Improved? Move/Copy Add-in Replacement

Improved? Move/Copy Add-in Replacement - How to avoid the annoying, “A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name XXX, which already exists on the destination worksheet.”
David Miller (dlmille)

It was one of those days…

I was working frantically, as couple weeks back, trying to get everything done before I left for Thanksgiving Holiday.  I was helping a colleague get some performance reports completed, so we could meet our team deadline.  One of the activities involved consolidating some sheets from several workbooks into one master.  

   It looks so innocent.  And yet...
After selecting a batch of sheets, I clicked the right mouse button and hit Move or Copy, chose the destination workbook, and hit Ok.  I was then inundated with prompt after prompt as Microsoft advised me that

  A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name blah, blah, blah...

“A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name XXX, which already exists on the destination worksheet.  Do you want to use the version of the name?“

If I hit Yes, Excel would prompt again on the next range name that also existed in the destination sheet.  If I hit No, I found I had to create a new name for that range.  

Name Conflict
Then, again, I had another range name to deal with.  

Please…Will this EVER end?  

After about 20 of these, I held the Y key down (trying to have the entry repeat) and had intermittent success.  On one spreadsheet tab copy, I gave up after a couple minutes and pulled up the task manager to NUKE Excel.

This wasn’t the first time it had happened to me, but I promised myself it was going to be the last!  It turns out at least one of the ways you can get this error when you try to copy a sheet that has a common range name at both the sheet as well as the workbook scope level.  I did some quick research and found that with VBA, you can disable alerts Application.DisplayAlerts=False while you perform move/copy operations, to avoid these types of prompts.  Once your code is complete, you can turn alerts back on Application.DisplayAlerts=True.  I wrote a quick macro and got the job done, in time to make it home to pack and leave on my vacation trip.

While on vacation, I watched the kids, swam, played games, and pondered this particular problem.  It seemed to me (when I was Google-ing on the issue) that the problem comes up time and again.  Mentally, I designed a solution, leveraging a couple tricks I learned about intercepting Excel menu commands to run my own code.  Some handy references I used/adapted to take over the command: (for the command bar approach - aka Excel 2003 - see:  For the XML approach - aka Excel 2007/2010 see: and

As a result, I created the MoveOrCopy! Add-In that I now use as a permanent add-in in my Excel arsenal.  Please, download it and give it a shot.  While its loaded, anytime you execute Move/Copy via Excel menus, the add-in steps in and prompts you just as Excel does (e.g., where to move/copy the selected sheets, etc.) with one exception – the code takes the DEFAULT on all prompts thanks to the Application.DisplayAlerts=False command).

 Native Move or Copy vs MoveOrCopy! dialog
I suppose someone might need to know when they are copying common range names to a destination, so they could manually rename them to avoid conflicts.  I’m not sure why there’s not a default setting in Excel for this, but perhaps in their infinite wisdom, they were being risk averse.  I prefer the default.  I can’t recall ever having wanted to do otherwise, though there may be times when that is necessary.  

As a result, I included a couple options on the add-in menu:
1) Turn On/Initialize – use MoveOrCopy! substitute,
2) Turn Off – return to Excel’s Native Move/Copy process,
3) Toggle Startup State – ON or OFF, saving your startup preference in the registry

 MoveOrCopy! Add-In Menu
Here’s the code for the MoveOrCopy! Userform (see cbOk_Click() routine for the primary code doing the move/copy function:
Private Sub cbCancel_Click()
                          Unload Me
                      End Sub
                      Private Sub cbOk_Click()
                      Dim lItem As Long
                      Dim srcWkb As Workbook
                      Dim destWkb As Workbook
                      Dim srcShts As Worksheet
                      Dim objShts As Variant
                      Dim i As Long
                      Dim bEnd As Boolean
                          Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                          Set srcWkb = ActiveWorkbook
                          Set objShts = ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
                          If cbDest.Value = NEW_BOOK Then
                              Set destWkb = Application.Workbooks.Add
                              Set destWkb = Application.Workbooks(cbDest.Value)
                          End If
                          If lbDestSht.Value = MOVE_END Then
                              If cbCopy Then
                                  objShts.Copy after:=destWkb.Sheets(destWkb.Sheets.Count)
                                  objShts.Move after:=destWkb.Sheets(destWkb.Sheets.Count)
                              End If
                              For i = 1 To destWkb.Sheets.Count
                                  If destWkb.Sheets(i).Name = lbDestSht.Value Or cbDest.Value = NEW_BOOK Then 'copy or move selected sheets BEFORE the selected destination sheet
                                      If cbCopy Then
                                          objShts.Copy before:=destWkb.Sheets(i)
                                          objShts.Move before:=destWkb.Sheets(i)
                                      End If
                                      Exit For
                                  End If
                              Next i
                          End If
                          Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                          Unload UserForm1
                      End Sub
                      Private Sub cbSource_Change()
                      Dim mySht As Worksheet
                          For Each mySht In Application.Workbooks(cbSource.Value).Worksheets
                              lbDestSht.AddItem mySht.Name
                          Next mySht
                      End Sub
                      Private Sub cbDest_Change()
                          If cbDest.Value <> NEW_BOOK Then
                              Call loadShts(Application.Workbooks(Me.cbDest.Value))
                          End If
                      End Sub
                      Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
                      Dim myWkb As Workbook
                      Dim lItem As Long
                          'Position Userform relative to sheet selection, as with Native Excel Move/Copy UI
                          UserForm1.Top = Application.Top + Application.Height * 0.93 - UserForm1.Height
                          UserForm1.Left = Application.Left + UserForm1.Height * 0.2
                          cbDest.AddItem NEW_BOOK
                          For Each myWkb In Application.Workbooks
                              cbDest.AddItem myWkb.Name
                          Next myWkb
                          For lItem = 0 To cbDest.ListCount - 1
                              If cbDest.List(lItem) = ActiveWorkbook.Name Then
                                  cbDest.ListIndex = lItem
                              End If
                          Next lItem
                          Call loadShts(ActiveWorkbook)
                      End Sub
                      Private Sub loadShts(myWkb As Workbook)
                      Dim lItem As Long
                      Dim myWks As Object
                          For Each myWks In myWkb.Sheets
                              lbDestSht.AddItem myWks.Name
                          Next myWks
                          lbDestSht.AddItem MOVE_END
                          lbDestSht.Selected(0) = True
                      End Sub

