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How to create ActiveX control supporting Automation

      I have created a basic ActiveX control using MSVC++ 5.0 Control Wizard. I added one arbitrary method, and compiled it.  
      When I use the control in VB 5.0, it works as long as I place the control on the form and access its method that way. But if I use automation, such as in the following VB code,

Dim obj as Object
set obj = CreateObject("MyControl.mycontrol.1")
obj.MyMethod  ,

I get the error:

Run-time error -2147418113 (8000ffff)
Method 'MyMethod' of object '_DMyControl' failed.

(The error number is S_UNEXPECTED in VC++, and it occurs because the m_bInitialized member variable is false in the instance of COleControl - I tried the equivalent of "CreateObject" in VC++ and the I got the same error)

There must be something simple that I am missing out on...I thank you in advance for any help.


(FYI, the CreateObject statement seems to function properly, as I do get a pointer to my control when debugging)

PS: Instead of trying to instantiate the other object using "CreateObject" (or the equivalent set of C++ functions), can one get a pointer to an ActiveX control from within another ActiveX control given that they both reside in the same container???
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Adjusted points to 200
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Can you show your VC++ container code ?
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Hi Gelbert,
   Sorry, I guess I was not clear enough. The container is a VB form (although I should not depend on one specific container, of course). If you mean my VC++ code which instantiates the ActiveX control - it performs the same function as CreateObject(), but here it is anyway...

        // Set GUID
      long a = 1163048501;  
      short b = 13338;            
      short c = 4561;      
      unsigned char d[8] = {150,34,0,0,192,52,105,210};

      GUID g;
      g.Data1 = a;
      g.Data2 = b;
      g.Data3 = c;
      for (int i =0; i<=7; i++)
            g.Data4[i] = d[i];      

      if (int r = OleInitialize(NULL) != S_OK)
            TRACE("OleInitialize() failed!\n");

      REFCLSID CLSID_CMyObject = g;

      HRESULT hresult;
      IUnknown FAR* punk;
      IDispatch FAR* pdisp = (IDispatch FAR*)NULL;

      LPCTSTR methodName = "putNoText";


      LPCOLESTR lpOleStr = T2COLE(methodName);

      DISPID dispid;
      DISPPARAMS dispparamsNoArgs = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0};

      hresult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CMyObject, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, //CLSCTX_SERVER,
                        IID_IUnknown, (void FAR* FAR*)&punk);

      if (hresult != S_OK)
            TRACE("CoCreateInstance failed!\n");

      hresult = punk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch,
                  (void FAR* FAR*)&pdisp);
      if (hresult != S_OK)
            TRACE("QueryInterface (IDispatch) failed!\n");

      IUnknown FAR* punknown = (IUnknown FAR*)NULL;
      LPDWORD lpdwRegister = (LPDWORD)malloc(64);
      hresult = punk->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown,
                  (void FAR* FAR*)&punknown);

      if (hresult != S_OK)
            TRACE("QueryInterface (IUnknown) failed!\n");

      hresult = CoRegisterClassObject(CLSID_CMyObject, punknown, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
                        REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, lpdwRegister);

      if (hresult != S_OK)
            TRACE("CoRegisterClassObject() failed!\n");

      unsigned long FAR* pdwRegister = (unsigned long FAR*)malloc(64);
      hresult = RegisterActiveObject(punknown, CLSID_CMyObject, ACTIVEOBJECT_STRONG,

      if (hresult != S_OK)
            TRACE("RegisterActiveObject() failed!\n");

      hresult = pdisp->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, (LPOLESTR*)&lpOleStr, 1,
                        LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid);

      if (hresult != S_OK)
            TRACE("GetIDsOfNames failed!\n");

      hresult = pdisp->Invoke(
            &dispparamsNoArgs, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        // This is where the failure occurs - all other functions
        // complete successfully
      if (hresult != S_OK)
            TRACE("Invoke failed!\n");

When you use CoCreateInstance() ask for IClassFactory insterface and use it ot call IClassFactory::CreateInstance() to create instance of object
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Didn't work.....
Let me make my question simpler...

1) I created an ActiveX control using VC++ 5.0 control wizard.
2) I added 1 method called "Method"

3) I created another ActiveX control using VC++ 5.0 control wizard.
4) In the second control, I am trying to invoke the method on the first control.

I have failed to do this so far, and have tried everything I could think of.  If you have any idea (or source code example) please let me know. Thanks.

P.S. I am using VB as the form on which the second control is placed.
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hint: the CoCreateInstance and CreateInstance functions create an UNINITIALIZED (what does that mean?) object. The error I am getting is within the COleControl class, where the variable m_bInitialized = FALSE when it should be true. Is there someway to "initialize" an ole object that I do not know about???
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I already checked that option, but I do not have a pointer to the control, but merely a pointer to its interfaces. Anyway, like I said before, my C++ code is the equivalent to the Visual Basic "CreateObject" function, and that did not work.  I think I have figured out the problem - it is that the new (VC++ 5.0) activeX wizard creates more lightweight controls than (VC++ 4) and as such have left out certain interfaces such as some automation ones, and so I need to add them manually. Thanks for the help anyway...I'll give u the points for good effort.