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Define the type of data to be entered into a textbox

I would like to know if anybody could help with this question?
I think this is very straight forward but I can not find it in any documentation.  I tried also a keypress event but could not deine which type of data enry was being entered.

I would like to define the type of data to be entered into a textbox (alpha vs num)and display a error msg if the entry is not alpha.

Thanks for this time.
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Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    Select Case KeyAscii
    Case &H30 To &H39
        'numbers are allowed
    Case &H0 To &HF
        'Control characters are allowed
    Case &H2E, &H2C
        'period and comma allowed
    Case Else
        'nothing else
        KeyAscii = 0
    End Select
End Sub

You may also find the function IsNumeric() useful.
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The IsCharOk function below will test for any character you specify in the strTest constant. It is very readable and amaintainable.. if you want to add or delete characters.. just make the changes in the Const strText, between the brackets. If the Text field is only to be numeric.. you can add a If Isnumeric(Text1.Text) test as well.. Enjoy !!!

This is what you put in the Keypress event

<---------- Code ---------->

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress (KeyAscii As Integer)
If NOT KeyAscii = vbKeyBack _
  And NOT KeyAscii) = vbKeyReturn _
    If NOT xIsCharOk(chr(KeyAscii)) _
      KeyAscii = 0
    End If
End If

Exit Sub

And this is the xIsCharOk Function

<---------- Code ---------->

Private Function xIsCharOk _
(Byval strInput as String) _
as Boolean

' Place any characters that you would like to test for anywhere between the brackets


xIsCharOk = True
Dim intIndex As Integer
For intIndex = 1 To Len(strInput)
'   Ucase used to test for both upper and lower case
    If Not UCase(Mid(strInput, intIndex, 1)) Like strTEST _
        xIsCharOk = False
        Exit For
    End If
Next intIndex

End Function


Ooops.. please correct the following line

  And NOT KeyAscii) = vbKeyReturn


  And NOT KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn

And at the end of the Keypress procedure please Change..


  Exit Sub


  End Sub


The xIsCharOk Function is set up to handle strings.. so that you can also run a character test on the entire Text1.Text during the Text_Change event, in case the user has copied and pasted into the Textbox, as no Keypress Event occurs for a copy/paste operation.

Enjoy.. <smile>
If (KeyAscii) >= Asc(0) And KeyAscii <= Asc(9) Then
    MsgBox Chr(KeyAscii)
    KeyAscii = 0
End If

this is to avoid the alphabets in the numerical text box
Please stop locking questions with answers which do not work.  This is against EE's guidlines, and not fair to those who have put some effort into providing a working solution.

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Thanks for the help but I can not seem to get any of the suggestions to work.

wsh2  -  I tried your code by creating the key press statement for txtCustName
and then created the function but when it ran it did not detect the wrong entry.
there is two text boxes one one that requires only alpha entry
the second requires only numeric.  I would like to place a msg that the entry was wrong as well.
Did I take the wrong approach with this.

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I tried your code and it does block the entry of incorect data but does not allow a error msg to be displayed when a wrong entry is made.

thanks for your help.
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I tried your code and it does block the entry of incorect data but does not allow a error msg to be displayed when a wrong entry is made.

thanks for your help.
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erik37 Thanks for the help.

And the others as well your help is greatly appreciated.