Open in new window

And here’s the code that keeps track of the user preference (toggling the Add-in’s features ON or OFF):
Option Explicit
                      Public Sub MoveOrCopy_toggleStartup()
                      Dim myName As Name
                      Dim bStartupState As Boolean
                          On Error Resume Next
                          bStartupState = GetSetting("MoveOrCopy!", "StartUp", "State", Environ("username"))
                          If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                              bStartupState = True
                          End If
                          On Error GoTo 0
                          bStartupState = Not bStartupState
                          SaveSetting appname:="MoveOrCopy!", section:="StartUp", Key:="State", setting:=bStartupState
                          MsgBox "On Excel Restart, MoveOrCopy! will be in " & IIf(bStartupState, "ON", "OFF") & " mode."
                      End Sub

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Finally, here’s the code that interfaces with the command bar or context menu (Excel < 2007 and Excel >=2007, respectively):
Option Explicit
                      Public Const NEW_BOOK = "(new book)"
                      Public Const MOVE_END = "(move to end)"
                      Public bUserDefined As Boolean
                      Function appVer() As Integer
                          If UCase(Right(ThisWorkbook.Name, 4)) = ".XLA" Then 'running as a 2003 add-in
                              appVer = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Application.Version, 11)
                              appVer = Application.Version
                          End If
                      End Function
                      Sub moveOrCopy_Initialize()
                          bUserDefined = True
                          If appVer < 12 Then 'check application version.  < 12 means earlier than Excel 2007, so use commandbar approach
                              Call ChangeMenuOptions(bUserDefined, 848) 'True - user defined on move/copy
                              'do nothing
                          End If
                          MsgBox "Just proceed with Move/Copy on sheet tabs as you have 'Normally'.  However, use the ""Turn Off"" feature to revert back to Excel Native Move/Copy"
                      End Sub
                      Sub moveOrCopy_deInitialize()
                          bUserDefined = False
                          If appVer < 12 Then
                              Call ChangeMenuOptions(bUserDefined, 848) 'True - user defined on move/copy
                              'do nothing
                          End If
                          MsgBox "You have now reverted back to Excel Native Move/Copy"
                      End Sub
                      Sub MoveOrCopyUI()
                          If Application.Workbooks.Count > 0 Then
                              Load UserForm1
                              MsgBox "MoveOrCopy! will not operate if no workbooks are open in Excel", vbCritical, "Aborting..."
                          End If
                      End Sub
                      'Source: Adapted from
                      'Supporting XML embedded in this 2007/2010 file:
                      '<customUI xmlns="">
                      '  <commands>
                      '    <command idMso="SheetMoveOrCopy" onAction="CustomMoveOrCopy" />
                      '  </commands>
                      Public Sub CustomMoveOrCopy(ByVal control As Variant, ByRef cancelDefault As Variant)
                          If bUserDefined Then
                              cancelDefault = True
                              Call MoveOrCopyUI
                              cancelDefault = False
                          End If
                      End Sub
                      'Source: Adapted from
                      Public Sub ChangeMenuOptions(bUserDef As Boolean, ParamArray ControlID() As Variant)
                      '848 Move or Copy Sheet...
                      '889 Rename Sheet
                      '847 Delete Sheet
                      Dim iControl As Integer
                      Dim oControl As Object
                          For iControl = LBound(ControlID) To UBound(ControlID)
                              For Each oControl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=ControlID(iControl))
                                  If bUserDef Then
                                      oControl.OnAction = "MoveOrCopyUI"
                                  End If
                              Next oControl
                          Next iControl
                      End Sub

Open in new window


Attachment I:MoveOrCopy! Add-in for Excel 2003 & earlier (untested on versions < 2003)

Attachment II:MoveOrCopy! Add in for Excel 2007-2010
Just download and save to a trusted location.  Run it and see how it performs, for yourself.  If you’d like to make it a permanent addition as I have, just save it to your add-ins directory, and set Excel Options so MoveOrCopy! loads every time you start Excel.

Happy Copying!

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Comments (4)

Great idea.  While I haven't tried the add-in yet, I have encountered this problem many times.  I'm happy to have the add-in in my back pocket for the next time I run up against the same issue.  Thanks for a smart work around!
Most Valuable Expert 2012
Top Expert 2012


You are welcome.  For the add-in to be of most benefit,  just install and forget about it.

Keep Up The Good Work! :)

Thanks David. Will give it a shot!

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