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Insert HTML code with special characters into Access DB or Add as a Text file

I have an application that reads the html code from a web page and adds the whole html code into Access Database.
The problem is that some special characters like ÛÛÛ are converted to ??? when inserted into DB.
But when I copy/paste a webpage with special characters directly into DB there is no problem.

Is there another way to solve this? Perhaps by insterting the .txt or .htm file into DB, if Access supports it?

Almost complete code:
Set Httpobj = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim oRs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sSql As String
Dim sSql2 As String
Set oConn = New ADODB.Connection
oConn.Open ("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & "d:/documents.mdb")
sSql = "SELECT * FROM doc"
Set oRs = oConn.Execute(sSql)

Do While Not oRs.EOF
link = oRs("link")
id = oRs("id")

With Httpobj
.Open "GET", link, False
niz = .responseText
End With

sSql2 = "UPDATE doc SET nfo = '" & niz & "' WHERE ID = " & id & ""
Set oRs2 = oConn.Execute(sSql2)
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try to open the recordset and then do this:
rs("nfo") = Httpobj.responseText

Have you tried with server.htmlencode ?


sSql2 = "UPDATE doc SET nfo = '" & server.htmlencode(niz) & "' WHERE ID = " & id & ""

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Neither works, the problem is with niz = .responseText.
The problem is that .responseText converts the text and I need to keep it "binary".
But since I dont have a clue about encoding.

I found some info on

And there is another link on expert-excange, but cant seem to find it again. Its listed in the XML section, I should probably ask my question there.
well... have a look at the xmlhttp object... there's not only responseText but also a binary property... don't know the exact name right now...

It's got to be an encoding issue? You're viewing html pages (or html output), so it MUST be ASCII. So you need to know what the source encoding is, and use this when you right into your database. Trouble is, I have no idea how you'd do this?? :-)
no... it doesn't need to be ascii...

really? Shows what I know. html is text though? yes.
The characters are mapped against the wrong character map.

before calling set the code page to UTF-8 with SetRequestHeader. like: Httpobj.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/html;Charset=UTF-8"

Also set the codepage to utf-8 in the asp page you are executing this code using Session.CodePage=65001 and Session.Charset = "UTF-8"

Httpobj.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/html;Charset=utf-8"
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First of I must admit that I currently testing the application as Visual Basic application.

niz = .responseStream produces an error

ASPGuru : i think that the binary method is .responseBody, see the solution i came with below, but it doesnt work with niz = .responseBody

Breedj(your solution seems to be the closest, but still an error):
Unspecified error in:
Httpobj.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/html;Charset=UTF-8"

Now here is what I got from the link above (my post) that works, but it first writes to txt file then reads from txt. There is also a link on what site I'm testing. Writing directy to Access DB as below doesnt work either.

Sub test()
sFile = "c:\test.txt"
sURL = ""

Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP.4.0")

objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", sURL, False

Set strm1 = CreateObject("")
With strm1
.Type = 1
.Write objXMLHTTP.responseBody
.SaveToFile sFile, 2 ' adSaveCreateOverWrite
End With

Set strm2 = CreateObject("")
With strm2
.Type = 2
.Charset = "euc-kr" 'Use any proper charset
.LoadFromFile "c:\test.txt"
MsgBox .ReadText
Text1.Text = .ReadText
End With
End Sub
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Sorry for bad spelling above. I need a better solution without the use of saving to Text file.
requestheaders have nothing to do with the response...

you don't need to write to a file... you can load the text into the stream directly... then go to the beginnig of the stream,  set the right charset and read it out again...

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Sorry for bad spelling above. I need a better solution without the use of saving to Text file.
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Could you please post a working code?
try something like this:

Set strm2 = CreateObject("")
With strm2
.Type = 2
.Charset = "euc-kr" 'Use any proper charset
MsgBox .ReadText
Text1.Text = .ReadText
End With
End Sub

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Could you please post a working code?
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Sorry ASPGuru but your code doesnt seem to work:
Error is Method Required at: objXMLHTTP.responseStream.CopyTo (strm2)
there doesnt seem to be sub method .CopyTo.

Here is the code is used (I changed MSXML a little, so it gives better error reporting)

Sub test()
sFile = "c:\test3.txt"
sURL = ""


objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", sURL, False

Set strm2 = CreateObject("")
With strm2
.Type = 2
.Charset = "euc-kr" 'Use any proper charset
objXMLHTTP.responseStream.CopyTo (strm2)
MsgBox .ReadText
Text1.Text = .ReadText
End With
End Sub
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Btw I've also decided to just use text files instead inserting text in Access DB (too much trouble anyway).
Not to mention that still not every character is recognized, is there a Charset table for all characters? I've tried iso-8859-1.
I'll still give points for a working example for my previous question.
ok... then i won't bother to find the db solution..

you need to use the encoding of the html file...
this can be different for any file...

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All files are plain text similar to
What encoding should I use?
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Remove . at the end of the link
well... it depends... i can't tell you...
the characters with code 0 - 127 are equal for all ascci encodings...
just for characters above it depends...

oh... i just had a look at the text...
with which characters do you have problems?
NFOs normally use the DOS-charset, which also includes this frame graphics...

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When creating a text file using the following method:
.Type = 1 'means binary and doesnt allow charset'
.Write objXMLHTTP.responseBody 'also binary'
.SaveToFile sFile, 2 ' adSaveCreateOverWrite

character (AND) & is converted to &
There is also >, <, "
Possible others too.

Problem can be solved by editing all files and searching for those strings and replacing them with characters (with an application of course).
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