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SelectNodes not work??

I have the following statement in an ASP page
Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each/@select")(1).value = "./*[position() < " & iRecordsPerPage + 1 & " and position() > 0]"

What is happening when this code is being executed is that Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each/@select")(1).value is evaluating to nothing.

Here is the XSL that is being referenced.  You will notice about half way down it clearly says <xsl:for-each select="...">, so I don't know why the SelectNodes above is not working.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:user="urn:user-namespace-here" version="1.0">

<msxsl:script language="VBScript" implements-prefix="user">
            function getName(node)
                  getName = node.item(0).NodeName
            end function

<xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="/*" />

<xsl:template match="/*">
      <table width="100%">
                  <td align="left" valign="bottom"><b>Page <span id="CurrentPage"></span>&#160; of &#160;<span id="PageCount"></span>.  Total PODs: <span id="RecordCount"></span>&#160;</b></td>
                  <td align="right"><b>PODs Per Page: <input onblur="setRecordsPerPage()" id="RecordsPerPage" type="text" size="2"></input></b></td>
                  <td align="right" valign="bottom">
                        <span id="Paging" style="Display:">
                              <input type="button" OnClick="FirstPage()"><xsl:attribute name="value"><![CDATA[|<]]></xsl:attribute></input>
                              <input type="button" OnClick="PreviousPage(1)"><xsl:attribute name="value"><![CDATA[<]]></xsl:attribute></input>
                              <input type="button" OnClick="NextPage(1)" value=">"></input>
                              <input type="button" OnClick="LastPage()" value=">|"></input>
      <table width="100%" border="1" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <tr style="cursor: hand">
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('DATEREQUESTED')"><b><u><nobr>Requested On</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('PERSONREQUESTED')"><b><u><nobr>Requested By</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('PLANTID')"><b><u><nobr>Plant</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('SHIPDATE')"><b><u><nobr>Shipped On</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('DELIVERYDATE')"><b><u><nobr>Delivered On</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('ORDERNUMBER')"><b><u><nobr>Order Number</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('SLIMVMT')"><b><u><nobr>SLI MVMT #</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('CUSTNAME')"><b><u><nobr>Customer</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('CITY')"><b><u><nobr>City</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" onclick="Sort('STATE')"><b><u><nobr>State</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFCC" onclick="Sort('PERSONOBTAINING')"><b><u><nobr>Obtained By</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFCC" onclick="Sort('SCACID')"><b><u><nobr>SCAC</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFCC" onclick="Sort('FIRSTCARRIER')"><b><u><nobr>First Carrier</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFCC" onclick="Sort('SECONDCARRIER')"><b><u><nobr>Second Carrier</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFCC" onclick="Sort('THIRDCARRIER')"><b><u><nobr>Third Carrier</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFCC" onclick="Sort('PODRECEIVED')"><b><u><nobr>POD Received</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td bgcolor="#CCFFCC" onclick="Sort('SLISHIPTOOSCDATE')"><b><u><nobr>SLI Ship To OSC</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td onclick="Sort('OSCRECEIVEDDATE')"><b><u><nobr>OSC Received</nobr></u></b></td>
                  <td onclick="Sort('COMMENTS')"><b><u><nobr>Comments</nobr></u></b></td>
            <xsl:for-each select="./*[position() &#60; 6 and position() &#62; 0]">
                  <xsl:sort select="./*[1]" order="ascending" />
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="DATEREQUESTED" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="PERSONREQUESTED" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="PLANTID" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="SHIPDATE" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="DELIVERYDATE" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="ORDERNUMBER" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="SLIMVMT" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="CUSTNAME" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="CITY" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="STATE" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFCC">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="PERSONOBTAINING" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFCC">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="SCACID" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFCC">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="FIRSTCARRIER" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFCC">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="SECONDCARRIER" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFCC">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="THIRDCARRIER" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFCC">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="PODRECEIVED" /></td>
                        <td bgcolor="CCFFCC">&#160;<xsl:value-of select="SLISHIPTOOSCDATE" /></td>
                        <td>&#160;<xsl:value-of select="OSCRECEIVEDDATE" /></td>
                        <td>&#160;<xsl:value-of select="COMMENTS" /></td>
Avatar of dragosh

what do you want to do ??? retreive xsl:for-each nodes from this XSL document ???
maybe if you can try something like


because "xsl:for-each" is the name of the tag, and "select" is an attribute.

and this will you will retreive the node and to access his attribute and set a value write like :

Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each").setAttribute "select", <<value>>

Avatar of Jagar


   I tried doing just //xsl:for-each and that returns as nothing as well.  What I'm doing is that setting up paging of a table, so that it only display say 20 records per page and the user can move through the pages as needed.

