PaperPort Upgrade: How to download and install updated versions of PaperPort 11 and 12

Joe WinogradDeveloper
50+ years in computers
EE FELLOW 2017 — first ever recipient of Fellow award
MVE 2015,2016,2018
Update 13-December-2014: Article Deprecated. The links in this article for the PaperPort 12 upgrades no longer work and Nuance informed me that the links for the PaperPort 11 ones may soon stop working. However, Nuance provided new links for them, as well as links for the latest version, PaperPort 14 (there was no PaperPort 13). The new links are to direct downloads of the upgrades (PP11.2, PP12.1, PP14.5), rather than to a Download Request Form, as with the previous links. In addition, Nuance provided links to a "Remover Tool" for all three versions. Lastly, there are "Standard versus Professional" feature comparison matrices for all three versions (this article shows the one only for PP12). To deal with such a substantial number of changes, I decided to deprecate this article. I also decided that adding PP14 information to both PP11 and PP12 would result in a long, unwieldy article. In addition, a user of one version is not going to be concerned about the other two versions, so I published three separate articles for PP11, PP12, and PP14 users. You will find them here:

PaperPort 11 - Free Upgrade to Version 11.2
PaperPort 12 - Free Upgrade to Version 12.1
PaperPort 14 - Free Upgrade to Version 14.5

Regards, Joe

I have been involved in numerous questions here at Experts Exchange where members have been using Nuance's PaperPort Version 11 (hereafter, PP11) and PaperPort Version 12 (PP12). These are the two most recent production releases of PP, although there are rumors of a PP14 (yes, the rumors have Nuance being superstitious and skipping Version 13).

In many cases, people are on PP11.0 and PP12.0. The ".0" releases are known to have bugs that have been fixed in subsequent releases, the latest being 11.2 for PP11 and 12.1 for PP12. Unfortunately, the feature in both PP11 and PP12 is broken, so it's not clear how to upgrade. It turns out that Nuance does offer a FREE upgrade to 11.2 and 12.1, and this EE Article explains where to get the download and how to install it properly.

For both PP11 and PP12, there are two consumer versions – "plain" PP (we'll call this Standard from now on, although Nuance doesn't use this terminology, except in URLs) and Professional. For those interested in understanding the differences between Standard and Professional, the feature comparison matrix for PP12 is available at:

Now, back to upgrading – for FREE!

For PP11 Standard:

Beware the download size: 231 MB!

For PP11 Professional:

Beware the download size: 300 MB!

For PP12 Standard:

Beware the download size: 257 MB!

For PP12 Professional:

Beware the download size: 345 MB!

For PP11, it says that this is the PP11 update for Vista, but it works fine in XP and 2000 (I have tested it in both). For PP12, it says that this is the PP12 update for Windows 7, but it works fine under XP and Vista (I don't know about 2000 – have not tried it).

In all four cases, you may either request a CD for $9.95 (to cover shipping, handling, and material costs) or download it for FREE. To order the CD, you must call 1-800-654-1187. To download it, you must fill in the Download Request Form at the above links, which requires your current PP Serial Number. After filling out the form, Nuance will send an email with the download instructions, which is really as simple as clicking on a link to the EXE file.

For proper installation, you should uninstall all Nuance PP/PDF-related products first. For PP11, this includes PDF Create, PP Image Printer, and, of course PP11 itself (these products require separate uninstalls). For PP12, this includes PDF Viewer Plus, PP Image Printer, and, of course PP12 itself (these products require separate uninstalls). For both PP11 and PP12, if you have PDF Converter, that should also be uninstalled before installing the update (and it requires a separate uninstall).

Next step is to unzip the downloaded PP11.2 or PP12.1 and run AUTORUN.exe in the root. The PP11 installer will install PP11.2, PDF Create, and PP Image Printer. The PP12 installer will install PP12.1, PDF Viewer Plus, and PP Image Printer. You will need to reinstall PDF Converter separately (if you have it and uninstalled it). IMPORTANT: Make sure you are connected to the Internet during this entire process so the Nuance Activation Server can do its thing.

That's it – Happy Upgrading!

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Joe WinogradDeveloper
50+ years in computers
EE FELLOW 2017 — first ever recipient of Fellow award
MVE 2015,2016,2018

Comments (1)

Joe WinogradDeveloper
Most Valuable Expert 2018


Just a quick comment to point out that shortly after this article was published, Nuance did, indeed, release version 14 of PaperPort, confirming their superstitious behavior of skipping 13 (the latest release of PaperPort is version 14.5). Regards, Joe

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