  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Member Since: 2004/01/24
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Have spent the last 30 years working in IT and having moved up through the ranks of being a techie, programmer and general dogs body, I ended up as a senior IT Manager. Unfortunately, although I know my way around the products these days, I dont have the specific knowledge to implement anymore, having found it desirable and financially prudent to leave that to the sprogs who liked getting their hands dirty!

Sadly, I get my buzz from techie work and have recently begun a small consultancy helping friends get the most from their kit (and helping them avoid the huge cost of subscribing to telephone help lines just to ask even the most basic question). But I have now realised that my techie brain has long since headed for its winter hibernation so....

Here I am. I am not after anything for free, and have subscribed to the premium service so I can reward you lot for your knowledge.

Aside... I have just done a Monday to Friday stint installing new kit, etc for a friend and managed only 7 hours sleep during that time... not bad for an overthehil, but had I swallowed my pride earlier, I am sure you all could have helped me out of the tight corners that the Microsoft guides paint you in to!

So here's to a long a mutually beneficial two way exchange...

Antidotes: (When I was younger and starting out in IT...)

DP was known to be data processing and not double...
EDP was the zulu term
PC was a policeman
IBM were the error of the high seas and the world would only ever need 5 mainframes
The Internet would never work
Apple ruled
Green screens were cool
64K machines were for NASA to land people on the moon
Laser Printers were fictional Star Trek props
HP made a good table sauce
Browse was what you did on Saturdays at the shops

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Level Progress

Current: Level 0
OverTheHillTechie needs 2,000 points to level up.
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