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Advanced Batch File Programming: TOMORROW.BAT


TOMORROW.BAT is inspired by a question I get asked over and over again; that is, "How can I use batch file commands to obtain tomorrow's date?"

The crux of this batch file revolves around the XCOPY command - a technique I discovered while looking for an easy method for validating dates that avoids a series of complex mathematical procedures.  Here's the complete batch file:
                      :: TOMORROW.BAT
                      :: Function to return tomorrow's date
                      @echo off
                      set /a d=%date:~0,2%
                      set /a m=%date:~3,2%
                      set /a y=%date:~6,4%
                        set /a d+=1
                        if %d% gtr 31 (
                          set d=1
                          set /a m+=1
                          if %m% gtr 12 (
                            set m=1
                            set /a y+=1
                      xcopy /d:%m%-%d%-%y% /l . .. >nul 2>&1 || goto loop
                      echo %d%/%m%/%y%

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The input section is pretty straightforward.  The code receives input from the system's %DATE% whose format is DD/MM/YYYY.

set /a d=%date:~0,2%
                      set /a m=%date:~3,2%
                      set /a y=%date:~6,4%

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If your system's date format differs from DD/MM/YYYY then you will need to edit these three lines or provide some other method of delivering the date to the batch file in order for the rest of the code to work correctly.

You are reminded: This is an advanced topic and therefore, I would expect you to know how to do that.
When assigning values to variables, we use using SET /A (rather than just SET) to overcome the problem of attempting to perform octal arithmetic on '08' and '09' later on. This is because leading zeros are trimmed off during arithmetic assignment.

Incrementing the day itself is a doddle.  Basically, '1' is added to the current day value. If the resultant date is valid, it is returned to the user.  

The trick is in the end-of-month handling.  The majority of times, the loop will execute just the once.  If today is the last day in the month, then:  If there are 30 days in the current month, the loop will execute twice.  In the worst-case scenario, where February 28 falls on a non-leap year, the loop will execute just four times; to wit: 28+1 is invalid, 29+1 is invalid, 30+1 is invalid, 31+1 becomes 1, which is valid).

                        set /a d+=1
                        if %d% gtr 31 (
                          set d=1
                          set /a m+=1
                          if %m% gtr 12 (
                            set m=1
                            set /a y+=1
                      xcopy /d:%m%-%d%-%y% /l . .. >nul 2>&1 || goto loop

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In all cases, should the day value exceed the maximum range a day may reach - which is 31, it is reset to '1' and the month value is incremented. The same principle is then applied to the month value should it exceed 12.

For information on validating dates using the XCOPY command please see my article: Advanced Batch File Programming: Validating Dates

If the date in '/d:' is valid and resolvable, then XCOPY continues (to do 'nothing') and control is passed to the next line of code in the batch file.  If, on the other hand, the date is invalid, the '||' (logical OR operator) passes control to the GOTO instruction and the process is repeated by jumping back the beginning of the loop.

Output is straight forward. No real need to assign it to a variable such as tomorrow although you can if you wish to.

echo %d%/%m%/%y%

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Notice the order in which D, M and Y are assembled - they match the input.

Also note that either D or M may consist of one or two digits. If you want to output this as DD/MM/YYYY then you will need to add the leading zeros yourself. For example, the following should do the job quite nicely:

set d=0%d%
                      set m=0%m%
                      echo %d:~-2%/%m~-2%/%y%

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And that's about all you need to know.

As it stands, the batch file's only output is a date in D/M/YY format (or DD/MM/YY if you have added the leading zeros). This will work as a standalone batch file or as a function tacked onto the end of your own batch file and executed with a CALL statement.

As an external function, you might CALL it from within your own batch file like this:

for /f %%a in ('tomorrow') do set tomorrow=%%a

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As a function added to your own code, you might do something like this:

for /f %%a in ('call :tomorrow') do set tomorrow=%%a

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%%a is set to the date given by the function TOMORROW.BAT, this is then assigned to your variable tomorrow.

Output can also be redirected or piped into another command as in the following examples:

call tomorrow >file

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call tomorrow|find . . .

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There is no reason why you cannot take input from the command line rather than DATE itself by replacing the three SET statements in the input section with something like this:

for /f "tokens=1-3 usebackq delims=/" %%a in ('%1') do (
                        set d=%%a
                        set m=%%b
                        set y=%%c

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Note: That would make the function return "The Day After x" rather than "Tomorrow"

Advanced Batch File Programming: YESTERDAY.BAT
Advanced Batch File Programming: Validating Dates

Validating Dates

Further info may be found at

Comments (5)


Thank you for your assistance
Helo Tom,

INfact this article is useful,i did seen many peopls asking for this question on different forums,
I have one question, Is it date format dependent ?
On my windows 7 machine it just say :Missing Oprend".
When i changed Echo off to Echo on, it seems going into infinite loop.
My date format is Sun 02/06/2011.

Also will it work on months with less then 31 days like Feb and Apr, Or needs to be modified to work with all months..May be you can add the code to check the month and get the total number of days automaticly..

Thank you .



There is no need to modify the code to handle different number of days for different months, the validator will accept ANY combination of date numbers as it is.

With regard to your date format, DDD MM/DD/YYYY, change these lines at the start of the program:

   set /a d=%date:~0,2%
   set /a m=%date:~3,2%
   set /a y=%date:~6,4%


   set /a d=%date:~7,2%
   set /a m=%date:~4,2%
   set /a y=%date:~10,4%
Steve KnightIT Consultancy

Hadn't seen this one before Paul... could come in useful!




I'm currently doing another write-up (like the many in the making). I see it's strength in validating dates input by the user.

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