Display result.
"Text input: " + $text
"Algorithm : " + $algorithm
"Hash value: " + $value
# Output:
# Text input: Get your filthy hands off my desert.
# Algorithm : SHA256
# Hash value: AIPgWDlQLv7bvLdg7Oa78dyRbC0tStuEXJRk0MMehOc=
However, VBA knows nothing about the CNG API and probably never will, thus - to reach a similar level of simplicity - the included modules in this project will serve to help you to achieve this in VBA.
As the included top level hash function uses the SHA256 hashing method by default and returns a Base64 encoded result, the VBA code can be extremely tight:
Dim Text As String
Dim Value As String
Text = "Get your filthy hands off my desert."
Value = Hash(Text)
Debug.Print "Text input:", Text
Debug.Print "Hash value:", Value
' Output:
' Text input: Get your filthy hands off my desert.
' Hash value: AIPgWDlQLv7bvLdg7Oa78dyRbC0tStuEXJRk0MMehOc=
As you can see, the resulting hash is identical for all three environments, thus allows for easy interchange of data between different applications and systems.
The module holding all the functions needed to wrap the CNG API is BCrypt. As the list of functions is long, it may not be easy to navigate and determine which function(s) to use for which purpose.
A map will help to clarify the dependencies between the functions. Top level is at left:
The four columns (or levels) serves a variety of implementations.
To sum it up:
Not listed above are a dozen of low-level supporting and supplemental functions.
Among these is a full set of functions for Base64 encoding and decoding of text, which are neither specific nor mandatory for encrypting and hashing but, nevertheless, widely used for storing and transport of encrypted data.
Also, as encrypted text takes up more volume than plain text, are functions included to calculate either how large an encrypted text will be or, vice versa, how much plain text that - when encrypted - can be accommodated in a given space like a table field of limited size.
The first is EncryptedTextLength:
' Return the length of a string encrypted and Base64 encoded with function Encrypt.
' To be called from function FitTextField.
' Example:
' Text = "Careful with that axe, Eugene!"
' DecryptedTextLength = Len(Text) ' = 30
' Length = EncryptedTextLength(DecryptedTextLength)
' Length -> 152
' Example data:
' Length plain Length encrypted
' 0 0
' 1 64
' 4 88
' 12 108
' 20 128
' 28 152
' 36 172
' 44 192
' 52 216
' 60 236
' 67 236
' 67 characters is the largest string to encrypt, if the
' encrypted string must fit a Short Text field of Access.
' 68 256
' 76 280
' 84 300
' 92 320
' 100 344
' 108 364
' 116 384
' 124 408
' 132 428
' 140 448
' 148 472
' 156 492
' 164 512
' 172 536
' 180 556
' 188 576
' 196 600
' 204 620
' 212 640
' 220 664
' 228 684
' 236 704
' 244 728
' 252 748
' The maximum length of an Access Short Text field is 255 characters.
' 255 748
' 260 768
' 2021-10-24. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function EncryptedTextLength( _
ByVal DecryptedTextLength As Long) _
As Long
Dim Length As Long
If DecryptedTextLength > 0 Then
Length = 64 - Int(-(DecryptedTextLength - 3) / 8) * 20 - Int(-(DecryptedTextLength - 3) / 24) * 4
End If
EncryptedTextLength = Length
End Function
The second is DecryptedTextLength:
' Return for an available length of an encrypted and Base64 encoded string
' the possible maximum length of a string to be encrypted.
' To be called from function FitTextField.
' Examples:
' Available encrypted Length plain maximum
' 0 0
' 63 0
' 64 3
' 87 3
' 88 11
' 107 11
' 108 19
' 127 19
' 128 27
' 151 27
' 152 35
' 171 35
' 172 43
' 191 43
' 192 51
' 215 51
' 216 59
' 235 59
' Largest option for a Short Text field of Access
' holding the decrypted string:
' 236 67
' 255 67
' 256 75
' 747 251
' Largest option for a Short Text field of Access
' holding the encrypted string:
' 748 259
' 2021-10-24. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function DecryptedTextLength( _
ByVal EncryptedTextLength As Long) _
As Long
Dim Length As Long
Dim Length64 As Long
Dim Delta20 As Long
Dim Delta As Long
Select Case EncryptedTextLength
Case Is < 64
Length = 0
Case Is < 64 + 24
Length = 3
Case Else
Length64 = -Int(-EncryptedTextLength / 64)
Delta20 = -Int(-((Length64 * 64 - EncryptedTextLength) / 20))
Delta = (Delta20 \ 4) * 3 + Delta20 Mod 4
Length = (Length64 - 1) * 24 - (Delta * 8) - 4 + 7
End Select
DecryptedTextLength = Length
End Function
For both functions, documentation is included in-line. If you wonder about the math used for the calculations, it is purely empiric, reduced to an acceptable minimum to keep it readable.
As you can see, storing encrypted text raises some challenges compared to storing plain text. These will be discussed in Part 4: Using binary storage to serve the Microsoft NG Cryptography (CNG) API.
Similar functions for binary storage are also included. Further, and much simpler, is a function, HashTextLength, to return the sizes of hash values. These are fixed, determined by the hash algorithm:
' Return the fixed length of a Base64 encoded hash from function Hash
' using the specified hash algorithm.
' Default length is 44.
' Maximum length is 88.
' Minimum length is 24.
' 2022-02-02. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function HashTextLength( _
Optional ByVal BcryptHashAlgorithmId As BcHashAlgorithm = bcSha256) _
As Integer
Dim Length As Integer
Select Case BcryptHashAlgorithmId
Case bcMd2, bcMd4, bcMd5
Length = 24
Case bcSha1
Length = 28
Case bcSha256
Length = 44
Case bcSha384
Length = 64
Case bcSha512
Length = 88
End Select
HashTextLength = Length
End Function
A similar function for binary storage is also included, HashByteLength:
' Return the byte count of a hash from function HashData.
' Default count is 32.
' Maximum count is 64.
' Minimum count is 16.
' 2022-02-02. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function HashByteLength( _
Optional ByVal BcryptHashAlgorithmId As BcHashAlgorithm = bcSha256) _
As Integer
Dim Length As Integer
Select Case BcryptHashAlgorithmId
Case bcMd2, bcMd4, bcMd5
Length = 16
Case bcSha1
Length = 20
Case bcSha256
Length = 32
Case bcSha384
Length = 48
Case bcSha512
Length = 64
End Select
HashByteLength = Length
End Function
As you can see, storing hash values binary will save some space. However, the values are small and text values can easily be held in a Short Text field. Thus, the difference in required storage volume should hardly be what determines what data type to use for storing hash values.
A top-level walk-through of the organisation of the building blocks for encrypting and hashing using the Next Generation Cryptography as well as the most important supporting functions has been presented.
The implementation of these as well as storing encrypted or hashed values will be presented in the next parts of this series.
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Comments (2)
Been a long time since anyone did any serious work in this area.
Commented:Yes, so many half-baked solutions, while you could see, it was a snap in PowerShell and, of course, .Net.
But the code by Eric A was what got me started.