I changed my computer's to download Windows Updates Automatically a few months ago, but I've never really trusted it.

Today my mistrust in counting on things to happen automatically was vindicated when I manually opened Windows Update to check manually for updates and promptly got a Windows Update Error 0x80070003

Windows 7 Action Centre, set to warn me if there was a problem with Automatic Updates, reported no problems.

After fixing the problem and getting Windows Updates to work again, (the standard fixes didn't work - a hotfix needed to be installed) it's now installing about ~700MB of critical updates that it just downloaded as I type.  

The moral of this post?

Don't trust automatic Windows updates!  In fact, don't trust Automatic anything. Use automated updating by all means, I even encourage it to all my clients, but periodically check to ensure that whatever you've set to update automatically is in fact, updating.  

According to a google search, the problem I just fixed on my Win 7 Pro 64bit system has been reported occurring on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 systems during December of 2017 and January of this year.  It seems to only happen on certain system configurations.

Just a heads up folks.
LVL 37

Author Comment

by:Andrew Leniart
Further to my last post, I just rebooted after 7 updates were installed, ran Windows Update again just now and it's now downloading another critical 231MB security roll-up update to install.  As I said before..

Use Automatically Install Windows Updates by all means. Most times it works. But you "should" periodically just run Windows Update manually to make sure it's doing what it's supposed to be doing.

LVL 115


Good post and your conclusions are correct for certain devices. My own and client Lenovo computers all updated properly. My own Windows 7 virtual machine (VMware BIOS and drivers) update properly as well.

Thank you for posting this.
LVL 37

Author Comment

by:Andrew Leniart
Thanks for your comments John.  For reference of any doubters, here is how my Windows Update Settings were (and continue to be) set on my Win 7 Pro 64 Bit System.

Windows Update settings
LVL 115


That is how my own Windows 7 VM is set. But it is normally off. So when I started it late last week (monthly at least), and let it run for 5 minutes, it started downloading updates and then installed them. I only had to restart.

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