    Here is an example of the HTML page.  Note you will need the latest version of the Microsoft XML parser for this work:
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../General.css">
<Script language="vbscript">
option explicit
Dim iRecordsPerPage

iRecordsPerPage = 20

Function Window_Onload()

      ' Adjust the record level loop so that it displays our default number of records per page
      Style.XMLDocument.SelectNodes("//xsl:for-each")(1).value = "./*[position() < " & iRecordsPerPage + 1 & " and position() > 0]"      

End function

Function Transform()
      'Transform the xml document and stylesheet and display the # of records
      'per page
      DisplayArea.innerHTML = xmlMasterData.transformNode(Style.DocumentElement)
      RecordsPerPage.value = iRecordsPerPage
End function

Function redisplay(iPage)
      'Transform the document and display status info

      Dim sDisplay
      Dim iPageCount
      Dim iRecordCount      
      'Store status information for use after
      'the transformation because it gets lost
      'in the transformation
      iPageCount = PageCount.innerHTML
      iRecordCount = RecordCount.innerHTML

      'Display status information
      PageCount.innerHTML = iPageCount
      RecordCount.innerHTML = iRecordCount
      CurrentPage.innerHTML = iPage
end function

function Sort(sField)
      'Change the sort order and redisplay
      Dim sortField
      Dim sortOrderAttribute
      'Attach to the order-by attribute                                    
      set sortField = Style.XMLDocument.selectSingleNode("//xsl:sort/@select")                        
      'Attach to the sort order attribute
      set sortOrderAttribute = Style.XMLDocument.selectSingleNode("//xsl:sort/@order")
      'If we are already sorting by sField
      if sortField.value = sField or sortField.value = "./*[0]" then                                                
            'change the sort order
            if sortOrderAttribute.value = "descending" then
                  sortOrderAttribute.value = "ascending"
                  sortOrderAttribute.value = "descending"
            end if                        
            'sort ascending                                    
            sortField.value = sField            
            sortOrderAttribute.value = "ascending"
      end if
      set sortField = nothing
      set sortOrderAttribute = nothing
end function

function setRecordsPerPage()
      'Reset the number of records per page

      if isnumeric(RecordsPerPage.value) then
            iRecordsPerPage = cint(RecordsPerPage.value)
      end if
end function

function setPageCount()
      'Display page count status information
      Dim iTotalRecords
      PageCount.innerHTML = getNumberOfPages(iTotalRecords)
      RecordCount.innerHTML = iTotalRecords
      CurrentPage.innerHTML = 1
end function

function getNumberOfPages(iTotalRecords)      
      'Calculate and return the total number of pages
      'and total number of records
      Dim iPages

      'Use the length property to get the record count
      iTotalRecords = xmlMasterData.XMLDocument.selectNodes("/*/*").length                  
      'Calculate the total number of pages
      iPages = iTotalRecords/iRecordsPerPage      
      if instr(iPages, ".") > 0 then
            iPages = cint(left(iPages, instr(iPages, "."))) + 1
      end if
      getNumberOfPages = iPages
end function

function nextPage(iPage)
      Dim sDisplay
      Dim sDateRange      
      'Only make changes if we aren't on the last page
      if cint(cstr(iPage) * iRecordsPerPage) <  xmlMasterData.selectNodes("/*/*").length then                                    
            iPage = cint(iPage) + 1
            'Set the new onClick event value for the previous page button
            Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//@OnClick")(1).value = "previousPage(" & iPage & ")"                                                      
            'Set the new onClick even value for the nextpage button                        
            Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//@OnClick")(2).value = "nextPage(" & iPage & ")"                  
            'Set the new values for the record level loop                  
            Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each/@select")(1).value = "./*[position() <= " & (cstr(iPage) * iRecordsPerPage) & " and position() > " & (cint(iPage) - 1) * iRecordsPerPage & "]"

