PowerSchool SIS ODBC (Oracle DB connection)

Thanks to Evan Hines & slightwv for pointing me the right way.

Quick walk-through detailing steps in order
On client machine (not the system containing database; the system that’s going to pull the data instead)…

You need 3 downloads:

 Instant Client Package - Basic
 Instant Client Package – ODBC
 Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Redistributable

Create a new folder (i.e. c:\Drivers\oraclepsODBC)

Unzip contents of “Basic” package to created folder

Unzip contents of “ODBC” package to same created folder (combine duplicate folders; files from ODBC package should be in same directory as basic package contents) (i.e. EVERYTHING including odbc files should be in here…. C:\Drivers\OraclePsODBC\instantclient-basic-windows.x64-\instantclient_19_10)

Right-click odbc_install.exe and open properties.

“Unblock” installer on general tab and click OK

CMD as administrator and change directory to location you created and combined like folders (i.e. cd c:\oracle\odbc\instantclient-basic-windows.x64-\instantclient_19_10\)

Type odbc_install.exe and hit enter

ODBC driver should now be installed and ready for use

You can now create a DSN (ODBC data source) connection on the client workstation.

Type ODBC in your start menu and choose the appropriate (x86 vs x64) result.

On the System DSN tab, click Add...
Choose the Oracle instant client driver you installed and click Finish.

TNS Service Name = IP:Port
User ID: PSNavigator

Click Test Connection

Default PowerSchool DB : PSPRODDB
Default PowerSchool DB user : PSNavigator
Default PowerSchool port : 1521 (i.e. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1521

Referenced and Credit to:

Solved: ODBC Access to PowerSchool (Oracle) | Experts Exchange (experts-exchange.com)


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