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JNI and return a boolean?

Can anyone show me a sample on how to return a boolean
here is my header.

JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_JProfileIO_Open
  (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint, jstring);

not quite sure on how to return a boolena.

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I tried the following but I get this error when I run the app:

I create a java package:

package jifwini;

public class JProfileIO
            // Used to load the library
      public JProfileIO(){}
      public native boolean T();

then i compile it as following then
create a jar file

source for making the jar file:

cd c:\toolkit\jifwini\jar
del jifwini.jar

jar cf c:\toolkit\jifwini\jar\jifwini.jar -C c:\toolkit\jifwini\class jifwini\JProfileIO.class

then I create a javah file:

del c:\toolkit\jifwini\win32dll\JProfileIO.h

javah -jni -d "c:\toolkit\jifwini\win32dll" -classpath "c:\toolkit\jifwini\class\jifwini" JProfileIO

then i create a dll.  
I created a directory in my c:\temp\jio
where I place the dll.

My java app that uses the jni is as follows:

import jifwini.*;

class Test
      public static Test obT;
      String strValue;
      public Test()
      public void Test1()
            strValue = "Test this one";
            System.out.println( strValue );            

            JProfileIO io = new JProfileIO();
            if( io.T() == true )
                  System.out.println( "true" );
                  System.out.println( "false" );

      public static void main(String[] args)
            Test objT = new Test();

Then i compile and run it:

javac -classpath "c:\temp\jio\jifwini.jar;c:\temp\jio" *.java
java -classpath "c:\temp\jio\jifwini.jar;c:\temp\jio" Test

now it compiles fine but when it runs I get the following erro:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: T
at jifwini.JPRofileIO.T(Native Method)
at Test.Test1(
at Test.<init>(
at Test.main(

Here is what the dll does:

JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_JProfileIO_T
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject this)
      return (JNI_TRUE);


first your DLL is named jifwini.dll ?
System.loadLibrary is extending the given parameter to an operating system(OS) dependend shared library name.
Win: jfiwini.dll
Solaris: and so on.

Second the OS must be able to find the library.
Assuming you are using Win95/98 try to place the library in a directory where your PATH environment points to.
- for example:
do echo %PATH% at a command prompt and
you will get a list of directories where you can put it.

third there is another load call you can use:
I never tried this because this will only run at one platform.

Happy eastern