      end if      
end function

function previousPage(iPage)
      Dim sDisplay
      Dim sDateRange      
      'If we aren't on the first page
      if iPage > 1 then
            iPage = cint(iPage) - 1            
            'Set the new onClick event value for the previous page button
            Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//@OnClick")(1).value = "previousPage(" & iPage & ")"            
            'Set the new onClick even value for the nextpage button
            Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//@OnClick")(2).value = "nextPage(" & iPage & ")"                  
            'Set the new values for the record level loop                  
            Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each/@select")(1).value = "./*[position() <= " & (cstr(iPage) * iRecordsPerPage) & " and position() > " & (cint(iPage) - 1) * iRecordsPerPage & "]"
      end if
end function

function FirstPage()
      'Set the new onClick event value for the previous page button
      Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//@OnClick")(1).value = "previousPage(1)"            

      'Set the new onClick even value for the nextpage button
      Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//@OnClick")(2).value = "nextPage(1)"                  

      'Set the new values for the record level loop            
      Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each/@select")(1).value = "./*[position() < " & iRecordsPerPage + 1 & " and position() > 0]"      
end function

function LastPage()
      Dim iTotalPages
      Dim iTotalRecords
      'Calculate the number of pages
      iTotalPages = getNumberOfPages(iTotalRecords)
      'Call next page, passing the total pages minus 1
      nextPage(iTotalPages - 1)                                                      
end function

function EditPage(iPODID)
      'We can't let anybody edit these PODs
      EditPage = false
end function
</XML><XML id='Style' src='../XSLT/AllPODS.xslt'></XML><span id='DisplayArea'></span> </body>

hmm . i think a know a better solution .. don't modify your xsl , let it as it is .. your problem is to load only 20 nodes from your xml .. how do you do that ?

You have your XML and you want to select from it only 20 records, "row" elements.

let's say you have also a pointer = page number

make a select for "//row" and you will retreive all row nodes. after that you will select just the nodes you want like this :

Dim rowNode
Dim rowNodes
Dim newXMLString   ' here you will find 20 row nodes
Dim i              ' counter
Dim k              ' counter for the 20 records
Dim pageNumber     ' page number
Dim pagesize       ' page size = 20

pagesize = 20
pagenumber = 3
i = 1
k = 0

'will have to step over 20*2 = 60 rows

Set rowNodes = <yourXMLObject>.selctNodes("//row")

newXMLString = "<recordset>"

For Each rowNode In rowNode
  If i < pagesize*pagenumber Then
     ' do nothing
     k = k + 1
     newXMLString = newXMLString  & rowNode.xml
  End If
  i = i + 1

newXMLString = newXMLString  & "</recordset>"

and now in newXMLString string you have only 20 or less row

hope this will help

Avatar of Jagar


I would rather return the whole XML to the client and let them handle it the page instead of having to continue to hit the server for each page.
and one more thing .. don't forget to test for
( K <= pagesize )    ... !!!!
it's like when you are paging through a recordset ..
regarding your code the function :

Function Window_Onload()

     ' Adjust the record level loop so that it displays our default number of records per page
     Style.XMLDocument.SelectNodes("//xsl:for-each")(1).value = "./*[position() < " & iRecordsPerPage +
1 & " and position() > 0]"    

End function

you want to set the value for the "select" attribute . not like this , i told you :

Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each").setAttribute "select", "./*[position() < " & iRecordsPerPage +
1 & " and position() > 0]"

Avatar of Jagar


Style.XMLDocument.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each").setAttribute "select", "./*[position() < " & iRecordsPerPage
1 & " and position() > 0]"

doesn't work.  This is still not returning anything.
I tried your search , like this :

Dim obj
Set obj = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
obj.load Server.MapPath ("test.xsl")
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(obj.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each").item(0).xml)
Response.Write obj.selectNodes("//xsl:for-each").length

where test.xsl is your XSL document.
Results -> 1 node !!!!

try to verify the results of your search
Avatar of Jagar


I copied your example above and got the expected results.  Now you try using the HTML page that I posted and the XSLT source that I posted and you will see that it doesn't work when I do it this way.
Avatar of dragosh

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Avatar of Jagar


 Thank You I've changed the rest of the code.
thnaks for the points :)