Provide a quick, creative biography in 140 characters or less.
More bioMIS Director for over 5 years and about 10 additional years of experience in all sorts of computer technology.
- Experience with Novell from version 2 up to 5.0 (CNE), Unix (Sco, Linux), NT 4.0, 2K, XP, 2K3, and Exchange Server up to 5.5. I've also been employed as a programmer with experience in BASIC, C, 80x88/680xx/z80 assembly... and most recently Javascript, .net family, php, and Actionscript.
I actually began my career as a fashion photographer working for a major publication. Yes, odd... that I am now is a radically different career. I am currently employed as both a technical writer and web designer.
I've been involved with EE since the very beginning. I enjoy helping solving problems and to make people happy in the face of this occasionally cold and unforgiving technology.