#TodayILearned that #OData presents a problem for #XSLT. The #JSON element named "@odata.context" can't be translated into an #XML element with the same name, using XSLT 2 or 3 as provided in #Java by #Saxonica.
The problem is that XSLT uses that @ in XPATH statements to match element attributes, and in other places within curly brackets, like {@attribute}, to copy that attribute's content into the output.
The solution is to differentiate between nodes/attributes that do, and ones that don't contain an @-sign,  and either replace() or translate() that into something else.
In my case, I use fx:json-to-xml() from XSLT3, implemented by Saxonica, to transform received JSON-formatted data into raw XML. This leads to a map element that contains elements array, boolean, map, null, number, and string. The JSON element names become the XML elelements' "@key" attribute.
A 2nd XSL transformation produces the domain-specific XML-format. As stated above, we must take heed with producing the "@odata.context" element. This can occur, a.f.a.i.k., in either a null element or a string element. So, we differ between those with and without an "@" in the key attribute:
<xsl:template match="xf:string[@key][not(contains(@key, '@'))]">
<xsl:element name="{@key}">
<xsl:value-of select="text()" />
<xsl:template match="xf:string[@key][contains(@key, '@')]">
<xsl:variable name="newName"><xsl:value-of select="translate(@key, '@', '')" /></xsl:variable>
<xsl:element name="{$newName}">
<xsl:value-of select="text()" />
In this case, I defined the xf namespace in the XSL root, to point to XSL's x-functions, which is what my xf:json-to-xml() transformation placed as the default namespace (xmlns) in the root map element of the raw XML. I can't tell you whether that is normal, or a reault of my particular set-up.
How do you deal with OData.Context? 
LVL 37


by:Andrew Leniart
Hi A.E. Veltstra  ..

You'll probably have more luck with this problem if you use the Ask a Question button at the top of your browser window to get some help from the experts.

Author Comment

by:A.E. Veltstra
Hi, Andrew Leniart. Funny, we have the same first name.
Thank you for your concern. I did search before I found a way to solve my problem and published it. As far as the search could tell me, I'm literally the first person to encounter and solve this problem. Hence the publication.
LVL 37


by:Andrew Leniart
My apologies Andrew, I didn't read your entire post carefully enough and took it to be a problem you were still trying to solve. I think the hash tag # at the start threw me off! These new fandangled ways you younger generation have of talking can get confusing for oldies like me! lol..

Cheers :)

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