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What's wrong?

What's wrong with the following statement?

    CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, MyObject&>&> My2DObArray;

I get missing "decl-specifiers" error, "syntax error : missing ';' before '<'", "unexpected token(s) preceding ';'". The lines are from my header file of my control. I add these lines after the lines generate by MSVC. I get errors even if I use 1D CArrays of CString there! Why?
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I've never seen something like that declaration before, think there're a lot of typos in that declaration, besides "CTypedPtrArray<CObArray" appeards two times.

anyway, CTypedPtrArray and MyObject seems to be a type variable (as int or char). CObArray and My2DObArray seems to be variables, but not sure at all!!

try searching for the declaration of the type variables.

if you need some more help try posting those declaration, and a piece of code that shows the use of CObArray and My2DObArray in action... ok!?

Try to add spaces before and/or after the brackets.
I've had similar problem before and it helped.


Avatar of sccheung


I'm very sorry to tell you that it doesn't work. It seems that you need more information. I give you the entire header file:

//Header file starts here:

#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000

// MagicSquareNumberBlockContainerCtl.h : Declaration of the CMagicSquareNumberBlockContainerCtrl ActiveX Control class.

// CMagicSquareNumberBlockContainerCtrl : See MagicSquareNumberBlockContainerCtl.cpp for implementation.

class CMagicSquareNumberBlockContainerCtrl : public COleControl

// Constructor

// Overrides
      // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
      virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid);
      virtual void DoPropExchange(CPropExchange* pPX);
      virtual void OnResetState();

// Implementation

      DECLARE_OLECREATE_EX(CMagicSquareNumberBlockContainerCtrl)    // Class factory and guid
      DECLARE_OLETYPELIB(CMagicSquareNumberBlockContainerCtrl)      // GetTypeInfo
      DECLARE_PROPPAGEIDS(CMagicSquareNumberBlockContainerCtrl)     // Property page IDs
      DECLARE_OLECTLTYPE(CMagicSquareNumberBlockContainerCtrl)            // Type name and misc status

// Message maps
            // NOTE - ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
            //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !

// Dispatch maps
      short m_blockSize;
      afx_msg void OnBlockSizeChanged();
      short m_blocksPerRow;
      afx_msg void OnBlocksPerRowChanged();
      short m_blocksPerColumn;
      afx_msg void OnBlocksPerColumnChanged();

      afx_msg void AboutBox();

// Event maps

// Dispatch and event IDs
      enum {
      dispidBlockSize = 1L,
      dispidBlocksPerRow = 2L,
      dispidBlocksPerColumn = 3L,

// The 2D object array of number block
//problem begins here
      CTypedPtrArray< CObArray, CTypedPtrArray< CObArray, CMagicSquareNumberBlocks& >& > TheNumberBlocks;
//problem ends here

// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.


//Header file ends here.

That line is to declare a 2D array of number block which is a CObject containing the value of the block. That TObject is also responsible for displaying the block. As I want to let the user to pull the blocks is the game, the blocks have to be individual CObjects. In fact, that CObject is a ActiveX Control written with the ActiveX ControlWizard. I want to tell you that I know Delphi but is new to MSVC++. I make this program to get used to VC. Therefore the problems may be caused by some very silly mistakes. If anyone knows a better solution to this problem then declaring a 2D Object Array, you may also tell me. However, I find both CTypedPtrArray and 2D array very useful and I want to learn how to use both of them at the same time.

It's quite inconvenient to write "xxx start here" and "xxx ends here". Do you know how to use bold or italic in experts exchange?
Try to use pointer instead of reference!
CTypedPtrArray< CObArray, CTypedPtrArray< CObArray, CMagicSquareNumberBlocks* >* > TheNumberBlocks;
Trying... Please wait for a minute.
The same error still occur! Is this question too difficult? Should I use another method besides OBArray to solve this problem?
I suceeded at last! I have been trying to fix this error for over a week. I am so excited when MSVC++ reports "0 errors, 0 warnings". With reference to the collect sample from MFC, I know that I have to add #include <afxtmpl> in the file stdafx.h to include the template support including the CTypedPtrArray. As I have told you before, the problem is caused by my lack of basic MFC knowledge. But why is there no book or MFC help file which tell me about this?
After adding this line, I find that I still have to take Tulin's advice and change it into pointer. Therefore, I would like to give the points to Tulin despite the fact that he cannot solve my problem completely. Tulin, please re-send your answer to let me grade it and give you the points.
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