How to re-read database for record with a key passed as an argument?

I have two forms: one a list of Products; and second, an edit page of additional Product information.  I have an event on On Dbl_Click on the List page with the following code:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Product_Edit", acNormal, , , acFormEdit, acDialog, Product_Nbr.Value

While I am able to see the Product_Nbr Argument being passed into the Product_Edit form, I'm not able to have this second form display this particular record.  It only displays the first record in the Product table.  

How to I tell Access to re-read the product table based on the Product_Nbr being passed into it?


Hi Andre,

You are sending in Product_Nbr as an OpenArgs parameter, which is available to the called form but nothing else is done with it automatically.  It sounds like you want to use the WhereCondition parameter instead, which is the fourth one.  To keep everything clear, I recommend using named parameters instead of counting commas.  So, your statement will look something like:

DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="Product_Edit", WhereCondition:="ProductNbr = " & Me.ProductNbr, WindowMode:=acDialog

More help on the OpenForm command's parameters:

Hope this helps,
Armen Stein
J Street Technology
LVL 33


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Author Comment

by:Andre Fischer
Thank you for your assistance.  I was able to get it to work by specifying the Filter as:

WhereCondition:="Products.[Product-Nbr] = " & Me.Product_Nbr.Value,


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