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I'm unable to implement a column sort in my CListCtrl by pushing the column header button on the ListCtrl box. Any suggestions? I've tried the Help menu but with no luck. I am using VC++ 5.0
Avatar of cyrilbdt

derive your owne class from CListCtrl. override LVN_COLUMNCLICK.
In hendler use CListCtrl::SortItems to sort

cyrilbdt posted an answer before I had a change to submit my long answer...damn!

He missed out how to use the CompareFunc so his answer is incomplete.

Hopefully this tells you how...

This is for a CListCtrl on a view, but the idea is the same for derived classes of CListCtrl (replace m_list with this->)

1. Add m_nSortColumn (int) and m_bSortReverse (BOOL) flags to your view class

2. Add a click on column header (LVN_COLUMNCLICK)

void CMailGuruView::OnColumnclickList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)

      int nNewHeader = pNMListView->iSubItem ;

      if ( nNewHeader == m_nSortColumn )
            m_bSortReverse = !m_bSortReverse ;
      } else
            m_nSortColumn = nNewHeader ;
            m_bSortReverse = FALSE ;

      GetDocument()->SetModifiedFlag() ; // <-- remove this if not a view
      Resort() ;
      *pResult = 0;

3. Add a Resort function, which triggers the sort

void CMailGuruView::Resort()
      CWaitCursor oWait ;
      ASSERT_VALID(this) ;

      int nCount = m_list.GetItemCount() ;
      if ( nCount > 0 )
            for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < nCount ; ii++ )
                  m_list.SetItemData( ii, ii ) ;

            m_list.SortItems( CompareFunc, (DWORD)this ) ;

4. Add Compare Function, make sure that the CompareFunc is declared as a static function in the file's header (.h)

// in .cpp

int CALLBACK CMailGuruView::CompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2,     LPARAM lParamSort)
             // change pView to m_pThis if derived from CListCtrl
            // change CMailGuruView * into CMyListCtrl if derived from CListCtrl
      CMailGuruView * pView = (CMailGuruView *)lParamSort ;
      ASSERT_VALID(pView) ;

      int nCmp = 0 ;

      // Get Strings
      CString str1 = pView->m_list.GetItemText( lParam1, 0 ) ;
      CString str2 = pView->m_list.GetItemText( lParam2, 0 ) ;

      // Compare fields

      if ( str1 < str2 )
            nCmp = -1 ;
      else if ( str2 > str1 )
            nCmp = 1 ;

      // Return result

      if ( pView->m_bSortReverse )
            nCmp = 0 - nCmp ;

      return nCmp ;

// in .h
class __whatever__
 // etc

static int CALLBACK CompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2,     LPARAM lParamSort) ;

} ;

Oh in step1

Make sure the m_nSortColumn is initialized (say in your constructor) to the initial sort column, and m_bSortReverse to FALSE.

Also the reason for writing the Resort function, is you can later add stuff like drawing the arrow's in column headers here, plus you can call this whenever the list is changed.
Avatar of Malek103197


Sorry, but I need more details (like the code) to understand the answer.
Malek - didn't you understand my comment/answer ?  Which bit is not clear.  The code is mostly cut'n'paste'd from an actual program...
For answer2000:

My comment was intended for crydblt, whose answer I rejected due to lack of code. Your (answer200) was acceptable, but I don't know how to give you the points. I guess I can't since yours is a comment and not an answer.
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Thanks for your answer answer2000. How on earth do you find the time to run a successful computer business and answer all these questions on so many different topics? A Rhetorical question if you may.