My colleague was trying to find a solution to auto-turn on a machine due to the power failure.

I thought the following article is a good start to refer to:
LVL 11


by:Edmond Hawila
Yep. That is the way to do it.
LVL 72

Author Comment

by:Ryan Chong
Glad to know that : )
LVL 33


by:Brian B
One thing they didn't mention... Although they do recommend purchasing a UPS to protect from power fluctuations, there are other reasons I have experienced. When the power comes back on, it may flicker on and off. I have had this kill a PC because it kept switching on and off. You can avoid this by setting the UPS to not restore power right away. It also keeps the system up through small power blips.
LVL 72

Author Comment

by:Ryan Chong
You can avoid this by setting the UPS to not restore power right away. It also keeps the system up through small power blips.
Got it Brian, that's definitely a good point to take note : )

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